Nutritionist Margarita Koroleva: To lose weight, you need to drink, not eat

Thanks to Margarita Koroleva’s diet, you can lose 6-7 kg in 9 days . It differs from other diets by changing the three most simple and popular mono-diets. The diet was developed by Moscow nutritionist Margarita Koroleva, who managed to help not only mere mortals, but also such stars as Nikolai Baskov, Nadezhda Babkina and other equally famous people.

  • Benefits of the diet
  • Menu for 9 days
  • Reviews and results
  • Nutritionist's recommendations
  • Fasting week
  • Other developments of Margarita Koroleva
  • Project Royal Diet
  • Diet options for those over 50
  • Principles of nutrition
  • Eating habits test
  • Opinion of Margarita Koroleva
  • Quitting the diet

During a three-day diet, the body has time to cleanse itself, remove all excess from the body, and start the fat burning process. After nine days the following changes occur:

  • appetite decreases;
  • the size of the stomach decreases;
  • eating habits are adjusted;
  • metabolism is activated;
  • transition to proper nutrition is painless.

Benefits of the Queen's diet

As mentioned above, the entire diet consists of three mono-diets, smoothly flowing into one another.

Here are the main advantages of this approach:

  • It is much easier to maintain such a diet than one mono-diet lasting the same amount of time;
  • products have been selected that help not only cleanse the intestines, but also participate in the replacement of fatty tissue with muscle tissue;
  • the body does not have time to adapt and slow down the metabolism;
  • smooth preparation for the transition to a healthier diet.

Some diets are also based on the principle of changing the diet and a combination of several types of mono-diets . For example, this:

  1. The 6 petals diet, in which 6 different mono-diets are selected, each of which lasts one day. (see Six Petals Diet)
  2. BEACH - protein-carbohydrate alternation, where protein days are replaced by carbohydrate days. (see BUTCH diet)
  3. Dukan diet (see Dukan diet), in which monotonous meals are divided into phases, etc.

Queen's diet: 9 days that will change... your weight!

Duration: 9 days;
Features: consists of three mono-diets;

Cost: low;

Result: up to minus 10 kg;

Recommended frequency: no more than once every 6 months, or the rice mono-diet plan can be used for fasting days according to an individual schedule;

Additional effect: cleansing the intestines;

The Koroleva diet is not suitable for: Pregnant, breastfeeding, people prone to anemia, people under 18 years of age. Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor!

Menu for 9 days diet

In order not to keep you waiting, let's take a look at Margarita Koroleva's diet menu for 9 days, find out whether it is suitable for each of us and why it is so good.


The first three days are rice days. Use only white or golden long-grain rice or basmati rice, which does not become mushy when cooked.

Recipe for cooking rice for diet:

  • In the evening you need to soak 250g of washed rice in cold water. In the morning, rinse again, drain the water, add boiling water in a ratio of 1:2 and cook until tender or slightly crispy. You can boil the rice for 7 minutes, then turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer for another 7 minutes.
  • The finished rice is divided into 6 meals and eaten at equal intervals, chewing each grain thoroughly. It is better to finish your evening meal before 6-7 o'clock.
  • Additionally, you need to drink about two and a half liters of purified water without gas, tea without additives, sweetening it with honey if necessary. In total, you can eat up to 3 teaspoons of natural honey per day.
  • To prevent constipation, you can drink decoctions of laxative herbs . These are buckthorn grass, hay leaves, rhubarb root, rowan fruits, aloe juice and many other herbs that are useful for digestion and have a mild laxative effect. (Read here about ways to prepare decoctions for weight loss and relaxation)

The second three days are chicken days. You will need a chicken or young chicken weighing up to 1kg 200g. It is prepared boiled or steamed.

Chicken recipe:

  • First, you need to carefully remove all the skin and remove visible pieces of fat so that the chicken does not become saturated with it during cooking. Cook until the meat easily falls off the bones.
  • Then the bones are removed, the whole chicken is either divided into portions, or the meat is chopped and mixed together. This is done so that the tougher white meat combines with the tender red meat. This will make it easier for you to chew it.
  • Divide everything again into six equal portions and eat every 2-3 hours, having dinner no later than 6-7 pm. Drink the same as in the previous three days, but without honey.

The third three days are vegetable. Perhaps these three days will be the most enjoyable, as they allow you to eat any vegetables . There is no need to salt vegetables; they can be seasoned with any mild seasonings: coriander, rosemary, curry, turmeric, nutmeg, sweet red pepper, herbs, etc. Divide the vegetables into six meals and eat with pleasure.

You will need:

  • half a kilo of boiled, stewed or steamed vegetables without adding oil;
  • 500 g of fresh raw vegetables.

The nine-day diet menu can be supplemented with clean water, tea without sugar, herbal decoctions, and rose hips.

Tip: You can sweeten your water and tea with a small amount of honey and add lemon juice to make you want to drink as much liquid as possible.

Here you can for free to Margarita Koroleva’s audiobook “The Easy Way to Slimness,” released in 2009, to learn more about the author herself and about her technique, which helped such Russian stars as Andrei Malakhov, Philip Kirkorov, Anita Tsoi, etc. lose weight:

And here is Margarita Koroleva’s second book, “Lose Weight Forever!”

