Diet of Elena Malysheva - menu and best recipes for dietary dishes

23 Sep03467

Tatyana Malysheva, obstetrician-gynecologist, naturopath: At one time, when I was a very sick person, it was a long time ago, when I was on disability, I simply tested on myself all the methods that I came across. And I saw what the result was. And I didn’t get results for a long time until I came across the wonderful theory “Teeth Formula” - a nutrition theory. According to this theory, we can determine by the shape of teeth what nature originally prescribed for man as food, and what needs to be eaten.

If we compare our teeth with animals that live in the wild, there are thirty-two teeth of an adult. Eight incisors, similar to a rabbit or some kind of hamster or field mouse. It is known what these animals eat. This is our food. Four fangs, like a predator. Here, too, I had to dig into the question, because I couldn’t figure it out easily right away. On the one hand, like a predator, you have to eat meat. On the other hand, as it later turned out, meat is not for humans.

Our teeth, fangs, are for animal food, but without cadaveric poison. This is food of animal origin, which animals “voluntarily” give to us. We don't have to kill a chicken to get the egg, and we don't have to kill the cow to get the milk. And these animal products are intended for humans. Why did I come to this conclusion? - by body structure. The length of the intestines of predators is very short, and their meat is very quickly digested in the stomach and thrown out.

Herbivores have very long intestines, and in humans the intestines are more similar in body structure to herbivores; they are long relative to body size. And if a person eats meat, it takes a long time and has time to rot, which is not what we need at all - to rot from the inside. And so it became clear to me that among animal products, only these are applicable to humans - eggs and dairy products. Further, we have twenty more teeth, like a cow or a horse - all herbivores. Twenty teeth - for green plant food, more than half of our diet should be our food, and, unfortunately, we only have one or two of it, two dills and three parsley...

Elena Malysheva's diet - the essence of the system

The effect of the diet can be achieved subject to the following conditions :

  1. No fasting during the diet period;
  2. Every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water;
  3. A serving of one meal should not exceed 250 g.

At the same time, there are a number of requirements for the menu :

  1. During the diet period, you should avoid drinking alcohol. There should be as little salt in food as possible. Salt and alcohol retain water in the body, facilitating its less active release;
  2. Without dieting, a woman who leads a sedentary lifestyle and wants to lose extra pounds should consume no more than 1,200 calories per day. For men, 1400 calories. While on a diet, calorie intake is reduced to 800-1100 per day;
  3. You should avoid fried foods as the consumption of animal fat increases. Instead of frying, it is better to eat boiled meat. It is advisable to replace pork with poultry.

The maximum effect is achieved if the above conditions are met within 24 days. Every day you need to eat 5 times. During the 24-day period of following the diet, you must choose 4 days to give up meat and eat exclusively cereals.

Diet rules

Try to avoid feeling hungry. The key to success in losing weight is split meals, often and little by little. The body, experiencing hunger, can begin to put aside reserves for every day, which will not allow you to effectively lose weight. In addition, constant hunger is stress, which leads to poor health, dizziness and loss of strength.

  1. You need to carefully count calories, taking into account absolutely everything you eat. This is the only way you can understand how many empty and useless calories you eat. Elena Malysheva believes that for the female body to function adequately, 1200 kilocalories per day are enough, and for the male body - 1500 kcal. To count calories, you can use special online calculators.
  2. A sufficient amount of clean water is no less important than proper nutrition. During the day you need to drink at least two liters, and most of it should be in the first part of the day.
  3. The diet should be divided into 4-5 meals a day. You need to eat at the same time every day. Breakfast at 8:00, lunch at 11:00, lunch at 13:00, afternoon tea at 16:00 and dinner no later than 19:00.
  4. It is important to chew food thoroughly, at least 20 times. This will facilitate and speed up the process of digesting food, and you will feel the full taste of food and every bite of it. By chewing diligently, you will be satisfied with less food.
  5. It is necessary to minimize the amount of simple carbohydrates in the diet (sugar, sweets, baked goods, etc.). Whole grain bread and porridge should be consumed because they contain complex carbohydrates.
  6. Lunch should be protein.
  7. It is important to minimize the amount of animal fats. When preparing salads, you must use olive, pumpkin or sesame oil.
  8. Salt also needs to be reduced as much as possible. You can season salads with lemon juice, and use spices to add flavor and aroma to meat dishes.
  9. Alcohol is taboo.

