Carbohydrates: detailed analysis. Do fruits make you fat?

Carbohydrates are organic compounds that supply the body with the energy necessary for full functioning. They are part of every tissue and cellular structure. Carbohydrates account for approximately 2.7 percent of total body weight. Without them, internal organs and systems cannot function normally. Maintaining the ratio of carbohydrates in the body becomes possible with a balanced diet, including foods containing these and other beneficial substances.

What role do carbohydrates play in the body?

To understand why these organic compounds are so important, it is necessary to study their functions. Carbohydrates that enter the body with food have the following range of actions:

  1. They supply energy resources to the human body. This occurs due to the oxidation of the compound. As a result of this process, one gram of carbohydrate produces 17 kilojoules or 4.1 calories. Oxidation is accompanied by the consumption of either glycogen (a reserve reserve of carbohydrates) or glucose.
  2. They take part in the formation of various structural units. Thanks to carbohydrates, the body builds cell membranes, produces nucleic acids, enzymes, nucleotides, and so on.
  3. Form energy reserves for the body. Carbohydrates, taking the form of glycogen, are deposited in muscle and other tissues, and the liver.
  4. They are anticoagulants. These substances thin the blood and also prevent the formation of blood clots.
  5. They are part of the mucus lining the gastrointestinal tract, the surfaces of the respiratory and genitourinary systems. By covering these internal organs, mucus resists viral and bacterial infections and provides protection from mechanical damage.
  6. They have a positive effect not on digestion. Carbohydrates stimulate the function of digestive enzymes, and, therefore, improve digestive processes and the quality of absorption of nutrients and valuable substances, and activate gastric motility.

In addition, these organic compounds increase the body’s protective functions, determine blood type, and also reduce the likelihood of developing cancer pathologies.

Carbohydrate content in fruits

Fast carbohydrates

Low carb fruits:

Low Carb Fruits

  • peach consists of 80% water, so it is recommended to include it in diets for weight loss, since ripe fruits contain only 43 kcal per 100 grams of weight. Peach carbohydrates help you lose weight quickly and easily, without starvation diets. For those with a sweet tooth, natural sugar is safe for slimming;
  • orange. Orange carbohydrates are good helpers in acquiring and maintaining a slim figure. Orange dietary fiber creates a feeling of fullness in the intestines for a long time. Among the foods that help in the fight against excess weight, orange occupies the main place. Its bulk (more than 85%) is water, and the main source of calories is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are easily broken down in the body, releasing a large amount of energy, invigorating and refreshing the body;
  • nectarine. Nectarine carbohydrates restore and normalize metabolism, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is important for normalizing weight. In addition, nectarine removes excess fluid and removes swelling. It is able to keep you feeling full for a long time, making it an ideal seasonal fruit for those watching their weight. Even though nectarines are very sweet and juicy, they are low in calories. This is explained by the fact that 90% of its mass is water;
  • pear. Pear dietary fiber cleanses the digestive system, acting very gently. In addition, when consumed regularly, the pear supplies the body with carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. This delicious fruit helps you maintain a great mood and always be healthy and slim. But these fruits, due to the large amount of active substances, cannot be eaten on an empty stomach; it is better to consume them half an hour to an hour after a meal;
  • mango. Carbohydrates when consuming mangoes improve the breakdown and excretion of fat reserves. The tasty fruit not only improves your well-being and health, but also affects your slim figure. The slow carbohydrates found in this fruit and B vitamins help the liver burn fat deposits. Appetite decreases, which helps you avoid unnecessary snacks;
  • figs Figs contain only easily digestible carbohydrates, and they are also rich in vitamins B, A, PP and C, and important elements such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. Figs are especially valuable because they contain a large amount of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart muscle and blood vessels. Having a mild laxative property, figs help normalize metabolism;
  • Avocado has a taste more like a vegetable, but nevertheless, it is a fruit. Avocados contain small amounts of carbohydrates, and they also contain virtually no sugar. But there is a varied vitamin and mineral reserve. Avocado is good for weight loss. Due to the small amount of carbohydrates, large amounts of cellulose and fat-burning properties, the fruit is included in a variety of diets.

Types of carbohydrates

Organic substances from the carbon group are divided into two large groups - simple and complex. The former are also called fast or easily digestible, and the latter - slow.

Simple carbohydrates

They have a simple composition and are quickly absorbed in the body. This feature of carbohydrate leads to a sharp increase in blood glucose. The body's reaction to the consumption of simple carbohydrates is a large release of insulin, the hormone responsible for the production of pancreas.

