What kind of waist did Gurchenko actually have? Gurchenko Lyudmila Markovna: height, weight and biography Lyudmila Gurchenko's pear body type

Menu for a slim figure

There are several options.
Based on the dishes offered, you can create your own menu. The optimal period of compliance is 1 month. But it can be increased, because the diet is perfectly balanced and has virtually no contraindications.

There are several dishes to choose from, just don’t repeat them twice a day. Low fat dairy products are used for preparation.


  1. an omelette made from 2 eggs with the addition of a small amount of milk;
  2. milk porridge or cooked in water;
  3. fruit salad, low-fat yogurt (separately or as one dish);
  4. 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese, seasoned with 1 tablespoon of jam or confiture.

Pair any dish with a glass of tea or coffee.

Omelette is a tasty and nutritious dish, firmly entrenched in Lyudmila Gurchenko’s diet.


Vegetable soup in low-fat chicken broth with a slice of dried bread, 100 g of meat or fish, garnish with any cereal, pasta, potatoes (100 g), 200 g of vegetable salad dressed with vegetable or olive oil, tea or compote.

Afternoon snack

  1. 2 egg omelet;
  2. 200 g oatmeal, cooked in water;
  3. fruit salad with yogurt;
  4. 100 g of pie with apples or cabbage (you cannot eat a pie cooked in boiling oil);
  5. 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, 2 slices dark chocolate.

In addition to any dish, tea, compote, still water.

Fruit salad saturates the body with vitamins without extra calories


Stewed or steamed vegetables (200 g).

Second dinner

  1. 1 glass of kefir or milk;
  2. 100 g of cottage cheese and tea;
  3. yogurt (150 g);
  4. apple.

Once every 2 weeks it is worth carrying out a fasting day, the menu of which consists of 150 g of dried bread (toast) and 1 liter of fermented milk products. They need to be divided into several servings, only water is added.

If you strictly follow the diet, the desired result will definitely be achieved.

The menu is very good, but you shouldn’t expect quick results. The extra pounds will go away gradually, steadily and irrevocably. By following Lyudmila Gurchenko's diet, you may not be able to get a 56 cm waist like the actress's, but it is quite possible to see a completely different slender person in the mirror.

The secret of the actress's slimness

Lyudmila Gurchenko preferred natural products that did not undergo chemical or high heat treatment, and never overeat. She followed these rules all her life, so she protected herself from the need to periodically lose weight. Spectators always saw her slim and beautiful. Fashion changed, old hairstyles and outfits were replaced by new ones, but Lyudmila Markovna’s complexion remained an object of admiration for decades.

Using her example, it’s easy to see that you can’t lose your waist if you plan your diet correctly and stick to it. Others are prevented from doing this by many temptations and new products in the food industry. But here a choice is inevitable, because it is impossible for most people not to infringe on food and to be slim (only a few are so lucky). And the actress made it in favor of proper nutrition. The actress maintained her beautiful figure thanks to proper nutrition.

The figure of Lyudmila Gurchenko has not changed for decades, causing envy and admiration

Lyudmila Gurchenko's diet menu


1. 200 g of cottage cheese 0% fat, 2 teaspoons of jam, tea or coffee without sugar, just water with lemon is allowed; 2. Omelette of 2 eggs, either without milk at all, or with skim or, in extreme cases, skim milk, tea or coffee with milk, but without sugar; 3. Fruit salad of oranges, kiwi, apples, pears, seasoned with 0% fat unsweetened yoghurt, tea, coffee or water.


1. A serving of low-fat soup with chicken or fish broth plus a slice of bread; 2. Buckwheat, a piece of chicken or fish, vegetable salad.

The main rule of lunches on the Gurchenko diet is that you should not overeat and feel heaviness or “stretchedness” in your stomach. Lunches should be consumed separately, and not adhere to the “soup and main course” scheme.


1. 200 g of oatmeal with water, any drink without sugar; 2. Omelet from 2 eggs (both whites and yolks). Drink without sugar. On Lyudmila Gurchenko’s diet, drinks mean traditional tea and coffee, and not “light soda”; 3. Yogurt without sugar and 200 g of fruit salad; 4. Small baked pie with cabbage or apples (weighing no more than 70 g); 5. 200 g low-fat cottage cheese and 2 squares of chocolate.


200 g stewed vegetables.

Before bedtime

1. A glass of kefir or milk; 2. 150 g low-fat yogurt; 3. 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.

Lyudmila Gurchenko’s diet also includes two fasting days per month. Once every two weeks, regardless of whether you had a “belly feast” or ate strictly on a diet, you should limit your diet for a day to 150 g of dried black bread and 1 liter of yogurt made from skim milk. If you drank alcohol or accidentally indulged in sweets, you need to arrange an additional fasting day the next day. In general, this diet also includes one “loading” day - a day free from the diet, when you can eat whatever you want. But don't get carried away. Your “everything” should fit into one meal, not spread out over the whole day.

Unlike other diets, this one requires you to cook all the meals yourself or be able to control the cooking process. The fact is that a vegetable salad with mayonnaise is not at all the same as a salad with vegetable oil. You should avoid mayonnaise, sugar, sour cream and butter in your dishes. Prepare soups by boiling vegetables, rather than frying them in oil, as many people do. Otherwise, the Gurchenko diet is accessible, effective and can be recommended for weight loss and weight maintenance.

