Hello, dear readers! And welcome to my blog! Today I have prepared interesting material especially for those who lead a healthy lifestyle. The main feature of this information will be the green smoothie. Currently, this drink has gained incredible popularity. And for good reason. It is drunk by everyone, from adherents of a raw food diet to avid meat eaters who want to take vitamins and improve their health.
Health shakes (or shakes for raw foodists) include greens and fruits or vegetables. The most useful greens are those that grow wild (clover, dandelion, quinoa, plantain, gooseberry, burdock, nettle, etc.). A complex of useful substances is also found in greens that are grown in the garden (spinach, lettuce, parsley, arugula, tarragon, celery, cilantro, basil, amaranth, dill, fennel, sorrel, mint, lemon balm, etc.). Young grape leaves are also used. , birch, currant, pine cones, etc. In the autumn-winter period, aloe leaves are used in small quantities, greens of grains sprouted on the windowsill: wheat, buckwheat, barley, oats.
The second component is any fresh and frozen fruits and berries (apples, pears, grapes, peaches, apricots, strawberries, blueberries, wild strawberries, kiwis, lemons, oranges, bananas, pineapples, papayas, plums, etc.) or vegetables - these are different varieties cabbage (kale, broccoli, Chinese, cauliflower, cabbage), tomatoes, beet leaves, cucumbers, beets, zucchini, bell peppers, pumpkin, carrots, etc.
Green smoothie recipe for health
Fans of a healthy lifestyle claim that the best proportion of smoothies for excellent human health is:
- greens – 40%
- fruits or vegetables – 50%
- fats (vegetable oils, nuts, avocados, flax seeds, hemp) – 10%. With the help of fats (at least 1 tbsp.) minerals and vitamins K and E are absorbed.
- To make cocktails easier to drink, you can add pure water, juices, and ice.
It must be remembered that in cocktails you must add either only fruits or only vegetables to greens. First chop the greens, then add fruits or vegetables and be sure to bring the contents to a homogeneous mass.
You don’t have to change the fruit or vegetable base of cocktails (use your favorite one), but try to change the greens and choose the darkest one with the maximum chlorophyll content.
It is not necessary to radically change your daily diet; it is enough to drink one glass of green smoothie instead of one meal, or 30 - 40 minutes before the main meal.
There is also a certain rule for making smoothie recipes: Liquid base (1/2–1 cup) + 1 cup of greens + 1 fruit or 1 cup of berries = SMOOTHIE
Do you want a boost of energy, a minimal amount of calories, a deep cleansing of the body and saturation with vitamins? Here are the products that will give us all this:
Let's prepare a super cocktail:
- 1 pear
- 1 cucumber
- 1 orange
- 1 or half lemon
- 1 kiwi
- 1 cup greens
- mint
- water
Squeeze juice from oranges. The remaining components are washed, cleaned and cut.
Place the greens, fruits, cucumber, orange juice and water in a blender and grind.
A very tasty, refreshing, I would say cooling smoothie.
You can simplify the recipe and prepare a more classic version: 1 pear, 1 cucumber, spinach (a cup), mint, lemon juice, water.
Banana cocktail
The quantity of products can, of course, be changed, and the more banana you add, the sweeter the drink will be. But do not forget that there will be more calories.
- One banana.
- Two apples.
- A few sorrel leaves (can be replaced with lemon).
- A few lettuce leaves or Chinese cabbage.
- Water – 200 ml.
Peel all products, chop them and put them in a blender along with water. Mix until smooth. The cocktail is ready.
If you want a sweet taste, you can omit the sorrel (or lemon). It adds sourness, without it the cocktail will be sweeter.
The benefits of a green smoothie for the body and joints
According to Ayurveda, a green smoothie is a sip of liquid solar energy. All the richness of nutrients contained in greens saturates green smoothies. These magical health drinks are easy to prepare and incredibly healthy .
