6 tips for those who are going to the gym

This article is an introduction of sorts. It is dedicated to all those who are just about to plunge into the diverse world of fitness, to those who have finally decided to say to themselves: “I want - and I will!”, I will be as beautiful and healthy as I have always dreamed of.

It's important to take the first step. It will be much easier from now on!

So, you finally realized that the time for great achievements has come. You have nothing to lose except your complexes, you can’t put it off any longer, and it’s time to take care of yourself. You have been working towards this for a long time, but something always got in the way, you put it off, and came up with a wide variety of excuses.

But now your patience is full, your excuses are over, the mirror looks at you with silent reproach, and your beloved man runs from the kitchen to the TV, not noticing your presence.

"It's time to act!" - you said decisively to yourself. But where to start? Should you run to get a subscription to the nearest fitness club, go shopping, buy a tracksuit, or rush into the thick of the Internet in search of exercises to lose weight?

So, let's start in order. First of all, calm down, because you have already made the most important decision. Now think about what is happening.

Check your health

Do you have chronic diseases or contraindications to any types of physical activity? You may have recently had surgery or had the flu. If everything seems to be fine, but you are still not sure, do not be lazy and make an appointment with a doctor.

When starting classes, it is important to understand which loads will be useful for you and which ones you should refrain from.

Take your time, remember: you are doing this for yourself, and with every step you become closer to your own ideal, the main thing is to start. This is also a very important step.

In order to start playing sports, first of all, assess your physical condition.

Select time

If you don’t have any health restrictions, think about your lifestyle and work schedule. Do you work five days a week, like most people, or perhaps work in shifts? What days and hours are you free from work? Just from work (after all, you cannot quit or cancel it), for now, abstract from homework.

Most fitness clubs are open from early morning until late evening.

Here I already foresee a wave of objections on the topic: “besides work, there are still a lot of things to do, many have a family, children...”. But I want to draw attention to one psychological fact that you most likely did not pay attention to. As a rule, we spend the bulk of our free time not on preparing family dinners. And, in general, for the most useless activities in their essence, such as, for example, viewing photos on the Internet or television series on TV.

Think about it, analyze your own day. Don't waste your life in vain. Devote your time to truly useful and interesting activities. One of which is undoubtedly training. You yourself will understand this very soon.

So, with the time you can devote to studying, you've decided what's next?

Main conclusions

If you have never been involved in fitness before, and now you have decided to introduce sports into your life, then pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Decide on a goal: lose weight or build muscle. To lose weight, combine cardio with strength training and work at a fast pace. To increase mass, train at a slow pace with medium weights.
  2. Create a training program consisting of basic exercises that will help work all the major muscle structures.
  3. Focus on technique first and then increase the load.
  4. Exercise at least 2 times a week.
  5. Be sure to take a break between workouts for 1-2 days.
  6. Give up unhealthy foods, replenish your diet with proteins, complex carbohydrates, fiber, and a small amount of fat.
  7. Drink plenty of water.
  8. Keep a training diary.
  9. In old age, give preference to moderate exercise.
  10. Before exercising, visit your doctor to find out if you have any contraindications to physical activity.

By following these rules, a beginner will be able to transform his body and improve his health. If you don’t want to bother with a training program, then just contact a professional trainer who will monitor your actions and speed up the process of creating a strong, athletic body.

When writing this article, we used the sources https://sportwiki.to Basic exercises https://sportwiki.to Mistakes in bodybuilding and fitness https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/fitnes-organizatsiya-zanyatiy-dlya-nachinayuschih https:/ /www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-to-start-exercising https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/12-week-fitness-plan/

At home or in a fitness club

Think about which activity option is preferable for you. A separate article is devoted to the topic of choosing a place for classes on our website.

Some people are comfortable working out on their own, while others, on the contrary, prefer to train in a group.

The main thing you should be guided by when choosing is your character and the comfort of this or that place of study for you personally.

Are you a sociable and cheerful person? Are you not tired of being around other people, do joint activities inspire you, and does anything become more fun if you do it together? Then you have a direct route to the fitness club. There you will receive a lot of positive emotions and a boost of energy after a hard day at work. Most fitness clubs will offer you both classes in the gym and a wide variety of group training, ranging from aerobics and Pilates to such exotic activities as Zumba or pole dancing.

In addition, in the fitness club you can always get advice from a qualified trainer, which is especially important for beginners.

If you are a calm and balanced person and you are more comfortable in silence, alone with yourself, or with very close people, then we can recommend that you start your path to perfection with home exercises. Most likely, the bustle and noise of the fitness room will tire you, and you are already used to handling various tasks on your own without outside help. Then home exercise is perfect for you.

Choose exactly what you personally like.

In fact, training at home can be no less effective and varied than in a fitness club. But if at the club specially trained people will think about how to entertain you and benefit your body, and all you have to do is do what they say and have fun, then at home you will have to develop a training program yourself. Of course, we will be happy to share some exercise options for home fitness that you can use.

