Ideal figure. Photos of girls with height 160-165-170. Beautiful female body, types, parameters

Body types and their characteristics

A woman’s body type will determine which part of the body is more susceptible to fat deposits. This is important to consider when a girl decides to engage in fitness or sports to eliminate excess weight. Since the main loads should fall on problem areas.

In total, there are 3 body types: ectomorphic (asthenic), mesomorphic (normosthenic) and endomorphic (hypersthenic). You can determine which body type a girl belongs to at home in two similar ways.

1st method. Measure your wrist circumference using a measuring tape. If the figure is up to 15 cm, then the physique will be asthenic. Indications within 15 – 17 cm correspond to girls with a normosthenic physique. And if the number is more than 17 cm, then this is already a hypersthenic physique.

2nd method . Wrap your fingers (thumb and index) around your wrist. If it worked out. Then the girl has the first body type. When the fingers barely reach each other, then this is the 2nd type. If the gap is decent, then this indicates the third body type.

Most often, body type is inherited. It can be corrected if you put a lot of effort into problem areas. It is not recommended for overweight girls to lose too much weight, as being too thin will not suit them. These body types have completely different proportions.

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Body types for girls

There are 3 types of female figures:

  1. asthenic;
  2. normosthenic;
  3. hypersthenic.

For each type there are standards for an ideal figure.

The asthenic type is an ectomorph, characterized by thin bones. The woman has thin and long limbs. There is practically no fat layer on the body. Despite her weak muscles, the girl is naturally energetic. This type of figure is represented by a height of 165–175 cm and a weight of 45–50 kg. It takes a long time for a woman to gain weight because calories are burned faster than fat is stored. Metabolism in the body occurs quickly.

The normosthenic type is a mesomorph and is considered a proportional figure. The metabolism in the body is normal. It’s easy to gain excess weight, but with physical activity, fats go away.

Hypersthenic type – endomorph. The figure is called “broad-boned.” These women look massive: large hips, ample breasts, waist and shoulders stand out noticeably against the background of the general outline. Metabolism is slow, it is very difficult to lose fat in the absence of physical activity for a long time.

To determine your body type, your wrist is measured. If 160 mm, then the woman is an ectomorph, from 160 to 185 mm is a mesomorph, and over 185 mm is an endomorph.


The ideal figure of a girl (photos of the ectomorph physique are given below in the article for clarity) stands out with particular sophistication. It is especially difficult for them to gain roundness in the right places. There are other negative aspects to an ectomorphic body type.

Features of a thin physique:

  1. With age, fat begins to be deposited around the waist, and body proportions become unattractive. The physique becomes like a rectangle.
  2. Usually such girls are weak in physical strength.
  3. Not only fat mass is poorly developed, but also muscle mass. And it increases slowly even with training.
  4. Not very popular with men. Since there are no attention-grabbing roundness (breasts, buttocks).
  5. When losing excess weight (when it appears), muscle mass decreases first, and then fat cells.

Outwardly, these are angular girls with long necks and limbs. Height is above average. Breasts and buttocks are practically absent. Girls are not inclined to be overweight, especially when they are young. They are also distinguished by pale and thin skin and fine hair. There are also health problems.

Features of the health of ectomorph girls:

  • get tired quickly, even with a small load;
  • low pressure;
  • low iron content;
  • frequent colds;
  • problems with the spine;
  • vein diseases;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The food they eat is quickly digested, so they are forced to eat more often. Due to the lack of fat, girls are cold even in warm weather. The most suitable sports activities for them are gymnastics and dancing. If a girl decides to gain weight in the buttocks and chest area, it will take a long time. You will also have to make efforts to maintain rounded shapes.

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Types of female figures: which one is ideal?

Each girl has different body features. Some of them are congenital, genetically determined, and the rest depend on lifestyle. The female body type is formed from pronounced characteristics. Based on them, the trainer draws up a training program, and the stylist selects clothes.

• Hourglass.

This figure type is graceful. It shows balance. When a thin waist neutralizes moderately voluminous hips and bust. The buttocks are round and the legs are slender. Fat, if any, is distributed evenly over all parts of the body. An hourglass is the ideal parameters for a girl. Most representatives of the fair sex strive to approach them.

V-shape (triangle).
Body type with broad shoulders, large breasts, fairly narrow hips and slender legs. When engaging in physical activity, a girl with such characteristics needs to increase the volume of her buttocks. The fat layer likes to accumulate in the upper abdomen, while the waist is visible, which means that this deficiency can be corrected with nutrition.


