How many calories are burned by squats: calculator

How many calories are consumed when doing squats?

Squats are effective exercises for losing weight. Due to their high energy consumption, they allow you to quickly burn a lot of calories and lose weight.

Calorie consumption depends on the weight of the trainee, the intensity of the exercise, weights, clothing, shoes and other factors. On average, up to 50 kcal is consumed within 5 minutes.

To determine individual energy costs, you can use the following calculator

You will burn:

Fat equivalent:

You can achieve a more noticeable result and speed up the weight loss process by incorporating a low-calorie diet and maintaining a drinking regime.

How many calories are burned with 100 squats?

A person weighing 60 kg, squats without weights 100 times for 5 minutes, on average spends 40-45 kcal. Three or four sets of 100 squats will allow you to work out your body perfectly even at home.

How many calories are burned with 50 squats?

Provided that the trainee’s weight is the same 60 kg, he will need 20-22 kcal to perform 50 repetitions. This indicator will vary depending on body weight and exercise technique.

How many calories are burned with 30 squats?

Using a simple calculation, you can calculate that a 60-kilogram athlete spends on average 12-15 kcal for 30 squats. Of course, such an amount is very small in order to feel the result. Such energy consumption will not be noticeable against the background of ordinary household tasks.

In order to increase calorie consumption, squats with a variety of weights. But you should move on to them gradually, without skipping the previous stages of training. Otherwise, there will be negative consequences for the body.

How to squat correctly to burn more calories?

Despite the fact that the calorie consumption during squats is quite large, it is still better to supplement them with other exercises, as well as by adjusting the diet. By creating a calorie deficit in your diet, and at the same time burning them through squats, you can lose weight faster.

If your level of physical fitness is beginner, it will be enough to do no more than 50 squats about three times a week with an interval of one day. You can break the exercises into several approaches. After a week or two, you can increase the number of squats to 100. 100 squats, which you can roughly determine how many calories are burned, is a more serious level of load.

The first results can be noticeable after a couple of weeks . Your body will become more toned and elastic, and your endurance will increase. A little later, you can switch to weighted squats, which will burn even more calories.

In many ways, the answer to the question of how many calories are burned when doing squats 20 times or another number depends on the execution technique. Different variations of squats make it possible to work different muscle groups to different degrees. The correct technique for performing exercises is also important - this will help improve not only your figure, but also your health. If you make mistakes in execution, especially with additional weights, you risk injury.

In almost any variation of squats, it is important to keep your back straight and squat until parallel to the floor or even a third. Be sure to limit the amplitude if you are overweight and at risk of knee injury. While performing the exercise, do not lift your slippers off the floor. It is also important to maintain the correct position of your arms and legs.

Squats, which you already know how many calories are burned, can be compared in terms of energy consumption with jogging at an average pace. They are a good way to get rid of excess weight, plus you can squat anytime and anywhere, which has also made this exercise extremely popular.

If you are overweight, your first priority is to get rid of it. Therefore, it is important not to limit yourself to squats, but also to include regular cardio exercises and exercises that work other muscle groups in your program.


Squats are a must-have in most training programs because they are not only effective for building muscle, but are also very beneficial for your health. The exercises combine the benefits of strength training and aerobic exercise. The first phase of the squat involves the muscles of the buttocks, legs and abs, and during the second phase a force load occurs due to its own weight.

Tense muscles are supplied with a large amount of oxygen, which activates local fat burning processes. Enhanced capillary microcirculation improves cellular nutrition. As a result, subcutaneous nodules are smoothed out and the skin texture is accordingly leveled.

Among the main benefits of squats are the following:

  • energy consumption - the exercise involves more than half of the body, which requires a lot of energy;
  • leg muscles are strengthened and developed - natural stimulation of testosterone production allows you to quickly build muscle mass;
  • body coordination, mobility and leg endurance improve – regular training allows you to withstand heavy loads;
  • the respiratory system develops;
  • blood circulation in the pelvic organs is normalized;
  • muscle elasticity increases, which has a positive effect on performing other sports exercises;
  • joints are strengthened - with the correct technique, the load is distributed evenly, training the endurance and strength of the knees and hip joints;
  • Regular training protects against hip fracture, relieves cramps and weakness;
  • the abs are worked out - the abdominal muscles actively take part in the work;
  • the hip line improves, a beautiful shape of the buttocks is formed.

