Tube and laxative every day: extreme or a new word in fasting from Dr. Voroshilov?

Voroshilov Alexander Pavlovich (born in 1953) is a Ukrainian nutritionist of the highest category. Head of the Health and Weight program. Accepts at Kiev Medical. Supervises patients through online consultations. The technique is paid.

Little is known about the author. Born in Ust-Kamenogorsk, graduated from Odessa National Medical University (specialization - general medicine). In 2013, he patented the “Method of treating obese and overweight patients using the Voroshilov-Dovgoy method,” which is based on the technique of intermittent fasting.

The essence of the technique

Cyclic (intermittent) fasting according to Voroshilov causes mixed reactions from both doctors and those who have experienced it themselves. Some consider it unique, others consider it too generalized and copied from other methods, and others consider it not scientifically substantiated. Distinctive features:

  • Voroshilov calls days of abstinence from food food breaks;
  • depending on the individual characteristics of the body (weight, height, presence of chronic diseases), a food break can last from 3 days to several weeks;
  • they need to be repeated regularly, in cycles;
  • as preparation, a fasting day is carried out with cleansing of the intestines and liver;
  • does not prohibit drinking water and taking water procedures;
  • as a relief, you are allowed to drink rosehip decoction;
  • Every day you need to do enemas and drink soda solutions;
  • special exercises are recommended for more thorough cleansing of the body;
  • as Voroshilov himself claims, his method does not disrupt the usual way of life: you can, as before, actively play sports and go to work.

Voroshilov advertises his method not so much as therapeutic fasting, but as one of the ways to get rid of excess weight.

Advantages and disadvantages of a food break according to Voroshilov


  • Convenient format: at home, but under the constant supervision of a doctor.
  • The novice patient does not feel hungry.
  • The food break is easily tolerated.
  • The patient easily enters and exits food breaks.
  • Medicinal effect: has a positive effect on the health and functioning of organs.
  • Combines with sports and active activities.
  • Systematic practice increases life expectancy, rejuvenates the body, relieves cardiovascular problems and hypertension.
  • Effectively used in bodybuilding: it allows you to properly carry out the drying process.

Read also: What foods and drinks can cleanse your blood?


  • If you interrupt the food break and switch to your usual diet, the weight returns.
  • Short (1-2 days) and irregular food breaks do not have a significant effect on weight loss.
  • If diseases are present in a latent state, their exacerbation may occur.
  • Prolonged fasting can cause acidosis and diabetic coma.

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How it works

Voroshilov draws attention to the fact that from birth a person is programmed for natural genetic events, to which he attributes diseases (including obesity) and death. However, in his opinion, their course can be changed: diseases can be prevented, and old age can be delayed. To do this, you need to create stressful situations for the body from time to time so that it asks itself the only problem: “How not to die today?” Such an emergency is a food break.

Cyclic fasting according to Voroshilov involves the active use of baking soda (both in enemas and for oral administration). Results:

  • achieving the final goal in a shorter time;
  • in addition to waste and toxins, parasites and even mold are removed;
  • the blood is constantly in a liquefied state, which increases its activity, and this increases the effectiveness of fasting;
  • acidotic and glycemic crises are more easily tolerated;
  • A 16-day soda fast is equivalent in effectiveness to a 30-40-day water fast;
  • exit time is halved.

However, Voroshilov does not allow everyone to fast using soda. For those who have serious heart problems, he first suggests taking a 20-day treatment course: the first 10 days - taking alkaline baths, another 10 days - soda enemas. And only then is a three-day eating window possible.

According to Dr. Voroshilov’s method, the main one is just a three-day eating window, when the calculation is not for an acidotic crisis, but for a glycemic crisis (occurs by the end of the third day). Characterized by a sharp jump in blood sugar. Manifested by symptoms such as:

  • headache;
  • fever, profuse sweating;
  • weakness;
  • severe tachycardia;
  • numbness or tremor of the limbs;
  • clouding of the eye sclera (not as severe as during an acidotic crisis);
  • light, barely noticeable gray coating on the tongue.

This condition is quickly overcome: as soon as it reaches its peak, it is enough to eat 2 tsp. honey. Symptoms disappear in a matter of minutes. Voroshilov is one of the few developers of therapeutic-dietary fasting, which relies in its system not only on the acidotic crisis, but also on the glycemic crisis.

