Fast diet: how to lose 5 kg in 4 days?

The most effective diets that will help you lose 4 kg in 4 days. Use ready-made diets and create your own menu for 4 days to lose weight. Reviews and results from people indicate that this is a completely feasible task!

If you plan your daily diet correctly, you can lose several kilograms in just four days. Particular attention is paid to the amount of fluid consumed and physical activity. This way you can lose 4 kilos without harming your health in the shortest possible time.

Effect and principles of the diet

The principle of the four-day diet is based on three rules:

  • acceleration of material metabolism through nutritional correction;
  • burning fat due to active exercise;
  • skin tightening thanks to special products.

Before your transformation, it is important to familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • The diet menu usually consists of one or two products. Their number is almost unlimited.
  • You need to drink at least two liters of water per day. Do this half an hour before a meal and an hour after it.
  • A light snack in the form of a glass of kefir or a vegetable will help calm your appetite.
  • It is recommended to keep a food diary with calorie counting. The norm should not exceed 1000 kcal.
  • You should get enough sleep and lead an active lifestyle.
  • You need to eat 5-6 times a day.
  • It is advisable to take vitamin complexes during weight loss.
  • Breakfast should be hearty, lunch should be complete, and dinner should be low-calorie and light.
  • It is important to exclude everything fried, smoked, liquid and sweet.

The effectiveness of such nutrition is confirmed by numerous reviews from girls and their results. The main thing is to take a comprehensive approach to solving the problem of excess weight.

You should not exhaust your body with a hunger strike and severely limit your diet. The maximum weight loss in four days is 5 kg, the optimal is 2-3 kg. Before going on a diet, it is recommended to consult with a specialist and rule out the development of diseases of the stomach and immune system.

Diet menu for 4 days

There are several types of four-day diets. The menu of some of them is dominated by a certain product.

Classic diet

A diet called “4 for 4” is guaranteed to get rid of every kilo every day. An example menu is presented in the table:

DayMorningLunchDayAfternoon snackEvening
FirstTwo eggs, coffee without sugarOrangeSoaked prunesOrange200 liters of kefir
SecondHard cheese (50 g), teaGrapefruitEggPearA glass of milk
ThirdHerb teaTomato50 grams of hard cheeseTomatoA glass of kefir
FourthMuesli with milkFresh cucumbersTomatoOrangeA glass of milk

This diet should be followed no more than once a month.

Detox diet

Detox is a cleansing weight loss technique. It was developed by American specialists and assumes the following diet:

DayMorningLunchDayAfternoon snackEvening
FirstSea kale, coffeeShrimpsUnsweetened tea, boiled pollockSea kaleGlass of water
SecondCottage cheese with bananaClean water, bananaCottage cheese and banana cocktailCurd and banana cocktailKefir
ThirdBaked apple, coffeeApple freshBaked appleFresh applesTea
FourthBuckwheat on water, teaPure waterBuckwheatBuckwheatHerb tea

On the fourth day, you should take activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight.

Summer diet

The next diet option is aimed at high consumption of fruits and vegetables, of which there are quite a lot in the summer-autumn period.

DayMorningLunchDayAfternoon snackEveningLate dinner
FirstEgg, half an orangeAppleStewed green beans with chicken breastA few pieces of pineappleSteamed vegetablesKefir
SecondEgg, half a grapefruitKefirCreamy Broccoli SoupFresh vegetablesBaked vegetablesKefir
ThirdFruit salad, herbal teaYogurtGreen beans and breastA pineappleVegetable stewKefir
FourthEgg, kefir, half an orangeFruit and berry smoothieBoiled vegetablesAppleFresh vegetablesKefir

Kefir can be replaced with fermented baked milk or yogurt. Don't forget to take multivitamins.

Kefir diet

The kefir-based diet has various modifications and helps to get rid of 3-4 kg in four days, if you follow all the restrictions. The daily dose of a dairy product should be 1.5 liters. It must be divided into six steps.