Squats are versatile - they can be performed by experienced athletes and beginners, in the gym or at home, outdoors and indoors. A variety of options allows you to work out the required muscle group and get the desired effect from the exercise.

Why should you do squats?

Standard squats can be found in almost any workout, but most often women turn to them. For most of them, the thighs, legs and buttocks are problem areas. Fortunately, such exercises help affect several muscle groups at once:

  • Squats work your calves, quads, and hamstrings, resulting in stronger legs and ankles. The effect can be even more pronounced if you perform squats slowly.
  • This load tightens and works the buttocks. To help this process, you need to additionally squeeze the gluteal muscles when returning to a standing position.
  • Squats target the abdominal muscles as they are required for balance. At the same time, the muscles of the lower back develop, and the stomach becomes flatter. To improve the result, you can retract your abdominal muscles while squatting.
  • During exercise, the flexibility of the ankle, hips, knees and lower back improves.

Squats not only work many muscle groups, but also make your joints stronger. The hips, knees, and ankles work together when a person lifts or carries loads. This process also requires the quads and hamstrings to work, and squats work them all. Finally, such exercises develop endurance.

Types of squats

There are many variations of these exercises. They are classified according to the location of the feet, manner of execution, depth and location of the center of gravity. Each type has a unique effect on the body and uses a specific muscle group. The most popular are:

  • classic - the most common option, aimed at working all the muscles of the lower extremities;
  • plie - the gluteal and quadriceps muscles are involved, as well as the inner surface of the thigh;
  • sumo - have a complex effect on the muscles of the legs, buttocks and thighs, develop body mobility and improve the flexibility of the hip joints;
  • wall squats - work the quadriceps, soleus, calf and gluteus maximus muscles;
  • squats with jumps - increase the overall effectiveness of the workout;
  • scissors - alternate the load on the front and back muscle groups of the legs.

In addition, there are partial squats that are classified as cardio strength. They are performed at an intense pace and use muscles that even standard deep squats do not work.

Squat Variations

There are several options for squats:

  • Classic;
  • "Plie";
  • Exercises with narrow feet;
  • With a jump;
  • "Balance";
  • "Curtsy";
  • "Pistol";
  • "Martin".

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Classic squats are the exercises described above: the algorithm for performing them is the same.

“Plie” are exercises that help pump up the thighs from their inner surface.

"Plie" is done as follows:

  • Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. The toes of the feet are turned 45 degrees.
  • As you exhale, lower your pelvis down.
  • You cannot move your pelvis back: mentally imagine how you slide your back and buttocks along a smooth wall.
  • When you are in a position where your thighs are parallel to the floor, hold there, exhale and slowly rise up.

Perform the exercise 20 times, taking a break for 1-3 minutes, then start the task again.

Squats with a narrow placement of the feet - the principle of execution is the same as in the classic ones, only the legs are not shoulder-width apart, quite close to each other (distance - 10-15 centimeters).

Jump squats are exercises that help work out the leg muscles well. Execution algorithm:

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows and placed behind the head.
  2. Squat down on your knees and jump up from the position as high as possible.
  3. Land and take your starting position.

Balance squats are exercises designed to increase the load. Proceed as follows:

  1. Feet are hip-width apart, the heel of one leg is raised up.
  2. Bend your knees as you inhale at a right angle. You need to support your body weight on the leg that stands firmly on the floor. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
  3. Repeat the exercise, but now the other leg should be elevated.

“Pistol” are tasks designed for even more significant tasks. A chair will be required as a prop.

  • Stand on one leg. Lift the second one up and bend it at the knee. Hold the back of the chair with your hand.
  • Inhale – stretch the leg bent at the knee in a horizontal position, bend the other leg at a right angle.
  • As you exhale, take the starting position and start doing the exercise again.

The Swallow squat is an exercise that works well on the buttocks and back of the thigh. Need to:

  • Stand on one leg. Lift the second one up and bend it at the knee.
  • Bend your stable leg at the knee as you inhale, and straighten the other and move it back.
  • As you exhale, take your starting position and get ready to do the exercise again.

