Almonds: calorie content, composition, benefits and harms, BJU per 100 grams and 1 piece

Quite rarely, delicious foods are also healthy. One such example is almonds, which are widespread not only in Russia, but throughout the world. It is included in the diet not only by adults, but also by children. It can be both sweet and bitter.

But not everyone knows how many calories do ordinary and mountain almonds contain in raw, fried and dried form? What exactly is its benefit and how much per day will not cause harm to health? We will consider the answers to these and many other questions below.

Calorie content of almonds

This tasty and beautiful nut, which is pleasant to snack on whole, is very high in calories. There are 575 kcal per 100 grams of raw common fruit. Nutritional value is represented by the following figures:

  • proteins - 21.2 g;
  • fats - 49.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.5 g.

Since the weight is 1 piece. raw fruit fluctuates within 2g, then calorie content is not difficult. It will be equal to 11.5 kcal, and the ratio of BZHU for a similar volume is as follows: 0.4/1.0/0.19 g.

Despite their calorie content, such nuts are good for weight loss. Weight loss is achieved through a balanced composition of proteins, fiber and valuable fats. Therefore, they quickly fill you up and do not lead to overeating.


How many grams of honey are in a tablespoon and a teaspoon: how many spoons are in 250, 100, 50 grams of honey, calorie content

Pine nuts are so small that up to 150 seeds can fit in a cedar cone, where they ripen.

Shelled pine nuts

The weight of a pine nut is also small:

  • 1 PC. in the shell it weighs about 0.25 g, and without the shell it is half as much;
  • 1 tablespoon contains 30 g of peeled pine nuts;
  • in a glass – 190 g.

One pine nut contains 3 kcal, so you can eat about 80-100 nuts or one and a half tablespoons individually during the day. Despite their miniature size, pine nuts are extremely rich in vitamins E and B, which protect cells from aging and have a positive effect on all body systems. It is best to store pine nuts unshelled, since without the shell they oxidize and go rancid, losing their beneficial properties.

Calorie content of roasted almonds

Roasted almonds are very popular with customers, as they are easier to bite. And simply eating fried is much tastier than raw. However, its calorie content is slightly higher - 623 kcal per 100g, so you should not abuse the delicacy.

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The ratio of BZHU product is represented by the following indicators:

  • proteins - 23 g;
  • fats - 55.83 g;
  • carbohydrates - 12.81 gr.

The weight of one roasted nut ranges from 1.8 grams, so the calorie content of 1 piece is 11.2 kcal. Accordingly, the nutritional value of the product (BJU) is 0.4/1.0/0.23 g.


What is the calorie content of dates: benefits and harm to the body, composition and BZHU per 100 grams

Measuring table of products or how much to weigh in grams

There is no order. Everyone in the recipes indicates the required amount of products in whatever they want.

In grams, pieces, glasses, spoons... My head is spinning! But, if we adhere to any of our own nutritional rules, then there shouldn’t be a mess in our system.

Yes, even if we eat “from rubbish”, we still try to cook deliciously. What if the ingredients in the recipe are indicated in grams, but there are no scales at hand? The good old food measuring chart will help us with this.

Of course, you shouldn’t expect pharmaceutical accuracy from this table . But we are not dealing with chemistry either. calorie content matters more to us than anything else.

But there will still be no accurate system for calculating it outside of laboratory conditions. There are too many variables in this equation. Just the digestibility of the same product can depend on hundreds of factors. Yes, and apples differ from apples in terms of nutrient content, for example.

So there is no need to dig deep and bother. The table will help us.

For convenience, I made a table in 3 formats: HTML (this page - you can save it in bookmarks by pressing “CTRL + D”), excel and PDF (download links at the end of the article). Enjoy it for your health!

Sugar, salt, etc. in grams

Product Nameglass 250 mltablespoontea spoon1 piece
Citric acid258
Granulated sugar2002510
Powdered sugar190257-8
Gelatin /leaf/2,5
Gelatin powder155

Bulk products in grams

Product Nameglass 250 mltablespoontea spoon1 piece
Wheat flour1602510
Potato flour2003010
Ground crackers125155
Groats "Hercules"90126
Pearl barley230258
Barley groats180208
Peas, unshelled200
crushed nuts120206-7
Oat flakes100144
Peanuts, shelled1752
Hazelnut /medium/1603010
Almond /kernel/16030
Ground red pepper1,5
Ground black pepper5,5
Ground cloves3
Unground cloves4

