Everything you need to know about the benefits and harms of oat bran

What is oat bran?

The grain of cereal crops is heterogeneous in its structure. It has a shell and a central part (endosperm) rich in starch. When grinding into flour, the husks are separated so that the product is lighter, without coarse inclusions, and preserves longer. This “waste” is nothing more than oat bran. In fact, they are a concentrate of useful compounds that oats are rich in: the shells contain up to 80-90% of proteins, fiber, mineral compounds and vitamins. Therefore, oat bran is used in cooking to enrich dishes, as a dietary supplement, for medical and cosmetic purposes.

Products made from oats are less common on sale than those made from wheat, since not so much flour is produced from a plant with “panicles”. Bran looks like a beige or light brown powder of varying degrees of grinding with a neutral odor and taste, which allows you to add it to salty and sweet dishes.

Important! Bran should not be confused with the husk (sex), which is formed during threshing of grain; they are obtained at flour mills, and not in the fields.

How are they different from oatmeal?

Difference between oat bran and oatmeal.
Oats are processed into various products. To obtain flour, only the central part of the grain, where there is the most starch, is used. The shells are completely removed, since they are rich in fat and lead to rapid rancidity of the flour. In this case, the husk yield is up to 20%.

Flakes are obtained by processing whole grains that have undergone peeling - removing only the top films. The cereal is first steamed and then flattened. Hercules and bran differ in appearance, manufacturing technology, and chemical composition. Cereals contain more starch and less dietary fiber, lower fat content and other nutrients. But they are better digestible, are a staple product, have a more delicate taste and texture, and can be consumed in significant quantities.

Shredded husks are a good addition to the diet; they contain a higher concentration of fiber, macro- and microelements, and vitamins. Oat bran should be taken in small dosages, otherwise it will be harmful. Ground shells are contraindicated for certain diseases, while viscous porridge from Hercules is included in almost all dietary tables.

Composition and nutritional value

If we compare oats with other grains, they have a higher content of phosphorus and vitamin B1. In terms of fat concentration among grain crops, it has no equal. Since all valuable components except starch are concentrated in hard shells, they are a very nutritious product.

Table. Nutritional value of oat bran

SubstancesContent, g per 100 g
Alimentary fiber15

The proteins of the rough grain shells contain many essential amino acids. Fats are mostly unsaturated, there are omega-3, omega-6, omega-9.

The calorie content of 100 g of oat bran is 250 kcal.

Table. Nutrient content

NutrientsContent mg ​​per 100 g
Thiamine (B1)1,2
Pantothenic acid (B5)1,5
Pyridoxine (B6)1,2
Tocopherol (E)1,2
Folic acid (B9)52 mcg
Nicotinic acid (PP, B3)0.9 mcg
Selenium45 mcg
Copper400 mcg

What is oat bran

A by-product of making flour. However, this does not mean that it should be sent to animal feed. The main advantage of the product is fiber, presented in an easily soluble form. What is oat bran? The shell of the grain, which is removed before flour milling. It contains all the useful and biologically active substances of the cereal given by nature. The structure of the shell is similar to small sawdust. The color varies from brown to cream, depending on the grind. Oat bran flour is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins PP, E, B9, B6, B2, B1.

Benefits and harms for the human body

The abundance of nutrients makes oat bran a valuable addition to the diet. But in significant quantities they can have a negative effect. The harm of oat bran is mainly associated with fiber.

Talitsa. Positive and negative effects on health

  • cleanse from toxins, waste, heavy metals;
  • improve the functioning of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract, relieve constipation;
  • lower cholesterol levels;
  • have a low GI, reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood;
  • activate metabolic processes;
  • promote weight loss;
  • act as a source of many nutrients and prevent their deficiency;
  • have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair.
  • cause flatulence;
  • make you feel worse due to inflammation in the intestines and act as an irritant;
  • interfere with the absorption of medications (when taken simultaneously);
  • promote calcium excretion in older people.

Pure oats, grown and processed without the admixture of any other grains, do not contain gluten and are allowed for celiac disease (gluten intolerance).

