Recipe Rice porridge with milk. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Calorie intake per day

As such, there is no single and generally accepted daily calorie intake. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, “energy entering the body (in calories) must be balanced with energy expended.” Thus, your individual calorie intake depends, first of all, on the nature of your work, level of physical activity, gender, age and a number of other factors. However, on the Internet you can find many tables and calculators of unknown origin, offering information on daily values, supposedly based on authoritative sources. We believe that the quality of this information is quite questionable.

The most reliable way to determine individual calorie needs is to simply calculate the energy value of food consumed during the day (or several days). Just record your normal daily diet on paper. Write down what and how much you ate during the day. Calorie content can be directly calculated using information from product labels and using our website. Provided that you are healthy and your weight does not change much with your current diet, the results obtained can be conditionally considered your daily norm.

To lose weight, you need to slightly reduce your daily energy intake. If you maintain your current lifestyle, you will experience a slight calorie deficit because your costs will remain the same. This will lead to the gradual burning of your fat reserves. What exactly the deficit should be is up to you to decide. We strongly advise against increasing it sharply, because... it won't lead to anything good. Reduce your calorie intake gradually and lose weight slowly. This way you won’t have to torture yourself and break down from time to time. And of course, before making any dietary changes, we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor or qualified dietitian.

Composition of rice porridge with milk

The main ingredient of rice porridge is, of course, rice. In total, more than 10,000 different varieties of this cereal are currently known, but not all can be found for sale on supermarket shelves.

However, all varieties are divided into three types:

  • long grain;
  • medium grain;
  • round grain.

Each type of rice is preferable for certain dishes to maintain the correct consistency and good appearance.

Choosing milk for porridge is not difficult. The rule here is: the fattier it is, the tastier it is.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of rice porridge with milk

The nutritional value and chemical composition of milk rice porridge depends on the type of rice from which it is prepared, as well as on the fat content of the milk and the amount of sugar.

If we consider the indicators on average, this is what we get:

  • Proteins – 2.50;
  • Fats – 3.10;
  • Carbohydrates – 16.00.

The high starchy content of rice cereals was also noted.

Calorie content of rice porridge with milk

For a person who follows not only the principles of proper nutrition and a balanced diet, but also a diet, the caloric content of the prepared food is undoubtedly important.

It is clear that the calorie content of rice porridge depends not only on the calorie content of the cereal, because it remains unchanged (unless you cook porridge from exotic varieties, the calorie content of which is several times higher than that of ordinary rice), but also on the fat content of the milk, the amount of sugar and butter, which is usually added to the finished dish.

According to average indicators, the calorie content of rice milk porridge is about 100 kcal per 100 grams of finished dish .

Rice porridge and weight loss

If the health benefits of this dish are undeniable (removes toxins, helps to recover from poisoning and illness, saturates and does not cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract), then the effect on the figure continues to be questionable. Due to its high starch content, rice can really be dangerous and lead to extra pounds, especially if consumed regularly. However, rice porridge, even on round white grains, is not so terrible if you cook it correctly:

  • Forget the milk, butter and white rice combo. 100 g of this porridge contains 144 kcal, and this is only the average value. If you also add honey or sugar, or other sweeteners, the indicator will increase significantly.
  • Try to avoid white round rice, unless it is a porridge for a medicinal menu. Cook it on unpolished long varieties, but do not forget that they need a lot of water and long steaming in a thick pan.
  • Do not combine rice porridge with meat and poultry: try to serve it with herbs or vegetables, or eat it in the morning as breakfast. In this case, you can even put nuts, dried fruits or a little honey in it.

Benefits of rice porridge

Rice cereal is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It contains B vitamins and is rich in vitamins E and PP. The cereal is not deprived of microelements; it contains phosphorus, selenium, zinc, potassium, iron, manganese, calcium. It is a source of complex carbohydrates that provide the human body with energy and are not harmful, like simple carbohydrates.

When rice porridge enters the body, it absorbs harmful substances that are unnecessary for the body, which come along with other products. Toxins are removed from the body. Due to its absorbent properties, this dish is recommended for many diets (for example, Margarita Koroleva’s rice diet), and rice itself is often the main component of weight loss diets. For the same reason, it is advised to eat when poisoned.

The dish can help normalize sleep, enhance lactation, and even eliminate bad breath.

