How many calories are burned when swimming: calculator

How does temperature affect

Water temperature has a direct impact on losing extra pounds. The pools are mostly heated, so the water temperature reaches up to 29 degrees. This is very comfortable, but not as effective for weight loss as we would like. After all, such comfortable water will not require any extra expenditure of energy; it will relax and unwind. Therefore, it is worth remembering that the effectiveness of weight loss exercises is achieved at 26-27 degrees. Unplanned expenditure of energy to maintain temperature forces the body to waste fat resources, and it simply “melts”.

The problem of excess weight: will swimming help you lose weight?

The speed of the body's metabolic processes is determined genetically, but regular long-term and intense training can significantly speed up the absorption of food.

This is due to muscle activity. For 1 kg of muscle, the body burns 90 kcal in 24 hours. Thus, the percentage of muscle mass to body weight determines how many calories are burned when swimming.

Swimming helps build muscle mass. This method of losing weight is suitable for obese people. Since the heaviness in the water is not felt, the exercises are much easier to perform.

One of the advantages of swimming is safe cardio exercise, which is very important in a systematic training program. The pool eliminates the stress on the joints and their deformation over time.

Which is better: a river or a pool?

In the pool, conditions are always maintained artificially. They are stable. Temperature, the presence of standing chlorinated water, a warm microclimate, safety and the presence of instructors - all this makes visiting the pool safer, and therefore better.

However, the water in the pool is too warm, such comfort does not contribute to burning calories as much as we would like. Fresh air also makes you lose calories faster than the stuffy atmosphere in the pool.

Therefore, swimming in the river is an order of magnitude more effective; in addition to the cool temperature, the depth of the current and the increased requirement for control play a role. The body gets tired more and loses weight, plus additional costs for heating.

Water in the sea has a higher density than in a river, and it is easier to float on sea water. But the waves and deep currents are stronger there, so training at sea is much more effective. Moving with the current is always less effective; additional calories are spent fighting the current.

The benefits of visiting the pool

Swimming will not only perfectly shape your figure, but also tone your muscles. In addition, this sport strengthens the heart, lungs, and improves posture. Swimming trains all muscle groups at once, which can never be achieved by doing any other sport.

Take care of your health, if this is your first time in the pool, consult with an instructor, let him help you set up the technique, advise you on what shortcomings you need to work on and how many times a week to practice.

Another advantage of this sport is its accessibility for busy people. You can choose your own swimming time in the pool. Early in the morning, water will help you recharge your energy for the whole day, and in the evening you will effectively set yourself up for sleep.

Also, if you have a busy schedule, swim for just half an hour and continue with your activities. Even a minimal amount of time will benefit both your figure and your health.

Compliance with water safety regulations

Swimming in ponds requires special care, so you need to remember safety precautions. Signs prohibiting swimming, the topography of the bottom, the presence of broken glass and other debris in the water - all this should be in the attention zone of swimmers. It is advisable to choose reservoirs that are not remote, so that in case of trouble, help will come.

You cannot go to exercise on a full stomach, because, firstly, it will be very difficult to move, and, secondly, it is not good for digestion.

You need to remember that river and sea water does not warm up above 25 degrees, so there is a risk of getting a sudden leg cramp. This happens especially often when swimming in a lake, since lake water is much colder than river water. If seizures occur, it is better not to swim in the lake, or to swim accompanied.

For which organs and muscle groups is swimming beneficial?

Swimming develops the body's muscle complexes, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and is also an excellent way to quickly lose extra pounds. Let's look at the main benefits of swimming in terms of benefits for the body.

Swimming uses most muscle groups

During swimming, almost all muscles of the body work. Various swimming techniques increase the load on certain muscle groups. During breaststroke, your legs are pumped great - buttocks, calves, thighs. The butterfly stroke uses the shoulder girdle, arms and core. The crawl is the most complex option, in which all muscles are used evenly.

Lung training

Professional swimmers are very resilient. Their respiratory system can withstand enormous loads. This is achieved by developing the muscles of the chest, diaphragm and increasing lung capacity during training.

By swimming, you will not experience problems when running long distances. The respiratory system will be ready for multi-kilometer races and will quickly recover after cardio training.

Development of flexibility

Swimming techniques involve many elements: strokes, flips, dives, etc. All this has a beneficial effect on the flexibility of the body - muscle elasticity and stretching improve.

Do not forget that before training you need to warm up. This will reduce the likelihood of injury during the swim.

Strengthens joints and spine

Another benefit of swimming is strengthening the joints and spinal column. All professional swimmers have a beautiful, sculpted body, and a strong back is the key to a healthy spine.

During training in the pool, the body does not experience shock loads, and the back muscles are actively involved. Due to this, posture is corrected, the spine, joints and ligaments are strengthened.

Stress relief

Swimming, like any sport, helps to take your mind off everyday problems and improve your psychological state. Scientific studies in various countries confirm this fact - people report feeling better after swimming, relieving tension and anxiety.

Coordination and mobility

Correct execution of the technique requires coordinated work of the whole body: limbs, muscle groups, respiratory system. For this reason, swimming can be called a good coordination training, and if you add to it verbal calculation of the number of strokes and breaths, you can develop cognitive abilities well.

