An effective path to toned buttocks: from tightening exercises to surgery

03/10/2020 Category: SportsAuthor: Yana

  • 1 Nutritional features
  • 2 Exercises performed while standing
  • 3 How often to do exercises to get results
  • 4 The most effective exercises to quickly tighten your butt
  • 5 Exercises for the buttocks while sitting
  • 6 Home beauty treatments
  • 7 Skin care
  • 8 General information
  • 9 Simple workouts
  • 10 General recommendations
  • 11 Set of exercises
  • 12 Basics of achieving results
  • 13 How to do squats correctly?
  • 14 Exercises for legs and buttocks
  • 15 How quickly you can pump up a girl’s buttocks
  • 16 Exercises for the buttocks with dumbbells
  • 17 Conclusion

Nutritional Features

Attempts to change your figure, lose weight, build muscle mass, or get lean are unthinkable without certain restrictions on food:

  1. Avoid systematic overeating. Eating a large number of calories “loads” the body and reduces the effectiveness of exercise.
  2. Eat right, avoid foods that do not benefit your body.
  3. Eat small meals so as not to stretch your stomach. Preference is given to fractional meals.
  4. If you train, do not forget that the building material for muscle fibers is protein. Therefore, do not give up meat, but regulate its consumption.

It is better to eat protein foods in the morning, it will give you a boost of energy and strength. And before starting your workout, you can drink a cup of coffee.

Exercises performed while standing

Workouts consisting of exercises performed while standing are quite good loads for creating relief muscles, as well as for making legs overall slender.

Exercise No. 1. Lateral swings. To perform this exercise, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your waist. First, take one leg to the side 90 degrees one at a time. You need to perform exercises 20 times with each leg.

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Exercise No. 2. Deep squats. You can use a heavy rubber ball to perform this exercise. You should take the starting position - standing, legs spread wide, hands clasped in front of the chest, or a ball in your hands.

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Next, you need to slowly, counting up to 5, sit down as deeply as possible. Then, just as slowly, rise. During the exercise, your hands should always be at chest level.

This exercise can be complicated if, after a deep squat, you immediately jump into a jump. That is, it is not easy to rise, but also to jump. Perform 30 times.

Exercise No. 3. Squats. You need to stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. If desired, you can take dumbbells in your hands.

Then you just need to squat so that your knees and buttocks are on the same line, the bent leg forms a right angle. If you have dumbbells in your hands, your arms should be bent at the elbows. Squat 25-30 times.

Exercises for the buttocks

You can find a huge number of exercises that will help you tighten your butt at home. These include squats, lunges, and swings from various positions. However, all these exercises cannot lead to the desired result, since they do not imply progression of the load. They are used for a different purpose.

It doesn’t matter where you train: at home or in the gym – the work should be done with weights. Training to tighten the gluteal muscle begins with squats or deadlifts

After this, you can do forward bends, diagonal lunges, and step steps. It is better not to use leg swings at the beginning of the workout; they can be done at the end of the workout, while not forgetting to wear weights from 2 to 12 kg

Training to tighten the gluteal muscle begins with squats or deadlifts. After this, you can do forward bends, diagonal lunges, and step steps. It is better not to use leg swings at the beginning of the workout; they can be done at the end of the workout, while not forgetting to wear weights from 2 to 12 kg.

Any set of exercises designed to tighten the buttocks should include exercises designed to prevent lordosis. This could be planks, push-ups,... They finish the training.

The goal of the training is simple: perform the exercises correctly and with a constant increase in weight. It's good when you can add new weight to each workout.

Example of a good exercise

The hand that is closest to the floor should be placed on the elbow or placed under the head. Next, you need to slightly raise the leg that is on top and hold it in this position for 10-15 seconds. This exercise strengthens the gluteal muscles and helps get rid of fat deposits on the hips. Repeat 25-30 times, in several approaches.

Example of a set of exercises


Taking the barbell from the lower rack, bend forward, moving the bar “along your legs.” In this case, you can only bend at the hip joint.

  • Lunges. Lunges can be replaced with steps, but the platform must be high. There is additional weight in the hands. The mode of operation is similar to the previous exercises.
  • Swing back. Starting position: standing on all fours with emphasis on your hands. Leg swings must be done with weights. The approach includes 20-30 repetitions.
  • Planks, push-ups, hanging leg raises. All exercises are alternated, several approaches are performed.

How to squat correctly?

At the initial stage, squats are performed without weight.

You need to stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. During a squat, the buttocks are pulled back. From the outside it looks like you want to sit on a chair. Lifting is performed when a right angle is formed. In this case, for every 3-4 squats, it is necessary to fixate at the lowest point, holding for 10-30 seconds.

People who sit all day long have weak buttock muscles. Perform strengthening exercises at least 2 times a week to give your buttocks a beautiful appearance and regain their firm shape.

Subsequently, the load can be increased by adding weight. A barbell or dumbbells can be used for this purpose.

