Steamed liver in a Redmond multicooker. Liver in a slow cooker: recipes with photos

Steamed liver. Steamed beef liver

Recipe for a multicooker:
REDMOND RMC-M60, volume 5 l, power 750 W

Today we will steam beef liver in a slow cooker. I can imagine, friends, what many of you are thinking right now. I myself was extremely surprised when I first learned that liver can be steamed. Plus I was tormented by doubts - is it really delicious? After checking it out, I realized that it was possible and delicious. In addition, it is useful, since it is a dietary option. Of course, if there are spices in moderation or without them at all, and oil to a minimum.

I once looked at the recipe itself in a cookbook for steamers. I don’t have a double boiler, because I think that it would be superfluous in my household. After all, this device completely replaces a multicooker with a “Steam” mode for me. Naturally, I steam beef liver in a slow cooker.

However, when I first started cooking, I was a little puzzled. In a steamer, the liver with vegetables should be placed in a special container for rice. This is not provided for multicookers. Then I decided to use a silicone mold, inserting it into the CF container. However, you can do without a form, and I did that too. But there is a difference - without a form, the juices flow down and the product turns out drier, but if with a form, then liquid forms there. My family prefers it with liquid, but my friend’s family, on the contrary, doesn’t like liquid. Therefore, I advise you to try both options, then settle on the one you like. You can serve rice as a side dish for beef liver.

Ingredients for making steamed liver

  1. Beef liver – 500 g
  2. Onion - 1 pc.
  3. Carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  4. Vegetable oil -1-2 tablespoons
  5. Salt and ground black pepper - to taste
  6. Water - 0.5 l

How to steam beef liver in a slow cooker

1. Let's prepare our ingredients: beef liver, vegetables and oil for sautéing them, spices (besides black pepper, you can add others to taste) and salt. You will need water to pour into the bowl, so we will take regular water from the tap. If desired, before cooking, soak the liver for a couple of hours in milk or kefir.

2. Wash the onions and carrots, peel them and wash them again. Next, grate the carrots on a coarse grater and chop the onion with a knife. I like to chop finely, but if you are cooking without a silicone mold, then you should cut the onion into half rings or rings. Pour oil into the multicooker and turn on the “Fry” mode for 10 minutes. After 3-4 minutes the oil will heat up, add the vegetables and sauté until the end of the program. You can add a little salt at the end.

3. Wipe the well-washed liver with paper napkins or a towel. Then we clean it from films and veins. It is better to place the mold in a double boiler in advance, since it will be more difficult to move the filled one, because the silicone is soft. Cut the offal into small pieces. And immediately put them in a mold (if you make it without a mold, then put it in a steamer). When laying out the liver pieces, sprinkle with salt and ground black pepper (or other spices).

4. Place fried onions and carrots on top of the liver.

5. Wash the emptied multi-bowl and wipe it dry, especially on the outside. Then we return it to its place in the MV, pour in water (for faster boiling, you can pour hot water from the tap), and place a steamer container with all the contents on top. Close the lid of the device, select “Steam” in the menu and time 40 minutes. In my model, the countdown will begin immediately after the start.

6. After the sound signal, turn off the multicooker and carefully remove the steaming container. Serve steamed liver under vegetables with any side dish.

The best ways to prepare liver: boil, fry, bake

The liver cooks quite quickly when cooked. However, not all methods are suitable for dietary nutrition:

  1. Cook. Boiled liver can become the basis for pates and delicate soufflés. This option contains a minimum of calories. However, during cooking, some of the beneficial components are lost, so it is extremely important not to overcook the liver.
  2. In the oven. This processing makes the product more aromatic and palatable. The liver cooks extremely quickly in the oven; if desired, it can be covered with foil to preserve its juiciness.
  3. In a frying pan. The option of cooking in oil is not suitable for the diet due to the increase in calorie content. It is best to choose frying the liver without oil in a dry frying pan with a non-stick coating or simmering with a small amount of water under a closed lid.
  4. In a slow cooker. The convenience of this unit is the choice of cooking mode. The liver can be baked, stewed in a slow cooker or steamed according to your choice. The offal prepared in this device turns out tender and aromatic, it absorbs spices, dressings and the smell of herbs well.
  5. For a couple. The lowest calorie cooking option, which reveals the natural taste of the offal. The liver turns out very tender, soft and juicy - steamed liver cutlets are especially good.

Before cooking, the liver should be soaked in milk to remove the bitterness in the finished dish.