How to quickly lose weight without dieting and lose belly fat?

A boyish figure without relief curves. The proportions: chest, waist, hips are almost the same. A rectangular girl gains weight with great difficulty, since her metabolism is accelerated.

Pear (spoon).
With this type of female figure, the emphasis falls on the lower part of the body. The buttocks are massive, the hips are wide, but the shoulders, chest and stomach look disproportionately small. The pear girl is predominantly short in stature and has short legs. Fat is concentrated below the waist.

Photo. Jennifer Lopez: a typical representative of the female pear figure

The most dangerous area for this type of figure is the waist and stomach. They create a visual association of a girl with an apple. Flat buttocks and narrow hips add fuel to the fire. Slender legs and an expressive bust improve the situation. Intense training and serious dietary changes will help restore balance in your figure.

Deficiencies in one or another type of figure are covered by correction with the help of physical exercises. For example, girls with a V-shape need intense training for large muscle groups - the legs. It is important for the “pear” to focus on the upper body. In the “rectangle”, nutrition comes first. The “apple” will need an intensive training regime. Girls with this type of figure should lean on cardio. The hourglass is in the best position. Ideal proportions allow them to simply keep themselves in shape and enjoy the process.


This body type is popular among men. The girl has curves in all the right places. Average weight and normal body proportions, not in poor health.

Medium build features:

  1. There is fat mass, but it is within normal limits and only adorns the figure.
  2. They can quickly both lose weight and gain it. Although with age, fat mass increases and it becomes difficult to lose it.
  3. They have a clearly defined waist. With physical activity it can be adjusted even more.
  4. The buttocks may be slightly larger than desired (from an aesthetic point of view), but they can be easily reduced through exercise.
  5. They can easily endure physical activity, so this type is more common in all sports.
  6. Slim stomach.
  7. Normal metabolism.

When compared with the ideal in terms of physique and health, mesomorphs take 1st place. With physical activity, they can reduce the size of the waist, easily pump up the buttocks, and tighten the stomach, if required.

How to determine your body type?

Doctors and fitness trainers prefer to determine body type by wrist, thus dividing body type into:

  • asthenic (wrist circumference less than 15 cm);
  • hypersthenic (more than 18 cm);
  • normosthenic (from 15 to 17 cm).

They also classify body shapes according to the metabolic processes occurring in the body. But the most popular methods are to compare physiques with fruits and geometric elements. According to this, the figure is conventionally divided into 5 types based on body proportions. In order to determine them, you just need a measuring tape and simple calculations that take into account the ratio of the parameters of the hips, shoulders, chest and waist.

Measurements should be taken as follows:

  • Breast volume can be measured over a regular bra (without push-up), at the most protruding point, around the back. It is important to keep the tape measure parallel to the floor.
  • Waist measurements are taken at the narrower part of the body, slightly above the navel. The abdomen should not protrude or retract.
  • Hips are measured at the widest part (from the bone around the buttocks). The tape is also kept parallel to the floor.
  • Shoulder width is a plane measurement. It is enough to measure the distance from one shoulder to the other.

When taking measurements, you should not press the centimeter too tightly to your body, otherwise the obtained values ​​will be incorrect.

When all the data has been received, you can begin to calculate. Trying to simplify the task, some girls prefer to use special online calculators that can be found on websites, but it is not so difficult to determine the type of figure by comparing it with the description, and then checking everything using the Bayou equations.


This type of woman was popular in the old days, although even now there are lovers of curvaceous figures. The girls are short, with much shorter limbs than girls of average build. They are distinguished by physical endurance (if the weight is not very large).

Full Body Features:

  1. Here fat mass predominates over muscle mass. But with regular physical activity, excess weight can be lost. To maintain a slim figure, exercise must be regular, otherwise the weight will return.
  2. Diet is required. To consolidate the result.
  3. Slow absorption of substances. Therefore, fat is easily deposited.
  4. The breasts and buttocks are quite curvaceous.
  5. Fat masses on the abdomen.
  6. A strong weight loss will emphasize the disproportion of the figure. Thinness does not suit such girls.
  7. Heart problems are often encountered, since excess weight wears it out greatly. And also problems with the legs (varicose veins are common).

It is not recommended for women with the same physique to try to become thin. It is possible to do this, but it can cause irreparable harm to health. Ideally, the weight should be slightly higher than that of women of average build. Then the figure will look attractive and proportional.

