Food table: proteins, fats and carbohydrates

How is the calorie content of fresh fruits determined?

The main calorie indicators for all existing fruits and berries can be found in the tables. As a rule, these data are averaged. The calorie content of two different apples can differ significantly.

And this will depend on the following basic characteristics:

  • degree of ripeness and sweetness. The larger they are, the higher the calorie content;
  • frozen fruits are lower in calories due to their high water content;
  • Dried or dried fruits will be several times higher in calories than fresh ones;
  • fruits with denser pulp have higher calorie content.

Important! For people who are on a diet, it is better to choose unripe fruits and vegetables, as they have a higher fiber content and lower sugar content compared to ripe ones. Ripe fruits can also work, but you need to choose the least sweet and dense ones among them.

Also, the calorie content of the fruit depends on the region of Russia or another country, the conditions in which the plant was grown, the climate, soil characteristics, fertilizers used and many other factors.

Fruits and berries

Fruits and berries are a natural source of vitamins for the body. A proper diet must include a variety of them, because it is not only tasty, but also healthy. Undoubtedly, all fruits have benefits, but each of them has its own effect on the body and can help different organs work.

Sometimes due to allergies or stomach diseases, individual intolerance to certain fruits occurs. In this case, beneficial vitamins become harmful to the body, destroying or disrupting its functioning. Each person, focusing on his own health, should know which fruits he can eat, and which ones should be replaced, reduced their consumption or completely excluded from the diet.

Berries and fruits


Many people love and consume citrus fruits. Because of the timing of their arrival, they are often associated with holidays. And of course, everyone knows about the great benefits of these fruits. They contain many different vitamins and microelements, and they are simply healthy and very tasty.

Thus, the smell of lemon has a calming effect on the nerves, is suitable for fighting depression, and will also help get rid of stress.

Orange has a wonderful effect on the condition of the body as a whole and is good for the skin.

Grapefruit will help keep your figure slim and cleanse the body; it can also reduce the effect of drugs in the body.

Tangerines promote good appetite and weight loss.

But there are also contraindications under which you should not consume citrus fruits or eat them in large quantities:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Since the acids contained in fruits will have a negative effect on the mucous membrane and the digestive process;
  • acute or chronic gastritis;
  • increased level of acidity in the body.


A low-growing berry bush, which is one of the most useful among fruits and berries. All parts of this plant are suitable for consumption. The berries can be eaten fresh, dried, juiced or frozen. With any use, the beneficial substances will not lose their properties.

It has a positive effect on the entire body, especially good for vision. Blueberries also have excellent preventive properties. Apart from personal intolerance, it has no contraindications.


Pomegranate contains almost all the substances necessary for the body. You can use everything in it – seeds, peel, juice. This fruit is good for hair, strengthens and heals it, increases hemoglobin levels, is effective for anemia and anemia, and also normalizes heart function and regulates blood pressure.


The beneficial properties of currants have long been known. This berry is simply a concentrated set of beneficial vitamins for the human body. It strengthens the immune system well. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps remove toxins from the body, and is useful for gastritis and anemia. You should consume both the berries themselves and herbal decoctions from leaves and branches, which are very helpful for colds. There are no contraindications.

You need to eat all fruits, because they are tasty, natural, and most importantly healthy vitamins.

Fruits with the highest calorie content

High-calorie fruits are an integral part of the diet of people trying to gain weight. They will also come in handy for children, who often have no appetite, and for teenagers as the main source of energy.


The table of fruit calories per 100 grams with the highest indicator includes the following fruits:

