Chicken cutlets. Calories, steamed in the oven. How to cook, use in diets, how much you can eat

Nutritional value, calorie content of chicken cutlets

Chicken cutlet (calorie content and nutritional value per 100 g are indicated below) contains the following amount of BJU:

Belkov24.05 g35% of the average daily value
Zhirov6.68 g9% of the average daily value
Carbohydrates5.73 g2% of the average daily value
Calorie content185.20 kcal (767 kJ)9.5% of the average daily value

The average daily value is based on a diet of 2000 kcal per day. The correlation of fats, carbohydrates and proteins shows a large amount of protein, above average - fat, and all this with a low-calorie dish. Chicken meat in general is a dietary food product that can also saturate the body.

Nutritional value, calorie content of chicken cutlets

The content of minced meat is rich in various vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • several vitamins from group B – B1, B6, B 9 and B12;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • calcium.

It contains selenium, iron, zinc and manganese in small quantities.

As you can clearly see, the main benefit of chicken cutlets is their balanced composition. The high content of glutamine, coupled with vitamin B3, slows down the aging of body cells, saturating them, and also restores and strengthens the nervous system. Iron in chicken meat improves blood circulation, blood clotting and the entire circulatory system as a whole.

Cartilage, which is often added to minced chicken, is a rich source of calcium, which, in turn, strengthens and maintains bone tissue and joint elements of the body, ensuring less wear and tear by retirement age. In addition, chicken contains a huge amount of protein, and therefore vitamins and minerals are absorbed faster and easier, and the protein itself nourishes the body.

And all this with a relatively low calorie content. Nutritionists and doctors advise adding minced chicken dishes to the diet: for children, athletes, and older people. It is useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, gastritis, diabetes and in specialized diets, as well as during times of weakening of the body, for example, during the period after surgery.

With thoughtful and moderate consumption of chicken cutlets, there will be no harm to the body. It is only important that the product itself (minced meat) is fresh and of high quality, without harmful ingredients. If you are allergic to chicken meat, dishes made from minced chicken, and cutlets in particular, are contraindicated, otherwise an allergic reaction will occur.

Composition of nutrients, BJU

Chicken cutlet

For quantity: 100 grams
— 290
Calories from fat - 178
Total fat content19.81g
Total carbohydrate content13.22g
Dietary fiber0.75g
Vitamins and microelements
A - 5.5 µgC - 0mg
B-6 – 0.17 mgB-12 - 0.26mcg
D - 0.3 µgE - 1.23 mg
Calcium 20 µgIron 0.94 mg
Magnesium 24.5 mgZinc 1mg
Potassium 254 mgSodium 525 mg

Distribution of calories for BJU:

Carbohydrates (19%)

Fats (61%)

Proteins (20%)

Recommendations for using chicken cutlets in diets

A chicken cutlet, whose calorie content is low, and whose satiety and taste are familiar and pleasant, is a very popular and effective option for losing weight, whether it is getting rid of excess weight for a comfortable life, or a slight correction of the figure.

Recommendations for using chicken cutlets in diets

Cutlets in general are a dish that is constantly present in the human diet, and replacing meat with chicken, which in itself is dietary, and changing the cooking method from fried to steamed, will keep this dish on every table. It is important that when steaming, a greater amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals is retained, and the availability of calories is reduced significantly.

Cooking in the oven and slow cooker is also quite popular, and has the same properties as steam cutlets. For example, a variant of preparing Dukan, which combines, in addition to chopped chicken breast: oat bran, eggs, onions and milk.

All this is subsequently mixed in a blender and brought to its final form in the oven - as a result, a delicate taste, and compliance with the diet and satiety of your stomach.

The main thing, as with everything, is not to overeat; two or three medium-sized cutlets with a classic dietary side dish, like rice, will be enough for almost any person. And, preferably, no flour, that is, bread and buns, during meals and throughout the diet.

Stewed chicken cutlet ingredients

Minced chicken, raw700 g
Bulb onions100 g
Table salt5 g
Ground black pepper5 g

combine the ingredients, form into cutlets and simmer in a frying pan with a little water

Nutritional value and chemical composition of “stewed chicken cutlet”.

The energy value of a stewed chicken cutlet is 130.2 kcal.

Primary Source: Created in the application by the user. Read more.

** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the “My Healthy Diet” application.

How to choose ingredients for chicken cutlets

First of all, minced meat.

If it is produced at home, then it is important that the chicken meat is fresh and of high quality, preferably without any third-party additives to increase shelf life. Appearance can say a lot - the carcass should have a rounded breast, but proportional to the size of the other limbs, the brightly enlarged chicken breast indicates that it was raised on hormones.

How to choose ingredients for chicken cutlets

The chicken must be perfectly plucked and cleaned; any surface defects are not allowed: scratches, bruises, broken bones, missing legs, blood clots. The color is only light pink, which indicates the young age of the chicken, and, accordingly, tender, soft meat.

