Do vegetarians eat fish and seafood? Do vegans eat fish: let’s dot the i’s!

  • The benefits of eating fish.
  • What to replace it with.
  • Everyone knows that vegetarianism and its forms exclude the consumption of animal products. But with seafood, everything is not so clear. Some admit the presence of all kinds of products in the diet, while others are ardent opponents of it. Let's figure out whether vegans eat fish, and what are the features of the diet of this trend.

    Who is a vegan

    Before raising the issue of eating fish, it is necessary to determine what food boundaries a vegan falls within. The “plant” movement is a whole way of life, following which a person will independently determine the conditions and diet that are comfortable for him. According to this principle, vegetarianism is divided into several movements.

    The strictest is veganism, which involves consuming only products of plant origin. Is it possible to eat seafood and fish? Let's look at some pros and cons that will help you understand this issue in detail.

    What vegans and vegetarians don't eat. About controversial products


    It would seem that there is nothing to argue about: if a vegetarian refuses to eat the flesh of a killed animal, then it would be logical to do the same with fish. But no! Some people who sincerely consider themselves adherents of this system eat both fish and seafood without a twinge of conscience. Argument: these creatures are so low-intellectual and insignificant that their absence will not affect anyone in any way - they don’t even know how to empathize with each other.

    Such people are called pescatarians, and classical vegetarians do not accept them into their camp.


    In fact, eggs should also be banned. After all, chicks could eventually hatch from them. How then does this fit in with their ideology: “We don’t kill anyone”? However, there is a loophole, and representatives of this worldview system took advantage of it. They eat only industrial, hatchery eggs, and not farm eggs taken from under chickens. Initially, they were not obtained naturally, which means they cannot relate to nature as such. A bit of a stretched point of view (after all, even from industrial ones you can raise chicks), but, nevertheless, it exists. Lacto-vegetarians do not support it and do not eat any eggs.


    There is also no consensus on dairy products. On the one hand, everything is simple: a cow does not die from giving milk to a person. But ovo-vegetarians, for example, have a huge number of reasons why they shouldn’t eat these products.

    Firstly, if we talk about an industrial scale, then poor cows are subjected to numerous tortures, since the producers’ task is to pump the maximum milk out of them. At the same time, she can be fed antibiotics and other harmful substances.

    Secondly, a cow, like any mammal, produces milk exclusively during lactation. And for this to happen, she needs to constantly give birth. In most cases, born calves are slaughtered for meat.

    And ovo-vegetarians have dozens of such arguments.


    Many people are perplexed about the ban on honey in vegetarian diets. Although the explanations why it’s still not worth eating are quite understandable. Vegans usually have this attitude. They refuse bee products for several reasons:

    • every 2 years, queen bees are killed, replacing them with more productive and younger ones;
    • when removing honeycombs, bees suffer and die;
    • In the hives, honey is replaced in winter with sugar syrup, which causes various diseases in bees, shortening their lives.

    Based on this, vegans do not eat honey, honeycombs, bee bread, propolis, or any other bee products.


    Some manufacturers pass it through a filter made of cow bones to obtain snow-white pieces of sugar. This fact became the explanation why vegans refuse to eat this product.

    Now you know what vegetarians do not eat due to their worldview. Moreover, for each of them it may differ from the generally accepted one. So, before you create a menu, you should first decide what is on the list of unacceptable products for you from the point of view of humane treatment of animals? Only after you join one of the camps will it be possible to talk in more detail about the lists of permitted and prohibited foods.


    • The fish does not experience pain. Loud phrases like “we cannot eat those we look into the eyes” seem absurd to many. Agree, it is impossible to cross views with herring or crucian carp. Yes, and there is an opinion that a fish is an unreasonable creature that does not feel pain at the moment of its death. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about such a “murder” at all.
    • Feels no fear. According to many vegetarians, fish become very afraid at the moment of danger, which causes the body to intensively secrete adrenaline. But those who advocate including the product in the menu note: a living organism does not understand what is happening at the moment of capture, so you should not worry about the negative.

