Steaming: methods of cooking using steam

  • Meat
      Stuffed peppers
  • Roast meat and champignons
  • Meat hedgehogs
  • Side dishes
      Eggplant side dish
  • Stewed beans
  • Cottage cheese casserole
  • Vegetable stew
  • Chicken stew
  • Milk porridge
  • Puree soup
  • Vegetable puree
  • Charlotte
  • Fish cutlets
  • Apple soufflé
  • Pilaf with fish
  • Conclusion
  • Hello readers! If you are interested in proper nutrition and care about your figure and health, then you will appreciate the benefits of cooking in a slow cooker. This functional pan has already proven its effectiveness. You can prepare dietary dishes in a slow cooker, and each of them will become not only healthy, but also tasty.

    Healthy eating rules

    To stay healthy throughout your life, you should pay serious attention to proper nutrition. It is also called PP for short. With the help of a responsible approach to nutrition, you can not only get rid of fat folds around the waist, but also cure some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is worth at least superficially familiarizing yourself with dietary dishes in order to understand the principles of their preparation.

    Before selecting recipes for the PP diet, find out what selection criteria should be used. This:

    • using a variety of products;
    • calorie counting;
    • reduction in portions.

    Monotonous food, even if prepared differently, cannot bring much benefit to a person. The body needs all kinds of foods - vegetables, meat, fruits, seafood, even sweets.

    No matter how beneficial the preparation may be, it must be consumed in limited quantities. The optimal portion for a person should not exceed the volume of his palm.

    But it always makes sense to consult a professional nutritionist who can help you create a personal daily and weekly nutrition program for weight loss. In drawing up such a program, the following are taken into account:

    • person's weight;
    • his lifestyle;
    • age.

    Experts agree that using a multicooker helps prepare dietary dishes. This means you will maintain your health and figure until old age.

    Diet Fifth Table: simple and interesting recipes

    Recipes for dietary dishes from table 5 can be used by both those who need to strictly adhere to this diet, and those who simply want to diversify their proper healthy diet. There are many first and second courses, you can also prepare a variety of desserts and delicious drinks.

    Vegetable soup with zucchini

    Let's start with the first courses. For this vegetable soup with zucchini you will need the following ingredients: 300 grams of potatoes, 150 grams of zucchini, 100 grams of carrots, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, liter of water, carrot juice.

    Wash the zucchini, cut it into slices, and simmer with butter. Peel the carrots, cut them, and stew them with the zucchini. Wash the potatoes well, peel them, cut them into large slices, cover with water and cook until tender. Then add the stewed vegetables to the potato broth, add salt, and boil again. Before serving, add a small amount of carrot juice .

    Mixed vegetable soup recipe

    There are other interesting recipes for dishes for every day. For example, this vegetable soup. Prepare the following for him: 300 ml of vegetable broth, 2-3 potatoes, 1 tomato, 1 carrot, 20 grams of canned peas, 30 grams of zucchini, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

    Cut the potatoes and zucchini into cubes, chop the carrots on a coarse grater, and simmer. Grate the tomato to extract juice. The broth should boil, place carrots and potatoes there, cook until half cooked. Then add the peas and zucchini and cook until done. Pour tomato juice and vegetable oil into the soup. Cook for another five minutes.


    Recipes for every day of the table 5 can also include very tasty borscht. The ingredients for it will need the following: 70 grams of fresh cabbage, 2 beets, 3 potatoes, 2 carrots, a teaspoon of tomato paste, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 10 grams of sour cream, a teaspoon of sugar, 250 grams of vegetable broth.

    First, chop the cabbage, cut the carrots into slices, and grate the beets on a coarse grater. Place the potatoes, cut into bars, into the broth and bring to a boil. Place stewed beets and carrots in a saucepan. Add sugar and tomato paste a few minutes before cooking. be served with sour cream .

    Calorie content of dishes

    Each food product has its own calorie level. This concept refers to a certain amount of energy that is produced in the process of digestion and assimilation of food by the body.

    The energy value of the product (cooked) is determined by carbohydrates and fats. This indicator is calculated based on 100 g, the indicators are indicated in kilocalories (kcal). Every 100 grams of fat provides 9 kcal, and proteins and carbohydrates - 4 kcal.

    Knowing these indicators, you can independently calculate how high-calorie your diet is. This is important for losing weight. However, in general, human health depends on the calorie content of food.

    Do you want to eat delicious food while losing excess weight? To do this you need to know the basic rules:

    • eat as many vegetables as possible;
    • use fats and oil as little as possible;
    • instead of mayonnaise or sauce, season food with low-fat sour cream;
    • give up fatty meat in favor of rabbit or chicken breast.

    Any nutritionist will tell you that delicious meals do not have to be prepared using oil. By giving up frying and fatty dressings and choosing to cook in a slow cooker or double boiler, you will thereby reduce calories.

    Stewed vegetables in a slow cooker - how to cook 15 varieties

    1. Vegetable stew - stewed vegetables in a slow cooker
    2. Meat stew - stewed vegetables and chicken in a slow cooker
    3. Ratatouille - stewed eggplant and zucchini
    4. Stewed vegetables with asparagus in a slow cooker
    5. Stewed vegetables with pickles
    6. Stewed vegetables with green peas in a slow cooker
    7. Stewed vegetables with beans
    8. Stewed vegetables with minced meat in a slow cooker
    9. Stewed cabbage with sausages
    10. Stewed pumpkin with vegetables and meat in a slow cooker
    11. Stewed vegetables in sour cream
    12. Lazy zucchini - stewed vegetables with minced meat, rice and zucchini
    13. Greek stewed vegetables
    14. Stewed vegetables with beef in a slow cooker
    15. Stewed vegetables with mushrooms

    Advantages of cooking in a slow cooker

    A multicooker is an ideal tool for preparing dietary dishes at home. At first glance, it may seem that such cooking is overly complicated. However, everything is simple, and one of the main advantages is the absence of a lot of dishes. To prepare a delicious dish you need a multicooker.