Important: before going on Lyudmila Gurchenko’s diet, consult your doctor. Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

Lyudmila Gurchenko diet. Diet of Lyudmila Gurchenko. Discipline and no alcohol

Those close to the actress admitted that Lyudmila Markovna adhered to proper nutrition all her life.

This allowed her not to gain weight, which means there was no need for drastic measures to get rid of extra pounds.

The nutritional principles that helped Gurchenko stay slim can be adhered to throughout his life without fear. Such a diet will not only not harm your health, but will also allow you to maintain youth and beauty for many years.

So, the main principles of Lyudmila Gurchenko’s diet

    The right combination of products.
    During each meal, dishes should be selected in such a way that the products are combined with each other and are easily digestible, and the body receives as many vitamins and microelements as possible.

    Fractional meals.

    You need to eat 5 times a day in small portions and at strictly defined times so as not to overload your stomach.

    Eliminate harmful foods.

    You should not eat white sugar, high-calorie sauces (mainly based on mayonnaise and sour cream), spicy seasonings, limit animal fats and salt intake.

    Delicious menu.

    You need to eat a varied diet and eat what you like - within reasonable limits, of course. Otherwise, your mood will be bad, and you can only dream about energy.

    Cooking rules.

    Products can be steamed, boiled or stewed, and it is recommended to avoid fried foods.

    No alcohol.

    You will have to give up any alcoholic drinks. There are no exceptions!

Diet recipe for weight loss by Lyudmila Gurchenko

Diet type

- low-calorie

Weight loss

— 5-7 kg


- 2-3 weeks

The figure of Lyudmila Marchenko Gurchenko can rightfully be considered a standard. In her considerable years, she managed to remain slim, energetic and fit, while remaining an elegant and attractive woman. Almost all her life, her parameters remained within the following limits: height - 173 cm, chest volume - 88 cm, waist - 56 cm, hips - 96 cm, weight - 58 kg.

Naturally, such achievements are impossible without observing the norms of proper nutrition and reasonable physical activity. According to Lyudmila Gurchenko, she did not adhere to special diets. Her main rule was not to overeat and use only natural and low-calorie foods. But it’s even more important to stick to this diet throughout your life. If you periodically allow yourself to have breakdowns and then desperately lose weight, then nothing good will happen either for your health or your figure.

I attribute the following diet menu to Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko:

(select option)

- two-egg omelette, sugar-free drink;

- a plate of porridge cooked in milk with a fat content of 1.5%, a drink without sugar;

- fruit salad, sugar-free yogurt, sugar-free drink;

— 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with jam, a drink without sugar.

A plate of vegetable soup, a slice of bread, 100 grams of boiled lean meat, poultry or fish, 100 grams of side dish (potatoes, pasta, crumbly porridge), 200 grams of vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack:
(select option)

— 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with jam;

- two squares of chocolate;

- a small pie.

A plate of vegetables, stewed without fat.

Before bedtime

(select option)

- a glass of low-fat kefir;

- yogurt without sugar;

- apple.

As you can see, this set of products is quite enough for the normal functioning of the body and for remaining a slim and beautiful woman. This diet can be followed for a long time, periodically once a month arranging days of rest from the diet. These days you can afford some of the prohibited foods, however, this does not mean that you should overeat these days. It is best if at this time you consume what you were missing while on the diet. And what exactly - you have to feel it yourself. Well, and, of course, an active lifestyle and movement. This is exactly what Lyudmila Gurchenko did throughout her long and beautiful life.

Nika Sestrinskaya - especially for the site fotodiet.ru /

See also: Natasha Koroleva’s diet

Lyudmila Gurchenko height and weight, figure parameters, plastic surgery, beauty secrets, diet + photo

The incomparable Lyudmila Markovna forever entered the history of Soviet cinema - from the time of “Carnival Night” to the films made at the beginning of the 21st century, she invariably charmed the public with her talented acting and beauty.

It was said that her waist could be wrapped around the fingers of one hand. Her slimness and grace remain benchmarks to this day.

The actress owes her magnificent figure, which Lyudmila Gurchenko maintained even at an advanced age, to a special nutrition system.

Lyudmila Gurchenko: height, weight and figure parameters

Lyudmila Gurchenko was born on November 12, 1935 in Kharkov, Ukraine. According to the actress, she never followed any special diets, but simply maintained proper nutrition.

She couldn’t do without it, because as soon as the actress lost her temper, the extra pounds immediately appeared.

She struggled quite actively with her weight, and one day she developed her own nutrition system, which she later used for the rest of her life. (died March 30, 2011).

The essence of Lyudmila Gurchenko’s strict diet is that her diet contains all the foods that contain the vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for the body, but at the same time she manages to consume up to 1500-1800 Kcal for the whole day.

Lyudmila Gurchenko and her diet

Throughout her life, the famous actress starred in a large number of films, so she had to constantly monitor her figure. Basically, she adhered to proper nutrition, but if during the next breakdown she gained excess weight, she used a strict weight loss method.