Perform 4-5 sets of 10 squats, with short breaks between them - no more than a minute

It is important to ensure that your back is straight and your buttocks are pulled back as far as possible. The squat should be deep - the lower, the better the muscles are worked.

Choose the width of your legs so that it is comfortable to do a low squat.

Using weights during squats, you put stress not only on the gluteal muscles, but also on the back and abdominal muscles.

Squats not only tighten your buttocks, but also help get rid of cellulite. In order to correct the shape of your hips, you should do shallow squats. You will be able to notice changes within a month of regular exercise.

Cardio exercises

To create an appetizing butt, and can be used. You can run for this purpose. But running will only give the desired effect if you run downhill. Running on a flat straight line, on the contrary, leads to a reduction in the buttocks.

What to do if you can’t study every day?

  1. Firstly, there is no need to train the gluteal muscles every day.
  2. Secondly, there are little tricks on how to tighten your butt, even if you are at work. If you spend most of your time sitting in front of the computer, then simply squeeze and unclench your buttocks, repeating the exercise 15 times.

If possible, take the stairs more, or better yet, take steps. Regular walks along a flight of stairs will help strengthen your buttocks a little.

How often to do exercises to get results

In order to achieve a positive result in the shortest possible time, it is recommended to train 3-4 times a week. Breaks, first of all, are necessary so that the muscles of the body can fully recover and lactic acid is completely eliminated.

Also, from overload, the muscles get tired very quickly, and no strengthening occurs. The load should be increased slowly and gradually as the muscles strengthen. The duration of one workout should not exceed 40 minutes. It is also worth considering that this limit includes warming up before class and stretching after it.

It is important to know! For the results of training and exercise to be noticeable, an integrated approach is needed. It is necessary, in addition to the exercises themselves, to adjust nutrition, create a balanced diet, drink the right amount of water, and carry out cosmetic procedures to care for the skin of the thighs

Features of training for the gluteus medius muscle

This muscle is easily palpable and responds well to load. A developed gluteus medius hides the pelvic bones protruding from the sides and forms a beautiful hip line.

When working on it, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • high-repetition training with average weight (20-25 repetitions in 3-4 sets);
  • when performing, you need to fix the body in one position, since even slight rocking reduces the effectiveness of the exercise;
  • you need to work the gluteus medius muscle after basic exercises;
  • It is enough to train once a week on the day of leg training in a multi-repetition mode.

The gluteus medius is a fairly resilient muscle and it is best to work with it after preliminary fatigue. That is, after performing multi-joint exercises: squats, platform presses, lunges, etc.

The most effective exercises to quickly tighten your butt

Most fitness trainers and instructors believe that the most effective exercises for strengthening the gluteal muscles are exercises performed with additional weight (dumbbells, barbells, weights). But in addition to these exercises, running, squats, stretching exercises, and “walking” on the buttocks are considered no less useful.

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There is also a very famous exercise that is performed with a chair. You should take a chair and, almost sitting on it, stay in this position. That is, there should be no more than 8 cm between the seat of the chair and the buttocks; you cannot hold on to anything. You should stand in this position for 1 minute.

The effect after the exercise becomes noticeable after 5-7 workouts. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to just this exercise. For better results, an integrated approach is needed.

The most effective exercises for the buttocks

If you are determined to start exercising, you will first have to prepare. You need to exercise in comfortable clothes that will not restrict your movements or get in the way. Be sure to wear suitable sports shoes to reduce stress on your ankle and prevent ankle injury. The exercises should be performed no earlier than an hour after eating, preferably on an empty stomach. It’s worth warming up first, since warming up helps speed up your metabolism and start the fat burning process. In addition, pre-warm-up will reduce the risk of injury to ligaments and joints during strength training.

Expert recommendations: training should be regular, 2-3 times a week. Their duration depends on your initial level of training: on average, a lesson should take about 45 minutes [1].

To pump up the gluteal muscle, you don’t need any special skills or equipment. Just a few exercises are enough.

Classic squats for women

Everyone knows about this exercise: perhaps there is no other more famous and popular way to pump up the buttocks. At the same time, not every beginner knows how to do squats correctly. For women planning to pump up their gluteal muscles, there is their own technique for performing this exercise:

  • Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, and turn your toes slightly to the sides.
  • Place your hands on your hips or behind your head: the main thing is that it is comfortable for you personally.
  • Make sure your back remains straight at all times. When squatting, move your pelvis back.
  • The knees and toes are strictly on the same line; this will have to be monitored especially carefully.
  • The chin is raised, the gaze is directed forward. Watch your breathing: down - inhale, up - exhale.


This type of squat was originally used by ballerinas, and now it is one of the most popular exercises in the field of fitness. This particular version of squats is indicated for girls who want to quickly achieve the ideal shape of their buttocks, and at the same time pump up their hips and practice stretching. At first you will not be too comfortable: the specific positioning of your legs will require some getting used to. But this particular exercise forces all groups of the gluteal and thigh muscles to work, and at the same time strengthens the lower back. When doing plie, it's a good idea to use a kettlebell or dumbbell for weight. If they are not available, you can use a one and a half liter bottle of water or sand.