    There are a number of other advantages:

    1. In this pan, food is cooked in its own juices.
    2. Cooking is carried out automatically at the optimal temperature.
    3. You don't have to worry about food oxidizing or burning.
    4. Diet food does not require a large amount of oil.
    5. Your dish is cooked with the lid tightly closed.

    The good thing about a slow cooker is that you can cook a variety of delicacies in it – from soup and porridge to casseroles and soufflés. Finally, its owners know that it has a “delayed start” function. You can prepare not only stews, but also a variety of dietary desserts at any time, even if you are not in the kitchen at the right time.

    Main conclusions

    Losing weight with steam food is not difficult, but you should not expect immediate external changes. The main advantage of the diet is the overall health of the body:

    1. The steam diet has a positive effect on the functioning of all systems and organs.
    2. The calorie content of steamed food is 150-200 kcal lower than when fried.
    3. You can also steam on the stove, in the oven and in the slow cooker.
    4. There are many recipes for dishes in a double boiler for weight loss: from soups to desserts.
    5. During the steam diet, it is important to follow the principles of fractional nutrition and drinking regime.

    A steamer is a universal assistant in the kitchen, allowing you to implement all the principles of a healthy and balanced diet.

    Comment on the article, share the best recipes for a steamer and your experience of losing weight on a steam diet.

    Multicooker Recipes

    For those who dream of losing weight, diet food in a slow cooker will be a real gift. It’s easy to prepare, because you only need to purchase and prepare the necessary products. The smart machine will prepare the dish itself and will not allow it to be undercooked or burnt.

    There are a huge number of dietary recipes designed specifically for working with a slow cooker. Any of them is prepared in the usual way. But by combining business with pleasure (the recipe and ease of preparation using cooking equipment), you will be sure that you will certainly not gain extra pounds.

    Let's look at the dishes that can be prepared using the capabilities of a multicooker.

    Recipes for children

    Children and adolescents with problems of the biliary system should adhere to the 5 table diet menu. Among the huge number of dishes offered, there are those that little patients will definitely like.

    Oat pudding

    The pudding is prepared from the following ingredients:

      oatmeal (100 grams); chicken proteins (three pieces); milk (quarter liter); butter (small spoon); sugar (two large spoons); a pinch of salt.
    1. Mix cereal, milk, butter.
    2. Sweeten and add salt.
    3. Place on the fire and cook the porridge for about six minutes, stirring occasionally.
    4. Beat the egg whites and mix with the cooled porridge.
    5. Pour the mixture into a mold and place in a preheated oven.

    They take out the pudding after twenty minutes.

    Berry soufflé

    For berry souffle you will need to stock up on specific products:

      blueberries, black currants (a glass); egg whites (five pieces); sugar (two large spoons).
    1. The berries are crushed in a blender along with sugar.
    2. Boil the mixture until thickened for about thirty minutes.
    3. Beat the whites.
    4. Mix jam and fluffy mass.
    5. Grease the mold with oil and pour in the mixture.
    6. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of two hundred degrees.

    The dessert is served sprinkled with powdered sugar.

    Lazy dumplings with dried apricots

    To prepare this original dessert you will need:

      natural cottage cheese (250 grams); flour (one third of a glass); yolk with white; sugar (three tablespoons); dried apricots (100 grams); a little butter; semolina (60 grams).
    1. Cottage cheese is ground with eggs.
    2. Add cereal and flour.
    3. Knead the dough and leave for half an hour.
    4. Dried apricots are ground through a blender.
    5. The dough is rolled out into a thin layer in the shape of a rectangle.
    6. Place the dried apricot filling in the center.
    7. Roll the dough into a roll.
    8. Cut it into pieces and boil in boiling water for about five minutes.

    Serve the dish hot, pouring melted butter from the cream.


    Want to make a classic breakfast in a slow cooker? An omelette works well for this. I suggest you familiarize yourself with just two recipes, although there are more.



    • milk – 2 tbsp. l;
    • eggs – 3 pieces;
    • salt;
    • parsley - 2 sprigs.

    How to cook:

    1. Milk and eggs are beaten by hand or with a mixer, salt and spices are added.
    2. Everything is poured into a bowl and placed in a slow cooker.
    3. Set to “baking” mode and bake for 20 minutes.

    Egg white omelette

    List of ingredients:

    • eggs (whites) – 4;
    • butter – 1 tbsp. l;
    • milk – 4 tsp;
    • salt;
    • silicone baking molds.

    How to cook:

    1. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks (the latter are suitable for preparing other dishes).
    2. The resulting whites are whipped with a mixer until a homogeneous fluffy foam is formed.
    3. Milk is poured into the resulting mass, mixed carefully, and salt is added.
    4. The molds are coated with oil, and the foamed whites are laid out in equal volumes.
    5. Water is poured into the multicooker, then a wire rack is placed on which the filled molds are placed. Baking time – 10 minutes, “steaming” mode.

    The last version of the omelet is ideal for dieting; it can be eaten as an independent dish or a side dish. However, it is even used as a dessert if you use sugar instead of salt.


    Breakfast in a slow cooker can be both healthy and appetizing at the same time. The recipe allows you to bake pumpkin-curd casserole in an electric appliance.

    It turns out very soft, tender and nourishing. At the same time, it allows you to satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time.

    What ingredients will you need?