From her youth, Lyudmila Gurchenko’s height and weight did not exceed 173 cm and 60 kg, and she managed to maintain such parameters not only thanks to her natural abilities, but also with the help of a diet that many women are now interested in.

Clothing and shoe sizes

Bust88 cm
Waist56 cm
Hips96 cm
Bra size80B
Bust size2
Clothing size
Shoe size (feet)38

Secrets of youth and beauty of Lyudmila Gurchenko

  • At a young age, she carefully looked after herself, using creams and other cosmetics available at that time. After turning 50, she resorted to plastic surgery, a facelift, and also visited a salon for selenium rejuvenation;
  • In addition to standard plastic surgeries, Lyudmila underwent blepharoplasty and a circular facelift, thanks to which she became one of the stars who performed a record number of anti-aging procedures;
  • To maintain a slim figure, the actress ate right, and only occasionally allowed herself indulgences in the form of chocolate or buns;
  • During the diet, Lyudmila Markovna completely refused any high-calorie foods and ate only foods containing a minimum amount of calories;

Lyudmila Gurchenko: height 173 cm, weight 60 kg

  • Despite the fact that the actress did not go to the gym, she tried to independently engage in sports activities in her free time, of which she did not have much: frequent filming and participation in many programs took their toll, and sometimes she did not even have time to have a snack;
  • Usually the actress allowed herself to eat almost anything, but in small portions.

Similar slimming recipes from Lyudmila Gurchenko are also relevant for other women, because it was thanks to them that the actress remained in great shape even in old age.

Nutrition rules of Lyudmila Gurchenko

The artist was famous for her frank statements, including about her appearance. As a child, Gurchenko survived the occupation of her native Kharkov. To earn money for food, the talented girl had to perform in front of the Germans. After this, Lyudmila never went hungry or went on strict diets. She compiled a menu of light and healthy food for herself, which she followed until the last years of her life.

Gurchenko adhered to the well-known rules of healthy eating. She ate four to five times a day in small portions and at regular times.

In the first half of the day I ate carbohydrate foods, and after lunch - protein foods. I gave up high-calorie foods, salt and spicy seasonings, and replaced sugar with honey.

She preferred boiled, stewed or steamed dishes, and avoided fried foods and alcohol.

Sometimes Gurchenko spoiled herself with goodies. According to her costume designer, the artist snacked on baked goods with butter and added condensed milk to her coffee.

Lyudmila’s special passion was Ukrainian dishes - rich borscht and fried cutlets. No deception - the celebrity ate junk food, but “a little bit at a time.”

Gurchenko joked that you can eat everything, just one thing at a time: one cutlet, one spoon of pasta, and so on.

Gurchenko did not attend gyms, and at the same time had a waist of 56 cm!

As a child, Lyudmila’s mother gave her daughter advice that those with a sweet tooth would appreciate. In the morning on an empty stomach you need to eat chocolate candy. Sweets will suppress your appetite, and you will not overeat during the day.

However, gastroenterologists consider this habit to be harmful. In their opinion, sugar only increases the feeling of hunger. If chocolate in the morning helped Gurchenko maintain weight, then this is the result of self-hypnosis.

The actress was famous for her iron will for a reason.

Gurchenko's unique diet: menu and recipes

Beauty secrets of the unfading Lyudmila Gurchenko: photos

Rules for losing weight from Lyudmila Gurchenko

  • To lose weight, you need to completely prohibit yourself from eating any sweets, smoked foods, flour, marinades and fried foods;
  • You need to eat in small portions of 150-200 g;
  • Your diet should consist of vegetables, fruits, seafood, lean fish and meats, low-fat fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese, cereal porridges, and only occasionally allow yourself to eat a pie, jam or chocolate.

Lyudmila Gurchenko's figure parameters: 88-56-96 (chest-waist-hips)

Secret diet of Lyudmila Gurchenko: menu

You can plan your own menu based on the actress’s approximate daily diet:

  • We have breakfast with porridge prepared with milk;
  • We have lunch with a plate of vegetable soup, a piece of boiled meat and 200 g of light vegetable salad;
  • For an afternoon snack we eat a pack of cottage cheese with jam;
  • We have dinner with stewed vegetables.

Recipes by Lyudmila Gurchenko

Stewed vegetables recipe:

  • Place chopped onions on a saucepan sprinkled with vegetable oil, fry them and throw in grated carrots;
  • Finely chop the cabbage, place it with the rest of the vegetables and simmer in its own juice;
  • Thinly slice the peeled celery stalks, place in a saucepan and simmer for another 20 minutes;
  • 5 minutes before readiness, add spices and tomato sauce.

Vegetable salad recipe:

  • Grind the radishes into half circles, cut the cucumber, tomato and boiled chicken fillet;
  • Mix everything, sprinkle with herbs and season with low-fat sour cream or kefir.

Recipe for fruit salad for breakfast:

  • Cut banana, kiwi and pineapple pulp;
  • After mixing, pour low-fat unsweetened yogurt over everything.

We also advise you to read the article on Happy-womens.com Tatyana Vedeneeva’s diet.

