4 basic principles of a diet for the lazy + menu for the week

07/27/2019 Olga Migunova 1 Comment

Summer, sun, sea, beach... and fat, blurry bodies on sun loungers. This is the picture most often seen at resorts. But you want to be slim and beautiful all your life, but you don’t have the willpower to give up unhealthy “snacks” - smoked fish, sausage, cakes and a large portion of milkshake. How to lose weight without changing your eating habits? The diet for the lazy promises to save you from as much as 12 kg (!) of excess weight in just two weeks. Is this real?

How to lose weight on water? Is the lazy diet a new stupid way to lose weight or the correct water balance that allows you to normalize metabolic processes? Let's think, analyze and understand controversial issues.

Diet for the lazy - essence and principles

If you are not distinguished by chiseled forms, and the fat hanging from the sides and shiny cheeks prevents you from charming the chic guy from the next door, and even a roll of poppy seeds can’t lure you into the gym and you can’t be pulled away from a pot of borscht by the ears, then you can try losing weight for the lazy.

Basic principles

  • Every morning you need to drink 1-2 glasses of water on an empty stomach. It's best if it's hot. You shouldn’t sit down to breakfast right away, wait 20-30 minutes.
  • Before each subsequent meal, you also need to drink one or two glasses of water and only sit down at the table after half an hour.
  • Never drink anything while eating!
  • After your meal, do not drink anything for one and a half to two hours.

Why you should drink hot water in the morning

Eastern medicine (the most ancient and wise) has long recommended drinking a glass of hot water (about 40 °C) in the morning on an empty stomach. This helps to “awaken” the body and all metabolic processes, to “wash away” all the mucus and waste products of microorganisms that have accumulated overnight.

Tibetan monks believe that hot water in the morning prolongs life, gives youth and health. And cold water or drinks with ice are the worst things your body can get at the beginning of the day.

Cold water causes vasospasm in the stomach and gall bladder, to eliminate which the body secretes a large amount of mucus to protect the walls of the stomach. As a result, digestive processes slow down and bile stagnation occurs.

Instead of preparing the digestive system to absorb nutrients, the body spends energy heating cold water to body temperature. And this does not contribute to the loss of calories at all; rather, due to shock, they are stored “in reserve.”

Hot water on an empty stomach relaxes the muscles of the digestive organs, washes away the remnants of retained food, and regulates the acid-base balance. It also improves intestinal motility and normalizes daily stool.

Why can't you drink food with water?

Photo: https://pixabay.com/photos/bottle-mineral-water-bottle-of-water-2553215/
Food begins to be digested while still in our mouth, with the help of saliva. Liquid taken during meals impairs the quality and effect of saliva and disrupts the digestive process literally at the first stage.

Once in the stomach, water dilutes the gastric juice, which again slows down digestion. In addition, it significantly stretches the stomach, and this contributes to overeating (a person does not feel full until he fills the entire volume with food) and weight gain.

When eating, you should always chew your food thoroughly so that the saliva that forms in your mouth begins to break it down. In addition, prolonged chewing promotes faster satiety - the brain has time to receive the necessary signals.

Eating dry food is wrong. You can and even should include liquid soups and cereals, gravy for meat dishes, as well as fresh juicy vegetables in your diet.

What drinks should be limited or completely eliminated during meals?

  • Carbonated – promotes excessive gas formation.
  • Hot tea or coffee slow down the digestion process.
  • Alcohol has a negative effect on the liver and irritates the mucous membranes.
  • Chilled drinks - thanks to them, food from the stomach immediately moves into the intestines without having time to be digested. They are one of the reasons for the appearance of excess weight.
  • Milk – activates the fermentation process.
  • Vegetable or fruit juices interfere with the breakdown and absorption of proteins due to increased acidity.

If you really want to drink while eating, the ideal liquid would be warm water in limited quantities.

Mechanism of action

  • Water drunk before a meal fills part of the stomach, thereby reducing appetite; previously habitual portions are naturally reduced. Accordingly, the number of calories consumed decreases.
  • Prohibiting liquids after meals helps food to be properly digested and absorbed.
  • Eating becomes controlled – you won’t be able to chew something all the time.
  • The intake of “wrong” liquids during meals – juices, alcohol, milk – will be significantly limited.
  • The water balance in the body is normalized, excess toxins are removed, and the functioning of the digestive system is regulated.