Green smoothie has the following beneficial properties:
- Normalizes blood pressure and the functioning of the cardiovascular system (since the chlorophyll contained only in greenery is very saturated with oxygen), improves the condition of varicose veins, prevents atherosclerosis, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, helps with hemophilia, destroys harmful (anaerobic) bacteria, promotes the development of beneficial (aerobic) bacteria. bacteria), healing wounds, ulcers, erosions, treats any inflammation and eliminates bad breath.
- Produces alkalization (greens are the most alkaline food on earth) of the body, which is excessively acidified by dairy, confectionery and meat products, promoting the development of acid-loving pathogens of various diseases.
- Green fiber improves intestinal microflora, stimulates its motor function, and helps cleanse the intestines and the whole body. Fiber contains antioxidants that prevent the development of cancer.
- Even people over 60-70 years old with arthritis and arthrosis, osteochondrosis and joint pain stated after two weeks that the pain had practically gone away, their strength had increased and they could walk a lot. What's the secret? The fact is that it is clean, healthy and living food. And most importantly, it’s well ground. Nowadays, few people chew 32 times and few people know why we chew at all. And people chew not just to get food down their throats, but to release saliva, which contains special enzymes involved in digestion.
- Proteins and proteins contained in greens in the most effective form are easily digested, which gives rest to the body and saturates it with a huge amount of energy and enzymes.
- Helps with anemia, activates the body's defenses, and greatly strengthens the immune system.
- Stimulates the functioning of the thyroid and pancreas glands, removes waste, toxins, heavy metals, and excess cholesterol from the body.
- Promotes weight loss , since smoothies are very nutritious and cause a feeling of fullness and lightness in the stomach; In addition, greens speed up metabolism and contain a minimal amount of calories while containing a large and varied amount of beneficial substances.
- Improves sleep, overall well-being, complexion, cleanses the skin, and prevents premature aging.
- Charges with strength and energy, relieves drowsiness, promotes a great mood.
- Thrush, stomatitis, tonsillitis and other symptoms of candiosis go away. After all, Candida loves an acidic environment created by yeast, meat, and sweets, but it does not live well in an alkaline environment. Tested by personal experience. I have had thrush and stomatitis all my life and I treated it endlessly, even with injections. A month after switching to fresh vegetables, fruits and smoothies, I didn’t think about it. And now it’s been 5 years since I’m not a raw foodist, but my body improved so much during that period that these problems still don’t bother me.
Green smoothie recipe for weight loss at home
Greens are an incredibly important food product that maximally satisfies human needs for nutrients. Nutrients are contained in plant cells and to release them, the walls of these cells must be destroyed. Since they contain cellulose and are biologically extremely stable, this process requires prolonged chewing and a large amount of gastric juice.
A blender copes well with these problems, and cocktails prepared with its help are quickly absorbed by the human body. Fans of green smoothies drink from 0.5 liters to 2 liters of drinks per day. Only freshly prepared smoothies are consumed.
When purchasing a blender, you need to pay attention to the following requirements:
- he should have 4 knives, not two;
- you need a bowl blender, not an immersion one;
- its power should be from 1000 watts
Large vegetables and fruits must first be chopped with a knife and then in a blender with added liquid.
Recipe with ginger and spinach:
- Ginger 1-2 cm.
- Spinach 1/2 bunch
- Parsley 1/2 bunch
- Sesame 1 tsp.
- Flax seeds 1 tsp.
- Water 100 ml.
- Lemon juice from 1 lemon slice
Chop the ginger and place it in a blender.
Greens on top, you can chop them a little with a knife.
We also add flax and sesame seeds. If they are added with the other ingredients, they will only be partially crushed.
Whole flax and sesame seeds are good for cleansing the intestines, but if your goal is to obtain benefits from digesting them, then you first need to grind them into flour with a blender or coffee grinder and only then add them to the cocktail.
Peel and cut the apple. We also peel and cut the banana. But we don’t add them yet to make it easier to grind the greens.
Add 100 ml of water and lemon juice to the greens in a blender bowl. And we chop everything up.
