20 Effective Tips to Burn Belly Fat, Backed by Science

Obesity is a serious problem. Many men and women today are overweight. Typically, most fat accumulates in the waist area. Getting rid of belly fat is difficult. This type of fat is called visceral fat. This problem is not only aesthetic, but also medical.

It has been proven that visceral fat increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart and vascular diseases. Medical science has clear standards for determining a person's weight. For this purpose, a concept such as body mass index (BMI) is used. If it exceeds the norm, then the risk of developing metabolic diseases is extremely high.

Moreover, not only overweight people, but also outwardly thin people are at risk. The fact is that visceral fat tends to accumulate in the waist area. At the same time, the person’s legs and arms will remain thin.

Dealing with belly fat is difficult, but it can be done. The article contains 20 effective tips to help burn abdominal fat.

Eat fiber

By absorbing water, the coarse fiber from food acquires a gel-like consistency. Such a bolus of food takes longer to digest, so the feeling of hunger will not arise soon. A well-fed person will not come to the table again to have a snack. Thus, the body receives fewer calories and does not gain weight.

A study on more than 1,100 adults was conducted on this matter. It found that increasing the serving of coarse fiber by 10 g helps reduce the increase in belly fat by 3.7% over 5 years [1].

Foods containing fiber should be included in your diet daily. Its sources are flaxseed, shirataki noodles, Brussels sprouts, legumes, avocados, and blackberries.

So, fiber promotes weight loss by reducing total daily calorie intake and long-term satiety. The more a person consumes foods that contain coarse fiber, the faster he will lose weight.

Hoop for burning belly fat

Which one to buy

How a woman can burn fat on her stomach and sides in order to get noticeable results even without intensive training in the gym, a hula hoop (hoop) will “help”.

Types of hula hoops:

  • Ordinary. Made of metal or plastic, empty inside (which makes it lightweight), without any roughness.
  • Collapsible. It can be taken apart.
  • Weighted. This type is heavier, so it puts more pressure on the stomach.
  • Massage. Its surface is no longer smooth, but with irregularities and small massage inserts of different shapes.
  • With a calorie counter and the number of revolutions made.

To determine the required diameter of a hula hoop, place it on the side near you and look where the top line is. The size is suitable if this line is within the abdomen.

How to exercise correctly

To ensure that the hoop does not cause harm and is effective, you should:

  • Exercise only with an “empty” stomach. It is better to eat an hour before and an hour after training.
  • Feet shoulder-width apart is the most comfortable position. You can start mastering this simulator with it. The smaller the distance between the feet, the more you will have to strain the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.
  • To oxidize fat deposits, it is important to exercise with a hula hoop in the fresh air and breathe deeply.

    To burn fat on your stomach and sides, you need to exercise outside in protected areas or parks where the air is clean.

  • The body should not be relaxed or shake. The movements are performed gently.

Order of exercises

The main workout can be supplemented with exercises with a hoop in your hands:

  1. Press your back against the wall, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Take the hoop in your hands parallel to your body. Bend forward, pressing your back tightly against the wall. The stomach should be tense.
  2. Lying on your back, bend one leg at the knee and press its foot against a vertical hoop. Move the other leg along the upper arc 20 times.
  3. Sit on the floor, put the hoop on your back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, slightly round your back forward, tense your abs and slowly lower your torso back, “holding” yourself with your abs. As soon as it is no longer possible to bend over, they return back. The exercise is repeated 10 – 15 times.

Load intensity

During the first training session, the hoop is spun for 5 minutes. Gradually increase the time, adding 5 - 10 minutes, bringing it to 30 minutes. Then you should regularly rotate for 30 minutes a day.

Avoid trans fats

Transgenic fats are found in margarine and spreads. They can often be found in prepared foods, such as cookies and other confectionery products. The more of these harmful substances enter the body, the higher the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.

Transgenic fats contribute to the development of insulin resistance in the body. This threatens obesity and diabetes [2].

In this regard, a study was conducted on monkeys, which lasted for 6 years. All animals that received products containing transgenic fats suffered from obesity. Moreover, fat was deposited in their abdominal area. Monkeys in the control group received foods containing monounsaturated fats. Their increase in fat around the waist was 33% lower [3].

