Top 18 effective methods to deceive hunger

How to deceive your appetite It's no secret that during the long New Year holidays, many of us gain excess weight - well, if only a couple of kilos.
Is it really possible to refuse plentiful, delicious holiday feasts at home, away, or in restaurants? Scientists say it is possible! In addition to physical saturation, food gives us perhaps the most necessary feeling for a full life - psychological satisfaction. It is this that causes “eating problems” or rich holiday feasts and, as a result, the appearance of extra pounds. Modern scientists believe that you can be happy without overeating - you just need to pay more attention to everything related to the meal.


Psychologists have found that the ideal portion of food for a person is calculated using the formula X = 100% – 50% . In other words, this is exactly half of the amount of food that we are ready to “eat with our eyes”! It turns out that in order to be satisfied and not gain excess weight, half of the usual portion is enough for us. In fact, a person is designed in such a way that when he gives himself a portion of food, he subconsciously takes 2 times more than his body needs to be full, that is, he takes it “in reserve,” scientists explain. This is why we so often get up from the table with a feeling of heaviness in our stomach, although we have eaten no more than usual. In this case, exactly half the contents of the plate is the golden mean between saturation and moderate energy consumption. Thus, the practical application of the ideal portion formula is as follows: every time you put food on a plate, feel free to remove half - you will not remain hungry, and the acquired energy will not be converted into excess fat.

How to deceive your body and appetite?

You can, of course, wage a grueling struggle with your own body to get rid of every gram of excess weight.
But it’s better to act like a woman - just... deceive your body. Small tricks are forgivable if they allow you to effortlessly lose a few kilograms and feel more active, beautiful and healthy. Most women suffering from excess weight have impaired water metabolism, that is, the amount of water in the body exceeds the norm. This is due to the fact that obese people produce excess insulin, which causes fluid retention and increased appetite. At the same time, water accumulates - it is formed during the oxidation of food entering the body.

What should we eat when we decide to lose weight, but we really want to eat? What all weight loss diets have in common is the consumption of juices, fruits and vegetables, wholemeal bread, and yogurt. So they are y6ep with the desire to eat to their fill in the evening. Eating one or two fruits or vegetables at each meal will keep you full and naturally reduce your calorie intake. Have snacks every 4 hours. Small portions of food will help maintain blood sugar levels, which will relieve you of mood swings and insurmountable hunger pangs. At home and at work, always have a “pantry” of oranges, apples, biscuits and other low-calorie but tasty “stuff” on hand. The main thing is not the feeling of satiety, but the feeling of satisfaction!

How to lose weight without torturing yourself, your beloved? Cut yourself some slack. But then atone for your 'sins'. After eating a pie during the day, in the evening give up something no less high in calories, but not so tempting. Tighten the nuts gradually. Cut your diet by 100 kcal every day: replace the regular chocolate bar with an orange, cookies with sauerkraut. Have fun. Try a new dish every day, and fresh taste sensations will relieve you of “diet boredom” and the dull suspicion that beauty really requires sacrifice and that sacrifice is you.

How to always feel full? Eat slowly. It takes the body 20 minutes for the signal 'I'm full' to travel from the stomach to the brain. Hot food is absorbed more slowly than cold food. Cook quickly. Then you won’t have time to “go crazy” from hunger while smelling the kitchen smells. Use pre-peeled or frozen vegetables. Never eat on the go while doing something - cleaning, reading, etc. Try food as little as possible during cooking, or better not try it at all. Brush your teeth after eating. If the taste of food remains in your mouth, your body will 'think' that you are not yet full. Drink water - one glass before meals and one glass every hour during the day. This will suppress the feeling of hunger and relieve you from evening attacks of appetite. Always have a bottle of still mineral water ready. But coffee helps increase your appetite!

How to reduce the calorie content of food without depriving yourself of gastronomic joys?

