Detailed menu of the detox program at home for 7 days + the best recipes

Turn on the TV, flip through a magazine, or surf the Internet, and you're likely to hear about a detox diet or a juice or smoothie cleanse that comes with an outrageous price tag.

It's true that most of us are exposed daily to toxins, heavy metals and chemicals found in everything from the air we breathe to the food on our plates. But the human body is equipped with a natural detoxification system that removes these dangerous compounds.

Switching to a new diet and lifestyle changes is the best way to maximize your body's potential to remove toxins. Luckily, you don't have to shell out wads of cash or start munching on the same salad for weeks on end to see results.

Do you want to know how to cleanse your body at home without going financially beyond the bounds of decency?

In this article we will look at several types of detox diets, their advantages and disadvantages. Once you've learned the strategy, you can set yourself on the right path, starting with an easy cleanse, moving on to an advanced cleanse, and becoming a detox diet guru.

What is detox?

A detox diet is a short-term, comprehensive change in diet to remove toxic substances from the body. This method often involves fasting followed by a strict diet of fruits, vegetables, juice, smoothies and water. The program often involves the use of herbal infusions and teas.

A detox program at home can last a day, 3 days, a week, 10 days, or 21 days. The optimal time for detoxifying the body is 7 days.

What does it give:

  • Gives organs a break from processing food;
  • Stimulates the liver and allows it to remove toxins;
  • Removes toxins through sweat and urine;
  • Improves lymph circulation;
  • Improves nutrition by eliminating harmful substances.

Detoxification diets remove harmful substances from the body that are difficult to remove otherwise. These toxins are an integral part of the average diet: phthalates, bisphenol A, plastic components and heavy metals. We use plastic dishes, packaging, vegetables and fruits are treated with paraffins and contain a huge amount of pesticides, water and air are not of the best quality - all this is a source of toxins that settle in our body and remain there for years, mainly in subcutaneous fat cells. Our body naturally removes toxins on its own. But modern people who do not stop chewing do not give it a chance to cleanse itself. Therefore, these substances accumulate in the blood and fatty tissue, and without your intervention they will remain there for a long time before the body removes them.

Detoxification programs help people cope with many problems: obesity, indigestion, autoimmune diseases, inflammation, allergies and chronic fatigue.

The most famous methods of cleansing from toxins and toxins at home

A lot of work has been devoted to cleansing the body. Many scientists and specialists in the field of medicine and nutrition develop their own methods that are successfully used in practice. We invite you to familiarize yourself with several of the established methods to choose the most suitable one for your body.

Doctor's advice

You need to realize that toxins and other things that pharmaceutical companies are afraid of accumulate in the body for years, from birth. Everyone inhales air with particles of dust, pollutants, etc., everyone eats foods that have been processed with fertilizers, meat from animals that have received courses of hormones and antibiotics. Spending fasting days is good - it’s good for the stomach, but waiting for some kind of global cleansing is simply unrealistic.

Victoria Druzhikina Neurologist, Therapist

Water fasting according to Bragg

Much has already been said about the benefits of water. In his method, Bragg decided to combine water fasting with a psychological factor. So, in his opinion, fasting should be based on the following principles: 1. Conscious decision-making You cannot stop eating in a hurry. You need to clearly understand that your body needs this and that you are ready for it. Refusal to eat even for 24 hours is a very serious test. First of all, psychological. In addition, it is not advisable to let anyone in on your intentions in order to avoid unnecessary advice and excuses. 2. Complete concentration on yourself. For a hunger strike, you need to prepare not only the body, but also the mind. If possible, give up everything on this day, three days or week: work, household chores, other responsibilities. It is important to focus only on yourself, listen to your body. 3. Duration of the event Fasting should begin at 24 hours. If everything goes well, you can switch to a long fast, lasting no more than ten days. It is contraindicated to immediately start with a long-term refusal of food due to the likelihood of falling into a hypoglycemic state (a critical decrease in blood sugar, up to coma, in which the entire body suffers, and most of all the nervous system), a sharp drop in pressure, high intoxication in people with high weight. 4. Monitoring by a specialist In case of long-term refusal of food, monitoring by a doctor or a person who has already walked this path is necessary. The doctor will be able to examine the urine and monitor how the kidneys are coping with the task. If they are suspected of being overloaded, the hunger strike is stopped. 5. Rules for 24-hour fasting You should fast from dinner to dinner or from breakfast to breakfast. During this time, you are allowed to drink only distilled water. You should enter and exit a hunger strike wisely


A week before the event, you need to exclude meat from the diet and switch to dietary nutrition, and for three days before it, eat only vegetables and fruits;


The very first food after fasting should be freshly squeezed juices, then fruits and vegetables, then you can start eating boiled vegetables. As many days as the hunger strike lasted, there must be a way out of it. Eating suddenly in the first 2-3 days during a long fast (from 7 days) can lead to sudden stomach attacks and more serious consequences.

