The best recipes for making oat milk at home

Oat milk - what kind of product?

Unlike other fashion foods (“fashionable products”), oat milk will literally cost you three pennies if you make it yourself. It is easy to prepare and retains maximum nutrients. It is based on regular oatmeal or oats themselves and water . All this is mixed in the right proportion, infused, crushed, filtered - and that’s it, the product is ready for use!

Oat milk can be substituted for regular cow's milk, especially if you want to lose weight or suffer from a milk protein allergy. Milk from oatmeal is readily used in the diet by vegans and religious people (during Lent, when animal food is prohibited). Supporters of a healthy lifestyle also respect such milk, including the fact that it does not contain unnecessary chemical additives and does not require additional processing (such as pasteurization).

The benefits of soaked grains

Whole oat grains and flattened flakes, oat flour and oatmeal are common products on store shelves (oatmeal is flour made from whole oat grains, and oat flour is obtained by processing grains without a grain shell, i.e. depleted in useful substances). In these products, all substances for grain germination are in a dormant state. The water content in the grain is only 12%, and grain germination does not occur.

Types of oatmeal

When the grains are soaked, they begin to “wake up” and breathe, letting in water and oxygen. The grain swells and enzymes start working - they break down stored proteins, fats and carbohydrates into simple substances necessary to nourish the embryo. When oats are soaked, the content of proteins, vitamins and minerals increases, and the carbohydrate content decreases due to the nutrition of the embryo. The fermentation process that occurs makes the drink more healthy (more on this below). Oat grains are more “alive” compared to flakes, i.e. saturated with energy, while flakes after industrial heat treatment lose their natural negative charge.

It is important for us that when soaking:

  • The biological value of the product increases - the content of proteins, vitamins, macro- and microelements increases;
  • Complex grain proteins are broken down into amino acids, which facilitates the digestion and absorption of grains by the body (it spends less energy on these processes);
  • Dietary fiber of grain (fiber) swells, which makes food more plastic (not damaging to the intestinal wall), improves intestinal motility, binds and removes toxins from the body. In addition, dietary fiber is a good prebiotic, i.e. nutrition for intestinal microflora.

Calorie content and chemical composition

This type of milk contains less protein than animal milk, has virtually no sugar or gluten (unless the cereal is processed in the same equipment as other grains), and is free of casein and lactose, which many people are intolerant to.

Oat milk is a low-calorie product - only 30 kcal per 100 g.

Moreover, in the same 100 grams there is a significant amount of calcium (up to 35% of the recommended daily dose), rather rare vitamin D (25% of the daily value) , phosphorus, silicon, iron, B vitamins (including folic acid, which is extremely important during pregnancy), E and PP, manganese, zinc, copper and a whole range of chemical elements and other useful substances . They are perfectly complemented by dietary fiber and fiber necessary for digestion, starch, di- and monosaccharides.

The best pp recipes for cooking at home

The main ingredients for making “dairy-free milk” are high-quality raw materials (cereals or oats) and clean water. By increasing or decreasing the amount of water, you can prepare milk of different consistencies. And by adding spices, honey or juice to the finished product, you will get a completely new drink with a pleasant sweetness and aroma.

In general, only oatmeal fans can drink it without any additives - the taste is too neutral. I advise you to definitely add something - cinnamon, honey, cocoa or carob, etc. Numerous reviews on the Internet confirm my impression - oat milk does not taste very much like cow's milk.

Step-by-step photo recipe for oat milk from cereal

Would you like to try this miraculous drink? You shouldn’t look for it on store shelves, but rather prepare as much as you want with your own hands. There seem to be many ways to make milk from oatmeal, but this one is the simplest and most inexpensive.

Everything is prepared from ordinary oatmeal (not instant cooking) and water.

Ingredients for 1 serving

  • oat flakes – 30 g
  • filtered water – 300 ml

Preparation step by step:

I recommend starting preparing milk in the evening. Cover the oatmeal (pre-rinse if necessary) with water. Proportions 1:10. Use flakes that need to be boiled, not poured with boiling water . Leave overnight, covered. If the room is hot, then put the cup in the refrigerator.

In the morning or just after 8-10 hours, thoroughly beat the infused oatmeal with water with a blender.

Strain the mixture through a double layer of gauze. We get rich, thick milk and cake from oatmeal.

This healing drink has a neutral taste. You can drink it like this, or you can add a little honey or natural syrup. In addition, your favorite spice, such as cinnamon, cardamom or anise, will help decorate the product.

Whole oat milk

If you use whole grains, then you will need to take a little less of them than oatmeal - about one and a half times.

You will need:

  • 30 g quality oats
  • 500 ml water

How to make oat milk:

  1. First, oats (even those bought in an eco-store and beautifully packaged) will need to be washed. I once forgot to do this and still couldn’t understand why oat milk was bitter.
  2. Afterwards, you need to pour cold water over the oats in a ratio of 1:3 for about 10 hours.
  3. After this, rinse the grains again and place them in a blender bowl. Pour 500 ml of cool boiled or bottled water there and beat for a while until smooth.
  4. The finished oat milk must be strained through a cloth (gauze is not suitable in this case, since the remnants of the grain shells will easily “fall through” its large cells).