  • Spread your legs wide apart, turn your feet and knees in opposite directions so that they are strictly parallel.
  • Hold your hands in front of you with your palms clasped.
  • Begin to slowly lower yourself down, moving your pelvis back.
  • Try to go as low as possible, but don’t go too hard: if a burning sensation occurs in the muscles, you need to return to the starting position.
  • Make sure to keep your buttocks as tight as possible.

Lunges forward

Another basic exercise for those who want to achieve pronounced results faster. Having mastered this fairly simple technique, you will start the growth of the gluteal muscles. Lunges help to work on all target groups. Once you have mastered the basics, you can add weights. To do this, use dumbbells or water bottles.

The ideal execution technique looks like this:

  • Place your hands on your waist, straighten your back and shoulders, chin slightly raised, gaze directed forward.
  • Bring one leg forward and begin to slowly bend your knee. It should form a right angle at the knee joint. In this case, the knee is strictly above the foot.
  • The body should be positioned clearly in the middle, the weight of the body smoothly transfers to the back leg. She remains straight and you should feel her hamstrings and gluteal muscles stretch.
  • The legs change alternately, each approach is 3-4 times.


An exercise that will help work the buttocks and back of the thighs. By regularly performing bridges, you will not only pump up your muscles, but also be able to get rid of the “orange peel.” In addition, the exercise has a beneficial effect on the back muscles, relieves pain and tension in the spine. To do this exercise correctly:

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • The arms are extended along the body, the palms are turned towards the floor.
  • Place your feet on the surface and begin to lift your pelvis up. Freeze at the top for a few seconds, then slowly lower down.

Walking on your buttocks

Suitable not only for working out the gluteal muscles, but also for more effective weight loss. Another advantage of the exercise is its beneficial effect on the pelvic floor muscles. Walking on the buttocks helps get rid of cellulite and congestion, normalize the functioning of the stomach, intestines, and reproductive system. So this is a great way to not only achieve beautiful buttocks, but also improve your own health. Be sure to use a gymnastics mat for this exercise!

  • Sit on the floor, straighten your legs and relax.
  • The arms are pressed to the body with the elbows or crossed over the chest.
  • Start moving while sitting on your buttocks. The legs remain relaxed: only the gluteal muscles work.
  • You need to “walk” not only forward and backward, but also to the sides.

Exercises for the buttocks in a sitting position

No less effective exercises for the gluteal muscles are exercises performed in a sitting position.

Exercise No. 1. Walking on your buttocks. To perform this exercise, you need to sit on the floor, straighten your legs forward in front of you, and straighten your arms in front of you. The limbs should be parallel.

You need to keep your back straight, straighten your neck, and slightly raise your head. Next, you should gradually move only on the gluteal muscles.

You cannot bend your legs at the knees; you need to maintain balance with your hands. First you need to “go” forward, then go back the same way.

In addition to having a positive effect on the gluteal muscles, this exercise strengthens the psoas muscles, quadriceps (quadriceps) and supports posture. It is recommended to do several approaches per workout.

Exercise No. 2. Performed while sitting on a chair. Additional weight can be used. For this purpose, you can use dumbbells, water bottles, etc. You need to sit on a chair and straighten your back. Then you need to slowly raise both legs and keep them raised for 10-15 seconds.

Next, you need to lower your legs. If you use additional weight, it should be placed on your ankles. When performing the exercise, you need to pull your toes towards you. Repeat 10-15 times.

The best butt exercises in the gym

The buttocks are the part of the female body that men pay attention to first, so all girls strive to have beautiful, pumped up, and firm buttocks, but not many know how to properly train this part, making numerous mistakes in the gym.

Therefore, we present to you the most effective exercises in the gym for buttock growth, and below you can also see a training complex for them.

Keep in mind that colorful pictures in fashion magazines where girls do aerobic exercises for their buttocks cannot pump them up, they are not even close to the exercises that can be done in the gym. The maximum that you will get in this case is their tone, by strengthening the muscles and burning extra calories.


It tightens the buttocks and also strengthens the back muscles (pillars), do this exercise at the end of the workout: 4 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

If your physical fitness allows you to use additional weights, use it, for example, throwing a 5-10 kg barbell plate behind your neck, or hold it in front of you, pressing it to your chest.

The extra weight stimulates the growth of the gluteal muscles more.

Hyperextension in the gym

Stepping onto the platform

The exercise evenly pumps the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, giving them volume and clear separation.

When performing this exercise, we recommend that you use additional weights in the form of heavy dumbbells (take one in each hand).

Perform 15-20 climbs in 4-5 sets, no more than 2 minutes apart. Read about the technique for performing this exercise here.

Stepping onto a platform (bench)

Deadlift on straight legs

Adds volume and firmness to the buttocks. Perform it mainly at the beginning of the workout, 3 sets of 12 repetitions. See the technique for performing this exercise here.