Features of the fasting method according to Dr. Voroshilov

The idea of ​​fasting to improve the health of the body is not new.
Merit of A.P. Voroshilov is that he paid special attention to the difficulties that arise in this condition, which make this method inaccessible to most patients. Key benefits of intermittent fasting:

  • healing and rejuvenation of the body;
  • cleansing the body of waste and toxins;
  • normalization of weight.

Hunger is a painful, painful and difficult to overcome feeling. Its physiological significance lies in stimulating the replenishment of the body's energy reserves. But in modern human society, outside of extreme situations, hunger more often occurs reflexively. This usually happens when it’s time to eat, in stressful situations, during rest, or when a person subconsciously tries to push aside some work or problem.

However, no matter what provokes this feeling, the gastrointestinal tract is preparing to digest food. Salivation and acidity of gastric juice increase, the secretion of enzymes and other biologically active substances increases. The digestive system signals all these changes to the central nervous system, which makes the feeling of hunger even more intense. To break this vicious circle, A.P. Voroshilov offers simple breathing exercises. Along with the feeling of hunger, reflex irritation of the gastrointestinal tract also passes.

During fasting, as all researchers note, 2 conditions arise that are potentially dangerous to the body: hypoglycemia and acidosis.

Their features are as follows:

  1. Hypoglycemia is a decrease in blood glucose levels. The condition appears on the third day of fasting and is the result of carbohydrate deficiency. Subjectively, it manifests itself as dizziness, weakness, and sweating. According to Voroshilov, the condition is easily eliminated by taking a spoonful of honey.
  2. Acidosis. It is characterized by a change in the acid-base balance of the blood and its shift to the acidic side. In case of carbohydrate deficiency, a week after the start of fasting, the breakdown of adipose tissue in the body increases. The result of this process is the formation of ketone bodies - acetone and fatty acids. The body tries to restore disturbed homeostasis by removing excess H+ ions through the skin, lungs, kidneys, and intestines.

The patient experiences nausea, headache, and weakness. To reduce the toxic effect of ketone bodies on the body, Voroshilov recommends hygiene procedures for the skin and accessible mucous membranes, and regular emptying of the small and large intestines. On the 9-10th day of fasting, the body switches to an endogenous nutrition mode, when ketone bodies begin to be used by the body to produce energy. The utilization of ketone bodies is faster than their accumulation. The acid-base balance is restored. The patient's condition improves significantly.

Gallbladder overflow is a problem with any fasting regimen. During the digestion process, the gallbladder is emptied as food enters the duodenum. If there is no food, bile stagnation occurs. Subjectively, this manifests itself as headache, nausea, and weakness. A.P. Voroshilov proposes to solve this problem using an individually selected tubage technique.

If the patient sees weight loss as his only goal, he will be disappointed.

All researchers emphasize that weight lost during fasting comes back very quickly. Voroshilov recommends solving this problem by controlling the feeling of hunger through breathing exercises and diet.

A.P. Voroshilov widely advertises his system. A book on this method of healing has already been published. The author has a website where he communicates with everyone, consults patients in absentia, and monitors their progress and health. There are dozens of videos on the Internet promoting this method as part of a healthy lifestyle.


Alexander Voroshilov promises that the fasting system, organized in strict accordance with his individual recommendations for each individual patient, guarantees:

  • anthelmintic effect;
  • getting rid of edema, acne, allergic manifestations, shortness of breath, joint pain, cellulite, papillomas, sand in the kidneys and gall bladder, infertility (if it is dictated by hormonal imbalance);
  • normalization of the leukocyte blood count and variation pulsometry indicators (these include biological age, tension of the autonomic nervous system, resistance to stress);
  • lack of hunger;
  • increased self-esteem;
  • losing weight by at least 1 kg per day;
  • stabilization of blood pressure, hemoglobin and blood sugar levels, menstrual cycle;
  • improvement of well-being in case of atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer, gastritis, hepatitis, prostatitis, fibroids, mastopathy, eczema, neurodermatitis, kidney diseases;
  • improved sleep;
  • blooming, healthy, well-groomed appearance (wrinkles are smoothed out, pigmentation is discolored).

All these promises can be found on the medical website.

Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov. Curriculum Vitae

In 1904 he became a member of the Lugansk Bolshevik Committee. In 1905, he took the place of chairman of the Lugansk Council, led a strike of workers, and the creation of fighting squads.

In 1906, Kliment Voroshilov was a delegate to the IV Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) in Stockholm, where he met Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin.

In the period from 1907 to 1917. conducted underground party work, was repeatedly arrested, and served exile in the Arkhangelsk province and Cherdyn region.