The light diet lasts seven days. Its essence is as follows.

  • Half an hour before each meal you need to drink just one glass of water.
  • During the day, eat one and a half to two kilograms of vegetables, preferably not containing starch (also avoid avocado, which is too fatty and high in calories). Vegetables can be eaten raw as salads, stewed, baked, boiled.

A quick water diet suggests that you need to drink up to three liters of water per day.
It is very difficult to drink such a volume in a day, so it is recommended to stick to the diet for no more than three days. These days, it is imperative to take vitamin complexes, since calcium, organic compounds, salts and other useful substances can be washed out of the body with fluid.

Note to lazy people losing weight: how to simply drink water and lose weight

There is one effective technique for the lazy that helps you quickly lose weight. Its essence is to drink 2 glasses of warm water before each meal.

Clean water not only helps speed up all processes occurring in the body and remove harmful substances, but also helps you eat less. After all, if part of the stomach is first occupied with water, the usual portion will no longer fit into it. And, as you know, water has no calories. This means that the calorie content of the meal is automatically reduced. In some diets where such a simple method is used, it is allowed to eat any food, even chocolates, without fear of gaining extra pounds.

Reasons for weight loss when drinking water before meals

  • when a person drinks water, a signal of satiety is sent to his brain, therefore, by quenching his thirst, he can get rid of the feeling of hunger;
  • water occupies part of the stomach, so it can accommodate a smaller portion;
  • even tea with sugar adds extra calories, but if you drink the required 2 glasses of water, the desire to drink any other drink disappears.

The psychological factor is also important. After some time, the human body, along with the feeling of hunger, develops the understanding that it will have to drink water first. As a result, the desire to eat may disappear. Many people skip snacks because they also require drinking water before snacking.

Water diet rules for the lazy

It is enough to stay on such a diet for no more than three weeks, since kidney function may be impaired, blood pressure may increase, and edema may appear. It is also advisable to take vitamins at this time, since large fluid intake causes calcium to be washed out of the body. It is not recommended to indulge in spicy, fried and starchy foods.

On a note! Some people mistakenly assume that drinking too much liquid will stretch their stomach and make it worse. However, these fears are completely unfounded. The stomach stretches faster from buns and sausages, not from water.

In addition, drinking during and immediately after meals is prohibited. If you drink it only 20 minutes before a meal, in a week you can say goodbye to 5 kilograms.

On a note! To lose weight, it is recommended to drink raw water before meals, rather than boiled water. The latter lacks useful minerals, salts and other impurities. You need to drink water in small sips, slowly.

This method of losing weight is not suitable for people who suffer from liver and kidney diseases and have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is also prohibited during pregnancy.

Before you start a diet for the lazy with a result of minus 5 kg, it is important to familiarize yourself with the individual volumes of liquid, which depend on the person’s weight. To determine this indicator, you need to multiply 30 by body weight. In case of excessive sweating, it is allowed to increase the volume received.

On a note! Coffee and tea are also considered snacks, so you will also need to drink water before drinking them.

Permitted and prohibited products

Photo: https://pixabay.com/photos/baths-bathroom-spas-architecture-4350203/
The water diet for the lazy suggests that you don’t have to change your diet, but for the best effect it is advisable to still focus on proper nutrition.

What can you eatWhat is undesirable to eat
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Dairy products.
  • Seeds and nuts.
  • Fish and seafood.
  • Lean meats and poultry.
  • Eggs.
  • Unpolished cereals.
  • Wholemeal bread.
  • Sugar and confectionery.
  • Sausage, smoked meats.
  • Pickles and pickled vegetables.
  • Fatty store-bought sauces.
  • Fast food and semi-finished products.
  • Alcoholic drinks.

Water diet - menu for every day

The “lazy” diet suggests that you can eat anything, as long as you maintain the correct water balance. However, the positive effect will come faster if the diet is balanced, devoid of fast carbohydrates and harmful foods.