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Ideal figure: basic criteria

The theory of anatomical proportions of the body of the great Leonardo da Vinci is still relevant today, it is taught in all world art schools. Thanks to this teaching, many artists realized that individual parameters - chest, waist, hips - are not able to tell about the female beauty of the body. It turns out that it's all about their ratio.

1. One of the main factors in the beauty of the natural proportions of a woman’s body is her body type. The harmony of all body parameters will depend on what kind of figure nature has endowed you with - asthenic, normosthenic or hypersthenic.

It is easy to determine your body type by measuring the wrist of your working hand: for asthenics, the result is approximately up to 16 cm, for normosthenics they are in the range of 16.1-18.5, for hypersthenics - above 18.6 cm.

2. Height and waist circumference

A wasp waist is one of the signs of a beautiful female body. With a height of 148-150 cm, it should be equal to 55 cm. It is easy to calculate how many centimeters your waist should be, if you consider that according to the norm, every 2 cm of height add 1 cm to the waist width: height 152 cm - 56 cm, 154 cm - 57 cm and so on. For example, a girl with a height of 188 cm should have a waist of no more than 74 cm.

In addition, the correctness of the forms can be determined by an indicator called “whites”. According to this theory, the volume of the chest is equal to 50% of height plus 3-5 cm, for the bust - plus 8-10 cm. For asthenics, a chest volume of 84 cm and above is considered normal, and the bust adds 4-6 cm to the obtained values.

3. Weight

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Ideal body weight is associated not only with a person’s body type, but also with his age. One of the calculation options is the Quetelet index.

So, for example, for girls 15-18 years old it is equal to the following values: for asthenics - 315 g, normosthenics - 325 g, hypersthenics - 355 g for every 1 cm of height. For girls 19-25 years old, the Quetelet index will be equal to, respectively: 325 g, 345 g and 370 g. For women 26-39 years old – 335 g, 360 g and 380 g per 1 cm of height. In addition, for those girls and women whose height is below 1m 60 cm, the weight should be 10-15% less. This is especially necessary for girls under 20 years old.

The percentage of fat in a woman's body is of great importance. Trying to create an ideal body, like the professionals, with 5% body fat is unrealistic, since these values ​​are achieved with the help of special diets and special pharmacology. But 10% is ideal.

If we compare two girls with the same weight of 60 kg and different percentages of body fat - 10 and 20%, then the first will have 6 kg more muscle tissue than the second. The appearance of both beauties will be strikingly different!

If girls with an hourglass figure just need to lose weight so that their ideal body proportions become visible, then “pears” need to focus on strength training in order to slightly build muscle on their narrow shoulders, and “apples” need to give preference to aerobic exercise and exercises for lower body.


One of the indicators of an ideal female body is proportionally long legs. This parameter is calculated in the same way, based on the amount of growth. Legs are considered long if they are more than 50% of the height. At the same time, in hypersthenics with a harmoniously developed figure, the length of the lower limbs exceeds 0.5 height by 3-4 cm, in normosthenics - 5-6 cm, and in asthenics this difference can be up to 6-10 cm!

The length of the legs is measured from the point where the femur protrudes to the horizontal surface. It’s not for nothing that women love high-heeled shoes so much - they are visually able to eliminate the existing imbalance.

In fact, from the point of view of fitness trainers and doctors, the most indicative of health is not the ideal proportions of the female body, but a combination of three factors:

Body weight should not be 5 or more kilograms higher than ideal;

The subcutaneous fat layer over the entire surface of the body should not be more than 2 cm;

A woman should be physically active, eat healthy foods and meet her daily calorie requirement, have quality rest, get good sleep, be resilient and flexible, and have normal physiological indicators (appetite, blood pressure, physical strength, and others).

Whether or not to adjust your parameters to any system for calculating the ideal female body is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But every year more and more new criteria for assessing the harmony of the female body appear.

A recent anthropometric examination of female figures by scientists revealed lengthening of the arms, legs, and the appearance of a high waist as the norm. Most women's shoulders have become wider and their posture has improved. Doctors concluded that, in general, the younger generation has become slimmer and taller.

Table of parameters of the ideal female figure for each body type

The ideal figure of a girl (the photo will not give a complete picture of the proportions, since each type of figure has its own parameters) is determined by basic indicators (waist, hips and chest). It is not necessary to look in the mirror; it is enough to know your measurements, which are shown in the table below.