Margarita Koroleva - An easy path to slimness

Margarita Koroleva

The easy way to slimness

I have known Margarita Koroleva for many years. I won’t lie - before we met, I was skeptical about all the enthusiasm about Dr. Koroleva. But the first meeting surprised and delighted me. “I won’t tell you anything you don’t know,” Margarita Vasilievna told me, “just try everything we do for yourself.” And I tried it. And in the first two weeks I already lost 4 kilograms! Moreover, in order to lose weight, you MUST EAT – 5-6 TIMES A DAY! This was probably the most difficult thing: eating to lose weight. After all, we are all accustomed to the idea that you can lose weight only by torturing yourself with hunger. But it turns out the opposite is true.

However, this is not the only secret of the Queen. Today she heads the most modern physiotherapy clinic for weight loss not only in Russia, but I think in the world. As a person who has visited the best SPA resorts, I can say that there is nothing like this anywhere. And, of course, nowhere do they achieve such brilliant results as the wonderful Rita Koroleva. I call her by name because we have been friends for a long time.

Of course, Russian pop stars love her very much. Among her patients who have lost weight well and kept in shape for many years are Nadezhda Babkina, Natasha Koroleva, Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov and many others.

But if you only knew how many unknown people, also her patients, achieved brilliant results, lost weight and radically changed their lives! Over the course of three years, in our program, under the supervision of Dr. Koroleva, the most ordinary people lost weight. And their victories over themselves are even more impressive! Nikolai Nemtsov, a 30-year-old guy weighing 150 kilograms, lost 60 kilograms in six months! And today, from a flabby, aging man, he turned into a young, slender, handsome man! Alexander Beznosov weighed more than 200 kilograms!!! We don’t even know how much exactly, because the truck scales showed an error - they did not weigh a load of more than 200 kilograms! Today the weight of this 60-year-old man is 93 kilograms! He lost more than 100 kilograms in one year! I put exclamation marks everywhere because I sincerely admire the results of the work of the amazing doctor Margarita Koroleva. Recently, Alexander Beznosov came to visit us in Moscow again and told us that then, before starting work with Margarita Vasilievna, he had already written a will, because he was simply dying, eaten alive by his extra pounds. Today he is an elegant man in a luxurious suit. Slim, fit and happy. I don’t even mention the results that women achieve, since losing 5-10 kilograms with Margarita Vasilyevna is simple and easy! She is a results person! And always brilliant!

And I cannot help but mention one more quality of Dr. Koroleva. She never scolds those who have violated something. After all, we all – fighters against excess weight – sometimes break down and suffer ourselves. Rita knows how to praise and support even in such a situation!

I'm really glad she finally wrote a book. Dear readers! Read it! And most importantly - come to Dr. Koroleva! And even if you are desperate and it seems that nothing can be done about this damn weight, know that there is a person on Earth who can help you. This is Margarita Koroleva. I wrote these lines and acutely felt that in recent months I myself had gained weight, and greatly! I've never recovered like I've ever recovered before! I am yours again, Margarita Vasilievna! Save! After all, you can do everything.

Elena Malysheva,

doc. honey. sciences, professor,

presenter of the "Health" program

on Channel One


I, like many residents of the middle zone, am predisposed to excess body weight, and my mother weighed almost 90 kg. For me, until a certain moment, this feature did not manifest itself in any way, although I did not deny myself anything - I ate a lot of sweet and salty foods, I loved flour. I didn’t gain weight, probably because I moved a lot and was seriously involved in sports (candidate for master of sports in athletics).

While studying at the institute, I gave birth to a daughter, but did not take academic leave. There was little breast milk, and the kilograms gained during pregnancy quickly disappeared. After graduating from institute and clinical residency, I became pregnant for the second time. This is where the opportunity arose to take maternity leave (as all “white” people did) in order to prepare for the birth of a healthy child. During this period, I easily gained 25 kg of excess weight. Life became calm - all the exams were behind me, a good job, the opportunity to do science... The pregnancy proceeded well, I tried to eat “for two”, and also began to practice cooking as an art. I thought that when I gave birth, I would quickly lose weight; I had never been fat before. But it was not there.

After giving birth, there was little milk again, and I had to eat a lot. And my beloved husband, in order to increase the calorie content of my milk, began to bring delicious buns and sour cream. As a result, by the age of four months (oh, horror!!!) my weight reached its maximum - 85 kg, and, strangely enough, there was no more milk!

Before this period, my appearance did not bother me much: happy and loved in marriage, I was completely immersed in caring for children - walks, diapers, porridge, and books at night. Only for some reason it became more difficult to walk up to the third floor, shortness of breath appeared, and the former flexibility in the body disappeared somewhere.

One day, when the children were sleeping, I, analyzing what had happened to me, realized that I could not sit at home for a whole year and a half or even three, and I thought that I would soon have to start going to work so as not to lose my professional skills.

I glanced at myself in the mirror, in which my entire round silhouette did not fit. Then, having undressed, I began to study myself in parts - tears literally poured from my eyes. This “inspection” was suddenly witnessed by the husband, who came home from work. My beloved rushed to calm me down and asked what upset me so much?

– My ugly fat forms!!! – I said with tears.

“Stupid, I love all this so much,” my husband said, “and now you are the mother of two wonderful children.” So forms are like a burden for a woman.