To minimize your trans fat intake, you need to carefully read the labels of the foods you plan to eat. Most often they are listed as “partially hydrogenated fats.” Moreover, this recommendation can be called universal for people who not only want to lose weight, but also simply stay healthy.

Proper nutrition

You should keep a food diary and write down everything that a person consumed in a day . At the first stage, this is necessary to perceive the problem of overeating. Modern technologies allow you to use calorie counters on your phone and see the “limit” for the day. The main condition for losing weight is to constantly create a calorie deficit!

The recommended number of calories per day for the average woman losing weight is 1500-1600 . It is not recommended to exceed this figure (the deficit is taken into account). Remember: losing weight is 80% dependent on nutrition and only 20% on physical activity.

The calorie figures given are for a woman of average height and weight. Those who have less or more of these parameters are recommended to calculate the caloric intake necessary for weight loss using special programs or seek help from a nutritionist or fitness trainer.

Shopping list:

  1. Complex carbohydrates. Smoothly increase the level of sugar and the hormone insulin necessary for its absorption in the blood. The best options are cereals (buckwheat, rolled oats), legumes, and durum wheat pasta.
  2. Protein. The component is necessary for the formation of healthy muscle tissue. Sources - eggs, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, lean meat (chicken, veal, rabbit, turkey), seafood and fish.
  3. Fats. Healthy fats are found in fish, vegetable oils (olive, coconut, flaxseed), avocados, nuts, and chia seeds.
  4. Cellulose. Helps with intestinal function and creates a feeling of satiety. Contained in vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers, eggplant, zucchini, sweet peppers, carrots), fruits (apples, pear, orange, grapefruit, lemon), herbs, berries. A great bonus is the low calorie count.
  5. Green tea. Speeds up metabolism.
  6. Spices. Improve the digestion process, add piquancy to dishes (ground pepper, Provençal herbs, paprika, cinnamon).

The list allows you to create a complete diet. You should divide your day into 5-6 meals to speed up your metabolism. The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Do not abuse alcoholic beverages

Alcohol causes irreparable harm to health. Numerous studies have established that alcoholic beverages contribute to the development of central obesity. The less often a person drinks, the slower his fat grows in the waist area [4].

One study involved about 2,000 people. All of them drank alcohol daily, but in different quantities. It was found that people who drank less alcohol gained less fat around their waist. Therefore, in order to lose weight, you need to give up alcohol or reduce its portions [5].

Will it be possible to lose extra centimeters?

If you set this goal, you can lose up to 0.5 kg of fat per week without harm to your health. The solution to the problem should be approached comprehensively. To burn 1 kg of body fat, you need to spend 7500 kcal. It’s easier to do this if you create a daily calorie deficit.

When the body does not receive the proper level of energy, it draws it from the “depot”. If you create a deficit of 500 kcal every day, then 1 kg of fat (7500: 500 = 15) can be lost in 15 days, and 2 kg in 1 month! This type of weight loss is considered safe.

Important! The calorie deficit must be increased by energy expenditure, and the process of burning belly fat will go faster.

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Eat protein foods

Protein helps control body weight [6]. Its entry into the body promotes the production of the fullness hormone PYY. This substance helps control appetite and prevents weight gain.

Protein foods speed up metabolism. Fast metabolism helps burn visceral fat. At the same time, muscle mass remains intact [7].

Protein is a well-studied nutrient. Numerous studies have found that people who consume protein foods are less likely to suffer from obesity [8]. In order to lose weight, you need to regularly eat eggs, fish, meat, dairy and fermented milk products, and legumes.

How to speed up the process of burning belly fat

Normalizing the psychological and emotional state will help a woman burn fat on her stomach and sides. Don't think about it in a panic. Stress increases levels of the hormone cortisol, which promotes fat storage. Calmness is the first step to success.

And in order to enhance the effect of the listed methods of fighting fat, it is worth considering that:

  1. If there are 2 hours left before class, it’s time to eat some protein foods (chicken, milk).
  2. You should always breathe according to the same principle: inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. In this case, more oxygen is inhaled, which means fats are oxidized better.
  3. You should change the set of exercises, getting carried away with new techniques and giving your body a shake-up. But you cannot bring variety to chaos; you only need to perform complete courses of exercises.
  4. It is beneficial to work hard at the gym in the last days before your period. At this time, the body breaks down accumulated fats 3 times faster.
  5. Natural “fat burners” are used for weight loss: citrus fruits, pineapples, green tea, spices, ginger. But it’s still worth adding them little by little so as not to cause harm.
  6. Toxic substances in alcohol and cigarettes slow down metabolic processes in the body.

