How to use an infrared sauna to lose weight?

Features of an infrared sauna

An infrared sauna is a special cabin for thermal procedures.

What is the difference between a sauna and a regular bath?

Initially, the bathhouse was not intended for weight loss. The principle of operation of the bath is to heat the air in the room. Hot air affects the human body, resulting in the release of sweat.

Unlike a sauna, an infrared sauna acts directly. It heats the human body, not the air. This greatly increases the effect of a sauna for weight loss.

Thanks to the heaters, which are installed in different places of the cabin, the body warms up evenly.

The procedure meets all safety requirements. The heat waves of the heaters are at a level familiar to humans. The cabin walls are made of natural untreated wood.

Most often, cabins are designed for one person. But there are also more spacious ones - for 2-5 people.

Benefits for weight loss

Some are still distrustful of this method of losing weight. Mistrust arises due to ignorance of the effects of the sauna on the human body.

The statement that in a bath “fat tissue melts from heat” is misunderstood. In fact, through profuse sweating, the body gets rid of waste, toxins and salt, which allows you to lose several kilograms.

Salts play a huge role in weight loss. Medical studies have shown that salts retain water in the body. Water neutralizes the toxicity of salt, so the body stores it. This adds extra pounds that are not beneficial to the body.

During a session in the sauna, not only does sweating occur, but also the metabolic rate increases, blood circulation improves, and all muscles warm up. This gives an additional effect.


An infrared sauna is a cabin made of natural wood, in which infrared emitters are installed. Infrared rays penetrate deep into the skin (to a depth of 4 cm), acting directly on muscle tissue and subcutaneous fat. A session in such a sauna lasts 20-30 minutes. at an air temperature of only 37-47°C and natural humidity. With such deep heating, more intense sweating occurs. If in a traditional bath, 95% of water and 5% of subcutaneous fat and toxins are released during sweating, then in an infrared sauna, 80% of water and 20% of subcutaneous fat and toxins are lost during sweating, which achieves a greater healing effect. Acids and waste products are removed from the body's cells - toxins, sodium, alcohol, nicotine, cholesterol, carcinogenic heavy metals, especially zinc, lead, nickel, cadmium, etc. In addition, the skin pores open and cleanse, dead cells are removed, which promotes improvement skin condition, cleansing, improving tone, elasticity and rejuvenation.

An infrared sauna, having an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces pain in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and chronic pain in the neck and back. An infrared sauna burns calories, helping to reduce body fat. During the procedure, a person of average build can lose up to 1 liter of fluid, the release of which requires spending more than 600 kilocalories, which is comparable in sweating to running a distance of 10-15 km. Regular use of an infrared sauna is comparable to regular exercise to maintain cardiovascular health and lose weight.

The steam sauna also causes profuse sweating, but thanks to its completely different air conditions, the steam sauna not only relaxes and restores energy, but also has health and cosmetic effects. The steam sauna has the greatest effect in the temperature range 43°-46°C and at a relative air humidity of over 100%. The skin is called the third kidney because... The same substances are excreted in sweat as in urine. Heat accelerates the biochemical processes occurring in the body, which helps remove toxins from the body. A steam sauna also trains the cardiovascular system, activates metabolism, burns calories, and improves skin condition.

Pros of use

In addition to losing extra pounds, the sauna has other positive aspects:

  • An infrared sauna for weight loss can be used at home; it is not necessary to visit a salon. The cabin can be installed in any room, connected to a 220 V outlet. No special conditions for installation and use are required. A sauna is more mobile than a bathhouse.
  • Preparing to use the sauna takes no more than 10 minutes.
  • The procedure itself lasts up to 40 minutes. In a regular bath this takes 2-3 hours.
  • There are no age restrictions for visiting the sauna. But there is one for the bath, because... the temperature there is much higher.
  • The body is warmed up evenly by infrared rays. Temperature 40-60 degrees. This is 2 times less than the temperature in the bath. Therefore, there is no thermal load on the body in an infrared sauna.
  • Removes up to 80% of excess water from the body and up to 20% of solid toxic substances.
  • Normalizes blood pressure and central nervous system function.