Fats, dairy products and eggs in grams

Product Nameglass 250 mltablespoontea spoon1 piece
Animal ghee245205
Vegetable oil23020
Melted margarine14
Rendered lard12
Unmelted lard23060
Melted lard20040
Whole milk250205
Condensed milk3012
Powdered milk120205
Sour cream2502510
Grated cheese908
Egg white30
Egg yolk20

Vegetables in grams

Product Nameglass 250 mltablespoontea spoon1 piece
Carrot medium75
Potatoes medium100
Medium onion75
Medium cucumber100
Tomato paste3010
Tomato puree220258
Parsley /bunch/40-50

Fruits and berries in grams

Product Nameglass 250 mltablespoontea spoon1 piece
Red currants175
Black currant155
Dry rosehip206

Calorie content of dried almonds

As for the dried fruit, its energy value is approximately 634 kcal per 100 g. The BJU ratio is represented by the following indicators:

  • proteins - 19.83 g;
  • fats - 55.42 g;
  • carbohydrates - 14.72 g.

The weight of one dried nut is approximately 1.5 grams, so the calorie content of 1 piece is 9.51 kcal. Accordingly, the nutritional value of the product (BJU) is 0.3/0.83/0.22 g.

The high calorie content of almonds is not a reason to exclude the product from the menu of people on a diet. Dried nuts are considered extremely healthy, but they are recommended for consumption in small portions.

How many calories are in almonds?

When drawing up various diets, therapeutic or aimed at losing weight, it is important to get an answer to the question - how many calories are in almonds? Information on this topic can be found in various reference books, which detail the nutritional value and calories of almonds and other products. However, there is not always access to reference books, so people who care about their health turn to sites dedicated to proper nutrition to obtain data

After all, for those who follow a balanced diet and always pay attention to their calorie content when consuming foods, it will be useful to know how many calories are in almonds, as well as how much energy the elements of this nut contain. The total calorie content of almonds is 576 kcal per 100 g, which means that one gram of nuts contains just under 6 kilocalories

According to some data, this figure is higher, but not significantly and is about 600 kcal per 100 g

The total calorie content of almonds is 576 kcal per 100 g, which means that one gram of nuts contains just under 6 kcal. According to some data, this figure is higher, but not significantly and is about 600 kcal per 100 g.

Regarding the nutrients contained in the king of nuts, it is known that the fat component of almonds, whose calorie content is 483 kcal per 100 g, is the leader in terms of the energy capacity of this product.

In second place are proteins, their total contribution to the calorie content of almonds is 74 kcal of the total. Thus, you can see that the fat component exceeds the protein component by almost 7 times! This explains the fact that almonds are very effective in terms of energy and nutritional value. However, nutritionists do not recommend taking large amounts of them per day. If a person wants to maintain his figure, then he should know that he can eat no more than 20 grams of the product per day, which is due to the high calorie content of almonds. It should be borne in mind that if you recalculate this figure by the number of fruits, it turns out that you can get 5-10 nuts per day; a more accurate figure depends on the size of one kernel, which ranges from 0.6 g to 4 g and depends on the plant variety .

In third place in terms of the effect on the calorie content of almonds are the carbohydrates included in its composition. Their numerical contribution to the total energy value is 52 kcal per 100 g of product. The amount of energy from carbohydrates and proteins received by the body when eating this nut differs slightly, which is determined by their low content in the product.

Composition and nutritional value of almonds

The nutritional value and medicinal properties of this beloved delicacy are determined by its unique chemical composition. The appearance and taste of such a nut is refined and light, and its calorie and fat content matches its colleagues (for example, like peanuts). It is not surprising that thanks to this, almonds are called the “royal nut”. What is the chemical composition of the product that can be bought in any store?

Photo source:

Chem. the composition is represented not only by vitamins A, C, D, E, K, H and group B, but also by minerals. So, the nuts loved by many contain:

  • Manganese - 114%
  • Magnesium - 67%
  • Phosphorus - 48%
  • Calcium - 26%
  • Zinc, iron - 21%
  • Selenium - 4%

Doctors advise buying this fruit in the shell. However, it should not have cracks, damage or rusty deposits.

Controversial issues of weight loss

Often, when discussing the benefits and harms of roasted almonds, how many calories are contained in 100 grams of the product, there are discussions about the impact of nuts on the process of losing weight. Some believe that almonds, which are quite high in calories, can only increase the number of calories eaten per day, because they contain a lot of fat. However, do not forget that these are unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial for digestion, which, in combination with dietary fiber, perfectly saturate the body. In this case, only a few nuts are eaten.