– How can I continue to live with this, because I don’t like myself like this! Something needs to be done about this! – I continued, sobbing.

My husband gently reassured me and said that all women gain weight after childbirth.

- Yes, in fact, your heredity is a little burdened in this sense - your mother is fat, so I knew what you would become, and I was ready for it.

- Pervert! – I cried. – That’s it, I’m starting to lose weight!!!

“But nothing will help you, you will never become the same as you were, and I still won’t let you torture yourself and starve.” In this situation, genetics will be stronger!

“Nothing will help you!” – was spinning in my head. But why won't anything help me? Before this, I succeeded in everything I planned. I almost always achieved my goals.

“You will never be the same as you were” sounds like a sentence. And what does genetics have to do with it?

Why should genetics be stronger? After all, she has already fulfilled her function in relation to me: height, constitution, hair color, eye shape. I am incredibly grateful to her and my parents for all this.

What did genetics have to do with my desire to fatten myself?! Yes, exactly as desired. After all, I happily ate buns, cakes, sausage, pasta with sauce, fatty and salted fish, caviar, sour cream... No one forced me to finish eating semolina porridge, potato and fruit puree for the children, no one persuaded me to eat late in the evening or even at night while reading literature. And I diligently fertilized myself with delicious high-calorie food, poured compotes and sweet fruit drinks, without even thinking that at some stage the food could become poison. I listened to my body and followed only its instincts. And he deceived me. I realized that food can be very dangerous to health. Not in the food poisoning sense. And in the sense of slow and gradual destruction of the body. One of the first obvious symptoms of this destruction for me was being overweight. What is this – genetics? I'm sure genetics have nothing to do with it! And I will prove it. My weight gain is my peculiarity, and it appeared only because I wanted it so (“A big cow has thicker milk”).

“Nothing will help you” - like the sound of bells, like an alarm bell, like a guide to action. No, this cannot be, it simply cannot be. The main thing is the goal, the main thing is the desire! How will I return to work, surrounded by colleagues with such shapes? No one should ever see my shame.

Along with the fact that I am a beloved wife and mother of two wonderful children, I am, first of all, a woman, and again and again I will have the desire and need to be beautiful and slim, the need to receive compliments, as before, and not only from my husband. I finally want to be confident and dress the way I want. What about health? Why didn't I think about him? Who gave me the right to be so irresponsible to myself and my loved ones? But there is so much to do in life! There are a lot of plans. My beloved, sweet and only organism, can you withstand all this? How could I treat you so dismissively? My poor heart, isn’t it hard for you to fulfill your function of pumping blood through the kilometers of vessels of such a huge organism? My beloved legs, how do you carry this heavy carcass?

Reviews and results

Margarita Koroleva’s diet for 9 days and reviews about it show that such nutrition really has good results. It helps you quickly lose weight and get your body in shape. Here are the reviews and results on Margarita Koroleva’s diet we received from our subscribers:

Bella, 32 years old, accountant, mother of two small children: I really managed to lose weight, it’s good, it’s true that they advised me to use laxative decoctions, otherwise it would be bad. It contains only rice and chicken, so you get a week without carbohydrates. Immediately before the diet, I bought several of these herbs at the pharmacy, brewed them and drank rice or chicken between meals. I sweetened the decoctions slightly with honey. I withstood it normally, the last vegetable days were generally easy, I made salads and stewed cabbage with onions and carrots. I alternated hot with cold. I lost 8 kg in 9 days! And then it’s easier to give up sweets and fatty foods. So I'm happy.

Ignat, 46 years old, manager: The only way out was to go on some kind of strict diet, so Margarita Koroleva’s diet seemed to me the most gentle of all. I really didn’t drink grass, I don’t have time to bother with tea leaves. I'm at work all day. But I took rice with me, I bought chicken at the buffet, I don’t know, however, how it was cooked, I then removed the skin. Then there were three days off, which coincided with vegetable days. I bought tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage. Ate it raw. I lost 6.5 kg, but it was difficult to withstand dry food, as a result I still had to buy a laxative at the pharmacy.

Diana, 24 years old, nurse: The results of Margarita Koroleva’s diet pleased and surprised me, I lost 7.6 kg in these nine days, I don’t know, maybe it’s harmful to lose so quickly, but I’m shocked, to be honest. I have never lost weight so quickly. It was difficult, but I persevered, drank a lot and additionally ran in the park for 30 minutes a day. I added a spoonful of oat bran to rice and chicken; I just bought it recently and wanted to use it. So there were no special problems with the intestines.

Features, rules and menu of the Queen's diet

Koroleva’s strict diet plan, designed for 9 days, and famous for its impressive results, has become the calling card of nutritionist Margarita Koroleva. This 9-day technique, which, according to some sources, is often used by many Russian stars to quickly get back into shape, is a mono-diet, but quite elegantly rethought.

Due to the fact that the “9 days” diet is divided into three cycles, each of which is dominated by a separate product, it is much easier to maintain than a “pure” mono-diet of a similar duration. A similar approach can be found in some other weight loss methods. For example, there are 6 petals in the diet, which essentially consists of six consecutive mono-diets.

