Height to weight ratio for men: table + different calculation formulas

Weight calculation formula

A. Quetelet's formula will help calculate BMI. Type of formula: I=m/h², where m is body weight in kg, h is height in m.

Most formulas for calculating body weight are quite simple, but those who do not want to do the calculations themselves can use a weight and height calculator for women and men. The most common methods:

  • calculation by height;
  • weight calculation based on height and age;
  • calculation by body mass index.

Fill in the fields below:

Age must be between 18 and 100!

Height must be a number greater than zero!

The weight must be a number greater than zero!

Broca's formula helps determine the normal value in accordance with a person's height. It is very simple, but despite this, it is quite objective. When calculating, you can also take into account age-related characteristics, since an increase in body weight over the years is the norm for a healthy person.

Broca's simplified formula looks like height in centimeters minus 110 for youth and middle-aged people. After forty, 100 is taken away (both men and women). The formula is adjusted according to body types plus/minus 10%. This gives an approximate estimate of weight based on height and age for teenagers, middle-aged people and the elderly.

Proper nutrition and exercise

Weight and volume are not the same thing. Muscle weighs 4 times more than fat for the same volume. And even if your body weight is normal or below normal, but your body looks plump, it means there is a small percentage of muscle in the body compared to the percentage of fat. The same is true if your weight is below normal, but your body looks flabby. In order to build muscle mass, you need to eat right and exercise. And it will even be useful for men who do not have extra pounds.

Be sure to read: Fasting as a way to lose weight and improve your body health

Proper nutrition will help bring the body back to normal. It is only important to follow the regime.


Breakfast is the main meal of the day that supplies the body with energy for the whole day. To get it, it is best to eat grain products (cereals). But you can make breakfast using the following methods:

  1. Porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal or rolled oats without additives, pearl barley, millet, rice). Cook porridge with milk, because... more nutritional properties.
  2. Omelette or boiled eggs, but not for every day.
  3. Whole wheat bread.
  4. Tea, cocoa, milk.

Instant porridges, crispy flakes, and balls do not provide any benefit. They can be included in subsequent meals if you really want to.


Lunch should contain enough protein and plant foods rich in vitamins.

  1. Meat (chicken breasts, turkey, pork, beef, veal). Ideal boiled or stewed.
  2. Dairy (cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, cheese).
  3. Liver, kidneys.
  4. Fish, preferably boiled or stewed.
  5. Freshly squeezed juices or compotes.
  6. Vegetables and fruits.
  7. Soups. You definitely need to eat liquid food, because... it improves metabolism.
  8. Whole wheat bread. But you can use regular gray or black.

How to determine your body type

An easy-to-use method for determining body type is based on the Solovyov index. He proposed a classification based on taking into account the characteristics of the human skeleton. The index can be easily determined by yourself by measuring the circumference of the wrist in centimeters at the narrowest point. This parameter indicates the size of the bone and allows you to classify the figure as one of the types:

  • Asthenic or thin boned - in women the wrist circumference is less than 15 cm, in men - less than 18 cm.
  • Normosthenic or normoskeletal - in women the figure is 15-17 cm, in men - 18-20 cm.
  • Hypersthenic or broad-boned - in women the circumference is more than 17 cm, in men - 20 cm.

There is another, everyday way to determine your physique by wrist circumference. You need to cover your left hand with the fingers of your right. If the fingers connect freely and even overlap each other, you have an asthenic type, if they simply close, you are normosthenic, and if there is a small gap between them, you are hypersthenic.

Accordingly, the weight norm for an adult with small bones, according to Broca’s formula, is calculated as height in centimeters minus 110 and another 10%; for a normal-boned person, the formula is used without adjustment; for a large-boned person, 10% is added to the result. The differences also need to be taken into account by those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and those who are involved in fitness and have developed muscles. Athletes have higher standards.

Quetelet's classic formula

A universally accepted method for calculating a person’s excess weight is Quetelet’s formula. It is approved and recommended by such an authoritative organization as WHO. That's why most people use it. Allows you to find BMI - body mass index (in the West it is abbreviated BMI - Body Mass Index).

Formula for calculation: I=M/H2, where:

  • I—body mass index;
  • M—current weight in kilograms;
  • H is current height in meters.


  • M=74;
  • H=1.6;
  • calculate the square of height: 1.6x1.6=2.56;
  • it turns out I = 74:2.56 = 28.91.