    It is possible to create a protein breakfast in a multi-cooker if you have the following food products:

    • semolina – 100 g;
    • oil - for coating the bowl;
    • baking powder – 10 g;
    • granulated sugar – 100 g;
    • sour cream – 100 g;
    • curd mass – 500 g;
    • pumpkin pulp – 200 g;
    • eggs – 165 g.

    To make the casserole, it is recommended to use nutmeg pumpkin varieties. Its flesh is quite sweet and soft.

    The fat content of the curd mass and sour cream should not be too high so that the treat can be served to those who are on a diet.

    Step-by-step cooking process

    Creating a protein dish with your own hands is based on the following points:

    1. The pumpkin should be rinsed and then grated on a fine grater.
    2. Next, the egg needs to be divided into white and yolk.
    3. After that, you need to combine the yolk with sour cream, add cottage cheese with semolina and baking powder, stirring everything thoroughly.
    4. You will need to beat the egg white into a stable foam.

    5. Then you need to add protein, grated pumpkin pulp to the curd mass and mix everything carefully.
    6. The bowl of the device should be coated with oil and the curd mass should be placed in it.
    7. On the multicooker you will need to select the “Baking” program and cook the treat for 1 hour.
    8. After this time, the electrical appliance must be left on heating for approximately 50 minutes. Then you can turn it off and leave it in the pan until it cools completely.

    Serving rules, decoration

    Upon completion of cooking, it is recommended to immediately serve the product to the table for tasting. If necessary, the surface of the casserole can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. If desired, the delicacy can be supplemented with sour cream.


    The dietary cookbook contains many recipes that use meat to one degree or another. Here are fun ways to prepare lunch or dinner.

    Stuffed peppers

    One of the favorite dishes of many, which looks aesthetically pleasing and has an unforgettable taste. Beautifully served peppers with chopped herbs will become a table decoration.


    • bell peppers – 5-6 pieces;
    • minced beef or chicken – 0.4 kg;
    • steamed rice – 100 g;
    • tomatoes - 2 pieces;
    • water;
    • tomato – 2 tbsp. l;
    • sour cream – 1 tbsp. l;
    • spices and salt.

    How to cook:

    1. To prepare the dish, use dry rice; no pre-cooking is required. First make the filling for the peppers. Minced meat is mixed with rice. Tomatoes are cut into small pieces and added to the total mass. Salt and pepper to taste.
    2. The tops of the peppers are cut off, then the vegetables must be carefully peeled from the inside to remove seeds, veins, and washed.
    3. The filling is placed in the peppers flush with the edges.
    4. Tomato paste is mixed with sour cream, water and a little pepper are added.
    5. The stuffed peppers are placed in a bowl and filled halfway with the prepared sauce.
    6. Prepare in the “baking” mode for 20 minutes. Next, the mode switches to “stewing”; the peppers should be stewed for another 1 hour.

    Roast meat and champignons

    Mushrooms are one of the low-calorie foods. For meat, you can take beef tenderloin, it has a reduced amount of calories. Such a roast turns out to be not only a dietary, but also a nutritious dish. It is nutritious, digestible by the stomach, and pleases not only with its aroma, but also with its appearance.

    List of ingredients:

    • beef – 0.7 kg;
    • champignons – 0.5 kg;
    • low-fat sour cream – 200 g;
    • carrot – 1 pc.;
    • bulb;
    • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l;
    • water – 0.5 l;
    • salt, spices, herbs.

    How to cook:

    1. Cut the beef into pieces, wash it, and dry it on a napkin.
    2. We clean the carrots and onions, wash them, and cut them (we grate the carrots on a coarse grater).
    3. We wash the champignons and chop them too.
    4. The beef is fried in a slow cooker for several minutes in vegetable oil in the “frying” mode.
    5. Mix mushrooms and vegetables with meat, add water, stir.
    6. Cook in the “stew” mode for 15 minutes.
    7. Add sour cream and continue to simmer for 30 minutes.
    8. Before serving, sprinkle the roast with chopped herbs.

    Meat hedgehogs

    Another delicious dish that has been familiar to us since childhood. It can be prepared in a slow cooker, saving yourself the hassle. For meat, choose anything - chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit or lean pork.


    • minced meat – 0.5 kg;
    • long grain rice – 150 g;
    • bulb;
    • zucchini - half a medium-sized vegetable;
    • eggs – 1 pc.;
    • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l;
    • herbs, spices, salt.

    How to cook:

    1. It's worth starting with vegetables. The zucchini is grated and the juice is squeezed out. The onion is cut into smaller pieces, then mixed with the zucchini.
    2. Chopped vegetables are added to the minced meat, an egg is poured in (instead, take a little starch diluted in liquid).
    3. Add rice to the salted and peppered minced meat. The greens are chopped and added to the mixture.
    4. Now small balls are formed (their size depends on your preference).
    5. The multicooker bowl is greased with oil, and the hedgehogs are placed there in an even layer.
    6. The dish is cooked in steam mode for 50 minutes.

    They look very nice and can be served with any side dish. Before serving, add sauce, sour cream, or butter to the plate.

    Stewed cabbage with sausages

    The slow cooker will allow you to prepare delicious stewed cabbage, which is very reminiscent of the famous Bavarian cabbage with sausages.


    • Cabbage - 300 g
    • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp
    • Sausages – 0.5 kg
    • Onion - 1 pc.
    • Carrots - 1 pc.
    • Potatoes - 3 pcs.


    Cut the sausages into slices. Fry in vegetable oil on the “Fry” mode. Pour in tomato paste and continue frying.

    Chop the cabbage and cut the remaining vegetables into cubes.

    When the sausages are slightly fried, add vegetables. Also fry them a little so that the juice appears.