We also recommend introducing deadlifts with wide legs into your training program; maximum stretching and involvement of the gluteus maximus muscles, back, arms and legs in general will tone your figure in a short time.

Deadlift with wide stance

Lunges with a barbell on the shoulders

Lunges with a barbell on the shoulders lift and define the buttocks, giving them a distinct shape.

Perform 4 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Select a weight at which at the end of the approach, that is, at the 10th or 15th repetition, a slight burning sensation was observed in the gluteal muscles. The technique for performing this exercise can be found here.

Lunges with a barbell on the shoulders


The best exercise for pumping up elastic, voluminous, and at the same time beautiful and strong buttocks.

This is a basic leg exercise. For greater development of the gluteal muscles, use the technique of performing this exercise in the triathlon style, that is, the legs are placed wider than the shoulders, the depth of the squats is below parallel, but so that the pelvis does not collapse, otherwise there are no significant deviations from the bodybuilding technique of squats with a barbell.

Let us emphasize once again that squats with a barbell are the most effective exercise for the legs (hips and buttocks). Depending on the width of the stance, mainly different muscle groups are pumped, for example, with a narrow stance of the legs, the hips are loaded to a greater extent, with a wider one (slightly wider than the shoulders), the emphasis is on the buttocks. Therefore, we recommend that you squat with a wide stance and as deeply as possible.

Squats with a barbell on your shoulders

Home beauty treatments

There are various means whose action is aimed at improving reliefs, but their effectiveness is low.

Help to tighten your buttocks:

  1. Anti-cellulite creams. When used systematically, such products improve blood circulation and “expel” excess fluid from the body.
  2. Clay wraps. Such procedures help normalize cellular respiration; Even though they won’t help you lose weight, they will to a certain extent improve the quality of your skin.
  3. Massage. Not a bad way to recover after a workout. You can use the services of a massage therapist or just use a massager.
  4. Contrast procedures. We are talking not only about the shower, but also about the cryo-sauna and cold baths. Low temperatures slow down the formation of lactic acid in muscle fibers. This means they speed up recovery after training.

Skin care

If you want to quickly tighten your skin, you can supplement the exercises with massage. They should be strong and therefore a little unpleasant. With increasing strength of massage movements, the effectiveness of the procedure increases.

To improve the effect, you can apply a nourishing cream to the skin, which will make the epidermis more elastic. Preference should be given to products containing the following substances:

  • retinol;
  • vitamins of groups A and C;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • extracts of medicinal plants (algae, pineapple, green tea, cocoa, etc.);
  • caffeine.

A bath is considered an effective remedy against sagging skin. During this procedure, the body is cleansed of toxins and blood vessels dilate, resulting in improved oxygen saturation of the skin tissue. That is why after the bath the skin becomes smooth and elastic. If you can combine a steam room with a massage, these treatments will complement each other.

General information

Training plays an important role. However, people often forget about nutrition during training and its impact on results. With proper nutrition, toned buttocks at home become a fairly simple and realistic task.

First of all, you must choose the right training and diet. Now we are talking not so much about exercises, but about their intensity. Some girls may already be quite slim, but with less pronounced forms. To do this, they need to tone their muscles and gain some muscle mass.

In this situation, you don't need grueling cardio workouts or a huge number of repetitions during exercises. In terms of nutrition, you need to focus on proteins, while completely abandoning sweets, fatty foods and alcohol.

We also send fast food to the landfill, because we no longer need fast carbohydrates - only a sufficient amount of energy and building material for muscles.

If we think exclusively about how to tighten our buttocks and thighs, we don’t have to look for a bunch of exercises. Proper nutrition, morning jogging and simple squats are our recipe for success. But nutrition has its own characteristics, regardless of the situation, which we will talk about later.

Simple workouts

Now we already know very well whether it is possible to tighten the buttocks, and therefore we will figure out what needs to be done for this. We've sorted out nutrition, and next is training.

There are a huge number of different exercises that you can do at home, on the street, in the gym. Well, there are also complexes for classes at work, but they are a little not for us.

The basis of everything is squats. This is one of the basic exercises without gender, and therefore suits us perfectly. Regardless of the workout, remember - you need to do it for quality, not quantity. You must work your muscles so that they develop better and more harmoniously.

In a week, you will begin to feel better, not only physically, but also psychologically, because with training comes stress resistance. By the end of the first month, you will begin to notice the first results visually. In six months you will realize that you didn’t start in vain.

General recommendations

We can give a couple of recommendations to anyone who wants to improve their body contours. The coach starts with this if a person comes to the gym and says that he plans to change.