When the greens are chopped, add the apple and bananas. You can do this in batches to make it easier for the blender.
If you have a powerful blender, you can grind all the ingredients for the cocktail at once.
You can change the amount of water to your taste. I like it more liquid, so I add a whole glass. Can be sweetened with dates or honey if desired.
How to cook?
The best cocktails for weight loss are prepared from green vegetables and fruits, using kefir or other low-fat fermented milk product as the basis.
Universal recipe No. 1
In addition to the fermented milk drink, it is also necessary to add herbs - onions, dill, basil, celery, cilantro, rhubarb, parsley, spinach, sorrel and lettuce. It is recommended to add some spices. Salt is for taste, and black pepper, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon are to enhance the fat-burning effect. If the main meal is still far away, then you can add a little low-fat cottage cheese to the drink. All ingredients are crushed and mixed using a blender.
- We recommend reading: celery smoothie for weight loss
The calorie content of such a recipe will increase slightly, but the nutritional properties and protein content will increase greatly.
Universal recipe No. 2
If you are a lover of “sweets,” then a fruit cocktail recipe will be indispensable for you. It not only promotes weight loss, but also has excellent taste. The recipe for a cocktail with fruit differs slightly from the classic one described above - the same kefir, fermented baked milk or cottage cheese is used as a basis, but salt and spices must be excluded.
It is better not to oversaturate the cocktail with different types of fruit - choose one or two, so the drink will be better absorbed.
Do not add sugar under any circumstances - the entire positive effect will be reduced to zero. If it is absolutely impossible for you to avoid a sweetener, limit yourself to a teaspoon of honey. The drink is also prepared using a blender.
Oddly enough, even such a healthy cocktail has contraindications - this applies to some products that may be included in its composition.
For example, it is not recommended to overuse ginger - it not only speeds up metabolism, but also accelerates the aging mechanism in the body, and consuming it in large quantities can increase blood pressure and body temperature. Therefore, it must be used carefully and wisely. If a person with stomach problems adds radishes or radishes to a cocktail, this will aggravate the disease, it is better to use other products.
How to take a green smoothie for weight loss
Having a beautiful, healthy body is a task that is very easy to cope with if you love yourself and pay at least a little attention to your health. Nowadays there is a lot of talk about physical activity and proper nutrition. On my website you will find enough information on these issues. The collection of such useful information will also include this article, where I will tell you how to take a green smoothie for weight loss.
The easiest way is to replace one meal with a cocktail. For example, breakfast or dinner.
The course of admission is 30 days. Although within a week you will see changes in your skin and your well-being and even in your weight. This is enough to look slim and fit throughout the year. But your body will be grateful to you if you don’t stop making yourself such a healthy breakfast or dinner.
There is another way to take this drink: make 1 day a month a fasting day. Replace all meals with a cocktail. On this day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water.
Now we’ll tell you how to prepare a berry cocktail. This drink is filled with vitamins and microelements.
To prepare the drink you will need:
- 150 grams of strawberries, blueberries and raspberries + several berries for decoration;
- one large apple;
- two hundred milliliters of apple juice;
- liquid honey (1 tsp).
Preparation of aromatic berry drink:
- First, wash the berries and fruits.
- Then peel the apples and cut them into four pieces, cutting out the core.
- Then cut the pulp into large pieces.
- Separate the stems from the berries.
- Next, puree the apple pieces, berries and honey in a blender. Drain off the juice as you go. Afterwards, pour the berry cocktail into cups and you can drink.
Green smoothie with parsley
Who doesn't love parsley? You? I bet you won’t feel it?! Green smoothies are what is simply necessary to cleanse the body after New Year's feasts!
Recipe 1:
- Kiwi - 1 pc.
- Pear - 1 pc.
- Banana - 1 pc.
- A little parsley.
So the preparation is as simple as always. The main thing is to add a little water to give the blender a chance to speed up.
So, let's turn it on at maximum speed!
How I wanted it now. I went to cook. This is the taste of spring!
