How to lose weight with a Pear body type. Diet and exercise

Those with a well-proportioned body are incredibly lucky, because any style of clothing looks good on such a figure, and the silhouette looks perfect. But what about those who have other forms that do not fit into the ideals of the female body? Firstly, love yourself no matter what, and secondly, start leading a new lifestyle. For example, a diet for a Pear figure will help women with wide hips and narrow shoulders gain self-confidence.

Glossy magazines promote body ideals that are difficult for an ordinary girl to achieve. Few people have a naturally harmonious body. In reality, those forms are common that you will not find on the pages of fashion publications. Therefore, do not force yourself into limits, start leading an active lifestyle. And then you will see that your proportions will become no worse than the model’s.

Features of the Pear figure

These forms are difficult to confuse with others, because they have special features:

  • wide hips;
  • narrow shoulders;
  • thin, long waist;
  • small breasts;
  • skinny arms.

These are clear signs that you have a Pear or Triangle shaped figure. But not everyone has them clearly expressed, so it is customary to distinguish some subtypes of this body structure.

To hide flaws, you need to dress correctly: well-chosen clothes will help transform your appearance.

Body type - Bell

  • shoulders narrower than hips;
  • small or medium breasts;
  • pronounced but short waist;
  • full legs.

Body type - Skittles

  • medium or large breasts;
  • shoulders narrower than hips;
  • thin waist;
  • full hips;
  • Thin legs.

What to do to keep your pear figure juicy

Women with a pear body type are lucky. Mother Nature has endowed them with an attractive, flexible body with smooth transitions from a thin waist to steep hips. But there is one thing: the disproportion between the narrow top and heavy bottom, which is difficult to remove. It's difficult, but it's possible. The main thing is to choose the right measures to work with such a body.

Eat wisely. The diet for a pear figure involves 3 meals and two snacks. All together - no more than 1500-2000 calories per day.

A deficient diet is your friend and ally.

  • Avoid pure sugar and everything that contains it; avoid salt, animal fats, sausages, sausages and smoked meats.
  • Less potatoes, carrots and beets, more protein (lean fish, chicken breast, turkey) and fresh, raw or minimally cooked vegetables.
  • Since pears are prone to swelling in the legs, to eliminate it it is better to give up dairy products. The effect is amazing!
  • You need to drink up to 2 liters of water per day.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is generally accepted that if you do not have a proportional body, then your physique automatically becomes less attractive. In fact, the Pear body type is often more beautiful than others because it has pronounced shapes.


  • As a rule, girls with this build have a neat and long neck, which gives the image a femininity.
  • Women's hands, which in most cases are distinguished by their elegance, are not devoid of grace.
  • The waist is a real source of pride. In the Pear type it is clearly expressed by nature. Girls don't have to make any effort to make her stand out. Moreover, the waist will remain until old age and will not go anywhere.


  • The main disadvantage of the Pear figure is its curvy hips, which can ruin the whole image if you don’t take care of your body. As a rule, fat accumulates in this area, so the silhouette may appear heavy and squat.
  • The second drawback is related to the first. Due to the fact that excess weight is deposited on the hips, cellulite appears in this area. It is girls with pear-shaped shapes who are susceptible to orange peel on their legs.

Distinctive features of the type

Representatives of the fair half of humanity with a pear figure were until recently considered the standard of female beauty. Ancient doctors generally considered those with prominent buttocks and small breasts to be ideal for childbearing. Now priorities have changed and the type of figure in question has become a misunderstanding for many, a nuisance that they want to correct. But first you need to determine your pear body type. Here are its distinctive features:

  • legs are strong, slightly plump;
  • the shoulders are narrow in relation to the entire figure;
  • the hips are massive, round, prominent;
  • breasts are small, medium size at most, often small;
  • the stomach is small, almost always flat;
  • hands are thin, refined, elegant;
  • The waist is quite narrow.

The main problem areas for such women are the hips and buttocks: accumulated fat is deposited in these places, and the “orange peel” appears immediately.

We recommend reading about the diet based on your body type. From the article you will learn about how to determine your body type, diet and sports features for different types. And here is more information about the ideal time for training and losing weight.