The sugar level under the influence of insulin decreases below the standard norm. Thus, a person who has recently eaten foods rich in simple carbohydrates begins to feel hungry quite quickly. In addition, the conversion of sugar molecules into subcutaneous fat occurs in a ratio of one to two.

If you abuse food that is rich in fast carbohydrates, this will lead to the following adverse consequences:

  • constant feeling of hunger and desire to snack;
  • insulin damage to blood vessels;
  • rapid wear of the pancreas;
  • increasing the risk of developing diabetes.

These negative effects became the main reason that these carbohydrates began to be called harmful or undesirable.

Complex carbohydrates

Slow organic compounds, such as fiber, glycogen, starch, act on the body in a completely different way. The substances included in this group have a complex composition, which means their absorption rate is much lower than that of fast ones. These compounds have high nutritional value and therefore the sugar concentration practically does not increase, and, consequently, a person feels full for a long time.

Since the concentration of sugar is not too high, the liver has time to process it. This means that it is almost completely converted into energy resources, and is not stored as fat. Thus, complex carbohydrates do not cause any harm to the body, that is, they are beneficial.

What are carbohydrates (what foods contain carbohydrates)

Variety of nutrients in fruits

Fruits have little energy value and a lot of water, so it is advisable to consume them at least 5 times a day. The presence of elements such as potassium and calcium allows us to classify fruits as alkaline foods. Lemon sourness is caused by the presence of organic acids, but they do not form acid. Jam and confiture are usually made from fresh fruit, but, unfortunately, during their preparation most of the fruit vitamins are lost. However, the energy value of such products remains high due to the large amount of sugar. Industrially produced confitures contain preservatives.

Daily carbohydrate needs

The daily intake of an organic energy source is determined by age, gender, weight, lifestyle and some other factor. To calculate your daily carbohydrate intake, you can use the following calculation:

  1. determine your weight norm, that is, subtract 100 centimeters from your height;
  2. multiply the resulting number by 3.5.

The resulting number will become the daily consumption rate. If your height is 170 cm, then the amount of carbohydrates consumed per day should be 245 grams.

Fruits for a healthy diet

Not everyone knows that, among other things, vegetables and fruits are a natural cure against sclerosis and cancer. Ascorbic acid should be in the daily diet, because our body cannot accumulate it. Since different vegetables contain different vitamins, you need to make sure you have all the necessary fruits in your diet. Even though the energy value of fruits is quite low, excessive consumption of some of them can have an adverse effect on health. For example, eating more bananas than you should can can lead to weight gain.

What foods contain simple carbohydrates?

Sources of fast carbohydrates include:

  • natural honey, sugar, jam;
  • baked goods, confectionery, loaves;
  • semolina and white rice flour;
  • pasta from white wheat varieties;
  • juices and carbonated drinks, as well as syrups;
  • dried fruits and sweet types of fruits;
  • some varieties of vegetables.

These products are not the most useful.

Food productsVolume of carbohydrates per 100 g (in grams)
Granulated sugar99,6
Waffles stuffed with fruit jam80,7
Rye malt66,8
Milk chocolate60,2
Instant pasta56,9
Butter pastries55,2
Chocolate candies54,1
Viennese waffles with caramel filling53,7
Potato chips52,8
Cookies "Nuts"49,3
White bread48,9
French bread47,4
Cakesabout 46
Coca Cola42,3
Apple pie38,3
Eclair cake with cream filling35,9
Alcoholic drinks (wine, vermouth, etc.)20–35
Ice cream24,9
Boiled white rice24,7
Fried potatoes23,2
Canned Sweet Corn22,6
White bread croutons19,6
Hot Dog19,4
Boiled potatoes16,8
Mashed potatoes14,3
Boiled beets10,2
Orange juice8,4
Boiled carrots4,9

What foods contain complex carbohydrates?

Sources of slow carbohydrates include:

  • bakery products made from wholemeal flour;
  • various types of mushrooms;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • cereals and legumes;
  • most types of vegetables;
  • various greens;
  • unsweetened fruits.

These products are healthy.

Food productsVolume of carbohydrates per 100 g (in grams)
bitter chocolate48,3
Wholemeal bread46,1
Durum wheat pasta23,2
Green pea13,2
Root celery10,8
Red Ribes8,1
Black currant7,9
Nuts (except cashews)7,1–11,6
White cabbage5,7
Brussels sprouts5,1
bell pepper4,9
Feathered green onions4,2
Green beans4,2
Leaf salad2,1
Fresh mushrooms (except champignons)1,1–3,6


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