So, we got acquainted with the features and rules of nutrition for weight loss. Next, let's look at the diet menu from Elena Malysheva.

How the diet works: basics and principles

Elena Malysheva’s diet includes avoiding certain foods, reducing portion sizes, and the principle of healthy eating. Enrichment of the body with the entire complex of vitamins is achieved through the correct combination of necessary products. This allows you not only to enrich the body, but also to break down fatty tissue.

The absence of harmful foods reduces calorie consumption per meal - the body is cleansed and fat is broken down. At the same time, the feeling of starvation is eliminated, and the body is in good shape, activity and performance increase.

Nutrition rules according to the Malysheva method

This diet is designed to help you enjoy food and lose weight without feeling hungry. To obtain this result, the following requirements must be met:

Satiety and weight loss. Malysheva warns that fasting alone will not achieve rapid weight loss. A nutritious diet with a large number of meals is required - from 4 to 6 times a day. This is explained by the fact that thanks to this approach, the body is constantly in the active phase of food processing, which activates the constant burning of calories throughout the day. There is no hunger due to short breaks between meals. Satiety is achieved through the variety of ingredients included in different portions. Malysheva also warns that you should not skip meals;

  1. One glass of food per serving . You need to eat no more than 250 grams of food at a time. For men, the portion increases to 300 grams. This eliminates stomach stretching and fat deposition on the sides;
  2. Drinking is more important than eating. You should drink at least 2 liters of clean water without gas. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of tea, coffee and alcohol to prevent dehydration. The constant availability of clean water has a positive effect on the functioning of the necessary biochemical processes of the body, and also reduces the likelihood of constipation;
  3. Forget about salt. A minimum amount of salt should be present in food. But for maximum effect from the diet, you should completely abandon this seasoning. This allows the fluid to drain faster, which does not contribute to the formation of edema;
  4. No fats. Malysheva’s diet excludes the consumption of animal fats. The calorie content of dishes is reduced. This helps to activate the search for fat reserves by the body. Reserve fats are precisely those accumulated layers before following a diet. As a result, you gradually burn accumulated fat, putting your body in order;
  5. Nourishing the brain with glucose. The diet also includes desserts. After all, if you leave the brain without glucose, then an increase in appetite is developed, and the functioning of nerve cells also decreases. Therefore, sugar is not excluded from the diet;

One day a week you need to take exclusively rice or buckwheat with plenty of drink. An hour after eating, you should drink a glass of clean water without gas. Such fasting days are a must when following a diet.

Principles of meal kits

The food in these sets has certain features. It works on three principles:

  • The first principle is related to reducing salt. Everyone knows that salt tends to retain fluid in the body, so a reduced amount of salt will help remove excess fluid from the body, which makes up as much as thirty percent of a person’s total weight.
  • The second point is the reduction of various fats, especially animal fats. Animal fat is one of the most caloric parts of the diet. In addition, it can cause many side effects in some people. The most dangerous consequence is the appearance of atherosclerosis. Thus, weight loss will also be achieved through fat loss. Therefore, if the body does not receive a portion of fat from food, it will intensively consume its own fat.
  • Third principle . The food in these portions is prepared in such a way that after eating it you will feel full for a long time. You will lose the desire to eat for a long time, which means that the process of losing weight will not cause any inconvenience.

As a result, you eat a variety of delicious foods for a whole month at least four times a day: breakfast, lunch, dessert, dinner. It is advisable to arrange fasting days for yourself only once a week. There are two types in the box. These days are always marked in pink. Elena Malysheva herself prefers rice fasting days, since rice contains a large amount of potassium. Potassium, in turn, displaces sodium reserves from the body. And sodium is a well-known salt to all of us. As a result, water is removed from the body along with salt.

It is very interesting that the weight that is lost on fasting days, which is about one and a half kilograms, is taken up by water. This is certainly not fat, but removing excess fluid from the body is a very important component.

Important! Please note that rice or buckwheat fasting days should be carried out only once a week. This is usually the day on which you are very busy. If the day is chosen poorly and you have a lot of free time, then thoughts about food will not leave you.

If you have diabetes, or you simply don’t like rice, you can order a set that has buckwheat fasting days. In any case, they will be in pink packages and you only need to take them once a week.

The second principle of losing weight can be called the secret of losing weight “in one glass.” This means that the weight of one serving you eat should not exceed 250 grams. In ready-made portions, this nuance is observed.

