How to run a marathon on Instagram: detailed instructions with examples

Be slim and stay in shape all year round, not just for summer

Successful body building is an improvement in the quality of the body due to:

  • proper and balanced nutrition;
  • training for pleasure at any convenient time;
  • solving psychological problems related to nutrition, discipline and motivation.

The sooner you complete the marathon, the faster you will get to your desired figure and forget about harsh methods of losing weight:

1. All kinds of diets, after which you can gain even more than you had before

2. Exhausting two-hour workouts

3. Eating that leads to breakdowns

4. Bans on all foods except chicken fillet and cucumber

Examples of past marathons

A blogger with a million subscribers, Mila Levchuk, recently closed the “March Without Pants” marathon. Participants had to switch exclusively to dresses in the first week of spring. The winner was determined by voting among subscribers of the @milalevchuk account and received a shopping pass in the amount of 30 thousand rubles.

Elena Ruvel has only 1 thousand subscribers, but her linguistic marathons are also in demand.

Stop putting up with this

Diets can cripple your health both physically and mentally.
Therefore, it is important to exclude such a concept as “diet” from your life forever. A low-calorie diet of 900 kcal is NOT a story about losing weight, but rather about gaining weight (in the long term, when you decide that you’ve had enough). Only a balanced diet will help you stay healthy and beautiful.

Feel slightly tired after exercise rather than slightly alive

After marathon training, your body will function at the desired level, and only pleasant pain will be felt in your muscles.

Cook according to my proven PP recipes

You can choose from a variety of dishes from savory to sweet using simple ingredients. This will allow you to lose weight deliciously and easily.

My recommendations on nutrition are divided into 2 types: for systematic and comfortable weight loss and for the fastest possible

You will be able to choose the path that is most comfortable for you and get results without strict restrictions on food both during the marathon and after it. Marathon participants even eat chocolate and get good results, so be calm in this regard.

What is an Instagram marathon and why is it needed?

Nobody would run marathons if they weren’t profitable. They are currently highlighted as one of the most effective methods for promoting expert blogs on Instagram. Probably everyone has held at least one such event: both famous bloggers and accounts with a small audience.

However, among novice bloggers there is an opinion that running a marathon is difficult and expensive. They say they “no longer work” because the public is tired of them. I would like to debunk these myths, since holding such events is not just useful for the blog. If you are a coach, trainer or consultant, you simply need them to attract new audiences and engage existing ones.

For what?

The point of the marathon for the participant is to learn something new. For the organizer - “sell yourself.” And this can be “sale” both literally and figuratively.

The goal of the marathon can be:

  • expanding the audience of subscribers/involving the “silent” public;
  • attracting the attention of subscribers to a paid product;
  • audience monetization.

You may ask, is it necessary to run a marathon to solve these problems? Why not use other promotion tools: mutual advertising with other bloggers, engaging posts or competitions.

Firstly, account promotion is a set of activities. It's better to use all the tools, not just one. Mix them to surprise the audience. Secondly, Instagram is a platform for communication and entertainment, not for sales and advertising.

The “magic” of marathons is the interaction and feeling of unity with other participants. People like to perform a variety of tasks, learn something useful, and find like-minded people.


The marathon must:

  • Be interesting . For example, not just a “How to Lose Weight” training, but an event with an attractive feature. “Marathon of low-calorie sweets”, “Losing weight while breastfeeding” or “Week of detox of your body”. The marathon should offer the participant to plunge into something new and previously unknown. And, of course, the topic should be adapted to the account’s audience.
  • Be of practical use . Give participants a guarantee that they will not leave the marathon empty-handed. Encourage them to solve relationship problems, learn languages, or develop writing skills together. This way you will win over your subscribers.
  • Be simple . You should not “scare” the audience with complex tasks or scientific and encyclopedic material. The tests should be feasible for the participants and should not take much time to complete. It is better to present information in simple and understandable language.
  • Have a prize fund . It is important to awaken the spirit of competition. Motivate participants to be active by promising a nice gift. This works great. The vast majority of Instagram marathons reward winners.

This is interesting: 10 services for mass-looking stories on Instagram

Change yourself externally and internally in 21 days

What is included in the marathon:

  • personal calculation of the KBJU for each marathon participant;
  • my author's lectures on nutrition and effective fat burning;
  • recommendations for the food basket;
  • a guide to working with an application that counts calories for you;
  • skeleton menu for 7 days;
  • training for each problem area without sports equipment at a time convenient for you;
  • PP recipes for comfortable weight loss;
  • anti-cellulite tips;
  • motivation and psychological support.