    Then change the mode to “Extinguishing”. Half an hour will be enough to get a tasty dish.

    Side dishes

    What is lunch without a second course served with a side dish? And for a diet dinner, we often cook something tasty that requires adding a side dish. They can be cooked in the microwave. You can easily cook buckwheat or rice - to do this, rinse the cereal, add it to the multicooker, add salt, add water and set it to the appropriate setting.

    However, there are alternative ways that allow you to create delicious dishes and show your imagination. Take a look at the following recipes.

    Eggplant side dish

    Healthy, low-calorie and, finally, tasty - this is a vegetable addition to a meat dish, consisting of eggplant. It is prepared quickly and does not require special skills or products.


    • medium-sized eggplants - 2-3 pieces;
    • garlic – 2 cloves;
    • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l;
    • vinegar, sugar, salt - to taste;
    • bay leaf, bunch of dill.

    How to cook:

    1. Wash the eggplants well, cut off the ends, then cut into cubes.
    2. Pour water into the multicooker bowl. Add chopped eggplants. Add vinegar, salt, sugar.
    3. Chop half of the taken portion of dill, pass the garlic through a crush and mix with vegetables.
    4. The mass is filled with water, a bay leaf is placed, and the plant product is poured.
    5. For cooking, a couple of minutes in the “boiling” mode is enough. Place on the table sprinkled with the remaining dill.

    Stewed beans

    A recipe for those who dream of becoming slimmer. Vegetarians will also appreciate the dish. Used as a side dish or a separate treat.


    • red beans – 2 cups;
    • onion – 2 pcs.;
    • carrots – 1 pc.;
    • water – 5 glasses;
    • tomato – 1 tbsp. l;
    • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l;
    • basil, hot pepper to taste;
    • salt.

    How to cook:

    1. Beans must be prepared for cooking. Soak it in cold water the night before to give it time to swell overnight.
    2. Peel the carrots and onions, rinse and cut into smaller pieces. Pour oil into the multicooker, add chopped vegetables, fry for 15-20 minutes in the “baking” mode.
    3. Then add the beans, soaked the night before, to the onions and carrots. Tomato paste, seasonings, salt, and water are also poured into the pan.
    4. Turn on the “buckwheat” mode. In this format, the dish will cook until the beans absorb the water. If you are used to soft beans, add more liquid than indicated in the recipe.

    Cottage cheese casserole

    The slow cooker makes great casseroles. Cottage cheese is one of our favorites; children adore it and adults eat it with pleasure. To prepare a dietary dish, you need to take low-fat cottage cheese. Add sugar at your discretion - you can take less of it than indicated in the recipe.


    • cottage cheese – 0.5 kg;
    • eggs – 3 pcs;
    • semolina – 2 tbsp. l without slide;
    • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l;
    • dried fruits – 100 g;
    • salt.

    How to cook:

    1. Dried fruits should be pre-soaked in warm water (at least half an hour before cooking). Then we cut them into pieces.
    2. We separate the whites from the yolks. Next you need to work with them separately. The whites themselves with salt added to them are whipped with a mixer until foam appears. Mix the yolks with semolina and cottage cheese, add sugar, stir until smooth.
    3. Place dried fruits into the mixture, then carefully fold in the whipped whites. The curd mass should be mixed again.
    4. Place the mixture in a saucepan and set to “baking”. Cooking time is an hour.

    Vegetable stew

    There are endless stew recipes that don't contain meat. Use any vegetables for this dish. I offer this vegetarian recipe - as a meal on its own or as a side dish.


    • zucchini – 2 pcs.;
    • carrots – 2 pcs.;
    • bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
    • potatoes - medium size;
    • bulb;
    • white cabbage - half a head;
    • garlic – 2 cloves;
    • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l;
    • spices, salt to taste.

    How to cook:

    1. Preparing the vegetables. We wash everything, chop the cabbage into strips, potatoes, zucchini and onions. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
    2. We clean the peppers from seeds, veins, and cut them into strips.
    3. Turn on the “stew” mode and place the vegetables in the multicooker bowl. Pour oil.
    4. Close the lid tightly and simmer the stew for 30 minutes. Then add grated or crushed garlic, salt, and seasonings. Cook the dish in the same mode for another 15 minutes. You can serve the stew with chopped dill and parsley.

    Chicken stew

    Dietary dishes can be prepared in a smart pan using chicken. Nutritionists note that chicken meat in combination with vegetables gives the optimal effect - it does not allow you to gain kilograms and satisfies you well. Chicken stew recipe.


    • chicken fillet – 0.5 kg;
    • sour cream with minimal fat content – ​​100 grams;
    • egg – 1 pc.;
    • zucchini – 1 pc.;
    • mixture of corn, peas, green beans - 9.3 kg;
    • onion – 1 pc.;
    • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l;
    • salt, seasonings.

    How to cook:

    1. Wash the fillet and cut into small pieces.
    2. Peel the zucchini, cut into cubes, chop the onion, mix with the rest of the vegetables.
    3. Place everything in a saucepan, add oil.
    4. Mix sour cream with egg, pour in ingredients. Add salt and spices.
    5. We start the “stew” mode and cook the dish for 30 minutes. Serve with chopped herbs.

    Milk porridge

    Porridge with milk is good for the stomach. People who watch their figure cannot do without them. Pearl barley porridge is beneficial for weight loss, but nothing can compare with classic oatmeal. Try cooking it in a slow cooker!


    • oatmeal - a glass;
    • milk – 2 glasses;
    • butter – 1 tsp;
    • sugar – 1 tbsp. l;
    • salt to taste.

    How to cook:

    1. Place the cereal in a saucepan and add milk.
    2. Add butter, sugar, salt.
    3. Turn on the “porridge” mode and cook for 20 minutes.

