How to eat properly for men: a healthy diet for every day

The body's need for a healthy, balanced diet is the most important factor for human life. Without regular replenishment of all the substances, vitamins and minerals necessary for the body’s functioning, and a well-designed menu, any organism quickly loses the ability to exist normally. However, with all this, you need to understand that proper healthy nutrition for men is not just fuel to maintain life in the body.

Proper nutrition for men

The productivity of any activity depends on what, how and when we eat, what our menu is. Therefore, for a long time no one has any doubts that the issue of nutrition and menu planning must be taken seriously, except.

Obviously, the correct approach to healthy nutrition for men, to the menu for the week, to the products that are included in the diet of people, depends on many factors, including the individual characteristics of the body of a particular person. Of course, to a large extent, the diet and menu of men and women can, and sometimes should, differ.

For a man, healthy, proper nutrition is the most important source of energy, and a properly composed menu makes it possible to feel enough strength to function in different life situations. What is proper healthy eating, and what is the most optimal weekly menu for men?

Basics of a balanced diet

The productivity of our body depends on what, when and how we eat. Therefore, the problem of selecting the right diet and drawing up a balanced menu remains so pressing.

Of course, in many ways men and women should consume the same foods, but sometimes they should be different. In addition, you should understand that there is simply no single correct list of products for a healthy diet. Because different people will have different health conditions, eating habits and preferences. But there are general rules for what the correct weekly menu should be, what food, according to doctors and scientists, is the most healthy. These tips are fairly universal.

When compiling a men's healthy nutrition menu for the whole week, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • nutritional value of the diet and its energy value;
  • volume of fluid consumed and its quality;
  • nutritional regimen for men.

The most useful products for men




Category - Healthy and unhealthy foods, Healthy foods, Healthy foods, Balanced nutrition

It is extremely important for men who want to maintain their health to lead an appropriate lifestyle.

This means physical activity, giving up bad habits, adequate rest and, of course, a balanced diet.

Unfortunately, many representatives of the stronger sex are quite negligent about the quality of their diet. Nevertheless, the foods consumed play a key role in maintaining health and well-being and directly affect male strength.

Everyone knows that the basis of a proper menu should be natural, fresh products that can saturate the body with the necessary amount of nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

Below are a number of the most valuable products for men that have a beneficial effect on appearance, physical fitness and potency.


Rich in zinc, selenium and essential fatty acids, salmon, mackerel, herring, anchovies, shrimp and crabs are necessary for the active synthesis of testosterone. It is extremely useful to include oysters in the menu, which are a valuable source of minerals and a natural aphrodisiac.


Whole grain dishes contain a diverse palette of microelements and vitamins that help maintain cardiovascular health. Thus, eating cereals can be an excellent prevention of the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension and heart attack. In addition, porridges contain a large amount of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body.


Almonds, cashews, pistachios, hazelnuts, walnuts and pine nuts are high-quality natural sources of minerals, vitamins, vegetable protein, essential oils and fiber, which play a vital role in overall health and male potency. Due to their high energy value, these products provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety and increase performance.

Celery and garlic

Celery contains the male hormone androsterone, which is responsible for the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics, as well as vitamins A, B, C, E, K, nicotinic acid and a wide range of trace elements such as calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

All this makes celery a welcome guest at the men's dinner table.

Garlic is also recommended to be included in the diet, because it can improve blood circulation, promote sexual activity, hormone production, and also has powerful antibacterial properties.

Red meat

Today there is a lot of discussion about the benefits of meat products for the body. Nevertheless, the importance of including foods rich in animal protein in the diet of men is undeniable, especially when engaging in physical labor and sports. Amino acids, iron and zinc, which meat dishes are rich in, are necessary for the smooth functioning of the body. Preference should be given to lean varieties of beef, pork, and veal in order to get the maximum benefit from the meat.

By including products from the above list in your menu, you can effectively improve your quality of life and well-being, and prevent the development of many diseases.

Nutritional value of the diet

The quality of the menu determines the amount of calories consumed in a particular product. Their quantity will determine how much energy a man can get after the food is digested. To calculate the required amount of calories, it is important to follow the data on food packaging or stock up on a special table of calorie content of foods. When calculating the calorie intake for the day and week, you need to take into account what kind of physical activity a man receives. If there is a need to lose excess weight, then the amount of energy consumed should be less than the amount expended.

Pay attention to the presence of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, as well as vitamins in a particular product. Because a lack of one of these components can lead to undesirable consequences for a man’s health.