Here are some tricks

Use spices. Sometimes we mistake the desire to experience intense taste sensations for real appetite. Seasonings will help you satisfy him. The fierce enemy of appetite is garlic! Grind three cloves of garlic and pour a glass of boiled water at room temperature. After a day, the infusion is ready. Take a tablespoon before bedtime. Sugar in desserts can be replaced with vanilla or cinnamon. Eat mostly unprocessed or minimally processed foods—wholemeal bread instead of white bread. Low-calorie 'versions' of familiar foods are preferred over all others. 'Skinny' sauces instead of fatty ones (with butter, mayonnaise or sour cream). The chicken will be no less tasty with mustard or vegetable sauce. Evening is the most 'dangerous' time of day! In the evening we are left alone with our appetite. The best defense for your diet: don't come home hungry. There is also such a tactic for curbing appetite - the '+5 minus kg' rule. For one week, when you come home and feel a passionate desire to pounce on food, make an effort and be patient for 5 minutes. In the second week, wait 10 minutes, etc. Once you learn to hold back for 20 minutes, you will begin to control the impulsive desire to put something in your mouth.


As you know, a person is a hostage to his habits. And the habit of brushing your teeth after eating, according to psychologists, can be an excellent reason to “put off” your appetite. It is she who will come to the aid of those who cannot cope with the evening desire to snack. It's simple - if you feel hungry in the evening and are already heading to the refrigerator, look into the bathroom on the way and just try brushing your teeth! Scientists assure that thanks to this simple trick, the “teeth should be brushed after eating” attitude will work – and your appetite will disappear by itself.


French psychologists have found that a person’s appetite directly depends on the intensity of nutrition and the eating habits of the people around him. More than 8 thousand French people of both sexes took part in the five-year study that allowed scientists to come to this conclusion. As a result, it turned out that those people whose friends, brothers or spouses are overweight increase their risk of obesity by an average of 47-57%! This is explained quite simply - a person unconsciously absorbs exactly as much food as is customary to eat in the society around him. It is this feature of our psychology that allows us to understand the reasons for intense weight gain during the New Year holidays! A way out of this difficult situation is offered by Russian scientists, who are confident that in order to avoid excess weight, a person should follow the example of... animals. “Nature is wise, and none of the animals will ever eat “for company,” psychologists say. “It’s time for us to give up this bad habit.” And try to eat strictly according to the clock, even if those around you have a wonderful appetite!” Scientists advise listening to your body more, rather than following the instinct of imitation.

How to trick your appetite?

Excessive cravings for food are the beginning of the disease. We must fight it persistently and patiently. Nutritionists advise how to do this correctly...

— After eating, never sit at the table. To the question: am I full? - Answer only twenty minutes after eating. A short walk after eating, even five minutes, will increase your feeling of fullness.

- Never eat standing up - you will eat a lot more.

- Never skip breakfast. It is what stimulates the metabolic system and promotes fat burning.

— Oatmeal quickly saturates the body and helps you lose weight. They are slowly digested in the stomach, and you will not feel hungry for a long time.

- Those who are prone to overeating should change three meals a day to five meals a day. If you feel hungry, do not panic - arrange for yourself a supplementary diet. An apple, a glass of kefir or yogurt will do.

— When you eat apples, be sure to eat all the grains. The grains of one apple contain the daily requirement of iodine. It inhibits the urge to eat.

- Half a glass of fresh parsley decoction will make you forget about food for two hours. Rinsing your mouth with mint water, which you can buy in pharmacies or brew yourself: a bunch of mint in a glass of water, has a similar effect.

— An infusion of figs and plums is an excellent appetite deceiver. Pour half a kilogram with 3 liters of water, cook until the liquid evaporates to 2.5 liters. Drink half a glass before meals along with fruit.

- If you really want to eat, chew a spoonful of skim milk powder.

- Introduce legumes into your daily diet - beans, peas. They improve digestion and quickly fill the stomach. Potatoes boiled in their jackets or baked are very useful.

— If you drink a glass of tomato juice or mineral water before eating, the portions needed to satisfy your hunger will be reduced by a third.

- Coffee is a great appetite booster - limit it to two cups without sugar.

— For dinner, no later than 2 hours before bedtime, you should eat vegetables with a piece of meat. The amino acids contained in meat activate hormones that burn fat during sleep.

—Have you ever wondered what weight loss teas, weight loss medications, and appetite-challenging capsules are based on? All of them stimulate the intestines. A woman’s health depends on its condition. No wonder the French say that “beauty begins with the stomach”...

— The intestines love foods rich in plant fiber. Wholemeal rye bread, porridge - buckwheat and pearl barley, fruits - apples, plums, especially prunes, vegetables - carrots, beets, green onions - all of them uniquely stimulate intestinal motor function. Cabbage fiber even removes excess cholesterol from the body.

