Fasting days for weight loss from Elena Malysheva

Spring cuisine is replete with a variety of dishes that, willy-nilly, you still want to try. It is not at all necessary to deny yourself food; the main thing is not to overdo it. And fasting days for weight loss from Elena Malysheva will help you achieve the desired effectiveness of losing weight, without denying yourself pleasures!


Just three days a week will keep the body in excellent condition, bringing metabolism back to normal and removing unnecessary fluid from the body, thereby restoring the natural balance. The colossal experience of the famous TV presenter, as well as reviews from Malysheva’s grateful fans, prove that the 3 best fasting days should provide all possible assistance in achieving the main goal - ideal physical shape!

Day 1: Protein-rich food

Elena Malysheva recommends starting the first fasting day with proteins. The daily diet should consist of boiled chicken, because poultry is rich in proteins, which ensure more efficient calorie burning. The daily rate of weight loss during the first fasting day is 700-800 grams.

A skinned chicken carcass, boiled with lemon juice and a minimum of water, can be divided into six parts, which will be eaten throughout the day. An hour after eating, it is important to replenish fluid loss in the body by drinking a glass of cold water.

Recommendations for a fasting day on rice

There are rules and tips that must be strictly followed if you ultimately want to get the desired result. In fact, the requirements are not complicated and there are not many of them, so it will not be difficult to adhere to:

  • Completely eliminate alcohol, even weak alcohol, on the day of fasting, or even better a few before and a couple of days after.
  • No salt, spices or sugar, all of which will negatively affect performance.
  • Before cooking, the rice is washed several times until the water is completely clear.
  • Do not consume hot product. Rice dishes should be warm.
  • In general, it is advisable to postpone sports training and physical education to other days and reduce activity to a minimum during the fasting period.
  • Do not eat after 18:00 or 19:00, depending on your daily routine. It is optimal to avoid eating 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • It is optimal to cook rice in the morning, and then, dividing it into portions, consume it throughout the day.

Water balance plays a huge role in obtaining the desired effect. Therefore, you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. It is better not to drink the product, but to drink water in between or before meals. Herbal laxatives without added sugar are well suited for this day. They neutralize the binding effect of rice and digestion will be smoother.

Second day: fresh vegetables and light salads

On the second fasting day, it is important for Malysheva to eat as many fresh vegetables as possible. Elena herself recommends devoting it to the “Brush” salad, so named due to its cleansing properties that help remove harmful substances from the body. To prepare it you will need half a kilogram:

  • Carrots;
  • Red beets;
  • Celery root.

Grind the root, grate the fresh vegetables on a fine grater. Place the grated and chopped vegetables in a bowl, mix thoroughly, and divide into six even parts. Consume once every two hours, replenish water loss with a glass of liquid after an hour after eating.

Due to the high content of indigestible fiber, this combination of vegetables is quickly removed from the intestines, “taking” with it other harmful deposits that settle on its walls. Practice shows that on average, in the second day you can lose more than a kilogram of excess weight!

Benefits and effects of a fasting day:

  • Using rice on such a fasting day, you can effectively and safely remove excess fluid, strengthen joints and relieve swelling.
  • The proteins and carbohydrates contained in this cereal promote rapid fat burning.
  • Rice cereal contains lecithin, which has a positive effect on brain activity. In addition, by eating rice dishes, we saturate the body with iron, iodine, zinc, calcium and phosphorus.
  • By regularly spending Malysheva’s fasting day on rice, you can normalize the natural functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Since rice is a gluten-free grain, even allergy sufferers can use this cleaning method.
  • Such fasting days help you quickly get into working shape after holidays and feasts.
  • The rice diet is one of the lowest in calories. You will consume only seven hundred calories per day. At the same time, no feeling of hunger!

Final day: “bitter” citrus fruits

Elena Malysheva should end her fasting days with grapefruits: due to the fact that this fruit represents fiber in its original form, the effectiveness of this stage is unparalleled!

It is important to remember that grapefruit has an enhancing effect on statins, the main component of drugs that reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Excessive consumption of grapefruit in people taking cholesterol pills can cause liver dysfunction. That is why, before starting the third day of fasting, you should consult with your doctor.