And a lot of other useful material for comfortable and adequate weight loss.

At the end of the marathon you will receive:

  • minus in volumes and on scales;
  • reduction (or complete disappearance) of cellulite;
  • improved health (physical and psychological);
  • increased endurance;
  • increased energy and productivity in your daily tasks;
  • understanding how to eat without counting calories and not gain weight;
  • faith in yourself, your strengths and intentions (not only in the area of ​​weight loss, but also in other important areas of your life).

Who is NOT suitable for the marathon:

  • pregnant women;
  • those who want to gain muscle mass;
  • up to 16 years old;
  • men.

Weight loss marathon: what you need to know before you start

A weight loss marathon is a competition between several program participants who receive the same conditions and compare the results obtained. These marathons last for different times, but most often they last 3-4 weeks or 3-4 months.

Practicing nutritionists assure that such weight loss programs are an excellent motivation for the lazy and always doubtful, but they warn that the proposed lifestyle will have to be followed throughout life so that the previous forms do not return.

It is important to understand that a correct/useful marathon is a whole system within which the participant is given:

  • correct psychological attitude;
  • detox program;
  • absolutely rational menu;
  • physical activity program.

Starting an offline marathon
You need to know before the start of the marathon that it will be difficult to achieve results, you will have to infringe on yourself both in food and in lazy rest. Moreover, such weight loss “in the crowd” necessarily requires regular reports to the instructor and other participants. The lack of results will be noticeable and mean that the person is ignoring the recommendations of the presenter/organizer.

Essence and purpose

The essence and goal of marathons is rapid weight loss, shocking and effective. Such programs can be of several types:

  • Online marathon – held on the Internet, you just need to sign up for a specific group on a social network. You can find the corresponding groups on Viber, WhatsApp, marathons can be paid or free - it all depends on who specifically organizes the program and how long it will last.

What does the online weight loss marathon promise?
The online marathon is suitable only for those who have willpower, are self-disciplined and will not break down after 1-2 days or go to the store for buns.

Example of a prize fund for winning an online weight loss marathon

  • Offline weight loss marathon - conducted in direct contact with a nutritionist, fitness instructor and other program participants. Such marathons are almost always paid; sometimes the organizers insist that participants purchase additional services. For example, a consultation with a trainer may be free, but you will need to purchase a subscription to attend training in a certain period.

A clear advantage of an offline marathon is stricter control over adherence to the program; the nutritionist personally monitors the food diary and can adjust his own recommendations “as he goes.” Regular communication with participants and specialists will not give you the opportunity to relax and give up losing weight, because it will be simply embarrassing.

Offline marathon

Such marathons can be conducted by nutritionists among their clients, in closed online groups where participants know each other at least through correspondence. The easiest version of a weight loss marathon is among friends:

  • will be free;
  • excellent motivator;
  • there is a healthy spirit of competition.

And another option is a television marathon on weight loss, when real specialists work with the participants, and thousands of viewers watch the show. If such publicity does not frighten you, then you can safely submit an application. There will really be results, because the marathon immediately provides physical stress, nutrition is strictly controlled, so there is simply no chance of failing.

We recommend reading about how to get ready to lose weight. From the article you will learn how to mentally and psychologically prepare yourself for losing weight, how not to lose weight, and how to form healthy habits. And here is more about the basics of intuitive eating and Elena Kalen’s diet.

Terms and Conditions of Participation

The conditions for participation are very simple: you just need to submit an application, pay the specified amount and provide your initial data on weight, age and body measurements. But the rules will need to be strictly followed:

  • do not miss any recommendations, do not take “unauthorized” days off;
  • report to the group on time - usually participants are generally disqualified for absences without reason;
  • report food products that are not suitable for consumption - for example, there is an allergy, so that the organizer can quickly adjust the menu.

It is believed that weight loss marathons are strictly contraindicated:

  • under the age of 18;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during the period of breastfeeding.

It is imperative to inform the organizer about the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and urinary system, and hormonal problems.

For such pathologies, the diet should be compiled exclusively on an individual basis, and the drinking regime will have to change - for example, with chronic pyelonephritis or urolithiasis, you should not drink more than one and a half liters of liquid per day.

And one more important nuance: there are separate weight loss marathons for men, which involve not only weight loss, but also strengthening/building muscle mass. It is not advisable for men and women to lose weight using the same program, since their bodies work completely differently, which means that marathons should be different.