During the February Revolution of 1917, Voroshilov was elected to the Petrograd Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies. At the Third Congress of Soviets, he was elected to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK), appointed Commissioner of Petrograd and, together with Felix Dzerzhinsky, was involved in organizing the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK).

During the Civil War, Voroshilov was involved in the formation of units of the Red Army, commanded a number of armies, and took part in the defense of Tsaritsyn.

Since 1919, Kliment Voroshilov was appointed People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, where he organized punitive operations to eliminate Ukrainian national detachments.

Together with Semyon Budyonny, he was among the main organizers of the 1st Cavalry Army (November 1919) and a member of the Army's Revolutionary Military Council. He remained in this post throughout the last period of the Civil War - until May 1921.

At the head of a group of delegates to the X Congress of the RCP(b) in 1921, Voroshilov participated in the suppression of the Kronstadt uprising. Since 1921 - member of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). In 1921-1924. - Member of the South-Eastern Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), commander of the troops of the North Caucasus Military District. He led the destruction of the rebels in the Caucasus.

Since 1924, Voroshilov was the commander of the troops of the Moscow Military District and a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR.

In June 1924 - December 1925. - Member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. In the internal party struggle he always spoke from the position of the party majority and supported Stalin in his struggle for power in the party and state.

In 1925, he became deputy people's commissar for military and naval affairs, and after the death of people's commissar Mikhail Frunze, he was appointed people's commissar for military and naval affairs and chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council (RVS USSR). In 1926, Voroshilov was elected to the Politburo.

In the 1930s he took part in a campaign of repression against military personnel.

In 1934, Kliment Voroshilov took the post of People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR. In November 1935, he was awarded the title “Marshal of the Soviet Union.”

After the war with Finland, which showed the weak combat readiness of the Red Army, in 1940 Voroshilov was removed from the post of People's Commissar of Defense and appointed deputy chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) and chairman of the defense committee under the SNK of the USSR (remained in this post until May 1941) . He was entrusted with overseeing the defense industries.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Voroshilov first commanded the troops of the Northwestern direction, then the Leningrad Front; for his inability to lead troops, he was removed from his post as front commander.

Subsequently, he held positions not directly related to the leadership of troops (representative of the Supreme High Command Headquarters on the Volkhov Front, chairman of the Armistice Commission, etc.). In 1943 he took part in the Tehran Conference.

In 1945-1947 served as Chairman of the Allied Control Commission in Hungary.

From 1946 to 1953 Voroshilov was deputy chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers. From March 1953 to May 1960 - Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

After Stalin's death, he supported Khrushchev's opponents and was a member of the so-called “anti-party group” (1956-1957). At the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee in June 1957, when the defeat of the “group” became obvious, Voroshilov repented in his speech, admitted the mistake he had made and condemned the factionalists.

In May 1960, “for health reasons,” Kliment Voroshilov was relieved of his post as chairman of the presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, but remained a member of the presidium of the Supreme Council. In July 1960, he was removed from the Presidium of the Central Committee, and in October 1961, he was no longer elected as a member of the CPSU Central Committee.

In 1961, Voroshilov addressed the XXII Congress of the CPSU with a letter in which he once again admitted mistakes and his participation in organizing repressions. After Leonid Brezhnev came to power, he again became a member of the CPSU Central Committee.

Kliment Voroshilov died on December 2, 1969 in Moscow and was buried near the Kremlin wall.

Marshal Voroshilov received many awards, he was twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (1956, 1968), and was one of the eleven people who were awarded both the highest degrees of distinction of the Soviet Union - Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Socialist Labor (he received the latter title in 1960). ).

A monument was erected at Voroshilov’s grave; several cities and towns bore his name at different times. In 1932, the title “Voroshilov Shooter” was established, and a series of heavy tanks (KV - Klim Voroshilov) were named in his honor. The name of Kliment Voroshilov in 1941-1958 and in 1969-1991. worn by the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

Kliment Voroshilov was married to Golda Davidovna Gorbman, whom he met in exile in the Arkhangelsk region in 1909. In order to get married, his wife converted to Orthodoxy and changed her name (after the wedding - Ekaterina Davidovna Voroshilova).

They did not have children of their own, and Voroshilov and his wife raised a son and daughter, Mikhail Frunze, as well as an adopted son, Peter, from whom they had two grandchildren.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Price issue

Medical patronage services include an initial consultation. On it, based on individual indicators, Voroshilov clarifies the duration of fasting. After this, throughout the course he “guides” the patient (gives recommendations on Skype, WhatsApp, by phone). True, in reviews people often complain that instead of the doctor, his assistants answer the conversation - they are far from being as qualified as he himself, and are not competent in some issues.

