“How to lose weight in 28 days” - a new weight loss technique

Osama Hamdiy power system

The fact is that Osama Hamdiy’s nutrition system was originally developed for people suffering from diabetes. After a while, it began to be successfully used by the population with large body weight. In 4 weeks of following the diet, up to 28 kilograms are lost. The figure is relevant for those with a body weight of more than 100 kg. With a smaller mass it takes about 20.

The diet is strict. At its core, the professor considered the chemical reactions of the body. According to reviews of people who applied the Osama Hamdiy diet, their problems with the gastrointestinal tract went away. The digestion process accelerated, digesting heavy foods became noticeably easier.

The body gradually gets used to the reduced calorie value. The process of “getting full” ends faster. The stomach does not suffer from overeating.

Osama Hamdiy claims that the main reason for the large gain of kilograms is toxic deposits. Its system, based on the regularity of chemical reactions, allows you to cleanse the intestines of these same deposits. Therefore, the kilograms disappear quite quickly, in a month or 28 days.

Why was Osama Hamdiy’s diet called “egg”? The professor has two dietary options: cottage cheese and egg. The name of the diets directly depends on the main product on the menu. For example, in the first week of the egg diet, your daily breakfast includes two eggs.

Why eggs, you ask? The fact is that they are a very filling dish. With the indicated amount (2 pieces) you can easily eat enough.

Beautiful and glowing skin: menu for 28 days

  • How nutrition for clear skin works
  • Nutrition menu for clear skin for 28 days

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How nutrition for clear skin works

If rashes, acne and other imperfections begin to appear on the face more and more often, and the skin itself has become dull and gray, then the reasons are most likely internal.

These may include hormonal changes, increased blood sugar, and internal inflammatory processes that can be caused by viruses, bacteria and even parasites. All this enhances the work of the sebaceous glands, which leads to clogged pores.

Of course, it’s worth starting with an audit of external care. Check if you are taking care of your skin correctly? Are you cleaning and moisturizing it thoroughly enough? If this is all right, then it’s worth thinking about the invisible side of the problem.

Food is great for fighting inflammation. Sea fish is rich in Omega-3 acids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. For prevention, it is enough to eat salmon, trout, tuna, sardines, etc. at least twice a week.

These acids also contain flax seeds (and their oil) and walnuts. It is also useful to include these foods more often in your diet.

Another effective substance that relieves inflammation is zinc . Legumes (especially beans and peas), peanuts, meat and liver are rich in zinc. But some substances (casein from dairy products and phytic acid from rice and corn) prevent zinc from being absorbed well. Take this into account when planning your diet .

To minimize sugar spikes, you should give preference to foods with a low glycemic index .

All junk food usually has a high glycemic index, so it is quickly absorbed by the digestive system and sharply increases blood sugar levels. To cope with it, the body produces insulin. Because of it, the level of testosterone increases, which enhances the work of the sebaceous glands.

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Proteins and complex carbohydrates are digested slowly, keeping insulin levels constantly at the same level.

By the way, even handling low GI foods has its secrets . Frying and boiling increases the GI level of any food. Therefore, it is better to eat vegetables raw (in extreme cases, stew them), cook pasta only until al dente, and bake or stew meat and fish.

Also try to combine both proteins and carbohydrates in one meal. For example, eat chicken with buckwheat or vegetables. This also reduces blood sugar spikes.

Alas, dairy products are the enemies of clear skin . are harming your face with your own hands .

Diet principles

As with any food system, the egg diet is based on the following principles:

  1. You can only eat permitted foods.
  2. Sugar is prohibited.
  3. It is prohibited to change the menu by day and time of meal.
  4. You are allowed to drink liquids at any convenient time: tea, coffee, diet water, soda. Coffee and tea are consumed in their pure form, without additives (milk or cream is not allowed). You need to monitor the amount you drink to avoid swelling.
  5. You can drink plenty of water.
  6. Cooking eliminates fat.
  7. Do not eat or add oil to food.
  8. Dishes can be seasoned with herbs, garlic, pepper, onions and spices.
  9. Salt is allowed. You need to add a little salt to your food.
  10. If the menu does not contain information about the quantity of the product, it can be consumed without restrictions, until the stomach is full.
  11. If you feel very hungry, you are allowed to have a snack. Snack products: cucumber, lettuce, carrots.
  12. Cooking method: stewing, boiling.
  13. It is forbidden to eat the skin on chicken.
  14. In the menu, orange can be replaced with grapefruit.
  15. Instead of cottage cheese, you can eat low-fat cheese.
  16. Lamb is prohibited from meat.
  17. Sweets and flour are not allowed.

