What cereals can you eat in the morning, afternoon and evening for weight loss?

Since childhood, parents have forced their children to eat porridge, explaining that it gives strength. But whether cereals lead to weight loss and which ones you can eat is unknown to the average citizen. The feeling of satiety has nothing to do with extra pounds, just like the feeling of hunger with losing weight. You should not forget about this, as it only interferes with the weight loss process.

Before focusing in detail on cereals and weight loss, it’s worth talking about carbohydrates.

Losing weight is one of the most discussed topics these days, especially during the summer. Everyone who wants to lose weight has faced the problem of choosing food: what to eat so as not to gain weight and not feel constant hunger. The simplest solution seems to be cutting out carbohydrates, but not all carbohydrates lead to weight gain.

Types of carbohydrates

Often the word “carbohydrates” is associated with sweets and baked goods, and these, as everyone knows, are products from which excess weight will certainly appear. In addition, many diets completely eliminate carbohydrates from the body. A person who does not delve deeply into the essence of nutrition and weight loss will follow the lead of such “nutritionists” and may completely indulge in foods that contain carbohydrates. But is this right? The first thing you need to know about carbohydrates is that they are divided into two groups:

Slow (complex) are polysaccharides, the human body spends a lot of energy to absorb them; moreover, it is slow carbohydrates that give a person a feeling of fullness for a long time and charge them with energy. These include cereals, some fruits, nuts, dried fruits, durum pasta and whole grain bread.

Quick (simple) ones are exactly the same sweets that make a person quickly gain weight. In addition to sweets, you can add products that contain starch to this group.

What is porridge

If you plan your diet correctly for weight loss, there is no need to completely eliminate carbohydrates. You can give up fast carbohydrates and safely use slow ones. For example, there are many types of cereals that nutritionists recommend for consumption. So, what kind of cereals can you eat while losing weight? To answer this question, you first need to understand: what are cereals?

Cereals are a product made from whole or crushed grains of various plants after processing. People get slow carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber, minerals and proteins from cereals. Since cereals belong to the group of slow carbohydrates, they are very nutritious and beneficial for the body. Almost all cereals help:

  • Lose weight;
  • Make the heart function better;
  • Improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Remove cholesterol.

The glycemic index (the rate at which the product is absorbed by the body) of cereals is low, so there is no need to worry about an increase in blood glucose levels and you can safely add porridge to your diet. But don’t rush to add anything to the porridge.

A little humor on the topic:

Protein or cereal – what to choose?

Cereal dishes consumed for dinner have many opponents among nutritionists. Their arguments sound quite reasonable - it is better to eat porridge in the morning to fill the first half of the day with the energy of “long-term” carbohydrates, and in the evening you should cook something light and protein-rich. At night, our body will use protein not only and not so much for energy purposes, but for tissue regeneration. All this sounds quite logical and many effective diets have been built according to this scheme. But this effectiveness, unfortunately, is often very short-lived. Once you give up the system (and it’s clearly impossible to “sit” on it for a long time), the extra pounds begin to inexorably return, even if the exit from the diet was smooth and all subsequent rules were followed. If it comes to strict protein diets, from which carbohydrates are completely expelled, then this process moves even faster and more inexorably.

If the goal is to lose weight quickly, for example, by some important date, then a protein diet may be justified. It is really tasty, unlike other strict ones, the range of dishes is very wide, and the result with the right approach is impressive. However, over a longer distance, excess protein can lead to health problems. Let's start with the main aspect that we must consider when creating a dinner menu. Intoxication from protein breakdown products will accumulate over time. An all-protein diet is recommended for no more than two weeks, and protein-only dinners will become toxic after about 20 days. First of all, the urinary system suffers, which in women is already very vulnerable by definition. Kidney problems can also be accompanied by vascular pathologies, which increase the risk of stroke, heart attack and other troubles, even at a young age.