The most common white rice is used in the preparation of many dishes. It cooks quickly and is easy on the stomach. But brown rice is healthier. It is not processed, contains more useful substances than white rice, and the calorie content of rice when cooked in water is slightly more than 100 kcal. It will take more time and a little more work to prepare, but it will be much healthier using brown rice milk. Brown rice husks contain 80% more complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is allowed to be consumed even by people prone to food allergies.

Benefits of rice

Our ancestors cooked rice porridge in clay pots in the oven. It was usually served at the festive table. Today it is a traditional breakfast for adults and children.

Useful properties of rice porridge:

  • cereal absorbs salt, which has a beneficial effect on joint function;
  • helps brain activity;
  • protects the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • Rice does not contain gluten, which irritates the fragile stomachs of small children, so cereals are excellent for first feeding (does not cause indigestion or allergies in children under one year old);
  • it is a source of complex carbohydrates, which gradually release energy to the body and significantly reduce the need for sugar and fat; saturation is felt longer;
  • rice groats are a natural adsorbent that removes toxins and waste; as a result, the condition of the skin, hair, nails, digestive, nervous and other body systems improves;
  • the vitamin and mineral composition of rice is varied and rich; it contains phosphorus, potassium, selenium, calcium, copper, iron, vitamins B, E, PP, etc.

The benefits of rice dishes are enormous. It is believed that children who regularly consume it develop better intelligence. There are rice-based diets and fasting days. There is a method of cleansing with cereals (it has many contraindications).

  • Dairy dishes are not recommended for diarrhea. But the rice itself “strengthens”. Therefore, if you have diarrhea, it is better to cook porridge in water.
  • Rice leaches potassium salts. This is good for the joints, but not so good for the cardiovascular and nervous system. If you have problems in this area, you can add dried apricots to the porridge. But heart and vascular diseases are not contraindications for eating cereals.
  • Rice strengthens you – you should not eat it if you have constipation or colitis.

Energy and nutritional value

Calorie content per 100
grams and BJU depending on the composition:
The number of calories in a serving of rice (250 g) cooked in milk with pumpkin - 199.2 kcal

rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin PP - 12.5%, silicon - 1666.7%, magnesium - 12.5%, phosphorus - 18.8%, cobalt - 20%, manganese - 75%, copper - 20 %, molybdenum - 14.3%, selenium - 18.2%

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Nutritional value and chemical composition

Rice porridge with milk contains B vitamins, as well as vitamins PP, E, and the chemical composition is replete with calcium, potassium, selenium, zinc, copper, manganese, phosphorus and iron. Rice does not contain gluten (vegetable protein), to which some people are allergic, so rice porridge with water is recommended for everyone, without exception, including children aged 6 months.

100 g of rice porridge with milk contains:

A large amount of B vitamins in rice porridge normalizes metabolic processes in the body, including the nervous system. Rice porridge with milk doubles its beneficial properties and doubles the calcium content in the finished product, so it is a mandatory ingredient in the menu of any medical and preventive institution, as well as kindergartens and schools.

Useful properties and contraindications for its use

Diet for weight loss using rice porridge with milk

The calorie content of rice porridge with milk depends on the fat content of the milk and the amount of added sugar and butter. In order not to harm your figure, you should take the following ratio of products: 1 glass of rice; 4 glasses of milk; 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon sugar; a pinch of salt; 2 tablespoons of butter (calorie content of this dish per 100g is 98 Kcal).

Recommended diet for weight loss for 7 days.

For 7 days, you need to eat only rice porridge 3 times a day, supplemented with fresh vegetables and herbs. Portions should be small. It is allowed to eat fruit for an afternoon snack during the diet. You should exclude mayonnaise, sauces, and seasonings, replacing them with a small amount of olive oil. We prepare porridge for the diet as follows:

Interesting facts about rice porridge for those who are losing weight:

Rice porridge with milk in cooking

Rice porridge with milk is a complete and tasty breakfast that will provide the human body with energy for the whole day. To prepare tasty and healthy porridge, you must adhere to some rules:

Introduce rice porridge with milk into your family’s diet, and let this healthy and tasty dish become traditional on your table.

For a simple recipe for rice porridge with milk, watch the video below:

Very often, rice porridge with milk, which is quite low in calories, appears in various diets for weight loss. But even those who simply carefully plan their diet and monitor the food they eat often turn to the calorie content of their dishes. Rice, famous in the East, is an equally familiar side dish in our country. Moreover, the fame about it is such that it is both a dietary and very healthy cereal. It is not for nothing that the inhabitants of the East, who consume rice in one form or another every day, always look young and beautiful. It's time to reveal all the secrets of miracle food and find out how to quickly and correctly lose weight with it.