The third principle of weight loss is called: “Water is more important than food.” You should drink at least two liters of water daily.

To simplify the task, Elena Malysheva gives the following advice: every hour between meals you should drink a glass of water.

For example, we woke up at 8 o’clock in the morning and drank a glass of water. At 9 o'clock we had breakfast with food from the complex. After that, drink a glass of water every hour before lunch. Lunch at 12 o'clock. You can add a green salad to the finished portion. For the next three hours, drink a glass of water again. Take dessert, drink tea or coffee. Then you drink two more glasses in the next two hours.

It's time for dinner. Adding a salad to a ready-made dinner is a must. An hour after dinner, it is advisable to drink another glass of water, and another hour later, go to bed.

Important! After receiving the box of ready-made meals, you need to put all the frozen food in the freezer.

The service is excellent!

The program is designed very well for consumers and for convenience, suppliers send you two bi-weekly boxes, spaced two weeks apart. So, the considered weight loss system is very thoughtful, it includes experience and achievements of medicine. With this system you really lose weight. During Elena Malysheva's diet course, you will really eat and lose weight. The process of losing weight will be easy and fast.

If you are not in a hurry and you do not need to lose a large amount of excess weight, you can find weekly sets of this diet in pharmacies and stores. They are divided into men's and women's, but the most important thing is that these sets are designed for one week. This set will not be delivered to your home, and you will have to go to the store to buy it yourself. There are also other types of this diet. There are those that are designed for people involved in fitness. More detailed information can be found on Elena Malysheva’s website.

Advantages and disadvantages

An effective diet promotes rapid weight loss within the first days of following it. However, like any diet, this one has both advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of the diet:

  • Balanced diet;
  • Healthy and satisfying dishes;
  • Accurately calculated calories
  • Meal schedule and precisely adjusted portion sizes;
  • Ease of cooking;
  • Developing healthy eating habits;
  • You can take the finished dish with you anywhere;
  • The diet is useful and effective for both lazy and active people;


  • It is necessary to have a spacious freezer to store all the necessary products;
  • High cost of dieting;
  • The need for constant availability of clean water without gas and fruit;
  • It takes time to prepare individual dishes for the rest of the family;
  • Convenience foods may not be to everyone's taste.

What foods are included in Elena Malysheva’s diet?

Excess weight is lost if you remove unhealthy foods from your diet and replace them with healthy ones. Elena Malysheva offers a list of products that bring only benefits to the body. Products are collected in sets for each meal:

  1. Breakfast (morning meals): Millet porridge, omelet, oatmeal and muesli;
  2. Lunch (daytime meals): Boiled potatoes with mushrooms covered in milk sauce, poultry fillet with rice or potatoes, pasta or spaghetti with stuffed meat or meatballs;
  3. Dinner (evening receptions): Cream of mushroom soup, broccoli, pumpkin, vegetable puree or chicken julienne;
  4. Desserts : Fruit bars, kazinaki, soufflé, berry juice, nuts.

Set of diet products

The products included in Elena Malysheva’s diet are divided into three main meals and an afternoon snack. Breakfasts and afternoon snacks have an energy value of 300 kcal. Interestingly, the calorie content of lunches and dinners is 100-150 kcal. Let's look at the list of main dishes and snacks.


  • Oatmeal with berries.
  • Four grain muesli with pumpkin seeds.
  • Muesli with candied fruits, seeds and nuts.
  • Omelet with cauliflower.
  • Puff pastry with cottage cheese.
  • Buckwheat, millet or rice with apples.
  • Cherry bar.


  • Chum salmon and rice.
  • Buckwheat porridge with onions and mushrooms.
  • Turkey fillet with cauliflower.
  • Rice and chicken meatballs with mushroom sauce.
  • Chicken meat and boiled rice.
  • Potatoes with champignons in milk sauce.
  • Meat balls and buckwheat.
  • Saira with potatoes.

Afternoon snack:

  • Whole grain apple bar.
  • Soufflé with lingonberry juice.
  • Fruit bar.
  • A mixture of nuts and dried fruits.
  • Kozinak made from dried apricots and sesame seeds.


  • Stuffed pepper.
  • Lenten pilaf.
  • Stuffed cabbage rolls with vegetable sauce.
  • Stewed cabbage with mushrooms.
  • Chicken soup.
  • Pumpkin soup puree.
  • Buckwheat with chicken in sauce.
  • Fish balls and rice.