The daily diet consists of:

  • Grapefruits – 5 pcs.;
  • Drinking water – 2 l;
  • Green tea – at least 1 liter.

The bitterness inherent in this citrus fruit allows you to “deceive” the stomach by affecting the taste buds, and green tea helps fill the void. And based on the fact that tea is a diuretic, to maintain water balance, an hour after drinking grapefruit, it is recommended to drink a glass of drinking water. If desired, egg whites can be added to the diet. Such efforts yield results in the form of one kilogram lost during the third day!

Buckwheat fasting day from Elena Malysheva

Malysheva is categorically against fasting during fasting days, so she suggests using buckwheat for this as one of the fasting options, since buckwheat porridge, on the one hand, is quite filling, and on the other hand, it is well absorbed. And in combination with kefir, about which you can find out about fasting days here, it gives an excellent effect both for weight loss and for cleansing the body.

To spend such a day, you will need 1 glass of buckwheat, 1 liter of kefir with 1% fat content and 2 liters of water.

Buckwheat should be prepared this way:

  • 1 cup of buckwheat, thoroughly washed, pour 2 cups of boiling water and wrap the container tightly so that the buckwheat steams well overnight (do not add salt or sugar);
  • In the morning, the resulting porridge is divided into 6 equal portions.

By the way: Fasting day on tomatoes

Each time you take porridge, take it separately and wash it down with a glass of kefir, or immediately mix it with it. An hour after eating, drink 1 glass of water.

For two light snacks, you can use a green apple and a grapefruit, one per meal.

In combination with kefir, buckwheat has a mild laxative effect, so it is better to carry out this deloading at home on a day off.

Within a day, weight loss reaches 1 kg, and your health improves significantly - you feel lightness and a surge of energy.

This buckwheat diet is contraindicated in some cases.

Unloading the body with rice

A rice fasting day is an alternative for people who are unable to consume “bitter” citrus fruits. Moreover, this unloading option is relevant for everyone, since thanks to the ideal ratio of nutrients, rice:

  • Promotes improved removal of fluids from the body;
  • Helps burn extra calories through digestion;
  • Allows you to satisfy your hunger in small portions.

On a rice fasting day you will need only one glass of white polished rice and about two liters of drinking water. It is advisable to boil it in two glasses of water; it is recommended to forget about salt. Ideally, the rice should be slightly undercooked. Divide the boiled cereal into eight even portions, consume once an hour, alternating with liquid: an hour - rice, an hour - water. Just one “rice” day will allow you to rid your body of the consequences of a dense holiday banquet!

Contraindications for a fasting day on rice

Despite all its usefulness, unloading on rice has a number of disadvantages and contraindications:

  • Cereals can cause constipation if consumed for quite a long time.
  • Beneficial potassium salts are excreted along with water.
  • The low calorie content of the product can cause frequent hunger pangs.
  • The lack of proteins jeopardizes the normal functioning and development of the body's muscular system.

There are few strict contraindications against such unloading. It is not advisable for pregnant and lactating mothers who suffer from cancer, have serious gastrointestinal pathologies, during the activation of chronic diseases, at elevated temperatures or inflammations to adhere to it.

Emergency unloading: cereals, fresh vegetables

Urgent fasting days are designed to help you get rid of excess weight in an extremely short time. First of all, oatmeal supplemented with dried fruits is used to relieve the body. The method for preparing the miraculous decoction is extremely simple: dilute the oats in cold water, bring to a boil and boil for 10-15 minutes. Sugar-free compote is made from dried fruits. An hour after taking the flakes, drink a glass of compote.

Oat flakes can boast a high gluten content, which occurs as a result of swelling during the cooking process. This substance is an opponent of cholesterol and promotes more effective intestinal cleansing.

For urgent unloading with vegetables, you can use any fresh vegetables in quantities of up to one and a half kilograms. It is important to cut and divide into 10 servings and eat one of them within an hour. Drink at least two liters of drinking water during the day.