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In curtsy squats, the main emphasis is on the buttocks. The exercise is easy to do:

  1. Get into the starting position: cross your legs, hip-width apart.
  2. Inhale – move your pelvis back, bend your knees at a right angle. Make sure that your heel does not touch the floor surface.
  3. Exhale - return to the starting position and repeat the exercise again.

Correct exercise technique

Squatting incorrectly can strain your lower back, injure your joints, damage your ligaments, and cause cramps. Training should begin with a set of warm-up exercises, and squats should be performed slowly and smoothly so that the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and abs feel the load.

General biomechanics of the exercise:

  1. The legs are shoulder-width apart, the feet are slightly turned to the sides, the body is relaxed.
  2. When squatting, your knees and toes move in the same direction. The body weight is smoothly transferred to the heels. The feet are pressed tightly to the floor and do not come off.
  3. The back is straight, there is a slight arch in the lower back.
  4. When squatting, move your buttocks back, as if trying to sit down on a chair. Take a deep breath.
  5. Lower until the thighs are parallel to the floor.
  6. Exhale as you rise. Before reaching full straightening, they immediately begin to move downwards.

Regardless of the type of squats, the same basic rules apply, by following which you can be confident in the effectiveness and safety of the exercises:

  • the weight is concentrated on the heels, the foot is firm, the toes are free;
  • the gaze concentrates straight ahead on a specific point;
  • knees should not go beyond the level of the socks;
  • the back is straight, slightly arched in the lower back,
  • the shoulder blades are brought together so that the spine is straight;
  • the chest is straightened, stretches forward and upward;
  • additional weight is introduced gradually.

Pain that occurs during exercise indicates a violation of the technique, and as a result, a negative impact on the body. If pain occurs, you should carefully review the mechanics of the exercise and eliminate the error.

Your arms can be held in different positions: stretched forward parallel to each other, placed on your belt, clasped in front of you, or folded behind your head, slightly bent at the elbows. Any option will be correct.

Performing full range of squats helps develop the core muscles of the legs and prevents fatigue after long sessions.


“Crocodile” exercise for the spine: technique of execution
To lose weight, you need to start with a classic exercise, the technique of which is described above. But if you regularly exercise and want to remove fat folds from a specific place on your body, you can always create your own set of different types of squats.


Described above. Used to slim down legs/thighs and burn calories. The effect will be faster with a set of exercises.


This exercise is good for the inner thigh. Differences from the classics: hands are on the belt, and legs are widely spaced. The rest of the technique is the same: look forward, breathe correctly, back straight.


It is performed using the plie technique, but the hands should be clasped at the back of the head.


Works great on the buttocks and thighs. One leg is placed cross in front of the other. Hands on the belt (if with dumbbells, lowered down). When squatting, you need to bend your legs at an angle of 90 °, moving your pelvis back, lifting your heel off the floor. The back remains straight. The weight is held primarily on the leg that is pointed forward. Go down deeper. Hold for 2 seconds. Rise slowly.

With weights

A beautiful, toned butt is the dream of all women. To make it this way, include squats with a barbell or dumbbells in your complex. They are simply perfect for legs and buttocks. You can do plie, you can do classics. Your hands can also be in different positions: if you have a barbell, hold it exactly at chest level; if you have dumbbells, you can lower them down or hold them in front of you. Increase the load gradually.


Stand next to a chair, leaning on it with your hands, on one leg. Keep your back straight. Start squatting, while moving your other leg back as far and evenly as possible. Return to starting position. The exercise works great on the inner thigh.


The starting position can be any. The main thing is that your hands are between your legs. The ideal option is if they contain dumbbells.


Many people wonder if they can benefit from squats to lose weight on their stomach and sides, since these are the most problematic areas for both men and women. To work them out, learn how to perform this exercise (it will be more effective with full training). Legs are straight, arms are extended along the body. Take one leg back so that the second one, standing in front, at this time forms an angle of 90 ° between the thigh and lower leg. Slowly bend your leg (the one at the back), bringing your knee as low as possible to the floor, but without touching it. At the same time, we tear the heel off the floor. Feel how the entire weight of your body lies on the heel of the leg in front. Return to starting position. After you learn how to do the exercise correctly, perform it with additional load in the form of dumbbells or a barbell.


Place your feet as wide as possible. In a squat, stand on your toes. Without pausing, quickly rise up, lowering your heels back to the floor. At the same time, you need to perform wave-like movements with your arms and hips. The fast pace of this exercise burns a lot of calories.

