Korean diet for losing weight on legs and belly with reviews and recommendations from actresses and female idols

Secrets of losing weight

Korean cuisine will seem unusual to those who are accustomed to moderate use of spices. It is no secret that residents of the Asian country love rice as much as Russian people love bread. They also cannot imagine a diet without adding:

  • nori seaweed;
  • seafood;
  • soy sauce;
  • spices that add heat.

However, these are the food preferences of Koreans. The diet of Korean girls also has its own characteristics. The weight loss nutrition system lasts about 13-14 days. During this time, the following foods are removed from the diet:

  • salt, sugar and sugar-containing foods;
  • all types of baked goods, even bread;
  • fermented milk products.

Sweet carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited.

The list of taboos includes fast food, which contains carbohydrates and contributes to weight gain.


Nutrition has a number of advantages:

  • The Asian diet is safe and practical. This system is suitable for many because it has a balanced menu in which a person benefits from food.
  • One of the common problems with weight loss is stretched and sagging skin. The diet guarantees you an aesthetic appearance after body correction.
  • Slow weight loss is a positive quality, since when fat is quickly consumed, the body experiences stress and loss of vitamins.

The positive aspects described above are more characteristic of long-term Korean diets rather than short-term ones.


Experts have identified the following negative aspects:

  • A short nutrition program has strict restrictions, so not every person is able to withstand strict limits.
  • Eating antics are contraindicated for athletes because they need a diet that is more calorie-rich and nutritious.
  • The weight loss menu has many contraindications, so it is not suitable for every person.

We recommend giving preference to the Korean diet, as it has more benefits and is safe.

There are contraindications

There are different variations of the Korean weight loss system, some of them have contraindications. Losing weight for Asian reasons is not worth it:

  • for ulcers and gastritis with high acidity;
  • for liver and kidney diseases;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • in adolescence;
  • for anorexia and bulimia.

If you have any doubts about whether the Korean diet is right for you, consult your doctor.

Indications, contraindications and possible harm

Unfortunately, this type of diet is not suitable for everyone. People prone to hypertension should resort to this weight loss system with caution. In addition, it is contraindicated:

  • For identified stomach diseases;
  • For liver diseases;
  • If you have intestinal problems;
  • Chronic kidney disease was discovered.

Hormonal imbalance or metabolic disorders, as in diabetes mellitus, are also reasons to abandon this diet option.

Note! Particular attention should be paid to nutrition when diagnosed with anorexia and bulimia. The Korean diet is not applicable in these situations.

Pregnancy and lactation

The Korean diet is not suitable for pregnant women because it does not provide all the nutrients that mother and baby need. Likewise, it is not suitable for the breastfeeding period.

What do Koreans eat?

Koreans eat spicy food. Research into Korean cuisine has shown that over the past 5 years, residents of this country have begun to consume more spices. If we talk about what Koreans eat every day, then this is:

  • rice in huge quantities;
  • various types of nori seaweed;
  • there are a lot of foods that can be prepared quickly (various soups, noodles, etc.).
  • surimi and various seafood;
  • kimchi - a spicy snack, a regular at Korean feasts;
  • soy sauce (judging by the fact that there are many two-liter packages on the shelves, it is consumed in large quantities);

What to eat

The K-POP diet suggests eating the following foods

  • Vegetables. All vegetables are allowed. They can be eaten raw, cooked or fermented, such as kimchi. Soups are another great way to eat more vegetables.
  • Fruits. All types of fruit are allowed. Fruits are a great natural substitute for sweets.
  • Protein-rich animal products. This category includes eggs, meat, fish and seafood. They can be eaten in small portions along with most dishes.
  • Meat substitutes. Tofu, dried shiitakes and king oyster mushrooms often replace meat in Korean dishes. Therefore, these recipes are suitable for vegans and vegetarians
  • Rice. White rice and rice noodles are included in many Korean diet recipes
  • Other grains. Wheat can be replaced not only with rice, but also with dumplings, pancakes or funchose made from mung bean starch, potatoes or tapioca

It is recommended to determine portion sizes based on how you feel. You need to eat enough to lose weight without feeling hungry or lacking energy.

Conclusion: The Korean diet for weight loss is largely based on eating minimally processed whole foods and small amounts of grains, fish, seafood, meat or meat substitutes.