Note. Here and throughout the text, all examples of calculations will be given based on these data: our conventional little man weighs 74 kg with a height of 1 m 60 cm. His other parameters (age, gender, build, wrist size) will vary. This makes it more convenient at the end to compare the results obtained and draw a conclusion about the “accuracy” of the proposed formulas and methods.

According to the official WHO table, the BMI norm ranges from 18.5-24.9 (inclusive). A corridor of 25-29.9 is considered overweight, which is where the figure obtained in our calculation example fell (28.91). Indicators starting from 30 already refer to obesity.

Read more about BMI calculations, norms and deviations in a separate article.

Despite the fact that the BMI formula is recognized by the WHO itself, it is often criticized because it is not accurate. Firstly, Quetelet (a Belgian statistician and sociologist) developed it back in 1869. It's simply outdated. Secondly, it does not take into account the age and constitution of the human body, which means it cannot be recognized as an ideal calculation.

WHO recognizes the imperfection of this approach, but is in no hurry to abandon it. They adjusted the normal BMI based on age and gender:

If the BMI is higher than the indicators given in the table, this indicates the presence of excess body weight.

Body mass index

In order to monitor your health, it is important not only to know how much you should weigh normally, but also to understand what the combination of fat and muscle mass is in the body. An informative indicator is the body mass index, which reflects the level of physical fitness and health of a person. It is often used to assess not only the degree of obesity, but also wasting. It helps diagnose such a common disease as anorexia.

Body mass index is calculated using the formula proposed by Adolphe Quetelet. It takes into account the ratio of height and weight, but is not adjusted according to age or body size. To clarify the results, specialists prescribe a set of additional studies and analyses. To adjust your volumes, you need to know the causes of obesity or underweight.

To find out what the optimal weight of a person is, use the formula I=m/h². How much you weigh (m) is measured in kilograms, and your height (h) is measured in meters. The World Health Organization conducted research based on which it proposed a basic classification of BMI:

for women based on age:

  • 19-25 years old - 19.6;
  • 25-35 years old - 23.3;
  • 35-45 years old - 23.5;
  • 45-55 years old - 25.3;
  • over 55 years old - 27.4.

It should be noted that over the age of 60, many people begin to gradually lose weight. This is due to the condition of the bone skeleton and a decrease in muscle mass.

The ratio of weight and height in a man: correct proportions

Optimal body weight in men is usually determined by three indicators:

  • height;
  • heaviness of bones;
  • chest volume.

The ratio of height and weight for the vast majority of healthy men who adhere to proper nutrition is a constant value. A significant increase in this indicator may indicate excessive weight gain, and a decrease, as a rule, indicates inflammatory processes within the body.

Effect of age on body weight

According to doctors, human growth continues until the age of 25. During this period, the body's metabolism is very active, food is easily digested, and fats are quickly burned. Later these processes begin to slow down. After 30-35 years in women and 35-40 years in men, metabolism naturally decreases. At this point, increased fat deposition may begin. A small increase is not a deviation, since the norms for people of the same height, but different years, vary.

Weight management factors in the human brain are controlled by adipostat. It affects the rate of fat burning, the production of hormones responsible for appetite and other processes. When this balance is disturbed, an accelerated increase in body volume begins. Stress, toxins, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and various endocrine disorders can cause imbalance in the body.

Excess weight is an extremely dangerous factor that threatens human health. Medical statistics show that only 10% of human diseases are explained by genetic factors, and the remaining 90% are caused by poor lifestyle and environmental influences. To maintain your health, it is necessary not only to control your BMI, but also, in case of excess fat gain, to undergo a comprehensive examination in order to stop the problem at an early stage.

Why know your optimal weight?

WHO data indicate that the problem of obesity in most developed countries of the world is in first place among the causes of deteriorating public health. Knowing the standards according to age and other factors will help you stay in good shape.

Obesity is dangerous because it becomes a launching pad for the development of a whole range of diseases. Among them, the most common are type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, problems in the cardiovascular system, joint diseases, disorders of the pancreas, digestive organs, respiratory and endocrine systems.

On the other hand, insufficient BMI indicates exhaustion of the body, which is no less dangerous than obesity. A person experiences a loss of strength, vitamin deficiencies of various types, and decreased immunity. Lack of body weight can indicate diseases such as type 1 diabetes, anemia, eating disorders, and osteoporosis.

A comprehensive examination in a clinic that deals with the normalization of metabolism and weight loss will help not only to identify the disease at an early stage, but also to completely prevent its development. Experts determine body weight standards, the ratio of muscles and fats in the body, and then, based on the research, they create a nutrition and health program for a person.

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