How many calories are burned during a CrossFit workout?

Cardio training

This is the most popular type, especially for those who want to lose weight. It is cardio - training that acts as a direct fat burner - to get a positive result you will have to sweat a lot and not skip sports activities. These are the basic rules for every novice athlete.

The amount of calories burned is largely determined by the duration/intensity of the workout. But on average, an hour and a half of intense sports activity burns about 800 calories. When training at a moderate pace, the indicators are about 500 calories.

But it is worth noting that much depends on the level of training of the trainee himself, his endurance. This is because calories are burned from the 20th minute of sports activity, when an athlete on a treadmill, cycling track, or jumping rope runs out of energy already at the 5th minute - there will be no benefit.

How many calories are burned during exercise?

Calories are the energy the body receives through nutrition. Excess calories are converted into fat mass, which makes the figure fat and shapeless. You can get rid of fat accumulations with the help of various physical activities, which can not only remove extra pounds, but make your figure slim and fit. Let’s look at what burns calories best without causing harm to the body, step by step.

  • Running or walking on a treadmill or stepper can remove about 300 - 400 calories in an hour of exercise. The exlator simulator, which simulates walking up stairs, has also proven itself well. But this type of exercise uses only the lower muscles of the body, while the upper ones remain indifferent, which means they are not trained.
  • Cycling helps burn approximately 300-500 cal/hour, everything will depend on the intensity of pedaling. But for very overweight and unprepared people, this load may seem excessive and unbearable. In addition, this sport has a number of contraindications.
  • Aerobics can remove up to 500 calories from the body in an hour. The rhythmic pace of classes helps you lose weight and transform your overall figure. But diseases of the back, joints, and diseases of the cardiovascular system are quite powerful arguments against this type of weight loss. In this case, water aerobics is recommended.
  • Water aerobics is the same as aerobics, but in a pool. In an hour of exercise you can burn more than 600 calories, which is equivalent to fast skiing. The advantages of this type of exercise include the ease of performing exercises, which is ensured by a decrease in body weight in the water. With regular exercise, fat reserves are dynamically burned, the skin tightens and becomes elastic. It has practically no contraindications and is recommended even for pregnant women. The calorie consumption table proves the high effectiveness of water aerobics in the pool.
  • Swimming is an ideal sport for losing weight. Since water creates greater resistance, weight loss occurs with greater intensity. So, in an hour of simply floundering in the water you can lose up to 300 calories, and practicing breaststroke or butterfly can save you from 700 calories. In addition, swimming increases endurance, tightens the skin and creates an anti-cellulite massage.

If your goal is to lose weight, then a table of calorie consumption during physical activity will help you clearly understand which sport you should give preference to. When choosing, you should take into account the individual characteristics of the body, contraindications and training loads. It is advisable to record your calorie consumption daily, which will allow you to create the ideal combination of physical activity and calorie foods. If the ratio is correct, then the extra pounds will begin to melt before your eyes.


It's a combination of strength training and cardio that burns a lot of calories. According to experienced trainers, an athlete can spend from 500 to 1500 calories per training cycle. Much is determined by the duration and intensity of the selected programs.

Important. As experienced trainers say, kilograms are burned as part of this workout even after the completion of the lesson itself. CrossFit is called the most effective fat burner.

What kind of workouts are done during CrossFit?

CrossFit is a truly unique system. The meaning of this training method is to develop, using a specially selected set of exercises, simultaneously several muscle groups that are responsible for certain characteristics (endurance, flexibility, etc.), and to strengthen the heart, blood vessels and respiratory organs. As a result, it is possible to harden the body, lose weight and give muscles relief.

The essence of the training consists of very intense exercises performed in a circular manner for a minimum period of time. For this reason, a session lasting only thirty minutes gives a noticeable effect after just three weeks. In addition, the program of such training is constantly improving, new options are appearing, thanks to which improved performance is achieved.

CrossFit includes individual elements of various sports disciplines. In particular, the structure of training using this method includes:

  • Exercises typical of gymnastics;
  • Aerobics sets;
  • Exercises using dumbbells or barbells;
  • Bodybuilding elements.

Thanks to this combination of different areas, CrossFit is a unique and effective method for developing physical characteristics and losing weight.

Be sure to read: What is better to choose for weight loss - cardio or strength training?

Interval training

They, according to many trainers, are distinguished by high rates of effectiveness in the fight against extra pounds. One training cycle can burn from 400 to 90 calories, while excess deposits are burned even during the recovery period.

Worth remembering. To achieve visible results, it is important to perform 3 interval exercise programs per week, lasting 15 minutes each.

Why is Crossfit training more effective for weight loss?

Why will such training be effective for girls who want to lose weight? How are they better than, say, regular cardio? Let's figure it out.