Daily diet of Lyudmila Gurchenko

  1. Breakfast (optional): oatmeal without milk, low-fat cottage cheese with a spoon of honey or jam, omelet, and coffee or tea without sugar .
  2. Lunch: low-fat vegetable soup and a slice of dark bread, 100 g of boiled chicken or fish with buckwheat or potatoes, salad with low-calorie dressing .
  3. Snacks: low-fat cottage cheese, fruit salad, a few cubes of dark chocolate, unsweetened bun .
  4. Dinner: stewed or steamed vegetables.
  5. Before bed: green apple, 200 ml low-fat kefir or yogurt.

Gurchenko’s secret is not a special diet, but proper nutrition

The main rule is to adjust the menu every day and add new products with equal composition. Otherwise, the body will get tired of the monotony, and your health will worsen.

A simple nutrition system helped Gurchenko maintain Thumbelina’s parameters without harming the body. Unlike modern stars, Lyudmila was not a regular at the gym. She maintained a slim figure only through nutrition and active work: the star did not give up acting even in old age. Gurchenko’s impeccable appearance and strong character cannot but inspire!

Diet of Lyudmila Gurchenko: opinion of nutritionists

If we look at the actress’s diet in detail, we can understand that it is filled only with healthy foods with low calorie content, which means that such a diet is absolutely harmless. Nutritionists share the same opinion, but before using this weight loss method, it is still recommended to consult a doctor if you have chronic diseases.

What can you eat?

Among the products that form the basis of the recommended diet, there is a particularly rich selection of vegetables, herbs and fruits:

  • swede;
  • red and cauliflower, as well as broccoli;
  • carrot;
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • boiled beets;
  • zucchini;
  • tomatoes;
  • asparagus;
  • salad;
  • onion;
  • parsley;
  • apples;
  • peaches;
  • pears;
  • oranges and lemons;
  • avocado;
  • berries (grapes, strawberries, raspberries).

An important part of the menu is porridge with water - buckwheat, oatmeal, as well as boiled rice. Kefir, curdled milk, cottage cheese and yogurt should be chosen with a minimum percentage of fat content.

For cheeses, Adyghe is recommended, for meat products - veal, beef and chicken breast, steamed or boiled, for fish - mackerel, trout. Useful mushrooms are honey mushrooms, chanterelles and porcini mushrooms.

You can eat black bread.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in her youth

The star of Russian cinema, Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko, is far superior in size to many modern stars.

This active woman succeeded in what few can do - until her very last days she remained in the public eye, without losing the public’s interest in her truly extraordinary personality.

Therefore, when, if not now, should we remember again what Lyudmila Gurchenko was like in her youth ? After all, this year the great actress would have turned 80 years old.

The series “Lyudmila Gurchenko”, which tells about the ups and downs of the celebrity’s life, is also timed to coincide with the anniversary of the beloved actress. It’s difficult to call Yulia Peresild, the leading actress, an exact copy of the actress. Therefore, let's take another look at the pictures of the prototype of the main character, that is, Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko herself.

It’s not even worth talking about the fact that Lyudmila Gurchenko shone with beauty in her youth, since this can be seen without words.

She was destined for a great career on the stage, since this is what her parents made a living from, from whom the actress inherited an ear for music and a voice, but she decided in her own way, and, as we see from the further course of the biography of Lyudmila Gurchenko, she was not mistaken.

Almost immediately after graduating from VGIK, she began to shine on the screen. She was only 20 years old when, after the film “Carnival Night,” fame fell on Lyudmila Gurchenko. For many years this film was considered the best New Year's film.

And the song performed by the actress, even now, after more than a dozen years, is still loved and familiar to many viewers. Of course, after fame, Lyudmila Gurchenko in her youth had to endure periods of disgrace and ordinary persecution. The actress’s personal life also did not work out for a long time.

She changed more than one husband before she found her happiness. However, despite this, she became a mother only once. However, neither personal life nor bullying could compete with the work I loved. Lyudmila Gurchenko has always, and not just in her youth, belonged to the category of those actresses who put their work above all else in the world.

Neither the tedious filming nor the problems in her personal life affected the actress’s appearance. She always remained young, fresh and incredibly elegant. The figure of Lyudmila Gurchenko in her youth was rightfully considered a standard, because not every girl can boast of a waist size of 46 centimeters.

In principle, until the very last days, the actress maintained excellent physical shape; her figure could give odds to any woman. Moreover, this component of her beauty was apparently hereditary, since Lyudmila Gurchenko did not have to spend any effort on keeping herself in shape.

The same cannot be said about the face. Here the actress used all the new products and possibilities of modern cosmetology and medicine. It's no secret that in an effort to preserve beauty and youth, Lyudmila Gurchenko has repeatedly become a star patient of plastic surgeons.

Although the operations were not always successful, in the end the actress managed to stop time for a long time. By the way, the first such intervention took place in Lyudmila Gurchenko’s youth, when the actress wanted to change the shape of her eyes.

We also need to give her credit for the fact that no matter what the results of the next plastic surgery were, Lyudmila Gurchenko always, from her youth to the last years of her life, knew how to present herself correctly and beautifully. The actress's makeup and wardrobe were always impeccable.

And visits to plastic surgeons are a personal matter for everyone. I have no doubt that most women, if they had the opportunity to delay the moment of aging, would not fail to take advantage of it.