The nutritionist herself warns that using the Koroleva diet for 9 days according to the “out of the frying pan and into the fire” option is not recommended. This plan is best suited for those who have already normalized their diet and want to speed up their weight loss process or lose weight before an important event. If a person is used to overeating, suddenly “settling down” on three mono-diets in a row can lead to negative consequences in his metabolism, well-being, and even psyche.

The “three pillars” on which Koroleva’s “9 days” diet is based are rice, chicken and vegetables. The first two foods are rich in the key macronutrients - carbohydrates (rice) and protein (chicken), and vegetables, thanks to the fiber they contain, help provide the final "clean blow" by ridding the intestines of toxins.

Queen's diet: rice days

For three days you are supposed to eat only golden or white long-grain (basmati) rice - just as in any of the rice diets. It is prepared according to the following recipe: 250 grams of cereal soaked in cold water the day before, thoroughly washed in the morning, poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:2 and boiled for 15 minutes. The resulting amount of rice should be divided into 6 servings and eaten throughout the day. The last meal is allowed no later than eight in the evening. Also, during a rice day on the Koroleva diet, you need to eat three teaspoons of honey (separately, without mixing with rice) and drink 2.5 liters of pure still water, no less.

Queen's diet: chicken days

Following three days on pure rice, chicken days enter the 9-day diet arena. The daily diet is steamed chicken weighing about 1200 g. After cooking, the skin is removed from it and thrown away, and the meat is carefully separated from the bones, white and red are mixed and, again, divided into 6 servings, which are eaten strictly before eight in the evening. Recommendations for drinking remain the same; honey, alas, is not included in the diet at this stage.

Queen's diet: vegetable days

The final chord of Margarita Koroleva’s fast diet: three days on vegetables. Daily menu: 500 grams of any vegetables steamed or stewed without oil and 500 grams of fresh vegetables. No salt is added to the vegetables; the entire amount is usually divided into 6 servings and eaten before 8 pm. Three teaspoons of honey will sweeten the water (you should drink 2 liters of it these days) and green tea (the amount is at your discretion).

Nutritionist's recommendations

The first two types of foods are rich in macronutrients; chicken contains a lot of protein, which serves as a building material for muscles. Vegetables are good for their high fiber content, which can remove all harmful substances from the body; it is a kind of brush for the gastrointestinal tract.

This diet should not be used frequently, since any mono-diet does not supply the body with the necessary substances. I recommend carrying out such unloading no more than once every six months to a year , if you need to quickly lose weight before an important event or before a vacation.

It is wrong to lose weight too quickly, because during active weight loss, beneficial substances such as calcium, iodine, phosphorus, vitamins are simultaneously washed out, bone tissue is destroyed, and all organs and systems suffer. Additionally, be sure to take multivitamin complexes containing all these substances.

For taste, you can sprinkle rice or chicken meat with flax seeds (see about the benefits of flax seeds here), which will also promote weight loss and will not add extra calories.

It is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, those who suffer from chronic constipation, or anemia. Prohibited for children and teenagers under 18 years of age. Before starting a diet, consult your doctor.

Irina Lyubovetskaya

Fasting week according to the recommendations of Margarita Koroleva

To get to know the nutritionist’s developments better, we can’t help but talk about the excellent method of losing extra pounds on the “Fast Week” diet. This kind of unloading is recommended even for those who are not overweight at all , in order to constantly maintain their weight at normal levels after holidays, feasts, and overeating.

For those who have already lost excess weight or are just about to start, Margarita Koroleva has developed special nutrition rules for the week. This diet will help you lose 2-3 extra pounds .

This is the essence of the fasting week:

The main requirement is to eat strictly at certain times, at the same time every day. The intervals between meals should also be equal.

We also have two great news that will surely please you:

  1. The first great news is that during fasting you will eat 8 and a half times a day , almost like in the famous movie 9 and ½ weeks.
  2. The second equally good news: the fasting week, in fact, lasts only 4 days ! We start on Tuesday and finish on Friday.

Products for the day:

  • low-fat kefir;
  • 100g low-fat cottage cheese (up to 2.5%);
  • a quarter of boiled or baked medium-sized chicken;
  • one medium sized potato;
  • 2 fresh cucumbers.

We consume all products in order, alternating them with kefir.

Approximate fasting week menu schedule:

  1. First breakfast 8:00 - a glass of kefir
  2. Second breakfast 9:30 – cottage cheese
  3. Lunch 11:00 – glass of kefir
  4. Lunch 12:30 – half a quarter of a chicken
  5. Snack 14:00 – glass of kefir
  6. Afternoon snack 15:30 – boiled or baked potato
  7. Second snack 17:00 – a glass of kefir
  8. Dinner 18:30 – two cucumbers
  9. 2 hours before bedtime 20:00 – half a glass of kefir

This way, you will eat almost all day long, without having to go hungry or feel irritated by the lack of food. At the same time, you will be able to quickly lose weight without harm to your health.

Important: all foods should be eaten without salt. Do not add any oil or sugar. Drink about 1-1.5 liters of clean water additionally between meals.

Here you can go to the official website of Margarita Koroleva to familiarize yourself with other methods of the author and learn more about her technique:

Nutritionist Margarita Koroleva: To lose weight, you need to drink, not eat

It is this fragile girl who keeps Andrei Malakhov, Nadezhda Babkina, Philip Kirkorov and other celebrities in shape. In a conversation with KP journalists, Margarita recalled the golden rules of healthy eating and gave a couple of excellent tips on what to eat to lose weight. Defeat genetics

- They say that after the birth of your second child you managed to lose thirty kilos in five months...