Table of maximum standards for thin, average and overweight girls:

Body typesChest (cm)Bust (cm)Waist (cm)Hips (cm)
Ectomorph81 — 8588 — 9059 — 6385 — 90
Mesomorph85 — 9092 — 9661 – 6487 — 92
Endomorph90 — 9395 — 10068 — 8099 — 105

These are the parameters that a girl based on her body type should adhere to. An average-type girl should not compare herself to a skinny girl, since everyone has a different bone structure. Even if you manage to remove excess fat, your bones will not be reduced.

Changing ideals

Women's fashion has changed countless times throughout history, and this primarily concerns the ideal female physique. If we consider modern ideas, oddly enough, we can turn to the theory of Leonardo da Vinci, who argued that it’s all about the right ratio of volumes to each other. We all know the “90/60/90” standard, taken as a basis; it is considered to be a female criterion for determining the proximity of an ideal physique. And of course, the lion's share of women tries to meet this norm.

On this score, among the works of Leonardo da Vinci there is a drawing called “Vitruvimen”, which means “man in a circle”. The figure describes that 50% of the female figure should be the lower limbs (from the ground to the edge of the symphysis pubis). The next 25%: from the pubic symphysis to the nipples. In the “90-60-90” model, the size of the hips and chest are equal to each other. But you need to keep in mind that this very model is not ideal, because it does not take into account the genetic characteristics and predispositions of the human body. When compiling such a formula, the different existing types of female figures, given by nature, were not taken into account, therefore “90-60-90” cannot be considered an ideal measure.

In the case of female figures, they are divided into 3 just like male figures, only they are called differently:

  • Thin and tall - asthenic (ectomorph);
  • Normosthenic - these are women of average build (mesomorphs);
  • And hypersthenic – women prone to obesity (endomorphs)

Optimal ratio of height and leg length

In addition to the basic parameters, girls also monitor the proportionality of their legs and body. This ratio also depends on the type. Unfortunately, deviations from the norms here can only be corrected with the help of shoes. But you shouldn’t overdo it, since too high a heel means an increased risk of injury to your feet.

When measuring your leg to body ratio, it is important to get the measurement correct. You need to measure from the hip bone to the heels (sometimes they measure to the toes). On average, legs should not be shorter than ½ height.

Leg length indicators:

  1. Ectomorphs: 87 – 92 cm.
  2. Mesomorphs: 85 – 89 cm.
  3. Endomorphs: 83 – 87 cm.

These are averages. They can change depending on growth up and down.

In a woman’s everyday life, the length of a woman’s legs does not play a big role. Photo models and fashion models need to know this more. But ideal leg proportions attract men.

Ideal weight proportion for heights 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180 cm

The ideal figure of a girl is not only compliance with all parameters, but also the number of fat cells per share of weight.

A photo can give average information about a figure; many are accustomed to trusting the ratio of weight and height.

Table of weight norms depending on the height and type of girl:

Age/height (cm)155160165170175180
15 — 1848 – 50 — 5550 – 52 — 5752 – 54 — 5954 – 55 — 6055 – 57 — 6257 – 59 — 64
19 – 2550 – 53 — 5752 – 55 — 5954 – 57 — 6155 – 59 — 6357 – 60 — 6559 – 62 — 67
26 — 3952 – 56 — 5954 – 58 — 6155 – 59 — 6357 – 61 — 6559 – 63 — 6760 – 65 — 68
40 – 4953 – 57 — 6055 – 59 — 6257 – 61 — 6459 – 63 — 6660 – 65 — 6862 – 67 — 70
50 — 6055 – 59 — 6257 – 61 — 6459 – 63 — 6660 – 65 — 6862 – 67 — 7064 – 68 — 72

The permissible average weight for ectomorphs is indicated through a hyphen; for mesomorphs; for endomorphs. With age, weight increases regardless of body type. Because metabolism and the general condition of the body changes. Although, if you follow proper nutrition and lifestyle, you can maintain your figure longer, and at 50 you can look no worse than 30-year-old women.

Formulas for ideal female body proportions

Oddly enough, there is no formula for ideal proportions of the female body. Or perhaps it was intended by nature itself that achieving this perfection, applicable to absolutely all women on the planet, is impossible and illogical. After all, then everyone should be similar to each other, like clones, with only minor changes in parameters. But all women are unique, each of them is one of a kind. Therefore, searching for ideal female proportions is irrational.

Ideal female proportions are those given to everyone at birth. For a girl, the body and figure are only a shell in which inimitable attractiveness and grace are stored. But it is important to note that you need to take care of your figure in order to maintain natural beauty and fill your body with health. And this means leading an active and healthy lifestyle.