Fasting day

Those who have completed a one-day food break in reviews of cyclic fasting according to Voroshilov advise that the first thing you do when you wake up is to firmly determine for yourself what you can and cannot do on this day:

  • Allowed: unlimited amount of water, tea, coffee, but without adding milk or sugar, mineral water “Essentuki”, “Luzhanskaya”, “Polyana Kvasova”, etc.
  • Prohibited: juices, other drinks, any food.
  • Recommended: active mode - sports, sauna, bathhouse.

The morning should begin with the usual hygiene procedures and always a contrast shower, pouring a cold stream over your hands and feet. Then morning coffee or tea. If you notice pangs of hunger, simple exercise can easily banish them.

The most effective “Frog”:

  1. Rest your hands on a chair or low table. Take a deep breath and pull your stomach in. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Exhale with all your heart and relax your abdominal muscles. Repeat 10 times and you will notice how the feeling of hunger has left you.
  2. A slightly different version of the exercise. Place your palms on your stomach and inhale deeply, drawing it in. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Remove your hands and exhale, relaxing your muscles. Also repeat 10 times.

The exercise is done sitting, lying down, while walking. The best effect can be achieved by drinking a glass of mineral water before it. Repeat it every time you feel hungry.

If you started preparing last night, then after lunch you can already return to your previous diet. However, the authors of reviews of cyclic fasting according to Dr. Voroshilov advise waiting to eat until the morning. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to take a tubage with magnesia or Essentuki before going to bed. At the end of it, you can also eat an egg if you wish.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • both crises are taken into account - glycemic and acidotic;
  • The tubage is described in detail and supplemented with a biliary massage, as well as exercises;
  • working methods are given on how to eliminate hunger and heartburn;
  • at the exit you are allowed to immediately eat vegetables and many other foods, and not juice therapy, as in most similar methods;
  • There are indulgences not only in the form of rosehip decoction: you are allowed to consume 100 kcal per day;
  • Most people liked to communicate with Voroshilov personally; he motivated everyone well and explained everything clearly.


  • in some places the methodology is presented in a confusing and chaotic manner, there is no systematization, and it is difficult to understand;
  • tubage and enema are carried out daily, which is extremely difficult to tolerate;
  • breathing exercises to eliminate hunger do not help everyone;
  • the use of tubage during fasting is an extraordinary method, the benefits of which have not been scientifically proven;
  • A 2-liter enema at the exit can have the most unpredictable consequences and cause harm to health;
  • There are contraindications: lack of weight and acute illness.


Here's what doctors say about one-day weekly fasting:

– If one-day fasting once a week is continued for a year, this will improve a person’s constitution and save him from disease.

– Fatigue of the internal organs is largely relieved by one-day fasting. There are many cases where mild diabetes was cured simply by allowing the pancreas to rest for a few days of fasting.

– One day of fasting rejuvenates the body for three months.

It turned out that even in ancient times, Hippocrates, Avicenna, Paracelsus and other doctors treated the sick with the help of fasting. Currently, there is already a lot of scientific data revealing the mechanism of the therapeutic effect of fasting, which stimulates metabolism, rejuvenates the body and prevents aging.

During complete fasting, the energy that we spent on digesting food is used to treat existing diseases and, in fact, for cleansing. From personal experience, I was convinced that an empty stomach can cope with a runny nose in two days, and for some reason a severe flu can be dealt with in three.

But if in the first case you can move around, then the flu is accompanied alternately by a terrifying fever and drowsiness. The most amazing thing is that after such treatment you look like after a spa procedure. I don’t know what’s the matter, but the body is clearly being cleansed both externally and internally. By the way, if you decide to treat diseases with hunger, then under no circumstances take any medications.

You can only drink water - often and in small portions. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. In addition to clean water, you can drink a weak infusion of rose hips or herbal tea (without sugar!).


By the way, short-term fasting, in addition to cleansing and significantly improving appearance, has another unexpected effect. It is about increasing the power of imagination and the ability to create. For example, John Lennon, one of the legendary Beatles, practiced meditation and was fond of fasting. It is possible that his creative insights in the musical field were the result not only of talent and efficiency, but also of periodic refusal of his daily bread.

T. Toeo, a former member of the House of Commons of the Japanese Parliament, strongly recommended weekly one-day fasting to all doubters as a way to improve health and activate thinking. He repeatedly emphasized that this is not just a diet, because thanks to fasting, the head works better and ideas constantly arise.