The fastest way

In addition to cereal and oats, you can also use oatmeal to produce milk. In this case, the cooking time is significantly reduced, but all the beneficial properties remain.

So take:

  • 100 g oat flour
  • 800 ml water


Pour water over oatmeal and leave in a warm place for half an hour, then mix thoroughly and strain. Plant milk is ready!

As you can see, they make it even without a blender, because the flour itself is quite fine and does not require additional grinding.

How to germinate grain and make a decoction?

It is necessary to soak the grains for about twelve hours. Then drain the liquid.

We place the grains on a well-moistened cloth (cotton) and leave them warm. Next, we simply wait until the grains begin to germinate. Do not wait until large sprouts form; it is enough for them to just hatch.

Take the formed grains and put them in a blender, grind until smooth. It will look like a smoothie, you can dilute it with a little water or drink it like this. It is better not to store it for more than one day. Note that it is the drink made in this way that retains the largest amount of good substances.

As for administration, it is best to consume oat decoction half an hour before the main meal. How much exactly to drink per day? This is individual for everyone and depends on the person’s age.

Is it useful and why?

Like any other product, oat milk has its own benefits and harms. First, let’s tell you how oat milk is beneficial for the human body:

  • improves the condition of skin, teeth and hair;
  • helps maintain blood sugar levels;
  • removes excess cholesterol;
  • normalizes sleep, reduces anxiety and increases stress resistance;
  • restores memory and attention;
  • removes unnecessary fluid from tissues, eliminates swelling, normalizes metabolism;
  • has antioxidant properties, slows down cell aging, serves as a prevention of cancer processes;
  • strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infections;
  • normalizes blood clotting;
  • eliminates toxins and waste, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

But even with such an impressive list of beneficial properties, oat-based milk should not be abused . It contains phytic acid, which the human body cannot digest, since it does not produce a special enzyme to break it down . This acid interferes with the absorption of microelements, proteins and fats, and especially calcium, so over time a deficiency of bone mass and even osteoporosis may develop (the fairer sex is especially susceptible to it). also considered one of the causes of iron deficiency anemia in vegetarians, since they reduce the availability of iron from food by almost 50%. When the flakes are soaked, phytic acid is partially destroyed, but you still shouldn’t drink oat milk in excess.

And one more important addition - instant oatmeal is absolutely not suitable for making milk. Firstly, almost everything useful and living in them is completely destroyed during processing. And secondly, such porridges usually contain a significant amount of additives - sweeteners, flavorings and others, which negate all the advantages of natural oatmeal.

The most important property of oat infusion

As a chemist, I know the importance of such fluid indicators as pH and redox potential for the body. We all know well about pH: the higher this value, the better for the body (it becomes alkalized, not oxidized). But we know little about the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). And it shows what charge water and other liquids carry - positive or negative.

Our body needs negative charges to carry out redox reactions (for metabolism), the energy released in this case goes to the functioning of cells and their restoration. A negative charge makes us healthier, while the predominance of positive charges leads to various pathologies.

It has long been measured that the liquid media of the human body (blood, lymph, intercellular fluid) have an ORP from minus 70 to - 200 millivolts (in infants). The ORP value of blood is minus 100 millivolts, and that of breast milk is minus 70 millivolts.

Now about the water we drink. Measurements of tap water showed ORP + (150 - 300) millivolts, i.e. this water oxidizes our body, while we specifically fight oxidation with antioxidants to prevent premature aging.

Clean drinking water

When drinking plain (oxidizing) water, the body is forced to take the missing negative charge from the cell membranes so that the water becomes the negative ORP needed by the body. As a result of the loss of negative charges, our cells become oxidized, losing the energy and resources necessary to perform their functions.

So, the benefit of infusion of oats in water is that when infused, the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of the drink significantly decreases, i.e. it becomes extremely useful for us.

Water infused with oats has an ORP value minus (350 - 400) millivolts, i.e. has a large supply of useful negative charges. Moreover, interesting experiments were carried out when only 1 teaspoon of oat infusion was added to a glass of plain water (having a positive ORP value) - then the ORP value of the water in the glass usefully decreased from +173 to -140 millivolts (and the body needs a minimum ORP - 70 mV, i.e. the water acquired a supply of useful negative charges).

Thus, an aqueous infusion of oats in water becomes healing, which improves our well-being and the body’s resistance to harmful factors, incl. various viruses.

Oat milk and weight loss

Milk made from oatmeal contains very little fat and perfectly stimulates metabolism, which is why it is often used for weight loss.

You can find a lot of advice on the Internet on how to take oat milk if you want to lose weight. The most common recommendation is in the mornings and evenings, an hour before meals, no more than 100 g at a time.

Another option is fasting days on oat milk , but it is not suitable for everyone losing weight. Experts recommend that before such an “unloading” you must consult a nutritionist so as not to inadvertently harm the body. Here, by the way, there are good options for other types of fasting days.

