Dry cereals from a scientific point of view: expert opinion.

Oatmeal in any form will be a great help in the fight against excess weight, but our body will receive more nutrients if we eat it raw.

Oatmeal is a very healthy natural product with high nutritional value. Its “contribution” to our health is so great that oatmeal has been the basis of the diet of various peoples for many centuries.

Oatmeal is called the “queen of cereals” because it contains a significant amount of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals (such as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese) and other nutrients that set it apart from other types of cereals.

Oatmeal is also ideal for fighting excess weight, in addition, it has the ability to regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels, helps lower blood pressure, and also improves bowel function and even helps protect against cancer.

How about learning more about the health benefits of oatmeal?

What are raw oats?

Oats are a widely consumed whole grain.

Since your body cannot digest the kernels, they must be processed as follows ():

  • Separation of husks from oatmeal
  • Heat and wet treatment
  • Flattening or shredding

The end products are oat bran, oat flour or rolled oats (rolled oats).

Oatmeal is a very popular breakfast item and can be eaten either cooked or raw.

This means you can cook them, such as when making oatmeal or soup, or enjoy them cold, such as adding raw oatmeal to smoothies.

However, due to the heating process that all oat kernels undergo to make them easily digestible and digestible, raw oats are technically cooked.


Raw oats are rolled oats that have been heated during processing but not cooked for use in recipes such as oatmeal.

Uses of oatmeal

The described cereal is used not only in cooking. It is widely used for cosmetic purposes. It was also adopted by folk healers. Oatmeal is one of the components of many folk recipes used to eliminate or prevent various health problems. In traditional medicine, it is recommended in the diet for people during the postoperative period and for diseases of the digestive tract.

Did you know? In Scotland, every year they hold a championship where chefs compete in preparing porridge in the traditional way. It's called the Golden Cashmere.

In cosmetology

The active substances present in oats can have a number of beneficial effects on the skin. They exfoliate dead cells, renew, nourish, soften them, give them elasticity and smoothness. It has been proven that the product can accelerate wound healing, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, and retain moisture. Oats are included in many scrubs, soaps, shampoos, tonics, milks, and creams designed to rejuvenate and slow down the aging process. It is used in decorative and medicinal cosmetics.

It is recommended to use oatmeal and flakes when carrying out cosmetic procedures at home. These products are included in cleansing, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, refreshing and nourishing masks and scrubs. They are also used to get rid of oily shine and acne.

Oatmeal is recommended for daily washes . This procedure is suitable for various skins, including problematic ones. In addition to the face, the product in question is also used to care for hands and nail plates. It is added during the preparation of baths, nourishing and moisturizing masks.

In medicine

In folk medicine, the described cereal is recommended to be used for many diseases. So, for gout, it is recommended to reduce uric acid in the body and improve well-being. It is recommended to include oatmeal in a menu consisting of dietary dishes. As a result of a long-term diet, it is possible to restore the disturbed balance of substances.

For acute colitis, oatmeal is also recommended for inclusion in the first days of diet. For gastritis and pancreatitis, you can only consume the boiled product. This is the only way to eliminate inflammation and improve digestion.

Oatmeal is rich in nutrients

Although oats are best known for the fiber and plant protein they contain, they also contain other nutrients ().

An 80-gram serving of raw oats contains ():

  • Calories : 307 kcal
  • Carbohydrates : 55 grams
  • Fiber : 8 grams
  • Protein : 11 grams
  • Fat : 5 grams
  • Magnesium : 27% of recommended daily intake (RDI)
  • Selenium : 43% of RDI
  • Phosphorus : 27% of RDI
  • Potassium : 6% of RDI
  • Zinc : 27% of RDI

In addition to being rich in nutrients such as magnesium, selenium and phosphorus, oats contain soluble fiber, a type of healthy dietary fiber that forms a gel-like substance when digested ().

The main type of soluble fiber in oats is beta-glucan, which is responsible for most of the beneficial properties of this cereal ().