    Official point of view

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    For some reason, there is a persistent but erroneous opinion in society that vegetarians eat fish. In fact, this is not even a controversial product in this system, since from the very beginning of its emergence it has been absent from the diet of absolutely all of its movements.

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    “But how can that be?” - many will say. After all, there is even a special concept of pescatarians (vegetarians who eat fish). That's right, this is a completely different term: pescetarian - from the Italian word “pesce”, which means “fish”. And vegetarianism goes back to the English “vegetable”, which translates as “vegetable”. That is, even the etymology of names has different meanings.

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    And yet, there are people who believe that it is quite possible for vegetarians to consume fish and seafood. What arguments do supporters and opponents of this point of view have?

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    Arguments for

    The main slogans of vegetarians: “We do not eat those who look us in the eyes,” “We do not eat the dead.” Of course, it is difficult to imagine how you can cross your gaze with pike or perch. Accordingly, those who advocate the inclusion of the inhabitants of the aquatic depths in the vegetarian diet argue that they are irrational creatures and do not feel pain at the moment of death. This means that a person should not be tormented by his conscience for killing them.

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    • Has no fear

    Vegetarians do not eat warm-blooded meat also because they are afraid of death. They are afraid, and this causes their body to produce huge amounts of adrenaline. We all know it's a hormone. And in such situations it is a source of negative energy, since a living being has been killed. A person absorbs it into himself if he eats such meat. Fish do not understand what is happening to them at the moment of killing, which means that this factor is absent, and you can safely enjoy the delicious flesh of salmon or tuna and feel great.

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    Pros against

    Recent studies have confirmed that almost all inhabitants of the aquatic depths have nociceptors - these are nerve endings, and very sensitive ones, and they are excited by physical damage. This means that, despite the underdevelopment of the brain in fish, they still experience pain. And this is one of the main reasons not to eat their carcasses.

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    • Fear and adrenaline rush

    According to research results, in stressful situations, fish at the alarm stage significantly increase the level of adrenaline in the body, which causes physiological indicators typical for this. This means that the carcass of a killed perch or bream is filled with the same negative energy as the meat of warm-blooded animals lying on store shelves. What vegetarian can eat them after this?

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    • Catching

    Have you ever seen fishing on an industrial scale? This is not about simple fishing (although there is little pleasant in this activity), but about the desire to exceed the plan and bring as much catch on board the ship as possible. Most individuals die while still in the water due to the inability to breathe under the pressure of other fish. Many people's eyes explode as a result. And along with the catch, animals that are completely unnecessary for fishermen get entangled in the nets: turtles, fur seals, dolphins. Many of them also suffocate without water or are beaten to death along the way. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart.

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    Every person has the right to their own point of view. Of course, no one will forbid you to call yourself a vegetarian by giving up meat and continuing to eat fish. Still, you need to respect historically established traditions and come to terms with the fact that for everyone else, you will most likely be nothing more than a pseudo-vegetarian, namely a pescetarian.

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    • The fish feels pain. Scientists have conducted studies that have confirmed that the inhabitants of the seas/oceans have special nerve endings with high sensitivity. When physically damaged, they become excited and pain occurs. Despite their undeveloped brain, fish still experience unpleasant sensations.
    • Adrenaline rush. The same studies also confirmed a strong release of the hormone into the blood, which fills the carcass with negative energy. It is unlikely that a true vegetarian will want to eat fish dishes after this.

    Note. This hormone often acts as a source of negative energy that a person absorbs when eating fish dishes.

    • Catching. Few people have seen fishing on an industrial scale. Many fish die in nets under pressure from other representatives of the aquatic world. Other animals often get entangled and die there: turtles, dolphins. Not the most pleasant sight, which then affects the desire to eat fish during vegetarian breakfasts.

    What is pescatarianism?

    Pescetarianism is a non-strict form of vegetarianism. Pescetarians do not eat meat from birds and animals, but vegetarians eat fish and seafood, dairy products, eggs and plant foods.