For 3 days

First day
  • Breakfast . “Lazy” oatmeal on kefir with prunes, dried apricots and nuts. Oatmeal, chopped dried fruits and chopped nuts are poured with low-fat kefir overnight.
  • Dinner . Baked chicken breast with a side dish of fresh vegetables.
  • Dinner . Syrniki. Fruit slices.
Second day
  • Breakfast . Two egg omelette. A piece of cheese.
  • Dinner . Meatball soup. A large portion of vegetable salad dressed with natural yogurt.
  • Dinner . Baked mackerel stuffed with tomatoes and onions.
The third day
  • Breakfast . Two boiled eggs. Fresh cabbage salad with carrots, tomatoes and fresh herbs.
  • Dinner . Steamed chicken cutlets with a side dish of brown rice or buckwheat. Vegetable mix.
  • Dinner . Zucchini fritters. A glass of low-fat kefir.

If you feel hungry between main meals, you can have one or two snacks. But don’t forget about the “water” rules - drink 20 minutes before meals and don’t drink at all for two hours after.

For a week

Day of the weekDaily ration
  • Breakfast . Buckwheat porridge. Vegetable mix. Chees Feta".
  • Dinner . Green borscht with sorrel and sour cream. Chicken cutlet. Fresh cabbage salad with carrots.
  • Dinner . Cottage cheese with pieces of fruit.
  • Breakfast . Oatmeal with dried fruits.
  • Dinner . Vegetable salad. Chicken breast with a side of brown rice.
  • Dinner . Baked piece of fish with vegetables.
  • Breakfast . Homemade cottage cheese with pieces of fruit.
  • Dinner . Boiled beef. Vegetable stew.
  • Dinner . Buckwheat porridge in a pot with mushrooms.
  • Breakfast . Cheese omelette.
  • Dinner . Borsch. Steam cutlets.
  • Dinner . Greek salad.
  • Breakfast . Syrniki.
  • Dinner . Vegetable stew.
  • Dinner . Fish cutlets. Fresh vegetables.
  • Breakfast . Two boiled eggs. Cheese. Toast.
  • Dinner . Baked meat. A fresh vegetable salad.
  • Dinner . Milk buckwheat porridge.
  • Breakfast . Zucchini pancakes.
  • Dinner . Turkey fillet. Millet porridge with gravy. Fresh vegetables.
  • Dinner . Hotpot.


Honey in reasonable quantities benefits the body and is an excellent substitute for store-bought sweets. The product “works” as an antiseptic, skin moisturizer, and catalyst for metabolic processes.

A tablespoon of honey is eaten before eating. You can also drink a honey drink at night (2 hours before bedtime). Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey to a glass of warm water or chamomile infusion.

There are three types of honey diet for weight loss “for the lazy” - for three, six and 14 days. This time is enough to lose 1.5-6 kg, depending on the duration and initial data. You can repeat the program after two months.

Peculiarity! It is necessary to exclude starchy foods from the diet, which reduce the “fat-burning” effect of honey by three times.


The diet consists of vegetables and fruits. You can prepare salads from sweet peppers, tomatoes, apples or stew cabbage, beets, and carrots. The presence of fermented milk products with low fat content is mandatory. It is recommended to drink “zero” kefir three times a day, 200 ml. An example of a simple daily menu for weight loss of this diet “for the lazy” is given in the table.

EatingMenu options
  • salad or sliced ​​apples and oranges, a boiled egg, a slice of whole grain bread;
  • cereal flakes with milk, juice;
  • oatmeal, juice;
  • low-fat cottage cheese, tea.
  • vegetable stew, tuna, juice;
  • vegetable puree soup, steamed fish, grapefruit;
  • steamed dietary meat, cabbage salad, juice;
  • cauliflower, steamed carrots, berries, tea.
Afternoon snack
  • baked apple with honey;
  • cottage cheese (200 g);
  • nuts (60 g);
  • fruits (200 g);
  • dried fruits (100 g).
  • salad, baked fish;
  • stewed vegetables, fruit juice;
  • celery salad, a piece of cheese, juice;
  • chicken fillet, vegetable salad, tea.


The main contraindications are gallbladder diseases and allergies to the product. People without these abnormalities can try this “for the lazy” diet as a way to quickly lose weight without fear of deteriorating health.

