How to eat celery to lose weight: reviews and recipes

What are the benefits of celery?

The plant has a very beneficial effect on human health. It is recommended to include celery in food for the following diseases:

  • diabetes – the leaves of the plant normalize blood sugar levels;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system - the vegetable improves blood pressure and cholesterol levels;
  • obesity - the process of digesting food is accelerated;
  • skin - the infusion heals abrasions, hematomas, cleanses blood vessels, thereby improving the condition of the skin;
  • malignant formations - substances present in the plant, phthalides and polyacetylenes, neutralize carcinogens.

A low-carbohydrate product not only copes with excess weight, but also tones and heals the entire body. Celery dishes are also useful for weight loss because they remove excess fluid from the body. The properties of the plant help:

  • slow down the aging process;
  • normalize metabolism, metabolism;
  • for thrombophlebitis, varicose veins (but take only after consulting a doctor);
  • for diseases of the intestines, stomach, kidneys;
  • improve immunity;
  • for disorders of the nervous system;
  • cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

Vitamin and mineral composition

Celery is a natural antioxidant. The plant is a valuable source of minerals and vitamins that are very beneficial for humans. For example, B1, B2 are responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system, PP - the state of the cardiovascular system, C - for immunity, E, A are necessary for nails, skin, and hair. Vitamin and mineral composition:

  • potassium;
  • cellulose;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • ascorbic acid (especially in leaves);
  • sodium;
  • vitamins of group B, E, A;
  • beta-carotene;
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP).

Nutritional and energy value

To lose weight, you need to reduce your daily calorie intake. The root vegetable helps do this due to its low fat and carbohydrate content. Raw, the stem and greens of the plant contain only 13 calories, fried or baked - 26, if steamed - 10 kcal. The root is higher in calories: raw – 37 kcal, fried – 50.

Energy value of the root vegetable in grams:

  • water – 94;
  • carbohydrates – 2.1;
  • monosaccharides, disaccharides – 2;
  • dietary fiber (fiber) – 1.8;
  • ash – 1;
  • proteins – 0.9;
  • fats – 0.1;
  • organic acids – 0.1;
  • starch – 0.1.

How much celery should you eat to lose weight?

How many times a day does not matter.

Important! The daily consumption rate of product concentrate should not exceed 100 ml.

If we talk about the tops and roots, then for quick results, the volume of product per day should vary from 150 to 250 g. Many housewives add plant seeds to dishes for a richer taste, which has a positive effect on the health of the family.

How to eat celery for weight loss

The plant is divided into three types. Each of them has its own value:

  1. Root. Considered the most useful part, it is consumed raw, after heat treatment.
  2. Sheet. In appearance, the leaves resemble very large parsley. Eat freshly picked, dried add as a seasoning.
  3. Chereshkovy. Most often the stems are used to make salads.

There are many ways to consume vegetables: juice, soups, smoothies, salads, main courses, etc. There are several options for celery diets. Parts of the plant are often used separately for cooking. The root of the plant is baked, boiled, fried, the stems and leaves are eaten raw, the seeds are used as a seasoning. The vegetable goes well with many foods, so it is used for preparing salads, as a side dish for fish or meat.

Celery root

To ensure that all the beneficial substances of celery are preserved as much as possible during cooking, you should not chop it too much. After chopping, the root vegetable is immediately immersed in boiling water, and the container is tightly closed with a lid. Daily consumption of the plant root (in soups, salads, main courses, raw) will have a positive effect on the human condition:

  1. The water-salt balance is normalized.
  2. The functioning of the digestive tract will improve.
  3. Flatulence and constipation will go away.
  4. Allergies and insomnia will go away.
  5. It is a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic.

Plant stems

Petiole celery is most often used for juice, but is often added to salads. The leaves and stems are consumed raw or after heat treatment. The combination of all components of the plant, especially calcium, iron and magnesium, gives an excellent therapeutic effect. A drink from the stems is useful for urolithiasis, gout, and removes excess salt from the body. The juice tones, cleanses, and nourishes the body.

Cuttings are used as a diuretic that helps with hypertension. The stems of the plant increase male potency and are a natural aphrodisiac for both sexes. The petioles relieve premenstrual pain in women, promote sound, restful sleep, but the most effective action is the burning of excess fat. Celery stems and leaves for weight loss are indispensable when compiling the diet of any dietary menu.

How they eat?

