Diet for losing weight on the abdomen, sides and waist

Causes of fat on the stomach and sides

The reasons for the formation of fat deposits on the abdomen and sides can be very diverse:

  • Constant stress, which often leads to overeating.
  • Eating foods that are high in calories and rich in simple carbohydrates. Each piece of cake or bun will not take long to arrive and will be deposited on the waist and sides. It is not necessary to completely give up sweets; they need to be replaced with less high-calorie and more healthy marshmallows, marmalade, and dark chocolate. Moreover, even these desserts must be consumed before lunch.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. The work of most people forces them to sit for 8-9 hours a day, which has the most negative impact on their figure. To avoid an increase in waist size, you need to play sports, jog, and move more.
  • Hormonal imbalances also sometimes cause excess weight gain. In this case, you need to consult a doctor and adjust not only your diet, but also your lifestyle in general.

Exercises to burn belly fat faster

Exercise is important in burning belly fat and more for various reasons.

It is one of the best ways if you want to live a long, healthy life and avoid disease.

However, this does not mean that you should not leave the gym to get fit. You just need to find those best and simplest exercises that you can easily do at home to lose weight faster.

The most effective aerobic exercises (eg walking, running, swimming, etc.). This was proven in one of the studies.

One study also proved that exercise prevents people from regaining excess belly fat after losing weight. This also indicates that exercise is especially important during weight maintenance.

However, aerobic exercise is difficult to do outside of the home. Therefore, I offer you especially effective and simple movements that you can easily repeat.

Exercise 1 - Leg Rotation

Leg rotation will produce belly fat, as well as remove cellulite from your thighs and buttocks. This is a very effective exercise!

  • Lie on the ground and place your hands along your back, palms down (as in the picture).
  • Raise both legs higher at an angle to the ground of about 45 degrees.
  • Start rotating them first in a clockwise direction 10 times. Then repeat the same movement in a counterclockwise direction. We do everything without interruption.
  • Initially, start with 2 clockwise turns and 2 counterclockwise turns. You can even, I recommend it to you, if it’s difficult, start with such a movement with one leg, then the other.
  • Beginners can also bend them at the knees and then rotate them.
  • In general, 5-6 approaches without rest, for more advanced ones.

You will feel tension in your abdominal and thigh muscles during these exercises.

Exercise 2

  • Lie down in the same position as in the previous exercise. The hands also lie along the back.
  • Raise your legs up at a 45-degree angle from the ground. Then lift them up and down.
  • Repeat for a total of 5-6 approaches.
  • But, if you are a beginner, you can do it as shown in the picture, with one leg, then with the other leg. That is, start the first 10 repetitions up and down with your right foot, and then continue with your left foot for the same 10 repetitions.

The first few days will be painful. This is not the easiest exercise. But it always gets easier with practice, doesn’t it?

Exercise 3 - crunches

Crunches work wonders in their effectiveness in reducing belly fat. It is especially important to do this exercise correctly.

  • Lie on your back on the mat with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. This is an exercise option for beginners. If you are already doing this exercise easily, you can also raise your legs off the floor 90 degrees (as in the picture).
  • Now raise your hands and put them behind your head, you can keep them crossed on your chest, that’s also correct.
  • Inhale deeply and, as you lift your upper body off the floor, exhale.
  • Do this exercise for 10 repetitions. As for a beginner, repeat 2-3 approaches.
  • Raise your torso 30-40 degrees from the ground. It is very effective and you will feel pressure and burning in your abdominal muscles.

Exercise 4:

Lie on the floor and keep your hands either at your side or behind your head, as in crunches (exercise 3).

  • Now lift one of your legs higher, bending at the knee, for example, the right one.
  • At this time, raise your torso, as in exercise 3. But while turning it, bring the elbow of the opposite hand to your knee. Exactly as in the picture.
  • Then, as you lift your left leg, bring your right elbow closer to your knee.

Basic principles of losing weight on the abdomen and sides

To remove excess fat from the waist and sides, you must adhere to the following principles:

Prohibited and permitted products

To get rid of extra pounds, you don't have to stick to strict diets. You just need to understand the essence of proper nutrition and know the basic principles of building a healthy diet. Some foods contribute to the accumulation of fat reserves, while others, on the contrary, allow you to lose weight. In order for the menu to be as balanced as possible and not be monotonous, products should be divided into low-, medium- and high-calorie, and also differentiated depending on exactly how much protein, carbohydrates and fat they contain.