— I, like many others, have a tendency to gain weight. I gave birth to my first child while I was a student—sessions and colloquiums did not allow me to relax. And the second child was born when I had already graduated from college and was working on my Ph.D. dissertation. During maternity leave, I devoted myself entirely to the baby. And four and a half months were enough to gain weight of 84 kg! One day I looked at myself in the mirror and cried. And then I get calls from work, I have to go and show myself to people. And I felt ashamed of myself.


Moreover, my husband - also a doctor, a professor - said: “I love you, I accept you as you are, and I will never allow you to sit on starvation programs! You have such genetics - nothing will work out.” And this magic word “genetics” became decisive. I covered myself with literature on endocrinology, gastroenterology, physiology, psychology and began to look for a way out. I created a new nutrition and lifestyle program. The next day, I filtered the contents of the refrigerator: I removed sausages, sausages, dumplings, fatty meats, fish, poultry, sweet cheeses, and butter. I replaced potatoes with carrots, beets, and cabbage. Stopped eating salt. About once every four days I carried out a kefir fasting program. I took two and a half liters of kefir with 2.5 percent fat content, dividing them into six doses, and ate only it during the day. Plus water (2 liters) and three to four teaspoons of honey.

Plus I switched to fractional meals. I now have six meals instead of three. On non-kefir days, my diet consisted of oatmeal and buckwheat cooked in water. The oatmeal was poured with boiling water or freshly squeezed juice. I poured a spoonful of peeled seeds, pieces of fresh fruit, and tangerine slices.

It would be awkward for Nadezhda Babkin to ask about the number of kilograms she lost. But she has grown absolutely wonderfully.


“Didn’t you want a steak?”

— You can afford to have meat quickly fried in a drop of oil in a grill pan.

- And the bread?

— I allowed myself a couple of pieces of black bread in the first half of the day. And, of course, I left in vegetable oil - one and a half tablespoons a day.

To eat or not to eat after six...

- What about “don’t eat after six”? This is right?

Nikolai Baskov lost 10 kg.

— The metabolic rate depends, among other things, on the time of day. The highest is from 6 am to 12 noon. Then it decreases. And after six or seven in the evening it becomes very low - and so it “warms” until the morning. Therefore, it is better for a person who tends to gain weight not to overeat after seven hours.

And if you really want to eat something, drink a cup of tea or a glass of water. We very often confuse the feeling of hunger and thirst. We are thirsty, and we eat to get the right amount of liquid from food.

— How do you like the diet of Pierre Dukan, who “lost weight” on Kate Middleton? When he appeared in Russia, the first thing he did was declare war on potatoes. He ordered it to be replaced with oat bran. Why potatoes? Only 80 kcal/100 g.

— Potatoes are a healthy product, especially in summer; they contain a minimal amount of starch, a lot of fiber, vitamin C, and pectins. Moreover: I sometimes give fasting days on potatoes. Boil two hundred kilos of jacket potatoes without salt, distribute them over six meals a day - and you will lose weight.

Vladimir Vinokur before and after losing weight: minus 25 kilos!

Kilograms love counting

— Margarita Koroleva helped the famous figure skating coach Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova lose 10 kilograms. Tarasova's recipe for losing weight is simple - eat only in small portions, about the size of your palm.

— Comedian Vladimir Vinokur turned to Koroleva a couple of years ago and, thanks to her recommendations, lost more than 25 kilograms. The nutritionist advised Vladimir Natanovich to forget about eating after six in the evening, fried potatoes and bread.

- Nikolai Baskov, who has an obvious tendency to be overweight, also often resorts to the help of Koroleva. Once, before filming a video, the tenor managed to lose as much as 10 kilos. The nutritionist forbade the singer to eat after seven in the evening.

Even now, Basques prefer to eat “proper” food, ordering breakfast, lunch and dinner almost every day from a nutritionist chef. So he goes to filming with boats.

— The nutritionist put Philip Kirkorov on a strict diet. For breakfast you had to eat half a grapefruit, a hard-boiled egg, and a small piece of rye bread.

For lunch - the same thing, there are already two eggs. Plus, you could wash down this simple meal with tea and lemon with a clear conscience. The Queen advised Philip to abstain from dinner. As a result, Kirkorov lost almost 12 kilos on this diet.

Other developments by nutritionist Margarita Koroleva

In addition to the basic diet and fasting week, Margarita Koroleva has also developed a practical guide to losing weight, a special “Food Diary” , which, according to numerous reviews, will help you lose weight forever. It looks like a diary, equipped with convenient reference tables and a calendar of fasting days. With the help of a diary, you can create your own nutrition plan that is convenient and useful for you. Here you can download a fragment of the Food Diary in PDF format to familiarize yourself with it, understand how to motivate yourself to lose weight, how to stay on your diet and plan your own diet, how to teach yourself discipline and form the habit of eating only what is good for you.

New project of a nutritionist “Royal Diet”

The diet is truly “royal”, in addition, it subtly hints at the author’s surname. The project is based on the principle of supplying ready-made meals, which has long been known abroad under the names Weight Watchers and Fresh Diet.