Dry fasting

An even more severe fast is dry fasting, which lasts 24-36 hours and during which you can not only eat, but also drink. Despite the fact that the benefits of the method are obvious: after 20 hours, an abundant release of harmful substances from the body begins, it is not indicated for everyone. In addition, the question arises about the advisability of refusing water for such a long period. During fasting, chronic diseases may worsen, so it is worth consulting with a specialist about the possibility of fasting. Dry fasting consists of three stages:


Already a week before the upcoming event, you need to give up meat dishes and everything harmful. It is better to opt for vegetables and fruits. The day before, you can eat a plate of stewed vegetables. Hunger strike Consists of complete refusal of food and water.


You should go out gradually, giving the body the opportunity to get used to the intake of food. For the first 2-3 days you should drink freshly squeezed diluted juices. Then, also according to the water fasting scheme, fruits and vegetables, then boiled vegetables.

The Bragg fast was very popular, and the author himself lived to the age of 81 and died of a sudden condition - a heart attack. During his lifetime, he was actively involved in sports and led a healthy lifestyle. However, from the point of view of traditional medicine, fasting for more than 24 hours is indicated in the case of acute pancreatitis, when the pancreas needs to reduce its activity, but not for everyone. People with diabetes should not fast because of the risk of hypoglycemia.

Herbal cleansing of waste and toxins at home

Herbs have already been written above. We can only add that under the influence of herbal decoctions, the entire excretory system is cleansed, and not just one organ. Before cleansing with herbs, you must also prepare by eliminating all harmful foods from your food. Cleansing with herbs from waste and toxins at home can last for ten days, during which you need to take various cleansing mixtures designed to cleanse the intestines, kidneys and liver. These days you should eat light food: vegetables, fruits, cereals, lactic acid products.

Raw food diet

Raw food diet is an entire food culture, whose adherents consume only foods that are not subject to heat treatment. This can include raw vegetables and fruits, sprouted cereals, legumes, nuts, and seeds. The ideas from this type of nutrition can also be applied to cleansing, eating only plant foods for some time.

To maximize the effect of cleansing, the following conditions must be observed:

1. Choose the time At least a week of raw food nutrition will be needed to have the desired effect. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right time. It is advisable that this be in the summer, when vegetables, herbs and fruits are in abundance. It would be good if it were a vacation period, so that no one could tempt you with a piece of cake or boiled food. 2. Start gradual preparation You can change your eating habits gradually: replace stewed vegetables with raw salad, eat not two cookies with a cup of tea, but one, and so on. 3. Conduct a 24-hour fast the day before. If you start a raw food week with a one-day fast, the effect of cleansing will be even greater. Only fasting should not be dry, but on water. 4. Be creative Make cleansing interesting and you may want to continue eating like this in the future.

Experiment with combinations of vegetables and fruits, make juices and smoothies.

Cleansing with soda according to Neumyvakin

Another effective technique is to take baking soda every day. Professor Neumyvakin conducted research proving that hydrogen peroxide produced by the lymph of the small intestine destroys cancer cells and decay products. Over time, the lymph becomes clogged and cannot perform its function. Consuming 3% hydrogen peroxide or baking soda daily will help her cope. You need to start cleansing with two drops of peroxide in a quarter glass of water. You should drink on an empty stomach. If the body reacts well, add a drop every day until we reach 15. When using regular soda, it will be enough to add a teaspoon to a glass of water. The procedure can be performed several times a day on an empty stomach. It is also better to eat light foods during the cleansing process.

What is the essence of the method?

Over many thousands of years of evolution, the human body has improved and learned to independently cope with any diseases. What does he need for this? Temporarily minimize or completely cancel the intake of food so that he can stop the process of digesting food and begin cleansing.

When we stop eating, this is what happens:

all the energy that was spent on digestion now goes to cleansing the body, getting rid of toxins. This happens at the cellular level. A healthy body removes harmful compounds naturally through the liver, kidneys, and sweat.