— The fierce enemy of appetite is garlic. Grind three cloves of garlic and pour a glass of boiled water at room temperature. After a day, the infusion is ready. Take a tablespoon before bedtime. You can simply swallow one clove of garlic per day without chewing. It will take away all pathogenic microbes and help cope with an insatiable appetite.

— The feeling of hunger is dulled by this self-massage: press the pad of your middle finger on the point between your upper lip and nose for several minutes.

— For at least an hour, the following exercise will help you forget about food: stand in front of an open window, feet shoulder-width apart, arms in the sky, above your head and take 10 very deep breaths.

— During the period of “weaning off” from excessive appetite, try to wear tight dresses or trousers - this will protect you well from gluttony...

- You will cope with the harmful temptation of overeating in two months - this is quite a sufficient period of time for the body to “restructure” to reduced doses


Russian psychologists have proven that visiting grocery stores with chewing gum in your mouth can protect consumers from unplanned purchases, especially if the trip to the supermarket was on an empty stomach! As it turned out, the process of chewing aromatic gum “distracts” the attention of the part of the brain responsible for the feeling of hunger, provides short-term satiety and allows you to avoid making rash purchases based on the “eating with your eyes” principle. The same goes for visiting people. If you're visiting family or friends on an empty stomach, try chewing gum to distract your appetite. This kind of time-out will not only allow you not to eat everything at once, but will also give you time to choose the most suitable products for you and create your own menu that evening!


Eating naked is another way to significantly reduce your calorie intake! “It’s enough to undress before dinner and the feeling of embarrassment for the imperfections of your figure will make you eat much less,” psychologists assure. In this case, the ability of self-criticism inherent in every person comes into play. And if, when eating food in clothes, you forget about the hated extra centimeters, then in the nude your subconscious will work mercilessly and, as a result, block your appetite. As for holiday feasts, try to wear tight clothes - this is a great alternative to eating in the nude will help you avoid overeating and prevent self-criticism from letting your guard down!

Check boxes

Always remember exactly what and how much you ate during the day! According to psychologists, such control of food consumption will allow you to learn to balance your diet over time, regardless of the influence of external factors. By practicing this for 50 days, you will not only learn how to properly create a menu, but also begin to listen to the desires of your own body. So, for example, if you ate meat for lunch and mentally checked the box that you already had a meat dish in your diet today, for dinner you will most likely prefer fish, vegetables or mushrooms. In this case, a mental or written “tick” serves as a food intake controller and provides not only satiety, but also psychological satisfaction from the meal. In addition, this technique will allow you to avoid overeating with any particular product - if you ate a cake and gave yourself a report about it, that is, you checked the box, your body is satisfied with the cake for today, that is, it is psychologically full of it. If you do not give yourself an account of the food you have eaten, your body will receive satisfaction only as a result of real physical overeating. The most uncontrolled eating occurs during a meal in front of the TV - in front of it, the person’s brain is busy with what is happening on the screen and is not able to control food intake, which is why a person is able to eat much more than in silence at the table.

How to trick your body and lose weight. 51 effective ways to deceive hunger

Despite the fact that it is believed that hunger is not a problem, we can help it escape.
And there are 50 and 1 quite effective ways to do this! 1. drink a lot. The stomach can be tricked with liquid, which dulls the feeling of hunger. Try drinking a cup of green tea, a glass of tomato juice or mineral water with a slice of lemon.

2. eat in silence.

Thus, if we eat while listening to music or TV, we will eat more food due to the fact that we are distracted from the process. This has been scientifically proven. And the temptation to eat something fatty or sweet increases significantly.

3. take a hot bath. This will help you relax and reduce your appetite, and increased sweating will rid the body of excess fluid.

4. Sports are required. If you feel an irresistible hunger, do exercises. It’s small, but exercise can distract you from the obsessive desire to eat and help you burn two extra calories.

It has been noticed that after training, appetite decreases. However, too much physical activity can interfere with healthy sleep.

5. control the color! The blue color is guaranteed to reduce appetite, this has long been known. At the same time, yellow, orange and red awaken him. Tip: get a cobalt dinner set, a blue tablecloth and a blue dress for the holidays.

The same applies to tablecloths and curtains. And of course, there are no panels with picturesque baskets of fruit on the walls.