“Royal Diet” involves the preparation of all menu dishes by experienced professional chefs and their subsequent delivery to your address. This diet is suitable for you if you:

  • want to lose weight quickly and safely;
  • you don’t like, don’t know how or don’t have time to cook;
  • don’t want to think about what to cook to lose weight;
  • you can’t control your diet and always end up eating unhealthy foods;
  • you don’t want to look for the right ingredients for healthy dishes;
  • want to eat healthy but need constant guidance.

The recipes were developed by Margarita Koroleva, and the cooking rules are explained to the chefs, who use only those products that are necessary for people losing weight.

Unlike Elena Malysheva’s weight loss program (see Elena Malysheva’s diet here), who also came up with a supply system for ready-made dietary meals, Margarita Koroleva supplies only freshly prepared meals, and not frozen, like her famous colleague. Along with food for the day, you will receive everything you need: cutlery, clean water, nutritional recommendations. The menu is developed individually , according to your requests. Delivering ready-made meals allows you to stabilize your eating behavior and instill new habits. Your refrigerator may be completely empty, i.e. you don't have to go to the store and buy something that isn't good for you.

Watch the video about the "Royal Diet":

Here you can read for free an excerpt from Koroleva’s book “The Rules of Well-Fed Slimness” in pdf format, which was released in support of the “Royal Diet” project.

The book contains some recipes for dishes used to prepare dishes for the “Royal Diet”. After reading them, you will understand that the dishes are very tasty, healthy, and reminiscent of those prepared in the best restaurants.

Diet for those over 50

Margarita Koroleva also developed a diet after 50 years, which helps keep the body healthy and not gain extra pounds.

Here are the main distinguishing characteristics of this diet:

  • all ingredients useful for this age are present;
  • there is no sudden weight loss, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles and dry skin;
  • women feel active and cheerful;
  • split meals help you avoid hunger pangs;
  • thanks to this diet, age-related changes do not worsen;
  • A balanced diet guarantees the supply of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals necessary for this age.

Examples of diets for women after 50 years

Let's look at several effective diets developed by a nutritionist for women over 50:


Diet No. 1.

  • First breakfast: 100g low-fat cottage cheese with ground herbs and seasoned with low-fat natural yoghurt
  • Second breakfast: any two fruits
  • Lunch: grilled vegetables and fish (can be baked in the oven)
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable salad dressed with olive oil
  • Dinner: steamed omelet, greens, lettuce, glass of kefir

Diet No. 2.

This diet is based on vegetable soups, which in themselves are healthy, tasty, nutritious, help relieve the body and saturate it with vitamins. There is a gradual weight loss of up to 1-1.5 kg per week , which is beneficial for health and allows time to tighten the skin.

Recipe for making soup: we need a small white cabbage (0.6-0.8 kg), two carrots, 5-6 medium onions, three sweet bell peppers, 300g asparagus (if available), 5-6 tomatoes. A bunch of mixed greens (dill, parsley, celery, cilantro, etc.) Chop the vegetables, immerse in boiling water, boil until tender, covered, so as not to lose nutrients. Add salt and mild seasonings. Eat ready-made soup as many times a day as you want, but your last meal should be no later than seven in the evening.


Diet No. 3.

It is based on alternating soup, meat, fish, fruit, dairy and vegetable days. Alternate like this:

  • 1 day. Half a kilo of stewed, boiled, baked meat (beef, chicken, lean lamb), 1.5-2 liters of liquid (water, tea, coffee without sugar, herbal infusions), leafy vegetables
  • Day 2. Vegetable soups, liquid, greens, green vegetables
  • Day 3. Vegetable stews, fresh vegetables, salads, liquid
  • Day 4 Milk day. Cottage cheese 500 g, dairy products 500 ml
  • Day 5 Half a kilo of fish, liquid, herbs, green vegetables
  • Day 6 Vegetable soups, liquid, greens, green vegetables
  • Day 7 Buckwheat, oatmeal or rice porridge (5-6 servings of 100g), liquid, green and leafy vegetables

Sample menu for the week

Dr. Koroleva's book contains many very useful practical recommendations. Among them is a sample menu for 7 days. All the dishes offered in it are very easy to prepare. Even an inexperienced housewife can cope with them. In addition, the time required is minimal.

If you like first courses, you can prepare vegetarian soups, borscht or cabbage soup. But do not forget that meat (chicken) broth should only be secondary. It is also important to control the portion size. For women and children - 250 grams, and for men - 300 grams.

It is advisable to download the book to save this sample diet for yourself and simplify constant access to it.

Monday Wednesday

Mon.BreakfastNatural fermented milk (kefir, yogurt) without additives or sweeteners (you can add any berries or pieces of fruit to taste).
Have a snackFresh medium sized pineapple (quartered).
LunchA portion of boiled chicken (fat and skin removed first) and steamed asparagus.
Have an afternoon snackVegetable puree soup.
Have supperBoiled or stewed seafood with lettuce.
TueBreakfastLow-fat cottage cheese (you can add berries or various greens to taste).
Have a snackCarrot salad (2 medium-sized carrots), seasoned with low-fat sour cream (1 teaspoon).
LunchLean boiled fish and vegetable salad.
Have an afternoon snackApple.
Have supperBoiled cauliflower inflorescences and a hard-boiled egg.
Wed.BreakfastSteam omelet (1 whole egg plus 1 white) with herbs.
Have a snackBerries of your choice (200 g).
LunchLow-fat fish baked in foil (do not add oil), with lettuce.
Have an afternoon snackA glass of any freshly squeezed juice (pre-dilute with drinking water).
Have supperMedium zucchini baked in the oven.