What you can eat: What not to eat:
  • Chicken.
  • Turkey.
  • Mutton.
  • Veal liver.
  • Ham.
  • Egg.
  • Acne.
  • Salmon.
  • Sardine.
  • Herring.
  • Crab meat.
  • Tuna.
  • Silver carp.
  • Kefir.
  • milk.
  • Brynza.
  • Hard cheeses.
  • Natural yogurt.
  • Any vegetables.
  • Any fruit, but in small quantities. Fruits should be eaten in the first half of the day.
  • Smoked sausage.
  • Sausages.
  • Chips and fries.
  • Sugar.
  • Cakes and sweets.
  • Condensed milk.
  • Cakes.
  • Pancakes.
  • Chocolate.
  • Marmalade.
  • Cookie.
  • Lollipops.
  • Jam.
  • Honey.
  • Bread.
  • Pizza.
  • Boiled potatoes should be consumed rarely and in small portions.
  • Pasta.
  • Ice cream.
  • Alcohol.
  • Juice in factory-made bags, drinks with gases.

Balanced menu for the week

Days of the week Meal time Name of dishes
Monday Breakfast Natural yogurt, apple, bread with tomatoes
Dinner Small wholemeal loaf, mixed salad, skinned chicken leg
Dinner Stewed cauliflower, baked apple, spoon of currants
Tuesday Breakfast A little jam, some bread, 25 grams of mushrooms, grilled low-calorie sausage
Dinner Salad, dry lean soup, 50 grams of homemade cheese
Dinner Beans, broccoli, zucchini, white fish, jacket potatoes
Wednesday Breakfast A couple of loaves of bread, a few soft-boiled eggs
Dinner Mixed salad, a small piece of melon, some beans
Dinner Any low calorie dish, green beans, baked tomatoes
Thursday Breakfast Bran toast, tomato, homemade cheese
Dinner Salad with bun, lean ham, apple
Dinner Regular and cauliflower, a small orange, mashed potatoes made with skim milk, lamb chop
Friday Breakfast Bran flakes, small banana
Dinner Mixed salad, pear, shrimp
Dinner Fish sticks, green peas, boiled beans
Saturday Breakfast Melon and natural yogurt
Dinner Lean steak, orange or pear
Dinner Boiled chicken meat, spaghetti with tomato sauce, fruit
Sunday Breakfast A little natural yoghurt, fruit salad
Dinner Cabbage salad, a little kiwi, lean meat
Dinner Chicken breast, tomato, lightly fried onion, green pepper, celery.

Types of diets for losing weight in the abdomen and sides

There are many types of diets that allow you to remove fat deposits from the abdomen and sides. Fast diets are aimed at accelerating fat burning, while the calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 1500 kcal. Fast diets last no more than 14 days, and the results can be assessed almost from the first days.

The fastest diets are those that allow you to get rid of 4 kg of excess weight in 3 days. However, practicing them more than once every 60 days is strictly prohibited.

There are such types of strict diets as BEACH, vegetarian, low-carbohydrate, kefir, buckwheat, apple, fruit-vegetable, protein-carbohydrate.

Kefir diet

The main provisions of the kefir diet:

  • The kefir diet is based on the principle of fractional nutrition. Thanks to frequent snacks in small portions, the stomach begins to shrink in size. This happens painlessly for a person.
  • It is easy to tolerate a kefir diet, since the body will receive fats and proteins, but it will be practically impossible to “get” carbohydrates from kefir.
  • The weight comes off quickly, and at the same time the intestines are cleansed. The place that was previously occupied by toxins and remnants of undigested food will be occupied by beneficial bacteria after the end of the kefir diet.
  • The kefir diet has very few contraindications. Therefore, it is accessible to most people.

Three-day kefir diet.

A three-day diet will allow you to get rid of 4-5 kg ​​of excess weight, and will also provide an opportunity to regulate the functioning of the digestive organs, in particular the intestines. The diet involves eating kefir and fresh fruit (exception: bananas and grapes). You need to eat at least 5 times a day.

The menu for 3 days should look like this:

  • First day: you need to drink only kefir, as much as you want.
  • Second day: you need to eat only fruits, as much as you want. Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of clean water.
  • Third day: you need to drink only kefir, there are no restrictions on the volume of the drink you drink.