Cleansing allows the body to remove these toxins because it no longer has to process food. Now he can concentrate on other matters, the most important of which is cleansing the blood of harmful impurities.

What to cook for second breakfast and when to eat sweets

All second breakfast are prepared from cereals and cereals without sugar - instead we use natural sweeteners: dried fruits, honey, Jerusalem artichoke syrup.
In general, it is best to eat sweet dishes in the first half of the day and during the day do not touch any more sweets, even natural ones. Eating fruits, berries or sweet foods in the afternoon overstimulates the release of insulin by the pancreas and irritates this organ. Such excessive work of the pancreas can lead to chronic latent pancreatitis, and by the age of 50–60 years, to type 2 diabetes. Therefore, if you have a sweet tooth, then it’s time to think about and work with this food addiction.

By the way, greens “extinguish” fructose from fruits, so when drinking green smoothies, there are no spikes in blood glucose.

If in the afternoon you want to snack on something sweet, then pay attention to berries, kiwi, pears, oranges, grapefruits - these are foods with a low glycemic index. But remember the rule: after a protein meal (of plant or animal origin), it is forbidden to eat anything sweet, including all fruits (berries) for 2.5–3 hours - otherwise this will certainly lead to bloating, fermentation and gas formation. It is for this reason that many people are convinced that their body does not digest legumes well.

A healthy diet (in any food system) should never lead to these symptoms. If this happens, it means that you are eating foods that are incompatible with each other, and you should understand this topic a little deeper or increase the break between eating these foods.

How effective are these diets?

Many people who have practiced detox immediately noticed improved well-being and increased energy levels. This is the result of ridding the body of toxins, as well as better hydration through water.

Many detox teas and smoothies also contain vitamins and minerals that you may not have previously gotten from food.

Although many people lose weight by cleansing toxins and removing the water in which they were dissolved, this weight can quickly return if a person begins to overindulge in the wrong foods after completing the course.

A study conducted in Korea used a lemon cleanse diet that allowed only lemon juice to be consumed for seven days.

The diet greatly reduced the percentage of body fat, waist circumference, eliminated inflammation, and balanced insulin and leptin levels.

A detox diet always results in rapid weight loss and fat loss, as well as improved overall health, but you are required to continue eating healthy after it ends.

What should be the menu for a detox diet?

The main principle of the detox diet menu is to avoid high-calorie foods that introduce toxins and waste into the body, and to include plant fibers in the diet.

The duration of the diet can vary from 1 to 10 days, but it is better to start with a 3-day diet, so that the last 2 days fall on the weekend. During detox, it is difficult to concentrate on work, so we carry out cleansing in the comfort of our own home.

Diet on a detox diet:

  • a large amount of water, at least 1.5 liters;
  • We divide meals into 5 small portions;
  • a categorical ban on meat and confectionery products, milk, sugar, margarine, soda, packaged juices, coffee and black tea;
  • You cannot salt, pepper or add sugar to your food;
  • You should drink a glass of hot water at night;
  • Alcohol and cigarettes are prohibited;
  • sleep according to the body's demand.

The key to detoxification is the smooth functioning of the bladder and intestines. If you have problems with this, you should choose a herbal-based diuretic and laxative, otherwise there will be no point in cleansing.

Most popular types

  • Water fasting;
  • Fasting on vegetable broth;
  • Consuming only juice or smoothies;
  • Vegetable detox;
  • Vegetarian detox;
  • Removing unhealthy, processed foods with preservatives and allergens from the diet.

Types of detox programs

Fasting on plain water

The most effective and most difficult type of cleansing to overcome. Start with a 24-hour fast - the easiest one that you can do on your own, you don’t even need to consult a doctor. The goal is to survive without food for a day.

The human body cannot remain idle. He is constantly at work. Its daily workload: digestion of food, extraction of energy, distribution. In the absence of such a task, he finds a way to occupy himself - he cleans himself. That is, not only you will starve, but also your microflora, all the bacteria that populate the gastrointestinal tract, all the parasites, viruses and fungi - the whole cheerful company. Fasting will also relieve us of unnecessary ballast.

When fasting on water, it is permissible to drink only water, in any quantity, and no food. It can be done from breakfast to breakfast or from dinner to dinner. If you decide to fast for a short time, then you won’t get the effect from just one time. In any endeavor, a system is important. Do a water detox once or twice a week for a month. You may feel weak, chills (the body will turn on the energy-saving mode, reduce the heating temperature), by the end of the day you will smell acetone (this is normal).