No matter how difficult it is, do not stop the diet. If you make changes to your diet (you ate something extra, celebrated a holiday with forbidden food), you must start all over again: from the very first week, on Monday.

Features of the diet.

Unlike the 1 and 2 week egg diets, there is a wider range of foods available to you. Starting from week 3, you will be allowed almost any fruit, of different types per meal. Also, the menu format itself will undergo some changes. If earlier there were fixed moments of eating with your own specific menu, then on a 4-week egg diet, after the 2nd week, you yourself will be able to build your own breakfasts, lunches and dinners based on the total number of products allowed for consumption per day.

Also, one of the advantages of this diet is the fact that in 4 weeks the body completely gets used to the new diet and you can continue to maintain this diet without fear of returning extra pounds.

List of allowed foods

The Osama Hamdiy diet allows the following fruits:

  • peach;
  • a pineapple;
  • mango;
  • pear;
  • apricot;
  • watermelon;
  • apple;
  • grapefruit;
  • kiwi;
  • mandarin;
  • melon;
  • pomelo;
  • plum;
  • orange.

The diet prohibits eating dates, grapes, mangoes, figs, and bananas.

The Osama Hamdiy diet allows the following vegetables: green peas, zucchini, green beans, zucchini, beans, eggplant, carrots. Potatoes are prohibited.

What results can be achieved

On average, after completing a 5-day protein diet, you can lose from 3 to 5 kg. True, it may turn out that the weight even increases. No need to worry. This happens due to muscle building. The most important thing is that the extra centimeters will still go away.

Reviews of those losing weight on a 10-day protein diet indicate that it allows you to get rid of 10-12 kg. But to achieve such results, you need to strictly follow the menu.

In 28 days you can lose from 8 to 25 kg (the figure depends on the initial weight). True, the load on the body will be significant.

Diet menu

The diet consists of 4 weeks, which you simply need to endure. Osama Hamdiy's diet menu is simple and differs from week to week.

Week one


  • breakfast - half an orange, two eggs (boiled);
  • lunch - allowed fruits;
  • dinner - fried meat (lean).


  • breakfast - half an orange, two eggs (boiled);
  • lunch - chicken;
  • dinner - two eggs, one orange, vegetable salad (carrots, peppers, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers).


  • breakfast - half an orange, two eggs (boiled);
  • lunch - one tomato, black bread (slice), cheese;
  • dinner - lean beef (poultry is allowed).


  • breakfast - half an orange, two eggs (boiled);
  • lunch - allowed fruits;
  • dinner - lean beef (poultry is allowed), vegetable salad.


  • breakfast - half an orange, two eggs (boiled);
  • lunch - green peas, two eggs;
  • dinner - lean beef (poultry is allowed), vegetable salad.


  • breakfast - half an orange, two eggs (boiled);
  • lunch - allowed fruits;
  • dinner - lean beef (poultry is allowed), vegetable salad.


  • breakfast - half an orange, two eggs (boiled);
  • lunch - poultry, boiled vegetables, grapefruit.
  • dinner - boiled vegetables.

Week two


  • breakfast - half an orange, two eggs (boiled);
  • lunch - two eggs, lettuce;
  • dinner - two eggs, one orange.


  • breakfast - half an orange, two eggs (boiled);
  • lunch - lean meat, lettuce;
  • dinner - two eggs, one orange.


  • breakfast - half an orange, two eggs (boiled);
  • lunch - stewed meat, cucumbers;
  • dinner - two eggs, one orange.


  • breakfast - half an orange, two eggs (boiled);
  • lunch - two eggs, cheese, boiled vegetables (1 type);
  • dinner - two eggs.


  • breakfast - half an orange, two eggs (boiled);
  • lunch - fish (maybe shrimp);
  • dinner - two eggs.


  • breakfast - half an orange, two eggs (boiled);
  • lunch - meat, tomatoes, orange;
  • dinner - two eggs.