6. aromatherapy. It can reduce appetite. If it appears unscheduled, you should sniff the perfume, aromatic oil, light an aroma candle, or bring a grapefruit peel to your nose. Fruity and floral aromas give the best effect. Due to the special location (nearby) of the centers of smell and hunger, odors can suppress the feeling of hunger for a certain period.

7. go back to childhood. Buy for yourself a set of small but beautiful dishes from which you will not be able to eat a lot. After a while, you will get used to eating small portions. Just don’t run around for a supplement at every meal.

8. pamper yourself. After dinner, a light dessert (low-fat yogurt, fruit, a piece of dark chocolate) is perfect for lifting your mood and curbing your appetite if you eat it right away.

9. listen to yourself. Eat only if your body signals that you are hungry, but if you are already full, stop. Stop eating socially or during lunch if you are not hungry.

10. Eat without additives. Spend your last meal without adding herbs and spices. They can increase appetite and hunger even after eating.

11. out of sight. Remove seemingly high-calorie foods. Let there always be vegetables and fruits on hand that you can snack on painlessly if you can no longer bear it.

12. enjoy your food. Do not punish your body with hunger or tasteless food. Let fried meats and sweets, if you adore them, remain in your diet. However, they should be consumed no more than once a week and in small portions. Learn new olive oil and seafood salad recipes to enjoy making and eating.

13. walk more. Research by scientists from Scotland shows that if you take a walk in the fresh air before eating, you feel less hungry. This occurs due to the saturation of the body with oxygen. If you can’t go for a walk, you can take a deep breath and exhale several times. Exercise will also help: squats, bends and stretches.

14. good sleep. According to research by American scientists, it became known that people who sleep 7-8 hours a day are less prone to obesity than those who sleep 5-6 hours. Observations were carried out for 15 years on 68,000 subjects. So, if you are trying to lose weight, you will have to sleep well: go to bed on time, eat little at night (this interferes with sleep, because digestion after eating is very active.

15. count the steps. It is optimal to take 10 steps per day. Their quantity can be measured with special devices, some of which are built into mobile phones or watches.

16. walks before bed. They can distract you from hungry thoughts. But keep in mind that fresh air can whet your appetite, so go to bed immediately after walking.

18. smell mint, banana, apple. The aroma of these products can reduce appetite, and therefore the amount of food eaten. This helps in the fight against excess weight. Nutritionists from America came to these conclusions after conducting tests on 3,000 subjects.

19. brush your teeth. After dinner, brush your teeth immediately. This will eliminate the desire to eat again before bed, because we have already brushed our teeth!

20. visualize. Imagine as clearly as possible that you are attractive, charming, slim and beautiful. Is this beautiful woman going to go and eat her fill for the night? You can flip through fashion magazines and look at slender models to completely suppress your appetite.

21. don’t have dinner in the twilight. A professor at the University of California, he and his students held candlelit dinners for two weeks and proved that in the dark a person is not able to control himself. The sensitivity of taste buds is heightened, and absolutely everything, including ordinary bread, seems unusually appetizing.

22. don't starve. Make sure that the energy value of your diet does not fall below 1200 kcal and does not rise above 1800 kcal. Both are fraught with damage to your figure.

23. eat on a schedule. Develop the habit of eating strictly on a schedule. In this case, the blood sugar level will stabilize, and the body will begin to require food, attention, only at certain hours.

24. Don't skip meals. And don't go without food for more than 4 hours at a time. Then you won’t have time to get hungry and won’t overeat.

25. drink before meals. Before your meal, drink a glass of water - you will dull the feeling of hunger and partially fill your stomach.

26. Place a mirror opposite the table. American studies show that those who monitor their reflection eat 22% less.

27. don’t forget about greens. Chew a sprig of parsley. Its bitter taste will weaken your appetite. 28. Start your day with cottage cheese or yogurt. It's best to start the day with yogurt or cottage cheese. People who eat 3 servings of dairy products per day lose 60% more fat than those who simply cut back on their diet.

29. 20 minute rule. There is also the “20 Minute Rule”. Only if you managed to have lunch in less than 20 minutes, the brain does not have time to receive the information that you are full and continues to demand “Continuation of the Banquet.”

30. Fruits are a great solution. Do you have a craving for sweets? Enjoy fresh fruit. And if you just want to chew something, eat a grain bread or the same fruit: the fiber they contain will satisfy your hunger for a long time.