Oats are also rich in highly digestible plant protein and provide more of this nutrient than many other grains.

In fact, the protein structures in oats are similar to those of legumes, which are considered to have high nutritional value ().


Oats contain higher amounts of soluble fiber and high-quality protein than other grains, as well as many vitamins and minerals.

Calorie content and nutritional value of dry oatmeal

Today, oatmeal is available for sale in three types: groats (unrefined oat grains), rolled oats (refined grains), and flakes. To consume cereal, it must be boiled for 40–60 minutes. This product is not processed, so it is considered the most useful. Hercules is cooked for 15–20 minutes. In this case, the grains undergo minimal processing. The flakes cook in 3-5 minutes. If they undergo thorough processing - polished, steamed and crushed, then they do not even need to be boiled, but simply steamed for 5 minutes.

When talking about eating oatmeal raw, we are talking specifically about the flakes, since the other 2 types cannot be eaten without processing. They must be soaked for some time in water, milk, kefir, or consumed with liquid. Often, raw flakes are used to make smoothies or cocktails with the addition of fruits, nuts, and other ingredients.

The fact that the described product brings a feeling of satiety for a long time is explained by its high calorie content. 100 grams contain 342 kcal, which is 20% of the daily value for human consumption. The same amount of product contains: 12.3 g of proteins (16.2%), 6.1 g of fat (10.9%), 59.5 g of carbohydrates (27.2%).

Did you know? Until the 19th century, when oatmeal was made, oats were fed exclusively to animals. This food was one of the cheapest.

Health Benefits of Oats

Because oats contain many health-promoting compounds, they provide multiple health benefits (, ,).

May Help Lower Cholesterol Levels

Oats are rich in soluble fiber beta-glucan, which has been shown in several studies to lower cholesterol (, , , , ).

Beta-glucan works by forming a gel in the small intestine. This gel limits the absorption of dietary cholesterol and prevents the reabsorption of bile salts, which play an essential role in fat metabolism (,).

Research has shown that daily doses of at least 3 grams of oat beta-glucan can reduce blood cholesterol levels by 5–10% ().

What's more, a test-tube study found that raw oats release about 26% of their beta-glucan during digestion, compared to only 9% for cooked oats. Thus, raw oatmeal may have a greater effect on fat metabolism and cholesterol levels ().

May help control blood sugar

Controlling your blood sugar levels is vital to health and is especially important for people with type 2 diabetes or those who have difficulty producing or responding to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels.

Beta-glucan has been shown to help control blood sugar levels due to its ability to form a gel-like substance in your digestive system.

Viscosity slows the rate at which your stomach emptys its contents and digests carbohydrates, which is associated with lower post-meal blood sugar levels and stabilized insulin production (, ).

A review of 10 studies of people with type 2 diabetes found that daily consumption of foods containing at least 4 grams of beta-glucan per 30 grams of carbohydrates for 12 weeks reduced blood sugar levels by 46% compared with the control group. (, ).

May Benefit Heart Health

High blood pressure is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and is one of the most common conditions and a leading cause of death worldwide (, ).

Soluble fiber, such as beta-glucans in oats, has been linked to blood pressure-lowering effects ().

One 12-week study of 110 people with untreated high blood pressure found that consuming 8 grams of soluble fiber from oats per day reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure (top and bottom values), compared with the control group ().

Similarly, a 6-week study of 18 people with high blood pressure found that those who consumed 5.5 grams of beta-glucan per day experienced a 7.5 and 5.5 reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. mmHg, respectively, compared to the control group ().

Moreover, in a 4-week study of 88 people taking medications for high blood pressure, it was found that 73% of those who consumed 3.25 grams of soluble fiber from oats per day could either stop or reduce their intake. medications compared to 42% of participants in the control group ().

Promotes your gut health

Eating oatmeal can also support gut health by increasing fecal volume ().

This effect is due to the insoluble fiber contained in oats, which, unlike soluble fiber, does not dissolve in water and therefore does not form a gel-like substance.