Determining your relationship to one of three physiological body types helps you learn more about your body type:

  1. Ectomorph.

An ectomorph is easy to distinguish - below average weight in proportion to height, skinny build. He tends to have a high metabolism, so eating large amounts of food does not cause weight gain.


  • low percentage of subcutaneous fat,
  • narrow constitution,
  • narrow hips, collarbones,
  • small joints (wrist/ankles),
  • string abdominal muscles,
  • long upper and lower limbs,
  • small breasts and buttocks,
  • hyperactivity,
  • difficulty gaining muscle mass.
  1. Mesomorph.

Mesomorph - physiological indicators average between ectomorphic and endomorphic types, reflects the qualities of both. Has the ability to quickly gain muscle mass and additional weight. Has a larger bone structure than endomorphs, but the percentage of body fat is similar to the ectomorph type.


  • wide collarbones and shoulders,
  • symmetrical constitution,
  • slim waist,
  • long, round abdominal muscles,
  • low fat percentage,
  • big muscles.
  1. Endomorph.

The endomorph body type is considered the complete opposite of the ectomorph. It is bulkier in appearance, has a small percentage of muscle mass, but a high ratio of fat.


  • enlarged chest,
  • wider/thicker joints,
  • hips wider than collarbones
  • short limbs,
  • a large amount of fat,
  • big skeleton,
  • low muscle score due to adipose tissue,
  • frequent fatigue,
  • insatiable appetite.

The ratio of height and leg length

For most men, female height and ideal leg length are not a determining factor in the attractiveness of the opposite sex. If a girl does not have long model legs, then there is no need to give in to despair. As many men as there are, there are so many opinions about ideal beauty and the female figure. Some people like petite ladies, while others are seduced by the gracefulness of tall ladies.

There is a table to measure the ratio of height and leg length:

HeightLeg length
· from 155 to 160 cm
· from 161 to 167 cm

· from 168 to 174 cm

· from 175 to 180 cm

78-83 cm
84-89 cm

90-94 cm

95-100 cm

Leg height is measured by a simple centimeter from the protruding bone on the hips to the heel.

Proportions of chest, waist and hips

Perhaps many women think that breasts and hips are the first thing men notice when they pay attention to them. But this is a mistaken opinion. Numerous surveys have shown that men notice these parts of a woman’s body only after her smile and eyes. And what is beautiful for one person does not arouse the interest of another. The most ideal female figure requires harmony while respecting the proportions of the waist, hips and chest.

If the waist volume is 60-70% of the hip volume, these are visually ideal parameters.

The standards for the width of the shoulders in relation to the hips should be in equal proportion. Deviations to a smaller or larger direction should be corrected by changing diet and exercising. This will help bring harmony to a woman’s appearance.

Ideal proportion of weight and height

An ideal weight is not an absolute goal for appearance or health. It is possible to look attractive across a wide range of female body types. But it is worth noting that being underweight or overweight in relation to height is associated with poor health outcomes. The main thing is to find an individual comfortable, healthy weight and try to stick to it.

Table of weight parameters for height:

Height in centimetersWeight in kilograms
13728 , 35
14030 – 37
14232 , 40
14535 , 43
14737 , 45
15039 -48
15241 – 50
15543 , 52
15744 , 54
16047 , 58
16349 -59
16551 , 62
16853 – 64
17055 , 67
17357 – 69
17559 – 72
17861 , 74
18063 – 77
18365 , 79
18567 – 82
18869 , 74
19172 , 87

Ideal parameters of a female figure: chest volume, abdomen, hips

Not all girls rely on their body type. There are generally accepted standards for ideal parameters. Here you need the correct relationship between the waist, hips and buttocks. Where the hips should be proportional to the height. The waist and chest are proportional to the buttocks. That is, everything is interproportional.

HeightNeckShouldersRib cageBreastWaistButtocksHipCaviar
150 – 15228,528,5808757885233,5
153 – 15529,529,580,58957,5895233,5
156 – 15829,529,582,591599153,534,5
159 – 16030,530,583,5926092,55435
161 – 16330,530,585936193,55535,5
164 -16731,531,587956295,55636,5
168 – 1703232899663,59857,537
171 – 17332,532,590,59764,510058,538
174 — 175333391,59965,510159,538,5
176 – 17833,533,59310166,510359,539
179 — 18134349410367,510460,539,5
Permissible deviation standard1-21-24-515-66-73-41-2

The table shows the average sizes and permissible deviation in cm (+/-) for ages 25-40 years. It is imperative that the stomach is flat, without unnecessary folds and there are no manifestations of cellulite on the thighs.