When purchasing at different food markets, the buyer can feel the carcass, namely lightly press on it, and if the shape is not quickly restored, then the meat is not the first freshness. Well, the last thing is the smell.

The chicken carcass should smell pleasant and not give rise to dubious associations. If a person buys chicken meat already in the form of minced meat, you should pay attention to its consistency - it should be a thick, whole, homogeneous mass, without a large amount of white inclusions (fat).

If the product is:

  • unusual, grayish or dull pink skin tone;
  • dark, cloudy juice, even in small quantities, released from the meat;
  • rotten, sour smell, then it is clearly not worth buying.

Also, there should be no remains of bones or cartilage, otherwise this indicates poor cleaning of the meat.

But an appetizing, juicy appearance does not mean that what is in front of your eyes is good, natural minced meat. Therefore, you should carefully read the composition on the package to see if there are any kinds of meat substitutes, stabilizers, preservatives and dyes. Last, but not least, is the manufacturing date and expiration date of the product.

Choosing the “right” minced meat

When buying minced meat, pay attention to its appearance, and most importantly, its color. A good product has a light pink tint. It is not overly liquid in structure. If you see that there are a lot of so-called white inclusions in the minced meat, it means that it has been frozen several times, and this product may also contain artificial impurities that are harmful to health. The gray color of the minced meat and the unpleasant sour smell “warn” us that it has been “staying” on the display case for quite a long time, that is, it is far from fresh.

On a note! It is better to buy chilled minced meat rather than frozen. If you receive a frozen product, defrost it naturally - place it on the top shelf of the refrigerator in the evening until completely thawed.

But the highest quality minced meat is homemade. To prepare it, choose chicken breast. It should be light pink, naturally, without any foreign odors. Touch the breast lightly - if it's fresh, it won't leave a sticky residue on your hands.

The breast is washed, stripped of film and passed through a meat grinder. You can simply chop the meat pulp into small pieces.

Secrets of cooking chicken cutlets

A few small but important tips for preparing low-calorie chicken cutlets:

  1. Don't overdo it with the amount of ingredients. The main ingredients in minced chicken are eggs, minced meat and onions, and sometimes skim milk. It is important to use all this in reasonable proportions, otherwise you won’t get a whole and tasty dish. For example, no more than 4 eggs are used for 1,200 g of minced meat.
  2. What can you add to enhance the taste? Slices of bread, pre-soaked in skim milk, give the minced meat juiciness and elasticity, including onions, which add a special flavor. Also, some cooks place zucchini or carrots in the minced meat. If there is little fat in the total mass, you should add a couple of teaspoons of butter.
  3. No chicken skin. For perfect chicken cutlets, use skinless meat as it contains a lot of fat.
  4. Beaten minced meat. After beating the minced meat, the cutlets become more whole and tender.
  5. Give it time. After cooking the cutlets while still raw, you can let them sit in the refrigerator for 40-45 minutes. During this time, the meat juice will be absorbed into other ingredients, which will have a positive effect on the taste.
  6. Breading. In order for the cutlets to have an appetizing, juicy crust, they need to be rolled in flour on both sides, in sesame seeds, or in ground breadcrumbs. This will also add additional taste.
  7. Spices. You can add any spices according to your taste preferences, including onions, parsley and dill.
  8. Roasting process. It is recommended to quickly fry chicken cutlets over low-medium heat so that not much meat juice has time to leak out.

Dietary properties of chicken meat

Chicken meat is the most dietary type of meat product. Almost all types of dietary food use boiled chicken fillet for weight loss menus:

  • Chicken meat contains a large amount of proteins and essential amino acids, which, when consumed correctly, allows you to produce the necessary energy and burn excess fat deposits.
  • Chicken fillet is very popular for athletes who dry their bodies.
  • There are fasting days during which it is recommended to eat only one boiled chicken.
  • In addition, it should be noted that chicken fillet contains a large amount of useful vitamins and minerals, which are extremely necessary during the diet.

The dangers of chicken

In addition to all the beneficial qualities, chicken meat has some disadvantages:

  • Chicken skin contains high amounts of cholesterol
  • Chicken meat purchased at the store may contain toxic substances that are absorbed by the bird along with the feed.
  • In cases of incomplete cooking of chicken meat, an allergic reaction and stomach discomfort may develop.
  • If you have protein intolerance, chicken meat has contraindications.

In other cases, chicken meat is not only a healthy product, but also tasty, which is used for preparing various dishes.

Chicken meat is a dietary product and is widely used in all dietary methods of nutrition.

Those who like to feast on meat dishes should know that the optimal diet is a chicken cutlet, the calorie content of which is much lower than that of pork or beef. In this case, it matters whether the breast or other parts of the chicken are used.

The benefits of chicken meat

Chicken meat is useful for people with weak stomachs, as well as those who have problems with the gallbladder and liver. Of course, if you are watching your figure, then these cutlets will be optimal. At the same time, you need to know that using chicken skin in minced meat is not advisable. Firstly, it increases the amount of fat and cholesterol in the product, and secondly, it affects its taste. Chicken breast is considered more dietary, but the legs and other parts of the carcass will make the cutlets more nutritious.

