Polina Gagarina's diet menu for everyone. How Polina Gagarina lost weight. Singer's diet menu

General rules

Many people were interested in the question: how did Polina Gagarina lose weight after giving birth? It is worth noting that the popular singer tried a lot of diets that did not give any results at all, and also spoiled her health and mood. In her interview, Polina said that nutrition systems that required scrupulous calorie counting were rejected by her immediately. Polina did not like such a boring activity at all. And as a result, the girl developed her own nutrition system, which helped first her, and then thousands of women, to get rid of excess weight and achieve the desired slimness. The diet has virtually no side effects, is quite well tolerated and is based on a healthy diet.

Diet stress

The peculiarity of the diet that Polina Gagarina maintained is that her body was subjected to enormous physical stress. She did not study separately, since at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, where the singer was studying at that moment, there were enough different activities. Fencing, stage movement, dancing - the girl had to practice for 3-4 hours every day.

Compared to regular training, a person should do full-fledged CrossFit for 3 hours every day. However, serious weakness is often felt on an alternation diet, so it is better not to devote more than an hour to exercise. You can choose any workout that suits you - cycling, swimming, running, etc. Even regular walking will burn extra calories.

Authorized Products

To reduce her weight, the singer preferred low-calorie products. The priority is proteins and easily digestible carbohydrates. It is allowed to eat greens and vegetables, and meat products – fish and lean meats. Berries and fruits should be bright colors. Eating nuts and seafood is allowed. Soups and broths should be low-fat. When choosing dairy products, preference should be given to products with low fat content. Drinks include herbal tea and plain still water.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
dried fruits2,30,668,2286
wheat bread8,11,048,8242
chicken breast23,21,70,0114
chicken fillet23,11,20,0110
chicken eggs12,710,90,7157
mineral water0,00,00,0
black tea20,05,16,9152
* data is per 100 g of product

Kirsten Dunst: Marie Antoinette

Source: @vasina_dasha__

Source: @vasina_dasha__
The Queen of France and wife of Louis XVI is shown in Sofia Coppola’s film “Marie Antoinette” in the most grotesque image. It is known that the queen loved lavish balls, dresses and spent money from the treasury on her entertainment. Kirsten Dunst appeared in the film as a frivolous lady, wearing dresses that looked like marshmallows. All of them were made in soft pastel colors, with bows and ruffles. She had high hairstyles on her head, typical of the 18th century, and sweets that the spoiled daughter of the Austrian emperor loved so much were often glimpsed in the frame. The film did not receive very high marks from critics due to the fact that it does not contain enough historical facts, but Kirsten Dunst is a pleasure to watch.

Fully or partially limited products

Rich broths and soups are prohibited for consumption. Avoid foods high in starch. Consumption of sugar-containing products and sweets is unacceptable. Avoid fast food and canned foods completely. The consumption of sausages and sausages is also prohibited. Among the drinks prohibited are strong tea, coffee, carbonated and alcohol-containing drinks. Avoid corn and potatoes (high starch content).

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal







Nuts and dried fruits

candied fruit2,01,071,0301


potato chips5,530,053,0520
banana chips2,333,650,7519

Cereals and porridges


Flour and pasta


Bakery products




Ice cream

ice cream3,76,922,1189





Raw materials and seasonings



dairy products3,26,54,1117

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese17,25,01,8121

Meat products

elk meat21,41,70,0101
goat meat18,016,00,0216
yak meat20,03,50,0112
boiled boiled pork16,418,31,0233


boiled sausage13,722,80,0260
smoked sausage28,227,50,0360
dry-cured sausage24,138,31,0455
smoked sausage9,963,20,3608
homemade liver sausage15,022,00,0258
pork chops10,033,00,0337



Fish and seafood


Oils and fats

animal fat0,099,70,0897
chicken fat0,099,70,0897
fish oil0,0100,00,0902

Alcoholic drinks

dry white wine0,10,00,666
Cahors red wine0,00,016,0147

Non-alcoholic drinks


Juices and compotes

* data is per 100 g of product

Margot Robbie: Elizabeth I

Source: @margotrobbie
Margot Robbie also played Elizabeth I. In an interview, she admitted that it was an interesting experience - she was tired of the roles of frivolous beauties. In the 2021 film “Two Queens,” Margot got a dramatic role. If at the beginning of the film Elizabeth I looks majestic, then towards the end of the plot, in order to show the consequences of the illness, the actress was made up. The image turned out to be repulsive, but memorable.

Polina Gagarina's diet menu (Meal plan)

A short version has been developed, which lasts 5 days. Let's look at the menu for every day.

Day IOn this day you can only eat boiled brown rice. It must be prepared without salt, spices, sugar or sauces. Rice can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Every day you need to drink 2 liters of clean still water.
Day IIOn this day, eating chicken fillet is allowed. Removing the skin is mandatory. Chicken can be baked, boiled or steamed. The dish should be prepared without salt, seasonings or sauces. Compliance with the drinking regime is mandatory.
Day IIIOn the third day, you are allowed to eat any non-starchy vegetables. Vegetables can be subjected to heat treatment and can be eaten fresh. It is more rational to prepare vegetable salads and season them with lemon juice.
Day IVThe fourth day is dedicated to vegetarian soup. You can use any vegetables to prepare it. Soup can be consumed in unlimited quantities.
Day VThe fifth day is fermented milk. Low-fat cottage cheese and low-fat kefir are allowed for consumption. You can eat green apples. The listed products can be passed through a blender and prepared into cocktails, or they can be consumed separately.