Avoid stress

Emotional stress leads to the body producing cortisol in large quantities. This stress hormone is produced by the adrenal glands. Research shows that cortisol increases appetite and increases visceral fat [9].

In addition, fat deposits in the waist area themselves contribute to excess production of the stress hormone [10].

In order to cope with this problem, you need to spend as much time as possible doing pleasant things. Yoga and meditation can help relieve nervous tension.

On topic: 10 ways to relieve stress

How much water to drink

The optimal amount of water per day for a person is about 2 liters. Drinking more than 4 liters will cause water to remove beneficial substances from the body and overload the liver. Liquids in the form of juices, teas, coffee, soups are not included in this figure.

The rules for drinking water during the period of burning excess fat cells are as follows:

  • You should not drink store-bought sweet waters, including those with gas.
  • It is worth reducing the amount of coffee - it dehydrates.
  • You can flavor the water with honey, ginger, and a few tablespoons of citrus juice.
  • You need to drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • If you drink water from the tap, then only boiled and settled water. Useful mineral, melted.
  • A glass of warm water with lemon half an hour before eating will clear the stomach and reduce appetite.
  • You can't wash down your food.
  • Cold water stimulates the production of gastric juice, so a person eats more. Warm water makes you feel full.

Play sports

Cardio training is necessary to burn fat. Performing aerobic exercise allows you to lose weight faster. Numerous studies confirm this fact. Although to this day, debate continues regarding the intensity of training. Some scientists argue that you need to perform exercises at a fast pace, while others believe that you can limit yourself to an average speed. However, on one point the opinions of researchers agree. This applies to the duration of the workout. The longer a person exercises, the faster he loses weight.

Menopausal women took part in the experiment. It was found that those women who performed aerobic exercise for 300 minutes a week lost weight faster. The control group included a group of women who exercised for 150 minutes per week [12].

Refusal of carbohydrate foods

Nutritionists recommend reducing the consumption of refined carbohydrates, that is, those that are absorbed very quickly. However, you should not completely abandon such products. They need to be replaced with foods containing complex carbohydrates. Studies show that such diets help quickly get rid of fat deposits [13]. In addition, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus is reduced several times.

The famous Framingham Study showed that people who consumed complex carbohydrates had 17% less abdominal fat compared to those who preferred foods with quickly digestible sugars [14].

Sources of “correct” carbohydrates include legumes and whole grains (buckwheat, oatmeal, brown unprocessed rice), and vegetables.

Replace cooking fats with coconut oil

Coconut oil is a healthy fat. It has been experimentally proven that it helps speed up metabolism and get rid of excess weight faster. It was found that fat deposits in the waist area begin to burn first [15].

One of the studies involved men with visceral obesity. They took coconut oil every day for 3 months. No other changes were made to the diet. During the experiment, their waist circumference decreased by almost 3 cm. It is noteworthy that the study participants also did not engage in sports [16].

Since coconut oil itself has a high calorie content, nutritionists recommend not just adding it to your usual diet, but replacing some other fats with it.

Proven ways to quickly remove excess fat from your waist

First you need to find out whether excess belly fat is a symptom of any disease. If fat deposits are localized on the abdomen and face, and the lower part of the body remains normal, then this may be a sign of endocrine pathology (Cushing's syndrome).

Important! Obesity can be one of the signs of diabetes. Therefore, if you gain weight due to fat, you should consult an endocrinologist.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

In addition to specific fat deposition, Cushing's syndrome is characterized by the formation of a moon-shaped face with a purple blush. A clear sign of pathology is thinning of the limbs due to a decrease in the proportion of muscle tissue. A characteristic manifestation of Itsenko-Cushing syndrome is the appearance of numerous and large stretch marks on the skin (striae). They are especially often noted on the abdomen (usually the lower sections), thighs, and buttocks. People suffering from this pathology often experience the appearance of acne, which is difficult to get rid of. And in places where the skin rubs with clothing, areas of increased coloration of the body (zones of hyperpigmentation) form.

This disease should be excluded by undergoing examination. But the most common reasons for gaining excess weight are systematic overeating and a sedentary lifestyle.

