Chinese cabbage. Calorie content per 100 grams, benefits, harm

Chinese lettuce, better known as Chinese cabbage or petsai, originated more than 5,000 years ago in China, gradually spreading from there throughout Southeast Asia.

This vegetable came to Europe and America only at the end of the last century, gradually becoming one of the popular products used in cooking along with white and red cabbage. The large, white-green leaves of the plant are very similar in appearance to lettuce, but have a juicier taste and tender flesh.

The low calorie content of the vegetable has made it one of the most popular dietary products.

Energy value

The calorie content of Chinese cabbage is about 17 kcal per 100 g of product. Due to its low calorie content, the vegetable is considered one of the root vegetables that have a minus energy value, since to break it down the body uses more energy than it acquires.

Chemical composition:

Protein1.3 g
Fats0.3 g
Carbohydrates2.1 g
Alimentary fiber1.3 g
Water95 g

Dietary properties

Chinese cabbage (the calorie content of Chinese salad is given below in the article) due to its high content of minerals and vitamins is actively used in the diet, helping to quickly regulate the digestive process and launch metabolic activity.

Daily consumption of root vegetables in a low-calorie diet helps not only to lose weight, but also:

  • cleanse the blood of toxic substances;
  • normalize hematopoiesis;
  • prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques and stabilize physical blood pressure indicators;
  • due to the large amount of vitamins A and C, it allows you to regulate protein metabolism and stabilize the redox reactions of the body;
  • maintain sharpness of vision;
  • normalize the functioning of the digestive and excretory systems;
  • activate immunity;
  • overcome chronic fatigue and anemia;
  • relieve the severity and frequency of migraines;
  • normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • enrich the body with potassium, preventing the development of cardiovascular pathologies.

For women, Chinese cabbage not only helps maintain the beauty of their figure, but also, due to the large amount of indamines it contains, promotes the rapid conversion of aggressive estradiol into safe estrogen, thereby preventing the development of breast cancer.
In men, eating Chinese salad during a diet normalizes physical and mental activity, and also stabilizes cholesterol levels and prevents the occurrence of prostate cancer.

Content of vitamins and minerals:

  • Retinol (15);
  • Lutein (49);
  • Group A (0.3-0.57);
  • Choline (7.9);
  • Folate (79);
  • Ascorbic acid (54);
  • Phylloquinone (45.3);
  • Tocopherol (0.35).
Macro- and microelements
  • Potassium (240);
  • Calcium (79);
  • Magnesium (14);
  • Sodium (9);
  • Sulfur (15);
  • Phosphorus (35);
  • Copper (40);
  • Iron (0.42);
  • Zinc (0.25)
Mono- and disaccharides15,7
Essential amino acids0,078
Nonessential amino acids0,89
Palmic acid0,045
Stearic acid0,67
Palmitoleic acid0,004
Oleic (omega-9) acid0,007
Linoleic acid0,017
Linolenic acid0,067
Omega-3 fatty acids0,056
Omega-6 fatty acids0,67

During the diet, Chinese salad helps not only stabilize weight, but also cleanse the body of toxic substances and toxins. Due to its antiviral and antiulcer properties, the use of Chinese cabbage is also indicated for people suffering from diabetes and duodenal ulcers.

Despite the abundance of minerals and vitamins, Chinese salad should be consumed in moderation.

Otherwise, an excess of vegetables in the body can lead to the appearance of:

  • flatulence;
  • belching;
  • diarrhea;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • fatigue;
  • hypoglycemia.

It is recommended to include dishes made from fresh Chinese cabbage in your diet, supplementing them with low-calorie vegetables, lean meats and cheese. Normally, Chinese cabbage salad should replace 1-2 snacks or be present together with protein products in one of the main meals.

Chinese salad is contraindicated for patients:

  • pancreatitis;
  • acute hepatitis;
  • with increased acidity of gastric juice.

Not recommended for those suffering from low blood pressure and gastrointestinal hypersensitivity. Breastfeeding mothers should not eat Chinese cabbage due to the possibility of colic in the newborn.