    Often, pescatarians are people planning to switch to classical vegetarianism, that is, refusing to eat seafood. After all, at first it can be very difficult to completely eliminate familiar foods from your diet, especially if you previously ate them almost every day. To avoid putting the body into a stressful state, people eat seafood, gradually reducing portions every day and reducing them to a complete and final refusal of any meat. Due to the fact that vegetarians can eat fish , there is a smooth transition of the body to a new diet, and the person does not experience a deficiency of vitamins and microelements and does not store fat, as with a strict diet. Many medical experts advise making the transition to classical vegetarianism, namely through pescatarianism.

    Some people have the opinion that a fish is a creature devoid of intelligence, and accordingly, it does not experience painful sensations during its death. Therefore, “you don’t feel sorry for her” can be included as a dish in the daily menu. There are direct refutations of this theory on the global network, where it is said that fish are also capable of feeling pain, despite the fact that they are much less intelligent than warm-blooded fish.

    There are also people who do not eat the meat of warm-blooded creatures because they contain negative energy that appears in the body of a living creature during the fear of death, along with the release of adrenaline. It seems to them that fish do not have such fear, and accordingly, negative energy does not make itself felt. This fact is also controversial. So, people often rely on medical research and are in no hurry to completely remove seafood from their diet, believing that vegetarians can eat fish . If the dangers of eating meat products have already been discussed many times, then we are told about the beneficial properties of fish much more often.

    What are the benefits of fish products for the human body? This product helps lower cholesterol levels, saturate the body with protein, improve vision, skin and hair condition, helps normalize metabolism, reduce body weight, etc. Fish also contain large amounts of vitamins D and Omega-3, which are important for the human body.

    Pros of eating fish

    Without removing fish products from the diet, a person experiences enormous benefits:

    • The product is much better accepted by the body without causing discomfort.
    • Normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood.
    • Restoration of metabolism.
    • Receiving a full range of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
    • Excellent cosmetic effect - skin rejuvenation, strengthening of hair and nails.
    • Quickly get rid of extra pounds.
    • Improved vision.
    • Reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
    • Prevention of anemic conditions, physical weakness, lung diseases and migraines.

    Justified use

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    In fact, there are a huge number of pescatarians in the world. As practice shows, it is much easier to give up meat than fish. But this is far from the only reason why people have been on such a diet for years. Those who adhere to such a diet are always on the verge of true vegetarianism. To be convinced of this, it is enough to find out why they never completely switched to it.

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    • A smooth transition to vegetarianism

    Those who are going to soon become a real vegetarian give up meat, but continue to include seafood in their diet. It is very difficult to immediately exclude both from the menu. Moreover, this is dangerous for health: the stomach may not withstand such a drastic change, and the destruction of the eating habits formed since childhood can lead to serious mental disorders. In this regard, experts recommend transitioning to vegetarianism smoothly: first giving up meat, and after some time, getting used to the new food, and giving up fish.

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    Doctors consider pescatarianism the only correct way to transition from your usual lifestyle to vegetarianism.

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    • Treatment of certain diseases

    A fish diet is prescribed to people when diagnosing certain diseases: gastritis, swelling, stress, depression, loss of strength, chronic fatigue.

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    Many argue that it is precisely in such a situation that vegetarians can eat fish. Undoubtedly, health is not something to joke about. And yet, you shouldn’t deceive yourself: even if for this reason you cannot completely exclude it from your diet, you will become a pescatarian, but will have nothing to do with vegetarianism.

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    • Pseudo-vegetarians

    Almost all types of pseudo-vegetarians eat inhabitants of the sea and river depths:

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    • semi-vegetarians;
    • pesco-vegetarians;
    • pollo-vegetarians;
    • Pesco-pollo vegetarians;
    • freeganists;
    • young vegetarians.

    Sometimes people wonder if vegans eat fish. The question itself is absurd, because this type of vegetarianism is the strictest. They refuse any food that is somehow related to the animal world. They often have no honey, sugar, or gelatin in their diet - seemingly products that are far from meat production. What can we say about fish and seafood - this is one of the strictest taboos for vegans. However, for lacto-ovo vegetarians too.