    Puree soup

    When creating a diet menu, it is impossible to do without puree soup. Let's try to cook it in a slow cooker using pumpkin. You will certainly appreciate the delicate taste of this dish.


    • carrots – 1 pc.;
    • medium sized onion;
    • pumpkin (pulp) – 0.3 kg;
    • garlic – 1 clove;
    • parsley, salt.

    How to cook:

    1. Cut the pumpkin into small pieces.
    2. Peel and chop onions and carrots. Pass the garlic through a crusher. Place the vegetables in a pan, fry for 10 minutes in the “fry” mode, adding a spoonful of vegetable oil.
    3. Add pumpkin to the vegetable mixture and fill with water. Salt and add chopped parsley.
    4. Set the “baking” mode and cook the soup for 30 minutes.
    5. Beat the boiled mixture using a blender. Serve with fresh herbs.

    Vegetable puree

    Another way to treat yourself to a light and healthy dish. There are few calories in it, but this does not affect the taste.


    • medium-sized zucchini - 1 pc.;
    • carrots – 1 pc.;
    • potatoes – 3-4 pcs.;
    • small onion;
    • salt, spices.

    How to cook:

    1. We clean the vegetables and cut them into small pieces. Carrots can be chopped on a coarse grater.
    2. Add the ingredients, salt, and add water to cover the vegetables.
    3. Cooking time is up to 25 minutes in the “steam” mode.
    4. After turning off the water must be drained. Grind the cooked vegetables in a blender until smooth, add spices. You can serve the dish with herbs and a little butter.


    Try baking charlotte, which will become your favorite dessert. Despite being low in calories, it is quite sweet. Therefore, it is worth choosing sour apples for it to add zest to the taste.


    • flour – 2 cups;
    • eggs – 4 pcs.;
    • apples – 4 pcs.;
    • sugar – 1 glass;
    • soda – 0.5 tsp;
    • cinnamon, a little butter.

    How to cook:

    1. Beat the sugar and eggs thoroughly. Sift the flour, add soda, pour into the egg mixture. Mix the dough until completely homogeneous and leave for a few minutes.
    2. We wash the apples, peel them, cut them into slices, and remove the cores.
    3. Coat the inside of the bowl with butter, place half the apples on the bottom in an even layer, sprinkle with cinnamon.
    4. Then pour in some of the dough so that it covers the apple slices. Place the other half of the apples on top and repeat the procedure with cinnamon and dough.
    5. The charlotte is baked for 1 hour using the “baking” mode.

    How to cook

    Even if you don’t have an appliance such as a steamer at home, you can steam dietary dishes using an oven, stove or multicooker.

    In a steamer

    A steamer is a household appliance that is very easy to use. In most cases, all modes are indicated on the body, so the owner can only add water, add food and select the desired cooking method.

    However, before cooking, you need to understand a few nuances that will help extend the life of the appliance and make dishes tastier and healthier:

    1. Do not add spices, herbs, herbs or broth to the water poured into the tank (this will damage the heating element).
    2. You can place food in the steamer only after the water has boiled.
    3. Its level should be at least 2-3 cm below the bottom of the lower basket.
    4. The mode is selected depending on the type of product. So, fish cooks on average 20 minutes, vegetables and rice - 25 minutes, and meat - 35-40 minutes. Cooking time can be adjusted depending on the volume of food and the number of dishes being cooked at the same time.
    5. Food should be cut into uniform pieces and placed loosely to facilitate steam circulation. If it is not possible to cut the ingredients evenly, then the smallest ones should be in the upper basket, and the larger ones in the lower basket.
    6. Place meat and fish in the lower bowl, and vegetables in the upper bowl, as they cook much faster.
    7. Vegetables can be cooked with their skins on. This way they will retain more vitamins.
    8. Scallops and shrimp are cleaned before placing in the steamer; other seafood can be added unpeeled.
    9. All spices are added only at the end of cooking.

    The steamer can also be used to defrost food, reheat lunch, pastries and bread. This device will successfully replace both a regular saucepan and a microwave oven.

    Interesting! The steamer can be used as a sterilizer for children's dishes or home canning.

    In a slow cooker

    Steaming in a slow cooker is not at all difficult. Water is poured into the bowl of the device, a special basket is placed on top, into which food is placed, after which the mode is selected and the timer is set. However, there are a number of nuances that can reduce cooking time and enhance the taste of the dish:

    1. Instead of cold water, it is best to pour hot water into the thicket. This will shorten its heating time.
    2. When cooking green vegetables, cabbage and salads, you must choose the minimum time, otherwise the products will lose their color.
    3. You can put frozen foods into the multicooker.
    4. As in a double boiler, it is best to add salt and use spices at the end of cooking.

    Unlike a double boiler, in a multicooker you can use any liquid instead of water: broth, tea or wine.

    On the stove

    The steam cooking method was actively used even before the invention of the steamer and multicooker. To prepare healthy and wholesome dishes, all you needed was a stove, a saucepan and a colander:

    1. The required amount of water (slightly less than half) was poured into the pan, which was brought to a boil.
    2. A colander was placed on top, into which food or prepared dishes were placed.
    3. The pan was covered with a lid.
    4. And over low heat the dish was cooked for the required amount of time.

    Instead of a colander, today you can use a steaming insert, which is sold in stores. It is equipped with a special handle and legs, and the folding compact petal structure allows it to be stored in a cutlery drawer.

    Fish cutlets

    Fish is one of those foods that are recommended when maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In addition, fish cooks especially quickly in a slow cooker. Prepare fish cutlets that add variety to the menu. You can take any fish, from pike to pollock.