The essence of the diet

The idols' diet was developed by Korean nutritionists, who included only healthy foods that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. The essence of the diet is to get rid of sugar, alcohol, confectionery and sweeteners, which provoke weight gain. The duration of the diet is 2 weeks, if you fulfill all the requirements correctly, during this time you can easily lose 5 kg of weight, improve metabolic processes, and normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

The nutrition system is complex because it implies a strict restriction of familiar foods that formed the basis of the entire diet. In the first days of following a diet, those losing weight will observe a sharp decrease in strength and energy, apathy, and a constant feeling of hunger, which will gradually go away as the diet progresses.

Rules and principles

In order for the Korean diet to give the desired results, you need to learn how to follow it. Rules that must be followed:

  • The duration of the diet is 14 days, a shorter duration will not give the desired result,
  • Before breakfast, you should drink 2 glasses of warm water with lemon or ginger. Eating is allowed only 30 minutes after eating,
  • The daily diet occurs in 3 stages: breakfast, lunch, dinner. There are no snacks in the Korean diet.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day,
  • On the diet, it is forbidden to eat fatty, sweet, salty foods. Alcohol in any form, bread, and sugar are also prohibited.

In order for the diet to give the desired results, it is necessary to follow all the rules and exclude from the diet those foods that do not belong to the diet.

If you want to quickly lose weight, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the diet for anorexics.

Age category

The desire to be like Korean popular singers - idols - overcomes teenagers, but they are absolutely not allowed to use such a diet as a way to lose weight. In this option, as in principle in strict diets, there are too few substances necessary for a growing body. Using a diet will lead to a sharp deterioration in your health.

After fifty years, hormonal disruptions in the body begin, so nutritionists do not recommend using the Korean diet during this period. In some cases, it is contraindicated for women over the age of forty; consultation with a nutritionist is required.


The Korean idol diet has advantages over other diets, as well as over unhealthy diets. Korean nutritionists claim that all women, regardless of nationality, can be slim and beautiful. You just need to try to follow a dietary diet, especially since it has the following advantages:

  • After finishing the diet, the weight does not return to its original state,
  • The food is balanced, you can quickly get used to it,
  • During the diet, metabolic processes significantly improve,
  • It has a beneficial effect on the entire body,
  • The diet is aimed at getting rid of excess weight in problem areas.

Anyone who is losing weight will be able to notice the benefits of the diet if they follow all nutritional recommendations, eliminate the possibility of breakdowns, normalize their daily routine and eat strictly 3 times a day.


The first three to four days after the course you should not overeat. Do not eat fried, sweet, fatty foods.

Increase the caloric content of your daily diet gradually, daily by 100-150 kilocalories. To consolidate the result, it is very important to maintain the correct water balance in the body by continuing to drink clean hot water.

Pay attention to effective Korean diets designed for the long term.

The combination of a balanced diet and physical activity will lead not only to weight loss and cleansing of toxins, but also to rejuvenation and relief from chronic diseases.

Make up your mind, the popular Korean diet is the right choice for a woman who is changing her life for the better!


All diets have disadvantages, and almost every third person who loses weight notes them for themselves. Korean diets for weight loss are no exception; the negative aspects of following them are:

  • No snacking
  • Complete refusal of salt and sugar,
  • Difficulties in following the diet in the first days,
  • Constant feeling of hunger
  • Giving up favorite foods
  • Possibility of breakdowns due to severe dietary restrictions.

The presence of disadvantages in a diet does not mean that only a few will be able to withstand it. The main thing is to set a goal and successfully move towards achieving it. Just 14 days and the result will be there.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each system has a number of advantages and disadvantages; reviews of the Korean diet claim that it is no exception. Please review the information below carefully to make your final decision regarding this diet.


  • improvement of digestive processes in the body;
  • balanced diet;
  • slow weight gain: after such a diet, the weight does not return for a long time;
  • Korean diets are effective for losing weight in your legs.


  • complete refusal of salt and sugar - in the first days, food may seem completely tasteless;
  • not everyone manages to follow the diet to the end; many fail in the first days;
  • It is difficult for those who chose the second menu option to wait until lunch, since breakfast is very meager.

Asian diet collection

A variety of weight loss methods will help you choose the most ideal option, thanks to which you will find the figure of your dreams without wasting time and effort.

Option 1

The Korean method is designed for 2-3 months. During this time, fat will leave your body evenly, and your body will not experience stress. You need to exclude sugar, salt, alcohol and fatty foods from your usual menu, switching to proper nutrition with the addition of fish, rice and vegetables.

In this option, there is no clear division of dishes by day; prepare low-calorie dishes yourself and whenever you want. To make it easier for you to navigate, we will give examples by week.