How to lose weight and get rid of imbalances

To smooth out the hips and make them less expressive, pear-shaped girls should work on three components:

  • Reduce the calorie content in the menu, that is, introduce a deficit.
  • Start training your lower body on a regular basis.
  • Work the top so that the chest and arms are in harmony with the bottom.

Before losing weight, you should understand that you cannot control the fat that will go away. You can get rid of volume in the chest, abdomen or legs, but this process does not depend on you. Many people have problem areas that gain weight first. For example, for the Pear type it is the hips and sides. But when you go on a diet, you cannot burn excess weight only in this area; it will gradually disappear from the whole body.

Famous girls with such shapes: Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna, Shakira, Keira Knightley.

Possible risks

Any weight loss has points that are worth thinking about before going on a diet. A strict diet that limits your nutrition will not bring the desired results. Strict weight loss techniques promise that you will be able to lose those hated pounds, and they will not come back. However, it is not.

Many short-term diets can show a minus on the scale in the first days. But it’s not the excess fat that will begin to disappear, but the water. Remember that you didn't gain the pounds in 3 days, so they won't leave your body in the same amount of time.

By subjecting yourself to constant dieting, you risk losing muscle mass and developing nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, we recommend eating healthy and balanced.


The ideal scheme for developing a toned figure is three strength training sessions and 2-3 cardio workouts per week. Strength training builds muscles, and cardio helps burn subcutaneous fat so that beautiful relief becomes visible.

Strength training should consist of 70% basic exercises for major muscle groups and 30% isolation exercises that specifically target individual muscles. Basic exercises include squats, lunges, dumbbell or barbell rows, and push-ups. Isolation exercises are dumbbell swings, flyes, or curls.

Cardio can be done on an elliptical or exercise bike, stepper, in the pool, or with video training with exercises without jumping. It is not the speed that is important here, but the pulse.

The most creative part of training for pear-shaped women is to hone beautiful proportions and balance out a heavy bottom with well-developed top muscles.

To do this, you need to include in your training:

  • push-ups for chest muscles;
  • overhead dumbbell press to expand the shoulder girdle;
  • pull-ups with wide arms, rows of dumbbells or barbells to the waist in an inclined position for the back muscles.

It is important to gradually increase the weight so that the muscles do not have time to adapt. This is what will make them grow.

It is important not to forget about the lower body. Add variety to your workouts in the form of isolation exercises: swings with weights, swings with a dumbbell under the knee, glute bridge.

Daily diet

So, in order for Grusha to start losing weight, she needs to introduce a calorie deficit. Weight loss depends on how much you eat. Therefore, it is important to calculate your calorie intake.

The calculation can be done using the simple Muffin-Jeor formula:

  1. Let's find out the basic metabolism - (weight, kg. * 10) + (height, cm * 6.25) - (age * 4.92) - 161 = Y.
  2. Now let’s determine the activity level and multiply it by the resulting number Y from the first point. Thus, we will get the number of calories that are needed to maintain weight: a) 1.2 - inactive lifestyle, b) 1.375 - playing sports 2-3 times a week, c) 1.55 - training 4-5 times a week.
  3. If you want to lose weight, then subtract 15-20% from the resulting calorie intake.

For example, let’s take a 30-year-old girl, her measurements are height 165 cm, weight 65 kg, training 2-3 times a week.

  1. We calculate the metabolism: (65 * 10) + (165 * 6.25) - (30 * 4.92) - 161 = 1373 kcal.
  2. Next we multiply by the activity level: 1373 * 1.375 = 1887 calories. — that’s how much a girl needs to maintain her weight.
  3. For her to start losing weight, let’s calculate how much she should eat with a calorie deficit: 1887 - 20% = 1500 kcal.

Based on these calculations, you can create your own diet.

Example menu for 1500 kcal.

BreakfastOatmeal with a banana, a piece of low-fat cheese and a cup of tea or coffee - 357 kcal., BJU - 15/9/56.
SnackCottage cheese 200-250 g with berries - 347 kcal., BZHU - 34.2/18/10.
DinnerBuckwheat 300 g with chicken breast, salad with tomatoes and cucumbers - 305 kcal., BJU - 21.5/5.2/44.
Afternoon snackSandwiches with pate - 3 loaves of bread, each with a spoon of pate - 245 kcal., BJU - 24/5.2/25.5.
DinnerBaked fish with vegetables 300-350 g. - 330 kcal., BZHU - 55/5.3/15.2.

