The thorny path of Anfisa Chekhova's weight loss to size 46

All fans of the star are actively interested in the secrets of Anfisa Chekhova’s slender figure. And even those who are not familiar with her work and have a neutral attitude towards the TV presenter, when they see the stunning “before and after” photos, cannot resist and search on the Internet what kind of Anfisa Chekhova’s diet works such miracles.

So we wondered how such impressive results could be achieved so quickly. Just imagine: many sources talk about the beauty’s rapid weight loss of 25 kilograms. We would like to please everyone who is also haunted by Anfisa’s weight loss secret: this is not a secret at all, because the TV presenter willingly shares tips on how to achieve the same excellent results. Shall we take note?

Anfisa Chekhova, who lost weight, claims that she deliberately did not want to lose kilograms: they themselves went away under the influence of the daily routine and diet. Here the star, who has lost almost half her weight, is, of course, being a little disingenuous. After all, if initially the reason for total changes in life were health problems (which, fortunately, have already passed), then the girl took her figure seriously.

This is evidenced by numerous photos on her Instagram, in which Anfisa shows fans her steps towards ideal shape. However, let's talk about everything in order. From our article you will learn how Anfisa Chekhova lost weight, as well as the reason and secrets of her new beautiful figure.

About the main reason for the dramatic changes

It’s simply impossible not to notice the total changes in the star’s figure, because Anfisa Chekhova has lost half the weight! Fans of the buxom beauty were definitely not prepared for such a turn, because the presenter often noted that she was proud of her curves, and she did not care at all that they did not fit into some modern beauty standards. Anfisa always loved herself the way she was. And so, when the woman began to lose pounds so rapidly, many fans became seriously worried: after all, it was not at all like Chekhov.

The lost 25 kilograms made themselves felt and many fans stopped recognizing Anfisa in her new guise. However, even with her curvaceous figure and the lost pounds, the star looks great, because her unique charisma and sparkle in her eyes never go away. And yet, all of Anfisa Chekhova’s admirers were haunted by the question: “What is the reason for such rapid weight loss?”

The star has always been famous for her openness, so she did not hide her motivation for losing weight. On her Instagram profile, she publicly stated that the reason for the dramatic changes lies in the disease. Chekhova shared that she began treatment, but did not lose her optimism, because she is sure that even her illness is for the better. Well, one can only envy such a positive attitude towards any difficulties. Keep it up, Anfisa!

What are the difficulties of losing weight when your husband is Georgian?

It would seem, how can the nationality of a beloved man influence a girl’s figure? Anfisa claims that the relationship here is direct. And this is how she explains it.

It is known that hot Georgian guys love to eat, and they also adore plump ladies with appetizing curves. Anfisa's husband, Guram Bablishvili, is simply delighted with her seductive parameters. The TV presenter shares another “serious obstacle” on the way to a slim figure: her husband’s entire family is a great cook and loves to host feasts with an abundance of all kinds of dishes.

After a trip to Guram’s homeland, Anfisa, sharing her impressions, said that even if a girl in Georgia tries to adhere to a strict diet, her serious attitude remains only until the next family feast. The star admitted that it is simply impossible to resist many national treats.

And how can you convince your loved one that you want to get rid of a few kilograms? Anfisa Chekhova is sure that she wouldn’t have lifted a finger to lose weight if it weren’t for health problems that forced the beauty to give up her favorite dishes and adjust her menu and lifestyle.

The reason why Anfisa Chekhova decided to lose weight

Such a transformation is not at all the desire of the star herself; the main reason was problems with metabolism (see), since it occurred at a slow pace. To cope with this, the doctor prescribed strict diet. Therefore, Anfisa had to stop eating things that were harmful to the body, for example, sweets, flour, smoked and fried foods.

According to the presenter herself, if everything depended only on her decision, then she would not do anything, since she is not a supporter of diets. According to her, harmony with oneself is more important.