1 week2 week

At this time, your main foods are eggs, brown rice, lean chicken and fish, and vegetables (not starchy). Delicious and satisfying lunch dishes can be made from rice with chicken or fish. For dinner, eat a vegetable seafood salad.
Dairy products are allowed to be included in the diet. Diversify your breakfast by eating a glass of yogurt. In general, the rest of the menu is the same as in the first week.

By the way, it is recommended to eat 3 times a day, but if you feel hungry, then without any twinges of conscience, eat a vegetable or fruit of your choice.

This is what your weight loss will look like within 2 months. This type of diet is approved by experts because the nutrition appears balanced. Over the entire period, 5 to 7 kg are lost.

Only fat from the sides and abdomen will be lost, and not water and muscles, as with express methods.

Option 2

The second method is much shorter and lasts only 14 days, however, the restrictions are stricter. The diet almost completely excludes carbohydrates. There is also a meager breakfast and no snacks allowed. During the whole day you will sit at the table only 3 times.

The menu includes dishes of lean fish with chicken fillet and vegetables, and brown rice.

You'll have to forget about white rice, buckwheat, tomatoes, peppers, legumes and dairy products - they contain complex carbohydrates.

In a short time you will lose 3 kg, but the result will be more difficult to maintain, since not only fat, but also fluid will leave the body.

Option 3

This system involves losing weight on rice for two weeks. For those who are turning to the Korean method for the first time, this time will be enough to get to know the diet.

So, the basis of nutrition is red or brown rice with the addition of fish, chicken, vegetables and fruits. Organize 3 meals a day to get rid of fat from the sides and waist.

The Korean rice diet is a tough weight loss that takes about 3 kg.

Lose weight in 13 days

As for a longer diet, this is an effective way to lose weight quickly. The main thing is that you don’t have to overexert yourself to achieve your goal. Try the diet for 13 days and you will succeed.

Slimness menu:

Day 1BreakfastA mug of green tea.
DinnerCauliflower inflorescences, boiled egg.
DinnerA glass of tomato juice.
Day 2BreakfastA cup of coffee without sugar.
DinnerFish steak on a vegetable bed.
DinnerLow-fat kefir.
Day 3BreakfastGreen tea.
DinnerStewed zucchini stew.
DinnerWhite cabbage and egg salad.
Day 4BreakfastA mug of unsweetened coffee.
DinnerBoiled carrots and 2 eggs.
DinnerFruit assortment.
Day 5BreakfastGreen tea without sugar.
DinnerSteamed fish cutlet, tomato juice.
DinnerBoiled egg.
Day 6BreakfastNatural coffe.
DinnerA duet of boiled chicken and cabbage.
DinnerVegetable mix.
Day 7BreakfastHerbal tea without sweeteners.
DinnerFruit and chicken stew.
DinnerCabbage and olive oil salad.
Day 8Menu 6 days
Day 9Menu 5 days
Day 10Menu 4 days
Day 11Menu 3 days
Day 12Menu 2 days
Day 13Menu 1 day

If you reach the end, you will lose noticeable weight. The Korean technique promises to preserve the results for a long time.

Menu options

The Korean method provides two menu options. One is designed for 14 days, the other lasts for 2-3 months and is more gentle.


This weight loss option is designed for 2-3 months:

  • breakfast: ginger chips and water with lemon juice added.
  • snack (before lunch): 2 boiled eggs, greens and broccoli (pickled).
  • lunch: steamed white fish, vegetable salad dressed with oil and lemon juice, a small portion of brown rice or specially processed wheat (bulgur).
  • dinner: 200 grams of boiled shrimp with hot sauce, pieces of chicken fillet (about 150 grams) and smoothie (celery + cucumber + tomato + greens).

Important: Dairy products are prohibited for two weeks, but after this time you can include yogurt or goat's milk in your diet.


The bottom line is the exclusion of all foods containing complex carbohydrates and three meals a day. Duration of weight loss 14 days:

  • breakfast: black coffee, crackers;
  • lunch: any vegetable salad, Korean carrots are also allowed on the diet;
  • dinner: 200 grams of chicken fillet or boiled fish.

For slimming legs and thighs

This diet option will help make your body and legs slim. The method is strict, but allows you to lose up to 6 kg in 30 days. The menu for the entire weight loss period looks like this:

  • breakfast: 2 bananas, 400 grams of water;
  • afternoon: boiled lean meat with vegetables;
  • evening: rice (preferably brown) with vegetables.

In between, you can drink unlimited amounts of water.

by Yoon Eun Hyo

This is a gentle option for losing weight on your legs and thighs. Up to 3 kg of excess weight is lost per week. Be sure to consume 170 grams of boiled rice 3 times a day and supplement it with:

  • for breakfast: bean soup; kimchi;
  • for lunch: crab soup, boiled beans, kimchi;
  • for dinner: stewed mushrooms, kimchi.