Recovery from injuries

Water activities can be used as an alternative to training during recovery. In the postoperative periods, swimming can be the first step in returning to exercise.

There is no shock load, so you can swim even with minor dislocations and bruises.

Activities for people with serious illnesses

There is a special type of water activities - recreational. Limited mobility, arthritis, arthrosis, problems with the spine - in all these cases, exercise in the pool can help cope with the disease or relieve pain.

It is recommended to visit a doctor before starting classes, who will approve your desire to engage in recreational swimming. It is also recommended to train under the supervision of a personal trainer.

Training system

How should you train to lose weight in a short time? The maximum result is achieved if training is not interrupted, regardless of the season. And a few more factors:

  • Training should be at least 1 hour and at least 2 or 3 times every 7 days.
  • To burn fat, a rapid heart rate (130 and above) is desirable.
  • Lowering the water temperature dramatically increases calorie consumption.
  • Training should not be less than 1 hour or more than 3 hours, however, a half-hour swim will have results.
  • Exhausting workouts will bring harm, not benefit: the exhausted body will make up for lost time with new portions of food.
  • During training, an instructor is desirable: he will help regulate movements, breathing, and teach how to combine styles. In addition, it is guaranteed safety.
  • Alternating loads are useful: combining styles, pace, changing the pool to swimming in the river. The body gets used to one type of load, and efficiency decreases.
  • During training, the body rapidly loses not only calories, but also water. To avoid critical dehydration, you must not eat after training for at least 2 hours, only drink water.
  • It is better to give preference to back crawl and butterfly, since these are the styles that are the most energy-consuming.
  • Interval training gives very good results. If you swim 30 seconds in the backstroke and 15 seconds in the breaststroke.
  • Rowing technique is no less important, since incorrect technique affects the result. The same can be said about proper breathing.
  • For beginners, it’s better to start with “baby” floundering, which helps you lose up to 250 calories. Then, once you get used to it, you can increase the load by choosing the lightest styles. Beginners are recommended to use no more than 2-3 styles in one lesson.

Swimming gives excellent results: with constant training, it is easy to achieve an excellent figure and quickly lose calories. The main condition: regularity, which, in combination with the tips given above, will help you achieve stunning success.

How many calories are burned while swimming in the pool?

The body's energy consumption is determined by several factors.

Type of swimming

Simply holding body weight on the surface of the water contributes to energy expenditure, hence the loss of calories. With such low physical activity, only 200 kcal/hour is burned.

As activity increases, energy expenditure increases and more calories are consumed. With an optimally selected swimming style, you can achieve results of up to 700 kcal/hour of training.

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Body mass

The heavier a swimmer is, the more calories he will be able to use. A person weighing 100 kg expends more energy than a swimmer weighing 60 kg.

Water temperature

The temperature of the pool water has a direct effect on weight loss.

The heavier a swimmer is, the more calories he will be able to use.

Most often, the bowls are heated and the water warms up to +29 C°, which is comfortable for the body, but ineffective for long-term training. High water temperature does not require the body to spend additional energy to heat itself, so it is only suitable for relaxing bathing.

Important! The maximum effectiveness of training is achieved in reservoirs with temperatures up to +27 C°. With the additional costs of maintaining temperature, the body loses weight much faster due to a decrease in fat.

Calorie consumption when swimming breaststroke

Breaststroke is a complex swimming style that requires physical fitness , good coordination, certain skills, and practice.

As a reward for all the hours and effort spent on training, a swimmer will lose 600 kcal/hour per workout, so breaststroke or freestyle are ideal for rapid weight loss. Over time, the figure acquires athletic shape, becomes strong and resilient.

Calorie consumption when swimming front crawl

The loss of calories when swimming crawl depends on the chosen speed and the weight of the swimmer. On average, the indicators fluctuate between 555-615 kcal/h, provided there are no breaks.

Swimming fast crawl gives optimal results. Working out at this pace burns more fat than doing the same amount of time at the gym.

Calorie consumption when swimming backstroke

Swimming on your back at a relaxed pace burns 250 kcal/hour with constant movement. This is considered a good result; the swimming style does not involve much stress and allows you to quickly remove extra pounds.

Swimming crawl puts maximum stress on the back muscles, improves shape, and corrects posture. When the pace accelerates, energy consumption increases to 330-350 kcal/hour.

Be sure to read: Strength training at home: a set of exercises for weight loss, rules of execution

Calorie consumption when swimming butterfly

Butterfly is the most energetic type of swimming , requiring endurance and body strength. With intense training without breaks or changes in pace, the body loses 690-700 kcal/hour.

Even intensive fitness classes will not provide identical results.


For those who need a quick answer and don’t really want to delve into detailed tables, I will give here the arithmetic average.

If you are a swimmer weighing 70 kilograms and during training you swim in equal parts crawl, breaststroke and backstroke (we don’t take butterfly, in general about styles, see the comments below), then you will get the following results:

30 minutes of continuous sports swimming consumes 360 kcal. 630 kcal are spent in 1 hour of continuous sports swimming.

An hour of training with a warm-up, cool-down and short rest breaks will, accordingly, spend about 400 - 500 kcal.

I calculated these data based on the studies cited below. There you will also find indicators for different body weights and styles.

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