It's worth starting:

  1. From basic exercises. Do not try to comprehend all the intricacies of yoga or bodybuilding, do the splits or perform an acrobatic sketch without proper physical preparation. Start small and increase the load if necessary. But do it gradually.
  2. Do your workouts every other day. Muscles need time to recover, and overload will negatively affect the condition of the body.
  3. Avoid overeating. Reliefs will improve if you train systematically, but constant abuse of food will reduce all efforts to zero.
  4. Combine exercises and create a training plan. This will help to understand how ready a person is to perform certain tasks. And an integrated approach (a combination of various exercises with a diet) will help work out all muscle groups and reduce weight.
  5. Don't be lazy, but don't overdo it either. Since we are not talking about preparing for serious sports competitions, you should not give it your all. But feeling sorry for yourself is also wrong. Choose the optimal training rhythm, gradually increase the load, and the results will not take long to appear.
  6. Consider the characteristics of the body. People have different body structures, their own strengths and weaknesses. When selecting exercises, build on this and take into account similar factors.
  7. Stay hydrated and eat right. This will help to significantly increase the effectiveness of the training process and achieve the desired results faster.

General recommendations are considered standard; they are given by trainers before the first training session; Most people who have worked with a trainer at least once in their lives are well aware of such “tricks”.

Set of exercises

If you want to quickly tighten your hips and buttocks, then you should do this complex 3 times a week (Mon. – “first day”, Wed. – “second day”, Fri. – “third day”):

Day numberName of exercisesShort descriptionNumber of approaches*repetitions
1SquatsThis is one of the most effective ways to quickly tidy up your buttocks.
Starting position: place your feet shoulder-width apart or spread them even further (the stance should be comfortable for you).

Toes should point outward at an angle of no more than 45 degrees. The knees and feet should be in the same plane - you should not bend them or, conversely, move them in the opposite direction.

Your hands can be placed on your belt, but for better balance, spread them to the sides or straighten them in front of you. Breathe evenly, inhale the air and squat down. Then, exhaling smoothly, rise to the starting position. When performing the exercise, your back should be straight.

LungesThis exercise trains not only the inner thigh, but also the back.
In addition, regular practice allows you to remove cellulite from the gluteal muscles. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your waist. Place your right leg forward as far as possible and squat down on it, the knee of your left leg should not touch the floor. Shift your weight to your right leg and begin to pull your left leg towards you. Then, with your feet together, return to the starting position and switch legs.
3*10-15 (for each leg)
Pelvic lifts Lie down on a fitness mat. Lying on your back, bend your knees and spread your arms to the sides. On the count of “ones,” lift your pelvis up so that your back is straight. You need to lean on your shoulders and legs. On the count of two, slowly lower yourself to the starting position.

This exercise tightens the buttocks well.

2MahiLie on your right side, support your head with your right hand, resting your elbow on the floor. Place your left hand on your waist. Perform leg swings: lift your left leg 90 degrees up and slowly lower it. Then roll over to the other side and repeat with the other leg. 3-5*20-25 (for each leg)
Swing on all fours Get on all fours, lower yourself onto your elbows. The back should be straight. Straighten one leg and swing it up and down 20-25 times. Switch legs and do the same number of repetitions.

It is advisable to do this exercise with leg weights.

2-5*20-25 (for each leg)
Rotations on all foursGet on all fours. Lift your right leg up, as in the previous exercise, then move it to the right. In a circular motion, return your right leg to the starting position. After that, change your leg. 2-5*20-25 (for each leg)
3Tree This exercise is good for removing “ears” on the hips. Starting position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. On the count of “one,” bend your right leg at the knee and touch it with the elbow of your right hand. Raise your left arm above your head.

Without lifting the heel of your left foot, stretch your left hand to the right side over the top. From the outside it should look like you are a tree leaning to the right. This pose is static, that is, you must freeze in it for a while.

On the count of two, return to the starting position. Repeat all this on the other side.

3-5*15-20 (each side)
Martin The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Shift your weight to your left leg and take your right leg back. Hands should be kept on the belt, the back should be straight. Next, try to raise your right leg as high as possible without losing your balance.

If it is difficult to maintain balance, you can hold on to a chair or lean on a wall. Change your leg. If you want to make the task more difficult, use leg weights.

Back arches while lying on the floorLie on the floor with your stomach down. Bend your legs at the knees. Place your hands along your body, palms down. from this position, arching your back, try to lift your legs off the floor as much as possible. Hold your legs in the upper position for a few seconds and lower them down. 3*15-20

The above exercises can be swapped and replaced with others if you do not feel they are effective. You can take this complex as a basis for training and use it for 2-3 months. Then you should change the program so that the muscles do not get used to the load and progress does not slow down.

Six of the most effective exercises without weights for toned buttocks (VIDEO)

If you don’t have special sports equipment at home like dumbbells or barbells, we offer you an overview of the most effective exercises without weights that will help you get your figure in order in the shortest possible time.

Classic squats help to evenly train all leg muscles.

  • Take the starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. You can keep your hands on your sides or along your pelvis.
  • Exhale and move your pelvis back, as if sitting on a chair.
  • Bend your knees so that your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Make sure that your knees do not extend forward beyond your feet!
  • Hold this position for a while.
  • Inhale and return to the starting position.

Plie squats most effectively train the gluteus maximus and inner thigh muscles.