First day at the gym: where to start

The first time is not easy for a newbie in the fitness room: the amount of information on the Internet and instructions on Youtube can easily make you feel overwhelmed. Where to begin? What to do? And, most importantly, how to exercise correctly so as not to catch the sidelong glances of other trainees? If you don’t want to become the hero of the “I can do everything myself” meme, then read a short educational program for beginners, compiled by expert methodologist of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit Ruslan Panov.

  1. All exercises are divided into 3 types: global, regional and local. They differ in the target muscle groups that are included in the work in a particular exercise, and the movements of the joints.
  2. Local include exercises in which less than 1/3 of the total muscle mass is involved and single-component movements are present. For example, bending or extending the arms for the biceps and, accordingly, the triceps.
  3. Regional ones include those where up to 50% of the muscles work and movement in 2-3 joints. Leg press in HAK, rows on horizontal and vertical blocks, some types of presses.
  4. Global - or otherwise basic - exercises involve more than 50% of the body's muscles and produce movements in several joints. These are all types of squats, lunges, push-ups, planks, work on the abdominal muscles.
  5. Have you heard the expression, “Make the base?” It's from this opera. They are present in any type of training, it doesn’t matter - functional, interval, strength. With the exception of cycling (training of varying intensity on stationary bicycles. - Esquire) and some types of dance. They can be performed in the gym, in group programs and even at home. They are widely used in everyday life, in outdoor sports and games. Thanks to them, you can not only strengthen the muscle frame, but also develop coordination, improve endurance and strength.
  • Why do basic exercises?

They include a large number of joints and muscles - accordingly, they are more energy-intensive. The mathematics is very simple: an isolated muscle can spend, say, 10-15 kcal per minute when performed at moderate intensity. At the same time, a basic exercise can reach up to 50 kcal - depending on the correct execution, speed and individual characteristics.

  • Basic exercises include:

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Push-ups. The exercise is aimed at the muscles of the arms, chest, back, the abs in this case acts as a stabilizer. Beginners can do it from their knees, this will reduce half the load. More advanced ones - on straight legs. In the version for those who are more advanced, the leg muscles are also involved. The most important thing in push-ups is the angle of the hands relative to the elbow and shoulder joints: the elbows should not fall out, the hands should be strictly under them. Push-ups can be done with a wide grip, where the pectoralis major and biceps are involved, or with a narrow grip - then most of the load falls on the triceps.

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Plank. A unique exercise that uses ALL the muscles of the body. The simplest and most effective, requiring no additional equipment, space, or equipment. If you don’t know what to do, do a plank. There are several types, depending on the level of preparedness of the trainee. Do not forget about the correct technique: on straight arms, the hands, elbows and shoulders are at the same level, on semi-bent arms - the elbow is exactly under the shoulder. The back is not slouched, the lower back is taut, and does not fall down. The knees are straight, but not “locked” or arched.

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Squat. In the squat, the target muscles are almost all the muscles of the legs and buttocks. The back muscles, the spinal extensors, are used as stabilizers. There are many types of exercise with different movement mechanics. You can find them and study them yourself on the X-Fit Youtube channel.

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Lunges. They act in a similar way to a squat. The same muscles are involved. There are different types of exercise that can be done to diversify the training process - on the spot, in a step, backward lunges, scissors.

In both squats and lunges, a lowered head, knees together, and a round back are unacceptable - all this can lead to loss of balance, injury to the knees and spine.

Expert methodologist of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit Ruslan Panov:

“First of all, it is necessary to control the equipment. Often beginners immediately start working at increased intensity, thinking that it is effective. But that's not true. All joints have certain vectors of movement, and if they are not followed, then the exercises become useless and even traumatic. Therefore, when we talk about starting a training journey, the most important thing to start with is setting up the technique. The study of movement technique is called biomechanics. It’s best to do this with a coach on an individual basis.”

No matter where you train - at home, in the gym, at the stadium or on the beach on vacation - include core exercises in your workout. You can build a full workout using squats, lunges, push-ups and planks. More advanced ones can use weights and increase the number of repetitions. The most important thing is the correct technique, then the lesson will be effective.

What to do

The answer to this question, oddly enough, is very simple. Wear any clothes that do not restrict your movements and fit your size. If you work out in the gym, it is better to avoid ultra short shorts or overly open tops. This is not even due to the fact that you come to the gym to work out, and not to demonstrate your forms to others. The fact is that any public place, no matter how carefully it is kept clean, is still a collection of germs.

Hygiene in the gym is a separate topic for discussion. The less your skin comes into contact with mats on which dozens of people have worked out before you, with exercise equipment, the floor and benches in the locker room, the calmer it will be for you.

Even if you work out at home, it is advisable to have a separate set of clothes for training.