Benefits of oat bran

  • Today, oat bran has become very popular, and this is not surprising. After all, they contain many vitamins A, E, B and microelements: zinc, phosphorus, honey, potassium and many other substances useful for our body.
  • Oat bran is also useful for people with diabetes, as it helps eliminate cholesterol and increase glucose. They slow down the absorption of fat and sugar into the blood, which is also important.
  • The absorbent effect of bran helps remove all waste and toxins from the body, thanks to the content of beta-glucans, which, when released into the gastrointestinal tract, remove all chemicals.
  • But the main advantage for those losing weight is the fiber contained in bran, which helps speed up metabolism and burns fat. And also thanks to the swelling of bran in the stomach, it is possible to control your appetite.

Daily intake

In order for bran to bring only benefits and not cause any disruptions in the body, you should use them in moderation. The daily intake should not exceed 30 g; it is better to divide this amount into 2-3 doses.

They can be washed down with water or mixed with fermented milk drinks, added to various dishes, baked goods, or cooked porridge. At the same time, you must drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day, otherwise constipation may occur due to the abundance of dietary fiber.

Oat bran should be introduced into the diet in small portions so that the body gradually gets used to it. Start with 1 tsp. per day, tracking your well-being.

How to take oat bran for weight loss

Despite the fairly high calorie content, oat bran is recommended for weight loss. They have a positive effect for several reasons:

  • grain shells supply the body with essential minerals and vitamins, proteins and healthy fats, thereby preventing their deficiency in a limited diet;
  • dietary fiber makes the intestines work more actively and improves its microflora;
  • fiber works like a whisk, cleansing the body of everything “extra”: toxins, waste, heavy metals, bad cholesterol;
  • the product has a positive effect on metabolic processes, food is digested faster;
  • Due to swelling with water or other liquids, fibers fill the stomach, they provide a feeling of fullness for a long time.

The simplest and most effective way to use them is to give yourself a moderate cleansing, dividing it into three periods:

  1. 1st phase. It lasts 2 weeks. During this time, 1 tsp is needed daily. bran, pour 70 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Drain off any liquid that is not absorbed. Divide the resulting viscous mass into three doses and eat it during the day separately from other foods. During this period, the body will get used to the product.
  2. Phase 2. It is also designed for 2 weeks. The dosage of bran should be increased to 2 tsp, pour 100 ml of boiling water over it. The resulting volume of product is also divided into 3 parts and consumed throughout the day.
  3. Phase 3. It is longer, lasting 2 months. During this period, with each main meal (three times a day), you need to eat 2 tsp. bran, washed down with water or mixed with yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir.

It is good to practice this cleanse twice a year to maintain your weight at an optimal level. Naturally, husks will benefit your figure and help you get rid of extra pounds, if you give up fatty foods and fast food. As for sweets, according to reviews from those who took bran for weight loss, they reduce the craving for sweets, starchy foods and all sorts of other “sweets.”

Oat bran - benefits and harm. How to take for weight loss and health

Having familiarized yourself with the composition of this product, it is not difficult to guess how much our body needs it. Therefore, you need to use this product at least from time to time in order to make the work of the digestive organs a little easier.

It is especially important to use this supplement after the holidays. And the point here is not only about excess weight, the cat needs to get rid of it.

As a rule, we overeat during the holidays, and we only eat unhealthy foods. In this regard, the digestive system is not always able to cope on its own.

The use of oat bran will help get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, as well as cope with constipation, which is also not uncommon in such situations.

Coarse fibers easily remove from the intestines all the harmful substances that have accumulated during the holidays. It should be noted that such a product also helps cleanse the liver, which has also suffered a lot during this time.

Thus, we completely cleanse our body of everything “unnecessary”, which means that the functioning of the digestive system is gradually normalized. With the acceleration of metabolism, the process of losing weight, which we so need, also accelerates.