Difference between salad with mayonnaise and with butter

Peking cabbage (the calorie content of petsai is only 16-17 kcal, which allows Chinese salad to be included in the diet) goes well with any vegetables, fruits, and meat products. Salads should be dressed with mayonnaise or any vegetable oil.

For a dietary diet, vegetable oil or lemon juice should be added to fresh Chinese cabbage salad. Mayonnaise is a fairly high-calorie product, instantly adding more than 40 kcal to a vegetable dish. Only salads with low-calorie mayonnaise are allowed on the diet, no more than 1-3 times a week.

Salad with mayonnaiseEnergy value77.2 kcal
Squirrels1.9 g
Fats6.1 g
Carbohydrates4.2 g
Salad with vegetable oilEnergy value55 kcal
Squirrels1.1 g
Fats3.4 g
Carbohydrates3.5 g

You should not mix Chinese cabbage with sour cream or yogurt, as this combination can cause severe stomach upset.

Salad Recipes

  • Classic salad.

For the dressing, mix half a teaspoon each of lemon juice and vegetable oil. The calorie content of this salad is approximately 15 kcal per 100 grams.

  • Salad with pomegranate.

A medium-sized head of fresh cabbage, a small pomegranate, 30 g of walnuts, 2 purple onions, 300–400 g of boiled chicken breast, 2 tablespoons of apple juice, olive oil and soy sauce. Boil the chicken, chop the cabbage and cut the onion into rings. Soak boiled chicken in apple juice. Peel the pomegranate and carefully remove the seeds from the peel. Grind the walnuts and mix with a drop of olive oil and soy sauce. Mix all recipe ingredients and add sauce.

  • Salad with shrimp

A tablespoon of sesame seeds and honey, 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce, and half a spoon of sesame oil, a head of Chinese cabbage, 200 g of peeled tiger shrimp, 1 pc. sweet apple.

First, boil the shrimp and let them cool. At this time, chop the cabbage and grate the apple, add shrimp to them and mix. Separately, grate sesame seeds along with honey and soy sauce, add oil and mix the salad.

  • Vegetable salad with Chinese cabbage

100 g of carrots, bamboo sprouts, sweet corn, and bell peppers, 300 g of cherry tomatoes, olive oil, Chinese cabbage, lemon juice if desired, sea salt.

Grate the carrots, chop the bamboo, boil or steam the corn and let cool, chop the peppers and cabbage, cut the tomatoes into halves, mix all the ingredients. Make a mixture of sea salt, lemon juice, and olive oil and dress the salad.

  • Beef salad.

You will need 300–400 g of beef pulp, boil it. And soak 200 g of prunes in water for 30 minutes. Chop a head of cabbage, a small sour apple, a tablespoon of olive oil.

For the sauce, grate the apple, add a tablespoon of olive oil and blend in a blender. After that, chop the ingredients as desired and mix with apple sauce.

The benefits of Chinese cabbage have been proven; it is a healthy dietary product. And it should be a must in the diet of a person losing weight!

Chinese cabbage is a vegetable with delicate light green leaves, which are collected in a loose oblong head. The heads are well stored and do not require special conditions. We will consider the composition and calorie content of Chinese cabbage in the article.

  1. Composition of cabbage
  2. Calorie content of cabbage
  3. Beneficial features
  4. For weight loss
  5. For digestion
  6. For woman
  • Contraindications
  • Dietary properties of Chinese cabbage

Classic recipe with butter and onions

Peking cabbage (the calorie content of the vegetable is comparable to white cabbage), eaten fresh, helps enrich the body with nutrients and vitamins, while simultaneously helping to normalize digestion and metabolic activity of the body.

Eating salads with petsai is most beneficial for people suffering from:

  • gout,
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • nervous disorders;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hepatitis.

Having a low calorie content, Chinese cabbage serves as the basis for many dietary salads.
If you are obese, it is recommended to include vegetable and Chinese cabbage salads in your diet every day, which allows you to quickly cleanse the body of toxins and toxins and reduce excess weight.

Depending on your preferences, you can use a variety of vegetable and fruit combinations. Vegetable oil or lemon juice are best suited for dressing, but low-calorie mayonnaise is allowed 1-3 times a week.

Below is a classic recipe, perfect for a diet, with a calorie content of about 19 kcal.