Reviews from our readers

Tatyana, 27 years old:

“I liked this diet: it’s very easy to maintain, you don’t feel hungry at all, even during the transition from a regular diet to a low-calorie diet. Personally, it seems to me that this technique is suitable for everyone, because weight loss is slow - in a month I lost only 5.5 kg, but this is even good, because such a sharp weight loss is fraught with negative consequences for health.”

Irina, 34 years old:

“At first it was difficult for me to maintain such a diet, but after a week I got used to the new diet, and hunger stopped bothering me. Now I weigh 55 kg, but just recently my weight was 62 kg.”

Veronica, 48 years old:

“I’ve been using the Gurchenko diet for only a week, but I’ve already felt its effectiveness: I’ve lost 4 kg in such a short period of time, but I’ll try to lose at least the same amount of weight.”

(2 , 5,00 out of 5)

Willpower + balanced food

No temporary

The slender actress has always made no changes to her diet.
She just once and for all
determined a special nutrition system for herself.
From numerous interviews with Lyudmila Gurchenko, it is known that she ate only natural products with a low calorie content
In addition, she avoided dishes that required long-term heat treatment. Another unshakable rule?
don't overeat . At the same time, in order not to feel hungry, two more are added to the three mandatory daily meals.

Gurchenko’s long-term diet does not give results too quickly, but it is stable. Already in the first three weeks you can get significantly closer to the waist size of the famous actress, but it never exceeded 56 cm. This result can only be maintained by the correct selection of dishes.

Unchanging nutritional rules of Lyudmila Gurchenko

In addition to a strict diet, there were also rules that the actress invariably followed.

  • Prepare all dishes (including drinks) without salt and sugar. They can be flavored using natural herbs.
  • Choose products that have undergone minimal thermal and chemical processing.
  • Do not use the frying method for cooking.
  • All dairy products should have minimal or no fat.
  • Strictly follow the diet - no snacks between meals.
  • Drink green tea without sugar and clean water (8 glasses) throughout the day. This helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins.
  • Carry out a fasting day once every two weeks. The menu includes only 3 slices of dried bread and 4 glasses of kefir. You can add cucumber slices and herbs to the drink - the dish will become much tastier. Water on this day is a mandatory addition, as at other times.

Diet of Lyudmila Gurchenko: the secret of a small waist from the great actress

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko, an outstanding singer and actress, gathered millions of fans around her not only because of her high acting skills and excellent vocal abilities. Many girls envied her slimness and “wasp” waist, trying to find out if there was a diet for Lyudmila Gurchenko, thanks to which one could at least get a little closer to the external parameters of the singer.

Age is not a hindrance to a slim figure

Lyudmila Markovna lived a long and interesting life, remaining for decades the standard of grace. In her youth, long dresses looked great on her, and in adulthood, a miniskirt, which could not complement the wardrobe of many young ladies due to figure flaws. Years passed, fashion and preferences changed, and the thin waist adorned the actress even at the age of “over 70.”

There was no need for Gurchenko to lose weight, because she herself developed a nutrition system in which the extra pounds “didn’t stick to her.” The diet was limited, but balanced, with sufficient vitamins and minerals. In addition, Lyudmila Markovna never overeated. Lush feasts and the persuasion of colleagues could not force me to change my habits.

Nutrition menu

It’s easy to create a menu yourself, based on the options that the singer shared long before she reached old age. You can eat your favorite dishes, but it’s even better to alternate them.


  • 200 g of cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of jam or sour cream, tea with lemon.
  • Steam omelette of 2 eggs, tea or coffee with milk.
  • Chopped fruits, seasoned with yogurt (serving 250 g).
  • Milk porridge (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat), tea or coffee.


  • Baked apple with honey.
  • A glass of fruit juice.
  • Yogurt (200 ml).
  • Toast with a slice of cheese, tea.


  • Vegetable soup with chicken broth, boiled fish and potatoes, 200 g of vegetable salad, prune compote.
  • Soup with meatballs, stewed vegetables, milk jelly.
  • Milk buckwheat soup, 100 g of boiled chicken meat, pasta, vegetable salad, dried fruit compote.
  • Fish soup with fillet pieces, stewed vegetables, toast, fresh berry jelly.

Afternoon snack:

  • Fruit salad dressed with yogurt.
  • A piece of pie with apples or cabbage, tea.
  • 150 g cottage cheese, 2 slices dark chocolate.
  • A glass of kefir with cucumber and herbs.


  • Omelette of 2 eggs, toast with a slice of cheese, tea.
  • Stewed vegetables with olive oil.
  • 100 g boiled meat, lettuce leaves.
  • 200 g of milk porridge, a dried slice of bread.

Second dinner:

  • A glass of kefir.
  • Apple.
  • Orange.
  • 150 g yogurt.

When creating a menu, you can choose any option. But you should remember that the dishes should not be monotonous, reminiscent of a mono-diet: if you prepared an omelet for breakfast, then choose milk porridge, meat or vegetables for dinner.

Unchanging nutritional rules of Lyudmila Gurchenko

In addition to a strict diet, there were also rules that the actress invariably followed.