Thursday Friday

Thurs.BreakfastBoiled rice with any vegetables.
Have a snackFresh sweet pepper.
LunchBoiled lean meat with steamed vegetables (asparagus, cauliflower and broccoli).
Have an afternoon snackFresh medium-sized pineapple (quartered).
Have supperStewed mushrooms (it is better to take champignons) with lettuce.
Fri.BreakfastOatmeal (it is advisable to add a spoonful of natural honey, pieces of apple or berry to it).
Have a snackA glass of any freshly squeezed juice.
LunchSteamed lean fish and a salad of fresh herbs.
Have an afternoon snackAlmonds (small handful).
Have supperVegetable stew and hard-boiled egg.

Saturday Sunday

Sat.BreakfastBuckwheat with grated carrots and onions sautéed in water.
Have a snackA couple of fresh cucumbers.
LunchBoiled chicken with lettuce.
Have an afternoon snackA handful of dried fruits.
Have supperBoiled lean fish with blanched cauliflower inflorescences.
Sun.BreakfastZucchini cutlets with sauce (plain yogurt without additives plus herbs).
Have a snackA serving of fruit salad, seasoned with a spoon of natural honey.
LunchA piece of baked lean meat with stewed vegetables.
Have an afternoon snackA glass of low-fat kefir.
Have supperA portion of potatoes, boiled in their jackets, with a salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.

Nutritionist from Moscow

I would like to tell you a little about the nutritionist Margarita Koroleva herself, whose diets have become known throughout the country.

  1. Graduated with honors from the medical faculty of the 1st Medical Institute named after. Sechenov.
  2. Defended her Ph.D. dissertation.
  3. She has written and published more than 2 dozen scientific researchers and articles on medical topics in specialized journals.
  4. She has developed a range of diets with menus for every day.
  5. Work in the field of aesthetic medicine brought the Queen fame in the field of show business; she became a respected expert on many talk shows.
  6. Consulting on electrical stimulation, psychotherapy, motivation, helping with figure correction.
  7. Consultation with a nutritionist is available to anyone at the dietetics center by appointment.

So, if you want to lose weight under the supervision of a well-known and popular nutritionist, you can pay 50 thousand rubles for 3-4 hours of consultation. If you want to constantly consult and receive recommendations from Margarita Koroleva, you will pay 300 thousand rubles (procedures are paid separately)

The famous book “The Easy Path to Slimness” was published several times, and now circulation has reached half a million copies.

Tips for losing weight

In “The Easy Path to Slimness,” Margarita Koroleva invites us to lose weight forever (you can read the book for free by finding it on the Internet). This is not a hoax or a myth.

Based on her extensive personal experience in using different diets, the doctor concluded that it is quite possible to stabilize weight after losing it if you switch to fractional meals. To do this, you need to give up the usual 3 meals in favor of 5-6 - introduce an additional snack and afternoon snack. Margarita Koroleva recommends maintaining 2.5-hour intervals between them.

Overeating is strictly prohibited. The weight of everything eaten during the day should be 1 kg. Maximum - one and a half. This is one of the basic rules of the “well-fed slim” method.

To consolidate the result that you managed to achieve, it is extremely important to follow certain nutritional rules. Otherwise, there is a risk of weight gain again. But our goal is to lose weight forever.

Rules for weight loss

Margarita Koroleva strongly recommends to everyone who wants to lose weight:

  • Try to plan your last meal before 19:00. After this time, your metabolic rate drops and your chances of weight gain increase.
  • Don't be afraid to drink more than usual. Water will not be retained in the body if you minimize the amount of salt consumed. Make yourself a rule - drink about 2 liters of liquid daily - mostly clean water.
  • Don't forget about physical activity. Active movement accelerates metabolic processes and helps burn extra calories.
  • Pay attention to sleep. He must be full and healthy. It is very important to go to bed before midnight. After all, after this time, growth hormone is activated in the resting body, which helps to lose weight while maintaining muscle mass.

Breakfast is the basics

The celebrity nutritionist considers the morning meal to be the most important meal. She argues her point of view by saying that before 12 noon, nutrients are absorbed much faster. And the metabolic rate at this time is optimal. For this reason, Margarita Koroleva recommends not neglecting breakfast.

It is best to eat buckwheat or oatmeal porridge boiled in water in the morning. You can cook rice. For variety, it is permissible to add some fresh fruit (dried fruit is an alternative) or nuts.

If you can’t bring yourself to have porridge for breakfast, pay attention to low-fat sour milk, yogurt, cottage cheese and eggs. Minimum time spent – ​​maximum benefit.

Balance of nutrients

When developing her own nutrition program, Margarita Koroleva first of all made sure that it was balanced. The diet she offers contains all the beneficial substances a person needs. The proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the menu are in the following ratio: 1:1.5:4. They should be supplied to the body from natural vegetables and fruits, milk, cereals, lean meats, as well as spices that have a fat-burning effect.