  • Avocado - about 170 calories. It is considered a very filling, high-calorie fruit, containing large amounts of potassium, fatty and monounsaturated acids. It is an alternative to fatty fish. Avocado is an oily fruit that promotes better and faster absorption of various substances in the body. Without additional processing, fresh avocados are considered the most high-calorie fruit.
  • The banana in the table has about 90 calories. Contains a large amount of potassium, as well as easily digestible sugars, therefore it is considered a source of energy that promotes rapid restoration of strength. This hypoallergenic, high-calorie fruit contains tryptophan, which promotes the production of the joy hormone serotonin in the human body. Despite the high calorie content, the fruit has a moderate glycemic index;
  • mango - about 70 calories in the table. This exotic, high-calorie fruit slows down the development of cancer and the aging process, acts as a powerful antioxidant, and prevents atherosclerosis. With fruit, meat will be absorbed in the body easier and faster;
  • persimmon (65 calories) is a high-calorie fruit that will benefit all organs and systems. Dried persimmon helps restore strength and get rid of numbness in the limbs, but has a higher calorie content - about 250 calories. Due to the astringent effect, people with gastrointestinal problems should not get carried away with this fruit;
  • Figs (55-60 calories) are another high-calorie fruit that are high in fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. Therefore, it is recommended for people with heart disease. Figs can most often be found on sale in dried form. In this case, its calorie content increases to 180 kcal;
  • papaya (about 52 calories) - contains a unique component papain, which promotes the rapid breakdown of proteins. The high-calorie fruit is equally beneficial for the body both fresh and frozen;
  • pomegranate (about 50 calories) - improves blood quality, maintains health, recommended for people with anemia and thyroid diseases. The high-calorie fruit resists the growth of tumors and the spread of infections;
  • nectarine (49 calories) contains a large amount of potassium, which improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. The fruit also contains vitamin B17, which effectively fights cancer cells. The other components included in the composition care for the skin and hair, ensure the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Quince (48 calories) has a strengthening effect on the heart, nerves and blood vessels. The high-calorie fruit helps remove toxins, waste and harmful substances from the body, increases appetite, and effectively treats acute respiratory infections and anemia.

Dates are considered the highest calorie product among those existing in the tables. In dried form, their energy value is 281 calories per 100 g.


What are the benefits of fruits?

Despite the fact that this product is a seasonal delicacy, its benefits to the entire body at any time of the year are enormous. Fruits contain many vitamins and various macro and microelements. Also, most fruits contain fiber, pectin and glucose.

The average calorie content of fruit is no more than 38 calories per 100 grams of food. But there are certain types of fruits whose energy value is much higher and exceeds 50 kcal. The most common fruits: figs, mangoes, avocados, bananas, grapes. When compiling a dietary diet, their use should be limited, and in some cases eliminated altogether.

Fruits with the lowest calorie content

There are a huge number of low-calorie fruits that can be added to various diets for weight loss.

Among them, the tables contain both familiar fruits and unusual and even exotic fruits:

  • lemon (35 calories) is a storehouse of vitamin C. It is useful to consume lemons in the spring and autumn, when colds and acute respiratory infections worsen. However, one of the most low-calorie fruits has contraindications for people with gastrointestinal problems;
  • grapefruit (36 calories) can have a fat-burning effect, reduce appetite, and rid the body of excess fluid. The fruit contains nutrients that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, increase the body's defenses, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and eliminate insomnia and depression. Citrus fruits are not among the highest calorie fruits, since their energy value is below average.
  • apricot (40 calories) is rich in magnesium and phosphorus, which have a beneficial effect on brain function and memory properties. The fruit also contains the component beta-carotene, which is necessary for strengthening vision, slowing down the rate of cancer development, and ensuring heart health. Dried apricot will have 6 times more calories - about 240 calories for the same 100 g;
  • plum (43 calories) is very rich in vitamins B and K, as well as micro- and macroelements: magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, natural acids. Plum is the best assistant in treating diseases of the genitourinary system and eliminating constipation, has a cleansing effect on the body, restores metabolic processes, and is suitable for inclusion in the diet of people on a diet;
  • pear with a calorie content of 44–46 kcal is a fruit whose pulp contains a whole range of vitamins C, B1, P, and is also rich in fructose and other sugars. The seeds contain a large amount of iodine;
  • Kiwi (46 to 49 calories) is a small exotic fruit rich in micro- and macroelements, vitamins and fiber. It contains much more vitamin C than citrus fruits. Fiber promotes quick satiety and protects against overeating. Therefore, kiwi is a fruit that can be included in the diet;
  • apples - their calorie content is about 48 kcal depending on the variety - contain large amounts of iron, vitamin C, phosphorus and pectin. The latter substance helps cleanse the body of toxins, as well as blood and blood vessels. The valuable properties of apples are preserved even when baked;
  • pineapple (48–50 kcal) contains the best existing fat burner bromelain. Eating pineapple helps normalize digestion and metabolism.