Fasting days from Elena Malysheva - basic rules

For unloading to be beneficial and effective, you must follow all the recommendations that accompany it.

The rules that Elena Malysheva draws attention to regarding effective weight loss and a healthy lifestyle do not contain anything new. This is the basis on which the principles recommended by all nutritionists are built, it just once again draws attention to the fact that they must be strictly observed:

  • meals should be fractional (5-6 times a day) and by the hour;
  • refusal of flour, bakery and confectionery products;
  • ban on fried, fatty and smoked foods;
  • preserves, spices and salt - in limited quantities;
  • the predominance of fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs in the menu;
  • method of preparing food - boiling, stewing and baking, and instead of salt and butter (margarine) - lemon juice and olive oil;
  • fermented milk products should not be low-fat, but low-fat;
  • every day – drink plenty of fluids (1.5–2 liters of liquid);
  • a mandatory set of physical exercises daily;
  • positive emotional mood during meals.

By the way: Options for fasting days for weight loss

“Golden” rules of fasting days

In order for unloading the body to bear fruit, Malysheva advises following the effective “Golden” rules of nutrition.

  1. If you have health problems, you must consult your doctor before starting unloading;
  2. During the fasting day, it is important to maintain the body’s water balance by drinking at least 2 liters of liquid per day, even in addition to green tea;
  3. Elena notes that unloading should be carried out no more than 1-2 times during the week;
  4. The ratio of products selected by the TV presenter allows you to satisfy the feeling of hunger, therefore, the menu is selected so that the body can not only get rid of excess weight, but also remove toxins and bad cholesterol.

It is important to remember that the menu of fasting days provides opportunities to choose the most optimal diet in full accordance with individual preferences. The best fasting days from Elena Malysheva will allow you to meet summer fully armed, without fear for the extra pounds gained during the spring holidays!


What you shouldn't forget

When going on a rice diet, do not forget to follow these rules:

  1. You can drink liquid after consuming a serving of rice only 60 minutes later. If this is not possible, then take water half an hour before a meal. Otherwise, cleaning will slow down and some of the harmful substances will not be removed.
  2. Drink mineral water without gases. Instead of water, you can drink green tea without sugar.
  3. Along with rice, apple juice helps you lose extra pounds. It cleanses and tones, gives strength. A glass of apple juice a day will compensate for the lack of potassium, the salts of which come out during a change in diet.
  4. If a full-fledged rice diet lasting 1-2 weeks seems too heavy for you, you can arrange gentle fasting days according to Malysheva’s recommendations once every 3-4 days.
  5. The guideline for losing extra pounds will be 2 lists. One displays prohibited products. The other lists the allowed ones.

How to choose rice for Malysheva’s diet?

Having decided to try the rice diet for weight loss from Elena Malysheva for 3 days, you must learn to choose the right cereal. You will need brown rice, as it is rich in B vitamins and various microelements that prevent the body from being depleted on a diet. Today it is not at all difficult to find brown rice on sale, so you will not have any problems.

It is better to buy narrow long-grain rice for Elena Malysheva’s rice diet for weight loss for one day, since this variety contains the maximum nutrients. Another important principle of Malysheva’s rice diet is that you will need for nutrition not traditional white rice with a certain calorie content and benefits, but special brown or black rice.

How to cook cereal?

To prepare low-calorie rice porridge, you should pre-soak the cereal. Fill it with water overnight, and in the morning rinse it several times with warm tap water. Cook the rice without adding salt or other spices. It is advisable not to be lazy in the process of cooking cereals and change the water several times.

Do not throw away the water in which you cooked the rice, but drink it between main meals. The drink contains many nutrients and beneficial substances. Do not cook the rice until it is fully cooked, since slightly undercooked and hard grains are better suited for Malysheva’s rice diet.

Diet plan from Elena Malysheva

The rice diet from Elena Malysheva is based on rice, vegetables and fruits, drinking water, herbal tea and still mineral water. Let's consider the rice diet for weight loss from Malysheva for a week. During the day you should have 5 meals at equal intervals. So, the rice diet is a recipe from Malysheva.

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