Steamed liver for a child. Steamed liver soufflé for children

Liver is the most popular offal used in cooking. If we talk about children's dishes, liver is used for their preparation as often as meat and fish. It is better to introduce chicken liver into the child’s diet first, and a little later - rabbit, beef and pork liver. It is very important to choose a fresh product, so try to buy unfrozen liver to assess its quality. Today we will prepare liver soufflé in a slow cooker. This dish can be given to children from one year of age. A little later, after 2 years, liver soufflé can be baked in the oven, although steam dishes are still preferable. Even adults will like this liver delicacy, so feel free to prepare a soufflé for the whole family and serve it at a common table!


  • chicken liver - 350 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • milk - 0.25 tbsp.
  • white bread - 40 gr.
  • salt - 1 pinch.
  • number of children's portions - 3 pcs.

How to prepare steamed liver soufflé:

Rinse the chicken liver thoroughly. Remove all unwanted particles - fatty deposits, remnants of gall bladders, if any. Place the liver in a blender bowl.

Pour milk into the bowl. Peel the crust off a piece of white bread (you can take a loaf), break the crumb into pieces and add to the liver. By the way, sometimes I replace the bread crumb with a tablespoon of semolina - it also turns out well.

Wash the chicken egg, break it and separate it into white and yolk. Set the egg white aside and add the yolk to the blender bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Add a little salt to the mixture. Of course, salt is not recommended for baby food, but I still add just a little bit of this spice, otherwise the dish turns out too bland.

Whisk the contents of the bowl for 1-2 minutes. Minced liver is prepared very quickly, because the liver has a soft and delicate consistency. Don’t be surprised that the minced meat turned out to be quite liquid; at the next stage of cooking it will become thicker.

Beat the remaining egg white into a strong foam.

Add protein foam to the minced liver. Gently mix the protein with a spoon, trying to maintain its airy structure.

As a result, we got tender minced chicken liver, from which we will prepare liver soufflé for children.

Now we need silicone molds. Molds are perfect for making muffins. From all the liver mince I got 4 filled muffin tins and 1 larger muffin tin.

Place the minced meat in molds and place on a steamer basket. If all the forms do not fit on the basket at the same time, then prepare the soufflé one at a time, in two batches. Don't forget to pour water into the multicooker bowl. Set the “Steam Boiler” program, the steam souffle preparation time is 30 minutes.

The souffle turns out to be very light, tender, and it will not be difficult for a child to eat it.


Steamed chicken liver is recommended for use both in weight loss diets and in health nutrition systems. With this type of heat treatment, more nutrients are retained in the products, in contrast to stewing, boiling or frying. The liver in a double boiler is not only dietary, but also very soft and juicy.

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How to cook liver without frying. Secrets of choosing the right liver

Quality liver shines

The taste of cooked liver largely depends not on the culinary abilities of the housewife, but on whether the product was chosen correctly. If you don’t know the intricacies, you can even buy a liver whose expiration date has expired. When purchasing an offal, you need to pay attention to:

  • Appearance. Elastic, but soft and always shiny - this is what high-quality fresh liver looks like. The surface of the premium product is slightly damp. There should definitely be no scratches or punctures on the outer film. The presence of blood clots and spots of a different color on the liver is unacceptable: this indicates that the animal’s gallbladder has ruptured. Liver with spots will taste bitter after cooking.
  • Color. Good pork liver is red-brown in color, beef liver is dark burgundy like a ripe cherry, turkey liver is dark red, close to brown. But chicken liver can be different - from light brown to red-brownish. But you should not take an offal that is too dark or, on the contrary, too light: there is a high probability that it has been lying on the counter and has changed color because of this.
  • Smell. The aroma of the fresh product is sweetish, even slightly metallic. If you hear sour notes, then you should refuse the purchase: the liver has already deteriorated.

Frozen liver should not have orange spots

Fresh liver has greater nutritional value than frozen liver. If you only have access to freezing, carefully inspect the product for orange areas. If there are any, then the storage technology was violated: the liver was either frozen or re-frozen. At best, such a product will be tasteless, and at worst, it will cause poisoning.

Appetizing recipe with prunes and wine

Often the usual options for preparing liver become boring. Then more non-standard, unusual and still simple recipes are used. This option for cooking liver allows you to get a tasty, satisfying and unusual dish. For it you need to take:

  • onion head;
  • half a glass of dry white wine;
  • 12 pitted prunes;
  • 450 grams of liver;
  • glass of water;
  • odorless vegetable oil;
  • a little salt.