How does the PP marathon work?

The PP marathon (proper nutrition) lasts on average 4 weeks, and this program is called express, but it can last 12 months, it goes according to the following scheme:

  • Once a week, participants take measurements of their waist and hips and weigh themselves - these results are posted publicly, visible to both the coach/organizer and all marathon participants;
  • every day the organizer posts a menu, participants must report on the preparation of recommended dishes with photographs of their own table;
  • the marathon leader demonstrates training to the participants, an example of a set of physical exercises - there is a video recording of them, available for execution/repetition at any time of the day;
  • Periodically (about once a week), the organizer reviews the most common mistakes of those losing weight in nutrition and training live.

Communication between participants is always encouraged in the marathon. For this purpose, there is a chat in which those losing weight describe their feelings, share problems and moods, give advice and motivate each other to achieve maximum results.

Participation price

The price for participation is variable; in general, the organizer can set the cost of the marathon at his own discretion, but on average this figure ranges from 600-3000 rubles for a three-week program. What determines the cost of a weight loss marathon:

  • program - it may include different workouts, but often the organizers limit themselves to one complex;
  • communication with a nutritionist - if the course is expensive, then most likely the specialist is constantly in touch and gives video lessons on nutrition and proper/healthy weight loss;
  • supervision – is there constant communication with the organizers of the marathon, are there live broadcasts;
  • Are there any prizes/rewards at the end of the marathon for the most successful participants?

And the price will be much higher if the program is conducted by a famous person. Many have been working in this field for a long time and have already earned an impeccable reputation, have many positive reviews and even guarantee results provided that all “assignments” are followed.

Watch this video about how online marathons take place:

Before and after results, do they really help?

The before and after results are posted regularly - most often both weight loss and volume reduction occur, but whether such marathons really help is a very controversial question:

  • In 3-4 weeks you can lose 5-15 kg of weight - this is real. But most of the plumb line is liquid, toxins and waste, and not fat deposits.
  • Restriction in food and sudden physical activity put the body into a state of shock, in which the storage systems “turn on” - further weight loss will proceed either very slowly or stop altogether.
  • Training involves strength and aerobic exercise - the former are strictly contraindicated for people who are very overweight. It is unlikely that you will be able to effectively lose weight if your joints and ligaments are damaged, and this often happens during such sports activities.
  • As soon as the participant, having achieved results, returns to the regular menu, the lost kilograms return and even “bring” additional ones with them.

An example of a result after a marathon
In order to get real results and not lose them, the principles of nutrition and physical activity recommended during the marathon must be followed throughout your life.

Together we will take care of your figure and health

Julia is the author and host of the marathon.

8 years of experience in the field of fitness and nutrition, completed training as a gym instructor, in addition to this, she is constantly undergoing training in the field of nutrition.

In 2 years, more than 2,000 girls under her leadership lost a total of 6,800 kg.

Constantly improves himself externally and internally, experiments with nutrition and training for the most effective path to the goal.

He knows how to “finish off” the last kilos from his own experience.

She knows first-hand what compulsive overeating is.

Immerses himself in psychology to support his clients at the right time.

For the sake of the experiment, I ate 5000 kcal per day in order to gain weight and lose weight in 3 weeks at home with an adequate approach to the matter. As a result, I improved the quality of my body, lost kilos, and lost weight in my thighs, hips, stomach and sides. Her followers on Instagram followed this experiment and worried about her more than she did (date of experiment April-May 2021). Her results in 21 days:

Weight loss marathon: menu

The essence of the menu for a weight loss marathon is the rejection of fast carbohydrates, which are the main cause of the appearance of fat deposits. Many organizers do not even include fruit in the menu, and nutritionists consider this a correct, but too strict restriction. The advantages of the menu are that there is no feeling of hunger, the disadvantage is that the craving for sweets does not decrease, gastronomic breakdowns are possible.

An example for every day

A sample menu is given for each day:

  • breakfast – boiled lentils with hard cheese and herbs;
  • second breakfast (snack) - cakes made from cottage cheese, apples and oat bran, baked in the oven, with tea without sugar;
  • lunch – turkey fillet cutlets and fresh vegetable salad (tomato + cucumber) with vegetable oil;
  • afternoon snack - we finish the cottage cheese cakes from the second breakfast;
  • dinner – cauliflower under an egg in the oven with herbs.