If the diet is well tolerated, it can be repeated.

Cate Blanchett: Elizabeth I

Source: @cate_blanchettofficial
“I am your queen,” Kate says at the end of The Golden Age. Indeed, her aristocratic appearance and porcelain skin made it possible to fit perfectly into the image of Elizabeth I. For this role she was nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe.

In the film, Blanchett appeared not only in luxurious dresses in the halls of the palace, the film also included scenes from the battlefield, and the queen dressed in armor. Kate admitted that the armor was real and she had a hard time wearing it. But it was even more difficult in Elizabeth I’s outfit for the coronation ceremony. For him, the costume designers built a rigid corset attached to a wooden base. In this dress, the actress had to keep her back straight and it was quite difficult to move.

Quitting the diet

The first time after the diet, you need to monitor your diet as carefully as during the diet. Don't overeat on junk and fatty foods. Introduce new foods into your diet gradually, adding cereals, fish, lean meat, and fruits. Try to eat frequently and keep your portions small. It is important to maintain an adequate drinking regime and consume at least 1.5 liters of clean water. Be sure to play sports, pay attention to simple walks in the fresh air. If you exit the diet correctly, excess weight will not return to you.

Tilda Swinton: The White Witch

Source: @tildaswintonislove

Source: @tildaswintonislove
The White Witch in the film “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” looks more like the Snow Queen. Her unearthly appearance harmonizes perfectly with the image of the villain and at first glance seems attractive. This is what allowed her to charm young Edmund Pevensie. Stylists created the perfect dress for Tilda, creating an imitation of fabric woven from snowflakes, and the crown seemed to be made of real icicles. Gradually, as the plot develops, the queen loses power over Narnia, winter is replaced by spring, and her outfit also transforms: from snow-white it becomes gray, and the ice crown melts.


Dietary nutrition according to Gagarina has practically no contraindications, because is quite balanced and short-lasting. Limited nutrition is not recommended for pregnant women, as well as for persons suffering from chronic diseases of the digestive tract ( colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc.). Before the diet, you need to undergo an examination and consult with your doctor about the possibility of carrying out a protein-carbohydrate diet.

Marina Alexandrova: Catherine II

Source: @mar_alexandrova

Source: @mar_alexandrova
Marina Alexandrova reincarnated as Empress Catherine the Great in 2014. She was well able to show the young and timid Princess Sophia to Augusta Frederick, who had to do everything according to the orders of Empress Elizabeth. It was only later that her character became stronger and her ambitions emerged. For filming in the second season, where Alexandrova’s character took the throne, she had to gain 10 kilograms to look more convincing.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • simplicity and availability of dietary products;
  • the diet is based on proper nutrition;
  • no side effects;
  • good tolerance;
  • quick effect;
  • long-term preservation of the achieved result.
  • presence of contraindications;
  • dizziness;
  • nervousness;
  • hunger.

Julia Roberts: Queen Clementianne

Source: @periodramastyle

Source: @perioddramastyle
In 2012, another version of Snow White was released, in which Lily Collins played the main character and Julia Roberts played the stepmother. In this film, the negative female character turned out to be more charming than Princess Snow White. The change in images of Julia Roberts' character is pleasing to the eye. Her spectacular outfits and unusual hairstyles are a real work of art. It's hard to even pick one.

Important Terms

  • Avoid fried potatoes. As a last resort, baked potatoes are allowed.
  • All dishes must be steamed or boiled. Such cooking methods allow you to preserve all nutrients as much as possible and benefit the body.
  • Completely avoid baked goods, sweet buns and cakes. Bread is allowed to be consumed only if it is prepared using rye flour.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages completely. In addition to the negative impact on health, they are also high in calories.
  • Try to eat more vegetables and fruits, including as snacks. Daily consumption of half a kilogram of vegetables and fruits ensures normal functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Soups and broths should be prepared from lean meat (veal, turkey, rabbit, chicken). Properly prepared soup is a source of protein, normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, and relieves hunger for a long time.
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep every day.
  • Try not to have dinner after 18:00.
  • Pay special attention to seafood consumption.
  • Exercise 3-4 times a week.

Advantages and disadvantages

The presented diet has obvious advantages:

  • you don’t have to prepare complex or expensive dishes;
  • eating four or five times a day practically eliminates sudden attacks of hunger;
  • the protein-carbohydrate change makes the process particularly effective, and the effectiveness of this principle has been proven by many experts;
  • the lack of sweets ultimately leads to new eating habits when you no longer want confectionery;
  • extra pounds disappear due to the destruction of fatty tissue, preserving moisture or muscle tissue.

There are certain disadvantages, like any dietary food system, in this case:

  • This technique is by no means a permanent menu. The duration is no more than two weeks, so weight loss should be carried out in cycles, trying to maintain the weight between them through exercise and avoidance of harmful foods;
  • the diet sometimes gives the impression of monotonous food;
  • eating habits that do not fit into the diet will have to be forgotten.

You also need to remember about some contraindications - a whole section of the article is devoted to them.

Emily Blunt: Queen Victoria

Source: @di_bedzhanyan
In 2008, Emily Blunt played the role of the young Queen Victoria, who is just ascending the throne and gaining the trust of her people. Many critics noted that the actress does not look like the prototype - she is too good for him, but the dresses were appreciated. The costume designers recreated the outfits as closely as possible to the original ones. Each of the heroine's dresses was insured for £10,000.

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