Kimchi is spicy, red pepper, pickled cabbage or radish leaves. The dish speeds up metabolism, slows down aging and promotes rapid weight loss.

You can eat soups made from any seafood. Salty, sweet and alcohol are strictly prohibited. Unlimited water.


Young stars are called idols in Korea. They are very careful about their appearance and weight. A time-tested and nutritionist-tested menu helps them stay slim. Below are the 2 most popular diets.

Menu from singer Kahi:

  • breakfast: banana, natural yogurt, coffee;
  • lunch: seaweed soup, rice and fish;
  • dinner: 1/2 pcs. sweet pepper, half a boiled egg white, celery or greens.

Idol Diet “Glass”: 3 times a day, consume 2/3 cup - boiled rice, 1/3 cup vegetables. Salt and sugar are prohibited.

You are allowed to drink water and green tea.

Quitting the Korean Diet

Due to the specific features of the Eastern weight loss method, adaptation to the previous diet should occur slowly. Otherwise, the excess weight that you so successfully lost will return in no time. Here are some principles for gradually exiting the Korean diet:

  • increasing the energy value of the daily menu by 100 kcal per day;
  • achieving this through the inclusion of healthy foods in the diet;
  • refusal of fried, flour, fatty and sweet foods until the calorie standard is reached (about 2000-2500 kcal);
  • gradual increase in food portions;
  • adding two snacks to the main meals, the role of which should be performed by fermented milk drinks and products, dried fruits and fresh fruits, nuts, berries;
  • daily consumption of 1.5-2 liters of purified water without gas.

The diet during the first week of quitting the Korean diet should not be adjusted.

Ideally, salt should not be introduced into the diet, but this, of course, is impossible. So, after leaving the diet, do not be surprised by the return of 1-2 kg of weight. This effect is produced by sodium-bound fluid in the tissues, and not by accumulated fat deposits.

Finally, a few words should be said about what reviews about the Korean diet are available on the Internet. They are very different. Some are completely delighted with the technique, while others scold the nutrition system. People’s complaints about the method of losing weight are mainly of the following nature: “causes enormous harm to the entire body”, “haunts hunger”, “tasteless without salt”, “weakness and dizziness during a diet”, “difficult for those with a sweet tooth”; “you need willpower” because “it’s difficult to endure.” However, the high efficiency of the Korean nutrition system is confirmed by everyone who has used it in practice.

Secret Korean diet for actresses and idols to lose weight

Do you want to catch the admiring glances of men?
In just a few days you will become slimmer using a simple weight loss method! Before delving into any specific system, let's consider what a diet is and what are the main causes of excess weight. If we talk about diets in general, these are the rules for eating food.

The main problem that needs to be dealt with is breakdowns. In order to avoid this, you need to choose the “right” technique, in which you do not need to count the minutes until your next meal and constantly think about food. A clear example of such a diet is the Korean diet. Currently, there are a huge number of diets that help fight excess weight.

The main reasons for excess weight are simple and banal - laziness and abuse of unhealthy and fatty foods. Of course, we should not forget that some people have serious problems related to hormonal levels, but there are not as many of them as it seems.

Is it possible to lose weight without strict diets and exhausting exercise?

Bloggers say a clear “Yes!” Read the story here.

How do Korean stars lose weight?

This diet is designed for only 13 days, but during this time you can significantly lose weight and improve your body health. This course will help normalize metabolism and “rebuild” it to the desired mode of operation, in which weight gain will not occur, and all nutrients will be absorbed much better and faster.

According to the authors of the diet, the results obtained using this method of weight loss last for a long time. And the Korean diet 13 days, reviews of which blew up the entire Internet, cannot remain without your attention.

One of the most important rules of the diet is a ban on flour, salt, sugar, alcoholic beverages and confectionery. How do Korean actresses and, in general, all actors and celebrities lose weight? Of course, limiting or deleting for yourself those products whose KBJU clearly exceeds the norm. Because of this taboo, the Korean diet may seem quite difficult to follow for many, especially those with a potential sweet tooth.

1st day:

  • breakfast - a cup of strong black coffee without sugar and milk;
  • lunch - a few soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs, boiled cabbage salad, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil;
  • dinner - a glass of tomato juice without salt and spices.

Day 2:

  • breakfast - a cup of strong black coffee without sugar and milk, one cracker;
  • lunch - boiled or fried fish, fresh vegetable salad, seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • dinner - a glass of low-fat kefir and 100 grams of boiled beef meat without fat.