Despite the fact that the result is an original and flavorful dish, it couldn’t be easier to prepare. It’s immediately worth noting that this option is suitable for any type of liver. It is better to choose fleshy prunes so that they can be dispersed in the slow cooker, releasing their juice and aroma to the dish.

First, peel the onion and cut it into thin half rings. In the multicooker, turn on the “Baking” mode, pour in a little oil, and fry the onion for about ten minutes.

Afterwards the liver is processed, the films are removed, cut into small pieces, and added to the onion. Stirring, fry for another fifteen minutes. The prunes are washed, squeezed, and cut into quarters. There is no need to soak the berries in boiling water. Add wine and water and add salt. Cook in the “Baking” mode for at least twenty minutes. It is better to serve this liver with pasta.

Steamed liver without a steamer. How to cook liver in a double boiler

Steamed liver? It seems like it can't be tasty. In reality, it all depends on the seasonings and side dishes you use. Suitable for steamed liver, baked with olive oil and bell peppers, is any dish like “paprikash”, including those obtained from frozen semi-finished “pepper” and absolutely any green vegetables.

To cook the liver in a double boiler, you will need to cut it into fairly thin strips and sprinkle with seasonings - a mixture of peppers, basil, plus a little pepper, and a little nutmeg will do. If the side dish is spicy, you can get by with a pinch of plain sea salt. For those who limit it, pepper flakes and garlic salt are suitable.

The product is placed in the middle bowl of a double boiler for 20-30 minutes, and served hot and with vegetable side dishes.

The problem with the liver and the slow cooker can be described in one phrase: “Liver porridge.” The large heating area and specific preparation often lead to the fact that any liver dish, no matter how hard you try, turns into the most ordinary porridge. This can only be avoided by taking a long time to adapt to your multi-oven. Try, first, reduce the cooking time from the one specified in the recipe by 10 minutes, and see what happens. If the degree of readiness is acceptable, you can leave it like that, and if not, “finish cooking” in the warm-up mode.

In general, the liver is cooked together with water, adding, perhaps, only onions to the dish. After the product has been stewed, you can combine it with separately cooked vegetables. Putting everything together in a multicooker bowl is suitable only for those who, in principle, love vegetable purees and have nothing against their regular use.

Those who don't count calories usually fry the liver like cutlets. It is poured into the multicooker bowl, the liver itself is beaten, freed from films and blood vessels, and fried on both sides in oil. Then you can bring it to readiness in the “quenching” mode, turning it on for 15 minutes.

These options are most suitable for chicken liver. In most stores you can buy a “mixture” of liver and heart on a backing. It is washed with cold water and chopped with a sharp knife. In parallel with this process, defrost and cook any vegetables in the microwave, for example, and, and simply chop 1 fresh onion.

The washed liver and onions are stewed in an open frying pan with water until half cooked, vegetables are added, covered with a lid, and brought to the desired condition for about 15 minutes. In general, any recipes with chicken liver will be the fastest, if only because you do not need to remove a large number of blood vessels from it, and it is not tough in principle.

Other ways to speed up liver cooking:

  • beat it off with a simple culinary hammer. It is better to beat on a plastic board, and the force of the blow will have to be calculated without raising the hammer too high, otherwise you will have to collect the liver from the walls, and not cook;
  • if you don’t have a hammer, you can cut the portioned pieces on top with a knife so that you get a fine mesh, or simply cut the portioned pieces in half;
  • and not loved by culinary aesthetes, but a very effective option - simply cut the liver into smaller pieces, cut into strips, for example, or even... into cubes. Suitable for dishes with vegetables, or, for example, with a side dish of buckwheat porridge; it cooks, on average, 15 minutes faster than large portioned pieces.

Diet food

Steamed food is an invariable component of the diet of people who advocate healthy eating. It is lower in calories, more healthy, better absorbed, strengthens the immune system, and is easy to prepare. When processed with steam, more vitamins and microelements necessary for the body are retained in products.

Such food is included not only in diets for weight loss. A double boiler is often used by people suffering from diseases of the digestive system, heart, or vascular problems. Steam dishes are also recommended for metabolic disorders and high cholesterol levels in the blood.

Interesting! Some people don't want to switch to steamed food because they think it doesn't taste as good as fried food. However, you can only think this way if you have ever tried incorrectly prepared dishes.

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