The ideal option would be a T-shirt and breeches, or leggings or sweatpants. On your feet, a universal option is sneakers. For beginners, it doesn’t matter which ones, the main thing is that you feel comfortable in them. Next, depending on what exactly you will be doing, you can choose special shoes for yourself.

Take care of yourself

You can talk and argue about a healthy lifestyle forever. Everyone knows that going to the gym only brings benefits, but not everyone can force themselves to play sports. Many people claim that they don't have time. Many people have heard that sports and health are incompatible concepts and there are many other reasons not to go to the gym. But be honest with yourself, these are just excuses. Your laziness comes up with excuses and justifications.

There are many rumors and myths about gyms. People are afraid of looking ridiculous compared to gym regulars. Many are afraid to face the rudeness and rudeness of others. And some simply don't know where to start. This article is designed to help you cope with your fears and prepare you for your first trip to the gym.

Don't be afraid to look ridiculous. The people around you in the gym were also new. Even the great Arnold Schwarzenegger was once a newbie. Everyone started somewhere. Trolling newcomers on the Internet is associated only with their stupidity and unwillingness to learn. Gym regulars are mostly friendly people. No one will be rude or rude, especially if they see your efforts. People come to the gym to improve themselves and they simply don’t have time for ridicule, rudeness and rudeness.

Don't kid yourself about the lack of time. If you find time to lie on the couch in front of the TV, then you will have enough time for the gym. Find a gym closer to home and start working out there. You are required to take an hour and a half a day, three times a week. It's not that much.

Imagine that the gym is your job, the payment for which will be your appearance. Therefore, understand that laziness has no place here. Only hard work will help you improve yourself. Pull yourself together and force yourself to go to the gym. It's never too late to start playing sports. Yes, you may not be a great athlete, but you will definitely look and feel great.

How often to exercise

The optimal training frequency depends on your fitness level, as well as the content and intensity of your training. It's worth starting with 2-3 times a week. The main thing is that this is done regularly, this is a prerequisite. Every missed workout is a setback. If you miss one lesson, consider yourself going back two.

Therefore, if you want results, try to make sure that nothing interferes with your training. It will be difficult at first, be prepared for it. But when you see the result, you will want to jump for joy. So don’t be afraid of anything, everything will work out. You just need to want it.

Example program

Warm-up: 5 minutes on the elliptical trainer and joint exercises Main part: 8 exercises, each performed in 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions

  1. 1. Leg press in the simulator
  2. 2. Leg extension in the simulator
  3. 3. Leg curls in the simulator
  4. 4. Horizontal pull
  5. 5. Back extension
  6. 6. Chest Press
  7. 7. Shoulder press up
  8. 8. Arm Curl
  9. 9. Arm extension
  10. 10. Lying crunches

Cool down: 5-10 minutes of cardio and simple stretching

Many beginners think that muscles become stronger and more resilient during training, but this is not at all true. During training, the entire body receives an impulse in which direction it should move, while the processes of fat burning and muscle growth themselves occur during rest. From here we can conclude: proper nutrition combined with quality rest is the key to successful training that brings results. Train smart!

When will the results be available?

Perhaps this is the most pressing question that concerns not only beginner fitness enthusiasts, but also experienced athletes. The only difference is that athletes know what this very result depends on, and they know how to predict it. Precisely to predict with some degree of probability. Because even professionals cannot predict one hundred percent the exact time for the appearance of the result.

First, let’s define what this very result is? For some, it’s losing a few kilograms of weight or the appearance of the treasured six-pack on their stomach, and for others, it’s a gold medal at international competitions. Good health, flexibility, energy and joint mobility are also significant results.

And, of course, it should be understood that the result is always the sum of factors. Unfortunately, many people forget about this. The result depends on the scale of the goal, on your initial data (physical condition, age, physique, lifestyle), on the correctness of the chosen training, and of course, first of all, on your desire.

Decide what result you want to get and follow your goal.

You will see the very first result, expressed in an improvement in your well-being and mood, after just a few workouts. So stop counting the days, just have fun, and know that the result will definitely come. The main thing is to be honest with yourself (after all, you are doing this primarily for yourself).


You have decided to go in for sports, which means that you have already taken the first step towards your own dream.

  1. Assess your health, physical condition, lifestyle, temperament, choose an activity to your liking. Modern fitness clubs offer a huge variety of activities. Try it, you will definitely like something. You can also practice at home, in a quiet, secluded environment.
  2. A T-shirt, pants and comfortable sneakers are more than enough for the first time. Don’t bother your head with unnecessary information about where to buy a tracksuit from the latest designer collection.
  3. You are ready - start. Don't procrastinate or skip classes. Regularity is the key to your success. Skipping a workout is a step back, always remember this. And then the desired result will not take long to arrive, and you will feel the first changes after just a few workouts.
  4. Enjoy working on yourself, because with each exercise your body becomes even healthier and your figure even more attractive!
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