Eating foods with carbohydrates for dinner, and cereals in particular, can significantly reduce the risk of intoxication. Also, protein often interferes with the natural digestion regime - you will have to forget about regular morning bowel movements without carbohydrates and fiber. If the protein dinner products were not very fresh or improperly prepared, and were not eliminated from the body at the beginning of the day, then rotting processes begin in the intestines. At a minimum, this will increase the already unpleasant intoxication with protein breakdown products such as ammonia compounds, and at maximum, it can lead to inflammation. And the last aspect is that the production of meat and fish in the modern food industry is put on an industrial footing. This means that along with the protein, our body will receive antibiotics of unknown composition, salts of heavy metals, and often even parasite larvae that survive when the freezing and transportation processes are disrupted.

Porridge for weight loss

Below is a list of the most important cereals that help any age and gender take on the normal form given by nature.


According to the results of the study, buckwheat porridge is the most useful cereal for weight loss. In addition, buckwheat is useful for people who play sports, because its components contribute to rapid muscle recovery after training. Glycemic index – 50. Calorie content per 100 grams – 310 calories – quite low. The amount of carbohydrates in buckwheat porridge is 61, fats – 3.2, and proteins – 12.5 grams , and this is a considerable amount for products of plant origin.


This cereal is ideal for breakfast, as it will help the body recharge with energy. Another property of oatmeal is to avoid inflammation of internal organs, since when this cereal is consumed, they are enveloped in a film. If you are still wondering whether you can eat oatmeal while losing weight, then feel free to eat it, but remember the main rule when choosing oatmeal - forget about instant cereals. Porridges that are cooked for five minutes undergo a completely different processing method, during which beneficial substances are lost.

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Another important point is that oatmeal should not be consumed daily. This flushes calcium from the body. The best option is in a day or two.

In 100 grams of oatmeal - 368 calories, GI (glycemic index) - 55, carbohydrates - 69.2, fats - 7.1, proteins - 11.8.


If you are looking for what kind of cereals you can eat while losing weight, then here is another example. The glycemic index is quite low - 25-30 units. For 100 grams of barley, a person receives 320 kcal, where carbohydrates are 73.3, fats – 1.1, proteins – 9.3 . Barley groats are not only nutritious, but also have another pleasant advantage - low price. Vitamins B and D are contained in the cereal in sufficient quantities, and the cereal is enriched with magnesium and calcium.


Wheat porridge can also be eaten when losing weight. In addition, it has a very beneficial effect on the body - it removes dangerous elements from it. Millet helps the body burn fat, as it is rich in a variety of microelements aimed at this process.


Pea porridge is also considered low-calorie and is not prohibited during diets. It is very nutritious and rich in zinc and potassium. The composition of peas resembles meat and very successfully replaces it in the diet of vegetarians. It is not recommended to combine pea porridge with any meat - it can be very difficult for the stomach to digest.


Corn grits contain all the necessary substances that help fight extra pounds, so it is also indispensable in the diet when losing weight. In addition, this cereal is good at helping the body fight internal suppuration.


Rice porridge has always been considered an indispensable product in any diet. It has unique properties: it helps remove toxins, it contains many microelements, as well as B vitamins.

Is it possible to eat oatmeal at night?

If one can argue about the taste of oatmeal, then no one doubts the beneficial properties of cereals on human health. At the same time, most nutritionists assure that oatmeal dishes should be included in the diet exclusively in the morning, because in the evening processes in the body slow down, less energy is consumed, and oatmeal, instead of the expected benefit, will only harm the figure. This is especially true for porridge cooked in milk with the addition of butter, sugar and fruit.

Important! The benefits of instant cereals are greatly exaggerated by their manufacturers. Most of these products contain heat-treated flakes, which have practically lost their value, as well as flavor enhancers, sugar and milk powder, which do not have the best effect on the human body


If the calorie content of cereal itself is low, and when cooked in water it is 89 kcal per 100 g, then adding additional components to the dish increases its energy value by two or even three times. However, when prepared correctly, oatmeal for dinner is more good than bad. The main thing is not to get carried away and not to eat more than necessary.

How to cook porridge

Of course, a very important point in eating porridge in order to lose weight will be the method of preparation. If you are wondering whether it is possible to eat porridge with milk while losing weight, then the answer is no, under no circumstances. Porridge should be cooked in water and ideally cannot contain any additives: oil, salt, sugar. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine such a strict diet, so sugar can be replaced with honey (in small quantities), salt added in very small portions, oil - a few drops.

Sweet porridge can be mixed with fruits, nuts or dried fruits. It is not only healthy, but also very tasty. Salty porridge is best consumed with a vegetable salad.