Contraindications to the kefir diet are as follows:

  1. Any diseases of the digestive system: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, esophagitis, etc.
  2. Adolescence.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Lactation.

Read more: Kefir diet

Keto diet

Ketosis is the breakdown of fat cells to produce energy. It is from this term that the name of the Keto diet comes from. The process of losing weight starts when the body experiences a lack of carbohydrates from food. It needs carbohydrates to maintain vital functions, so when their supply is limited, the body signals the liver to begin synthesizing ketone acids, which destroy fat cells.

The keto diet menu for 1 day assumes the following ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates:

  • Fats – 25%.
  • Proteins – 70%.
  • Carbohydrates – 5%.

This is an indicative menu that allows you to distribute the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates obtained from food throughout the day. You can create an individual diet for the week, based on your own preferences.

Recommendation: you should not focus on complex dishes during your diet. Their calorie content is quite problematic to calculate, and in the keto diet this is of no small importance.

Prohibited products:

  • All baked goods.
  • Any confectionery products.
  • Sugar and sweet drinks.
  • Chocolate.
  • Bakery products.
  • Potato.
  • Bananas and grapes.

Authorized products:

  • Poultry, beef, pork, veal, rabbit.
  • Fish: salmon, salmon, tuna, herring.
  • Quail and chicken eggs.
  • Seafood: mussels, crab meat, squid, shrimp.
  • Cheese.
  • Vegetable oil and butter.

The following products are subject to partial restrictions:

  • Fermented milk drinks.
  • Vegetables that are high in starch: sweet green peas, beans, beans;
  • Fruits that contain a lot of sugar: pears, apricots, oranges.

Contraindications to the keto diet:

  • Inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Gallbladder diseases.
  • Liver and kidney failure.
  • Disturbances in the absorption of fats.
  • Gastric bypass surgery.
  • The presence of a tumor in the peritoneal cavity.
  • Impaired intestinal motility.
  • Childbearing and lactation.
  • Porphyria.

Read more: Keto diet


The BUTCH diet is a protein-carbohydrate alternation, one of the varieties of a low-carbohydrate diet. During the BEACH diet, you need to alternate protein days with carbohydrate days, changing their amount.

The BEACH diet cannot be followed by people who have liver and kidney problems, suffer from bulimia or anorexia. BUTCH is ideal for people who want to get rid of only 2-5 kg ​​of excess weight, as well as athletes who want to dry their body.

When excess weight exceeds 10 kg, you should begin the process of losing weight not with the BEACH diet, but with a transition to proper nutrition.

The BUTCH diet can last 4-30 days. It all depends on how much weight a person wants to lose. An important condition: the number of days on the diet must be even.

The most popular is the following BUTCH diet scheme:

  • Day 1 and day 2: eat protein foods, keep carbohydrate foods to a minimum.
  • Day 3: eat carbohydrate foods.
  • Day 4: Eat food containing equal amounts of protein and carbohydrates.
Day Breakfast Snack Dinner Dinner
1 protein day Boiled egg, vegetable salad with flaxseed oil dressing, unsweetened tea. Cottage cheese with cinnamon. Stewed chicken fillet, stewed vegetables. Baked fish.
2 protein day Omelette (2 eggs), tea without sugar. Kefir. Steamed fish, vegetables. Chicken fillet, vegetables.
3 carbohydrate day Oatmeal, tea. Banana. Pasta. Rice, steamed vegetables.
4 balance of proteins and carbohydrates Oatmeal. Cottage cheese and bread. Rice, chicken breast. Vegetables, fish, dried fruits.
5 protein day Cottage cheese with raisins. Ryazhenka. Fish, vegetable salad. Steamed chicken breast.
6 protein day Boiled egg, tea, vegetables. Cheese, bread. Rice, stewed vegetables. Baked fish.

During protein days, you need to eat foods that contain a sufficient amount of protein.

The emphasis is on meat, fish and eggs. 100 g of products contain the following amount of protein:

  • Boiled chicken breast: 29.8.
  • Boiled low-fat beef: 25.8.
  • Beef liver: 17.2.
  • Turkey: 21.3.
  • Boiled squid: 30.
  • Shrimp: 19.
  • Cottage cheese: 18.
  • Egg: 12.5.
  • Red caviar: 31.6.
  • Halibut: 19.
  • Tuna: 22.8.