For three days you need to drink exclusively low-fat kefir and water. You are allowed to eat rye crackers once a day. On the fourth day it is permissible to drink tea and eat an apple. This is a strict diet that is not suitable for people with gastrointestinal problems and other chronic pathologies.

Strawberry diet

For people who are not allergic to strawberries, the following diet is suitable. It involves eating 1-1.5 kg of berries per day. It is acceptable to include other low-calorie foods:

DayMorningLunchDayAfternoon snackEveningLate dinner
FirstGlass of red berriesLow-fat kefirStrawberry saladGlass of strawberriesCottage cheeseKefir
Second200 g strawberriesRye breadYogurt without additives with strawberriesCabbage salad200 g strawberriesHerb tea
ThirdToast and glass of strawberriesMelon pieceStrawberry and banana smoothieBananaVegetable stew, glass of strawberriesKefir
FourthPiece of cheese, strawberryKefirVegetable saladAppleCabbage salad, strawberriesHerb tea

Going on such a diet is allowed in the absence of medical contraindications.

How to lose belly fat in 3-4 days

The best way to remove excess water from the waist area in 4 days is to remove all junk food from your diet:

  • alcohol, soda, coffee, you will also need to exclude juices, sweet drinks and milk;
  • fatty and fried foods, meat;
  • bread, legumes, cereals;
  • gas-forming products: cabbage, pasta, grapes, raisins.

The most important rule is to reduce portions. This is the only way to reduce the volume of the stomach.

In the morning the stomach is much smaller than in the evening. This is directly related to its fullness with food and liquid. Small portions help avoid food stagnation in the gastrointestinal tract.

You will have to completely give up eating in cafes. The best way to cleanse the body is clean water and fresh vegetables in large quantities (if there is no negative reaction from the body to them): zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes. And also fruits - apples, rich in pectin.

Just 3-4 days on a diet of fresh vegetables (you can include 1-2 eggs, as well as low-fat cottage cheese and kefir) can work a miracle. These products will eliminate excess water and help cleanse the body. Along with clean water, you can drink healthy drinks: water with lemon, apple water with cinnamon and ginger.

Diet options for rapid weight loss

If gastrointestinal diseases are completely absent or are in stable remission, you can try one of the fast diets: buckwheat or kefir. Ulcers, liver and kidney diseases, colitis and gastritis of any form are a contraindication to strict dietary restrictions.

Buckwheat contains a large amount of useful substances. Quick diet with this cereal:

  • for 1 day you need 500 g of fresh buckwheat porridge, steamed in the evening;
  • Prepare buckwheat this way: take 150-200 g and pour 2 cups of boiling water;
  • Eat a portion in 4-5 doses, you can drink kefir or green tea.

Another diet option is with pineapples. The fruit contains a fat-burning component – ​​bromelain. In the morning drink a glass of water with 2-3 tsp. lemon juice, and for lunch and dinner they eat ripe pineapple (greener foods are not suitable).

The kefir diet requires 1.5 liters of low-fat drink per day. With such a diet, it is better not to drink clean water in large quantities. If it is difficult to comply with strict restrictions, you can combine kefir with fruit (up to 1 kg of pears or apples per day). If fruits make your stomach bloat, it is acceptable to replace them with vegetable salads (carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, greens).

Water procedures and wraps

Sauna and hot bath stimulate the removal of excess fluid through the pores, which has a positive effect on volumes. Under the influence of steam, fats are liquefied, but it will take more than 4 days for visible results. Water treatments combine well with diet and exercise. After the bath, you can rub your stomach and sides with fat-burning creams, masks, or do body wraps.

Soda, mustard and honey will help remove 1-2 extra centimeters from the waist in one procedure. But for maximum effectiveness, they complete the full course, consisting of 10-12 sessions 1-2 times a week.

Exercises and massage for the abdomen

Physical activity cannot help in such a short time. But in combination with a diet they will give a small effect:

  • Vacuum breathing. Retracting the abdomen and holding air will tone the abdominal muscles and skin.
  • Exercise "Cat". In combination with the vacuum breathing technique, it tightens the muscles. It is performed on all fours. As you inhale, bend your back down, and as you exhale, bend your back up.
  • Exercise "Bicycle". For 3-5 minutes, lying on your back, imitate riding a bicycle, actively tensing your abdominal muscles.