The bacteria in your gut don't ferment insoluble fiber as much as they ferment soluble fiber, which increases the bulk of your stool.

It is estimated that oats increase stool weight by 3.4 grams per gram of fiber consumed ().

Research has also shown that consuming oat fiber daily may be a beneficial and inexpensive treatment for constipation, which affects about 20% of the general population ().

One study of people with constipation found that 59% of participants who consumed oat bran fiber were able to stop taking laxatives ().

Raw oats naturally contain oat bran, although you can also buy it separately.

May promote weight loss

Higher consumption of whole grain cereals, such as oats, is associated with a lower risk of weight gain and obesity ().

In part, this may be because soluble fiber can help you feel full longer ().

Increased feelings of fullness are associated with decreased food intake as it helps suppress appetite (, ,).

Two studies found that eating oats increased feelings of fullness and suppressed the desire to eat for four hours compared to ready-to-eat breakfast cereals. These effects have been attributed to the beta-glucan found in oats (,).

Thus, raw oats can help you maintain weight or lose weight.


Raw oats are rich in beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that can lower blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. Eating raw oats can also relieve constipation and promote weight loss.

What nutritionists say

No-cooking oatmeal for breakfast has become a traditional dish for many.
This is especially true for people who save their time. But is the “just add water” principle really good for your health? The Russian Institute of Dietetics and Nutrition conducted laboratory studies to determine the presence of beneficial components in instant cereals. It turned out that only vitamins and some minerals remained in the dish, which was prepared by pouring water over the flakes. But the amount of useful fiber that the finished dish receives as a result of cooking unrefined grains has decreased.

During processing, grains turn into flakes that have a high glycemic index. This indicator demonstrates the rate of breakdown of the product and conversion into glucose, which is the main source of energy.

In porridges cooked from grains or cereals, it has a GI index of 35-45, in instant porridges - up to 80.

This suggests that if you eat oatmeal without cooking for breakfast, hunger sets in faster. The instant porridges offered to consumers are high in calories due to the high amount of sugar they contain.

Nutritionists recommend eating no more than 200 g of this dish in the morning with a frequency of no more than 2 times a week. With daily use, you can easily gain weight and also get a problem in the form of poor metabolism of insulin and glucose in the blood.

At the same time, due to the fact that metabolism is fastest before 12 noon, whole grain porridges that require cooking can be eaten daily, 200 g with the addition of any ingredient.

If you simply steam the flakes, the body will not receive useful fiber, but there will be an excess of carbohydrates. When porridge goes through the cooking process by boiling, the dish receives a mucous substance, which promotes good absorption of the finished product and protects the gastric mucosa and has a beneficial effect on the digestive processes and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Possible harm of raw oats

Although raw oats are safe to eat, to avoid unwanted side effects, it is recommended to pre-soak them in water, juice, milk or a non-dairy alternative.

Eating dry, raw oats can cause them to accumulate in the stomach or intestines, leading to indigestion or constipation.

Additionally, raw oats contain an anti-nutrient called phytic acid, which binds to minerals such as iron and zinc, making them difficult for the body to absorb. This can lead to mineral deficiencies over time, but this is usually not a problem if you eat an overall balanced diet.

Additionally, soaking raw oats in water reduces the effect of phytic acid on mineral absorption. For maximum benefits, soak the oats for at least 12 hours (, ,).


The phytic acid in raw oats interferes with mineral absorption. Soaking raw oats reduces phytic acid levels. It also helps your body digest it and helps prevent constipation.

Oatmeal: health benefits and harms

The symbol of healthy eating is oatmeal. The benefits and harms of a bowl of such porridge for breakfast were not discussed only by the lazy. Most often, among ladies who care about their appearance, praise is given to this dish. Maybe common myths prevent them from assessing the real properties of the cereal? Find out what experts think about this - chemists, doctors, nutritionists.

Why are oats more valuable than other grains?