Now you know what is on Elena Malysheva’s menu. The packaging contains detailed instructions for preparing the dish; most often, the food is heated in the microwave. As you can see, the dishes are quite filling and healthy, so you won’t have to go hungry. It should be noted that the seventh day of the diet is a fasting day; you only need to eat porridge.

Malysheva’s diet – menu for the week

Each person has individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, Malysheva does not recommend following the diet exactly. However, the methodology should be used as an example, including for developing self-discipline. Malysheva offers a balanced diet. The maximum serving weight is 250 g for women and 300 g for men. To support metabolism, effectively cleanse the intestines and speed up the absorption of food, you should drink a lot of clean water. Carbohydrates should not be taken with proteins. They need to be eaten separately.

Nutrition designer by Elena Malysheva. Dish recipes

“The Diet of Elena Malysheva” - the book offers a constructor for creating an individual nutrition plan. The constructor consists of five parts, each with its own unique color. Parts consist of breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. With the help of the designer, a menu of various ingredients is combined. At the same time, no matter what the result, the nutrition always turns out to be balanced. The designer will allow you to create the optimal menu and cross out from it products that are not to your taste.

If you use the constructor, you can get the following example results:

Breakfast No. 1: Bread spread with cottage cheese and topped with Parmesan cheese.


  • Butter 5 g;
  • Parmesan cheese 30 g;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese 100 g;
  • Sugar free coffee.

Breakfast #2: Oatmeal with raisins.


  • Cook 100 g of oatmeal in water without sugar and salt;
  • Add raisins 100 g;
  • Drink a glass of orange juice.

Lunch: Sandwich and chicken breast.


  • Prepare bread from rye flour;
  • Toast bread in toaster;
  • Spread a thin layer of mustard on the bread;
  • Place chicken breast on top;
  • Lay out thin slices of cheese.

Dinner No. 1: Boiled chicken breast with potatoes and salad.


  • Boil 1 potato and 100 gram chicken breast;
  • Add butter 5 g;
  • Prepare a salad from 200 g vegetables and pour lemon juice over it.

Dinner No. 2: Beef with salad.


  • 100 g beef;
  • 150 g salad;
  • Low-fat kefir and lemon juice as salad dressing;
  • Steam the meat without salt.

Sample menu

Consume foods without adding salt, sugar, sauces, or butter. The volume of one meal is 1 glass - 250 g, attention, it is the volume, not the weight of the food that is assessed. Breakfast (around 8:00) A bowl of oatmeal, filled with hot (90 C) water, with a handful of berries, and, if desired, a glass of skim milk.

Second breakfast (around 11:00) Orange and apple (or other 1 sour + 1 sweet fruit).

Lunch (around 13:00). Chicken breast with brown rice.

Afternoon snack (about 16:00) Cottage cheese casserole with carrots or apple.

Dinner (no later than 19:00) Vegetable salad with a spoon of vegetable oil, an egg, a glass of low-fat kefir. Season the salad with kefir.

Elena Malysheva’s diet is strict regarding the consumption of carbohydrates before bedtime - it is advisable to abstain even from diet bread and fruits at the last meal.

Is it possible to follow a diet while breastfeeding?

Pregnancy brings extra pounds to women. Therefore, many mothers are interested in the possibility of following Malysheva’s diet during lactation. It is worth remembering that the diet involves giving up many unhealthy foods that you are so accustomed to. During lactation, it is not recommended to use ready-made food sets from Malysheva. they contain components that may adversely affect the baby’s health, as well as the productivity of breast milk production.

During the period of feeding a baby, the mother's diet differs from the diet of other people. Malysheva’s sets do not contain enough carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, mother needs an individual diet, which only an experienced nutritionist can create.

The opinion of doctors on diet during lactation is not in favor of losing weight. The fact is that losing weight reduces the productivity of breast milk production. This also affects the child’s health. Therefore, it is better not to risk it and consult a specialist.

Three medications for weight loss from Elena Malysheva, description and recommendations for use

In what cases should you take diet pills?

Women from all sides see advertisements for quick weight loss with the help of miracle pills and do not want to work on themselves. At the same time, they have an excellent opportunity to slightly adjust their diet, add a little exercise in the morning or throughout the day, and in a week or two they managed to achieve the desired effect.

There are more pleasant ways to lose weight, for example:

  • Sign up for the pool;
  • Go to dances or practice them at home, if you wish, this is also possible;
  • Yoga lessons will help not only lose weight, but also make your body fit and beautiful.