  • Chinese cabbage - 1 fork;
  • red onion – 1 pc.;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable (or olive) oil;
  • Salt.

Cooking process:

  1. The onion must be peeled, washed thoroughly, and then cut into quarters.
  2. Cabbage forks should be carefully disassembled into leaves, washed thoroughly under running water, shaken off excess moisture, and then cut into thin strips.
  3. Prepared vegetables should be placed in a deep plate (or salad bowl), adding 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and salt
  4. The resulting salad should be mixed well and garnished with chopped parsley.

For the salad, it is recommended to use red onions. When using regular onion, before adding it to a dish, you need to pour boiling water over it to remove the bitterness.

The benefits of Chinese cabbage

Beijing has a beneficial effect on the digestive, circulatory, endocrine and immune systems. It prevents early aging, helps pregnant and postpartum mothers in bearing and feeding their baby.

Positive properties also include:

  • strengthening bone and cartilage tissues;
  • reducing tension, stabilizing the psyche, increasing mood and muscle tone;
  • cleansing the blood and body of toxins;
  • returning youth to the skin, giving elasticity;
  • acceleration of the digestion process, weight loss;
  • improving brain function;
  • relieving swelling of soft tissues, dermatological irritations;
  • restoration of vitamin balance;
  • elimination of chronic fatigue, headaches, dizziness.

The benefits of Chinese salad for weight loss

Nutritionists often introduce vegetables into a patient’s diet. It helps you get full quickly without getting extra calories. By clogging the stomach, cabbage reduces appetite, and the juice prevents the rapid breakdown of food and its transformation into fats.

Salads are used to reduce overall weight or dry the body. The most harmless and effective way is a protein vegetable diet. During the program (7-20 days), the consumption of simple carbohydrates (flour, sweets, sugar, yogurt) is minimized.

The menu consists of lean meat, cabbage, low-calorie vegetables, eggs, dairy products, and boiled fish.

The benefits of Chinese cabbage for children

Experts and doctors recommend introducing Pekinka into the diet no earlier than 2-3 years.

Before this age, due to the increased fiber content, the child may develop colic, diarrhea, and vomiting. The recommended dose is 100 g twice a week. It is prohibited to combine lettuce and dairy products.

Be sure to read: Calorie content of cabbage rolls with chicken, pork, minced beef in cabbage or lazy

The benefits of Chinese salad for women, pregnant women, girls

A properly prepared vegetable will give the body the necessary microelements and vitamins. There are entire diet courses where the main product is Chinese cabbage. The effectiveness of such a program is up to 10 kg of weight loss in 7-10 days.

Cabbage has a beneficial effect on women's health and promotes normal fetal development during pregnancy:

General Health BenefitsDuring pregnancy and lactation
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • relief from menstrual pain;
  • juice masks lighten skin tone, treat acne, and baths strengthen the nail plate;
  • smoothing out fine wrinkles;
  • acceleration of hair growth.
  • replenishment of vitamin balance;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • regularization of stool;
  • increased milk supply;
  • strengthening the baby's nervous system.

The benefits of Chinese cabbage for men

Although Petsai is not a natural aphrodisiac, it has a positive effect on male strength, promotes rapid replenishment of semen and the duration of sexual intercourse.

Including vegetables in the diet is considered the best way to reduce the risks of hemorrhoids, prostate cancer, and cancer.

Use in old age

In eastern countries, it is believed that regular consumption of cabbage prolongs life, gives the energy of youth and strength. The vegetable helps prevent heart failure, cancer, and excess weight gain.

There are no contraindications for inclusion in the diet for older people, with the exception of individual intolerance and significant problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Chinese cabbage for diabetes

People suffering from these diseases will benefit from any species of plant.

Acids and increased protein help control appetite, which allows you to avoid gaining excess weight. Juice helps remove cholesterol from the body. A plus is considered to be a reduction in the need for insulin (the plant has low sugar and starchy content).

Lysine, which is included in Beijing, strengthens the patient’s immune system , improves mood and general physical condition. With regular use, blood vessels are cleansed and the risk of developing problems with the gastrointestinal tract is reduced.

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