Budget-friendly recipes for healthy eating for the week

When drawing up a menu for the week, take into account the time spent on preparing dishes. With proper nutrition, it is recommended to eat raw, boiled foods. Recipes pay attention to the possibility of replacing an expensive ingredient with a budget one.

Lenten borscht

  • potatoes – 200 g;
  • onion head;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • beets – 100 g;
  • cabbage forks - 250 g;
  • spices.

Vegetables are peeled and cut. Fry onions and carrots until golden, add beets. Potatoes and fried vegetables are placed in boiling water. After 20 minutes, add shredded cabbage and spices.

When eating right, creating a menu for the week helps outline your overall daily routine. A balanced diet with healthy foods promotes weight loss. Nutrients improve the functioning of the body. A healthy diet helps you stay healthy and save money.

Many stereotypes have formed around proper nutrition. Some associate it with strict restrictions, others believe that a healthy nutrition menu for every day is a pleasure available to people with above-average incomes. Finally, another stereotype is that only those who have health problems or are overweight need to eat right. Are these stereotyped ideas about PP correct? Is it easy to choose a healthy diet and what do you still have to give up? Read about it in our article.

Volume of liquid consumed

Water plays one of the most important functions in a balanced diet.

Thanks to the intake of high-quality liquid, the condition of the skin improves, the removal of toxins from the body is ensured, and the risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced. The optimal volume is considered to be one and a half to two liters of water per day. At the same time, be sure to pay attention to the fact that in this case we are talking specifically about the amount of clean water consumed, and not liquid in the composition of dishes. Liquid content of alcoholic beverages is also not taken into account. On the contrary, experts advise minimizing the amount of alcohol consumption.

Approximate menu for a man

According to experts, a healthy diet for a man should look like this:

  • Breakfast. A few fried or boiled eggs with herbs, a piece of grain bread, tea or coffee. It's better if you can do without consuming sugar. It can be replaced with honey.
  • Lunch. A glass of milk, yogurt, or cottage cheese.
  • Dinner. Be sure to have a hot dish (borscht, soup). Garnish with fish. Vegetable salad with vegetable oil. As a dessert, you can use biscuits or dried fruits.
  • Afternoon snack. It is enough to eat fruits: orange, pears, apples.
  • Dinner. Chicken breast, cutlet or beef with vegetable side dish. Tea again without sugar. Drink kefir or fermented baked milk before bed.

Naturally, this is only an approximate list of healthy male nutrition, and a detailed program for each day should be drawn up based on the capabilities of a particular organism.

How to create a budget healthy nutrition menu for the week

On average, 40% of the monthly budget is spent on food. Planning will help you cut costs without compromising your health. A compiled weekly menu will allow you to balance your diet and tune in to eating certain dishes.

  1. Creating a grocery list for proper nutrition for the week is taken seriously. Calorie content and BJU are calculated. Taste preferences and degree of vital activity are taken into account.
  2. The sample menu should be varied. Meat is alternated with fish, red vegetables with green ones. Monitor the distribution of macronutrients: 50-60% of the daily diet is carbohydrates, 20-30% is proteins. Lipids include unsaturated fatty acids and make up no more than 15%.
  3. When compiling the list, the shelf life of the products is taken into account. The ingredients are selected universal. For example, apples can be eaten raw, baked, or prepared compote. Remember, meat cannot be re-frozen.
  4. Healthy food means freshly prepared meals. Preference is given to steamed or stewed food. The list is planned for a week no less and no more. It contains ingredients that do not require lengthy preliminary processing.
  5. Fermented milk products are included in dinners and breakfasts. I drink kefir and yogurt fresh, I have to go to the store, and evening walks are useful.

What should you eat for men's health?

Products that ensure good men's health require special attention. To do this, a man, regardless of age, must receive a sufficient amount of proteins, vitamins B6 and B12, E, C, zinc, fatty acids, and folic acid. All of them together have a positive effect on the sexual function of men.

To preserve men's health for many years, scientists advise eating almonds and walnuts, river and sea products (shrimp, salmon, sardines, trout, halibut), wholemeal bread and cereals.

Fasting days

After 35 years, experts recommend that men have one vegetarian day once a week. By giving up meat products for at least such a short period of time, the body will be able to partially take a break from this product, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

A complete diet, healthy nutrition, taking into account individual and age characteristics, professional employment, and the state of the body will help achieve maximum efficiency in all areas of life, and, of course, extend its life. This is especially important for athletes, that is, men who subject their bodies to frequent physical activity. In this case, the problem of healthy eating is one of the key ones, the solution of which will help achieve results in a very short time.

If you want to share your tips on healthy eating, tell us about the features of the menu you use, you can leave your comments and reviews below.

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