Rice porridge: features of the dish

Mostly the dish is cooked from round white rice, which has a large amount of starch. Unpolished varieties (brown, red, etc.) are not suitable for this, since they do not boil down and do not give the desired slimy consistency. It is precisely because of its high starch content that white rice is considered a controversial product in the diet and can lead to the appearance of excess fat deposits. A good substitute is long white rice, which cooks less, but is included less often in baby food.

The calorie content of dry white rice is 344 kcal.

In order to figure out how many calories are in rice porridge with water or milk, you should take into account the type of rice. The round one is boiled very much, it increases in size by more than 3 times. Accordingly, the calorie content in the finished product is reduced by the same amount. Rice porridge with water contains only 78 kcal in 100 g: this is round rice boiled 4 times and a little water (starch mucus). For porridges made from long varieties of rice, the figure can increase to 100-110 kcal.

As for how many calories are in rice porridge with milk, two points play a role here (except for the type of rice):

  • fat content of milk - its calorie content ranges from 35 to 62 kcal (per 100 ml);
  • the ratio of milk and water - the more of the first component, the higher the calorie content of the porridge.

Two recipes are considered classic: porridge made entirely of milk (cereals and liquid 1:4) and cooked with milk and half and half water. In the latter case, the calorie content of the dish is approximately 82 kcal, and in the first it is already 108 kcal. And this is if you did not add any sugar, butter or other additives.

Properties of rice milk porridge for breakfast

Rice porridge is nutritious and tasty dish. Served for breakfast, it provides energy for a long time due to slow carbohydrates. Having eaten a plate of the dish in the morning, you can feel full until lunch.

It contains many vitamins PP, D, B1, B2, B6, which are necessary for the stable functioning of the nervous system and improved memory. They also prevent insomnia and relieve psycho-emotional stress.


delicious porridge with milk is included in the menu of people leading a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system and normal functioning of the nervous system. Find out what else rice porridge with milk can do for adults :

  • Unlike other grains, rice does not contain gluten. Therefore, it is suitable for feeding children and adults suffering from celiac disease - gluten intolerance.
  • Promotes muscle growth. dish contains amino acids that take part in the formation of muscle fibers. Proteins are the building blocks of our body.
  • Is a source of energy. For this it is better to use a round variety. White long-grain rice contains a lot of fast carbohydrates and starch. The only benefit from it is quick saturation. By the way! A dish made from polished cereal is recommended for people who want to gain weight.
  • Calcium together with magnesium, strengthening muscles and bones, prevents the development of arthritis, arthrosis, and joint diseases.
  • Rice porridge removes sodium from salty foods from the body. Therefore, it is useful for kidney function, weight maintenance and weight loss.
  • Black rice contains antioxidants that can fight cancer cells. It is recommended to include dishes from it in the diet of cancer patients.
  • Dietary fibers are adsorbents that remove toxins from the body.

By the way! If you eat porridge with meat, eggs, fish, the beneficial properties will appear even faster.

For children

Delicious porridge with milk is well absorbed by the child's . Due to the absence of gluten, it is used as the first complementary food for infants. Children are allowed to cook it only from the age of six months, after grinding the grain in a blender.

Pediatricians recommend rice porridge to improve the health of babies for several reasons:

  • there is no gluten, which causes allergies;
  • contains a complex of B vitamins that ensure proper functioning of the nervous system;
  • calcium , phosphorus, potassium help strengthen bones, heart muscle, and blood vessels;
  • lecithin has a positive effect on brain formation.

Thanks to the complete vitamin and mineral composition, children develop quickly and gain weight well. Their defense system is effectively maintained.

For the elderly

Red rice has the most healing properties. Half-polished grains contain the maximum amount of useful substances in their shell. This has a positive effect on the operation of all systems. Effects of a red rice dish for the elderly:

  • Thanks to the increased amount of magnesium and phosphorus, porridge effectively supports weakened heart muscle. Provides the necessary tone of blood vessels. Eliminates night leg cramps by improving the conduction of neuromuscular impulses.
  • Iron, which is part of hemoglobin, normalizes blood composition.
  • Potassium regulates water-salt balance.
  • Red rice pilafs and side dishes help reduce bad cholesterol. It is useful to include dishes in the diet of people with heart and vascular pathologies, as well as cancer patients.
  • Fiber, contained in large quantities, swells after entering the stomach, prolonging the feeling of fullness. They stimulate intestinal peristalsis, which is usually weakened in old age.