Ode to Yoga

Yoga classes occupy a special place among all the techniques that the star has armed herself with for rapid weight loss. The choice of this type of physical activity is justified, first of all, by the spiritual side of a useful activity. As Anfisa notes, all the changes in her life were not aimed at weight loss. On her Instagram, she writes that losing weight is just a side effect of internal changes.

Looking at the prettier Anfisa, I would like to note that being slim turned out to be a very pleasant bonus. It is not known exactly how many kilograms Anfisa Chekhova rapidly lost weight. Some sources talk about 20 kg, some call the number 25. The girl herself only announces her new clothing size - 46. Agree, exact numbers are not so important when the result is obvious.

Anfisa Chekhova admits that group yoga classes are definitely not for her, so a personal trainer comes to her personally. If you want to use this method of adjusting your figure, but a trainer at home is an unaffordable luxury for you, then you should not give up this idea.

Another important point: in order for yoga for weight loss to produce the desired results, the regularity of the classes is important. If you remember them only occasionally, there will be no effect. Although no one has yet canceled unloading from the daily bustle and relaxation of soul and body. But if you want to get results from yoga in the form of a slim figure, then you should devote enough time to it.

And, perhaps, the most important thing: you should not perceive these activities as a grueling struggle with extra centimeters and kilograms. Anfisa Chekhova is firmly convinced that nothing good comes from wrestling as such. Her main secret is that any changes in appearance, including weight loss, are a consequence of self-love and the obligatory pleasure from all activities. No violence or sacrifices against yourself - and the result will not take long to arrive.

Looking at the prettier Anfisa, it is worth admitting that love for oneself as a mood for change works. We would like to remind you that a woman can boast of a wonderful figure after giving birth and at 39 years old!

First attempts at losing weight

Anfisa has never been skinny. She suffered from excess weight even at school. Classmates often called her “Madame Gritsatsueva,” hinting at the sultry fatty from the film “12 Chairs,” played by Natalya Krachkovskaya.

The presenter recalls that this dealt a big blow to her self-esteem and she decided not to lose weight. And she succeeded. Then she lost 25 kg with the help of Thai pills. But this did not bring her happiness. Constant hunger affected her mood and well-being, and therefore she could not restrain herself and gained weight again.

Before and after losing weight

Everything got worse after the birth of the first child in the family. Immediately after giving birth, the presenter’s weight was more than 90 kg. She repeatedly tried to lose weight, went on various diets, but they did not bring any results. In addition, the girl has a genetic predisposition to being overweight and a strong love for everything fried and floury. Plus, Anfisa also smoked a pack of cigarettes a day, which also left an imprint on her figure and appearance.

However, the girl pulled herself together and at one time excluded from her menu a number of products that were preventing her from losing weight. The following were banned:

  • buns, bread;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • meat;
  • fatty foods;
  • eggs.

Interesting: Diet sandwiches for weight loss

Instead of a strict diet - simple rules

All adjustments in Anfisa Chekhova’s diet began with the recommendations of doctors to improve the health of the body. When fans saw the star's stunning weight loss results, her social media pages literally exploded with requests to reveal the secrets of her impressive changes. All the girls literally begged to tell me how the beauty eats in order to lose weight so quickly. And the most popular question was what Anfisa Chekhova refuses.

As it turned out, she is leading against strict refusals of her favorite food: this is real violence against her own body! Instead of a strict diet for weight loss, simple rules will be very effective. Fortunately for all the girls, Anfisa willingly shares them:

  • skipping meals and giving up your favorite foods is unacceptable;
  • the first rule does not mean that you can consume unhealthy treats in unlimited quantities: for example, for chocolate, one sample per week will be quite enough;
  • but fast food should be excluded completely: inspired, again, by love and respect for your own body;
  • split meals, which consist of frequent but small snacks, will benefit;
  • to quickly satiate, it is recommended to use dried fruits or nuts: a worthy replacement for sweets;
  • One fasting day a week will be enough to completely cleanse the body of harmful toxins and waste.