If everything is in order with your health, then you need to set a goal for yourself - to achieve a flat stomach and a thin waist. It will not be possible to remove fat in just one place, because the body loses it evenly from different parts of the body. In men, the lower part loses weight first, and in women, the upper part.

You may also be interested in: How to remove subcutaneous fat from a woman’s belly

How to burn fat on the stomach and sides of a woman, first steps:

  1. Exclude sweets, fast food, baked goods, fatty, fried, salty foods, alcohol. This type of food is “empty” calories that are of no benefit and quickly add inches to your waist.
  2. Go to the store for the right products.
  3. Move more. Walk, take the stairs, not the elevator.
  4. Download apps to count calories and steps.
  5. It is necessary to control your physical activity. A fitness tracker will help with this. He will promptly indicate the need for physical activity.

Important! The main components of successfully achieving the goal will be: proper nutrition, sports exercises and daily routine.

Useless ways to get a “wasp” waist:

  1. Twisting the hoop. Even if it is heavy, with various iron balls, it will not help get rid of fat on the sides. This exercise has a massage effect. It requires a lot of time, but not calories.
  2. Abdominal pumping, and nothing more. The rectus abdominis muscle is pumped, but the long-awaited abs will not appear, because they cannot be seen under a layer of fat. Pumping up the abdominal press in the presence of fat deposits on the abdomen will only lead to an increase in waist size, and not to the desired weight loss. The sides remain unnoticed.
  3. Side bends alternately, which are often weighted with dumbbells. The oblique muscles work great, they tense up from such efforts. The result: they increase in size. The waist is getting bigger.
  4. Wrapping with cling film. A greenhouse effect is created. The skin sweats, fluid and useful minerals are lost. The fat stays in place.
  5. Using modeling body creams. They perfectly improve blood circulation, eliminate congestion in the skin and subcutaneous fat, but are unable to remove fat deposits. Such creams can be used to increase skin elasticity and eliminate minor stretch marks, since they contain substances that activate the body’s synthesis of collagen.

Important! It is necessary to develop discipline, dedication, the principles of constancy and regularity in order to gain not only a flat stomach, waist, but also health in general. There is no need to do extreme sports (starve yourself and torture yourself with killer workouts). The approach must be rational.

Avoid sugary drinks

The sweetness in such drinks is provided by fructose. This component promotes the deposition of belly fat [19]. In addition, scientists have found that fat accumulates not only in the waist area, but also in the liver area. These findings were based on a 10-week study of people who drank soda every day [20].

Kilocalories from the liquid are absorbed into the blood instantly. The body does not process them, but transfers them to fat reserves. Therefore, such drinks are even more dangerous than confectionery.

In order to lose weight you need to avoid consuming any form of sugar. This applies to soda, sweet tea, punch, and alcoholic cocktails.

First step. Lifestyle activation

To quickly burn fat on the stomach and sides, a woman needs to undergo a whole range of measures.

First, you should eliminate all bad habits and start leading a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Sleep with the lights off for at least 7 hours, of which at least 2 hours before midnight.

  2. Drink clean water.
  3. Avoid stress.
  4. Increase activity gradually, but do not take breaks.
  5. Walk every day for at least 20 minutes.
  6. Agree to exciting outdoor activities: hiking, relaxing in the forest, dancing.
  7. Do morning exercises for 15 minutes. These are turns, swings, tilts of the neck, arms, legs.

It is important to mix up your working hours with activity.

To do this you can:

  • Walk instead of using transport.
  • Use the elevator less often.
  • Exercise with an expander.
  • Ride to and from work by bike.
  • Perform “office yoga” asanas.

Popular types of physical activity:

  • Race walking. The load on the body during race walking is gentle, so it is suitable for overweight people. Running is not recommended for them. In an hour of race walking, a person spends 400 kcal.

  • A ride on the bicycle. In an hour's drive a person spends 700 kcal.
  • Exercise with hula hoop (hoop). 100 calories are burned in 10 minutes of exercise. The hoop “massages” the waist, removing the stomach and sides.
  • Jumping rope. Depending on the speed of execution, from 200 to 300 kcal are lost in 15 minutes.
  • Swimming. In half an hour, 400 kcal are consumed. Water “massages” the body, removing excess weight and cellulite.
  • Dancing. When practicing ballroom dancing, they spend 200 kcal per hour. Disco, Latin dancing and rock and roll burn 400 kcal.