If you have sufficient physical fitness, the weight loss complex may also include the following types of squats, the technique of which is more complex:

  • lateral;
  • plyometric (with jumps);
  • on one leg;
  • with feet joined together;
  • with body rotation;
  • with a chair;
  • with a gymnastic ball;
  • with shock absorber tape;
  • with a step;
  • near the wall;
  • with lunges.

If your goal is solely to lose weight, you can do simple squats with your own weight, without weights. If you also want to pump up your muscles, be sure to lift dumbbells or a barbell. For men, the last option is preferable; these can be squats: Hakk, Zerchera.


Excessive axial load on the musculoskeletal system can cause intervertebral hernia or damage to the Achilles tendon.

You should avoid squats if you experience pain when walking and running. This exercise is also prohibited for the following diseases:

  • knee and ligament injuries;
  • radiculitis;
  • scoliosis;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • osteoporosis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • knee diseases;
  • diseases for which any physical activity is contraindicated.

Being overweight puts extra pressure on your joints, so squats should be performed with extreme caution. You need to start with a small number of repetitions, carefully observing the body's reaction. Before starting classes, it is recommended to wrap your knees with an elastic bandage.

Squats with additional loads are especially dangerous. They can seriously harm your knees and joints, so you should be very careful when choosing a weighting material.

Squats are an energy-intensive form of exercise that is often used for weight loss. The result of regular exercise will be a slim figure, good health and excellent mood.

Calorie consumption for various activities

A regular ten-minute walk will not help you lose 10 kg, and swimming once a month will not get rid of cellulite. Only an active, mobile lifestyle promotes proper blood circulation and stabilizes metabolism.

Everyday “exercise”, in the form of squats or jogging, “counts” as an attempt to lose weight and is “rewarded” with a loss of 2 to 5 kg.

To begin with, keep your calculations in a diary, replacing harmful foods with healthy ones.

Online calculator

Calorie consumption for different types of activities is different. The amount of time spent on a particular physical activity also plays an important role.

In order to calculate nutrient consumption, you need an online calorie consumption calculator.

How can a adding machine help you lose weight? We are talking about an energy value calculator, which determines the calculation and consumption of the permissible calorie intake.

It can be in the form of a table, but for convenience, use an online calculator.

The consumption calculator is necessary for losing or gaining weight, as it determines the daily rate of physical activity.

The process of determining the consumption rate depends on your state of health and body type, that is, height and weight.

How many calories are burned during exercise?

During physical activity, more calories are burned than during a sedentary lifestyle. After each hearty snack, a long walk in the fresh air is recommended.

If you devote enough time to physical activity, about 2000 energy values ​​are lost per day - this is the daily food intake for the day.

Therefore, do not be surprised if your friend, after eating one or another confectionery product, makes a note and calculates the number of calories in it. Later she will get rid of them with the help of an exercise bike or jogging in the fresh air.

Here are some of the most common ways to burn calories:

  • Nordic walking burns from 3 to 10 kcal per hour;
  • cycling - from 200 to 1000 kcal/hour;
  • running - 1200 kcal/hour;
  • squats - 1000 kcal/hour;
  • abdominal pumping - 1500 kcal/hour;
  • swimming - 450-500 kcal/hour;
  • exercise bike - 300-350 kcal/hour.


If you spend an hour on an exercise bike and pedal only 2-3 times, the calories won't rush out of your body in huge quantities. The same applies to other physical activities.

Working on your physical condition involves long-term training. Only in this case is it possible to lose weight and gain a beautiful figure.

Table of calorie consumption during physical activity:

Kind of sportKcal consumption in 5 minutesKcal consumption in 30 minutesKcal consumption per 1 hour
Aqua aerobics or exercises in water23140280
Gymnastic exercises or jazzersize35210420
Rowing - easy workout20123245
Rowing - medium load50298595
Rowing - intense exercise70420840
Cycling - light exercise32193385
Cycling - medium intensity41245490
Cycling - intense exercise73438875
Hula hoop exercises18109217
Circuit training - aerobic movement with minimal rest47280560
Light stretching1588175
Stair ergometer based on a “treadmill”53315630
Ski simulator41245490
Aerobic exercise training35210420
Weight lifting - a series of light exercises18105210
Weight lifting - powerlifting or bodybuilding35210420
Stretching - hatha yoga1588175
Sitting in the jacuzzi63570
General health-improving physical education - intense exercise47280560
Physical education at home - light or medium load20123245
Fitness Exercises - General Activities32193385
Jumping rope53235530

How many calories are burned by barbell squats?