The second option is for avocado lovers. Avocado is one of the most beneficial fruits for our beauty. There is more parsley here, but it fits in perfectly here. This option is quite suitable for a hearty breakfast.
Avocado recipe:
- Avocado - 1 pc.
- Pears - 2 pcs.
- 1 bunch of parsley⠀⠀
Cooking method:
Peel the avocado, remove the pit and cut into large pieces. Peel the pears and cut into slices. Combine the ingredients in a blender bowl, sprinkle them with chopped parsley, and puree thoroughly. Add 1-2 glasses of water and beat the smoothie again.
With kiwi
This homemade fat-burning cocktail will appeal to those who love the exotic fruit called kiwi. The fruit has unique properties that help you lose weight. The process of fighting excess weight with such drinks will proceed without problems.
To prepare you will need:
- 7 sprigs of parsley, mint;
- 2 teaspoons honey;
- kiwi;
- two lemon rings;
- 100 ml water.
Prepare a weight loss cocktail in a blender:
- First, peel the kiwi, then cut the fruit into pieces.
- Throw them into a blender and grind.
- Then add lemon.
- After that - parsley, honey, water and mint. Next, grind again. Drink the drink within twenty minutes after preparation to prevent sediment from forming.
Green smoothie with celery for colon cleansing
Celery is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Destroys:
- harmful bacteria
- mold
- fungi
- viruses
Removes toxins from the liver and intestines, and these pathogenic microorganisms often cause inflammation, making it difficult for all body systems to function.
And another bonus is that it supports beneficial bacteria. And their absence leads to the proliferation of pathogenic organisms, disruption of microflora, and dysbacteriosis. Without them, normal digestion, and therefore the absorption of nutrients, is impossible.
Some researchers believe that the love drink prepared for Tristan and Isolde consisted of 100 grams of celery juice, with the addition of 50 grams of apple juice and 50 grams of pear juice.
But this love potion is a hundred times better!
- 1 bunch of mint
- juice of 1/2 lime
- ice
- water
- 1 apple
- 3 stalks of celery
Wash, clean, and cut the celery and other ingredients into pieces. Make sure to remove all tough fibers from the celery.
If the blender is powerful, then throw it all in at once and grind it. If not, then first chop the greens from the liquid, then add the fruit.
With celery
What other cleansing cocktail should you try? For example, from celery. This product is indispensable in the process of losing weight; it also contains many vitamins and beneficial elements.
To prepare a healthy drink you will need one stalk of celery and a small bunch of herbs to taste. Throw the chopped ingredients into the blender. Grind until smooth. Drink right away.
Raw food cocktail according to Victoria Butenko's recipe
“Green smoothies” were invented by Victoria Butenko, the author of the book “Greens for Life.” Nowadays, smoothies have become popular all over the world.
To draw attention to greens that bring health to a person, you just need to cook them tasty and beautiful. Since people have different tastes, and there are a great many ingredients for cocktails, choosing “your favorite” can only be done through testing and a creative approach.
Favorite cocktails of Victoria Butenko:
- dandelion leaves and flowers + nettle + 2 bananas + 2 pears + 1-2 glasses of clean water;
- a large bunch of parsley + 4 ripe pears + 2 glasses of water;
- dandelion leaves and flowers + spinach + 1 can of strawberries + water.
Green smoothie according to Vadim Zeland's recipe
Vadim Zeland, in one of his books on Transurfing, “Clean Nutrition,” describes recipes for healthy, living food, including recipes for green smoothies. Such a cocktail can be an ideal breakfast that will not burden you, but, on the contrary, will energize you and help your body cleanse itself.
You only need 5 ingredients, a glass of water and a blender. Start your morning with energizing and healthy foods that will help you stay alert and alert throughout the day!
- 1 banana
- 2 stalks of celery
- 2-3 lettuce leaves
- 1 orange
- 2-3 strawberries
Place the washed and peeled fruits and herbs into a blender, add water and grind until smooth. This option is not green in color, but very tasty!
We recommend using live Zeland water, prepared using a special device. But you can also use destructured melt water.