Not only do women not take advantage of their opportunities to lose weight easily and joyfully, but they also often buy weight loss medications that are dangerous to their health. You need to carefully read the side effects and read reviews from other customers. After all, the main rule is “Do no harm.”

But if all possible methods have been tried, and the effect is almost unnoticeable, in such cases you can use drugs from Elena Malysheva. It is also worth resorting to pharmaceuticals in cases where there is initially degree 2-3 obesity, and only then, while losing weight, should you include exercise.

Recommendations from Elena Malysheva for a slim body

Food cravings are an addiction, just like alcoholism or drug addiction. And it is very difficult to say goodbye to this craving forever. For this reason, many people quit diets and gain extra pounds again.

According to tips for losing weight from Malysheva, you can use one tricky trick in the evening. After all, it is the evening meal after 19.00 that is fraught with consequences in the form of fat deposits. You need to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly in the evening. It really works because it makes you wonder if something is worth snacking on if your teeth are so clean and flavorful. More often than not, a person chooses to abstain.

Elena Malysheva also does not claim that pills will save everyone from obesity. The fact is that taking weight loss medications for life is not a promising option at all. But the advantage of taking pills is the development of correct eating behavior.

In our country, three drugs for weight loss are officially registered - orlistat, liraglutide, sibutramine. It is precisely these three medications that Malysheva recommends in the program “Live Healthy.” Let's take a closer look at each of them.

How to get out of a diet

Malysheva’s diets are designed in such a way that a person can easily enter into it without experiencing stress and can easily get rid of it by returning to their usual diet. The menu allows the body to receive all the necessary complex of vitamins. Diets designed in such a way that a person can periodically follow them throughout his life without experiencing stress on the body.

At the end of the diet, gradually return to those foods that were unavailable during the diet. You should not immediately load your stomach with heavy fatty foods, a lot of desserts and salt. The caloric content of food must be increased gradually. Add up to 50 calories to your diet every day. Try to stick to the diet for as long as possible. This will ensure that you get rid of extra pounds forever.

To maintain the results obtained for a long period, you should adhere to the following recommendations :

  1. The daily diet should consist of no more than 1200 kcal;
  2. You can't eat on the go;
  3. Do gymnastics and gradually increase the load;

Avoid your favorite sweets, fatty meats and unhealthy processed foods. Treat yourself to them only occasionally. At the same time, include only pure organic foods without fat and salt in your diet.

The essence of Malysheva’s diet for weight loss

Elena Malysheva’s diet is a weight loss system based on a pronounced restriction of daily caloric intake within the range of 800-1200 kcal with 4-5 meals (3 main meals and 2 snacks) and a pronounced reduction in the content of fast carbohydrates and fats in the menu. At the same time, ready-made sets of products in accordance with the daily menu of the Malysheva diet for women and men can be purchased in the online store for subsequent heating and consumption in accordance with the chosen diet (800, 1000 or 1200 kcal). The diet also provides for 1 fasting day, when any one product is consumed, for example, buckwheat or rice porridge.

There are also options for Elena Malysheva’s express diet for quick weight loss, developed together with nutritionist Rimma Moisenko. At the same time, protein (boiled egg and chicken) and carbohydrate (vegetable salad) days alternate, allowing you to lose 5 kg in 10 days.


Following a diet can cause minimal harm to the body. It was developed by a doctor of science, so the harm may not be significant, but the benefits are great. However, you should not use the diet if you have kidney disease, heart disease, or constipation. It should also not be used for gastritis, stomach ulcers, hepatitis and urolithiasis.

The required amount of salt is found in vegetables and fruits. The purpose of the diet is not to enjoy eating, but to improve the health of the body. You should chew all food thoroughly for quick absorption and better results.

Reviews from women about the diet

Angelina, 32 years old:

I didn’t immediately decide to try the diet: I never believed that they really worked and that the consequences were minimal. However, the situation forced me to pay attention to the Recommendations of Elena Malysheva. Having gained confidence in her, I took her course. The first result was not as expected. However, I was moving away from the diet and showing weakness, resorting to my favorite sweets. The second diet gave the promised result: I lost 4 kg without experiencing discomfort.