The most negative thing at this stage is that your brain will constantly push you to eat something, picturing in your mind a juicy steak, a fragrant roll with a golden brown crust, or a piece of cake. You are flint if you can handle it. If you feel great (and sometimes you do), extend the fast further, as the most effective cleansing begins after 24 hours of fasting. Some (not all) experience nausea and vomiting. This used up all the glycogen in the liver. The liver will then begin to break down fat to produce fatty acids. Ketones can be formed from them, one of which is acetone. Its smell will be heard from you during fasting.

In general, the body also needs other substances, protein, for example. He will take it from the muscles, about 100 g per day. And now attention, it is assumed that your body will use defective, diseased cells for this. This is what cleaning is all about. At the end of the program, start with a light vegetable salad (carrots, cabbage, for example).

Vegetable decoction fasting

You need any decoction of vegetables, a total daily volume of 600 ml in three doses of 200 ml. Various seasonings are added to the broth: ginger, turmeric, lemon juice, parsley. Decoctions are made from:

  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • beets;
  • celery stalks;
  • carrots;
  • pumpkins or zucchini;
  • parsnip roots.

Herbal tea and water can be drunk in any quantity. Cleaning lasts 3 days. This is also not an surmountable obstacle for everyone. If you do not last the entire period, you can do it in short cycles of 24 hours twice a week.

Juice detox

In this option, it is more rational to choose vegetable juices and a mixture of juices from vegetables and fruits. Pure fruit juices contain a lot of sugar. This will cause significant spikes in blood sugar. The second reason to minimize fruit juices: harmful microflora loves sugar.

Juice detox lasts on average from 3 to 10 days. It has the following beneficial properties:

Fruits and vegetables are rich in minerals and vitamins. Any juice can provide you with additional nutrients and improve your overall health.

Juice is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds that can improve your immune system and help you feel more energetic.

Vegetable juice is good for intestinal microflora. Add vanilla and cayenne pepper to apple, cucumber or lemon juice. In three days on juices you will not only cleanse your body, but also lose 1.7 kg of weight.

Detox smoothie

For gut health, add fiber—come from chia, flax, or oats. Most smoothies, by weight, are made up of fruits or vegetables. You also need fat (avocado and coconut oil).

You can use water or coconut milk for the base. Fruit is a natural sweetener; no added sugar.

Vegetable detox

A great option for those who want to start cleansing. It is the simplest and most gentle. The goal is to eat only vegetables: fresh, boiled, baked. The more choice of vegetables, the better. We eat five to six times a day in small portions.

Vegetarian detox

For vegans, this diet is the norm. But for most people, switching to a vegetarian diet is a difficult decision.

Try eating only plant foods for 5 days, this includes cereals. No meat, processed foods, fast food, pastries, bread, chocolate or sweets.


Detoxifying your body is one of the most underrated aspects of a healthy lifestyle. If you decide to change your diet, normalize your emotional and physical state, and also pay more attention to physical activity, it is important to remember the waste and toxins that have accumulated previously. Therefore, cleansing the body is the same aspect of health and beauty as proper nutrition and exercise in the gym.

A detox program that can be done at home will help you get rid of harmful substances accumulated in the body. Unloading must be carried out once every 2-3 months, depending on the diet, bad habits, physical and emotional stress. GREEN DETOX specialists will tell you how to cleanse your body at home without causing harm to it.


Detoxification is a set of measures to relieve the body. During this period, impurities and toxins that accumulate in each of us for years are removed from it. Completing the course will contribute to the following effects:

  • cleanse the kidneys, liver, intestines, and blood vessels from harmful substances in just a week;
  • improve skin color;
  • reduce body weight (similar programs are often used for weight loss);
  • strengthen the immune system, etc.

Detox rules include a complete change in lifestyle: eating healthy foods, giving up bad habits, normalizing your daily routine, etc. If you want to feel good, the best balanced programs will help you start on a new path to a healthy lifestyle.


The procedures are suitable for every person pursuing the goal of cleansing the body. However, there are certain groups of people who need it more than others. First of all, these include people:

  • those prone to excess weight, suffering from edema;
  • having problems with the skin;
  • suffering from bad habits: alcohol, tobacco;
  • susceptible to chronic fatigue and sleep disorders.

For all of these categories, Detox is a reliable solution to the problem - a body cleansing program that will help you feel noticeably better and get rid of a number of health problems.


There are several types of detox programs, which are classified according to the method of cleansing and duration. Let's take a closer look at the body cleansing program.