Long term diet

If you have counted all the calories and figured out how much you need to eat in order to lose weight and get rid of voluminous hips, then it’s time to introduce healthy habits:

  • A beautiful body depends 70% on nutrition. No exercise in the gym will burn you as many calories. Weight loss occurs only due to their deficiency.
  • Thus, try to calculate your calorie intake and follow it until you achieve the result. But don’t get carried away with losing weight, because the body needs to rest.
  • Adopt healthy habits and start drinking more water. It is not necessary to consume 3 liters. per day, for many the norm is 1.5-2 liters.

Avoid harmful foods:

  • flour;
  • salty and sweet;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sausages and smoked meats;
  • fast food.

Give preference to healthy foods:

  • lean meat and fish;
  • eggs, especially whites;
  • vegetables, fruits and berries;

If you have a pear-shaped figure, try eating healthy for 2 weeks and make sure that during this time your body begins to get used to a balanced diet.

By following a proper diet, you can improve your external silhouette and your pear-shaped figure will transform.

What foods should you avoid?

The main problem of “pears” is an increase in volume in the hips and buttocks due to poor nutrition. To effectively combat this problem, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fat consumed, primarily of animal origin. The following should be excluded from the diet:

  1. Fatty meat and fish.
  2. Sour cream and cream.
  3. Refined vegetable oil.
  4. Potatoes and other products containing starch.
  5. White polished rice.
  6. Mayonnaise and sauces.
  7. Sweet carbonated drinks and store-bought juices.
  8. Bakery and pasta products made from white flour.

You should give up spices and herbs (these additives can increase appetite), fast food, quick snacks and snacks.

Workout for hips and buttocks

Regular proper physical activity will help correct your figure and give it a proportional silhouette. All exercises are performed at home, which saves time and money.


This simple exercise works the muscles of the pelvis, thighs and buttocks. The main thing is to master the correct technique, otherwise the areas that the training is aimed at will not be worked out.

  1. Take the starting position, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight.
  2. Squat down with your knees bent.
  3. Keep your thighs parallel to the floor, hands clasped in front of your chest.
  4. The legs form a 90 degree angle and do not extend beyond the toes.
  5. Try to place the weight on your buttocks without straining your knees.
  6. Stand up and take your starting position.


This exercise helps Grusha tighten her buttocks and develop beautiful relief. The technique is important here:

  1. Take the starting position, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, slightly relaxed.
  2. Lunge, stepping forward with your left foot.
  3. The right leg is motionless and rests on the toe.
  4. The weight is transferred to the leading limb.
  5. Lean on your outstretched foot and slowly rise up, returning to the starting position.
  6. Do the exercise on each leg.

Gluteal bridge

This simple exercise will make any girl feel her buttocks, if, of course, the training is done correctly:

  1. Take the starting position, lie on your back with your knees bent.
  2. Lift your body up, tensing your buttocks.
  3. The neck, shoulders and back are relaxed.
  4. Lower your pelvis and lift it again, thus performing several approaches.

Swing your legs

This exercise for the Pear shape helps to work the front of the thigh. Let's get started:

  1. Stand in the starting position, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. As you inhale, lift your leg forward, holding it in this position for a few seconds.
  3. Pull the toe towards you, trying to raise your leg as high as possible.
  4. Do the complex alternately on 2 legs.

Step ups

This exercise is best performed with additional weight in the form of dumbbells. It effectively works the inner and outer thighs, as well as the calf muscles.

  1. Take the starting position, take the dumbbells and turn to face a support, such as a bench.
  2. Stand with your left foot on the surface, forming a right angle.
  3. Tighten your abs and look forward.
  4. Inhale and as you exhale, rise up, standing with both feet on the bench.
  5. Return to the starting position and repeat, alternating legs.