If you follow a healthy diet, be sure to include celery root in your diet. It can be consumed either in its original form or subjected to heat treatment. It is boiled, baked, added to soups, snacks and other dishes. What is especially important is that not only the root, but also the stalks of celery are used for weight loss; you can also prepare a lot of dietary dishes from them. Do you love healthy and low-calorie drinks? Feel free to add any part of celery to juices and smoothies. If you like to experiment with diets, you can find a lot of nutrition systems that feature this product.

Celery diet for 7 days

Features of the plant-based diet - the menu is low-carbohydrate, the main ingredient of which contains a minimal amount of fat. A properly organized diet means replacing at least one meal with celery, preferably lunch. You can triple the fasting day, but you can drink no more than 100 g of juice daily. The duration of vegetable consumption is unlimited, but the celery diet is designed for seven days. If all conditions are met, you can lose up to 8 kg, but the final result will depend on the initial weight.

Rules and principles of nutrition on a diet

There are several specially developed rules and principles of nutrition on the celery diet:

  1. There can be as many meals as you like, the main thing is not to exceed the serving size allowed in the menu.
  2. The basis of the diet is root vegetable soup, which can be eaten in unlimited quantities.
  3. It is allowed to eat lean meats (beef, chicken, veal), which, if desired, can be replaced with fish and seafood.
  4. All vegetables and fruits are allowed, with the exception of bananas and potatoes.
  5. The only cereal you can eat is rice.
  6. Choose all fermented milk products with low fat content, no more than 2.5%.
  7. In case of severe hunger, only plant stems or soup as a snack.
  8. The last meal, provided it is celery, can be at any time.

Menu for the week

In the proposed menu, it is allowed to replace meat with fish, vegetables with any others, except those prohibited. Root vegetable soup, water, herbal tea - daily and without restrictions. The menu includes the following products:

Day of the week Products
Monday 2-3 plums, 3 apples, 2 pears, 2 pcs. figs (dried apricots, prunes), 1 grapefruit, 0.5 liters of kefir
Tuesday 500 g of vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, 200 grams (weight of dry cereal) boiled rice, 2 apples, 5 plums, 50 g of dried fruits
Wednesday 1 avocado, 400-500 g fruit (apples, peaches)
Thursday Soup and raw celery
Friday 1 carrot, 1 radish or beet
Saturday 300 g of boiled meat and fresh vegetables
Sunday Celery soup, stems, fruit

It is important to exit the diet correctly. The rules are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to continue maintaining the water regime.
  2. Gradually add fermented milk products and low-fat yogurt.
  3. Steam, boil, bake meat.
  4. The amount of plant intake can be reduced to once.
  5. Don't forget about moderate physical activity.
  6. Continue this diet for about two weeks, then you can switch to normal, but do not forget that if you abuse fatty, sweet foods, the weight can return very quickly.

What to cook from celery root

Celery root salad

Celery root - 250 g Greens - 1 tbsp. lie Lime juice - to taste Olive oil - 1 tbsp. lie

Peel the celery root and grate it. Add lime juice, olive oil and chopped herbs. Mix everything. This salad can be eaten as a snack or instead of dinner. It will tame your hunger well.

Celery root and pineapple salad

Peeled celery root - 250 g Canned pineapple (pieces) - 3 tbsp. lie Greens - 1 tbsp. lie Boiled white chicken meat – 100 g Sour cream 10% – 3 tbsp. lie Salt to taste

Cut the chicken into strips and grate the celery on a coarse grater. Mix everything with pineapples, add a little salt and season with sour cream. The result is a great low-calorie salad that can become your complete breakfast.

Celery root salad with apples

Celery root - 350 g Apples (sour varieties) - 250 g Carrots - 150 g Oranges - ½ pc. Sour cream 15% - 3 tbsp. lie

Peel the celery, carrots and apples, grate everything on a coarse grater. Peel the orange slices and divide into segments. Mix all ingredients and season with sour cream. During a diet, such a salad can become your food for the day. It's filling and low in calories.

Salad with celery and carrot roots

Celery root - 100 g Carrots - 100 g Radish - 100 g Olive oil - 1 tbsp. lie Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. lie

Grate celery, carrots and radishes. Season the salad with oil and lemon juice. Mix everything. This is an excellent fat-burning salad that will help improve digestion.

Salad with avocado, celery root and carrots

Celery root - 100 g Avocado - 100 g Carrots - 100 g Greens - 1 tbsp. lie Pickled cucumber - 50 g Green beans - 200 g Cheese cheese - 100 g Low-calorie mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. lie

Cut the beans and celery into strips, put everything in boiling water and boil for 2-3 minutes. Then remove from the water and let cool. Grate the carrots and avocado, cut the cheese and cucumbers into cubes. Mix everything, add herbs and season with low-calorie mayonnaise.