How is an infrared sauna useful, and for what diseases?

  • Cardiovascular diseases. Chinese scientists note the great success of infrared wave therapy in treating the consequences of heart attacks. Regular visits to infrared cabins are beneficial because they reduce blood cholesterol levels. At the same time, the vessels expand, becoming more elastic and mobile.
  • Diseases of muscles and joints. The benefits, and not the harm, of an infrared sauna are also evident here: infrared waves have a positive effect on joints and muscles, relieving cramps, arthritic and menstrual pain, radiculitis, rheumatism, etc. They have a good effect on the mobility of all members of the body.
  • Kidney diseases. Thanks to profuse sweating, the body is actively freed from waste and toxins. As a result, the load on the kidneys is reduced. If you have problems, for example, with swollen ankles (from poor kidney function), then an infrared sauna is very useful.
  • Colds. Staying in the cabin increases the body's resistance to infections (immunity). In addition, the sauna can treat a runny nose and even pneumonia and bronchitis.
  • Excess weight, cellulite. High sweating helps burn calories efficiently (about 900-2400 per session). The rays also penetrate deeply into cellulite, breaking it down and removing it through sweat. So an infrared sauna for weight loss is very, very effective!
  • Burns, injuries. The pain from them is much easier to bear after visiting an infrared sauna. This occurs due to the fact that metabolic metabolism accelerates and wounds heal faster. Rehabilitation periods after operations are reduced.

In addition, infrared saunas are useful for blood circulation disorders, diseases of the ear, nose and throat, immune disorders, digestive disorders, and also have a cosmetic effect and help to relax during nervous tension.

Visiting rules

Here are some important rules that will help you get the maximum effect from visiting the sauna:

  • A contrast shower in front of the steam room enhances the anti-cellulite effect. Switch the water from cold to hot for 10 minutes. Too large a temperature difference can harm the body, so temperatures should be comfortable.
  • After the sauna you also need to take a shower and let your body rest for 15-30 minutes.
  • If possible, take a swim in the pool after the steam room - this option is healthier for the body, because The temperature of the pool water affects the entire body at once.
  • Don't forget about water. Before visiting the sauna, you should drink a glass of water or herbal tea. Herbal drinks activate metabolic processes. Linden tea removes toxins best. The more water you drink, the more toxic substances will be eliminated. After the procedure, you also need to consume enough water to prevent dehydration.
  • Do not drink alcohol on the day of your sauna.
  • The session is carried out 2-3 hours after eating. You can’t eat immediately after leaving; you need to wait a couple of hours.
  • A weight loss sauna provides approximately 300 calories per hour. Energy is spent on active sweating. Consumption can be increased if you do a workout or warm-up before your visit.
  • The key to success in losing weight is regularity. You need to visit the steam room at least once a week. A course of visits lasting 1 month helps to get rid of 4-5 kg ​​of excess weight.
  • People who regularly visit the steam room notice that the craving for flour and sweets decreases. This happens because the bath normalizes the functioning of the liver, pancreas and adrenal glands.
  • The sauna is good for weight loss because it not only relieves the body of excess weight, but also heals it.

How does an infrared sauna work?

If you do not have the opportunity to visit a traditional Russian bathhouse or a Finnish sauna with a steam room, then pay attention to such a wonderful device as an infrared sauna, the effect of which never ceases to amaze.
It is a small cabin with pre-installed infrared emitters inside. As a rule, an infrared sauna for weight loss is made from natural wood, due to which, during its operation, phytoncides are released - beneficial substances that kill harmful bacteria, microbes and fungi. Typically, an infrared sauna , the benefits and harms of which have now been thoroughly analyzed, is installed in beauty salons. However, owners of private country houses and even apartments often buy it, since the device does not take up much space. In addition, it does not need to be heated - it runs on a regular electrical network. The effect of an infrared sauna on a person is similar to the effect of a Finnish sauna, only the body is heated directly by the rays, and not through “intermediary air”. Another benefit of an infrared cabin is that it has a softer and more gentle effect on a person than a Finnish sauna or Russian bath.