On the Internet you can find a huge number of advertisements for pills, tea, powders and liposuction, the effectiveness of which was allegedly supported by Anfisa’s review of amazing weight loss. In fact, Chekhova assures that she did not resort to any of the listed methods, because she considers all these measures to be a complete mockery of herself. Naturalness and self-love are the true beginning for all changes in the star’s figure.

Video selection

Charlize Theron: Ravenna

Source: @tory_numero
In 2012, Charlize played the role of the queen in the film Snow White and the Huntsman. For her look, 20 outfits were created that demonstrated her domineering character. Each dress took weeks of labor to create, but some appeared in the frame for just a moment. The most memorable was the black outfit in which she turned into a flock of crows.

The actress said in an interview that she liked playing the villain. She got into the role so much that she tore her abdominal muscle from screaming on the set (and this is not a joke).

Miracles will begin to happen - you just need to adjust the menu

By miracles we mean dramatic changes in appearance. Many girls who have already tried dozens of diets and weight loss programs dream about this result. And the cherished dream of all beauties is to “eat and lose weight.” If you think that this desire is on the verge of fantasy, look at Anfisa Chekhova - she showed the whole world that this is real.

As we have already noted, the TV presenter did not follow any strict diet. However, under the strict guidance of doctors, she still decided to change her diet. They turned out to be simple and, what is also important, very tasty. For example, the star advises you to like the following healthy products:

  • low-fat soups;
  • cereals;
  • lean meat;
  • dairy products;
  • fish;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • greenery;
  • dried fruits.

Including these products in the menu will be more effective for weight loss if you limit (ideally exclude) the following foods:

  • baking;
  • fatty treats;
  • fast food;
  • sauces;
  • smoked meats

The star does not hide from the public her sample menu, which is good for the body. “Eat these foods, and a slim figure without harm to your health will be guaranteed!” - doctors confirm.

Menu for one day

BreakfastIt must be complete and varied. For a great start to the day, cottage cheese with honey and grapefruit, oatmeal with water combined with fruit, muesli or natural yogurt are suitable. This meal will be complemented by toast made from grain bread with jam or jam.
DinnerMust include a hot dish. Anfisa especially loves borscht or cabbage soup. For the second course, lean fish or meat with a vegetable side dish are perfect.
DinnerIt is advisable to eat only fruits.

Nutrition principles from the TV presenter

Yoga is not the only secret to losing weight. Of course, such dizzying results would not have been achieved without diet. Anfisa herself prefers not to call her eating style that way. She developed her own method, the main slogan of which is “eat and lose weight.” Its main principles are:

  • refusal of salt and sugar, eggs, fatty meats, sauces, bread, fast food and alcohol;
  • the basis of the diet should be simple dishes;
  • you need to eat every two hours, it is important to avoid feeling hungry;
  • should be cooked on the grill, in the oven or in a slow cooker;
  • It is necessary to introduce healthy snacks into the menu;
  • 1-2 times a week you need to arrange a fasting day;
  • Sometimes you should allow yourself your favorite foods, even if they are harmful.

The star fell in love with seafood. Fresh vegetables and herbs must be present in the daily diet. Now she promotes a healthy lifestyle and advises everyone to take care of their health.

Anfisa Chekhova notes that her views and principles remain the same. She insists that girls should not break themselves and force themselves to eat exclusively dietary and low-calorie foods in order to achieve the cherished numbers on the scales. It is important to enjoy life and develop a menu “for yourself” that will take into account your tastes, needs, age and other individual characteristics.

When Chekhova showed new hot photos in a swimsuit on social media. networks, she immediately began to be bombarded with questions about how much weight she had lost, and how much she weighed now? The TV presenter managed to reduce her weight by 25 kg in two years. Today her weight is about 69 kg. Thin Anfisa Chekhova says that no matter how old you are, you need to make every effort to be satisfied with your reflection in the mirror.

We hope that the example of the famous presenter and our article will be an incentive for you to take action and work on yourself. If this is the case, and you have learned a lot of useful and interesting information, take a minute of your time and share the article with your friends on social media. networks. The team thanks you in advance and wishes you good luck in any endeavor!

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