Table of ideal height and weight ratio for women by age

HeightFrom 20 to 29 years oldFrom 30 to 39 years oldFrom 40 to 49 years oldFrom 50 to 59 years oldFrom 60 to 69 years old
1 m 50 cm49 kg54 kg59 kg56 kg55 kg
1 m 52 cm51 kg55 kg60 kg58 kg56 kg
1 m 54 cm53 kg60 kg62 kg60 kg59 kg
1 m 56 cm56 kg62 kg66 kg62 kg61 kg
1 m 58 cm58 kg64 kg68 kg65 kg62 kg
1 m 60 cm60 kg66 kg70 kg66 kg65 kg
1 m 62 cm62 kg69 kg72 kg69 kg67 kg
1 m 64 cm64 kg71 kg74 kg72 kg71 kg
1 m 66 cm65 kg72 kg77 kg74 kg71 kg
1 m 68 cm69 kg74 kg78 kg75 kg73 kg
1 m 70 cm69 kg76 kg80 kg77 kg75 kg
1 m 72 cm73 kg77 kg82 kg78 kg76 kg
1 m 74 cm74 kg79 kg84 kg79 kg78 kg
1 m 76 cm77 kg80 kg85 kg81 kg79 kg
1 m 78 cm78 kg82 kg86 kg82 kg81 kg
1 m 80 cm80 kg84 kg88 kg84 kg82 kg
1 m 82 cm83 kg88 kg89 kg87 kg83 kg
1 m 84 cm86 kg89 kg91 kg87 kg86 kg
1 m 86 cm89 kg91 kg93 kg90 kg87 kg
1 m 88 cm92 kg94 kg96 kg92 kg89 kg
1 m 90 cm92 kg96 kg97 kg96 kg93 kg

Standards of the female body, according to men

The ideal figure of a girl (photos of thin women do not always attract the attention of the opposite sex, since each man has his own ideal) is a purely individual concept. But there are also common features that attract everyone's attention.

Initially, the man pays attention to the girl’s face. It is desirable that there is no strong highlighting of the cheekbones, full lips and attractive eyes. Usually they like oval faces. Body build is average or slightly overweight.

It is imperative that there are circles in the right places (buttocks and chest).

Be sure to have beautiful posture and gait. Well-groomed long hair and beautiful skin. If a girl knows how to present herself well, then a man will not notice any flaws in her figure.

Visual parameters of a beautiful female figure

The ideal female figure has undergone changes throughout history. The Renaissance celebrated the woman with a champagne bottle figure, wide hips and very narrow shoulders.

In the 20s of the twentieth century, girls began to massively cut off their long hair and unlace their corsets, promoting a free, independent lifestyle to the masses, and with it a “free”, boyish figure with narrow hips. The 50s were marked by the revival of symbols of female sexuality with a wasp waist and ample breasts - Marilyn Monroe, Bettie Page and others.

Be sure to read: Normal body fat percentage for women and men: how to measure, minimum values

After the “heroin chic” of the 90s, the trend for traditional feminine forms, not emaciated by eternal diets and excessive thinness, is gradually returning to us.


Breasts are the second thing a man pays attention to when looking at a woman. Lush and firm breasts are more popular. This is explained by the fact that a man is, first of all, a male. And large breasts indicate that the woman is mature and ready to reproduce. That is, the choice of large breasts occurs on a subconscious level.

And for the same reason, men can be put off by a small bust size. They are more typical for teenagers and do not arouse sexual interest in men. It is important that the breasts are symmetrical and not droopy.

If a girl cannot change her size without surgery, then her shape can be maintained for quite a long time.

Photo of a girl's ideal figure according to many men

Men also note that you can attract attention with medium and even small breasts. A lot depends on the girl here. If she loves her body and proportions, she knows how to present everything correctly. Then her breasts, even small ones, will be her advantage. The main thing is that she fits into the girl’s build.

Women's ideal figure: reviews

A man’s preferences primarily depend on his age, as well as the country in which he lives. The fact is that each locality has its own stars, as well as girls who watch from the screens. Below you can read reviews from men about the ideal female figure.

Women's ideal figure, reviews:

Evgeniy, 37 years old. I like a figure like Kelly Brook's. I believe that a woman should be appetizing, with beautiful breasts and lush buttocks. I don't like skinny women. Perhaps because it’s hard to call me slim. I can't stand ladies with huge buttocks like Kim Kardashian. I never understood such beauty, who came up with this?