As already mentioned, it is better to choose cereals made from whole grains, and it is better not to ask the question “is it possible to eat instant cereals while losing weight?” Despite the fact that whole grain porridge takes a little longer to cook than instant porridge, the benefits of what you eat will also be greater. Although many are accustomed to saving time by replacing natural products with semi-finished products, this does not work when losing weight. You shouldn’t sacrifice your figure and well-being for the sake of saving 10-15 minutes.

What exactly is suitable for dinner?

On the one hand, the modern choice of cereals is quite wide, and on the other hand, we live “inside” Russian cuisine, which has its own centuries-old traditions of preparing porridges. In Europe, where there is almost no such contradiction (maybe with the exception of rice), couscous is now very popular. As a dietary dinner, it is customary to prepare couscous with vegetables and a drop of olive or other high-quality oil. Among vegetables, bell peppers, carrots and green beans are especially suitable - to enhance the effect, you can bake them and add them to the dish at the very end. In our country, this cereal can be completely replaced with wheat with a coarse grinding fraction. The main thing to remember is that such porridge as a dinner is still energetically powerful, so the portion should be small, and the time before going to bed should be sufficient for digestion.

For a late dinner, some nutritionists recommend brewing some oatmeal (not cereal). In this case, it is better not to add any fat to the dish, but to supplement it with one boiled egg. Raw vegetables and fruits also do not go well with this “emergency” dinner. By the way, it is better not to use cereal for breakfast, since it does not give you a sufficient feeling of fullness to comfortably “hold out” until lunch. You can use other cereals for dinner, with the possible exception of corn - they are too high in calories and can cause uncomfortable bloating.

The combination of cereals for dinner can be very different, the main thing is to understand that it takes some time to digest them, even if the portion is small. Therefore, it is, of course, preferable to use easily digestible ones, and it is better to refuse buckwheat. The porridge under the code name “Friendship of Peoples” is very tasty, which all housewives prepare differently. The basis is usually rice and millet, but imagination here is limited only by taste and cooking time.

A separate topic is cereals and milk for dinner. Nutritionists do not have a consensus on this topic. We are used to eating such dishes for breakfast, but this is rather a stereotype, and if the body tolerates the combination of porridge and dairy products well, then why not. Some even specially pour cold milk over dry oatmeal with the addition of fruit to improve their morning bowel movements. The same applies to such a popular grain as quinoa - some people tolerate it easily, but for others it is not suitable for dinner.

What to combine porridge with

It’s difficult to eat bland porridge; you always want to season it with something and dilute it with something. But what can you eat with, for example, oatmeal while losing weight?

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If you like sweet porridge, then, as already mentioned, you can replace sugar with honey and add some fruits, nuts or dried fruits. It is necessary to choose fruits, berries and dried fruits that do not contain a lot of sugar. These include:

  • Avocado;
  • Sea ​​buckthorn;
  • Blueberry;
  • Raspberries;
  • Strawberry;
  • Blackberry;
  • Raspberries;
  • Currant;
  • Blueberry.

Fruits and berries with an average sugar content:

  • Apples;
  • Mandarin;
  • Orange;
  • Melon;
  • Cowberry;
  • Pears;
  • Plum;
  • Grapefruit.

Fruits and berries with high amounts of glucose that should be avoided when losing weight:

  • Bananas;
  • Pomegranate;
  • Raisin;
  • Dates;
  • Figs;
  • Persimmon.

If we talk about nuts, the amount should not exceed the daily norm. You can eat this many nuts per day:

  • Almonds – 10 pieces;
  • Pine nuts – 60 pieces;
  • Walnuts – 10 pieces;
  • Cashews – 15 pieces;
  • Peeled pistachios – 20 pieces.

It is better to eat salty porridge with vegetables or prepared salad. The salad should be seasoned with a small amount of oil and, ideally, not salted. It is best to simply chop fresh vegetables without dressing. Baked or grilled vegetables are also low in calories.

How to lose weight on buckwheat

To make losing weight on this porridge enjoyable and effective, you need to take into account the specifics when creating a menu. For example, it is recommended to steam buckwheat rather than boil it, as this way more vitamins and nutrients are preserved. Buckwheat porridge for weight loss is delicious in itself; it has a pronounced taste, so it is easy to eat without salt and sugar, as some diets require.