Among other things, oat bran brings other benefits to the body:

✔ Fiber helps cope with occasional constipation. Coarse fibers are not digested by the stomach, which means they are not processed in any way. In the intestines they swell, absorbing all the liquid, along with which excess cholesterol and other toxins are absorbed. Thus, the body is cleansed naturally.

✔ The same fiber comes to the rescue in case of high cholesterol. It is eliminated from the body in a timely manner, which prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.

✔ In the fight against excess weight, such bran plays an important role. And all this thanks to fiber, which not only normalizes intestinal function, but also provides a feeling of satiety. Timely cleansing of the intestines prevents nutrients from turning into fat deposits.

✔ The vitamins contained in the supplement not only improve the quality of work of many organs, but also strengthen the immune system. The latter is achieved due to the high content of ascorbic acid.

✔ Elements such as magnesium and potassium are quite useful for the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Oat bran for weight loss - against extra pounds

Some time ago, such a supplement was perceived solely as a means of helping to cope with problems in the digestive system. But today, with its help, many overweight women are losing weight.

In fact, only a properly functioning body can cope with extra pounds, which only complicate your life. By improving the functioning of your digestive system, you can immediately cope with the problem of excess weight.

This supplement not only normalizes your metabolism, but also gives you a feeling of satiety, which allows you to stop eating your usual food for a while.

  1. Fiber improves intestinal motility, which is often disrupted due to disruptions in food intake. The faster undigested food leaves our body, the less fat will have time to be deposited during this time.
  1. Coarse fiber allows us to feel full for quite a long time. This protects us from unnecessary snacking on unhealthy foods, which is precisely why our figure suffers. This option is ideal for those who constantly feel hungry and “chew on the go.”
  1. Nutrients normalize the functioning of not only the intestines, but also all organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, you will no longer be bothered by stomach diseases or frequent constipation.
  1. This supplement not only removes all undigested food that has not yet left you, but also cleanses the intestines of toxins that poison our body. It will be much easier for a cleansed body to say goodbye to excess weight.
  1. Oat bran is a low-calorie product, unlike oatmeal, which is considered quite high in calories. That is why we eat oatmeal for breakfast. Bran will not do any harm to your figure, and will even help make it more attractive.

How to take oat bran correctly

If your goal is to get rid of extra pounds, then you need to learn a few rules, without which you will not be able to achieve the desired result.

In order to get the figure you have always dreamed of in a short period of time, you need:

✔ Drink as much water as possible. Experts usually recommend drinking about three liters of purified liquid. The fact is that coarse fibers absorb a huge amount of liquid, thereby dehydrating the body. We should maintain water balance so that the process of losing weight does not cause any harm to the body.

✔ Take a maximum of three tablespoons of the product per day. If you exceed the daily norm, you may feel heaviness in your stomach, accompanied by gas and even diarrhea.

✔ Try to gradually accustom yourself to taking such a remedy. And for this, you should take short breaks between taking such bran. It is better not to consume them on an ongoing basis, because coarse fibers, in addition to sugar and fat, do not allow the absorption of other nutrients that are quite important for the body. This can lead to a decrease in immunity, which will lead to various diseases.

If you are determined to cope with everything you “ate” during the holidays, then nutritionists recommend replacing one of your meals with bran and kefir. It is still advisable to take this supplement for breakfast in order to feel full all day.

But in order not to feel the need to “chew something” in the near future, it is better to turn the bran into a full-fledged dish in advance. That is, the bran must be saturated with moisture in advance.

  1. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of bran and leave for about half an hour.
  1. Drain the remaining liquid, if any.
  1. Add the resulting pulp to the selected dish.

This product can be added to any dish that you prepare every day. You can limit yourself to a glass of kefir with bran, or you can prepare delicious diet pancakes with this additive. It doesn't matter which method you choose.

If you don't like kefir, you can replace it with fruit yogurt. This deliciousness will definitely make the weight loss process more enjoyable. At the same time, you can supplement the cocktail with various fresh fruits and a small spoon of honey.


Of course, such a product will definitely not cause you serious harm, but it can still cause some inconvenience. Such bran is not recommended for use by people who suffer from digestive diseases such as gastritis or ulcers.