It is also worth understanding that by using weights and increasing the intensity of your workout, you can burn more calories.

During squats with a barbell, dumbbells or kettlebells, approximately 1.5-2 times more calories are burned.

The formula in this case is simple. If you squat with a weight that is half your body weight, you lose 1.5 times more. When working with weights equal to your own body weight, the number of calories burned doubles.

Many girls are afraid to use weights. After all, there is still a myth that this will make them big and pumped up, like men. However, due to the different structure of the body, it is very difficult for women to pump up and it is almost impossible to acquire male volumes.

Rules for performing squats

Like any other exercise, squats require a certain technique; if you neglect it, you can cause serious harm to the spine and knees by subjecting them to excessive stress. So, in order to effectively use squats for weight loss without compromising your health, when performing exercises, pay attention to the following:

  • Before you start the main complex, do a short warm-up: warm them up by bending and rotating the ankle joints and knees, protecting them from injury;
  • never lift your heels off the floor while doing squats for weight loss;
  • always keep your back straight, do not slouch;
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles - this will not only increase the effectiveness of the exercises and the number of calories burned during squats, but will also create a muscular corset around the spine that will securely fix it;
  • you should not go below the point where your thighs are parallel to the floor (this is the moment when your knees form an angle of 90 degrees), otherwise the hip joint and knees will experience serious stress, which can be dangerous;
  • watch your breathing: lower as you inhale, rise as you exhale.

How to burn 500 calories: 5 ways that work

Half an hour of physical activity can give an excellent shake-up to the body.

Brief table of human energy expenditure

If you manage to burn an additional 500 calories every day, you will be able to lose a kilogram of weight in a week without changing your usual diet.

The most effective types of loads are:

  1. Zumba dance. 40 minutes of movement at a moderate pace will definitely produce results.
  2. Replanting and weeding of plants. An hour of gardening will make your body slimmer.
  3. General cleaning of the apartment . Monotonous, boring housework will provide an opportunity to burn a sufficient number of calories.
  4. Jumping rope . 30 minutes spent in this way will prevent excess fat from being deposited in problem areas. Excess water will begin to drain out.
  5. Twisting a hoop . 50 minutes of hula hoop training burns 500 calories.

Any activity that is spent at least half an hour a day will help in the fight for slimness.


You do not need to use weights to perform the exercise. Endurance is trained, the load is placed on the entire body.

Burpee exercise algorithm

From the first minutes of class, every muscle feels tension. The main thing at such a moment is not to stop, but to increase the speed of the exercises. Then you will be able to get the desired result.

The load during burpees should increase gradually. The advantage of this type of training is the ability to burn a large number of calories. Problem areas will begin to tighten up nicely. During exercise you need to breathe properly.

Exercise algorithm:

  1. You should sit down on the cards, resting your hands on the floor.
  2. Using a jump, move into a lying position.
  3. Jump back to the starting position.
  4. Jump up.
  5. Return to starting position.

A workout done at home twice a day for 15 minutes can replace intense exercise and help burn about 640 harmful calories. To obtain a pronounced result, it is recommended to do 20 approaches.


Crunches are considered the most effective abdominal exercises. In three sets of 25 crunches, the body can burn 120 calories.

Subcutaneous fat, the accumulation of which is promoted by junk food, will begin to be consumed, and the relief of the body will become distinct.

It is important to follow the technique during exercises:

  1. Starting position: lie on your back, bend your knees. Feet pressed to the floor.
  2. Raise the upper part of the body.
  3. Stretch your chin to your chest without lifting your lower back.
  4. Return to starting position.

To obtain a pronounced result, you need to do 15 approaches. Gradually, the number of repetitions should increase to 25 so that the calorie expenditure is greater. Needs to be done daily.

Plank with jumps

The jumping plank will help you quickly burn subcutaneous fat, improve your posture, and form beautiful muscles in the hips and abdomen. The back frame will be strengthened and fat cell burning will begin.

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