During carbohydrate days, you need to eat foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates.

100 g of products contain the following amount of carbohydrates:

  • Semolina: 73.
  • Oatmeal: 64.8.
  • Pearl barley: 74.1.
  • Rice: 75.9.
  • Pasta: 69.9.
  • Apricot: 10.2.
  • Pineapple: 11.7.
  • Grapes: 17.3.
  • Bananas: 22.4.
  • Carrots: 7.2.
  • Garnet: 11.3.
  • Beetroot: 11.
  • Boiled beans: 21.

Contraindications to the BUC diet:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Liver and kidney diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • Elderly, adolescence and childhood.

Read more: BUTCH diet

Fast diet for losing belly fat

If we talk about the possibility of rapid weight loss, then the most effective way is the kefir diet. This fast weight loss system is suitable for shaping the hips and abdomen. The sides won't be so full anymore. When consuming kefir, a calorie deficit is created; at the same time, the diet promotes normal functioning of the intestines and all organs of the digestive system . It rejuvenates the skin and helps the belly disappear. This is the fastest way to lose weight and get healthier.

On a kefir diet, you should not forget about massage and physical exercise, since only when they are used in combination will you make your figure slim and graceful. This will help you figure out how to lose belly fat in 3 days. This food system has some negative consequences and is not recommended for people suffering from:

  • ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • kidney and liver diseases.

Buckwheat diet

Among cereals, only buckwheat strengthens blood vessels so effectively. It contains many useful substances and microelements - valuable potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron. The buckwheat diet is considered not only rational, but also the most effective among all possible methods of losing weight. A jar of cereal a day (500 ml) is the most effective way to remove belly fat and lose extra pounds without much effort or effort.

Buckwheat has the ability to satisfy hunger for a long time; the feeling of fullness will be present all day. The result will not be long in coming - within 3 days it will be obvious. Excess fat will go away quickly, and if you add exercise, your abdominal muscles will become firm and noticeable. This will allow you to achieve maximum results and lose weight in a short time. The buckwheat diet is the most beneficial answer to the question of how to make your stomach flat in 3 days.

Express diet

Every person at least once in his life feels the need to urgently lose excess weight and reduce the volume of certain parts of the body. For this purpose, special express diets have been developed for emergency cases. Are standard weight loss methods not producing the desired results? A glass of lemon juice with water before breakfast, an exotic fruit - pineapple - for lunch and dinner will help you lose weight quickly and effectively. This is the most optimal recipe for the popular express diet. Following the rules will make your stomach flat and firm in just 3 days.

Kefir mono-diet for 3 days

Any food with this diet will be harmful to the body and should be avoided. The kefir mono-diet has three different recipes, which are effective in their own way. The result will be amazing if you consume 1.5 liters of kefir per day. It should be remembered that this amount of useful product should be divided into several doses. Water and other liquids are limited on the kefir mono-diet.

The second method: eat fruit along with kefir, but not more than 1 kg. Fat will not accumulate and muscles will become elastic. Another way to help the body is to consume vegetables along with kefir:

  1. For breakfast, drink a glass of kefir, eat toast with bran or any raw vegetable.
  2. For lunch, a low-calorie salad and a small piece of cheese are suitable.
  3. Fresh fruit, such as a couple of apples, will brighten up your dinner.

Secrets of a thin waist

To have a slim waist, you need to know some secrets:

  • You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Moreover, it must be clean, unboiled and without gases. It is useful to drink a glass of water every morning, before your first meal. Water washes the stomach and intestines, prepares the digestive organs for work, and reduces the feeling of hunger.
  • The skin in those places where there are excess fat reserves should be moisturized. To do this, apply cream to it. This will prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the stomach and sides after losing weight. After a bath or shower, you should massage using a moisturizing cream or a cream with a lifting effect.
  • Wraps work well against belly fat. For this purpose, you can use honey, mustard, coffee, seaweed, and salt. In addition to fighting extra pounds, these procedures can improve the condition of the skin.
  • We must not forget about physical activity. If you supplement your diet with training in the pool, in the gym or going to the dance floor, you will be able to lose weight much faster. You should also not forget about physical activity throughout the day. For example, instead of taking the elevator, it is better to climb the stairs with your own feet.
  • Massage has proven itself well in the fight against excess fat. You can do it yourself, using special products and creams for this purpose. Fat from the abdomen and sides will disappear very quickly.