You can drink almost any drink a day, but without sugar, milk and cream. Decoctions of rose hips, hawthorn, dried fruit compote and fruit drinks will be useful. But only if there are no medical contraindications such as kidney disease and gallstone disease.


The most effective recipes for a weight loss marathon:

  • “Brush” salad is a classic, made from fresh beets, carrots and white cabbage. All vegetables are finely chopped or grated and mixed with vegetable oil. A dressing of sour cream with the addition of lemon juice is allowed, but only if the salad is eaten for breakfast.
  • Fish in the oven - you can use mackerel, pink salmon, carp for cooking. The fish is cut into steaks, salted, sprinkled with lemon juice and baked in the oven at 180-200 degrees for 20-30 minutes. You can add carrots, onions, Brussels sprouts or cauliflower to the fish on a baking sheet. You can add vegetable oil, but only in minimal quantities.

  • Curd cakes - baked in the oven for 20 minutes. Prepared from 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese (mash with a fork), green apple (grate on a coarse grater) and oat bran (add 1 tablespoon to the mixture). The mass is mixed and placed on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.

Natalia Mikhailovna Vaganova's weight loss marathon

Natalia Mikhailovna Vaganova’s weight loss marathon is a psychocorrectional method, the essence of which is:

  • putting patients into a light trance state;
  • the use of suggestive techniques;
  • the use of verbal and non-verbal suggestions.

Confirmed results of the program from Vaganova:

  • the permanent feeling of hunger disappears;
  • the process of metabolism and fat burning starts;
  • per month the weights are 15 kg.

The duration of the marathon is only 2 days, but almost all participants manage to maintain the results obtained for a long time, almost forever. The marathon is not suitable for pregnant/breastfeeding women, teenagers under 18 years of age and people with mental disorders.

Elena Kalen's marathon for weight loss

Elena Kalen's marathon for weight loss is not a classic diet, but a program based on psychology that changes people's thinking and eating habits. The main advantage of the marathon is that it has no contraindications; even pregnant and lactating women and teenagers can take it.

Elena Kalen's program:

  • video lessons that influence psychology, the organizer works in the direction of linguistic influence;
  • training in different formats - depends on the initial size of the participant;
  • recommended menu for every day;
  • regular support from a psychologist and consultations with nutritionists and fitness instructors;
  • meditation.

In a month of marathon, you can get rid of 10-15 kg of excess weight, the result lasts for many years.

Irina Agibalova and the weight loss marathon

Irina Agibalova is a participant in the “House 2” project, who now positions herself as a weight loss expert and invites those who wish to participate in her marathon. She has no special education, nor any experience in such programs. It is reliably known that Irina underwent surgery to cut the stomach (resection) and liposuction of the lower extremities. Therefore, there are a lot of doubts that Agibalova achieved ideal shape only through diet and physical activity.

Her program is simple:

  • dietary restrictions;
  • clear calculation of calories and fat/protein/carbohydrate ratios;
  • daily exercise.

Irina Agibalova before and after losing weight
Experts do not recommend using her services, because the marathon does not have a system and can become downright harmful to health.

Alena Stikhareva and her weight loss marathon

Alena Stikhareva’s weight loss marathon works as follows:

  • The goals of the participants are being worked out. It is clear that there is one goal for everyone - weight loss, but special exercises with a psychologist will help make it understandable and quite achievable. An adequate, feasible plan is drawn up.
  • The subconscious gets involved. Participants receive information about the calorie content of food and the need to consume carbohydrates and fats. You will be able to save money (food will be affordable).
  • Workout. Three times a week, Alena gives physical activity assignments; the exercises are performed without additional sports equipment. The loads are moderate, suitable for participants of any weight.
  • Menu. Prepared for every day, always delicious, the program includes more than 60 recipes.

Alena gives advice on caring for the body and face so that losing weight does not cause sagging skin. The duration of the marathon is 1 month, but it can be continued further, which will only enhance the weight loss effect.

Marathon Orskaya method for weight loss

The Orsk method for losing weight is a marathon, which is held in Orsk, Orenburg region and in Moscow. The essence of the marathon is coding for hunger, that is, the organizer works with the subconscious of people, influences them psychologically and literally “zombifies” them.

There are many reviews on the method, and most often they are negative: it is impossible to stop eating and after a few months of complete hunger be healthy, in a good mood, cheerful.