Important! Red rice is a leader in the amount of antioxidants that fight free radicals. Regular consumption of the dish helps reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Prevents the early onset of old age and the development of atherosclerosis.

The properties of rice porridge are affected by the way the grain is processed. For white cereals, it is recommended that older people consume unpolished round grains. Refined long grain rice is devoid of vitamins and minerals and consists mainly of starch. It doesn't even contain fiber, which is why it causes constipation.

For weight loss

The result of getting rid of the hated kilograms depends on how correctly you choose the cereal. Japanese nutritionists are of the opinion that rice prevents obesity. However, not every grain helps you lose weight. Attention! To get rid of excess weight, you need to choose only brown or brown rice. It preserves the shell, which contains all the useful components. Advantages of brown rice rice dishes:

  • removes excess fluid from tissues; The porridge takes at least half an hour to cook, but it retains amino acids, folic acid, B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper;
  • the finished dish has low calorie content;
  • has enterosorbent properties - binds and removes harmful fats;
  • facilitates the functioning of the kidneys;
  • Maintains stable glucose levels, thereby accelerating fat burning.

Rice porridge for weight loss is prepared with water, without adding butter, sugar or milk. To improve the taste, season with honey or squeezed lemon juice. It is recommended to eat the finished dish without meat, fish, or eggs. Can be combined with vegetable broths and fresh fruits. It is useful to combine with salads of carrots, radishes, cabbage, seasoned with fresh herbs.

Important! When losing weight, one serving of rice for porridge is 60 grams. During the diet, you need to drink 2 liters of clean water a day, as well as take juices and herbal infusions. If you follow a drinking regime, fiber quickly moves through the intestines and does not get stuck, causing abdominal pain.

In case of poisoning

Rice porridge made from round grains has enterosorbent properties. The fiber contained combines with toxic substances, removing them from the intestines naturally. That is why whole unpolished rice is used in the diet for poisoning.

During the first day, rice water is usually used in small sips. It contains vitamins and minerals that normalize intestinal function. The next day, rice porridge is prepared in water without sugar or salt.

For gastritis and pancreatitis

Due to its enveloping properties, rice porridge is useful for diseases of the digestive system. Used in the diet of people suffering from gastritis with high acidity and colitis.

Milk porridge replenishes energy reserves with proteins and slow carbohydrates. But it is used only during the period of remission. For stomach diseases, liquid porridge is prepared to facilitate digestion.

In case of chronic pancreatitis, cereal dishes are allowed to be included in the menu. During an exacerbation, it is forbidden to eat any food, including rice porridge.

For diarrhea

Polished cereals contain little fiber. Therefore, it does not stimulate peristalsis, but fixes the stool. Porridge made from purified long-grain rice is recommended by doctors for diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and spastic colitis. Perhaps this is the only benefit of polished rice, devoid of vitamins and minerals.

Harm and contraindications

When consuming rice porridge, the benefits and harms to human health are associated with the type of grain and the method of its processing. The cooking method and additives affect the properties of the dish. Milled long grain rice does more harm than good:

  • A high glycemic index of 70 makes porridge a taboo food for diabetics. The rapid release of carbohydrates leads to a sharp release of insulin, which depletes the pancreas.
  • Long grain porridge is not recommended for people suffering from spastic colitis or those prone to constipation. Even round white rice should be consumed in moderation, no matter how healthy it may be.
  • Red rice is not recommended for hypertensive patients, pregnant or lactating women.

Attention! Frequent consumption of polished long-grain rice threatens the development of type II diabetes mellitus and obesity.

The presence of gluten in porridge is a contraindication for people suffering from gluten intolerance.

Nutritional value

Calorie content of 100 g of dry rice is 320 kcal. During the cooking process, the cereal increases in size three to four times. Accordingly, the energy value decreases. But the number of calories also depends on other ingredients (fat content of milk, butter, salt).

How many calories are in milk porridge (average values ​​taken):

If you replace butter and sugar with a spoon of honey, the amount of kcal will decrease even more.

Energy value of milk rice porridge:

Milk rice porridge recipe

Cooking rice porridge

How many kcal are in such a dish - 145. If you remove butter, egg, sugar, you get 97-100 kcal. To further reduce calories, choose milk with less fat.

There is a practice of cooking rice. It is first soaked in water, and then washed and cooked. As a result, starchy substances are washed out of the cereal. It turns into a porous sponge and absorbs salts and waste well.

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