    • defrosted fish fillet – 0.6 kg;
    • eggs – 2 pcs.;
    • medium bulb;
    • loaf – 2 pieces;
    • milk, salt, flour, black pepper.

    How to cook:

    1. Make sure there are no bones in the fish. You need to pass the fillet through a meat grinder, squeeze it lightly (to make the minced meat drier). Alternatively, chop the fish very finely.
    2. Soak the loaf pieces in milk for 10 minutes, squeeze them out, and put them in the minced meat. Add eggs.
    3. We clean the onion, chop it or grate it on a coarse grater, and then add it to the total mass.
    4. Mix the minced meat as thoroughly as possible, pepper and salt to taste.
    5. We convert the multicooker to a double boiler format.
    6. We form cutlets from the minced meat, roll them in flour, and place them on a wire rack.
    7. Turn on the “steam” mode and set the time to 25 minutes. The cutlets should be steamed.

    If you prefer a fried dish, cutlets prepared in the same way can be fried with the addition of vegetable oil in the frying mode for the specified time.

    Recipes for every day

    From acceptable ingredients, it is quite possible to prepare delicious and harmless dishes for every day.

    Carrot rice soup

    Cream soup for table number five is prepared from the following ingredients:

      carrots (two pieces); onion (one piece); low fat cream (50 milliliters); cream-based butter (large spoon); rice cereal (200 grams).
    1. Boil the rice grains until tender.
    2. Chop the onion and lightly sauté in butter.
    3. Grate the carrots and add them to the pan.
    4. Remove from heat after ten minutes.
    5. Put a liter of water on the fire.
    6. Throw food into the liquid after it boils.
    7. Cook the mixture for 3-5 minutes.
    8. Grind everything with a blender and add cream.
    9. Boil again.

    Before serving, sprinkle the soup with parsley.

    Steamed omelette

    Instead of traditional fried eggs, the fifth table offers a steam omelet. It is prepared from the following products:

      three egg whites; a pinch of salt; greens to taste; a glass of milk.
    1. The protein is thoroughly mixed with milk and salted.
    2. Take a saucepan and a colander.
    3. Water is poured into the dishes, which should not touch the colander.
    4. Bring the liquid to a boil and install a mesh ladle, and place a bowl with the egg mixture and herbs in it.
    5. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for twenty minutes.

    Apple soufflé

    Even if you count every calorie, you still need sweets. After all, this is glucose, without which the body cannot fully function. But you don’t have to grab candy or marmalade. Prepare the most delicate apple soufflé in a slow cooker - you won’t be able to tear yourself away from it!


    • sweet apples – 4 pcs.;
    • flour – 2 cups;
    • eggs – 2 pcs.;
    • granulated sugar – 1 cup;
    • butter – 200 g;
    • sour cream – 200 g.

    How to cook:

    1. Wash the apples, remove the skin and core. Cut into small pieces (if desired, you can grate on a coarse grater).
    2. Mix the dough. To do this, beat the melted butter with flour and ½ of the total sugar in a blender.
    3. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil, line its bottom and walls with dough (this way, we will have a container formed from the dough for the apple filling).
    4. Pour apples into the bowl with the dough.
    5. Beat the other half of the sugar with the eggs. Then add sour cream and beat the mixture again.
    6. Pour the egg-sour cream mixture over the apples and level the surface.
    7. The soufflé is baked for 40 minutes in the baking mode. The finished dish has a golden brown, slightly springy top crust.

    Greek stewed vegetables

    The recipe has a minimal set of ingredients. But it still turns out to be a delicious dish with a Greek flavor.


    • Potatoes - 7 pcs.
    • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
    • Olives - 1 jar
    • Onion - 2 pcs.


    All components must be chopped coarsely. Season and place in the multicooker bowl. Set the “Quenching” mode.

    Pilaf with fish

    This is one of the exotic dishes, because we are used to seeing pilaf exclusively with rice. Believe me, this fishy treat will make you lick your fingers. For it, it is better to choose red fish - pink salmon or trout.


    • fish fillet – 0.3 kg;
    • rice – 2 cups;
    • water – 3 glasses;
    • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l;
    • onion;
    • salt, spices.

    How to cook:

    1. We wash the fish and cut it into pieces. We clean and chop the onion. Put everything in a pan without closing the lid and fry in oil for several minutes in the frying mode.
    2. We wash the rice and add it to the fish. Then fill the components with water. Stir, add salt and seasonings, after which you should no longer stir the dish.
    3. The “pilaf” mode is suitable for cooking, but you will need to turn it off earlier than specified by the program. The reason is that fish cooks much faster than meat. During the process, check the readiness of the rice and fish; if the pilaf is cooked, turn it off.

    Steam diet: what, how and when to eat

    The steam diet is not fast. You can lose weight with it, but you shouldn’t expect instant results. If all restrictions are correctly followed, you will lose 1-1.5 kg per week.

    The steam diet is absolutely safe, so you can stay on it as long as you like. The minimum recommended period is 3 weeks. By following simple rules, you can improve the effectiveness of the steam diet:

    • eat 5-6 times a day;
    • the weight of one serving should not exceed 200 g;
    • do not combine carbohydrates with proteins;
    • remove sugar from your diet, replacing it with stevia and honey;
    • set daily calorie limits;
    • observe drinking regime;
    • engage in moderate physical activity.

    All food and drinks should be warm, but not hot, as this affects the digestive processes.

    During the period of restrictions, it is necessary to exclude alcohol, fast food, butter and milk fat substitutes, mayonnaise, pastries and bakery products, fatty meats and fish from the menu.

    Vegetable sauté

    Proper nutrition in a slow cooker will be wonderfully complemented by this option. It is low-calorie, tender and quite easy to prepare.