Water can also be infused with shungite and silicon.
Author MK
This option is not green in color, but no less useful.
Celery + apple
The cooking process itself will not take much time. But the drink will give the body a lot of vitamins. In addition, the cocktail improves digestion.
To prepare you will need:
- one green apple;
- two tbsp. spoons of lemon juice;
- two pieces. celery stalk;
- teaspoon of finely grated ginger root.
Preparation of the drink:
- Wash the apple, peel and discard the core.
- Squeeze the juice from the pulp.
- Grind the celery in a blender.
- Combine the celery mixture, apple juice, add lemon juice, ginger (pre-grated). Beat with a blender. The drink is ready.
Cocktail recipe for joint pain
In fact, there is no specific recipe for joint pain. Yes, it is not needed. Its effect does not depend on the proportions and list of fruits and herbs, but on the fact that you replace at least one meal with high-quality, live food, without salt, chemicals, or boiled dead food.
And it actually works. Here is the story of a man to whom doctors offered only one thing - to replace his joints with glands. He could not get out of bed, not even to go to the toilet. And it seems like a miracle, but he was quickly healed with live nutrition. But it’s not a miracle, it’s just that the body, receiving healthy light food that does not poison and does not require a huge expenditure of its capacity to digest it, began to self-heal and remove waste, including from the joints. I recommend a video in which a man tells how and what he did.
Well, a recipe for a snack. This recipe is recommended for joint problems, as it contains a lot of lemon juice and even zest. Healthy breakfast for joint and back pain:
- bunch of greenery
- harvesting spinach
- lemon - 1/4
- dried apricots - 8-10 pieces
- prunes - 4-6 pieces
- apple - 1 pc.
- water
Place parsley and dill in a blender.
Then spinach and 1/4 lemon straight with peel.
Then 5-6 pieces of prunes and 8-10 dried apricots, which also have a positive effect on the condition of bones and joints. Dried apricots help remove uric acid from the body, which accumulates in the joints in the form of microscopic crystals.
We cut apples. We do not remove the middle, since the seeds contain a lot of iodine.
Add a glass or more water (to taste).
And grind until smooth. Bon appetit!
Green spring cocktail made from nettles
This is a real elixir of youth and health! When starting to introduce green smoothies into your diet, do not rush to load a lot of greens into one serving at once. It's better to start with a small bunch or a few branches. And gradually increase the amount of herb with each smoothie. Believe me, by drinking cocktails regularly, your health will improve significantly and your taste habits will begin to change. The body will begin to ask for more wholesome, healthy food and less harmful, waste food.
Nettle is a valuable multivitamin plant, a kind of natural concentrate of vitamins. It contains twice as much ascorbic acid than blackcurrant fruits and lemon, the carotene content is higher than in sea buckthorn berries, carrots and sorrel, and only 20 nettle leaves provide our body with the daily requirement of vitamin A. In addition, nettle is rich in vitamins K, E and B and microelements: including iron, magnesium, copper, calcium, etc.
Nettle leaves also contain flavonoids, tannins, tannins, phytoncides, organic acids, chlorophyll, glycosides and others. Such a rich set of biologically active elements explains the wide range of restorative and therapeutic properties of nettle. Nettle allows you to restore the functions of vital organs and normalize the functioning of the body as a whole.
Recipe with nettles:
- bunch of nettles
- 2 bananas
- juice of a quarter of a lemon
- honey to taste
- water 1 glass
Place everything in a blender and blend until smooth. You can add berries to taste or other fruits.
Recipe from sprouted wheat and kefir
I don’t drink milk, so I suggest a recipe with water, but kefir will fit perfectly into this recipe according to taste. And the cocktail will become more nutritious and taste familiar.
This is a very tasty recipe. Sweet sprouts, pineapple, banana, what else do you need for happiness!? Of course, you can simplify it and just make banana + sprouts + kefir. But you can also pamper yourself with exotic things.