Often people who are overweight suffer from spikes in blood sugar and have type 2 diabetes. Almonds can be used as light snacks that will prolong the feeling of fullness for a long time. Blood sugar levels remain stable and the body will not require food.

A number of scientists from different countries studying the benefits and harms of roasted almonds for the body have conducted observations of people on a diet and wanting to lose weight. If they ate roasted nuts daily, they were able to cope with food cravings more easily and maintain a healthy body weight. As we have already focused your attention on earlier, raw nuts contain more oil and are higher in calories than roasted ones. Therefore, if you decide to control your calorie intake, dry the nuts a little before eating.

Daily intake of almonds

Nutritionists recommend adhering to the following standards for consuming this delicacy:

  • the daily dose for adults should not exceed 40 g;
  • Children are allowed to give almond kernels from the age of 3, starting with a minimum amount of 10-15 grams;
  • For teenagers and older people, it is most beneficial to stick to the golden mean of 25-30 grams.

Pregnant women and people suffering from chronic diseases should first consult a doctor about the daily dosage. It is especially important to specify the methods of use and quantity for obesity and diabetes.

The average daily intake of almonds for adults without harm to health is 40 grams. It is enough to eat 22-25 kernels (with honey).

Weight of 1 walnut without shell

How many almonds can you eat per day?

The weight of one nut can be calculated if you know its variety and size. On average, the figure ranges from 10 to 15 grams. The weight of the shell itself is about the same. However, it is not taken into account when making final calculations. If we want to calculate the weight of an average kernel, it will be no more than seven grams. A beneficial effect will be provided if a person eats no more than 40 grams every day. That is why the number of cores should not be more than 8 pieces.

Additionally, when calculating, the following calculation scheme is often used:

  1. Take a standard 250 ml glass.
  2. Fill it completely with kernels.
  3. Their weight will be approximately 165 grams.

The benefits and harms of almonds

The main negative impact of almonds and other types of nuts (cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts) is their high calorie content and allergenicity. Therefore, they should be added with caution to the diet of patients with dermatitis, tachycardia, diabetes, and those suffering from obesity. But the beneficial properties of this nut are still many times greater.

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What are its beneficial properties for the human body:

  • cleansing of toxins, toxins, carcinogens and other harmful substances;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

Raw almonds, pre-soaked in water, have the greatest benefits. Soaked nuts are digested faster. But fried food loses some of its beneficial elements during heat treatment.

Benefits for men

Men over 30 often suffer from decreased testosterone levels. And zinc, selenium and the amino acid arginine contained in almonds play an important role in the production of the main male hormone. They contribute to the formation and enhancement of sexual desire in men. An insufficient amount of these elements leads to loss of interest in intimate life and an increased risk of developing prostatitis. When using this nut, the potency increases again.

Benefits for women

Almonds boast their effectiveness for women's health. It will help get rid of pain during menstruation and normalize hormonal levels. The delicacy also promotes the production of the main female sex hormone - estrogen, the amount of which sharply decreases after 50 years.

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Almonds contain a lot of vitamin E, which is not without reason called the beauty vitamin. It strengthens hair and gives it a healthy shine, improves skin condition and prevents the appearance of premature wrinkles. But it is recommended to soak it, since the soaked fruit is easier to digest. The oil from this nut is also widely used in cosmetology. Soap is produced from the oil, which has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Benefits during pregnancy and lactation

This delicacy is especially useful during pregnancy, since the folic acid it contains promotes the proper development of the child and ensures the normal course of the entire gestation period. In addition, almonds relieve stress in the expectant mother and suppress anxiety.

During lactation, almonds improve the quality of milk, reduce the risk of postpartum depression, and ensure healthy sleep for women and children. High levels of proteins, vitamins and minerals help replenish the energy of a tired mother. According to reviews, it may well replace chocolate, which is prohibited during lactation.


What is the calorie content of grapes by variety: composition, benefits and harm to the body, BZHU per 100 grams

Norms for nut consumption

In order to maintain good health and good spirits, you need to eat a varied and high-quality diet, eat fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cereals and nuts every day. But how many nuts can you eat per day if you are advised to eat the same fruits and vegetables in large quantities? After all, everyone knows that nuts are very high in calories and are difficult to digest in excessive quantities.