Doctors are categorically against such weight loss, especially since there are recorded cases of death of marathon participants - after 5 months of partial refusal of food, people simply fell into a coma. Hunger is generally contraindicated for weight loss, because if there are any results, they quickly disappear after “returning” to a normal diet.

Malysheva and her weight loss program

Elena Malysheva is a certified doctor, so her weight loss program is designed correctly and gives the desired results if you strictly follow the specialist’s recommendations. Features of losing weight with Malysheva:

  • You definitely need to eat - at least 4 times a day, and maybe 5 or 6 times;
  • for each meal you can eat a maximum of 1 glass - 200-250 g for women and up to 300 g for men;
  • drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water a day - not carbonated, not compote or tea;
  • you need to reduce the amount of salt and animal fats you consume;
  • The doctor keeps sweets in the diet menu, but with a minimum amount of calories.

We recommend reading the article about Elena Malysheva’s diet. From it you will learn what you can and cannot eat to lose weight, the diet menu, and also how to lose belly fat at home. And here is more information about how to do meditation for weight loss.

Weight loss marathons are a good choice for those who cannot engage in weight loss on their own, do not have enough willpower and are charged only with appropriate competition. But experts warn that not all marathons are practical and effective, some of them are downright harmful.

Examples and types of marathons

Globally, marathons can be divided into group and individual:

  • Individual . It is carried out by one blogger in his own account. The topic matches the profile topic.
  • Group . Organized by several bloggers. A general theme for broadcasts/tasks/content is created and a prize fund is jointly sponsored. The trick is that to participate you need to subscribe to all the organizers at once.

What would a marathon be like? The topic can be anything. Let's look at a few examples.

Weight loss marathon

The absolute leader among topics, since everyone is losing weight these days. Thanks to healthy lifestyle fashion. Here they teach you to “eat potatoes at night and lose weight,” select vitamins, and prepare PP meals.

For example, at the group marathon “School of Slimness” @school_stroinosty, 25 bloggers conduct an educational program on this topic: starting with a nutritionist, ending with a massage consultant.

Sports and fitness

Another fruit of the healthy lifestyle trend. Sports events are even launched by bloggers whose account topics are not at all related to training. This is such a current trend.

Instagram coach Max Mukovnin @maks_mukovnin together with fitness trainer Artur Azizbekyan @arturfitt launched a sports marathon #startnewlife21 under the hashtag of the same name to encourage their subscribers to devote at least 21 minutes a day to sports.

Bloggers for bloggers

Today there are so many people on Instagram who want to develop a personal blog that there is a need for successful people to share their experiences. Marketing marathons are popular.

“Design and visual in marketing” @insta_marafon. The speakers say that they will teach you how to convey uniqueness on your blog through design, structures, and images. The marathon is organized by bloggers.

Creative marathons

Photographers, artists, designers and other creative experts offer participants challenges to improve their skills. For example, take a cool photo a day for 10 days in a row or write texts on assignments. There are purely educational events: “Learn to knit” or “We bake a new pie every day.”

A group of artists and content specialists is holding a creative #marathon_autumn_stories. Participants are offered to learn how to write incredible texts and pictures.

Business marathons

Making money is always important. Besides, not everyone can do this. Issues of increasing income, proper financial management or legal reduction of tax payments never go unnoticed.

How to find an idea for your own business, correctly conclude an agreement with a client, and overcome fears that hinder development was discussed at the group marathon “Your Business” @marafon_svoe_delo.


A marathon can be organized on almost any topic. Example: “You are the best” @lu4shaya_ty. Here you can manage your own life, choose an economical, stylish wardrobe, plus even live broadcast with a dentist blogger. 11 female experts found commonality in such different topics of their blogs and organized an interesting women's event.

Reviews from clients

How to organize a marathon

Marathon preparation stages:

  1. Account preparation . Make a beautiful profile design, fill out a section about yourself, make relevant stories, and so on.
  2. Defining the target audience . Who are you looking forward to at this event? Write portraits of each category of participants, if there are several. The more detailed these descriptions are, the better. Something like: “Young mother, blogger, business owner, follows trends and strives for excellence in everything.”
  3. Formulate the theme of the marathon . It’s better to do this based on how your marathon will be interesting and useful. You need to consider what its goal is: expand the audience, engage existing subscribers, or stimulate sales.
  4. Consider organizational issues . You can run the marathon in your account or create a separate profile. Make a forecast of how many participants will fit into the event and decide how the interaction between you will take place. It is also better to come up with your own hashtag for the event.
  5. Organize a prize fund . You can raffle off a trip to Bali, a lipstick, or a discount on your own paid product. It all depends on the goals of the marathon, your creativity and solvency.
  6. Create a plan for tasks and events . Schedule each day of the marathon. For example: “Day 1 - Live broadcast about crocheting”, “Day 2 - Task: knit a scarf without a pattern”, “Day 3 - IGTV video with a review of the best product based on the results of the first task” and so on.