How to lose weight: diet and exercise

Wanting to lose weight, women often resort to radical diets. Sudden weight changes are strictly not recommended for girls with severe body disproportion. With a strict restriction of calorie intake, the face will become thinner, the upper body will lose weight even more, and the contrast with the heavy bottom will become more noticeable. A sensible diet will help you avoid this.

It is recommended to include fresh vegetables and fruits (at least 500 g), lean meat and fish, whole grain cereals, and low-fat dairy products in the daily menu. You can eat vegetable soups with water or chicken broth, a variety of stews, and wholemeal bread. It is better to exclude fatty meat, sausages and smoked meats, whole milk, baked goods and industrial sweets from the diet. You should not eat at fast food outlets with an abundance of heavy fried foods. Instead of store-bought juices, it is better to drink clean water, homemade fruit drinks and unsweetened compotes.

Regular exercise will help you avoid obesity. Cardio exercise is needed at least 3 times a week: walking at a fast pace, jogging, cycling or exercising on an exercise bike.

Massage can improve skin tone, strengthen muscles and burn excess fat: manual, cupping, honey.

Losing weight in the lower body is facilitated by the correct selection of exercises. When composing the complex, you need to focus on strengthening the abs, tightening the thighs, calves, and buttocks. Exercises on a fitball are very useful: straight, reverse and lateral crunches. Swinging your legs in a kneeling position, lifting straight and slightly bent legs while lying on your back can reduce the volume of your hips. Squats with weights can strengthen your buttocks and remove fat deposits. Taking a barbell or dumbbells in your hands, you need to squat 12-14 times, doing 3-4 approaches per workout. Exercises are performed at a fast pace with maximum amplitude.

Stylists recommend trying on feminine dresses with bright prints on the bodice.

Upper body exercises

If you have a sharp imbalance between the top and bottom, then try to develop your chest and arms. As a rule, the Pear figure has a narrow chest and thin arms, which makes the body disproportionate.

Knee push-ups

This activity helps develop your arm muscles and strengthen your chest. Let's start the training:

  1. Take the starting position, lie on your stomach and lean on your hands and bent knees.
  2. The body should be under an even diagonal.
  3. Inhale and slowly lower your torso, bending your elbows.
  4. Lower yourself until your chest touches the floor and slowly rise up.

Palm clenching

This is an easy exercise that anyone can master. It helps strengthen the pectoral and shoulder muscles:

  1. Take the starting position, keep your back straight.
  2. Bring your arms together in front of your chest, bending your elbows.
  3. Close your palms, taking a pose as if you were praying.
  4. Hold your breath for 10 seconds and perform several muscle contractions while clapping your hands.

Dumbbell flyes

This exercise will help tighten the skin of your hands and restore muscle tone. Let's get started:

  1. Take the starting position, lie on your back, take dumbbells in your hands.
  2. Raise your arms up to eye level.
  3. Extend your arms to the sides and return to the starting position.

All of the listed exercises for the Pear figure should be performed regularly, 3 sets of 15 times.

How to lose weight?

The type of body structure, as well as its “problem areas,” are genetically determined in a person from birth. When the daily routine is violated, gluttony, laziness, stress and the influence of other negative factors, problems arise with the endocrine system of the human body, which leads to various diseases, including excess weight gain.

The foundation of a toned figure

The basis for a fit figure and excellent human health are:

The “pear” is characterized by problems not only with an excess of estrogen in the blood, but also with the peculiarities of the thyroid gland and lymphatic system. This is why weight gain occurs unevenly, but only in the lower part of the body.

Features of the structure of the endocrine system

Often going on a diet and starting to actively work out in the gym, many girls do not see any results and give up. The reason for this is precisely the structural features of the endocrine system of the “pear”.

To do this, within two weeks you need:

Eliminating table salt and drinking water is necessary for weight loss in the future.

It is necessary to saturate the diet with proteins and complex carbohydrates as much as possible, reducing the consumption of fast carbohydrates and foods rich in starch.

You should not get carried away with vegetable diets, since the fat from the buttocks is unlikely to go away, but the upper part of the body will lose even more weight. It is necessary to include in your diet as many foods as possible that accelerate metabolic processes in the body.

Daily diet

It is recommended to include in your daily diet:

It is necessary to exclude from the diet:

When switching to a diet, you need to limit your calorie intake to 1,500 per day, with half of them coming from complex carbohydrates, and the other half equally from fats and proteins.