  • Prepare all dishes (including drinks) without salt and sugar. They can be flavored using natural herbs.
  • Choose products that have undergone minimal thermal and chemical processing.
  • Do not use the frying method for cooking.
  • All dairy products should have minimal or no fat.
  • Strictly follow the diet - no snacks between meals.
  • Drink green tea without sugar and clean water (8 glasses) throughout the day. This helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins.
  • Carry out a fasting day once every two weeks. The menu includes only 3 slices of dried bread and 4 glasses of kefir. You can add cucumber slices and herbs to the drink - the dish will become much tastier. Water on this day is a mandatory addition, as at other times.

Duration and results of the procedure

You can stick to this diet for a long time. In obese people, fat cells will disappear much faster than in those whose excess weight is only a couple of kilograms. But it is also much more difficult for them to follow a diet.

With such nutrition it is impossible to achieve quick results in losing weight.

This is not a mono-diet, during which you lose 1-1.5 kg daily, which negatively affects the functioning of the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Lyudmila Gurchenko's diet has virtually no contraindications. It is worth sticking to it for 1 month to see what results you achieved during this time and how hard it was.

You can give yourself a “rest” and allow yourself to indulge in forbidden foods, but the portions should be small. Overeating is dangerous both for the waist and for the body as a whole. Especially after a diet. Then the procedure can be repeated.

Steaming a diet protein omelette

Lyudmila Gurchenko showed by her example that age cannot ruin your figure if you eat right and do not succumb to the high-calorie temptations of modern cooking. But everyone’s priorities are different, so everyone will make their own choice.

Source: https://3ladies.su/health/diet/dieta-lyudmily-gurchenko.html

Parameters of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Lyudmila Gurchenko has rightfully been a sex symbol for many years, because not a single generation has been surprised by the slimness and energy of a woman for many years.

Agree, not every young woman can maintain weight at such levels in our time. At the same time, the parameters of the famous actress are also the envy of many representatives of the fairer sex, who for many years remained within the limits of chest volume - 88 cm, waist - 56 cm, hips - 96 cm. Isn’t it the same parameters that all those who want to get closer to tests his body with diets and tiring workouts.

Lyudmila Gurchenko: height, weight and figure parameters ^

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Lyudmila Gurchenko was born on November 12, 1935 in Kharkov, Ukraine. According to the actress, she never followed any special diets, but simply maintained proper nutrition. She couldn’t do without it, because as soon as the actress lost her temper, the extra pounds immediately appeared. She struggled quite actively with her weight, and one day she developed her own nutrition system, which she later used for the rest of her life. (died March 30, 2011).

The essence of Lyudmila Gurchenko’s strict diet is that her diet contains all the foods that contain the vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for the body, but at the same time she manages to consume up to 1500-1800 Kcal for the whole day.

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Lyudmila Gurchenko and her diet

Throughout her life, the famous actress starred in a large number of films, so she had to constantly monitor her figure. Basically, she adhered to proper nutrition, but if during the next breakdown she gained excess weight, she used a strict weight loss method.

From her youth, Lyudmila Gurchenko’s height and weight did not exceed 173 cm and 60 kg, and she managed to maintain such parameters not only thanks to her natural abilities, but also with the help of a diet that many women are now interested in.

Clothing and shoe sizes

Bust88 cm
Waist56 cm
Hips96 cm
Bra size80B
Bust size2
Clothing size
Shoe size (feet)38

Secrets of youth and beauty of Lyudmila Gurchenko

At a young age, she carefully looked after herself, using creams and other cosmetics available at that time. After turning 50, she resorted to plastic surgery, a facelift, and also visited a salon for selenium rejuvenation;

  • In addition to standard plastic surgeries, Lyudmila underwent blepharoplasty and a circular facelift, thanks to which she became one of the stars who performed a record number of anti-aging procedures;
  • To maintain a slim figure, the actress ate right, and only occasionally allowed herself indulgences in the form of chocolate or buns;
  • During the diet, Lyudmila Markovna completely refused any high-calorie foods and ate only foods containing a minimum amount of calories;

Lyudmila Gurchenko: height 173 cm, weight 60 kg

  • Despite the fact that the actress did not go to the gym, she tried to independently engage in sports activities in her free time, of which she did not have much: frequent filming and participation in many programs took their toll, and sometimes she did not even have time to have a snack;
  • Usually the actress allowed herself to eat almost anything, but in small portions.

Similar slimming recipes from Lyudmila Gurchenko are also relevant for other women, because it was thanks to them that the actress remained in great shape even in old age.

Lyudmila Gurchenko and her wardrobe

In the St. Petersburg Museum of Music on the Fontanka, in the Sheremetev Palace, last November there was an exhibition where you could see the dresses of Lyudmila Gurchenko.
Lyudmila Gurchenko was a bright, charismatic actress, a hard worker, devoted to her profession, an actress who coped well with both comedic and dramatic roles. She looked natural both in serious films and in frivolous comedies and musicals. And this is how we love and remember her.

Lyudmila Markovna's wardrobe, for my part, arouses no less interest than her roles.