The English and Scots cannot imagine traditional cuisine without oatmeal. In our country, many follow their example, preferring oats to other cereals. They are right, because oats are richer in composition than many cereal crops.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that oatmeal contains a high percentage of soluble fiber and protein compounds. Thanks to these components, you are guaranteed a good cleansing of the digestive system, rapid absorption of the product and a morning boost of energy.

In addition, a whole range of useful components was found in this cereal.

Main components of oatmeal (per 100 g):

  • 74% of the daily value of manganese;
  • 10% of daily doses of B1 and minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium;
  • less than 10% fluorine, iodine, sulfur, nickel, calcium, potassium, pyroxene;
  • small proportions of vitamins B6, B7, B2, K, A, PP and E;
  • 5 essential organic acids for the body.

The benefits of raw oatmeal are more pronounced because the supply of vitamins and minerals is retained in full.

The healing properties of oats: indisputable facts

Scientists report that the combination of beneficial compounds in oats has a therapeutic effect on the human body.

Useful properties of oats:

  • restores proper metabolism;
  • improves the digestive process and treats constipation, colitis, flatulence;
  • relieves dermatitis and allergic rashes;
  • strengthens the musculoskeletal system, especially the leg plate;
  • protects against hair loss, gives hair shine and smoothness;
  • alleviates the condition of pathologies of the blood and cardiovascular system;
  • used to prevent atherosclerosis, hypertension and weakness;
  • tidies up the functioning of the nervous system, thyroid gland and liver;
  • relieves muscle pain, increases endurance and immunity.

Of course, you shouldn’t count on a miracle when you’ve only had oatmeal for breakfast a couple of times. Positive changes in the body will begin only if you consume this dish systematically.

Oatmeal and weight loss

The main pitfall of eating oatmeal is its calorie content.

100 g of such food with milk contains 102 Kcal, with water – 14 Kcal less.

Despite the decent calorie content, oatmeal is not the enemy of those losing weight. The proteins contained in the product act on the muscles, but do not allow the growth of the fat layer.

Also, a small plate of porridge will give you a feeling of fullness for the whole day, because this food is very nutritious. But if you are on a diet, you should forget about adding milk, sugar, butter, salt to the dish. Are you saying that this oatmeal is not a tasty breakfast? Saturation with positive emotions, which also help to lose weight, has not been canceled. You just need to know what makes porridge tastier without harming your figure.

Acceptable additives to oatmeal:

  • a handful of chopped nuts;
  • 5-10 g honey;
  • a couple of tablespoons of low-fat kefir or yogurt;
  • fruit and berry mixture.

But do not overuse such natural flavor enhancers, otherwise the energy value of the dish may increase in the same way as when adding dairy products.

Not all oatmeal is healthy

No one will argue that oatmeal is healthy, but after steaming it loses most of its healing components. If you want to improve your health with oatmeal, cook porridge from whole grains - they are much less susceptible to the aggressive effects of boiling water than flakes.

Porridge made from whole grains takes much longer to cook, and not everyone is ready to devote so much time to cooking. But considering the benefits and harms of oatmeal for the body, many would agree to cook it, only faster. An alternative to a whole grain product can be coarse flakes (No. 1).

To buy a quality oat product, you need to remember at least 5 main criteria for its quality.

5 rules for choosing quality products:

  • choose white flakes with a slight beige tint;
  • the composition should not contain additives, especially sweeteners and monosodium glutamate;
  • make sure that the packaging is not damaged;
  • the shelf life of the product cannot exceed 5 months;
  • The coarser the grind, the more benefits.

Raw oatmeal: benefits and harms

Of course, oatmeal, which has not been subjected to heat treatment, will bring all of the above natural resources to the body. But even if you are an “experienced” supporter of a raw food diet, do not rush to eat raw oatmeal without understanding how such food can be harmful.