  • The exercise is performed similarly to classic squats, the difference is in a different starting position. To perform a plie, you need to spread your legs as wide as possible.
  • When performing the exercise, the socks point outward.
  • Don't forget to keep your back straight!

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Squats with a narrow leg position will allow you to strengthen not only the gluteus maximus muscle, but also train the outer thigh.

  • The starting position when performing the exercise is feet together, arms along the body, back straight.
  • As you exhale, squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor, your knees do not go beyond your feet!
  • Pause at the bottom, feeling the tension in your hips, and inhale as you return to the starting position.

The supine pelvic lift is a simple and effective exercise, the technique of which is very easy to master.

  • Starting position - lie on your back and bend your knees. Place your feet firmly on the floor. Place your arms along your body, palms down.
  • As you exhale, lift your hips up as far as you can. Your back should remain straight.
  • At the top point, hold for a few seconds and tighten your gluteal muscles as much as possible.
  • As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position.
  • Perform 4-5 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Standing lunges perfectly work all the leg muscles at the same time, paying ample attention to all the gluteal muscles and the front of the thigh.

  • Starting position – legs together, feet parallel to each other, back straight. Throughout the entire exercise, the back is not rounded in any way!
  • Take a step forward with your right foot, while your left foot stands still.
  • As you inhale, squat without arching your back or bending at the waist. The knee does not go forward of the foot, and the shin of the protruding leg is strictly perpendicular to the floor. To do this, you must initially take a step of the appropriate width.
  • Exhale, push off with the foot of your working leg and return to the starting position.
  • After completing the required number of repetitions, change legs.

The upward leg push while standing on all fours is another highly effective exercise that perfectly develops the gluteal muscles.

  • Starting position – stand on all fours with emphasis on your elbows. The elbows are exactly under the shoulders, and the knees are exactly under the hips. Palms face down.
  • Lift your right leg up, bending it at the knee. Keep your abdominal and buttock muscles tight. Lower your leg.
  • Repeat 10-15 times, then change legs.

Basics of achieving results

To exercise at home you will need: a fitness mat, comfortable sportswear, intense music

Beautiful shapes attract the attention of others. Every girl wants the admiring glances of men to be directed at her.

Toned buttocks are an integral part of a sexy figure.

Unfortunately, the modern girl has a lot to do, because of which she cannot find time to go to the gym.

In order for your buttocks to become attractive, it is enough to devote a little of your time to exercise and train at home.

Accustom yourself to the fact that exercises must be performed systematically, at least every other day. You also need to eat right and monitor your lifestyle - then the result will not be long in coming.

There are no exercises that involve only the gluteal muscles. Most often, training aimed at tightening the buttocks also involves the upper thighs, lower back and other muscles. So, while achieving your goal of creating beautiful gluteal muscles, you will also make your entire figure more slender.

Before you start exercising, you need to warm up your major muscle groups, so always start with a warm-up. Only after the muscle fibers are completely warmed up, start performing basic exercises.

Remember that a positive mood and desire to work will help you achieve your goal.

How to do squats correctly?

Despite the fact that there are different types of squats, they are united by the fact that all these exercises must be performed technically correctly. By following a few basic squat rules, you can make significant progress in improving your body. What should you remember first?

  • To begin, you need to take the correct starting position on a hard, stable surface. Straighten your back, keep your head level and look straight ahead. Don't round or arch your back.
  • The load always falls on the middle of the feet, and in no case on the toes or heels. Do not lose your balance, as this shifts the center of gravity and reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Keep your muscles constantly tense and do not relax during the exercise.
  • While rising from a squat, it is forbidden to hold your breath or speed it up. Exhale when lowering your body, inhale when lifting. Take full breaths in and out between sets.
  • The optimal squat depth is 90 degrees. When squatting, your thighs should be parallel to the floor - not lower, as this position can be dangerous for your knees.
  • Do not narrow or widen your knees while performing squats, as this is quite traumatic for important joints.
  • The pelvis cannot be tilted to the sides; it strictly rises up and falls down. Otherwise, the load on one of the legs may be too high, which can lead to injury and significant discomfort.
  • Under no circumstances lift your heels off the floor!
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles when doing squats - this will protect your back by forming a kind of corset.
  • Number of repetitions for classic squats: 20 repetitions of three sets, performed three times a week. Gradually the number of approaches can be increased to five. You should not do more than 25 repetitions at a time. If this pace of exercise seems too easy for you, add weights (dumbbells or a barbell). You can also increase the tempo of your squats.

TOP 5 best exercises for buttocks and legs at home

You already guessed that these are basically squats in different variations. Perform the exercises in sets, counting repetitions (10 to 30 times) or timing (30 seconds per exercise or per leg).

Classic squats

We place our feet shoulder-width apart with our toes forward. We spread our arms to the sides or fix them at chest level. As you exhale, lower your pelvis down, bending your knees until the angle is 90° - no lower and no higher. The body weight shifts to the heels. Hold this position for 1 second and then smoothly return to the starting position. The back always remains straight.