  • breakfast - half an orange, two eggs (boiled);
  • lunch - chicken, orange.
  • dinner - chicken, orange.

Week three

In the third week, during the day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) you can eat a certain set of foods:

  1. Monday. Allowed fruits and vegetable salads.
  2. Tuesday. Boiled vegetables and vegetable salads.
  3. Wednesday. Allowed fruits and boiled vegetables.
  4. Thursday. Boiled fish (shrimp is fine) and boiled vegetables.
  5. Friday. Lean meat and boiled vegetables.
  6. Saturday. Allowed fruit (one type).
  7. Sunday. Allowed fruit (one type).

Week four

We eat the listed set of products throughout the day. The easiest, most delicious and satisfying week:

Monday. One orange (pear or apple are allowed). Three tomatoes. Four cucumbers. One quarter of a chicken. Boiled fish (tuna without oil is allowed instead). One toast.

Tuesday. One orange (pear or apple are allowed). Watermelon or melon (piece). Three tomatoes. Four cucumbers. Boiled meat (200 grams). Toast.

Wednesday. One orange. Two tomatoes. Two cucumbers. Boiled vegetables (200 grams). Half a chicken. Toast.

Thursday. One orange. Two tomatoes. Two cucumbers. Half a chicken. Toast.

Friday. One orange. Three tomatoes. Lettuce leaves. Two eggs.

Saturday. One orange. Two tomatoes. Two cucumbers. Curdled milk. Cottage cheese (125 grams). Chicken breasts (2 pieces). Toast.

Sunday. Orange. 2 tomatoes. 2 cucumbers. Boiled vegetables. Cottage cheese (1 spoon). Can of tuna (no oil). Toast.

Basic principles of the Maggi diet

So, you are determined to fight for an excellent figure. But don’t rush to the store to buy products from the “Menu” section.

First, read the basic provisions of the proposed diet, weigh all the pros and cons - this method of losing weight is quite strict and does not tolerate any relaxation, and then, if you have such an opportunity, print out a list of recommendations - this way you always have You will have before your eyes a reminder about all the rules of this diet, so: you need to drink a lot of ordinary water, but you will have to give up your favorite Cappuccino or Latte, as well as tea, or drink them with sweeteners.

You are also allowed to drink a couple of cans of Coca Cola or Pepsi Light.

As for vegetables, which are present in large quantities in this diet, they need to be boiled only in water, and the use of spices is allowed.

And fats of any kind are prohibited for the entire month - make a dressing from lemon or lime juice and wine vinegar. Of course, during the first couple of days you may develop a voracious appetite - then it’s not forbidden to wash and eat a couple of cucumbers or small carrots.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The egg diet for a month is attractive because it is easy to follow, and the menu, in this case, is quite satisfying. And if a weight loss marathon lasting a month is not possible, an egg diet for a week or an egg diet for 3 days is suitable for you.

The disadvantage of the above-described method is that the egg-white diet, due to the abundance of cholesterol, can harm the health of pregnant girls and people who drink alcohol excessively. It is not recommended for people with kidney and liver problems to lose weight on chicken eggs.

Egg-orange diet

The egg-citrus diet is also quite popular today, allowing you to quickly lose a couple of kilograms. This is an egg diet for 7 days, but a week long diet gives amazing results.

Eggs and citrus fruits are a great combination

Why is the 1 week egg diet so popular? The answer is simple: the 7-day egg diet is distinguished by its simplicity, since it does not involve preparing any sophisticated dishes that include rare ingredients. The only thing the weekly diet suggests is six eggs and six oranges every day.

The rules that the 7-day egg diet suggests are simple. For breakfast you need to eat an egg and after an hour - an orange. These steps should be repeated throughout the day, for a whole week. If it is difficult to stick to a monotonous diet for so long, then the 5-day egg diet or the 3-day egg diet, which offers a similar diet, will help you. In this case, you will be able to lose only 2-3 kg,

With any version of the chicken egg diet, you should not neglect the consumption of fluid in the required amount (two liters), and you can only drink water or green tea. If you really want to, you can add a spoonful of honey to your tea.

Particularly varied recipes for the egg diet are not suggested, since they do not include a large abundance of products, but this is a great way to show off your imagination using such a limited set of products.

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