How much does a marathon cost?

Participation in the slimming marathon in 21 days is possible in 2 options.

STANDARD (no support):

  • all marathon lecture materials;
  • training program with a description of the exercise technique;
  • KBJU miscalculation;
  • general chat with support and motivation.

Cost: 1200 rubles

PREMIUM (with support):

  • analysis of your figure based on photographs and a questionnaire (what to focus on in training, what nutrition will be optimal for you, advice and recommendations for losing weight);
  • all marathon lecture materials;
  • training program with a description of the exercise technique;
  • KBJU miscalculation;
  • general chat with support and motivation;
  • diet check, adjustments, vector for the next week and personal recommendations from Yulia personally.

Cost: 1700 rubles

All information and materials remain with you forever!

It's better to invest in your health and well-being than to spend half your salary on pills.

But that is not all…

Interactive for Instagram, or How marathons help promote your account and gain subscribers

All marathons on Instagram are “training tutorials” that are really useful to subscribers. For example, you run an account for a women's clothing store, and your goal is to quickly increase brand awareness, brand loyalty, and increase the number of followers. What should be done?

  1. You are launching a marathon “Changing style in the spirit of Cinderella.”
  2. Every day for a week you post challenges on how to easily change your style.
  3. Participants repost your announcement about the marathon and report on the completion of each task in their accounts.
  4. The winner receives a prize - a subscription to purchase in your store.

This way, you attract new followers to your account and increase your reputation as an expert, and “races” on Instagram are relevant for everyone: from famous bloggers to small accounts with an active audience.


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Conducting a fitness marathon

The marathon itself comes down to following a schedule. You provide information to study, send out assignments, review them within a given time frame, and evaluate participants.

Do not forget:

  • motivate and entertain participants;
  • monitor how they communicate with each other;
  • answer questions, provide additional information;
  • work with participants individually (even if this is provided for in the marathon program or “tariff plan”);
  • write down all comments, complaints, wishes.

Diet Marathon 21 days. English diet 21 day menu

Let's look at the full menu of the English diet for three weeks. As already mentioned, over a 21-day period you can vary a little, change some products. You can use the products offered to make different dishes of your choice. But don’t forget about the rules: the regime, the prohibited list of foods, the strict portion sizes. Remember that you can only cook by steaming, boiling or baking in foil.

Diet 21 days menu for every day:

Days: 1, 2, 21 – fasting or milk days;

  • Breakfast: a glass of milk or kefir, rye crackers;
  • Lunch: a glass of milk or kefir;
  • Dinner: a glass of milk or kefir, rye crackers;
  • Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of tomato juice.

Days: 3-4, 7-8, 11-12, 15-16, 19-20 – protein or meat;

  • Breakfast: coffee with milk or green tea with honey, a slice of toasted rye bread with a small piece of butter;
  • Lunch: Meat, chicken or fish broth – 200g, boiled meat, chicken or fish – 150g, fresh vegetables – 50g. Can be replaced with baked meat or fish with vegetables - in the same proportions;
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of milk, kefir or green tea, a spoonful of honey;
  • Dinner: Hard cheese – 50g (can be replaced with boiled meat in the same proportions, 100g of cottage cheese or a glass of kefir), boiled eggs – 2 pcs, rye crackers.

Days: 5-6, 9-10, 13-14, 17-18 – fruit and vegetable.

  • Breakfast: apple – 2 pcs., orange – 2 pcs. Can be replaced with any other fruit;
  • Vegetable soup – 200g, vegetable stew, stewed vegetables or vinaigrette without potatoes with olive oil – 150g. You can eat rye crackers;
  • Afternoon snack: Any fruit – 200g;
  • Dinner: Vegetable salad with a spoon of olive oil - 200g, a cup of green tea with a spoon of honey.

The English diet menu is quite simple, it won’t take a lot of time and effort, and won’t put a dent in your wallet.

In the first days, slight discomfort and problems with stool may appear. During the first week, the body adapts, and all unpleasant sensations should pass.

If this does not happen, pain appears or discomfort increases, it is recommended to stop the diet.


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