What to eat to lose weight faster

Always include these weight loss boosters in your meal plan...

Sour citrus fruits

Fruits such as orange, lemon, kiwi, tangerine, fresh lime can serve as an excellent fat burner.

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which boosts metabolism and burns fat faster compared to other fruits.

Many Western experts advise consuming citrus fruits with many other fruits, which also burn fat effectively. These are apple, watermelon, grapes and strawberries. They will help speed up your weight loss results.

Colored vegetables

Vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, spinach, beans and peas are all rich in minerals. And what is also very important, they do not contain fat. Yes, and also, they also have very few calories. They are very important in our healthy diet.

There is no need to cook vegetables with a lot of oil and spices. Best of all, when it comes to salad, add a small amount of unrefined olive or sunflower oil.

Various legumes.

Legumes are very rich in amino acids, especially lentils. It will help you reduce your meat consumption. Legumes are also low in fat and few in calories. They are super nutritious and will help you feel fuller for longer.

They should definitely be included in your healthy diet.

Oats for breakfast.

Oatmeal contains insoluble fiber and some carbohydrates, which prevent you from feeling hungry for a long time. It will give you the strength to perform better.

It is good for regulating insulin levels in the blood.

Nuts for a snack

A handful of almonds or walnuts is a good enough snack to keep you going without leaving you hungry.

Nuts are foods that are rich in healthy fatty acids, which contribute to the rapid burning of fat on the stomach and sides. They will not add harmful calories to your food menu.


Eggs are rich in protein. They are low in calories and fat. They are also known to help increase your metabolic rate.

Fatty fish

Salmon, herring, tuna are very rich in healthy protein and of course fats. They are good for boosting your metabolism. And good fatty acids are effective in burning belly fat.

Much water

Water increases your metabolism. You need to drink water between meals, not during. This is also important. If you drink water with meals, you will dilute the nutrients that aid digestion.

By doing this, you will worsen your digestion and may even get food poisoning.

And also remember that if your food requires additional liquid from you, then most likely you eat a lot of salty or sweet foods.

Exercises at home to lose weight on the sides and abdomen

There are easy but very effective exercises that can quickly remove fat from the sides and abdomen.

The first results can be seen after a week:

  • Tilts.

    You need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head. Then they slowly bend down, trying to touch the left knee with their right elbow, after which they straighten and bend down again, but this time pulling the left elbow towards the right knee. The back should be straight.

  • Body rotations.

    Feet are placed shoulder-width apart, hands are placed behind the head, fingers clasped. Perform turns in different directions, keeping your back straight.

  • Leg lift.

    Lie on your back, legs and arms remain straight. Raise your legs up to form a right angle. The abdominal muscles should remain tense at all times.

  • Tilts in different directions.

    Feet are placed shoulder-width apart, hands are placed behind the head. Keep your back straight and bend in different directions.

  • Mill.

    You need to bend over so that your legs and body form an angle of 90°C. In this position, they begin to vigorously perform rotations with straight arms.

  • Plank.

    You need to lie on your stomach, then raise yourself on your elbows and toes. You need to stand in this position for as long as possible. The abdominal muscles should be constantly tense. You need to stand in the plank for as long as you can.

  • Scissors.

    You need to sit on the floor, focusing on your hands behind your back. The legs are raised up and made cross swings. The press should remain tense at all times.

How to remove belly fat for a man?

To remove belly fat, men need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Switch to proper nutrition, exclude foods with a high glycemic index, enrich your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits. This will allow you to quickly return to normal weight and make your stomach flat. For men, the process of losing weight should begin not with high-impact sports, but with a well-structured menu.
  • You need to properly motivate yourself by setting yourself a very specific goal that will not be difficult to achieve.
  • The diet should be simple. It is for men that simple diets are more effective than for women. You can quickly get rid of extra pounds by following a Mediterranean or kefir diet. Moreover, the results will be noticeable from the first days, even without additional sports activities.
  • Entering the sport should be smooth. You should not start your classes with active training. Muscles must adapt gradually. You should not waste your own energy on meaningless exercises, as they have absolutely no effect on the size of your abdomen.
  • Fat must be replaced by muscle to increase testosterone levels in the blood. This hormone has a positive effect on the fat burning process, and also enhances potency and supports a man’s sexual energy.
  • You should start doing abdominal exercises when the fat layer on your stomach is reduced. Every man has a six-pack, but many have them hidden behind a layer of fat. Therefore, you must first get rid of it with the help of proper nutrition, and then begin to properly work out your abdominal muscles.