In addition, the use of such a drug is prohibited during an exacerbation of one of the diseases.

Consuming the product for a long period of time can lead to vitamin deficiency, which will not have the best effect on your immunity.

How to choose oat bran correctly

We are unlikely to be able to look inside a sealed package or taste the product in a supermarket, so we will have to evaluate the product by its packaging. To do this, we should pay attention to:

✔ Packaging that must be tightly closed and not have any damage.

✔ Appearance. After shaking the package, you should hear the bran scattering inside the package. This is a sign of quality products. Under no circumstances should the bran stick together.

Product storage rules

Having purchased oat bran that meets all your requirements, you need to make sure that its beneficial substances are preserved for a long time. After opening the package, pour them into a glass jar, which is tightly closed with a lid.

The product must be stored in the refrigerator. So, you will not only preserve all its beneficial substances, but also protect it from pests that usually appear in cereals.

As we have already understood, in order to get rid of excess weight, it is not necessary to follow strict diets, which in the end will only harm your health.

It’s enough just to add oat bran to your usual diet - the benefits and harms, how to take it, and you will immediately feel the extra pounds begin to fall off. Every housewife should have such a product in her kitchen, especially when the holidays are around the corner.

Beneficial properties for diseases

The rich mineral and vitamin composition and abundance of fiber make bran a valuable product with which many diseases can be treated. It is worth taking cereal husks in courses of 10-14 days, then take a break for the same amount of time, after which you can repeat the treatment.


Before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor.

For diabetes

The glycemic index of oat bran is only 15 units. They not only do not increase glucose levels, but lower them, without overloading the pancreas.

Taking into account the fact that the product promotes weight loss, and diabetes is often accompanied by excess weight, such crushed husks should be included in the diet for this disease. You can steam the oat product with boiling water or mix it with dairy products and add it to salads. You should not take more than 20 g per day.

For gastritis

In the acute phase of this disease, bran is contraindicated, especially in dry form, since its coarse fibers irritate the gastric mucosa. During the period of remission, they should be included in porridges, soups, and brewed to a viscous mass using finely ground oat powder.

For pancreatitis

With pancreatitis, the situation is exactly the same as with gastritis: in case of acute attacks, a very strict diet is recommended, bran is prohibited. A week after the exacerbation, when the disease becomes chronic, a decoction of oats can be introduced into the diet. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey to it.

It is also good to use bran when baking homemade bread, but their amount should not be more than 20% of the volume of dry ingredients. The bread should be well dried.

For colitis

For colitis, you should start eating oat bran with 1 tsp. per day, gradually increase the dosage over the course of a week to 3 tsp. You can take them in dry form, mix them with kefir, or brew them like porridge. The main thing is to drink at least 2.5-3 liters of fluid per day.

For constipation

Dietary fiber is the best stimulant for the intestines, so bran is an excellent remedy for constipation. They improve microflora. However, it is important to take them steamed or drink plenty of water, drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, otherwise you may get the opposite effect.

1 tbsp is enough. pour 100 ml of boiling water, divide the resulting slurry into 3 doses. Practice this healing course for 2 weeks.

For high cholesterol

One of the most correct ways to get rid of high cholesterol, plaques, and restore blood vessels strength and elasticity is to review your diet. This is especially important after 40 years. It’s difficult to get enough fiber from your regular diet, so it’s worth including bran from oats.

It is this variety that has a gentle and gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes the functioning of the gallbladder. Dietary fiber promotes the removal of bile acids and cholesterol, and activates the production of lipase for the active breakdown of fats.

For liver diseases

The liver is the main organ that accumulates and neutralizes toxins. Oat bran acts as a natural sorbent; it cleanses the liver well of various harmful compounds and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gallbladder.

If you take steamed bran (30 g in 200 ml of boiling water) in small portions throughout the day for a course of 2 weeks, the bitter taste in the morning will disappear, and your face will be cleared of rashes.