Excessive "cleaning" potential

Without liquid, hard dietary fiber, which is abundant in unprocessed cereals, is a serious test for the intestines. Instead of intense cleansing, oatmeal may “reward” you with increased gas formation and bloating. To prevent this from happening, be sure to increase your drink intake.

"Insidious" phytic acid

Oats contain phytic acid. This substance is destroyed during the preparation of the product, but how will this component disappear from raw cereal? It will begin to combine with certain minerals and interfere with their absorption. The only way to reduce the amount of harmful acid without cooking is to soak oatmeal overnight in milk and fruit.

Harmful properties of oatmeal

Oatmeal, like any other dish, is not recommended to be consumed in unlimited quantities. If you eat too much oatmeal, the body will lose calcium (this microelement is washed out due to an overdose of oats), vitamin D and some other substances (their absorption is impaired). Such losses do not leave their mark on the bone tissue - it will become very fragile.

Celiac disease (a disease in which the digestion of grains is impossible) is a reason that forces you to refuse even one spoon of oatmeal.

How to Include Raw Oats in Your Diet

Raw oats are an incredibly versatile ingredient.

You can add it to your favorite yogurt or smoothie.

One easy and nutritious way to enjoy raw oats is to soak the oats overnight in water or milk.

This allows them to absorb liquid, making them easily digestible in the morning.

To soak oats overnight you will need:

  • 80 grams of raw oats
  • 1 cup (240 ml) water, yogurt or milk
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds
  • 1 teaspoon sweetener such as honey, maple syrup, sugar, or sugar substitute
  • 1/2 cup fresh fruit, such as banana or apple slices

Combine all ingredients in a container with a lid to prevent the oats from drying out and refrigerate overnight.

If you want, you can add more fresh fruit along with nuts or seeds in the morning.


Raw oatmeal can be eaten in a variety of ways. However, be sure to give the oats some time to hydrate before consuming to improve absorption.

Oat milk:

To prepare you will need three glasses of water and one oatmeal. Pour the flakes into a jar, pour half a glass of liquid into them, and leave for 8 hours, in the dark at room temperature. The flakes will swell overnight. Add the remaining half a glass of water to them and beat with a blender. Strain through a strainer. You can add a spoonful of sugar. The milk is ready! If you replace half the water with juice (apple, grape, pear), you will get a wonderful fruit-oat cocktail. You don’t have to strain it, but add a little cottage cheese and fruit to the swollen flakes, beat with a blender, and sprinkle chopped nuts on top. You'll get a full breakfast or a snack at work - a source of energy and vitamins.


  • Raw oats are rich in nutrients and safe to eat.
  • Because it contains high levels of soluble fiber beta-glucan, it may help promote weight loss and improve blood sugar, cholesterol, and heart and gut health.
  • Raw oatmeal is also easy to include in your diet. Just be sure to soak the oats first to improve nutrient absorption.

The article was prepared by experts for informational purposes only. It should not be used as a guide for treating medical conditions and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. In case of illness or any symptoms, you should always consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Tags: oats

About the author: Alexander Fedorov

Candidate of Biological Sciences, biologist, nutrition expert. Graduated from Stavropol State University with a degree in Biology at the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry.

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Oatmeal - health benefits and harms

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Oats are a unique cereal crop. Its shell and core contain many nutrients that have a positive effect on all human systems and organs. Oatmeal is loved by many for its special nutritional properties. Oatmeal perfectly cleanses the digestive tract and has many other beneficial qualities. Let's talk about them in order, and also consider the possible harm from consumption.

Composition of oat flakes

Oatmeal is the most common oat-based product. Everyone has been familiar with Hercules porridge since childhood, which gives strength and energizes you for the whole day. The chemical list of elements is quite extensive.

It is worth mentioning right away that the cleaning properties of oatmeal are made possible due to the accumulation of coarse dietary fiber. They gently release the intestines from stagnation and fecal stones, absorb and remove toxins.

A special place is given to vitamins from group B. They are required by the human central nervous system to normalize the psycho-emotional background and combat insomnia. Vitamins also have a positive effect on skin, hair, teeth and nails.