Cardio loads

Cardio workouts are great for burning calories and strengthening your entire body. These loads will help develop endurance and strengthen the cardiovascular system. By increasing heart rate, excess fat is burned and muscle tone is maintained.

Cardio includes many types of vigorous activity:

  • run;
  • fast walk;
  • dancing;
  • Biking;
  • jumping rope.

To begin these exercises, you must be in good health, because not every person can undergo exercises that stress the heart.

It is better to conduct classes outdoors or in a ventilated area. The workout should not last more than an hour; you should take into account your level of training and not overexert yourself.

Cardio exercises can be done 3 times a week to maintain a beautiful figure.

Sample menu

Nutritionists advise sticking to this diet for a long time. You need to eat equal portions 3-4 times a day. It is important to follow a diet. Below is an example of a menu for the week.

  • Monday

Breakfast: oatmeal with water, seasonal berries, a handful of nuts, herbal tea.

Snack: Kiwi and banana smoothie

Lunch: durum wheat pasta, grilled chicken fillet, vegetable and avocado salad, green tea.

Dinner: red beans with tomatoes.

  • Tuesday

Breakfast: steamed omelette with green beans, endive with rice milk, a slice of whole grain bread with peanut butter and banana.

Lunch: creamed mushroom soup, cabbage and carrot salad, tea.

Dinner: grilled eggplant and peppers, baked chicken breast in the oven.

  • Wednesday:

Breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream and berries, freshly squeezed orange juice.

Snack: tea, tongue sandwich.

Lunch: beef pilaf, seaweed salad, tea.

Dinner: zucchini pancakes and tea.

  • Thursday

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with tomatoes, endive with almond milk.

Lunch: pearl barley with vegetables and champignons, bell pepper, tea.

Snack: a glass of kefir and a handful of nuts.

Dinner: turkey chop, salad with greens, dressed with olive oil.

  • Friday

Breakfast: oatmeal in a jar with fruit, tea.

Lunch: buckwheat with vegetables, cabbage salad.

Snack: Fruit salad of peach, cherry and banana.

Dinner: grilled salmon steak, asparagus, tomato.

  • Saturday

Breakfast: whole grain bread sandwich with lightly salted salmon, tea.

Snack: a glass of seasonal berries.

Lunch: brown rice with seafood, tea.

Dinner: cottage cheese with herbs, tea.

  • Sunday

Breakfast: barley porridge on water with fruits and nuts, chicory drink.

Lunch: baked jacket potatoes, grilled chicken fillet, cucumber, tea.

Snack: a glass of kefir with 1 banana

Dinner: shrimp salad with avocado, tea.

Reviews from those who have lost weight

I have a Pear figure, so I am faced with the problem of curvy hips and small breasts. I decided to reduce the volume and also tighten my butt to make the silhouette more harmonious. I’ve reviewed my diet, now I’m watching my calories, and I’ve lost 3 kg. and improved muscle tone. Visually, the figure has become better, the hips have a beautiful shape, and I am happy.

Olga, 24 years old

I never liked my figure because it is pear-shaped. Narrow shoulders and small breasts, but big hips do not attract me. I’ve been struggling with this for several years now, but nothing really helps, because the buttocks are always visually wider than the shoulders. It's genetics that way. Exercise and nutrition help bring the body into a normal appearance as a whole, but the silhouette itself will not go anywhere.

Lydia, 28 years old

After giving birth, my hips began to expand, or rather “ran” in width. I was terribly upset because I didn’t like the imbalance in my figure. I started taking care of myself, regular workouts and diet helped me lose weight. My hips have become smaller, but my constitution does not allow them to shrink further. But a thin waist has appeared, which I emphasize with the help of clothes.

Lisa, 35 years old

Even when I was young, I realized that I have a pear-shaped figure, and with any weight gain, the fat goes into the hips. That’s why I don’t allow myself to relax even now. Regular walking, swimming and exercise keep me fit. Wide hips are my pride, and with the right approach they make me stand out from other women.