Consumption of oat bran for various body conditions

In some conditions of the body, the use of oat bran has its own characteristics, which should not be neglected, especially if they are included independently in the diet. Some of them are listed below. If you do not belong to any category, then it is better to consult a doctor, since this article is not a guide to action.


The benefit of oat bran for a pregnant woman lies not only in the prevention of constipation, which so often accompanies the period of bearing a child. The product contains a lot of iron, which prevents the occurrence of anemia. The detoxifying property will help reduce the likelihood of the development of congenital pathologies in the unborn baby, as it will remove toxins from the mother’s body.

Oat bran will help prevent the development of obesity in both a pregnant woman and her child. In addition, their consumption improves the digestive process, which means that the body will receive more useful substances from the food eaten.

Important! Oat bran should be included in the diet during pregnancy strictly after consulting a specialist, since she should not have any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in acute form.


In order to bring benefit rather than harm, oat bran during breastfeeding should be introduced into the diet of a nursing woman gradually. The baby should already be one month old. You should start with half a teaspoon, and then carefully monitor the baby's condition. If there is no allergic reaction, there are no problems with bowel movements, and the child feels great, then you can continue.

Experts advise taking the product before feeding (but also three times a day). In this case, the nutritional compounds will have time to be included in breast milk. They help normalize stool, reduce bloating, and have a positive effect on the nervous system. For mom, bran from oat grains will be as useful as it is for all people in general.


Children can also be given oat bran, which will have the same effect on their physical and mental state as on adults. However, they can be introduced from 10 months.

  • 10 months. Start giving the child 0.5 tsp. per day, gradually increasing to full. You cannot introduce a dry product; it must first be boiled for 10 minutes, and then the resulting water must be divided into three doses. The decoction is prepared at the rate of 100 ml of water per teaspoon of bran.
  • One year. At this age, the baby can no longer have a liquid component, but a pulp. In this case, the bran is not boiled, but simply poured with boiling water and left for half an hour. The daily dosage of the dry product is increased by half a teaspoon.
  • Three years. You can increase the daily volume to 2-2.5 spoons.
  • 10 years and older. Children can consume three teaspoons of bran per day, depending on their age.


For each disease, the use of oat bran will also vary.

  • If you have pancreatitis, you should not take the product in dry form, or during an exacerbation of the disease. When the acute period subsides, the bran (30 g) is crushed through a coffee grinder, boiled for ten minutes in 0.5 liters of water, and then drunk throughout the day.
  • If you are concerned about constipation, then you need to follow a drinking regime while taking bran, drinking about 3 liters of water. The daily dosage can be from 1 to 3 tablespoons.
  • Oat bran for gastritis can be taken only during the period of remission, and only in its swollen form. It should be taken into account that if there is high acidity, heartburn may occur after consumption.
  • For cholecystitis, bran will be useful as a means of increasing the flow of bile and reducing cholesterol levels. You need to drink them a teaspoon after the acute process subsides. Can be brewed or washed down.

Benefits during pregnancy and breastfeeding

If a woman tolerates Hercules normally, then bran will also not harm her during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If you do not exceed the daily norm of 30 g, then the product will bring a lot of benefits, it has no contraindications. It provides the body with minerals and vitamins, for which the need is increased during this period. Ground husks will also save you from constipation.

After childbirth, bran should be included in the diet gradually, monitoring the baby's reaction. However, intolerance to oats is very rare; they do not contain gluten and are used in baby food. After consultation with a pediatrician, bran can be given to babies in the form of a decoction from 10 months.

Safety and harm

Oat bran has low allergenic activity and does not contain gluten, to which allergies are extremely common (especially in infants).

But even oat bran has contraindications and can cause harm to health in certain situations.

The most common side effects when used are:

  1. Dyspeptic disorders. Caused by an overload of the digestive system with fiber, which leads to activation of the processes of rotting and fermentation, disorganization of the smooth muscles. Disorders manifest themselves in the form of: diarrhea or constipation, nausea, increased gas formation, cramping pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Exacerbation or worsening of chronic diseases. Oat bran contains substances that cause irritation to the mucous membranes of the digestive system. If consumed in excess, they can cause symptoms of gastritis, duodenitis, and peptic ulcers.