3rd day:

  • breakfast - a cup of strong black coffee without sugar and milk;
  • lunch - a large zucchini fried in vegetable oil;
  • dinner - fresh white cabbage salad, a few boiled eggs, some boiled beef.

4th day:

  • breakfast - a cup of strong black coffee without sugar and milk;
  • lunch - raw chicken egg, 3 boiled carrots with a small amount of vegetable oil;
  • dinner - any fresh fruit.

Day 5:

  • breakfast - salad of raw carrots and lemon juice;
  • lunch - boiled or fried fish, a glass of tomato juice without salt;
  • dinner - any fresh fruit.

Day 6:

  • breakfast - a cup of strong black coffee without sugar and milk;
  • lunch - half a boiled chicken, fresh white cabbage and carrot salad;
  • dinner - a few boiled eggs and a raw carrot salad with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Day 7:

  • breakfast - a cup of unsweetened tea;
  • lunch - any fresh fruit and some boiled beef;
  • dinner - any dinner from the previous days to choose from (eggs, cabbage and beef are prohibited).

Day 8: Day 6 menu.

Day 9: Day 5 menu.

Day 10: Day 4 menu.

Day 11: Day 3 menu.

Day 12: Day 2 menu.

Day 13: Day 1 menu.

Most nutritionists and authors of various nutritional systems aimed at losing weight call the Korean diet one of the most difficult to follow. This is due to the fact that it operates on the principle of significantly limiting the caloric content of your diet.

Be that as it may, the Korean diet today remains very popular among many girls seeking to lose weight. Korean diets for losing weight on legs and thighs are very effective, since the main accumulations of subcutaneous fat are in these places in women. Often, such a widespread course is due precisely to the fact that it is quite strict. This does not cast doubt on the effectiveness of the diet of Korean girls. In addition, for many, miniature Korean women are the best proof of the effectiveness of this nutrition system. Korean diet, reviews of which cannot fail to inspire any girl who wants to see herself in good shape.

This type of diet can also be classified as a diet for teenagers. Respecting the teenager’s wishes and strong addiction to this or that product, so as not to traumatize his psyche and not cause him a feeling of limitations. Don't forget to exercise and maintain your body's fluid balance. First, create a menu for him for the week, and as a result of observations, schedule everything for the month. The main thing is to always remember that a child takes an example from his parents, and before blaming him, you need to think about where you yourself stumbled or gave up.

Reviews and results of losing weight

Elena, 28 years old, Mytishchi

Some of my friends are hooked on Korean diets to lose weight to the size of miniature Korean women. When I looked at the proposed diets, I was simply shocked - how can you survive a day on three handfuls of rice with tiny additions of vegetables? But while searching for information on the Internet, I accidentally saw a completely different option, proposed by professional nutritionists from Korea. It is quite tolerable in terms of nutrition and quite effective in terms of results. Moreover, it is not harmful to health, because it is approved by the Ministry of Health of this country. I ate according to the prepositional plan, choosing the portion size so that I could leave the table feeling slightly full. I didn’t experience severe hunger between meals, especially in the second week, when you can already consume a little sour milk. As a result, in 2 weeks I lost 5 kg of excess weight. However, later, after switching to my usual diet, 1 kg returned. But still I am very pleased with the result.

Tamara, 47 years old, Belgorod

I've always had a problem with weight. But in my youth, it was solved relatively simply - with the help of normalizing nutrition and sports. And after 45 years, with the advent of menopause, all my previous methods of losing weight stopped working, so the kilograms began to increase with a vengeance. Desperate, I was even ready to starve to get my figure in order, but I didn’t want to harm my health. I learned about the Korean diet and, inspired by the diminutiveness of Korean women, I confidently chose the toughest option, which is designed to reduce the volume of the legs and abdomen. To be honest, maintaining such a diet is incredibly difficult. Therefore, if you do not have a strong desire and great motivation, then it is unlikely that you will be able to finish what you started. I succeeded - I lost 11 kg of excess weight in a month! In six months I want to repeat the course again.

Vitalina, 31 years old, Balakovo

Dear Russian women, where are we and where are the Korean women? I never understood the fascination with all sorts of overseas techniques. We have different body types, genetics, and body needs. I think that using Korean diets for weight loss is absolutely not suitable for us. Not only does the body experience stress from insufficient nutrition, but in addition to this, it is stuffed with unusual food. As a result, internal systems have to adapt and rebuild to a completely different type of functioning. It is much easier and healthier to cut your usual diet in half, exclude sweets and starchy foods from it, leaving only healthy foods. This approach will help you lose weight and improve your health.

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