Cleansing with water.

The most rigorous program, which is intended only for professionals. In this case, all foods are prohibited, and the entire diet can be described in two words - a glass of water. The method is extremely unsafe, so beginners should not try it.

Lemonade detox.

A method similar to the one described above, but instead of water, lemonade made according to a special recipe is used here. It includes water with lemon, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. A special feature of cayenne pepper is its ability to irritate the intestinal walls, which helps remove harmful substances from the body.

Juice cleanses.

Each day of this complex involves preparing a menu with vegetable juices. Juices are made from carrots, beets, tomatoes, and pumpkins. You also need to drink fruit juices: apple, citrus, etc.


In this case, your helpers will be nutritional cocktails, smoothies made from vegetables and fruits. There are many recipes for detox smoothies: spinach and pear, cabbage and broccoli, celery and apple, lemon and ginger.


In this case, the leading role is assigned to homeopathic remedies based on a natural basis. In this case, you need to adhere to a strict menu, including dishes from vegetables and fruits.

Combined nutrition.

This detox diet uses a combination of solid and liquid foods. It is best suited for beginners, because it is not so strict and, for example, boiled chicken breast is allowed here.

Remember, any cleansing is preceded by a preparatory stage. You must transition smoothly to a new diet to prevent stress on the body. Also at this stage you need to normalize your daily routine, go to bed no later than 11 pm, and rest for at least 8 hours. In total, the procedure will take about a month with preparation and exit. Let's take a closer look at detox diets designed for different durations.


A one-day diet is a detox, which can be called a regular fasting day. It starts with a glass of water with lemon juice. A shock dose of vitamin C will help start your stomach. You need to drink water throughout, and drink a lot. For breakfast, it is better to drink a glass of a nutritious smoothie that will support you over the next couple of hours. You can have a snack with an apple and a glass of green tea. You can have lunch with a vegetable salad or a light soup, without meat. A glass of fresh juice will help you survive until dinner. In general, during detox you need to drink a lot, especially water and juices. If you don't want to prepare the drink yourself, you can buy it. However, when choosing juice, consider the following features:

  • drinks must be cold-pressed;
  • 100% natural;
  • absence of any preservatives.

For example, juice made from spinach, carrots, apples and lemon would be a good solution. For dinner, you can treat yourself to baked fish with a little olive oil and salt. You can add baked vegetables to the fish.


A two-day detox diet is another way to quickly remove waste and toxins while losing 1-2 kilograms. Its author is Dr. Oz, one of the main ideologists of detoxification. The diet for two days is the same, so you don’t have to rack your brains about how to diversify your table.

  • For breakfast you need to cook quinoa with prunes. To do this, add quinoa, ginger and nutmeg to the water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and hold for another 10 minutes. After this, add prunes with rice milk. Cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Snack. Light vegetable salad with olive oil.
  • Dinner. Make a smoothie with banana, blueberries, flaxseed meal and almond milk.
  • Dinner. You can have a light vegetable broth for dinner. Dinner must be no later than 19:00.

After 7 pm you can drink a glass of dandelion root decoction. On the second day we repeat the menu.

The second option for a detox diet is to reduce the amount of solid food in favor of juices. In this case, you need to give up a solid breakfast and replace it with a nutritious detox smoothie. We prepare the same drink for lunch. If you don't want to make your own juice or smoothie, you can buy ready-made drinks.


A 3-day detox is a classic version of a detox diet that will help you quickly cleanse your body of toxins. Every morning you need to start with a glass of warm boiled water with lemon juice. Breakfasts in this diet consist of a nutritious smoothie (for example, apple and kiwi) on the first day, and your favorite nuts on the second and third. Snacks include 100 grams of dry fruits or vegetables with pink Himalayan salt and seasonings>.

You can have lunch with vegetable soup, salad or rice. For dinner, it is also recommended to eat rice or diversify your menu with fish. On the last day, you can treat yourself to boiled chicken.

You can also use an alternative option for a three-day detox. It includes a large number of vegetables and fruits. They allow you to get maximum fiber. The complexity of the program increases every day, and with it the effectiveness increases. In such a diet, you need to have breakfast only with fresh fruits, washed down with juice. Lunch of the first day includes carbohydrates, such as rice. On the second day you will have to make do with a vegetable salad without dressing. For dinner in the first two days you can eat low-fat fish or poultry with vegetables. On the third day, you can eat only fruits, washing them down with juices, or cleanse the body exclusively with the help of cold-pressed juices. If you don't have time to prepare, you can use ready-made detox programs.