Each person’s individual table of calorie content of fruits and berries can be supplemented with oranges and tangerines with an average calorie content of 37 kcal and peaches.

Please note: There are also low-calorie fruits in the table - watermelon (23-25 ​​calories) and melon (38-40 calories). They belong to the category of melons, are approximately 60–80% water, and help cleanse the liver and kidneys. The substance lycopene, which is part of the composition, slows down the aging process. Nutritionists recommend consuming these products during the watermelon and melon season, regardless of the type of diet chosen.

Carbohydrate content in fruits, berries and dried fruits

Table of carbohydrate content in products from the category - fruits, berries, dried fruits. The chart shows the percentage of carbohydrates from the daily requirement, calculated based on a 100 g portion of the product.

Amount of carbohydratesShare of daily value per 100 g
1Dried bananas88.3 g28,5%
2Seedless raisins79.5 g25,7%
3Dried goji berries77.1 g24,9%
4Dates Deglet nur75.0 g24,2%
5Dates Majul75.0 g24,2%
6Dried apricots62.6 g20,2%
7Fresh tamarind62.5 g20,2%
8Fresh persimmon33.5 g10,8%
9Fresh black persimmon (sapota)32.1 g10,4%
10Fresh plantains31.9 g10,3%
11Prunes28.1 g9,1%
12Fresh breadfruit27.1 g8,7%
13Durian fresh27.1 g8,7%
14Sugar apple fresh25.2 g8,1%
15Fresh passion fruit23.4 g7,5%
16Fresh jackfruit23.3 g7,5%
17Fresh bananas22.8 g7,4%
18Rambutan canned20.9 g6,7%
19Jujube (Chinese date) fresh20.2 g6,5%
20Sapodilla fruits fresh20.0 g6,4%
21Fresh figs19.2 g6,2%
22Fresh pomegranate18.7 g6,0%
23Fresh elderberry18.4 g5,9%
24Grapes (red or green) fresh18.1 g5,8%
25Cherimoya fresh17.7 g5,7%
26Fresh soursop16.8 g5,4%
27Fresh lychees16.5 g5,3%
28Fresh kumquat15.9 g5,1%
29Fresh jambolan15.6 g5,0%
30Fresh black currant15.4 g5,0%
31Fresh quince15.3 g4,9%
32Fresh pear15.2 g4,9%
33Feijoa fresh15.2 g4,9%
34Fresh longan15.1 g4,9%
35Mango fresh15.0 g4,8%
36Fresh kiwi14.7 g4,7%
37Fresh blueberries14.5 g4,7%
38Fresh guava14.3 g4,6%
39Fresh grapes (muscat varieties)13.9 g4,5%
40Fresh apples13.8 g4,5%
41Fresh red or white currants13.8 g4,5%
42Fresh carissa fruits13.6 g4,4%
43Fresh tangerines13.3 g4,3%
44Fresh pineapple13.1 g4,2%
45Frozen logan berry13.0 g4,2%
46Fresh Antillean apricot12.5 g4,0%
47Fresh cherries12.2 g3,9%
48Fresh medlar12.1 g3,9%
49Fresh clementine12.0 g3,9%
50Fresh cranberries12.0 g3,9%
51Fresh raspberries11.9 g3,9%
52Fresh oranges11.8 g3,8%
53Fresh plum11.4 g3,7%
54Hibiscus flower, fresh11.3 g3,6%
55Fresh apricot11.1 g3,6%
56Fresh papaya10.8 g3,5%
57Fresh grapefruit10.7 g3,4%
58Fresh lime10.5 g3,4%
59Fresh gooseberries10.2 g3,3%
60Fresh mulberries9.8 g3,2%
61Fresh pomelo9.6 g3,1%
62Fresh blackberries9.6 g3,1%
63Prickly pear (fruit) fresh9.6 g3,1%
64Fresh peach, pitted9.5 g3,1%
65Fresh lemon, without peel9.3 g3,0%
66Avocado fresh8.5 g2,8%
67Fresh cantaloupe melon8.2 g2,6%
68Barbados cherry fresh7.7 g2,5%
69Fresh strawberries7.7 g2,5%
70Kiwano fresh7.6 g2,4%
71Fresh watermelon7.6 g2,4%
72Fresh Suriname cherries7.5 g2,4%
73Starfruit (starfruit) fresh6.7 g2,2%
74Naranjilla frozen5.9 g1,9%
75Java apple fresh5.7 g1,8%
76Canned olives5.6 g1,8%
77Canned green olives3.8 g1,2%