When is the best time to eat

It is better to eat buckwheat in the first half of the day, because it takes a very long time to digest. This is another advantage of this product during a diet - it allows you to feel full for a long time. Late dinner lovers are wondering: is it possible to eat buckwheat in the evening while losing weight? If you eat a portion of porridge before bed, then all the energy that will be released from such a dinner will not be used up. The body will leave it in reserve in the form of fat.

How often can you eat

Nutritionists recommend eating buckwheat porridge in small portions 4-5 times a day. Each serving should not exceed 200 grams. Do not eat it at night, otherwise you will get the opposite result. Please note that during the diet it is very important to drink up to 2 liters of still water per day. It helps you digest food properly and lose weight more effectively.

What to eat buckwheat with

When on a diet, buckwheat can be used to prepare a delicious vegetable stew, or cook a low-fat soup with boiled meat. You can add honey to the porridge for a sweet version of the dish. It is allowed to add some spices: basil or dill. If you want to make the dish salty, add one teaspoon of soy sauce to the porridge. You will have to give up sugar, as well as salt, hot seasonings, ketchup, mayonnaise, and butter. During a diet, buckwheat can be combined with the following products:

  • low-fat kefir or low-fat milk;
  • boiled chicken breast or beef;
  • vegetables, such as tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots;
  • unsweetened fruits, such as apples, grapefruits;
  • dried fruits;
  • eggs up to 2 pieces per day.

When to eat porridge

The best time to take porridge is in the morning. Many people often ignore breakfast altogether, but it is a very important, if not the main meal of the day. The body needs energy to wake up and begin to function fully, and porridge is a light food that will help it with this. What kind of porridge you can eat when losing weight in the morning depends on the taste preferences of each person. But if you choose, for example, between oatmeal or peas, then, of course, it is better to choose oatmeal. It is lighter and ideal for breakfast.

But is it possible to eat porridge in the evening? The answer is yes, but 2 hours before bedtime. And it’s better to choose unsweetened porridge for dinner. Cereals provide the body with energy, and during sleep a person needs some energy, so the best period of the day for porridge is the morning.

What's the best way to prepare your cooking?

To ease your schedule as much as possible, since cooking cereals still requires a certain amount of time, you can use a multicooker. Modern models allow you to prepare all the ingredients ahead of time and cook them strictly on schedule. And there are quite a lot of modes in it, which expands the culinary possibilities. For example, pearl barley for dinner, prepared in the traditional way, is even inferior in taste, but with classic pilaf you still have to tinker. In a word, cooking cereals for dinner for weight loss can become another healthy nutrition reserve that it would be a sin not to use.

Katya Kotova for women's magazine www.inflora.ru

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Portion for weight loss

The ideal amount of porridge that can be eaten in one meal is considered to be the amount that fits in the palm of your hand. This is exactly the norm for every person, which will help you feel full, give you a sufficient amount of energy and will not contribute to excess weight gain.

You don't have to focus on just one type of cereal. There are really a lot of them. With this choice, you can alternate them and provide your body with the necessary nutrients every day of the week using different cereals.

Harm of porridge

It would seem, what harm can porridge cause to the body? Indeed, none, but there is a disease for which porridge is contraindicated. For example, wheat porridge is not suitable for those who experience frequent constipation or other stomach problems.

Eating buckwheat porridge every day can cause an increase in blood sugar, so if you still eat buckwheat every day, give up sweets completely.

If you have unpleasant cleansing in your body after eating some kind of porridge, then it is better to consult your doctor, because for a healthy person this product is completely harmless.

The main thing in the nutrition of every person is a well-designed diet so that the body receives the right amount of substances for full functioning. If you find it difficult to understand this process yourself, you can turn to specialists. Professional nutritionists create a menu specifically for the needs of a particular person, taking into account both general and individual aspects. When losing weight, it is important not to starve, but to eat a properly balanced diet. During a fast, the body first loses excess weight, but then gets used to a certain amount of calories. When you return to your previous normal, weight gain occurs much faster. Therefore, love yourself and do not torture yourself with exhausting diets.

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