The 7-day cleanse is one of the best detoxification programs. The longer you stick to a healthy diet, the greater the effect you will achieve. In addition, a 7-day menu is safer for the body than aggressive but short diets. However, there is a special power system here. For example, on the first day you will have to go without food. You can only drink juices, water and teas. On the second day, the liquid menu can be diversified with sugar-free fruits. We drink juice for breakfast and replace lunch with fruit. Plums, melons and peaches are especially preferred. But remember: no bananas or grapes! On the third day, the diet can be supplemented with vegetables. For example, you can eat salads made from tomatoes, cucumbers, and herbs. You can season it with olive oil. In the middle of the detox, you can add rice and dilute the menu with raw vegetables. You can also combine rice with boiled vegetables. On the fifth day, low-fat meat is added to the diet. It can be boiled or baked. The next day we add cereals, and stick to the same diet on the final day. These days you can eat oatmeal or buckwheat. For dinner - cottage cheese.


A 10-day detox is the longest diet. In the first week, the intestines, bloodstream and liver are unloaded, the second week - kidney cleansing. The menu here should be as varied as possible. Only in the morning you need to get used to a glass of boiled water with lemon juice. Breakfasts should be as light as possible. Drinks are welcome here: chamomile, mint, ginger tea, and salads. You can have low-fat cottage cheese.

You need to have lunch with soups and semi-liquid food without meat. Broths must be vegetable. These can be vegetable purees, borscht with water, rice with vegetables. You should snack on fresh or baked fruits. You can also eat low-fat cottage cheese. Salads should also be the basis for dinner, but you can treat yourself to low-fat meat or fish.


Absolutely all diet products have a positive effect on health. However, to achieve a good effect from detox, you need to strictly adhere to your diet. The menu for such a diet should be as varied as possible. First of all, you need to drink plenty of fluids. For this, all kinds of fruit juices should be used. In the morning you need to drink a glass of boiled water with lemon juice.

A good solution for breakfast would be all kinds of protein omelettes and light salads. In a three-day diet, it is better to avoid nuts altogether. In the morning you need to drink a cup of tea without sugar. From liquid dishes, it is recommended to prepare all kinds of soups and borscht in water. Vegetable puree is also a good option for lunch.

It is also better to have dinner with green salads and rice in the first days. In the future, you can add steamed meat or fish to the menu. All detox dishes are simple and easy to prepare yourself.


Contraindications for the detox diet are as follows:

  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • gastritis;
  • arthritis;
  • if there is a disease that is in the acute stage.

Also, athletes should not use detox when preparing for competitions.


Judging by the reviews of specialists and people who have tried the program on themselves, it is really effective. It helps achieve all the stated effects, from improving well-being to losing extra pounds. But for cleansing to be effective, you need to fully adhere to the menu and program plan.


The ration of the exit period should be replenished gradually so that the exit is as smooth as the entry. At first, you need to add protein foods with minimal fat content, as well as seasonings. Gradually you can switch to carbohydrates and switch to your usual diet.

What positive effects can you get?

Here are just a few advantages:

  • Removing from the diet foods containing harmful substances and heavy metals;
  • Loss of excess fat;
  • Improved diet with more natural foods;
  • Improved skin hydration;
  • Reduced stress levels, quality sleep and relaxation.

All of this leads to overall improved health, regardless of the type of detox diet.

Safety and possible side effects

Before detoxing, you need to study its contraindications and side effects. Many such diets involve, if not fasting, then at least limiting the number of calories consumed. Any fasting can cause fatigue, irritability and bad breath.

Long-term fasting, longer than recommended, can cause vitamin, mineral or energy deficiencies, as well as electrolyte imbalances. You should be careful with a fast that lasts more than 30 hours.

Some types of detox also recommend "cleansing" the colon with laxatives. This is wrong; doctors do not recommend such procedures.

How to start the program: basic rules

Before you begin cleansing, a preparatory period is necessary. Limiting your usual diet is stressful for the body. To minimize the risk of failure, you need to prepare both mentally and physically.

We all know that the most important thing is to want and start. Desire is already half the battle. Motivate yourself for the program. The hardest thing is to give up coffee and tea. This may cause headaches. A week before the program, limit your consumption of refined foods, sugar, coffee, dairy products, and stop drinking alcohol and smoking. Increase your vegetable intake.