The maximum daily intake for a person is 60 grams of bran. If the dosage is observed, the risk of side effects is minimal.

At the same time, oat bran is recommended to be included in the menu of women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. They normalize peristalsis, which is often disrupted due to the pressure of the uterus on the intestinal walls, and also provide the fetus with many valuable nutrients.

Oat bran, despite a lot of positive qualities, can have side effects on the body. It is recommended to be careful when including this product in your diet.

Who should not use it

Bran, especially coarsely ground bran, is irritating to the intestines. They are contraindicated in case of inflammation and ulcers, during exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, pancreatitis.

The fiber contained in the product acts almost as a sorbent. When consumed in significant quantities, it is capable of removing not only harmful, but also beneficial substances from the body. Therefore, you should not get carried away with the product if you have a mineral deficiency and in old age, so as not to provoke osteoporosis.

Not everyone tolerates this component well in large quantities. In some people, the body reacts with increased gas formation, diarrhea, constipation, and nausea. In such cases, you should reduce the dosage of bran or stop taking it altogether and consult a doctor.

Application in cosmetology

In addition to ingestion, ground husk can be used externally. It provides nutrition to hair and skin, works as a scrub, cleanses well, but at the same time has a gentle effect due to the ability of oats and water to form mucus. Here are some ways to use oat bran for beauty:

  • Hair Mask. In equal quantities you should take ground husks, any vegetable oil, honey and aloe pulp. Leave the mixture on your hair for 20 minutes, wrapping your head in film. Rinse off with warm water and shampoo. The mask makes hair soft, nourishes it, and evens it out.
  • Scrub for cleansing skin. The bran must be mixed with water to form a paste. Moisten your face and rub the skin with this mixture, lightly massaging for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Mask for the face. They are universal, nourishes the skin, refreshes. Prepared from 1 tbsp. honey and the same amount of bran, 1 tsp. lemon juice. This mixture must be kept on the face for 20 minutes, rinse with water.
  • Peeling. The easiest way to make it is to add a little bran to your facial wash or shower gel. Gentle exfoliation is guaranteed. The skin after such peeling will be very soft and pleasant to the touch.
  • Bran bath. To soften the skin, just put a gauze bag (bundle) with 200 g of oatmeal in the bath. Take such baths twice a week.

When using bran for cosmetic purposes, do not store it in the bathroom. Due to high humidity, they will quickly begin to clump, they may develop a musty smell and mold.

How to make oat bran at home

Bran is made at flour mills by removing the top hard shells from the threshed grain. Unfortunately, this product cannot be obtained at home. There is no such equipment or technology to remove only the top part from the grain. Therefore, the only option is to buy in a store or order online. Moreover, such a dietary supplement is inexpensive.

Simply grinding the oats is also not an option, since it will not be possible to separate the shells: a blender or coffee grinder will crumble everything together. Whole grain powder contains more starch, it is not bran, but whole grain flour.

The best recipes using oat bran

Reviews from those who have tried adding bran to dishes are only positive: they do not taste at all, but at the same time provide a feeling of satiety. To do this, you must always use a fresh product, without any trace of rancidity or mustiness.

The shelf life of bran is 4-6 months, therefore you should not buy it in large quantities.

Bran with kefir

This is one of the simplest and most popular recipes among those who are losing weight: tasty, fast and effective. You need to take:

  • 1 glass of low-fat kefir;
  • 1 tbsp. oat bran.

All you have to do is let the mixture sit for 10-15 minutes and you can drink it. This cocktail is useful to drink in the morning instead of breakfast or in the evening, or even at night. For taste, it’s good to add a little herbs and a pinch of ground pepper.

Hearty porridge

Oat bran porridge is very similar in preparation to brewing Hercules. Those who eat this dish in the morning protect themselves from cardiovascular pathologies. It will require the following ingredients:

  • 200 ml of milk (milk half with water, vegetable drink);
  • 1 tbsp. bran obtained from oats.