Iodine, which oatmeal is rich in, prevents thyroid diseases, improves brain function and physical activity. If you have iodine deficiency, your mood worsens; oatmeal copes with this problem.

Ready-made porridge is famous for its high concentration of tocopherol (vitamin E) and retinol (vitamin A). These substances act as natural antioxidants, they prolong youth and are responsible for the beauty of skin and hair.

As for mineral compounds, oatmeal boasts calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, and iron. There is an excess of all these substances in cereals.

People with celiac disease may benefit from knowing that oatmeal is gluten-free. The basis of the dish is complex carbohydrates (more than 60%), proteins (12%), fats (6%). Calorie content of a 100 g serving. is 323 Kcal.

benefits and harms of oatmeal

The benefits of oatmeal

  1. The effect of oatmeal on the body is noticeable after the first intake. A person feels better, anxiety decreases, and chronic fatigue subsides. All this becomes possible thanks to intestinal cleansing and the beneficial effects of B vitamins on the body.
  2. Oatmeal is great for constipation, including chronic constipation. Thanks to daily use, all problems with stool disorders go away. Oatmeal is indicated for pancreatitis, gastritis, and peptic ulcers. Porridge restores intestinal motility and microflora, reduces the likelihood of developing dysbacteriosis.
  3. Due to the accumulation of “heart” minerals, such as potassium and magnesium, heart function improves. Oatmeal cleanses not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the circulatory system from cholesterol plaques. Cereals should be eaten by people who are prone to strokes and heart attacks.
  4. There are also some beneficial qualities of oatmeal for people with diabetes. The product normalizes blood glucose levels and prevents it from “jumping.”
  5. Thanks to the abundance of vitamins and minerals, the body's protective functions are improved. It is advisable to consume oatmeal in winter, when the flu epidemic begins. The dish is also recommended for those who suffer from low immunity from birth.
  6. Oatmeal helps you recover faster after an illness or a recent complex operation. Thanks to the presence of complex carbohydrates, mood improves, strength and energy increase.
  7. An extremely healthy dish for people who work hard mentally. By stimulating brain neurons, a person becomes resilient, memory and concentration improve.
  8. Traditional healers adhere to the practice of taking a decoction of finely ground oatmeal during pneumonia. It is better to prepare such a drug with milk.
  9. If you are prone to blood clots, be sure to include oatmeal in your diet. It is useful to eat porridge to cleanse the liver, remove stones and sand from the kidneys, and improve the outflow of bile.
  10. The substances that make up the flakes take an active part in the production of new blood cells. This improves its circulation and quality, and improves all vital processes in the body.
  11. If you make lotions from oatmeal, you can easily cure burns and cuts. The gruel is also used as a scrub to exfoliate dead skin particles.
  12. The porridge contains many antioxidants, which prolong youth by saturating cells with oxygen and thickening membranes. The product is famous for its diuretic properties, as a result of which you can easily get rid of edema.
  13. Oatmeal is often included in the diet of people who are obese or have problems with excess weight. By increasing all metabolic processes, cleansing and comfortable weight loss occurs.