Rules for conducting and preparation

The main menu includes detox drinks and cocktails, as well as energy vitamin soups. Before putting together dishes and recipes, you need to prepare your body for a detox cleanse at home.

2 weeks before the expected start, give up salt, sugar and seasonings. It is better to start a detox program in early autumn or spring. Over the course of a month, gradually reduce the amount of harmful substances in food.

Also, completely eliminate the following foods:

  • Chips, snacks;
  • Sugar, salt, seasonings;
  • Tea, coffee, alcohol or carbonated drinks;
  • Trans fats or refined oil;
  • Smoked products, flour products, sweets;
  • Spicy, fried foods.

Physical exercise

The loads should be light. During the cleansing program, you will have to forget about active fitness for a while and do swimming, yoga, and walks in the fresh air. A hot bath or shower will ease the situation. You can also add a massage.

During cleansing, try not to use cosmetics, perform spa treatments with natural oils, and do not use perfumes.

If you carry out a cleansing program using vegetable broths and juices, you will not have the strength for heavy training. Enough walking and yoga. On a vegetable, vegetarian detox and on a program that excludes processed foods and fast carbohydrates, you can add light fitness and swimming.

Important! Do not neglect additional procedures, such as baths and saunas, sweat for your health and have spa treatments. Spend more time outdoors and get more sleep while detoxifying!

Menu for seven days

Regardless of the number of days, be it a three, five or seven day plan, you will have plenty of options for enjoyable and healthy meals that will help you cleanse your body. Below is the diet for seven days. From here you can take any dishes, rearrange them, you can simply follow the plan to be sure that you are doing everything correctly. Please note, this is a gentle program. Start with this menu if you have never practiced food restrictions before. This diet does not include bread, rolls, pastries, sweet coffee with cream or tea. But not every modern person can handle such a varied menu for seven days. Having completed these 7 days, you can switch to a vegetable detox, and then to a smoothie.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: egg omelet with tomatoes, garlic, onions and peppers + 1 banana;
  • Snack: blueberry smoothie;
  • Lunch: chicken breast baked with broccoli and brown rice;
  • Dinner: boiled chickpeas with vegetables + boiled Brussels sprouts.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: yogurt with chia seeds and fresh fruit + grain-free muesli;
  • Snack: carrots;
  • Lunch: boiled salmon with zucchini;
  • Snack: cottage cheese with celery and tomatoes;
  • Dinner: baked chicken with vegetable salad.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: 2 hard-boiled eggs and avocado;
  • Snack: Sliced ​​apple with cinnamon and honey;
  • Lunch: quinoa with vegetables and sweet peppers;
  • Snack: Smoothie made with almond butter, banana and protein powder;
  • Dinner: boiled chicken, avocado and grapefruit salad.

Day 4

  • Breakfast: banana;
  • Snack: grapefruit;
  • Lunch: turkey with salad and vegetables;
  • Snack: chia pudding with berries and rhubarb;
  • Dinner: green vegetable salad.

Day 5

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with berries, nuts and cinnamon;
  • Snack: baked apples;
  • Lunch: baked steak with Brussels sprouts;
  • Snack: protein powder;
  • Dinner: chicken baked in garlic sauce.

Day 6

  • Breakfast – grapefruit with honey and bananas + boiled eggs with herbs;
  • Snack: any smoothie;
  • Lunch: boiled fish;
  • Snack: chickpeas with garlic;
  • Dinner: beef steak, baked with carrots.

Day 7

  • Breakfast: avocado and scrambled eggs;
  • Snack: carrots;
  • Lunch: boiled lamb with cauliflower;
  • Snack: berries;
  • Dinner: boiled chicken with Brussels sprouts.

Recommendations from experts

A detox program at home is a profitable alternative option, an inexpensive option in contrast to attending courses in a hospital setting. The main thing before using it is to listen to your body, read people’s reviews, watch prepared programs, of which many have been developed today, and choose acceptable recipes for healthy dishes for yourself. Let's consider some advice from experts on cleansing the body.