To prepare a portion of healthy porridge for breakfast, just add oat powder to boiling milk, stir and cook for exactly 2 minutes. Remove from heat and let steep for another 3-5 minutes. To begin with, porridge can be made from husks mixed half and half with flakes. To improve the taste, it’s good to add dried fruits or nuts and a little honey.


To ensure that the pancakes are not bland, you should cook them with the addition of dairy products. They make a hearty breakfast or lunch.


  • 1 pack (200 g) cottage cheese;
  • 150 ml kefir or white yogurt;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 160 g bran;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • a pinch of salt.

The easiest way to mix the dough is in a blender. To do this, just beat all the ingredients until smooth, and then fry the pancakes on both sides in a non-stick frying pan. Serve warm with berries or banana slices and honey.

With cottage cheese

A healthy and satisfying quick breakfast option. It will require:

  • 200 g cottage cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. sour cream or yogurt;
  • 2 tsp sugar or honey;
  • 3 tsp oat bran.

Grind all ingredients until smooth or mix in a blender. For a brighter taste, you can add a little coconut, steamed dried apricots or raisins. Even children enjoy eating this sweet mass. It is also good to add ground husks to cottage cheese casserole and cheesecakes.

Which is better: oat, wheat or rye bran

All types of bran are a useful addition to the diet, since it is in the grain shells that valuable components are concentrated. Wheat and rye are record holders for fiber content - more than 40% (15% in oatmeal), so they are more in demand for cleansing the intestines and losing weight. However, if you are not used to it, the body may react poorly to such a high dose of dietary fiber. Therefore, it is best to start “acquaintance” with bran with oat bran. They have a gentler effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

They are also preferable if you need to make your diet more complete in vitamin and mineral composition. If you are gluten intolerant, rye and wheat bran should not be consumed because they contain gluten. Oatmeal with a special Gluten Free marking is allowed for celiac disease.

Oat bran - contraindications

Any excess can be harmful to health. If you consume fiber without measure, it is easy to get long-term gastrointestinal upset and other troubles. It is also not recommended to consume oat shells for people with inflammation of the digestive system. Absolute contraindications for oat bran are gastritis or ulcers in the acute phase, adhesions or erosions on the gastric mucosa. You should not take medications while consuming fiber, since it absorbs all the active substances from them. The interval between doses should be at least six hours.

What can you replace oat bran with?

If you are not allergic to gluten, then you can use wheat bran instead of oat bran: they are the most common, they are easy to find on sale even in supermarkets, and they are inexpensive. Also in stores you can find rye, less often corn. They will come in handy with proper nutrition. If your main goal is weight loss, then any plant fiber is a good alternative. It is even more useful for cleansing the intestines, since it does not contain fat, has less calories and is practically not absorbed.

Oat bran is included in the Dukan diet. If you don’t like their taste, it’s difficult to find them on sale, then with this food system it is allowed to use green (not fried) buckwheat, ground in a coffee grinder, up to 2 tbsp, instead of cereal husks. powder per day.

The benefits of oat bran are enormous. They take care of the health of the gastrointestinal tract, providing the body with necessary nutrients: proteins, microelements, vitamins, fiber. In a culinary sense, it is a versatile ingredient that can be added to drinks, savory dishes and baked goods. But you should not exceed the permissible daily dose, otherwise the benefit will quickly turn into harm.

Oat bran - benefits

Passing through the gastrointestinal tract, fiber works comprehensively, sweeping away everything unnecessary and superfluous. They nourish the body with useful elements, and then leave it and take away with it a whole lump of dirt, helping to cleanse the intestines of toxins. The benefits of oat bran cannot be overestimated. This wonderful product swells in the stomach, quickly causing a feeling of fullness, which is why it is successfully used in dietetics. Fiber prevents fats from being absorbed and deposited as it stimulates peristalsis.

The body, cleansed of toxins, spends energy much more actively. Benefits of regularly consuming oat hulls:

  • slowing down calorie absorption;
  • removal of cholesterol;
  • purgation;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • improvement of immunity.
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