Artem, 23 years old . I love slender girls, but I want breasts and hips. That's why I never dated flat girls. I love athletes, but not very pumped ones.

Vitaly, 50 years old . For me, the ideal woman is Salma Hayek. I really like the short stature and appetizing shape of a woman. In addition, he always preferred dark-haired women with a Brazilian type of appearance. I can say that this kind of woman is chic for me. Although for women of my age such a figure is very rare. Still, she has the finances to maintain her figure and beautiful appearance. You rarely see one like this among women on public transport. Everyone is either very plump or thin and wrinkled.

Kelly Brook
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If there is a lack of adipose tissue, the body preserves itself, therefore preventing the possibility of conceiving a child. This is faced by many models who give up their modeling career for the sake of pregnancy because they cannot get pregnant due to low body weight. Therefore, under no circumstances should you rely on the model parameters 90-60-90, especially if you are not 15 years old, and do not belong to asthenics.


Typically, men are attracted to straight legs, the length of which is slightly more than half the girl’s height. They should not be thin or too fat. It is not advisable for the calf to stand out too much, otherwise the leg may resemble the shape of a bottle, this is not very attractive to men.

Girls’ legs should not be completely straight; there must be 4 gaps:

  • foot-ankle;
  • under the knees;
  • knees-hips;
  • groin-hips.

The hips should be wide near the buttocks and taper smoothly towards the knees. There shouldn't be any orange peel. The calves are not too toned, but not completely absent either. The ankles flow nicely into the feet. No hair.

The tendons do not stand out too much and all the transitions are smooth, no protruding or sharp kneecaps. The knee itself should be located approximately in the middle of the length of the leg. The heel is smooth and rounded, there should be no flat feet.

Ideal proportions and sizes of a female figure

The ideal female figure in the modern world is based not only on slimness and thinness. Statistics have determined that men have a greater preference for “appetizing” ladies than thin ones.

Particular attention is paid to the proportionality of the female figure - high large breasts, narrow waist, rounded hips. These parameters are considered the perfect forms that a modern beauty should have

Table for calculating ideal parameters for a girl

Equally valuable in the eyes of a man is not only the ideal parameters of the figure, but also the ability of women to dress beautifully, and not necessarily to parade through the streets half naked. Therefore, you should not wear short skirts, more like a wide belt, or blouses with a revealing neckline. The ideal option is to opt for toilets that not only hide minor flaws in the figure, but also highlight its strengths. The following table will help you determine your ideal parameters:


The ideal figure of a girl (photos can sometimes refute the result obtained by measurements, where all indicators are normal) is also beautiful protruding buttocks. Even if the hip girth corresponds to the data in the table, but they themselves are not elastic and flat, then they will not attract the attention of men.

The stronger sex loves protruding and firm buttocks. To have something to pinch.

A good size indicates the maturity of the body and therefore men are drawn to such women for procreation, on an instinctive level. It is also believed that a lady with beautiful buttocks is passionate in bed.

Pear body type

The pear type is considered the most attractive and feminine, since this figure is characterized by narrow shoulders, small breasts and wide hips (hips are 5% wider than the bust or shoulders).

To determine, you need to multiply the largest indicator (usually the width of the shoulders) by 0.95. The obtained result is compared with other parameters.

At the same time, the woman’s stomach is flat, her waist is well defined and no unnecessary folds appear on it. Often, owners of such shapes have a slightly longer upper part. To confirm your conclusions, you need to divide the volume of the hips or shoulders by the volume of the chest. If the resulting figure is greater than 1.05, then the woman has a Pear body type.

Formula: OB/SH = or > 1.05 (where OB is the volume of the hips, and SH is the width of the shoulders).

These shapes are also called A-shapes, trapezoid, triangle or spoon.


Men love to kiss women on the neck, so it plays an important role for them.

Most often, girls with medium or slightly elongated neck length are chosen. So that the muscles and blood vessels do not bulge too much (this occurs among female bodybuilders). Must have elastic and velvety skin.

Techniques and secrets for achieving ideal figure parameters

If you follow the rules of nutrition and physical activity, then any girl can improve her appearance. The most important thing is that the desire grows into a goal. And patience, which will come in handy at first, has become a habit.

