What is Olga Orlova’s weight and height, body measurements, eye color, breast size, biography

Brief biography of Olga Orlova

Many reality show fans know Olga Orlova as the host of the Dom-2 project, but she is also a singer and an actress who has achieved good results in this field.

Olga was born in Moscow on November 13, 1977 in the family of a cardiologist (father) and an economist (mother). Despite the fact that her parents knew about the world of art only by hearsay, the girl studied at a music school from an early age. But, having received a certificate of secondary education, Olga heeded the advice of close relatives and entered MESI at the Faculty of Economics.

However, already from the first year I was completely immersed in the world of show business. The girl was selected for the group “Brilliant”, as part of which she gained her first popularity. In the new century she began to build her solo career. The singer’s track record includes the albums “First” and “If You’re Waiting for Me.”

In films, Orlova starred in the projects “Anna Karamazoff”, “The Golden Age”, “Carrot Love”, “Winter Dream”.

In a special dossier questionnaire, we tried to present those facts that Olga Orlova’s fans are still interested in: height, weight, body measurements, hair color, etc. The singer’s interview and other Internet resources (Wikipedia, Olga’s pages on social networks) helped compile it. Also on the pages of our website you can find information about the height and weight of Natasha Koroleva, and the parameters of other domestic singers.

How Orlova lost weight: intensive method

She resorted to it after having tried most diets. What exactly didn’t suit the girl? The thing is that she lost weight very quickly, but then just as quickly gained weight.

  • To begin with, Olga eliminated the so-called food waste and reduced the size of portions.
  • How did Olga Orlova lose so much weight? No baked goods or fast food, processed or smoked foods, fatty dressings or carbonated drinks.
  • But the actress finds it difficult to drink: she doesn’t like to drink a lot of water, but she loves smoothies from both vegetables and fruits. Sports have been replaced by constant employment (concerts, tours and television shows).

Having achieved the desired results (weight 47 kg with a height of 155 cm), the TV presenter continues to monitor her nutrition. She has muesli with berries for breakfast, lean fish and baked meat for lunch, and vegetable salads for dinner.

Photo by Olga Orlova

In all the photographs, the singer looks stylish and well-groomed. At the same time, Olga, whose clothing size would fit Thumbelina, laments that she cannot sell many things from her wardrobe. They are too small for friends, and very expensive for schoolgirls.

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Olga Orlova: “The main thing for a woman is to get enough sleep”

The actress and singer does not like fitness, lives in a noisy and polluted city center, and prefers sitting in the shade with a book to swimming in the sea. And despite all this, she looks her best. She is active, in demand and is not afraid to take on a variety of projects - from the extreme “The Last Hero” to the studio “Two Stars”. Tours, performances, recordings and filming - the weekly book is filled tightly. Olga is also the mother of eight-year-old Artem. And despite all her busyness, she is balanced, beautiful, charming and smiling. LIFE IN ETERNAL TIME TROUBLE Olya, every time we called you, you found yourself either on set, on tour, or driving... Do you at least sometimes manage to be lazy and idle? It's not time to rest yet. Today’s lifestyle is the most active: filming films, performances and rehearsals in the theater, touring... It’s good that the “Two Stars” project is over, otherwise I’m not sure I would have survived. (Laughs.) For several months in a row I lived under time pressure, sleeping three hours a day. Dima Kharatyan and I were the only couple who performed with virtually no rehearsal. Either Dima is busy, then I... Everything would be fine, but my nervous system is designed in such a way that any competition causes excitement, I physically tremble and, as a result, insomnia begins. But for a woman, the most important thing is to get enough sleep, otherwise you cannot avoid bruises under the eyes and an exhausted appearance.

When you sang in “Brilliant”, the regime probably didn’t contribute to your health either?