White chicken meat contains:

  • protein and protein;
  • vitamins PP and B5;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • copper.

It is worth saying that poultry is more sinewy and its meat contains less fat than chicken raised on a poultry farm, so the calorie content of a cutlet made from such minced chicken will be lower, and the meat itself will be more healthy and nutritious.

Calorie content of chicken cutlets

If you use the classic recipe for preparing a chicken cutlet, its calorie content will be no more than 190 -220 kcal per hundred grams of product. At the same time, only fillet, egg, salt, pepper and a little bread were used in the recipe. When adding semolina or cream to the recipe, the cholesterol and calorie content will increase significantly. The energy value of cutlets will be distributed as follows: proteins - 18.2 g, and fats - 10.4 g.

Calorie content of steamed chicken cutlets

When using vegetable oil for frying, the fat and cholesterol content increases significantly, therefore, this product is not recommended for use by people with gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, if you are watching your health and figure, it is best to cook cutlets using steam. Steamed chicken cutlets have a calorie content that is half that of frying. So, 100 grams of food contains 120 kcal. The nutritional value of steamed cutlets will be: about 20 g of protein, and only 3.2 g of fat.

If you want a chicken cutlet to have a calorie content of no more than 120 kcal, then steam it and do not add additional ingredients to the minced meat, but use only an egg to hold it together.

In this article we will talk about chicken cutlets and their calorie content, depending on the cooking method. Let's discuss how they can be used for weight loss, and provide several detailed recipes describing the manufacturing process.

For each of these recipes, you can easily prepare this dish at home. We will also consider the chemical composition and nutritional value of the product.

Chicken cutlet recipes

Chopped chicken cutlets

Usually, chicken breast cutlets turn out somewhat dry, but if you use minced meat correctly, the result is excellent.

Ingredients: 900 g chicken breast, 3 tbsp. l. cooking starch, 4 eggs, 2 jokes of white onions, 5 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 clove of garlic, a small bunch of parsley, green onions and dill, salt and pepper as desired, vegetable oil for frying in a frying pan.

Chopped chicken cutlets

Cooking method:

  1. Divide the breast into small pieces. Do the same with parsley, dill, green onions and garlic, and then add to the minced meat.
  2. Add sour cream, starch, eggs, salt and pepper to the existing consistency. Mix well.
  3. Place the resulting mixture in a frying pan, without using breading or molding.
  4. Fry the cutlets in hot oil on each side alternately over medium heat.

A quick cooking option that is easily subject to experimentation and new additions of different vegetables and spices to the meat.

Chicken cutlets baked in the oven

Cooking time – 1 hour.


  • chicken fillet – 1 kg;
  • onion – 250 g;
  • egg – 1 piece;
  • salt pepper;
  • breadcrumbs.

Cooking process:

First stage: fillet, onion, salt, pepper, egg. Grind the fillet along with the onion. Add spices, egg and mix well. Leave the minced meat in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Second stage: minced meat, breadcrumbs. Make cutlets from the minced meat and roll them in breading. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Place the cutlets and place the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 200° for 30 minutes.

The calorie content of a chicken cutlet cooked in the oven is 113 kcal per 100 g.

How to store chicken cutlets

A chicken cutlet, the caloric content of which allows the product to be classified as a dietary dish, is usually prepared in large quantities and is rarely eaten all. If stored improperly, chicken cutlets quickly deteriorate, which can lead to poisoning.

Cutlets, namely chicken ones, are stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. If they are in the form of a semi-finished product, and there are no plans to cook them in the near future, you can put them in the freezer for a longer period, but in this case it is important not to forget to defrost them.

You should not touch the semi-finished product again, this can significantly deteriorate its quality. Already thawed chicken cutlets, at temperatures comfortable for humans, are stored for no more than 18 hours. Many people cannot live without meat, even in cases where it is contraindicated for health reasons.

And chicken cutlets, which contain a huge list of useful substances, vitamins, minerals, and have a reduced calorie content, are an ideal option for such people. The taste of meat itself is already worth a lot. In addition, this dish is perfect for gourmets who simply love to eat deliciously and to their fill!

Recipe description - Chopped chicken breast cutlets:

We prepare tender homemade cutlets from chicken breast fillet with starch without using a meat grinder. If you want to cook cutlets, but don’t have a meat grinder, this is not a reason to abandon your idea or use ready-made minced chicken (I don’t trust these mixtures of unknown composition). The solution is very simple - prepare chopped cutlets! Even if you have a meat grinder, cook it anyway! You’ll save time, you won’t have to wash the meat grinder, and the cutlets will turn out tasty, juicy and original. I would also like to note that chopped chicken breast cutlets are suitable for dietary nutrition and the Dukan diet if you fry them in a non-stick frying pan or a frying pan greased with two drops of oil, and then simmer in a saucepan with a small amount of water.

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