  1. A detox program should not become a spontaneous, simultaneous whim in an attempt to quickly and permanently cleanse the body of toxins and poisons.
  2. It is important to first tune in, make a conscious choice that you will have to change your behavior, your usual lifestyle.
  3. The diet must contain water and only products of plant origin.
  4. Additionally, it is recommended to get enough sleep and relax properly and in a timely manner.
  5. It is better if the program becomes a stimulus in life, and cleansing procedures are regular (1-2 times a year), and not a spontaneous diet.
  6. To get the best results, it is important not only to carry out a 7-day detox program, but also to exit it correctly by including foods containing coarse fiber in your diet, which help quickly saturate the stomach and the whole body with useful components, maintaining the intestinal microflora at the proper level.
  7. Even when leaving the detox program, it is important not to immediately lean on baked goods or sugar cereals. Although, with the right approach, psychological attitude and compliance with the basic rules of the detox course, it is quite possible to resort to eating food that is not entirely healthy, but in moderation.

Recipes for detox cocktails for weight loss

Vitamin fresh

What you will need:

  • 2 oranges;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 4 carrots.

Pass the washed and peeled ingredients (you don’t need to peel the lemon) through a juicer. The output will be 2 glasses of juice.

Green refreshing smoothie

  • Water 2 cups;
  • Cucumber 1 pc. large or 2 pcs. medium (depending on size);
  • Celery stalk 2 pcs.;
  • Parsley;
  • Banana x 2 pcs.;
  • Spinach 1 bunch or 3 handfuls;
  • Mint leaves 5-8 pcs.;
  • Lemon juice 1/2 pcs.

Cut into pieces and mix in a blender.

Strawberry smoothie

  • Strawberries (one cup);
  • 1 banana;
  • Half a lime;
  • A bunch of mint;
  • Glass of water.

Chop all ingredients and grind in a blender.

Smoothie “Watermelon”

  • 400 g seedless watermelon pulp;
  • two ice cubes.

Grind everything with a blender and drink chilled.

Citrus cocktail

  • Lime 3 pcs.;
  • Grapefruit 1 pc.;
  • Orange 2 pcs.;
  • Water 400 ml;
  • A pinch of cinnamon.

Squeeze out the juice, dilute with water, sprinkle with cinnamon.

Energy soup

  • Apples (can be replaced with carrots) 4 pcs.;
  • Water – 300 ml;
  • Sunflower sprouts – 100 g or a bunch;
  • Pea or buckwheat sprouts – 200 g or two bunches;
  • Spinach – 300 g;
  • Avocado – 1 pc.

Grind in a blender, place in a bowl, add a pinch of cayenne pepper.

Detox water

Water infused with vegetables and fruits will not only help you wake up and get your body working, but also improve digestion during the day, cleanse the blood, improve immunity, remove toxins, and speed up metabolism. Spices and herbs enhance the fat-burning effect and add a note of freshness to the drink.

  • Cut the lemon into slices and add water (400 ml). Drink in the morning or before meals.
  • Pour watermelon (200 g) with water (400 ml), let it brew, cool.
  • Cut the apple into slices, add 400 ml of water, add a cinnamon stick, a little anise, let it brew, drink when thirsty.
  • Pour fresh cucumber, half a lemon and a sprig of mint with water, drink as needed.

Detox drink “Ginger”

First option:

  • 2.5 cm ginger, peeled and grated;
  • 1 lemon, cut into pieces;
  • A pinch of turmeric;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • 2 glasses of water.

Pour hot water over the ingredients, let steep for 30 minutes, drink warm.

Second option:

  • Grapefruit (freshly squeezed juice from 1 pc.);
  • Orange (juice);
  • Grated ginger (3 cm of root);
  • Juice of 2 carrots.

Mix in a shaker and add a couple of ice cubes.

The drink contains lycopene, potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C. Grapefruits are rich in soluble fiber called pectin, which has a beneficial effect on lowering cholesterol levels. Grapefruits also support natural detoxification pathways through the liver and increase the production of glutathione, which is a cleansing enzyme.

Detox cocktail “Pineapple”

  • 600 g pineapple, cut into pieces;
  • 1 teaspoon spirulina powder;
  • Several ice cubes;
  • A bunch of mint.

Grind everything in a blender, cool, enjoy the drink.

Dietary Recommendations During Detox

Drink 2 liters of drinking water daily. Some people believe that detox and freshly squeezed juices are the same thing, but a juice diet cannot be called complete and balanced for the body. It is customary to dilute the main diet with juices. Any vegetables and fruits that are not treated with industrial pesticides are suitable for juices: celery, beets, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, carrots, pears, watermelon, melon, pumpkin, etc.

A detox program for losing weight and removing harmful substances involves additional procedures to enhance the effect:

  • Visiting a sauna or steam bath;
  • Daily physical exercise, preferably running;
  • Lymphatic drainage massage;
  • Cold and hot shower.
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