Clothes always say a lot about us. In one novel by Nodar Dumbadze, a shoemaker determined the profession, age and character of its owner by the shoes. Dresses can tell a story too. Firstly, they keep our sizes. Whatever the myths about Markovna’s thin waist, the dresses will tell you what she really was like. The oldest dress and the most touching one, the one in which she came to conquer Moscow. And the ukulele guitar that Gurchenko played.

In more mature years, Gurchenko’s waist was about 68 centimeters.

In this dress, Gurchenko recorded “Songs of the War Years.” It is made of silk jersey, then fashionable, khaki color. It is not known what participation the star took in the design; it is quite possible that it was corrected by professionals.

Separating what was done for the star by professional artists and fashion designers and what she drew the sketch herself (and she loved to come up with styles and bought fabrics herself) is both easy and difficult. Of course, she could not interfere with the work of the costume designer for films and plays, but for her concert activities and for herself, she, apparently, made decisions quite actively. Lyudmila Markovna had her own established taste and love for beads, roses and rhinestones, which she loved to sew on herself.

The headdress was made for the anniversary concert, and the dress was made for the play “Pub”, created by artist Alla Kozhenkova.

Concert dresses These golden fabric shoes with golden bead decoration are embroidered by the hands of the actress. The red costume was made by Kozhenkova for the play “Pub”; it has such a tail that it requires considerable skill to move around the stage.

Here the costume works for the character's image. This is Nika, which the actress held in her hands.

The costume was created at the Fashion House of Tatyana Kotegova for an evening dedicated to Marlene Dietrich. It took place in 2006 at the Grand Hotel Europe. There was a whole collection of Marlene-style costumes. This suit, which was demonstrated by Lyudmila Markovna, was preserved by Tatyana in the collection of the Fashion House. It consists of a fitted jacket and a narrow long skirt, made of fine ecru wool. The “Bird” brooch is made of feathers and bugles (handmade).

Lyudmila Markovna visited the Fashion House and met with the team. After the event, she left a memorial note thanking her for the costume.

The dress in which Gurchenko starred in “Old Nags” by Ryazanov. Actually ultra blue. Bunakova and Khokhlov are St. Petersburg fashion designers.

— We made this costume in 2008 for the “Divas” project of Sobaka.ru magazine. It was very difficult to drag Lyudmila Markovna to St. Petersburg to film the project. But it’s impossible to do without her; she was “number one” in this project. To get her consent, the magazine offered to make a suit especially for her. And they turned to us because they knew how much we admired her. We drew sketches and sent them to her. She chose a sketch from which we made a costume for filming. And then, after filming, we gave it to Lyudmila Markovna. We met at the Europe Hotel. She spent a lot of time with us, we talked not only about fashion, but also about many other topics - about military songs, about Vladimir Vysotsky, about life.

For filming, we also made a headdress with feathers. Then, a few years later, Lyudmila Markovna starred in it in her last video for Zemfira’s song “Do you want...”. She remade it, of course, in her own style. She remade and modified everything. I think that not a single designer item made for her remained in its original form, she always contributed something of her own. She also changed our costume, for example, she shortened the skirt. But the general style remained. This costume can also be seen in her film “Motley Twilight”, where she plays an actress, a movie star - in fact, herself.

— Were there any fittings?

- No, they sewed without fitting. Lyudmila Markovna was the ideal “French” size - 44. The waist was indeed the thinnest. And she didn’t mind emphasizing it. We used a corset during filming.

Often she would buy small pieces of fabric that she liked and then they would be used somewhere. The result was a patchwork like this. The tailor said that Gurchenko loved the style of the 20s and 50s.

The beads and belt were personally made by L. Gurchenko. Dress from Dior

Carnival Night

Station for two

Mechanic Gavrilov's beloved woman

Love and pigeons

Old nags

Do we remember?))

The main secrets of the Gurchenko diet

To achieve such results and maintain them over the years, a woman was only required to control her diet, because as such, a prescribed diet from Lyudmila Gurchenko simply does not exist. In addition, to recharge her energy and maintain her beauty, the actress simply needed to eat right and eat a variety of foods. This is precisely the main success of Gurchenko’s beautiful and slender figure.

Low-calorie foods and proper nutrition standards, according to Gurchenko, work much more effectively than the most balanced and clearly defined diets

In addition, it is very important not to allow yourself to overeat and not to organize so-called food holidays. It is precisely such breakdowns that most often cause excess weight and the formation of an unsightly fat layer in the most piquant places

After such holidays for the body, it is very difficult to lose weight, and after any diet it returns again at the slightest deviation from nutritional norms. The actress also always noted the fact that the human body needs much less food than a person consumes, but it needs much more water. It is common for a person to eat more with his eyes and after seeing an appetizing dish, and such breakdowns occur.

How Gurchenko took care of herself. Diet of Lyudmila Gurchenko: the secret of a slim waist

Every woman admires the figures of many stars during the period of losing weight, when she so wants to look like famous celebrities. Well, many stars, in turn, share their secrets of losing weight and maintaining their body in good condition, calling diets by their own names.

Gurchenko’s diet also deserves special attention among women who want to be as slim and attractive as a famous actress, and yet her forms have been admired by men of more than one generation.

Parameters of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Lyudmila Gurchenko has rightfully been a sex symbol for many years, because not a single generation has been surprised by the slimness and energy of a woman for many years.