For cooking, Dr. Koroleva recommends using gentle heat treatment methods: boiling (including steaming), baking and stewing without oil.

A complex approach

Author of the publication “The Easy Path to Slimness. Lose weight forever! said that her plans did not include creating another diet to replenish the hundreds already existing. She set herself a goal - to try to help those losing weight gain inner harmony and form healthy eating habits. And also teach them to independently develop their own personal eating style.

Dr. Koroleva is convinced that losing weight forever is possible. But this requires a competent combination of healthy fractional nutrition with constant feasible physical activity and some kind of physiotherapy (for example, massage).

Principles of nutrition for weight loss

According to the nutritionist, in order to lose weight:

  • there is no need to starve at all;
  • you should eat, move more, enjoy life, but also not overeat;
  • reconsider your eating behavior and habits acquired in the family in childhood.

On Margarita Koroleva’s website you can learn a lot of new things about how to adjust your habits by learning to eat tasty, healthy, but not high-calorie food.

A short test about eating habits

To evaluate your eating behavior, try to honestly answer the following questions:

  1. Do you perceive food as a source of primary pleasure?
  2. Do you start eating in stressful situations to improve your mood?
  3. How long do you drive: until you are full or until there is food?
  4. As a child, were you fed even when you were not hungry, but only because it was time for lunch?
  5. Do you have a food cult in your home?

If all your answers are positive, then this indicates that you have poor eating behavior and habits that need to be corrected.

Opinion of nutritionist Margarita Koroleva

According to a famous nutritionist, constant overeating causes the hunger center located in the hypothalamus to fail to respond correctly to signals entering the brain. By overeating, glucose is constantly present in the blood, which causes the release of insulin . Because of this, the body’s ability to distinguish between the true need for food and false urges of hunger is lost. This is why the appetite becomes truly “brutal”. The slightest interruptions in the supply of food are perceived as signals prompting us to urgently eat. As a result, even if the body does not need food, we will run to the kitchen in the hope of refreshment.

Here you can watch a video in which Margarita Koroleva talks in detail about the importance of eating regularly, what should be in the refrigerator, and how to eat healthy:

This mechanism resembles the behavior of a loose teenager who is difficult to control. Therefore, immediate and strict “re-education” is required. If you notice signs of such problematic behavior, the following program will help you:

  • frequent split meals in small portions;
  • refusal of evening and night meals;
  • strictly maintained intervals between meals.

This will lead to:

  • normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • improving digestion;
  • the body’s refusal to store food for future use with large gaps between meals;
  • reduction in stomach volume.

According to Margarita, it is necessary to enjoy the sight and smell of food, slowly chewing each bite . This will teach you to eat slowly, leaving time for you to begin to digest and assimilate some of the incoming food, which makes it possible to eat much less. Listen to your feelings, learn to catch the first signs of satiety and then immediately stop eating.

Nutrition rules from Margarita Koroleva

In Margarita Koroleva’s dietary approach, the “starting point” is the patient’s eating behavior. It is the set of relationships with food and dining habits learned from childhood that most often becomes the root of evil, from which excess weight grows, and it is the correction of this set of unconsciously followed rules that gives the best results.

You have received the wrong nutritional education if:

  • perceive food as the main source of pleasure (“food cult”)
  • feed your children regardless of their wishes
  • you don’t know how to effectively cope with stress other than with food and alcohol
  • do not fully separate hunger and satiety: eat when and while there is food.

According to the medical opinion of Margarita Koroleva, uncontrolled gluttony causes “looseness” of special hunger and satiety centers located in the hypothalamus (part of the brain). By abusing foods that cause a sharp increase in blood sugar (fatty, sweet, fast food), we ensure that these react to a real increase in glucose levels. As a result, hunger haunts us even when the body doesn’t really need anything. But by watching your diet, the hypothalamus can be “re-educated” back.

The first step to this, as prescribed by the Koroleva diet, is frequent split meals in small portions, preferably separate, and stopping after seven in the evening. This ensures a constant level of glucose in the blood, and it is much easier for the gastrointestinal tract to effectively digest and distribute what comes into it. Result: better health, better digestion, less fat reserves for a rainy day.

The second step is to learn to eat well. It's not even about the composition of the portion, but about the correct ritual of its absorption. Hasty saturation leads to overload of the body and disruptions in its functioning. Enjoy the look and aroma of food, chew it thoroughly, know your limits: these are the essential recommendations of Margarita Koroleva’s diet. She pays a special role to the volume of food and the mechanism of stretching of the stomach walls, which is an important physiological sign of satiety. Therefore, fiber and water provide such an invaluable service to everyone who has embarked on the path of slimness.

Any diet from Margarita Koroleva noticeably increases the generally accepted “healthy” dose of fluid, recommending drinking about 2.5 liters of plain still clean water per day (the daily individual indicator can be calculated using the ratio of 30 ml of water/1 kg of weight).

Monitoring your water balance is the third fundamental principle of Koroleva’s approach to proper nutrition. According to her philosophy, you can drink water or green tea only 30 minutes before meals and 60 minutes after - otherwise the concentration of gastric juice changes and the quality of food digestion deteriorates.

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