5 TIPS FROM OLGA ORLOVA 1. DO NOT INCLUDE DESPONDERNESS. Try to manage your mood. If troubles come, don’t hang your nose and remember that the more active you live, the sooner all the negativity will go away and the white streak will come again. 2. CHILDREN YOURSELF. Even if you are strapped for money, you can look great: take care of yourself, and don’t forget about it even for a single day. Beauty is not diamonds, but first of all a state of mind, and you need to take care of it yourself. 3. USE SIMPLE RECIPES. The most delicious is buckwheat porridge: pour a glass of buckwheat with two glasses of boiling water. Cover the pan with a lid and wrap it in a warm blanket. After two hours, the buckwheat (crumbly, light) is ready. 4. EAT FOR BEAUTY. To keep your skin in excellent condition, you need to give up fatty, fried, sweet foods, and do not overuse spicy foods. You can use any cosmetics you like, but if something is wrong inside, it will definitely be reflected on your face. One of the most beneficial vegetables for the skin is carrots: it contains carotene, improves intestinal motility, and therefore cleanses the skin and strengthens hair. So fresh carrot and cabbage salad is our everything! 5. BE INDEPENDENT. You should never allow yourself to become psychologically dependent on men. Preserve your individuality in any union: periodically take a break from each other, allow yourself to get bored, and then exchange new impressions. Give each other freedom - it's good for both you and your partner.

Not that word. Flights several times a day, travel on broken-down buses off-road, hotels of such a level that it’s not even worth talking about, food you don’t understand... I’ve always envied artists who can fall asleep in any conditions. No matter how much I tried to persuade myself, I couldn’t. And I knew perfectly well why: I like to control everything.

You're probably never late... Never! And I show dissatisfaction if I have to wait for someone. The friends are already trained, they know that if they are late, they will hear: “Do you think you have more to do than me? Why should I waste twenty minutes of my precious life in a restaurant waiting for you?” It’s clear that I’m presenting this tirade as a joke, but still, I think they feel uneasy.

Does your attitude towards yourself and your health change over the years? It changes a lot, but how? Of my almost thirty-two years, I have been on stage for fifteen. I used to easily go without sleep for several days in a row. For example, after a concert, Zhanna Friske and I could dance until the morning in some club, then have breakfast and go about our business, and perform again in the evening. Then it seemed to me that it was better not to go to bed at all than not to get enough sleep. But now I can’t do this, I understand that such a rhythm of life wears out the body. For me, sleep is the most important condition for maintaining health.

What if you still didn’t get enough sleep? Then I can wait until the evening. I never go to bed during the day, otherwise I feel exhausted. This rule does not apply to resort holidays: there, an afternoon forty-minute nap is sacred. MORNING OF A LONG DAY How do you wake up? Ideally, I don’t rush anywhere, lie in bed for half an hour, then drink a cup of coffee and take a bath, regretting that there is no page to bring this very cup to bed. (Laughs.) But usually in the morning I already have a lot to do, so I wake up, take a shower, drink coffee and run away. My loved ones are surprised that I do without an alarm clock. Just like Stirlitz! I tell myself the day before: “I have to get up at seven thirty!” And... I get up. As a last resort, I set an alarm, but I always wake up a couple of minutes before the ringing.

And nutritionists say that a hearty breakfast is extremely healthy... They are probably right. But in the morning I don’t feel hungry, and it’s not in my rules to force my body. Don't think that I eat dew. On the contrary, I really love to eat, I do it with enormous pleasure, and I prefer adult portions. (Smiles.)

Do you want to say that you are not afraid to gain weight? I'm afraid, like all women. But when my weight no longer suits me, I go on a diet.

Which one do you prefer? In one interview, you talked about some miraculous banana... Yes, I came up with it myself a long time ago. I ate five or six bananas all day - that’s all. I lost weight, while maintaining a great mood: after all, in addition to potassium and magnesium, bananas contain a lot of tryptophan protein, which turns into serotonin. And it is known to improve your mood and help you relax. But now I haven’t followed any diets for a long time, but I do it simply: I eat exactly a quarter of what I want. The resulting portion is approximately the size of a fist.

And the cake too... the size of your fist? Luckily, I just don't like sweets. No honey, no jam... Just marmalade. And I don't eat bread. The exception is when I find myself in France. A fresh baguette with butter, a glass of wine and oysters - what could be better? When I lose weight, I try not to eat at all in the evenings. It's hard the first three days, then you get used to it. And I never go hungry under strong emotional stress, because it is dangerous and fraught with a nervous breakdown. In short, take care of yourself. WEIGHT QUESTIONS It's no secret how much you weigh? Not a secret. With a height of 158 cm, 45 kilograms is ideal, but I don’t worry if I gain a little extra. When I started singing in “Brilliant,” I weighed 40 kg. At the same time, she didn’t look skinny; feminine curves were always visible. But when I was carrying my son Artem, I gained 25 kg! All because I got hooked on McDonald's. I absolutely didn’t want anything else. Well, after giving birth, when 15 extra kilograms remained on my body, I simply stopped eating. The doctors noticed and scolded me terribly. And I pretended to eat, picked at the portion on the plate, but didn’t touch it myself. During the week I was in the maternity hospital, I lost another 5 kg.