Calorie content of berries

The range of berries available and offered in markets and stores is very large and rich. Their average calorie content according to the tables is about 60 kcal per 100 g fresh.

The most high-calorie berries

The most high-calorie types of berries include:

  • sea ​​buckthorn - per 100 g the energy value is 81 calories; helps cleanse the body of harmful cholesterol and reduce blood pressure, restore damaged cell membranes;
  • grapes - from 53 to 79 calories depending on color and type. The dark blue variety will have the highest energy value; white grapes are lighter. It is best to eat high-calorie grapes with both skin and seeds. This is a useful find for people with heart problems, as well as those with anemia and asthma;
  • cherry (about 50 calories) helps remove toxins from the body, quenches thirst, but has contraindications;
  • blueberries - energy value 42-44 calories. This is the best high-calorie product for humans, helping to maintain vision, helps reduce inflammatory processes in the body, and contains a huge amount of vitamin C. 100 g of blueberries contains the daily requirement of this vitamin;
  • raspberries - 42 calories. Compared to other berries, raspberries contain the most manganese and zinc, are a natural antipyretic, break down fats and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Also among the high-calorie fruits are cherry plum, gooseberry and cherry.


The lowest calorie berries

The lowest-calorie berries are presented in the table in descending order:

  • blackberries - 30-35 calories. Rich in copper, zinc, minerals and vitamins, normalizes blood clotting and ensures protein synthesis;
  • strawberries - 33 calories. Relieves inflammation in the body, improves vision, improves mood, is a natural antioxidant, suitable for people with heart problems;
  • blueberries - 32 calories. It is also the strongest natural antioxidant, like blueberries. Lowers blood sugar levels, useful for type 2 diabetes;
  • Cranberries have 27 calories. Cranberries contain nutrients that effectively fight bad cholesterol. Cranberry is an excellent medicine for infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, diarrhea, gastrointestinal problems and wounds.

This category also includes all types of currants, lingonberries, strawberries and blueberries. When fresh, the energy value of the fruits in the table does not exceed 40 calories per 100 g.


Those people who have firmly decided to lose weight or gain muscle mass definitely need a table to compare the calorie content of berries and fruits. Each berry or fruit is useful in its own way. But in order for the body to feel this, it is necessary to ensure their proper use. To avoid fermentation in the stomach, you do not need to eat ripe, juicy fruits immediately after a meal. It is best to set aside time to enjoy them 30-40 minutes before meals.

Calorie content of berries and fruits

Let's discuss the calorie content of berries and fruits used during a restrictive diet. The lowest-calorie berries and fruits are those that contain less than 35 kilocalories per 100 grams. These are blackberries, cranberries, strawberries, blueberries, lemon.

The average calorie content of berries and fruits is 36-50 kilocalories per 100 grams. This is what apples, tangerines, oranges, apricots, pineapples, grapefruits, watermelons, lingonberries, pears, melons, currants, raspberries, blueberries, papaya, and plums contain. More

Persimmons, bananas, grapes, mangoes, and avocados have 50 kilocalories per 100 grams. The calorie content of the berries of the last group is not too high, but these products must definitely be limited during the diet to one serving per day. Berries and fruits of the first two groups can be consumed without any restrictions.