Review of weight loss with oat milk

In general, I heard about milk from oatmeal from my friend, she is a lover of various diets, I still can’t tempt her to pp. So recently she once again lost 5 kg. And the secret, according to her, is the oatmeal milk.

I am sharing her review.

Anya, 29 years old

“Once I read about the miraculous properties of oat milk and wanted to lose weight on it myself. I chose a system with fasting days. The point is that for 2 days you eat what you usually do, and for the day you drink water and oat milk. Water - 2 liters, oat milk per day - 1.5 liters. Drink a glass at a time. At first I thought about buying it, but then I saw the prices for it in the supermarket and decided that I would make it myself. I followed the recommendations for 2 weeks. Plumb - minus 5.5 kg! Both the waist and hips have shrunk. And the pimples on my forehead have disappeared!”

I’ll say right away that I am against radical weight loss with oat milk, but I consider it as a product for diversifying the diet. This is both useful and unusual.

Rules of use

Drinking tincture of oatmeal is recommended to be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. The optimal course is 1 month, but if necessary, the period can be extended.

Reference. To enhance the effect, you can drink oat water 30-40 minutes before each meal, and also replace regular drinking water with it. Oat decoction can provide the body with the necessary amount of fluid and useful microelements.

The daily norm is no more than 0.5-1 liter.

For those who want to lose weight, the application scheme is as follows:

  • a glass of infusion in the morning;
  • During the day, take a few sips to satisfy the feeling of hunger.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases of the digestive system - three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, a glass.

What is cooked with oat milk?

We already know how to prepare oat milk, but what is much more interesting is what can be prepared using it? It is believed that this product can be added everywhere, replacing regular cow's milk.

For example, it makes very tasty fruit and vegetable smoothies with carrots, kiwi, orange, apple, spinach, pumpkin, and so on. Oat milk can be added to soup, baked goods, even regular coffee, or used to cook your favorite porridge. But I’ll warn you right away - its properties will more likely resemble the properties of some kind of thickener, but not traditional milk.

How to make milk from whole oats

Whole grains contain many more nutrients than refined cereals. After all, vitamins and minerals are concentrated in the shells. To prepare oat milk, oats must not be treated with pesticides and toxic chemicals, otherwise there will be no benefit from the product.

It is best to look for raw materials in eco-shops and health food stores that sell organic grains for sprouting and making decoctions.


To obtain the healing liquid you need to take only two components:

  • 60 g whole oats;
  • 1 liter of water.

You can use a mixture of oats (40 g) and wheat (20 g). Equipment you will need is a blender and a piece of cotton fabric or a special filter bag for plant-based milk, they are sold on the Internet.

Cooking process

  1. Sort the oats and rinse thoroughly to remove dust.
  2. Pour in raw water at room temperature in a ratio of 1:3 or more. At this stage, its exact quantity is not important. If there is any doubt about the quality of the grains, it is better to cook them for 20 minutes over low heat to disinfect them.
  3. Leave to swell for 10-12 hours.
  4. Drain the water, rinse the grain thoroughly, and place on a sieve.
  5. Place the swollen oats in a bowl and add a liter of cold boiled water.
  6. Grind the mixture until white at high speed in a blender for 1-2 minutes.
  7. Strain through a cotton cloth and squeeze out the cake thoroughly.

You can also make oat milk from pre-sprouted grains; it has even more beneficial properties. It cannot be cooked. The remaining cake is suitable for scrubbing the skin.

Final tips

The glycemic index of oat milk is 30, which means the product can be safely consumed not only for weight loss, but also for various diseases, such as diabetes.

Oat milk should only be stored in the refrigerator! Shelf life - 2 days maximum.

This milk is used not only for nutrition, but also as a skin and hair care product, which significantly improves their appearance and helps fight acne and skin imperfections. And the oat cake remaining after straining the milk can be used as a base for cookies or nutritious bread.

Irina Polyanitsa My name is Irina, I am the owner and admin of the site, as well as the author of most of the recipes and articles. I love to cook simple and healthy delicacies. Certified gym instructor, personal trainer. She completed a course on nutrition and health at Stanford University, Stanford Introduction to Food and Health, as well as a course at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy (about nutrition and lifestyle during pregnancy).

What does it help with?

Oatmeal has long been used to treat diseases. Traditional healers recommend using the product for therapy:

  • bronchopulmonary diseases: asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia;
  • colds, acute respiratory infections, ARVI;
  • vitamin deficiency, anemia;
  • skin pathologies: psoriasis, dermatitis, acne;
  • liver diseases;
  • pancreatitis;
  • urolithiasis, cystitis;
  • food poisoning;
  • gastritis, peptic ulcer;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • joint pathologies: arthritis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • male sexual dysfunction;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • sleep disturbance, depression;
  • physical and mental fatigue;
  • excess weight.

It is also recommended to take tinctures during the postoperative and recovery periods after serious illnesses. The product helps you gain strength faster and reduces the consequences of past pathologies.

The product is effective for cleansing the body of toxins and radionuclides, reduces the effects of alcohol and drug intoxication, as well as radiological therapy. However, it should be understood that folk remedies can only act as an auxiliary treatment to the main therapy prescribed by the attending physician.

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