For most people, especially men, it is the high calorie content of foods they eat that causes belly growth. Therefore, fat deposits can be removed only with proper nutrition.

Low-carbohydrate diet for men.

A no-carbohydrate diet for men does not imply a complete abstinence from carbohydrates, as this will harm the process of digesting food and also provoke metabolic disorders. They just need to be cut down to 50-80 g per day. As a result, you will be able to lose fat without harm to your health.

An equally important condition is the correct choice of carbohydrate food sources. Priority should be given to foods with a low glycemic index.

Low-carbohydrate diet products.

During a low-carbohydrate diet, you need to base your diet on dairy and meat foods, this includes not only meat, but also fish, eggs, and cheese. Healthy fats, the sources of which are olive oil, avocado, and nuts, are of no small importance. Be sure to eat green beans, broccoli, and lettuce leaves.

You can also eat legumes, including beans and lentils, buckwheat, and quinoa. But you should not eat more than 60 g of these products per day. In the morning, during breakfast, you can eat 2 small fruits.

Whey protein can only be consumed for a specific purpose, after consultation with a specialist.

Menu for 1 day.

The menu, which will be presented below, is designed for a man 175-180 cm tall, whose weight is 80-85 kg. At the same time, the percentage of fat in his body is approximately 20-25%. This is a very important indicator that is necessary for creating the correct diet, namely, for calculating the daily number of kilocalories.

Such a man should not consume more than 2400 kcal per day, and to start losing weight, he needs a diet with a total calorie content of 2000 kcal. The amount of fat is no more than 100 g (up to 1000 kcal), the amount of carbohydrates is no more than 80 g (up to 320 kcal), the amount of protein is no more than 160 g (up to 640 kcal).

The menu looks like this:


  • Scrambled eggs of 3 eggs with cheese or bacon and milk (420 kcal, B - 24 g, U - 2 g, F - 35 g).
  • Apple, protein shake (200 g, U – 20 g, B – 24 g, F – 2 g).


  • Fried chicken breast 200 g (350 kcal, F - 15 g, U - 1 g, B - 60 g).
  • 60 g lentils (212 kcal, W - 0 g, B - 15 g, U - 36 g).
  • 10 g olive oil (90 kcal, F – 10 g).


  • Protein shake (120 kcal, W – 1 g, B – 24 g, U – 2 g).
  • 30 g almonds (170 kcal, U - 6 g, F - 15 g, B - 6 g).


  • 150 g salmon (220 kcal, W – 9 g, U – 0 g, B – 32 g).
  • 150 g green beans (50 kcal, B - 3 g, F - 0 g, U - 10 g).
  • 10 g olive oil (90 kcal, F – 10 g).

Thus, a person consumes 1960 kcal per day, F - 100 g, B - 185 g, U - 80 g.

Hormonal imbalance in men.

Hormonal imbalance in men rarely causes obesity. Only a few have genetics that contribute to excess weight gain. Even less common are metabolic disorders due to insufficient iodine intake from food. Therefore, the “root” of the problem of excess weight most likely needs to be sought in poor nutrition and lack of physical activity.

How to remove belly fat at home

As experts point out, if you want to be fit, you must change your diet and lifestyle first. But remember the main thing - exercise is 20% of success, and your nutrition is 80%.

In order to move on to creating your meal plan for weight loss, you need to clearly know what to eat. Next, you need to know which weight loss exercises at home are easy to do to achieve positive results.

So let's start with the restrictions...

What not to eat

An approximate list of foods that you should give up in the next month. Let's voice it:

  • sugar in any form (try replacing it with dark chocolate, dates, honey, stevia, but everything should also be in moderation)
  • flour products made from premium flour (they contain gluten, which clogs your intestines, preventing it from working properly and completing the digestion process)
  • sweet carbonated drinks
  • reduce your carbohydrate intake (eat pasta and cereals in moderation. But make sure the pasta is made from durum wheat)
  • remove snacks and canned food (they are full of fat, sugar and harmful additives that prevent your hormones from working correctly)
  • refined oils and products prepared with this oil (as well as store-bought prepared foods)

That's all. Let's move on to what we have.

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