31. keep the refrigerator full. There should always be healthy food in the refrigerator! This will save you from unplanned raids on Fast Food or the nearest stand with ice cream and hot dogs.

32. “Small” purchases. Don't be afraid to deceive yourself, especially in the store. Instead of a standard package of dried fruits, buy a small one. You'll eat it all anyway. Less is better than more.

33. Beware of hot sauces. Hot sauces and seasonings like Tabasco, chili, garlic or pepper not only stimulate digestion, but also whet the appetite.

34. never snack on the go. Never snack on the go while standing at the stove or refrigerator. This way you will eat more.

35. eat potatoes. Contrary to popular opinion and the beliefs of many nutritionists, potatoes are by no means the worst enemy of slimness. Due to their high starch content, potato dishes keep you feeling full for a long time and, moreover, do not allow your blood sugar levels to drop.

This means that you don’t want to eat longer, especially sweets. Just choose boiled or baked potatoes without additives.

36. self-massage. To dull the feeling of hunger, use this self-massage: press the pad of your middle finger on the point between your upper lip and nose for several minutes.

37. garlic. The fierce enemy of appetite is garlic. Grind three cloves of garlic and pour a glass of cold boiled water. After a day, the infusion is ready. Take 1 tablespoon of this infusion before bed.

38. vegetables and meat for dinner. For dinner (and it should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime), vegetables with a piece of boiled meat are best. The amino acids contained in meat activate hormones that burn fat during sleep.

39. 5 meals a day. Replace three meals a day with five meals a day. When you feel hungry, eat an apple, yogurt or drink kefir.

40. apples with seeds. Eat apples along with grains. Green apple seeds contain the daily requirement of iodine, and it inhibits the urge to eat.

41. a short walk after eating. A short walk after eating, even five minutes, will increase the feeling of fullness.

42. After eating, try not to sit at the table. Follow the advice of French women and answer the question: “Am I full? “Only 20 minutes after eating - otherwise the signal from the stomach to the brain simply will not have time to reach.

43. Avoid crash diets. Avoid strict diets, especially short-term ones, because the lost pounds will definitely come back, and with interest.

44. breathe deeply. You've probably noticed that when you're nervous, you want to eat. The more often we get nervous, the more difficult it is for us to get rid of the feeling of hunger. You can combat nervous tension with breathing. Inhale and try to exhale as hard as you can. At the same time, count to 5 and gradually relax your shoulders and arms. Then take a deep breath, again counting 5, and hold your breath for 4 seconds. Repeat the exercise for 5 minutes. This kind of gymnastics should be done 2-3 times a day or

Optical illusion

Scientists are unanimous in their opinion that the blue color of dishes can curb your appetite! The thing is that dark blue, like each of the four primary colors, is an expression of one of the basic biological needs: physiologically - peace, psychologically - satisfaction. Our brain “reads” color signals at the level of collective consciousness, so the information message of blue color will be well understood by the subconscious and will give a signal of satisfaction much earlier than if the dishes are light or green. Eating food from blue dishes obviously gives a feeling of calm and satisfaction, which affects the decrease in appetite.

Use a blender

Foam helps to deceive hunger and fight extra pounds, says Professor Barbara Rolls, a nutrition researcher and author of several diets. After studying the eating behavior of several dozen people, Rolls found that those who drank at least two milkshakes or other shakes a day ate 12% less and did not feel hungry for a long time. Moreover, the longer the cocktails are shaken during preparation, the more satiated the drinker feels.

Why? The secret is that by beating the liquid, we increase the volume of the final product by adding air bubbles - which, of course, have no energy value. You can use tomatoes in the same way, for example, adding them to meat dishes. Due to their high water content and low calorie content, they increase the volume of your dish without affecting its calorie content.


Psychologists believe that you can develop the habit of eating moderately in three weeks of daily training. One of the most effective ways is to remember the true purpose of things and influence your own subconscious! To do this, you need to hang “reminders” wherever you need to develop new habits, for example, on a carafe of water! A note with the following content is suitable for the decanter: “2 liters a day is your norm,” for the refrigerator: “Why are you opening me, look what time it is!” The vegetable compartment can be decorated with a sign: “Weight Loss Products,” and the candy box can be called “Excess Fat.” Give everything that surrounds you honest names, and the subconscious will very soon get used to the true purpose of food and household items.

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