Oatmeal during pregnancy and lactation

  1. During pregnancy, the fair sex needs a sufficient amount of folic acid. The enzyme is actively involved in the development of the baby. Folic acid reduces the risk of developing pathologies associated with the fetal brain.
  2. A serving of oatmeal contains about 15-17% of the daily requirement of folic acid. In addition, the product is rich in B vitamins. If a woman does not have enough thiamine, tachycardia may develop.
  3. Symptoms include shortness of breath, disturbed sleep and increased irritability. A sufficient amount of vitamin B1 solves most problems with the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Troubles usually begin towards the end of pregnancy.
  4. Riboflavin is necessary for the body for the normal absorption of various active components. Vitamin B2 is involved in the synthesis of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Riboflavin is necessary for hematopoiesis. The substance helps avoid the development of problems with the optic nerves.
  5. Vitamin B2 is also indispensable for the formation of the fetus without deviations. Therefore, it is worth understanding that a representative of the fair sex in this position simply cannot be allowed to lack this element.
  6. The flakes are famous for the abundance of pyridoxine in their composition. Vitamin B6 helps pregnant girls avoid the consequences of toxicosis. The body needs the enzyme for the proper absorption of other B vitamins.
  7. During pregnancy, a woman is most at risk of developing anemia. Therefore, the body needs foods with a high iron content during this critical period. Oatmeal will become an integral part of your daily diet. The product contains 20% of the daily requirement of the mineral.
  8. Many girls face the problem of constipation during pregnancy. Systematically eating cereal-based porridge will cope with the pressing problem without any problems.
  9. In order for the baby to properly form bone tissue, the body requires a sufficient amount of phosphorus and calcium. The presence of iodine in the product allows you to avoid the development of pathologies associated with the brain. The entire necessary list of microelements is contained in the flakes.
  10. After giving birth, including oatmeal in your diet should become an integral part. The product will help the body to fully recover in a short time. Oatmeal also quickly replenishes large blood losses. During the lactation period, raw materials help increase breast milk.

Possible harm of oatmeal

  1. It is forbidden to include oatmeal in the diet if you are intolerant to cereals. This disease can lead to disastrous consequences, be careful. It is important to consult a specialist in time and avoid complications.
  2. If you eat oatmeal excessively, your body will soon suffer from calcium deficiency. Large quantities of flakes wash this mineral out of tissues. In the process, osteoporosis develops and the accumulation of phytic acid increases.

Oatmeal has a number of advantages over most products. Everyone can afford raw materials. As a result of regularly eating porridge, you will improve and strengthen your health. It is important to follow the product consumption rate and take into account contraindications.

benefits and harms of oat bran

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The harm of oatmeal consumed in the morning every day for human health

Oatmeal is a favorite treat for many people who care about their health. This dish is considered one of the healthiest. It would seem that if you eat oatmeal for breakfast you will be healthy. But everything is not as simple as it seems. The harm of oatmeal may be no less than the benefits of it.

What are the benefits of oatmeal?

Oats are a very nutritious and healthy product. It contains many vitamins and microelements, organic acids. Oatmeal is widely used in folk medicine:

  • improves digestion;
  • strengthens hair;
  • eliminates muscle pain;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • reduces cholesterol;
  • increases the tone of the body.

However, it is worth noting that not every oatmeal is healthy: the harm to health of cereals is due to the way it is processed in an industrial environment.

Which oatmeal should you choose?

The most beneficial are whole oat grains. This is how the porridge is served in the UK. In Scotland, where oatmeal is considered a national dish, exclusively whole grains are cooked. They contain a lot of fiber and mucous substances.

However, this dish has a number of disadvantages. The most important thing is the long cooking time. It takes 40 minutes to cook the porridge. In today's time crunch, this is becoming too much of a luxury. In this regard, many people choose oatmeal, which just needs to be poured with boiling water to be ready. But such a mess carries as much harm as good. Why is instant oatmeal harmful to humans?

“Extra” flakes are obtained from crushed oat grains. Due to industrial processing, oats lose their structure. The flakes are characterized by a high starch content and a small amount of fiber. If you consume them for breakfast every day, you can easily become obese.

The most acceptable raw material option for preparing porridge is Hercules flakes. They are not as delicate in taste as “Extra”, but they retain the integrity of the grain structure. Another advantage is the relatively short cooking time - 20-25 minutes. However, Hercules still cannot be compared with fresh oats in terms of its beneficial properties.

Why is oatmeal harmful?

Contrary to popular belief, eating oatmeal every day for breakfast is not able to improve the body's health, but can lead to serious consequences. The harm of oatmeal every day is explained by some of its properties and chemical composition.