Visiting the sauna after training

You can increase the effect of a sauna for weight loss by training.

The best option is to carry out the procedure after a full workout. Infrared radiation helps remove lactic acid from the body. Pain after training appears precisely because of it. The heat will relax the muscles and relieve pain.

It is not recommended to start a session immediately after training. Give your body a little rest and restore your pulse.

You can visit the sauna before training. It perfectly warms up the muscles, provides an influx of oxygen to tissue cells and stimulates metabolic processes. Thanks to this, the body responds better to power loads.


No matter how beneficial visiting a sauna is, it also has negative sides.

This is not to say that a steam room can cause great damage to the body, but there are situations when you should refrain from procedures. The main contraindications are given below.

To protect yourself from adverse consequences, you need to follow the rules of safe sauna use.

Infrared radiation has a powerful effect on the entire body. You need to understand that in the presence of certain diseases, such an intervention can have negative consequences. Therefore, before starting the procedures, consult a doctor who can tell you about all the risks of visiting a sauna in a particular situation.

It is not recommended to visit the sauna more than four times a week. The duration of the first session is about 20 minutes. The following can be increased to 30-40 minutes.

The depth of penetration of radiation into the body and brain is 2 cm. Its effect on the cerebral cortex has so far been little studied. Therefore, do not neglect your bath cap. It will reduce the thermal impact.


Despite the beneficial effects of an infrared sauna, in some cases you need to visit the steam room with caution. When trying to lose weight, you should first think about your health.

The sauna itself cannot do any harm. But infrared radiation and high temperatures negatively affect a person who has any diseases.

There are contraindications for the following diseases:

  • malignant tumors;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • ARVI;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • diabetes;
  • blood diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • fungal and parasitic diseases;
  • purulent processes;
  • bronchial asthma and diseases of the respiratory system.

Visiting is prohibited if you have artificial joints, prostheses, rods and other types of metal implants. The exception is silicone implants.

Also, you should not carry out the procedure during pregnancy and menstruation.

In the following cases, you can visit the sauna after consultation with your doctor: diseases of the kidneys, liver, endocrine system, headaches, alcohol addiction.

Who can take procedures in an infrared sauna, and for whom they are strictly contraindicated

IR procedures will only bring benefits to a healthy body. For some diseases, visiting infrared saunas is even indicated, but there are also pathologies for which it is strictly forbidden to resort to these procedures. It is worth understanding that improper use of IR emitters, as well as non-compliance with safety rules, can lead to unpleasant consequences. For children and the elderly, special heater settings must be observed and the procedure must be carried out under the supervision of an adult knowledgeable in this matter. Spending too long in the working infrared cabin is more likely to do harm than good.

It is extremely undesirable for people with acute or chronic diseases to be in the sauna. In such cases, it is better to consult your doctor. If you are taking medications or other treatments, consult your doctor about the compatibility of the procedures to avoid negative effects due to the combination of drugs and intense infrared flow. IR saunas are strictly contraindicated for people with complex diseases in which the infrared flow provokes a worsening of the general condition. Examples of such diagnoses are multiple sclerosis and kidney and heart failure.

If you feel unwell during the procedure, stop the session immediately! Self-treatment can lead to unpleasant and even dangerous consequences.

The secret to losing weight quickly

To achieve the maximum effect from a sauna for weight loss, you need to follow only 3 rules:

  • Eat properly and balanced. Eliminate sweets, flour and too fatty foods from your diet.
  • Exercise. This could be training in the gym, morning jogging, dancing classes or any other physical activity.
  • Visit the sauna once a week. Use scrubs and masks to treat or prevent cellulite.

Remember that a sauna means high temperatures. If you have any doubts about this procedure or have any medical conditions, please consult your doctor.

The article was checked and approved by Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya, a practicing family doctor - see the authors of the site

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