How to achieve the desired parameters:

1. Nutrition:

  • the diet should be complete, but foods that lead to fat deposition should be reduced to a minimum sufficient for the body;
  • exclude junk food (soda, sweets, spices, etc.);
  • reduce salt intake to a minimum;
  • draw up a menu for the week, at least in the first month. To do this, you need to know the calorie content of each product and prepared dish, as well as the approximate composition of nutrients;
  • be sure to follow the old rule when eating: breakfast is light but filling; at lunch the portion is the largest; light food for dinner, no later than 4 hours before bedtime;
  • if you have digestive problems and need to eat more often, then eat small portions;
  • the amount of fruits and vegetables should prevail;

  • between meals, drink as much clean water as possible, without gases. Before eating, drink a glass of liquid;
  • remove snacks from your diet. Weekends are especially rich in them;
  • chew each portion of food taken for a long time and thoroughly;
  • do not overeat;
  • understand that food is needed only to satisfy hunger, and do not make lunch or dinner into unique rituals;
  • look at the composition of products that are sold in finished form.

2. Spend as much time outdoors as possible. You can arrange evening walks or jogging. Fresh air will help food digest faster, which means that extra calories will not be deposited.

3. If possible, walk to visit and work. Move as much as possible.

4. Additionally, introduce morning exercises, but not to exhaust the body, but to charge it with energy and start the digestive tract. Sleepy people store fat faster.

5. If possible, sign up for a gym. But not just anywhere and close to home, but to a proven trainer, where the result is guaranteed. And follow the instructions strictly.

6. When finances are limited, you can play sports at home; many books are sold for this and there are videos on the Internet. Self-control plays a major role here.

7. Do not start immediately with heavy loads, otherwise you can damage your muscles, and while they are recovering, you will gain extra pounds.

8. You can do yoga, it will restore psychological balance and improve your figure.

9. Believe in yourself and don't give up if the results are slow.

10. Take baths with herbs and do massages that disperse fat deposits and tone muscles. Otherwise, after losing excess weight, the skin will become flabby and hang.

11. Get enough hours of sleep. Since it has been proven that a person who sleeps little is more susceptible to obesity.

12. Avoid stressful situations. And monitor your immune system.

13. Since it is recommended to take more fluid, you need to make sure that there is no swelling. When they appear, you need to drink diuretics and consult a therapist to find out if there are problems with your kidneys.

14. Maintain proper posture. The back is also part of a beautiful figure.

A beautiful figure is not only ideal parameters, but also well-groomed skin. Don’t forget to do scrubs and use creams. To speed up and improve the result, you can go for body wraps (especially on problem areas). This will further improve the condition of the skin.

Classic beauty standards are no secret to many, but few people know about the types of types that girls have. And it often happens that an endomorph girl starves herself with diets and exercise in order to achieve an ideal figure that simply does not suit her physique.

Thus, the girl only harms her health. And often an emaciated lady sees the result of her unnecessary labor only in a photo that does not suit her.

Author: Kotlyachkova Svetlana

Article design: Mila Friedan

Ideal female figure: proportions for endomorph, ectomorph and mesomorph

body types
are women of short stature with short legs and arms, and a rather dense build. It is very difficult for them to acquire harmonious shapes and parameters 90-60-90. Even during regular training, this is very difficult to do. Because with significant weight loss, the figure of such women becomes angular and far from ideal, despite proper nutrition and physical activity. It is contraindicated for such women to lose too much weight, since a small amount of excess weight does not spoil the figure, but on the contrary, it looks quite harmonious.

Ideal female figure, proportions for endomorph, ectomorph and mesomorph:

  • There are several more measures that allow you to find out whether the figure is normal or not. Usually it is necessary to subtract 105 or 110 cm from height. But as practice shows, the weight that is equal to height minus 110 cm is mainly given to female athletes after drying.
  • During the period of gaining muscle mass, it is rarely possible to achieve a mass equal to height minus 105 cm. This is due to the fact that muscle weighs much more than fat, so an athlete who looks quite slim can have a decent body weight, at the level of 70-80 kg .
  • There are some standards that help determine whether a figure is in good condition. It is believed that there should be 4 gaps at the level of the legs. One gap between the feet and ankles, the second between the calves and knees, the third between the knees and thighs, and the fourth between the thighs and groin.
  • If you have 4 holes at foot level, then they have a beautiful shape. However, all this is very average, and specific data should depend on the characteristics of each woman’s figure. Age is also of great importance. After all, over time, metabolism slows down, so a woman can gain excess fat. As practice shows, this affects girls with an asthenic physique most critically. After all, the main fat accumulates in the waist area and looks very ugly.

Feminine beauty

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