Victoria, 30 years old:

I followed my mother's advice. She has a positive attitude towards Malysheva’s advice. Since I gained an impressive amount of excess weight after giving birth, I had to resort to a diet for the first time in my life. Mom already had experience with Malysheva’s diets and she herself found the right one for me. The result met expectations. However, cooking began to take more time, since my husband loves to eat heartily.

Valeria, 25 years old:

It turns out that I am an obese girl and because of this I am not particularly attractive. My investment in Elena Malysheva’s diet has paid off. I went on a diet for 3 months and lost 15 kg. I plan to stop the diet for a month and then repeat it again for 3 months.

Katerina, 37 years old:

I lost weight thanks to strict self-discipline and going to the gym. I followed all the instructions, but showed weakness for sweets - I can’t live without them. I wasn’t fat, but my muscles began to appear. In one week I lost 2 kg, and in the next week also 2. The diet works, but it’s better for me to take a break, since I will already begin to lose the desired weight.

Violetta, 22 years old:

I dance, but I’m gaining weight—possibly hereditary. The situation forces us to delve into the peculiarities of nutrition. I'm afraid of getting fat, because my mother is plump. Using Malysheva’s recommendations, I was able to stop weight gain. Now I will continue to follow the diet so that the weight goes down.

Daria, 29 years old:

Following the diet exclusively according to the recommendations. No deviations from the diet and no breaks. Everything is as written. I have an advantage for this: I work from home and it’s easier for me to stick to the desired schedule. Result: I lost 7 kg in a month. It needs to be repeated, because the diet is really healthy.

Veronica, 43 years old:

I decided a long time ago to quit smoking and get in shape. I don’t miss a single episode of Elena Malysheva. I will say that I tried her diet several times and at the same time quit smoking. As a result, I always broke down and indulged myself with tobacco and fatty meat. I didn’t give up: I quit smoking and ate a lot - I gained even more weight. I finally quit smoking and started getting in shape. I got used to it quickly, and surprisingly I didn’t feel hungry.

Elena, 24 years old:

I lost 6 kg in two weeks. However, according to the diet, I was supposed to lose 5 kg in a week. But this is my own fault, because I love sweets. The birthdays of relatives, who just happened to fall during the diet period, pushed me towards sweets. But the next 2 weeks, I think, will be much more productive.

Alena, 28 years old:

I tried so many diets, but all in vain. Of course, there was a result, but it didn’t last long; after a week, the weight lost during the grueling diet week was restored. The course was paid, I followed all the recommendations. Now I understand that it is necessary to buy information only from trusted sources. I began to be interested in the theory of Elena Malysheva, but never decided to use the diet. I doubted it for a long time, but in the end I snapped and tried her diet on myself. As a result, I did not feel any deprivation and was always full. I won’t say that the course cost me cheap; on the contrary, the cost was quite significant. But the result of 7 kg in 2 weeks made me happy. There was no feeling of losing money to nowhere. Therefore, I recommend it to everyone! Follow all the recommendations and conditions and the result will not last long. I tested it myself and will continue to use it.

How to get there by private transport

1. From the outside of the Third Transport Ring. If you drive along the outer side of the Third Transport Ring, then after the Enthusiasts Highway you enter the Lefortovo Tunnel. Immediately after leaving the tunnel, change lanes to the right and turn right onto Novaya Perevedenovskaya Street. After 200 meters you will see a 4-storey house on your right, with white and red brick cladding. In the middle of the house the entrance is through glass doors. There is a security post inside. To obtain a pass you need a passport. Call by phone and say that you have come for Diet pick-up. An employee will meet you and give you your order. Parking on Novaya Perevedenovskaya Street is paid, but you can get a pass for your car to enter our territory. Tell our employee the number of your car and he will order you an entry pass.

2. From the inside of the TTK If you drive along the inside of the TTK, then you are moving along the Rusakovskaya overpass. Before the Lefortovo tunnel, change lanes to the right and turn in the opposite direction. U-turn over the tunnel. To your right will be the Holiday Inn and the Modern Theater. After the house where the Modern Theater is located, turn right onto Novaya Perevedenovskaya Street. After 200 meters you will see a 4-storey house on your right, with white and red brick cladding. In the middle of the house the entrance is through glass doors. There is a security post inside. To obtain a pass you need a passport. Call 8-929-633-04-15 and say that you have come for Diet pick-up. An employee will meet you and give you your order. Parking on Novaya Perevedenovskaya Street is paid, but you can get a pass for your car to enter our territory. Tell our employee the number of your car and he will order you an entry pass.

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