Calorie table for fruits and berries

Name of fruitkcalsquirrelsfatscarbohydrates
Cherry plum270.26.9
A pineapple520.30.111.8
Canned pineapple570.10.114.0
Pickled orange370.68.9
Strawberry guava630.60.617.4
Dragon fruit500.50.312.0
Star apple670.50.415.3
Pickled lemon210.40.36.5
Canned mandarin370.60.38.9
passion fruit682.40.413.4
Loquat japonica470.40.210.4
Canned peach970.50.113.7
Citron Hand of Buddha340.90.13,0
Fuji Apple710.40.219.1
Canned watermelon370.50.19
Soaked lingonberry240.30.25.3
Sea ​​buckthorn520.92.510.2
White currant380.311.7
Red currants390.60.211
Black currant3810.211.5
Rose hip511.614

Berries calorie table

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When planning your diet, it is imperative to include berries in it. Berries are an excellent source of vitamins and other benefits for the body. Despite the fact that many berries are quite low in calories, it won’t hurt to familiarize yourself with the table of calorie content of berries and other products made from them. After all, this is what will help you create a diet with the necessary calories and content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The product's nameCalorie content, kcalProteins, g per 100 gFats, g per 100 gCarbohydrates, g per 100 g
Boysenberries, frozen, unsweetened501,10,266,89
Boysenberries, canned in rich sugar syrup880,990,1219,71
Hawthorn blood red621,12014,2
Dogwood jam2740,4072,3
Strawberry jam2850,30,174
Raspberry jam2730,60,270,4
Aronia jam3870,4074,8
American grapes (rough skin)670,630,3516,25
Quiche-mish grapes, canned in water400,50,119,7
Quiche-mish grapes, canned in rich sugar syrup760,480,119,05
Wild blackberry (Alaska)520,841,076,64
Blackberries, frozen, unsweetened641,180,4310,67
Blackberries canned in rich sugar syrup921,310,1419,7
Frozen strawberries350,430,117,03
Strawberries sliced, frozen, sweetened960,530,1324,02
Strawberry compote, canned strawberries in sugar syrup920,560,2621,83
Dried cranberries, sweetened3080,171,0977,5
Cranberry-orange sauce, canned1780,30,146,2
Cranberry sauce, jelly, canned, OCEAN SPRAY1601,050,0439,61
Cranberry sauce with whole berries, canned, OCEAN SPRAY1580,750,0539,2
Cranberry sauce, canned, sweetened1590,90,1539,3
Gooseberries, canned in light sugar syrup730,650,216,35
Schisandra chinensis, dried berries with seeds416040,313,3
Schisandra chinensis, fresh berries without seeds47002,2
Logan berry, frozen551,520,317,72
Longan, dried2864,90,474
Wild raspberries621,120,286,35
Red raspberries, frozen561,150,818,25
Red raspberries, frozen, sweetened1030,70,1621,76
Red raspberries, canned in rich sugar syrup910,830,1220,06
Raspberry puree without seeds, without sugar411,020,877,09
Raspberry puree with seeds, no sugar551,10,977,21
Juniper, cone berries1300028,7
Cloudberry (Alaska)512,40,88,6
Sea ​​buckthorn821,25,45,7
Red garden rowan501,40,28,9
Rowan chokeberry551,50,210,9
White currant420,50,28
Red currants430,60,27,7
Black currant4410,47,3
Black currant, European631,40,4115,38
Bird cherry460010
Bird cherry, North American1623,041,6913,62
Wild blueberry (Alaska)611,220,769,71
Frozen wild blueberries, (Alaska)440,7010,4
Wild blueberries, frozen5700,169,45
Wild blueberries, canned in rich syrup1070,560,3423,42
Dried blueberries, sweetened3172,52,572,5
Blueberries, frozen, unsweetened510,420,649,47
Blueberries, frozen, sweetened850,40,1319,75
Blueberries, canned in light sugar syrup, dry product881,040,420,06
Blueberries, canned in rich sugar syrup880,650,3320,46
Blueberries, raw (Alaska)370,40,18,7
Blackcurrant jam2840,60,172,9
Rose hip1091,60,722,4
Wild rose hips, North American1621,60,3414,12
Dry rosehip2843,41,448,3
Jujube, dried2814,720,566,52
Jujube, raw791,20,220,23
Goji berries, dried34914,260,3964,06

You can download the full calorie table so that it is at hand right here.

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Author Ivan Tungusov

Project expert. Training experience - 12 years. A good theoretical basis on the training process and proper nutrition, which I am happy to put into practice. Need a recommendation? This is for me :)

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