If you don’t yet know about sprouts, then let me tell you that when sprouting, all the beneficial substances become active and their quantity increases. For example, the content of vitamin C and B increases 5 times, vitamin E – 3 times, folic acid – 4 times. Therefore, eating them gives the human body an incredible charge of vigor, youth and beauty.
- 1/4 pineapple
- 1 pear
- 1 apple
- 2 bananas
- 0.5 - 1 cup sprouts
How long should the sprout of sprouted wheat be? Wheat with sprouts up to 2 millimeters is the healthiest, since the grain in this case is in an ideal state of “awakened vitamins”, ready to give all its strength and juices for growth.
We clean and cut the pineapple into pieces. Don't forget to cut out the hard center.
Place in a blender. Peel the apple, pear and banana, cut into pieces and put in a blender. Then the sprouts. If you added pineapple, then you don’t have to add water, since pineapple is very juicy, just a little water to help the blender. Although this is a matter of taste, I like a liquid green smoothie, so I add water to all recipes. Instead of water, you can use kefir, yogurt or milk (you can use nut milk). All that's left to do is grind it.
And a delicious, satisfying and most importantly healthy breakfast is ready!
You can add chia seeds.
Recipe for making a smoothie with sprouted wheat. Author
Kefir with ginger
This is quite a healthy drink. It's the best way to start the day. Ginger will burn extra calories, activate metabolic processes, and give you energy. Kefir with ginger needs to be infused. Then the cocktail will acquire a full-fledged taste, without losing its aroma and properties.
For preparation you need:
- a slice of ginger (about two by two cm);
- 200 ml kefir.
- First prepare the ingredients.
- Peel a piece of ginger and rinse under water.
- Next, grate it on a fine grater.
- Then add to kefir.
- Then mix thoroughly and leave to infuse for about forty minutes. If you wish, you can hold it longer, for example, 60 minutes.
- Then strain the kefir. That's all, we can assume that our drink is ready. It should be consumed on an empty stomach.
Dandelion Green Smoothie for Health
How to wake up in the morning without your usual coffee? Very simple! Make a cocktail with the following composition - banana, flax seed, dandelion leaves and water - blend everything in a blender for 2-3 minutes until smooth.
Did you know that dandelion has another popular name - “bitter chicory”. Dandelion contains vitamins A, B, and C, folic acid, potassium, silicon, iron and tannins. If you have swelling in the morning, then this smoothie is for you! Dandelion helps remove excess fluid from the body and prevents its re-accumulation.
We need to cleanse our liver, improve our skin, make a smoothie with dandelion.
Leaf Recipe:
- 1 bunch of wild plants (plantain, dandelion, clover), you can take pure dandelion
- 1 banana
- 1 apple
- 1 liter of water
- Dietary supplement at will
Place the greens in the blender, cut the apple and banana and also place in the blender. Pour in about 0.5 liters of water and blend until the green leaves are crushed to an almost homogeneous mass. Pour in the remaining water and mix again. Banana and apple are used to flavor this smoothie, so you can experiment with any fruit and vegetable until you find your favorite flavor.
And most importantly, dandelion cleanses the body of toxins. Therefore, it is recommended for diseases and conditions such as high cholesterol and uric acid (that is, gout, diabetes, kidney stones).
Ginger-lemon drink
If you're looking for a cleansing cocktail, this is it. It is healthy and consists only of natural ingredients. To prepare it you need a piece of ginger root, one lemon, 200 ml of water.
First, peel the ginger and add liquid. Give it time to brew. Then squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Next, strain the ginger, add juice and clean water. Now you have a healthy drink. It is prepared even without using a blender. This drink perfectly quenches thirst. It is advisable not to use it more than twice a week.