Variety of complexes and exercises

You will never have to repeat the same thing from workout to workout. And those who have gone through this understand that it is difficult not to start, and not to break down somewhere in the process. When you do one complex week after week, sooner or later the day will come when it gets boring “like a bitter radish.”

CrossFit training, on the other hand, is a lot of fun, especially in group classes. You never know what the coach has come up with for you today. And if you are preparing a program for yourself, then you can constantly alternate exercises, replacing them with similar ones; fortunately, in CrossFit there is a very large selection of them.

The body will be in good shape

CrossFit combines aerobic and strength work. Thanks to the latter, your muscles will always be in good shape. After all, you can lose excess fat in different ways, and the results may be different. If you don’t do strength work and do only cardio, then your body will happily get rid of unnecessary muscles, and in the end, although you will lose weight, you may look even worse than before. You need to focus not on weight, because when losing weight, the body loses not only fat, but also water and muscles. That is why the main indicator of successful fat burning is measurements and appearance.

In addition, in addition to the external result, your body will be healthy after CrossFit training - metabolic processes and metabolism will accelerate, you will eat well and sleep soundly.

How many calories will it burn?

The average rate of calorie burning during a CrossFit workout is 12-16 kcal per minute for girls. When training for 40-45 minutes, you get 600-700 per session. Some complexes will help you burn up to 1000 calories at a time. Not bad, right?


Tabata is a type of high-intensity interval training that lasts no more than 4 minutes. The duration of the lesson is 20 seconds. – this is an intensive exercise, then rest for 10 seconds, and repeat again. There are 8 cycles in the allotted 4 minutes. A completed exercise cycle burns about 200–300 calories.

To summarize, it is worth noting that such types of exercise as Tabata, cardio, CrossFit give good results in the program for burning excess calories.

But the main rule for an athlete is to consume fewer calories than he burns. This is the only way to get the desired results from the selected practical sports activities.

Is CrossFit effective as a means of losing weight for girls?

Can CrossFit training help female athletes lose weight? Intense functional exercises can really help you build your dream body, strength and endurance. Today we will analyze the basic principles and features of this system, basic exercises for fat burning, and also prepare several types of CrossFit training programs for girls: both beginners and experienced athletes who want to lose weight.

Before we proceed directly to the analysis of the complexes, we will analyze the basic principles associated with CrossFit and weight loss in general.

Important rules for effective fat burning

Training is training, but we must not forget about the other two basic principles of effective body building. Of course, this is nutrition and recovery (rest).

Don’t listen if someone tells you that if you do CrossFit and eat everything, everything will burn. It is impossible to lose weight with a calorie surplus.

Healthy eating

Of course, the topic of healthy eating when doing CrossFit for girls who want to lose weight is a separate and very voluminous topic. Let's go over it in detail:

  • The most important thing is the daily caloric deficit. Calculate your daily requirement using special formulas. Next, subtract 15-20% from it and you will get calories for weight loss. It is no longer possible to create a deficit; the efficiency will be lower.
  • Reduce your calorie intake gradually from your normal diet. There is no need for sudden changes in either training or nutrition. For example, if you consumed 2500 kcal, and now you need to switch to 1500, do this in 2-3 stages (weekly), and do not immediately cut off your diet by 1000 calories.
  • Set up the right diet - small portions, but many times a day. Ideally 5 times a day. But no less than three! Eating after 18 is not only possible, but also necessary.
  • Keep track of what foods you eat at what time of day. Carbohydrates should predominate in the first half of the day, proteins in the second. This requirement is not mandatory, but it is advisable to comply. The fact is that with a daily calorie deficit, you will lose weight in any case, even if you eat carbohydrates at night. But in this case, you simply will have little energy for work/study and, most importantly, for training. This is why it is better to eat complex carbohydrates in the morning and before training a couple of hours. If in the morning nothing gets into you, it’s okay. This is only a recommendation, not an ironclad rule.
  • Food quality. The diet should be balanced and include everything you need - animal proteins (1.5-2 g per kg of weight), complex carbohydrates (1-2 g per kg of weight), unsaturated fats (0.8-1 g per kg of weight), fiber , vitamins, etc. Do not forget to drink clean water - approximately 33-35 ml per kg of weight per day.


Let's get back to sports. In addition to effective training and proper nutrition, it is very important to allow your body to recover. Feel your body - you don’t need to push yourself like a racehorse with all your strength. Maintain a harmonious balance between training and rest:

  • For trained athletes, we recommend training 3-4 times a week.
  • For beginners, 2-3 times will be enough. You can start with two classes and train like this for at least the first month, and then switch to a regime of 3 training sessions per week - every other day.

Sleep is very important - at least 8 hours a day.

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