Doctors' opinions on nutrition

Photo: https://pixabay.com/photos/dr-doctor-women-professional-2157993/
Every person knows that clean water is the source of life, health and longevity. You need to drink water, but correctly! Recently, there has been an opinion that a person should drink at least two liters of water per day. However, there is still no scientific explanation for this statement.

Traditional medicine believes that you need to drink exactly as much as you want. And at the time when you want. The amount of water you drink depends on many factors - gender, weight, age, climatic conditions, health, physical activity, nutrition and others.

The “trick” of the diet for the lazy is to reduce the amount of calories consumed through strict drinking control. Even if it’s an ordinary snack or you want to eat candy, the inner “Cerberus” forces you to first drink water, wait 20 minutes, and only then, as a prize, you can have something to eat and suffer from thirst for one and a half to two hours (the forbidden fruit is always sweet).

After such manipulations, the diet will be strict and relatively low-calorie. Those who are losing weight will automatically give up salty, fatty, sweet, fried and smoked foods, since these are the foods that cause thirst. And you can’t drink after eating!

The diet “promises” a loss of 8 to 12 kg in two weeks. It is physically possible to lose weight in such a period of time, but only in a concentration camp. In the best case, you can lose several kilograms, and only if you add physical activity and restrictions on fast carbohydrates. But such a diet can no longer be called “lazy.”

Three to four kilograms per month is a safe weight loss for the body.

A huge role in losing weight is played not by how and how much water you drink, but by your lifestyle, nutrition and the number of calories consumed and burned. Do you want to lose weight? Eat the “right” food, pay attention to physical activity, spend more calories than you get. That's when the result will be. You can at least drink some water, but if you don’t move and burn more than you eat, the weight will steadily creep up.

Age restrictions

According to nutritionists, girls under 16 years old, as well as women over 50 years old, should not adhere to this diet. Such restrictions are quite understandable. At this age, the human body especially needs valuable microelements. When following a diet for the lazy, there is a danger of not receiving enough nutrients and disrupting the functioning of the body.

If the body easily withstood a week of such nutrition, you can extend it for another 3 days. Thus, a diet for the lazy for 10 days will be more effective. The main thing is not to break down, otherwise you will have to start all over again.

We recommend reading: Diet for the lazy minus 12 kg per month

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages are as follows.

  • Decreased appetite. Due to the water you have already drunk, the serving size is reduced, and saturation occurs much faster.
  • Lack of emotional discomfort. Since there are no restrictions on food and its quantity, there is no internal “set” for a diet. The diet remains virtually unchanged. The body does not think that it is “on a diet”, which means it does not experience stress.
  • Diet. Uncontrolled “chewing” and constant snacking disappear. Anyone losing weight will think three times before drinking tea and cookies. After all, any snack requires mandatory water before eating, half an hour of abstinence and another two hours after an apple, candy or cake.

There are also disadvantages.

  • The diet is not suitable for everyone. There may be health contraindications or individual intolerance - not all people can drink water in such quantities.
  • Heavy load on the kidneys and urinary system.
  • It is difficult to maintain a “water” diet, so good motivation is necessary.
  • The right way out of the diet is necessary, otherwise you can get a “kickback” and regain not only the lost kilograms, but also the extra “appendage for a rainy day.”
  • Leaching beneficial elements from the body.

Similar diets

The water diet has several varieties.

On honey water

Photo: https://pixabay.com/photos/lemon-honey-homemade-lemonade-drink-3010065/
For those who cannot give up sweets, a diet for the lazy with honey water is suitable. It is believed that water mixed with honey changes its structure and becomes identical to blood plasma. In addition, honey contains many useful elements that are so necessary for the body.

If you drink honey water on an empty stomach in the morning, your body “wake up” faster and start all the necessary processes to work “like a clock.” Metabolism increases, digestive functions improve, the excretory system works better, and all these factors together contribute to the loss of extra pounds.

But no matter how beneficial honey is, for many people it is an inaccessible delicacy. First of all, allergy sufferers, as well as those who suffer from cholelithiasis and bile stagnation, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, cholecystitis, enterocolitis, ulcers and other diseases in which honey can only cause harm, should not lose weight with honey water.