The exercise becomes more difficult if you pick up a weight: a bottle of sand or water, dumbbells, a heavy book. Hold the weight at your chest with your arms bent. It is undesirable to squat with your arms down along your body - it makes it more difficult to breathe.


Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. We take the working leg back in a wide step and fix it, leaning on the toe. Lower your pelvis so that both knees form a 90° angle, and repeat the movements 10 to 30 times on each leg.

This is an easy option, but you can complicate the task and perform lunges forward, with swings, with weight. For example, to engage not only the gluteal muscles, but also the thigh muscles, lunge not backwards, placing your feet in line, but slightly to the side and back. At the same time, do not forget to keep your torso straight.

Pelvic lifts

We lie down on the floor or mat. Legs bent, arms along the body or on the chest with weights, shoulder blades pressed firmly to the floor. While lying down, push your pelvis upward, but the main load should fall on your buttocks and thighs, not your calves or abs. At the top, keep your body in one line, straight from your knees to your chest, with your buttocks squeezed and not sagging. Repeat 20 times in 3 sets.

Leg abduction

Perform the exercise lying or standing. We lie on our side or stand against a support, move our working leg up/to the side and hold it straight, with our toes towards us. Do several sets of 20-25 reps on each leg. If you are in the correct position, you will feel tension in your upper buttocks and thighs. When you realize that exercises with your own weight are not bringing results, place a dumbbell or weight on your leg, but not on your foot, but closer to your knee.

Exercises for legs and buttocks

Set the number of approaches depending on your shape and health status. You can start with 3 sets of 20 repetitions. When the muscles become stronger, the load needs to be increased. At the same time, breathing should remain calm. When you inhale, the muscles relax, and when you exhale, they tense.

Following these recommendations, you can perform the following exercises:

  1. Starting position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. The stomach must be pulled in and the gluteal muscles must be tense. Try to squat as low as possible so that the body does not lean forward and the knees remain straight.
  2. Starting position - on all fours, hands shoulder-width apart, back straight, stomach retracted. Raise your leg, bent at the knee, so that it forms a straight line with your back. Smoothly perform the exercise for each leg in turn.
  3. Take dumbbells in your hands. From a standing position shoulder-width apart with your arms down, take a deep lunge with your right leg so that the angle at the knee is straight and your left leg is as close to the floor as possible. When performing the exercise, make sure that your body does not lean forward.
  4. From a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly pointed, do a deep squat while simultaneously stretching your arms forward. At the same time, the back should remain straight at any stage of the exercise.
  5. Starting position: lying down, arms at your sides, legs bent at the knees. Lift your back and buttocks off the floor and lower yourself again. Exhale as you go up, and inhale as you go down.

A set of exercises for a toned butt

After warming up, you can move directly to exercises that will help tighten your butt, and your buttocks will become your pride. We repeat each exercise 15-20 times in 3 approaches. The break between approaches is no more than 40 seconds, between exercises 1-2 minutes.

Classic squat

Feet wider than shoulder width, hands clasped in front of you. Socks point straight. We move the pelvis back and squat while inhaling, transferring the body weight to the heels. The knees do not extend beyond the toes. As you exhale, we rise, pushing the pelvis forward with the gluteal muscles.

Lunges forward

Feet together, hands on your belt or in front of you. We take our right leg back, stand on our toes and aim our knees at the floor, creating a 90-degree angle at the knee of our left leg. In this position, the gluteal muscles are maximally worked.

Swing your leg to the side

We kneel down and place our hands on the floor. We move our right leg, bent at the knee, to the side, lifting it as high as possible, and return it to its original position. The number of repetitions is 15-20 times on each leg.

Swing your leg up

From the same position, we raise the bent leg as high as possible, return it to its original position, but do not place it on the floor. When performing the exercise, pull the toe towards you.

Half bridge

We lie on our backs, legs bent at the knees, arms along the body. By tightening the gluteal muscles, we push the pelvis up, creating a straight line from the shoulder blades to the knee

It is important to follow the technique so that it is the gluteal muscle that works, and not the lower back.


The most universal exercise, performing which you work all muscle groups. From a lying position on your stomach, we rise onto your toes and elbows. Feet shoulder width apart. Keep the body in one line from the heels to the crown. We do not bend in the lower back and shoulder blades. Start with 20 seconds, gradually increasing with each workout.

Finish the workout with a cool-down - intense walking in place for about 5 minutes. Also stretch the worked muscles. This will help your body go into rest mode sooner.

How quickly can you pump up a girl’s buttocks?

As for the timing and the final result, how long it takes to pump up a girl’s buttocks, it all depends on what result is needed: simply tighten and tone the butt, or noticeably increase its volume. In the first case, you will notice changes within 1-2 weeks, in the second, it will take months, or even a year of regular training.

Not the easiest, but the most effective way to pump up a big butt is to go to the gym. After all, the most effective exercises for the buttocks for girls are the same as for men - squats with heavy weights, deadlifts and lunges with dumbbells. This is the only way to pump up an appetizing Brazilian butt. If you don’t have the opportunity to go to the gym, work out at home using dumbbells and other weights.