Benefits of nuts

Even the ancients knew about the benefits of nuts. They are a storehouse of plant proteins, microelements, fats, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, some of which are found only in nuts. In terms of nutritional value, they can compete with meat and milk, and despite their high calorie content, nutritionists advise people on strict diets to include them in their diet.

Regular consumption of various nuts will bring invaluable benefits to the body. Vitamins will improve the heart and nervous system, activate brain activity, stimulate memory and attentiveness.

Eating a few pieces every day will be an excellent prevention of many diseases - heart attack, pathologies of the reproductive system, impotence, senile dementia, premature aging, obesity.

Each type of nut contains its own set of useful substances.


Consists of vitamins A B C E. In terms of the presence of ascorbic acid, it is much superior to currants and lemon. In addition, it contains iron, selenium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iodine. This entire set is extremely important for the health of the kidneys, stomach and liver. It is used for hypertension, heart pathologies, weakened immunity, insomnia, stress, flu, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Walnut oil is famous for its rejuvenating and healing effect. It is actively used in many cosmetic and nutritional masks, and by consuming it internally, you can prevent colds. It is taken to treat diabetes, atherosclerosis, thyroid disorders, and chronic forms of hepatitis.

Pine nut

In terms of the amount of mineral content, pine nuts are ahead of other types of nuts. Cedar kernels effectively restore ability to work, restore metabolic processes, and have antimicrobial, immunostimulating, and antibacterial effects. They are especially good in combination with honey, which greatly enhances their effectiveness.


It is used for gastrointestinal diseases - ulcers, heartburn, colitis. Helps fight biliary tract diseases and obesity. Doctors recommend eating almonds for kidney diseases, reproductive system and anti-cancer therapy. For colds and persistent coughs, sugared almonds are eaten as a natural remedy.


Hazel kernels perfectly regulate metabolic processes, slow down aging, and fight excess weight. Hazelnuts help restore strength after exhausting long-term illnesses; they are considered a preventative against anemia, heart disease and neoplasms.


Despite its comparative cheapness, the benefits of peanuts are extremely great. Regular use in food lowers cholesterol, promotes cell renewal, improves the functioning of the nervous system, helps with insomnia, and promotes heart function.


They have a unique tonic property and are extremely useful in stressful situations, depression, and overwork. Reduces cholesterol and regulates metabolism.


Strengthen the body's protective functions, have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, help with respiratory diseases, flu, colds, and bronchitis. They have analgesic properties. Cashew-based ointment treats gum inflammation.

All nuts are eaten both raw and roasted. After roasting, it is easier to peel them and a more subtle aroma and taste of the kernels is revealed. It is useful to eat nuts without salt, sugar and various flavor enhancers. They perfectly complement culinary masterpieces, enrich the taste of confectionery and sweets, fill salads and side dishes with piquancy and nutritional value.

Norm per day

It is no secret that any proper diet provides for a varied, full menu, and not a rigid 1200 kcal per day, which includes a glass of kefir, an apple and water.

Of course, this may seem like an excellent diet, especially to those who want to “quit overeating,” but there will be no benefit for the body from such a menu, and as soon as the diet ends, a devastating feeling of hunger will immediately arise, suppressed by remarkable willpower. In the end, the unfortunate person gives up and leans on everything.

So isn’t it better to eat a healthy and balanced diet and include high-calorie nuts in your menu? Moreover, scientists conducted a number of experiments in which it turned out that regular consumption of nuts improves the functioning of all organs, promotes weight loss, good mood and cleansing of the body. But how many nuts should you eat per day so as not to harm your body?

Nuts are full of fats, but these are natural vegetable fats that are not harmful to the body and do not increase cholesterol levels. Polyunsaturated fatty acids burn slowly in the body, which means they constantly provide energy and strength. If you eat 20-30 g per day, there will be no problems with your figure. 30 g contains 200 kcal. How many nucleoli fit into the treasured 20 g?

  • almonds – 20 pcs.;
  • pine nuts - 150 pcs.;
  • peeled pistachios – 40 pcs.;
  • walnut – 10 pcs.;
  • Brazil nuts – 8 pcs. (it is not recommended to eat more than 3 nuts per day due to the risk of selenium overdose);
  • pecans – 18 pcs.;
  • cashews – 18 pcs.

100 g of nuts will replace half of the calories needed for life. But you don’t need to rush to a package of nuts, hoping to survive on it all day. The body will not be able to digest more than 100 g, and unless food poisoning occurs, excess folds of fat on the sides and thighs will be ensured.

You should also not eat nuts at night. It is advisable to eat them for breakfast or have a snack before lunch. This will give you vigor, charge you with strength and energy, and enhance memory and reaction.