You can reinforce your physical exercises with self-massage using special creams or vegetable oils. Pinching, stroking, pulling movements well tone the skin and smooth out wrinkles. You need to do it 1-2 times a day for 15 minutes. Already on the 3rd day the result will be visible: the skin will tighten a little and the volume will decrease.

It is extremely difficult to get rid of fat on the stomach and sides in 4 days, and you cannot count on great results. However, a combination of fat-burning nutrition, massage, water procedures and light physical activity can remove up to 3-4 cm from the waist within a specified period. The most effective way is salon procedures, including hardware methods.

Physical activity and additional procedures

A short-term diet combined with exercise will lead to the desired result. There is no need to exhaust yourself with training. If a person has not previously played sports and led a sedentary lifestyle, there is no need to go to the gym. It is enough to do exercises in the morning, visit the pool 2-3 times a week, and take a long walk before bed. Other physical activity is also suitable:

  • cycling or roller skating;
  • riding a skateboard, scooter;
  • dancing;
  • aerobics.

This approach will help you lose excess weight, tone your figure and strengthen muscle ligaments. To give the skin firmness and elasticity, you should carry out procedures that will help you lose a few centimeters in the sides, abdomen, buttocks and waist. These include:

  • visiting the sauna;
  • massage;
  • wraps (honey, clay, vinegar);
  • slimming cream.

As for diet pills, it is better to avoid them. Thus, by doing basic exercises, following a diet and taking care of your skin, you can lose two pairs of kilograms in just four days. The main thing is to find a suitable diet.

Fast diet: nutrition rules

The main rule of a fast diet: don’t get too carried away with it! All strict diets are a lot of stress for the body, so they should be practiced no more than 2-3 times a year. In addition, do not forget that if you quickly lose a few kilograms, at the end of the diet you risk just as quickly gaining back everything you lost, and even more. To prevent this from happening, try to gradually include other foods in your diet, continuing to limit yourself in food for some time. And it’s better to completely abandon unhealthy foods and methods of preparing them!

So, as you already understand, the duration of the fast diet is 4 days. The first day is preparatory - it allows the body to adjust to food restrictions and reduce its needs. At this time, you can eat all vegetables, except potatoes and corn, fruits, with the exception of bananas and grapes, and dietary meat - chicken breasts, turkey or lean fish. Green vegetables and citrus fruits are considered the healthiest, so if you want to achieve visible results, we recommend that you pay attention to these vegetables and fruits.

The second day is exclusively vegetable. During the day you should eat only vegetables, preferably raw, baked or steamed.

The third day is a fruit day, so stock up on fresh fruits and berries, which are available in abundance in the summer!

The fourth day of the fast diet exactly repeats the first, and it is a kind of “exit” from the diet. To remove harmful substances from the body faster, you need to drink a lot - at least 1.5–2 liters per day. Water, green tea and low-fat kefir are best for this. Drinking a glass of water or kefir before meals will reduce your appetite.

If you are hungry during a fast diet, you can also snack on permitted foods.

This simple express diet will help you lose excess weight in the shortest possible time. But before you try it, consult your doctor!

Reviews and opinions

Judging by the reviews of girls, most often they go on a four-day diet before an important event, after the New Year holidays or vacation. Some people adjust their diet to suit themselves, based on personal food preferences and food availability. The detox diet is especially popular. Thanks to it, it is possible to lose the desired weight. A bonus to getting rid of extra pounds is good health and a positive mood.

How many kg did you manage to lose in 4 days?

Most doctors believe that going on a strict diet is not worth it for those who only have four or five extra pounds. In addition, such methods give temporary results, and the weight returns after some time.

Nutritionists recommend eating fractionally on low-calorie foods, eliminating chocolate, soda, fast food and other junk foods. If you adhere to PP and engage in moderate physical activity, you can lose excess weight without harming your health in a few weeks. And then four kilograms will not become an obstacle to a slim figure.

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