    1. zucchini – 2 pcs.;
    2. eggplants – 2 pcs.;
    3. bell pepper – 3 pcs.;
    4. carrots – 2 pcs.;
    5. tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
    6. onion – 1 pc.;
    7. garlic – 3 cloves;
    8. fresh herbs – 1 bunch;
    9. salt, spices - to taste.


    1. The first thing you need to do is chop and peel all the vegetables, and then place them in the multicooker thicket.
    2. Choose young, small-sized zucchini. Rinse them under running water and cut into cubes. When out of season, use frozen vegetables.
    3. Take care of the onions. It must be peeled, chopped, and sent to the zucchini thicket.
    4. Peel the carrots and cut into thin slices. To make it easier to cut vegetables into thin slices, use a sharp knife.
    5. Also wash the pepper and cut it in half to remove all the seeds. Cut the vegetable into small slices and send to the rest.
    6. Take two medium eggplants and, after treating with water, cut into cubes.
    7. Do the same with the tomatoes, then place them in a bowl.
    8. Sprinkle the food with salt and pepper and place a clove of garlic on it.
    9. Add fresh herbs to vegetables if desired.
    10. Vegetables are cooked in their own juice for about an hour and a half; it is best to turn on the “pilaf” mode.
    11. From time to time, pay attention to the cooking process. Open the lid and check the liquid level. If you notice too much juice, increase the cooking time. You shouldn’t try to completely evaporate the liquid, but it’s best to leave only ¼ of it left. Determine readiness by the softness of the food.

    The vegetables will be tender, soft and have a magical aroma of freshness. It is best to serve the sauté slightly cooled, top it with finely chopped herbs.

    Lenten cutlets with beans

    Hearty lean bean cutlets saturate the body with protein no worse than any meat, and the calorie content of the finished dish per 100 g is about 195 kcal, which is approximately 8-10% of the entire daily diet.

    What ingredients will you need?

    For this nutritious and healthy dish you need to take a set of products:

    • 140 g dry red beans;
    • 1-2 carrot roots;
    • 1 large onion;
    • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
    • 3 tbsp. l. oat bran;
    • 3 tbsp. l. wheat flour;
    • 1 tsp. salt;
    • 0.5 tsp. freshly ground black pepper;
    • 30 ml refined vegetable oil.

    Step-by-step cooking process

    Preparing lean cutlets will require pre-soaking the beans in clean water for 12 hours.


    1. The soaked bean grains should be washed, filled with fresh water and boiled in a multicooker bowl on stewing mode for 30-40 minutes. until soft.
    2. Then you need to drain the water, grind the beans with a masher or immersion blender, add salt and pepper to taste.
    3. In a multicooker bowl on the frying mode, you need to cook the diced onions until golden brown.
    4. Next, you need to add grated carrots, spices and salt, sauté for 3-4 minutes, and then add chopped garlic, cook until soft, stirring constantly.
    5. Now you need to combine the crushed beans with fried vegetables, mix well, and then add 1-2 tbsp to the minced meat. l. mixture of oat bran and wheat flour, knead the mixture thoroughly until smooth.
    6. After this, you need to make cutlets of the same size from the resulting minced vegetable, roll each on both sides in a mixture of bran and flour, and then fry in vegetable oil in a multicooker bowl or cook in baking mode until tender.
    7. Serve the finished hearty dish immediately after cooking with any vegetable salad or side dish.

    Simple recipes for preparing original dietary dishes in a slow cooker allow you to make food not only low-calorie, but also tasty, which is especially important for successful weight loss and maintaining the correct balance of healthy nutrition for all family members.

    Stewed zucchini

    Food in a slow cooker (recipes for weight loss are very diverse) can be prepared very tasty and quickly for the whole family at once, without the need to stand at the hot stove for a long time.

    Tender zucchini stewed in sour cream sauce contains about 70 kcal per 100 g of finished product, which does not exceed 5% of the daily diet, so you can prepare this dish in the afternoon for a hearty dinner.

    What ingredients will you need?

    For an easy-to-prepare dietary dish, you need to take a set of ingredients:

    • 800 g zucchini;
    • 150 g sour cream, 15% fat;
    • 150 g onion;
    • 4-5 cloves of garlic;
    • 30 g sunflower oil;
    • 0.5 tsp. salt;
    • 0.5 tsp. freshly ground white pepper;
    • 1 tsp. ground sweet paprika;
    • 1 sprig of thyme.

    Step-by-step cooking process

    To prepare this quick, filling and delicious dinner, you need to wash and peel all the vegetables.


    1. The onion must be chopped and fried in a multicooker bowl in vegetable oil until soft.
    2. Zucchini should be cut into small cubes, then added to the fried onions, salt and simmer until tender.
    3. In the meantime, you need to chop the greens with garlic, mix with the remaining spices and sour cream, and then evenly distribute the sauce over the entire surface of the zucchini, place a sprig of thyme on top, and bring the dish to readiness for 5-7 minutes. in heating mode.
    4. You can serve immediately after preparation as an independent dietary dish or a hot side dish for meat and chicken, garnished with chopped fresh herbs.

    Carrot and pumpkin cream soup

    Pumpkin combined with carrots is healthy and very tasty. These two products can be prepared in different ways; as you know, pumpkin can be baked, boiled and even made into jam. But today we propose to prepare a tasty and healthy dietary dish - this is puree soup from pumpkin with carrots.


    • carrots – 4 pcs.;
    • pumpkin – 500 g;
    • onion – 1 pc.;
    • vegetable broth (or just water) – 3 cups;
    • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp;
    • garlic – 2 cloves;
    • salt, spices, herbs - to taste.