Exercises for the buttocks with dumbbells

Training with dumbbells is considered the most effective for the buttocks. Such exercises are simple to perform, and the results become visually noticeable quite quickly.

Exercise No. 1. Take a standing position, take dumbbells in both hands. Next, you need to bend one leg at the knee and perform a lunge, keeping your arms parallel to your body. Next, you should carefully rise, change legs and do the exercise again. When lunging, you can linger for a short time (up to 15 s). Repeat 20 times.

Exercise No. 2. The starting position is the same as in the first exercise, but the lunge is deeper. After performing a forward lunge, you need to raise your arms up along with the dumbbells and hold for 15 seconds. Then slowly lower your arms and rise from the lunge. Next, you need to change your leg and repeat the entire exercise. Repeat 15 times.

You can also do regular squats, but take dumbbells in your hands. In this case, your arms need to be bent at the elbows and brought as close to the body as possible.

Doing exercises with dumbbells to quickly strengthen your butt at home is not recommended if you have serious lumbar diseases. That is, to strengthen the buttocks, you can perform any exercises, except training with dumbbells and any other weights that affect the lower back.

Top 5 exercises to tighten your buttocks

The best exercises for a firm and toned butt are those that involve the maximum number of muscle fibers in the target muscle group, and also focus the load specifically on the gluteal muscles. They are ideal for lifting the buttocks by increasing the volume and tone of the muscles, as well as improving the relief.


This is the best exercise to tone your buttocks and lower body. Squats can be performed in different styles, changing the focus of the load on different areas:

Deep – for maximum use of all gluteal muscles.

Plie – for loading the buttocks and inner thighs.

With the legs placed forward in Smith - to maximize the exclusion of the quadriceps from work and transfer the load to the butt.

In the hack trainer - to minimize the work of stabilizer muscles, jerks and inertia.

Air squats with the leg abducted to the side will put more stress on the gluteus medius muscle.

All these options must be included in training macrocycles and alternated during training. This will help avoid muscle adaptation, speed up progression and lift the buttocks.

Jumping from a deep squat

A great way to tighten your buttocks at home, although the exercise will be incredibly effective when visiting the gym. Jumps should be done in series, mainly in an explosive style. This will help provide a pronounced stress effect on the gluteal “shock” muscles.


  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows and pressed to the chest (fists just below the chin).
  2. Sit down as low as possible, moving your pelvis back. The back remains straight, the heels are pressed firmly to the floor.
  3. Jump forward with a powerful movement, pushing yourself up with emphasis on your heel.
  4. Land on your toes to minimize compression.

Additionally, you can move your arms back in the air if you cannot maintain balance.

Single leg bench press in the simulator

A multifunctional exercise that can be used to work any muscle area of ​​the legs. To tighten your butt and buttocks, it is recommended to perform it with one leg. This will allow you to better focus the load on the target muscles.


  1. Sit in a chair and press tightly against the back. Hold the special handrails with your hands. Place one leg in the center of the platform, closer to the top edge, and lower the other to the floor.
  2. Remove the clamps and lower the platform to a right angle at the knee.
  3. Without pausing, push the weight away from you, returning to the starting position.

it is important to ensure that the pelvis does not bend to the side and that the body is securely fixed

Exercise "pistol"

This is a more challenging alternative to the single leg bench press. It may seem difficult at first, but this exercise for a toned butt is considered irreplaceable.

Execution technique (for beginners):

  1. Go to any surface that can become a support (door handle, TRX hinges, etc.).
  2. Grasp the support with one hand and place the other hand on your chest. The back is straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Begin to bend one leg at the knee, bringing the other leg forward in parallel. The lower you squat, the more you need to extend your leg (up to the level of parallel with the floor).
  4. Rise up slowly and without jerking, returning both legs to the starting position.

In the pistol exercise, it is important to do repetitions alternately on each leg. As you master the technique, you can secure yourself with your hand while lifting (it is important not to pull yourself up, but to avoid losing balance and “falling over” to the side)

This exercise is for developing the entire lower body and is considered one of the most difficult, but at the same time the most effective. Once you master it, you will significantly speed up your progress.


The lunge exercise has the most variations and will benefit your glutes and entire lower body. Try to alternate techniques from workout to workout or combine different execution options in a series. It is also recommended to alternate the number of repetitions, from the classic “4 x 10” to multi-repetition sets in the 5*15-20 mode.

Particular attention should be paid to the technique of Bulgarian squats. It is significantly different from classic lunges and will provide a powerful load on the buttocks and thighs even without the use of weights


Step back one and a half steps from a bench or stool, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. Hands are fixed on the chest or you can hold dumbbells with straight arms. Take one leg back and place the instep on the surface of the bench - this is the starting position. Slowly lower yourself down, bending your front leg at the knee. The back leg lies motionless on the bench

The lower you go, the better, but it is important to keep your balance and straight back

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