Galina, 48 years old
A pear-shaped figure is not at all evil genetics. Nowadays it is fashionable to have beautiful buttocks and thighs, rather than lush breasts. Take care of yourself, don't forget about nutrition and exercise. These simple tips will help you overcome excess weight in problem areas and allow you to love your body.

Body type: triangle

The “triangle” has narrow hips, broad shoulders and an inconspicuous waist, but long slender legs, a strong torso and an overall athletic appearance. In no case should you wear blouses and sweaters with voluminous sleeves, large collars, boat-neck clothes and things that fit too loosely with such a figure.

What is possible: the top should be darker than the bottom. Dresses and skirts with a peplum, trousers with tucks, banana and flared jeans, pleated skirts, and also with drapery will look harmonious. Outerwear can be fitted or straight.

Pay attention to the Legendary coat models that are relevant in 2021 and will never go out of style.

Tips from fitness trainers

Fitness center specialists advise adhering to an integrated approach and taking it as a rule, and not as a short-term method of weight loss. For a pear figure, in which the predominance of fat in the hips is visible in photos of women from the Internet, proper nutrition, regular workouts, and massages are important.

One without the other will have no effect. Cosmetology and surgery give a short-term and dubious effect, so it is important to follow simple rules of nutrition and exercise, and maintain the result throughout your life.


Paulina: “My story is not about instant results and not about losing an incredible amount of kilograms, but about a long journey, the search for my comfortable state, about mistakes and failures, but ultimately transformation into the person I myself was able to love.

When I was 7 years old, dramatic changes took place in my family, as a result of which I began to live with my mother and grandparents. And during this very period, a nightmare began to happen with my diet, which lasted until I was 16 years old. This is the same age when you still don’t know anything in this area and just go with the flow, “eat what they give you.” But in the end, it is not those who prepared it who have to reap the benefits, but you.

I didn’t know any cause-and-effect relationships between food and my appearance, I didn’t weigh myself and wasn’t much overweight, but the photos speak for themselves. When I was 12 years old, I simply avoided all mirrors. And these are not the laws of adolescence, but completely illiterate nutrition. A bonus was also a displaced leg fracture, which entailed a reduction in any activity to zero in principle. The consequences were not long in coming. I very keenly began to feel the attitude of the surrounding peers towards me, tied precisely to the factor of appearance.

At the age of 14, I realized that something needed to change. I started with 10-minute exercises in the morning: squats, crunches... Compared to my previous life, this gave some results. But, having entered college and feeling some freedom from home-cooked food, I began to eat a lot of sweets, and here exercises no longer saved me. My active work on nutrition and training began when I was 16 years old. This was influenced only by my desire. And it’s worth noting that I’ve never been to the gym in my life :)

Behind me, I’ve read a million articles and listened to podcasts, tried workouts and nutrition plans, undereated and overeated... And now, I’m 21, and finally I feel comfortable. The most important goal is harmony with yourself. No number on the scale can compare with lightness, love and endless energy. When your body says “thank you” for what you do for it.

Now I love running, for me it is a kind of meditation and overcoming. I have put together a home workout plan for myself, I know what foods I like and how my body reacts to them. I know when I need to eat a lot and don’t exhaust myself with all sorts of “don’t eat after six” or “8/16”. With my studies and schedule it is very difficult to do this: I often return home after 22:00.

The main conclusion that I have made over all these years is that if I change, then only for myself. Some people will still not like you. But feeling confident and loving yourself makes it possible to radiate the most beautiful light. Our body is very responsive, it just needs a little help.

I often hear a phrase from my friends when they see me with another container: “When will you start eating normally?” And at such moments I say to myself: “I’ve already started”

A set of exercises for weight loss

The figure of a pear, photos of women confirm this, sometimes has a too fat bottom, which requires special attention and increased load . But working your upper body is just as important to create beautiful body proportions.

Fat does not burn locally in the area that is problematic; here it is important to provide a load on the whole body, perform complex basic exercises for the maximum number of muscles, providing high energy costs.

Exercises for hips and legs

The most effective exercises are those that work the maximum number of muscles and joints at the same time. Basic exercises not only help strengthen muscles, but also provide fat burning during muscle recovery after such exercise. The following exercises can be performed even at home without any problems.

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