    Preparing a dietary dish in a slow cooker:

    1. First you need to prepare the vegetables for cooking. Rinse them under running water and peel off the skin. The pumpkin must be grated.
    2. A large pumpkin is very difficult to cut and it will be wonderful if you can involve a man in this process.
    3. Peel the onion and cut into large cubes.
    4. Grate the carrots using a grater with large cloves.
    5. You need to add a little oil to the multicooker bowl. You can use olive, corn or sunflower.
    6. Turn on frying mode and leave for 10 minutes. During this time, the oil will warm up and boil slightly.
    7. Place the onion in the first layer on the bottom of the bowl, followed by chopped garlic and carrots. Fry the vegetables until they are golden brown.
    8. It is worth carefully monitoring the frying process so that the food does not burn.
    9. After 10 minutes, you can start laying out the pumpkin pieces, which they pour in with 3 glasses of water, preferably hot right away. Also add salt, pepper, herbs. If you like more filling snacks, use broth instead of water.
    10. Close the multicooker and turn it on to cooking mode. Leave it for 30 minutes.
    11. As soon as the multicooker finishes its work, pour the soup into any container where you will puree it. Using a hand blender, puree the vegetables and bring to the desired consistency. The puree soup should not be very thick, but without pieces.
    12. If the dish turns out too thick, then simply add more broth to it, diluting it to the desired state.

    After all the manipulations, the soup can be poured into plates and decorated with fresh herbs. You can also use dietary crackers made from whole grain bread.

    Cauliflower Casserole

    Food in a slow cooker (recipes for weight loss are very diverse, so creating an interesting menu for a diet is not difficult) can be easily and quickly prepared from a minimum amount of the most affordable ingredients.

    A fragrant, hearty cauliflower casserole has a calorie content of only 86 kcal per 100 g, which is no more than 6-7% of the daily diet, so it is suitable for a light nutritious side dish for lunch or a hearty dinner.

    What ingredients will you need?

    For this option for preparing vegetable casserole, you need to take the following products:

    • 450 g cauliflower;
    • 1-2 carrots;
    • 2 onions;
    • 100 g soft curd or Adyghe cheese;
    • 50 g low-calorie mayonnaise sauce;
    • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
    • 1 tsp. ground paprika;
    • 0.5 tsp. freshly ground black pepper;
    • 0.5 tsp. vegetable oil;
    • 1 bunch of dill.

    Step-by-step cooking process

    First you need to wash, dry and disassemble a head of fresh cauliflower into small inflorescences, peel and chop the onions and carrots in any way.


    1. Spread a layer of cauliflower evenly into a greased multicooker bowl.
    2. Then you need to lay a little grated soft cheese on top in an even layer, sprinkle with seasonings and add salt.
    3. Next, distribute the chopped onions and carrots, and spread the remaining grated cheese evenly.
    4. Now you need to prepare a filling from a mixture of mayonnaise, sour cream, ground pepper, chopped herbs and remaining seasonings, mix thoroughly.
    5. The aromatic dressing should be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the top vegetable layer, close the multicooker lid and set the baking mode for 35-40 minutes.
    6. The finished casserole should be given a little time to brew and cool, then divided into portioned segments and served with a green salad.

    What are the advantages of preparing healthy food in a slow cooker?

    1. retains the maximum amount of vitamins; all dishes acquire a special rich taste;
    2. no oil is required (which means the calorie content of food is reduced significantly);
    3. The timer allows you to activate the cooking process for any given time;
    4. The automatic temperature maintenance function eliminates repeated heating.

    The list of what can be prepared for proper nutrition in a slow cooker is too long, so we have selected recipes for proper nutrition in a slow cooker and compiled a list of the most popular among them.

    Chicken soup with couscous

    Aromatic, spicy, hearty chicken soup with couscous can be quickly and easily prepared in a slow cooker for a dietary family lunch, since the calorie content of the finished product is about 180 kcal, which does not exceed 9-10% of the daily diet.

    What ingredients will you need?

    For the original African chicken soup recipe you need the following ingredients:

    • 500 g chicken fillet;
    • 60 g dry couscous cereal;
    • 1 onion;
    • 2-3 ripe tomatoes;
    • 1 tsp. granulated sugar;
    • 1 tbsp. l. natural tomato paste;
    • 1 tbsp. l. spicy adjika;
    • 30 g vegetable oil;
    • 0.5 tsp. ground cumin;
    • 1 tsp. ground sweet paprika;
    • 1 tsp. salt;
    • 2-3 pinches of freshly ground black pepper;
    • 1 small bunch of fresh parsley or cilantro.

    Step-by-step cooking process

    The chicken fillet must be cut into portions, the vegetables must be washed and peeled well.


    1. In preheated vegetable oil, quickly fry the pieces of chicken fillet until golden brown on all sides, setting the frying mode.
    2. Then you can place the onion, cut into small cubes, into the multicooker bowl and continue frying while vigorously stirring the ingredients for 7-8 minutes.
    3. Next, you need to add ground spices and adjika, mix everything well again, and then add hot drinking water and bring to a boil.
    4. In the meantime, you need to chop the pulp of peeled fresh tomatoes into cubes, combine them with natural tomato paste, season with salt and granulated sugar, and place the mass in the soup
    5. Next, you should set the cooking mode on the closed multicooker display to 40 minutes.
    6. After the sound signal, you need to open the lid of the unit, dilute the soup with hot water, bring the broth to a boil again and add dry couscous, thoroughly mixing all the ingredients.
    7. Now you need to cook the cereal until soft for 15 minutes, stirring the soup occasionally.
    8. The finished dish must be placed in deep portioned plates, garnishing each with chopped parsley and cilantro, and served immediately.
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