Nuts and pregnancy. Norm

During pregnancy, nuts will help support the health of the mother and the unborn baby. They are good because:

  • have a high calorie content;
  • charge with energy;
  • reduce cardiovascular disorders and the development of atherosclerosis;
  • filled with vitamins and minerals;
  • can increase the tone of the nervous system;
  • improve brain function;
  • normalize fat metabolism, help maintain normal weight;
  • lift your spirits;
  • have a positive effect on the development of internal organs and the formation of bone and muscle tissue of the fetus

Gynecologists recommend treating these products with caution, despite their wonderful beneficial qualities. There are contraindications to eating nuts during pregnancy.

  • Poor digestibility. The eaten dose of nuts should not exceed 30 g per day. During administration, they must be thoroughly chewed or crushed. You can soak them in water for better digestion. Doctors recommend eating nuts with herbs and dried fruits.
  • Irritate the stomach. The fiber contained in nuts helps cleanse the intestines and keep them active. At the same time, during pregnancy there is no need for extra stress on the body. Therefore, if you have a stomach upset, you should limit yourself in consuming this product.
  • Strong allergen. Nuts can provoke not only an allergic reaction in a pregnant woman, but also cause sensitivity to allergens in their composition in the unborn child. In the second and third trimester, you should completely exclude them from the diet, or limit yourself to a few kernels per week.

When feeding

Despite their calorie content and high fat content, nuts are practically devoid of carbohydrates. This means that it is impossible to gain excess weight by eating a handful of nuts. But they will saturate breast milk with proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and increase its nutritional value.

How many grams of nuts can you eat per day when breastfeeding, if there are no contraindications? When feeding, any nuts should be taken in moderation and with caution. Even if the mother is not bothered by allergies, stomach upset and other unpleasant symptoms, you should not exceed 15 g per day.

It is better if you mix them with the main dish or dessert, after chopping them. If you exceed the permissible limit, the allergy will not appear immediately, but gradually, accumulating in the baby’s body. Then it will be difficult to determine why he has anxiety, irritation and rash.

Nuts can be replaced with any nut butter - peanut butter, cashew butter, hazelnut butter, almond butter. By adding it as a dressing to salads, soups and side dishes, you can provide yourself with all the necessary elements without fear of any unpleasant consequences. On the contrary, stool will be regulated after childbirth, constipation will stop, and the frequency of intestinal colic in the baby will decrease.

Nuts for children

All parents are interested in the question, how many nuts can children eat per day? Of course, the children's table will be enriched with many elements necessary for the development, growth and formation of the body.

But scientists and pediatricians advise giving them to children after reaching 3 years of age.

Moreover, even 4-5 year old children can develop an allergic reaction with swelling and anaphylactic shock if there is a predisposition to allergies.

You can fully introduce such a valuable product from the age of 5, strictly controlling the dosage and monitoring the reaction. Healthy children who do not suffer from obesity and severe diathesis can diversify their taste sensations by 20-30 g per week, and there are no restrictions on the types and varieties of nuts.

How to choose nuts?

The beneficial qualities of nuts depend not only on their variety and type, but also on how they were transported and stored before reaching supermarket shelves. When purchasing raw nuts, pay attention to their appearance. It is important that they are intact, clean, and do not smell moldy or musty.

The best place to store any nuts is the freezer. If you store them in a room or closet, they may lose some of their beneficial qualities, and the fat they contain may become bitter.

About the benefits of nuts:


Calorie table

Type of almondKcal per 100 gKcal in 1 piece.
Almond milk51

In conclusion, it is worth noting that in addition to the usual sweet almonds, there are also bitter ones. However, its calorie content is similar to the energy value of its “brother”. You can find out what will happen to the human body if you eat 20 almonds a day (daily requirement) from the video:


Daily use:

  • improves the condition of blood vessels;
  • helps get rid of anemia (low hemoglobin content in the blood);
  • the heart muscle is strengthened (heart function is normalized);
  • blood pressure is normalized;

The calorie content of hazelnuts is about 700 kcal per 100 grams. 1 nut weighs about 1-2 grams. Based on this, it is easy to calculate the calorie content of hazelnuts.

1 ripe fruit contains about 7-10 kcal.

You can consume no more than 50 grams of fruits per day (the ideal daily norm is 30 grams).

Read also: Excess of hormones in the body

The volume of 1 piece of hazelnut is, on average, about 1-1.5 cm.

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