But even in old age, the actress managed to look like a role model. For many years, with a height of 173 cm, she managed to maintain weight between 58-60 kg.

Agree, not every young woman can maintain weight at such levels in our time.

At the same time, the parameters of the famous actress are also the envy of many representatives of the fairer sex, who for many years remained within the limits of chest volume - 88 cm, waist - 56 cm, hips - 96 cm.

Are these not the parameters that all those who test their bodies with diets and tiring workouts want to get closer to?

General rules

Lyudmila Gurchenko's diet is a weight loss system that reveals all the stellar secrets of maintaining a figure in ideal condition. A wasp waist, chiseled legs, grace - this is what the unsurpassed actress is remembered for, and in addition to film masterpieces and songs, she left behind a unique diet that is still relevant today.

Lyudmila Markovna always took care of herself, she had a strong craving for beauty and refinement. She achieved a unique result: with a weight of 58 kg, her figure parameters were 90X56X95 cm and this at the age of 74 years. The legend of Soviet cinema believed that a woman should:

  • monitor how much of what you eat;
  • maintain youth - with creams, masks, massage, beauty treatments and even plastic surgery;
  • throw yourself into your favorite business - sometimes you can eat everything, because work simply “eats” kilograms.

The main secrets of the Gurchenko diet

To achieve such results and maintain them over the years, a woman was only required to control her diet, because as such, a prescribed diet from Lyudmila Gurchenko simply does not exist. In addition, to recharge her energy and maintain her beauty, the actress simply needed to eat right and eat a variety of foods. This is precisely the main success of Gurchenko’s beautiful and slender figure.

Low-calorie foods and proper nutrition standards, according to Gurchenko , work much more effectively than the most balanced and clearly defined diets.

In addition, it is very important not to allow yourself to overeat and not to organize so-called food holidays.

It is precisely such breakdowns that most often cause excess weight and the formation of an unsightly layer of fat in the most piquant places.

After such holidays for the body, it is very difficult to lose weight, and after any diet it returns again at the slightest deviation from nutritional norms.

The actress also always noted the fact that the human body needs much less food than a person consumes, but it needs much more water.

It is common for a person to eat more with his eyes and after seeing an appetizing dish, and such breakdowns occur.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • A balanced low-calorie menu allows you to systematically lose weight, losing 2-3 kg per week.
  • The diet has virtually no contraindications, because the menu is healthy and complete. But caution should be exercised by pregnant and breastfeeding mothers; use in children or the elderly requires consultation with a family doctor.
  • Gurchenko's diet can rightfully be considered a prevention of diabetes mellitus , cancer , atherosclerosis and other problems of the cardiovascular system.
  • To shine like a diva, short-term diets are not enough - you need to limit and control yourself every day.
  • There are many restrictions in the diet, although they all comply with the principles of a healthy diet, so by excluding unhealthy foods from your diet today, you are taking care of your health and longevity.
  • A strict regime, self-control and great willpower are required.

Sample menu of Gurchenko's diet

The famous actress gladly shared the secrets of her beauty and slimness. Gurchenko’s diet included a wide variety of foods, which she allowed herself to eat at different times of the day.

So, on the day, Gurchenko had to eat (attention!) 5 times , and there was always an afternoon snack and a small snack before bed.

The actress's menu consisted of the following meals and their possible options:

  • breakfast: an omelette of two eggs, or porridge with low-fat milk, oatmeal is better, or a fruit salad of unsweetened fruits, or 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese with any jam. As for hot drinks, I allowed myself both coffee and tea, but without sugar;
  • lunch could consist of any soup, a slice of durum wheat bread, only 100 g of boiled lean meat, poultry or fish, the same amount of side dish - crumbly porridge or potatoes, durum wheat pasta, 200 g of fresh vegetable salad ;
  • the afternoon snack could be low-fat cottage cheese, a small pie, some kind of fruit, or even 2 slices of dark chocolate with a hot drink without sugar;
  • for dinner, the actress preferred stewed vegetables or some kind of salad of fresh vegetables with vegetable oil;
  • Before going to bed, you could allow yourself to eat an apple or drink a glass of kefir, low-fat yogurt.

As you can see, the actress compiled her menu and diet very competently and balanced. There are various food products that replenish the body with the necessary energy, nutrients and beneficial substances.

From the example of Gurchenko’s diet, we can safely conclude that proper nutrition and small portions are the key to a beautiful and slender figure, the path to which is open to every person. —

Medical reference

Lyudmila Gurchenko became a favorite of TV viewers not only thanks to her acting and singing talent. The country admired her sophisticated appearance, especially her wasp waist measuring only 56 centimeters. Even in adulthood, the artist maintained her model parameters. At 75 years old, she weighed 58 kilograms and was 173 centimeters tall. Agree - even young girls will envy these numbers!

How did Gurchenko achieve such a result? It's all about Lyudmila's extraordinary character. The artist always strived for ideals and set high demands on herself and those around her.

She did not leave the house without her hair and maintained a royal posture even in the presence of one person. It is not surprising that Gurchenko watched her diet.

All her life, the actress adhered to a simple diet that did not allow her to gain weight.

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