On water with vinegar

The diet for the lazy on water with vinegar is designed for three days. Add 10 ml of natural apple cider vinegar to each glass of water.

In small doses, apple cider vinegar is beneficial for the body. It normalizes the acid-base balance and also stimulates the production of gastric juice. An acidic environment also reduces the number of pathogenic bacteria and qualitatively improves the intestinal microflora.

But if you exceed the dose, the effect will be exactly the opposite - the acid eats away the stomach lining and damages tooth enamel.

This diet can only be used by those who do not have diseases of the digestive system - gastritis, heartburn, stomach or duodenal ulcers.

There are several varieties of the vinegar diet.

  • Method one. One teaspoon of apple cider vinegar is diluted in a glass of warm water and drunk half an hour before meals.
  • Method two. Opponents of an acidic drink on an empty stomach prefer to drink vinegar water immediately after eating.
  • The third diet method is considered the most effective. On the first day, drink vinegar water half an hour before each meal. Moreover, for every 30 kg of weight you need one glass of water and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. On the second day, additional vinegar water is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, and also in the evening before bed. On the third day, you can eat only three or four green apples and drink vinegar water (just imagine what a blow this is to the stomach lining!).

Some particularly zealous ladies who want to enhance the effect of losing weight drink vinegar undiluted. Never repeat their mistakes! This amount of acid is harmful to the digestive system.

Reviews and results of people who have lost weight

  • “It’s too hard to forcefully pour so much water into yourself before eating - well, try drinking two glasses in a row! I haven’t lost any weight at all, but I stocked up on water for future use, like a camel, putting it in my sides and thighs!”
  • “I give this diet a full two. I didn’t lose weight so much as, on the contrary, I struggled with the gaining kilograms.”
  • “The diet is suitable for true water drinkers. If you live only on coffee, tea and other drinks, and a glass of water disgusts you, then this system is not for you. You shouldn’t force yourself and drink buckets of water.”
  • “Drinking water twenty minutes before meals is normal. But it turned out to be very difficult to withstand 2 hours after. I was incredibly thirsty. I recommend this diet as a way to get rid of food excesses in the diet and a stepping stone to the transition to proper nutrition.”
  • “My result is that the excess “preserved” fluid left the body, I lost 4 kg in two weeks. But after eating I can withstand a maximum of half an hour without water. I believe that there is no need to force yourself - you need to drink water when you want.”
  • “You can’t even imagine how tired I am of water! I've lost three kilograms, but it seems like I'm made entirely of water. The rings on the fingers cut into the skin and cannot be removed.”
  • “The diet works, and it works great. It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to lose the promised 12 kg, but one or two kilograms a week is realistic. Tested for myself."
  • “Although the name is tempting, don’t expect quick results. It is very difficult not to drink after eating, but otherwise there are no problems. I began to eat less salt and sweets, so as not to suffer from thirst later. Most likely, this gave the impetus to losing weight.”

Advice from experienced people

  • Drink only clean water without carbon and of good quality. Not good from the tap. Boiled is considered “dead”, tasteless and useless. Give preference to bottled or high-quality filtered.
  • It is best if the water is at room temperature, not cold.
  • Do not swallow water, drink slowly in small sips.
  • Try not to overuse pickles and smoked foods, which contribute to water retention in the body and the formation of edema.
  • If you are prone to swelling, do not drink water at night several hours before bedtime.
  • Try to replace store-bought sweets with fruits or homemade desserts made from quality products.

Menu (Meal Schedule)

Effective weight loss measures using water and the principles of a healthy diet are the best complex for body correction. They will make your figure fit, and regular physical activity will make you sporty. Therefore, when thinking through your own daily routine, remember:

  • meals should be three times a day, a maximum of one additional snack, the largest amount of calories and high-calorie foods - for breakfast;
  • do not eat later, eat 4 hours before going to bed;
  • cook yourself - give up street food, processed foods and ready-to-eat products;
  • the most important thing is balance, do not limit the body in any of the elements necessary for normal functioning - proteins (meat, cottage cheese), fats (vegetable oils), carbohydrates (grains, cereals), fiber , vitamins and minerals (fruits, berries, vegetables).
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