  • Oatmeal contains phytin, or phytic acid. It leaches calcium from bones. Despite the fairly high calcium content in oatmeal itself, it will not be absorbed in the body: phytin will prevent this. The harm of eating oatmeal every day in the morning is explained by the fact that you can easily cause osteoporosis.
  • Oatmeal contains gluten, a gluten that can cause an allergic reaction. For this reason, oat porridge is contraindicated for babies under 11 months. The harm of daily oatmeal for breakfast will be that gluten sticks together the villi in the intestines and impairs digestion. As a result, celiac disease develops, a disease in which the intestinal villi become incapacitated and stop absorbing nutrients.
  • The calorie content of oatmeal makes it difficult to consume it every day. 100 g of Hercules cereal contains 350 kcal, and Extra - 380 kcal. In this regard, overeating and, as a consequence, obesity are possible.
  • Oatmeal threatens the development of diabetes. The starch they contain in large quantities is converted into sugar and increases blood glucose levels.

Why shouldn't you eat oatmeal for breakfast?

Many people believe that oatmeal is the best option for breakfast. However, nutritionists have long rejected this opinion. Why is morning oatmeal harmful to humans?

The main role of breakfast is to charge the body with energy for the whole day and speed up metabolism. This means that meals eaten in the morning should not be digested immediately and maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time. Protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products) have these properties.

Oatmeal, even cooked with milk, will give the body 300-400 kcal, which completely covers the calorie content of breakfast. However, the effect of satiety will not last long, and after a couple of hours the person will want to eat again. At the same time, he has already taken his calorie quota. It turns out that oatmeal provokes unnecessary snacking and contributes to overeating. At the same time, it is also unable to provide our body with energy for the whole day, since it does not contain protein in large quantities.

Once in the body, porridge provokes the release of insulin due to its high carbohydrate content. A sharp feeling of hunger develops: a person eats, but is not satisfied.

How to eat oatmeal correctly?

The listed harmful properties of oatmeal do not mean at all that you should abandon the traditional dish. Moderate consumption of a properly selected and prepared product will only benefit the body. Those who prefer oatmeal should remember a few simple rules:

  • eat no more than 2-3 servings per week;
  • To prepare porridge, choose either whole oat grains or Hercules flakes. Instant “Extra” oat flakes will do more harm than good;
  • Do not cook porridge with milk, as this combination of products worsens digestion.

What's the best way to eat oatmeal?

Oatmeal is primarily a porridge made from oatmeal or oat flakes. Of course, it has a neutral taste, so few people like it. In this case, oatmeal can be combined with berries, fruits or honey, which significantly improves its taste. In addition, you can add milk or yogurt to it.

There are plenty of options for improving the palatability of oatmeal. The main thing is to include this valuable cereal product in your diet. And it’s not difficult to figure out how to eat it tastier.

Oatmeal - an assistant in the fight against excess weight

Many people believe that unusual and low-calorie foods are especially good for weight loss. Moreover, the more exotic the product, the faster the effect occurs. Of course, this is a misconception. You can lose weight with simple foods. And it doesn’t matter how many calories they contain. Their ability to saturate the body primarily with beneficial nutrients is paramount.

Nutritionists say that you should always have breakfast, since skipping it can cause your body to gain extra pounds, and not vice versa, as many people think. In this case, oatmeal is a very suitable source of valuable nutrients and a product that can satisfy hunger for a long time. At the same time, it is most often prepared from instant oat flakes, which in their nutritional value are in no way inferior to oat grains. The main thing is to give preference to flakes without various flavoring additives.

You can eat them either raw or boiled, it doesn’t matter. The only difference is that raw flakes need to be chewed for a long time, which extends the eating time. As a result, the body becomes full, and the need to eat again does not appear soon. The supply of nutrients that oatmeal provides lasts until the next meal, and even the usual desire to snack before a hearty lunch does not appear. The effect is the same with cooked oatmeal.

However, you don't have to consume oatmeal only for breakfast. They can be a great addition to any other meal. And you can eat them as often as your body requires.

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