Green spinach vitamin cocktail recipe
Greens have been present in the human diet since time immemorial, and traditional healers have used them to treat various diseases. Only under the influence of solar energy does the plant world around us acquire a green color - it accumulates chlorophyll, and with its participation the process of photosynthesis is carried out. Chlorophyll is a liquid form of solar energy, the “green blood” of plants. The chlorophyll molecule is surprisingly similar in structure and structure to the heme molecule of human blood. Apparently, this is due to the fact that chlorophyll heals and cleanses our body and even destroys our internal enemies such as cancer cells, fungi, and harmful bacteria. We have repeatedly observed how sick mammals are healed by greens. Chlorophyll is a unique source of solar energy, without which life on earth is impossible.
Greens contain the entire complex of minerals and vitamins (especially important for the human body A, C, E, K). Only vitamin B12 is missing from greens, which vegetarians and raw foodists need to pay special attention to, since it is involved in hematopoiesis, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, cell division, and the formation of nerve covering, and its deficiency can lead to irreversible damage to the nervous system. It must be supplemented with dairy products, soy milk, etc.
Proteins (proteins) in plants are contained in the form of free amino acids (including 9 essential ones), which are easily absorbed by the body. In 100 gr. cooked meat contains as much available protein as 80 grams. spinach
Greens contain the maximum amount of fiber, which absorbs and removes waste and toxins from the body.
Green smoothie with spinach - the most nutritious recipe:
- cucumbers
- Kiwi
- Apple
- Spinach
- Parsley, dill (just a little)
- Honey
- Water
- Chia seeds (optional)
A very tasty and refreshing recipe. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and blend until tender.
Author https://www.instagram.com/p/BurfA6jFaIR/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Smoothie with cucumber:
- Cucumber - 1 pc.
- Spinach - 1 bunch
- Juice of ½ lemon
- Honey - 2 tsp.
- Ice - 1 glass
Peel the cucumber and cut into pieces. Place cucumber pieces in a blender bowl, a bunch of spinach (rinse first), juice of half a lemon, two teaspoons of honey, and one glass of ice.
Beat on high power for 3 – 5 minutes.
To be honest, I cook it much simpler - banana + spinach. Sometimes I add berries when they are in season.
Can I take a green smoothie during pregnancy?
Of course it is possible and necessary. Select the assortment of products carefully; if you know that you are allergic to some fruit or greens, then of course exclude them from the recipe.
At the beginning of pregnancy, everyone is recommended to drink folic acid of synthetic origin. But adherents of a healthy lifestyle, who have understood the negative effects of chemical vitamins and supplements and successfully obtain all the essentials from natural products, and there are a lot of them in fresh herbs!
What are the benefits of drinking cocktails for a pregnant woman:
- Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood (which is very, very important during pregnancy!).
- Cleanses intestinal tissue (constipation can be forgotten after just a few days of taking the cocktail).
- Improves milk formation.
- Improves the condition of varicose veins.
- Normalize weight (you can replace dinner with a cocktail or use it instead of a snack).
- Saturate the body with calcium, vitamins, acids and other important ones.
- banana 1 pc.
- 1/2 pear
- spinach (can be frozen if cooking in winter)
- avocado 1 pc.
- water 1/2 cup
We clean, wash and cut everything and put it in a blender. Add 0.5-1 glass of water.
Ready! Tasty and healthy.
With greens
This vitamin drink will heal the body, charge it with vitality and energy. Prepare a healthy weight loss cocktail in a blender. It turns out very bright and aromatic.
You need to use it at least twice a week. It is especially useful for those who play sports.
To prepare the drink you will need:
- 120 grams of fresh herbs (dill, parsley, spinach, arugula);
- 150 ml water;
- half a glass of sprouted green buckwheat.
Preparing a healthy drink:
- First, take half a glass (maybe a little more) of sprouted buckwheat.
- Rinse fresh herbs thoroughly.
- Then tear it into pieces with your hands.
- Then put it in a bowl with buckwheat, pour in water.
- Then beat everything thoroughly with a blender. The entire mixture should become homogeneous. If more water is needed during mixing, add a little. Our healthy drink is ready, drink it right away. You can add some fruit for a more pleasant taste.
If you are looking for vitamin shakes, then pay attention to this one. It contains a lot of useful elements. We wish you all a bon appetit!