During a diet, this salad can be used as food for the whole day, dividing it into 3-4 meals.

Salad with seafood and celery root

Celery root - 250 g Sea cocktail (seafood) - 250 g

Peel the root vegetable, cut into cubes and boil for five minutes. Boil seafood for seven minutes. Then mix the celery and seafood removed from boiling water and season with low-calorie mayonnaise or sauce. This salad satisfies hunger well and leaves you feeling full for a long time.

Vegetable cutlets with celery root

Celery root - 400 g Boiled potatoes - 50 g Green onion - 100 g Garlic - 2 small cloves Chicken egg - 1 pc. Pepper, salt to taste

Grate celery and potatoes. Finely chop the onion and garlic. Combine all products, add egg, salt and pepper and mix well. Then form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in a small amount of sunflower oil. The result is dietary vegetable cutlets.

You can also make delicious low-calorie dietary soups from the plant.

Celery root puree soup with chicken broth

Celery root - 200 g Dill - 1 tbsp. lie White cabbage - 200 g Onion - 1 pc. Zucchini – 1 small Potatoes – 1 pc. Pepper and salt - to taste

Peel the celery, onion, zucchini and potatoes. Cut all vegetables into cubes of the same size. Chop the cabbage and dill. Place all the vegetables in a saucepan, pour in enough chicken broth to cover the vegetables by two fingers. Cook for about twenty minutes. Then puree with a blender and sprinkle with dill when serving.

Cream soup with celery root and vegetables

Celery root - 350 g White cabbage - 200 g Medium carrots - 1 pc. Bell pepper - 1 pc. Beans - 150 g Tomato juice - 300 ml Pepper, salt - to taste Greens - 1 tbsp. lie

Boil the beans. Cut carrots, celery and peppers into cubes of the same size. Cut the cabbage into segments. Then put all the vegetables in a saucepan, add beans, add tomato juice and boil, add 400 ml of boiling water. Cook until done, adding pepper and salt.

Next, wait until the soup has cooled slightly and blend with a blender until creamy. Sprinkle with herbs before serving. During diets, this soup is consumed for lunch, as a first course.

5 more salads and stews here: Stew and diet soup with celery

Baked celery root

Celery root - 400 g Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. lie Thyme, rosemary - a small sprig each Garlic - 2 cloves Salt and pepper - to your taste

Peel the celery root and cut into equal-sized cubes. Grease a baking sheet with sunflower oil, place celery there in one layer, salt and pepper. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press, brush the celery with it and place in the oven for about twenty minutes. Celery prepared in this way can be used as a side dish during diets.

In addition to salads and soups for weight loss, you can also prepare drinks, juices and infusions with celery root.

Fresh juice with celery root, cabbage, apple and cucumber

Celery root - 150 g White cabbage - 150 g Large cucumber - 1 pc. Sour apples – 350 g

Pass vegetables and fruits through a juicer. It makes an excellent fresh juice, which can be an ideal addition to dietary dishes. Drink half an hour before meals.

Celery root juice

Celery root juice - 50 g Green apple juice - 100 ml Juice from four carrots Spinach - 6 leaves

Grind the spinach in a blender and mix with juices. This makes an excellent multivitamin drink that you can drink both before and after meals. It will replenish the body with vitamins during the diet and improve digestion. And its main advantage is that it has very few calories.

Drink with celery root

Celery root juice - 100 ml Juice from fresh pineapple - 200 ml Lime juice - 1 tbsp. lie Ice - 5 cubes

This drink can be called a blow to excess weight. Since pineapple and celery help in burning fat, and lime juice improves digestion. Consume instead of breakfast.

Celery decoction

Celery root - 30 g Water - 350 ml

Boil the vegetable for half an hour. Divide into two parts and dilute with water 1:1. Drink half a glass twice a day before meals.

Celery juice

If you drink 1.5 tablespoons of plant juice before meals, you can get rid of three extra pounds in a few weeks. This juice is diuretic and will improve metabolism and help burn fat.

From celery root you can prepare many dishes and drinks that are not only healthy and tasty, but also low in calories, which is considered a fatty plus for weight loss.

How to drink and mix celery juice with vegetable and fruit juices Options for preparing ginger drink Useful properties of lemon for weight loss

Celery Recipes

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