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    As elsewhere, there are some disadvantages of adding fish products to the diet:

    • Most water bodies where fish are caught are heavily polluted with garbage, waste, chemicals, and toxic substances.
    • The pescatarian diet (fish) is contraindicated for diabetics.

    Note. Fish oil stops the production of insulin.

    • Fish is considered one of the most powerful allergens, even after heat treatment.
    • Deficient intake of calcium and magnesium into the body.
    • Smoked, pickled fish contains many carcinogenic substances that contribute to the formation of malignant tumors.


    • Fish and seafood are not considered vegetarian.
    • However, a pescetarian diet can include this food group since it is a predominantly plant-based diet that includes fish and seafood.
    • People may prefer a pescetarian diet instead of a strict vegetarian diet for greater variety and also due to the nutrients contained in fish that are important for human health.

    The article was prepared by experts for informational purposes only. It should not be used as a guide for treating medical conditions and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. In case of illness or any symptoms, you should always consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

    Tags: Vegetarianism, Seafood, Fish

    About the author: Anastasia Sheveleva

    Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, therapist, registered dietitian, nutrition consultant. More about the author.

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    What to replace

    If you are one of those vegans who do not eat fish, there are several options for replacing the product:

    • Insufficient intake of magnesium and calcium is perfectly compensated by pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and flax.
    • An alternative to omega fatty acids is vegetable oils in sufficient quantities daily (you can take absolutely any). Try to maintain a variety of foods.
    • Protein is replaced with spirulina, quinoa, buckwheat.
    • Iron can be obtained from raisins, chickpeas, soybeans, beans, tomato juice, and lentils.
    • Vitamin D is found in champignons.

    If you correctly formulate a diet with the addition of these products, you will always feel great, without feeling the discomfort of not receiving certain substances.

    All "FOR" and "AGAINST"

    Any food system can have both positive and negative aspects. The high moral principles of vegetarianism, based on the preservation of the animal world around us, cannot interfere with this.

    Benefits of Pescatarianism

    In pescatarianism, where vegetarians prefer fish, the presence of animal protein increases the possibility of creating a balanced diet. Lack of meat ingredient, namely iron and vitamin B12, can cause anemia. People digest animal and plant proteins differently. At the same time, plant proteins do not contain all the amino acids that ensure the vital functions of the body. A food system where fish is present in the food eliminates these problems.

    Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids necessary for humans for stable heart function and vitamin D to strengthen bone tissue. In addition, consuming fish improves metabolism and strengthens the immune system.


    An important argument for limiting your consumption of fish may be the poor environmental situation in the world around us. Fish has the ability to absorb all substances around it, including toxic ones. There is no guarantee that the fish on your table is from a clean reservoir. Huge quantities of petroleum products and other harmful materials are thrown into the seas, rivers, and lakes. So, in addition to its undoubted benefits, fish can be a source of poisoning.

    What about seafood?

    Despite the fact that vegetarians do not eat fish and seafood, there are small reservations about the latter. And you should also find out about them in advance, otherwise there is a risk of breaking all the commandments of vegetarianism.

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    Vegetarians should not eat:

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    • bivalves (mussels, oysters, scallops);
    • crustaceans (crabs, shrimp, lobsters, crayfish, lobsters);
    • cephalopods (squid, octopus);
    • echinoderms (sea cucumber, cucumber, sea cucumber).

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    • seaweed (kelp, red, brown).

    So when asked whether vegetarians eat fish, there is only one answer: no! No matter what these people call themselves, they have nothing to do with this ideology. You can understand the reasons why someone cannot give up seafood: diseases, phosphorus deficiency in the body, some other factors. No one forbids eating them, but in this case you should not consider yourself a vegetarian.

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    “Do vegetarians eat fish?” - this question arises among many beginning vegetarians, and simply people who have nothing to do with this. No, they don’t eat fish, since a vegetarian is a person who has given up the meat of all animals, and fish in this case is no exception.

    But we often see that people who call themselves vegetarians do not exclude fish and seafood from their daily diet. They are called "pescatarians".

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