Get more rest

Full and high-quality sleep is necessary for every person who wants to stay healthy. Scientists have found that people suffering from insomnia gain weight faster [21].

The global study, which lasted 16 years, involved 68,000 women. Those participants who slept less than 5 hours a day gained weight faster [22].

A condition known as sleep apnea, where breathing becomes irregular at night, is also associated with excess visceral fat [23].

Eat fatty fish

Fatty fish are a source of Omega-3. These polyunsaturated acids are necessary for the body, as they allow it to better resist various diseases. There is evidence that Omega-3 helps to lose weight, namely, to get rid of visceral fat.

Numerous studies have been conducted on adults and children suffering from fatty liver disease. It was found that taking fish oil supplements can help get rid of this disease [25].

To more effectively control your body weight, you need to eat 2-3 servings of fatty fish per week. Experts recommend including mackerel, sardines, anchovies, herring and salmon in your diet. If this is not possible, then you need to take Omega-3 in food supplements.

What sports supplements should I take?

Choosing supplements on your own is harmful and even dangerous. They are chosen after the recommendation of the coach.

Main types of additives:

  • BCAA is a set of amino acids that will help you lose and maintain proper weight and help build muscle mass.
  • Protein helps maintain the required level of protein in the body.
  • L-carnitine delivers fats obtained from food to muscles for processing. This supplement is useless without intense sports activity.
  • Vitamins and minerals. These substances accompany all body processes.
  • Omega-3 helps the heart function, cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol, and improves metabolic processes.

Popular sports nutrition brands:

  • BSN;
  • Ultimate Nutrition;
  • Dymatize;
  • Universal Nutrition;
  • Optimum Nutrition.

All of these companies produce a variety of supplements.

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Consume apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known to not only help you lose weight, but also help lower blood sugar levels [26]. This is possible thanks to the acid it contains.

The study involved men who consumed a tablespoon of vinegar (15 ml) per day. They were observed for 12 weeks. During this time, their waist circumference decreased by 1.4 cm [27].

However, you need to drink vinegar in diluted form. If you do not dilute it with water, your tooth enamel may be damaged.

Use probiotics

Probiotics refer to bacteria that are beneficial to humans. They are found in some foods and food additives. Taking probiotics helps normalize intestinal microflora and improve digestion.

Scientists have found that different types of bacteria have different effects on a person's weight. If you achieve a certain balance, you can quickly get rid of excess body weight. Lactobacilli promote weight loss: Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus amylovorus [28] and especially Lactobacillus gasseri [29].

Prebiotics may contain various bacteria. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to make sure that the right supplement has been selected.

How to burn belly fat after childbirth

As a rule, a woman needs to burn fat on her stomach and sides after childbirth. If the birth of a child occurred naturally, then recovery takes 3-4 months. If the baby was born via caesarean section, recovery will take about 2 months. You can start exercising only with the permission of your doctor. Those who train earlier risk damaging the sutures and dislocating the uterus.

Pregnancy is accompanied by hormonal changes. This affects weight and, especially, the growth of abdominal fat. It protects the fetus from damage. You should not only remove the fat layer, but also pump up your abs. For this purpose, yoga, water aerobics, dancing, and shaping are used. Exercises in water work especially well: water massages the body and eliminates overexertion.

It is always worth paying attention to muscle stretching. For example: a deep breath is completed by strongly sticking out the stomach, and a full exhalation by drawing in strongly. Take breaks every 5-10 times. The duration of this stretch is several minutes.

It is useful to train in transport while doing household chores. To do this, just pull in and relax your stomach.

The diet after childbirth can only be limited to smoked foods, very fatty foods, and sweets. A nursing mother should receive all the nutrients. The body of those women who do not breastfeed also requires adequate nutrition. Diets are best used carefully, after consulting a doctor. Preference should be given to dairy products, lean meat, seafood, vegetables, and fruits.

The accumulation of fat cells for the body is a safety stock in case of energy shortage. For a woman, it is also a protective shell for the fetus. That’s why the body is so reluctant to burn this layer on the stomach and sides. But you can put your figure in order, become slim and attractive. You just need to have the desire to put as much effort as possible into the process of losing weight.

Author: Zemskaya Olga Anatolyevna

Article design: Mila Friedan

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