Why such torment? A month later, filming began on the film “The Golden Age.” The director said: “If you lose weight, you’ll act.” But no, don’t be offended!” I would have lost weight even without filming, but not so quickly.

Many women, having gained excess weight, stop looking in the mirror and generally hate themselves. This is a huge mistake! You can’t help but love yourself, because then life will go downhill. This is a proven truth. During pregnancy, I had a huge belly, severe toxicosis for all nine months, I looked terrifying - and yet I loved myself, attributing everything to a temporary situation. SPECTS WITHOUT BREAD Do you have time to take care of your child? But of course, I have time to go for a walk and play. However, I don’t feed him breakfast, he cooks it himself. Artem is eight years old, he is a very independent man: he gets up in the morning, washes his face, has breakfast and goes to school. He never wakes me up, he understands that I have to work later. Ever wanted to just sit at home?

5 FACTS ABOUT OLGA ORLOVA 1. Olga believes that ideal housing should be located “15 minutes from everything.” He does not complain about the lack of nature and fresh air in the center of Moscow. 2. The singer has a horse named Yashma - Olga’s friends gave it to her for her birthday. At first, Orlova was going to seriously take up dressage, but because of her busy schedule, she abandoned this idea. Now Jasper is just a pet. 3. The singer’s favorite salad is Olivier, her favorite cake is Napoleon. She herself cooks the latter superbly, although she rarely succeeds. 4. Olga treats her car as if it were her own being: she says that the car must necessarily suit the owner’s character. 5. He drinks alcoholic beverages rarely and little, mainly at friends’ birthdays. Prefers good wines and cognac. And she never drives if she has had at least a little drink.

No. Cook soup all your life? I think Artem will not be interested in me in this capacity. He likes to follow my work. He says he's proud of me. Besides, by nature I am an extremely active person and I love my work very much.

What is your relationship with sports? A few years ago, friends suggested that I try to pick up a racket. I liked it, I play tennis well. Last year, again, friends decided to try alpine skiing. At first I said, “Are you crazy? Never! I’ll go with you, but to a SPA hotel.” And then, out of curiosity, I took an instructor and rode down the mountain just once. And I realized that this was mine, that next winter I would come here again!

What about fitness? I do not like. I tried to study, but I don’t like it. These activities do not bring me the positive emotions that I need.

You may be surprised, but I don’t do morning exercises either. I’d rather fill the bathtub, dissolve aromatic oils and sea salt in it and lie down, read a book, call my friends, watch TV... The bathroom is my favorite place to relax before bed. (Laughs.) LOVE YOURSELF BEAUTIFUL How do you choose beauty salons? At random. I heard, went, tried. Of course, if my friend recommends something or someone, I’ll listen.

You have luxurious hair. How do you maintain this beauty? At home I have a whole arsenal of bottles, ampoules, and various hair polishes. For many years in a row I have been going to the same hairdresser, Vlad Lisovets, he dyes, cuts and treats my hair. We had an interesting acquaintance with him. The first time he combed my hair for filming in the “Brilliant” video, I was so nervous, I didn’t like it so much, but he insisted on his own. Since then we have not parted. I trust Vlad completely.

How do you take care of your skin? I use good creams. I'm looking for one for the eyes, neck, face, body... And I never buy from the same series.

Do you have skin problems because you are constantly trying new products? One day I was unlucky: I applied a mask under my eyes, my skin itched and turned red... Since then I have been very careful when choosing cosmetics. But more often the skin has to be revived due to heavy makeup. Ideally, it is better to do this in a salon, but I have everything at home - both point applicators for quick recovery, and various lotions. For general tone, I like a sauna, steam room, brooms, and an ice pool.

Your profession requires you to always look good. Is this extra hassle or an added bonus? For me this is a normal state.
Even if I didn’t work as an artist, I wouldn’t be a fool. I'm lucky: I have manageable hair and good skin, so there are no special problems. But probably the most important thing is that I just like to look good. Published: April 14, 2010

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