The only thing you should not forget is that before fasting you need to cleanse your body. To do this, 2 days before the scheduled date, exclude animal products from your diet. Switch to a cereal-vegetable diet. The menu should consist of all kinds of cereals, vegetables and fruits. Always start with no more than a 1-2-day fast, then move on to a 3-day fast. As long as the famine lasted, so long was the way out of it.

You can alternately carry out one-, two-, three-day fasting in a row, ending each with exit from the process of the same duration. Further increases in timing should be carried out after longer breaks. Gradually you can increase the fast to 7 days. It is advisable to carry it out once every 6 months. Longer fasting at home (at least until you get the hang of it) is not recommended.

And most importantly, an optimistic attitude is very important in the process of self-purification. When you start fasting, believe in success and you will achieve amazing results. The body will cope with any diseases on its own, and when regular fasting becomes a habit, you will stop getting sick altogether.


If you prepare competently and efficiently for daily fasting, and do it consistently and systematically every week, you can achieve good results for weight loss.

According to experts, the mild stress that the body experiences during moderate fasting has a positive effect on the immune system and reduces the likelihood of cancer. A prerequisite is that if you decide to fast, do it regularly and drink water during this process.


You need to start with attitude. At first, fasting causes discomfort, a slight stressful background, and in order to overcome it, you need to have sufficient motivation.

On the day before fasting, be restrained in food, it is advisable not to drink alcohol, do not eat much at night, and do not eat meat in the evening.

Try to find something to do. It’s better if it’s done in the fresh air, at the dacha, in the forest. Don't do your first fast at work. Possible problems in the form of various unpleasant sensations - headaches, dizziness, weakness, bad mood, bad breath - can ruin your relationships with others and make fasting itself difficult. In the future, you will be able to fast “on the job” and no one will even notice.

I do this:

Sunday. At 18:00 I have a light dinner, then I try to go to bed early.

Monday. Throughout the day (until 18:00), as thoughts about food arise, I drink water.

Monday 18:00, exit from fasting. I make a salad from grated carrots (I don’t season it with anything). Then you can eat a piece of bread, preferably coarsely ground and stale. After 2 hours you can cook the porridge (preferably with water and without oil).

Breaking a one-day fast

P. Bragg's recommendations for nutrition during the recovery period. 1 day (24 hours) = If you want, you can add 1/3 teaspoon raw honey and 1 teaspoon lemon juice to distilled water, this makes the water pleasant and dissolves mucus and toxins.

At the end of this fast, the first food should be a salad of fresh vegetables, mainly grated carrots and grated cabbage. You can use lemon or orange juice as a seasoning. This dish acts like a broom on the intestines. After this, you can eat boiled vegetables, such as stewed tomatoes. You can eat a variety of greens - spinach, pumpkin, kale, cooked celery or string beans. You should never break your fast with animal products: meat, cheese, fish, nuts or seeds. Do not eat any acidic foods for 2 days.

Any person can go without food and water for several days without serious consequences, and only our ignorance makes us die of fear in such a short period of time.

(From the Internet)


Voroshilov explains in detail and completely free of charge how to prepare for fasting. This is a fasting day, which he advises everyone to organize from time to time.

On the eve of the fasting day, 2 hours after dinner, two procedures using magnesium sulfate are carried out:

  • tubazh – cleanses the liver and gall bladder;
  • laxative – cleanses the intestines.

On a fasting day, coffee and tea are allowed. Without milk, but with sweetener. Drink water as needed, without any restrictions. Apart from the fact that you don’t eat anything, the rest of this day should be like all previous ones and not disrupt your usual daily routine. It is recommended to do exercises in the morning, and after breakfast (coffee) take a contrast shower.

To eliminate hunger pangs, it is recommended to do the breathing exercise “The Jasper Frog Drives Waves.”

In the evening, as the day before, make tubage, and after it eat 2 tbsp. l. bran (dilute in a glass of water).

Preparing for fasting

Cyclic fasting does not begin with refusing food. The first stage is preparation for spending a day without food. After all, in your gallbladder, bile is still waiting for a new meal, your small intestine contains yesterday's dinner, and your large intestine is full of waste.

Preparation will take 3-4 hours. It should be started approximately the same time after the last meal. The best time is after lunch. It consists of two not entirely pleasant events:

  • Blind probing (tubage) – cleansing of the gallbladder and liver.
  • Laxatives for the intestinal tract.

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