Weight melts before our eyes - beetroot cocktail for weight loss 5 kg in a week

Couldn't stick to any low-calorie diet, but the desire to make your figure slim remains? In this case, you will probably be helped by a fasting diet or so-called fasting days, which are considered the most harmless and effective, not only in terms of fighting extra pounds, but also in terms of cleansing the body of toxins and toxins and getting rid of some diseases.

So, have you decided to start a new life and seriously take on yourself? In this case, start with fasting diets...

Recommendations for fasting diets

Such fasting diets are very useful for almost everyone. To, firstly, unload your stomach, activate metabolic processes in the body and speed up metabolism, which will ultimately lead to getting rid of excess weight and improving well-being.

Fasting diets or fasting days are most often carried out once twice a week or every two weeks. Such diets are recommended both as a way to combat extra pounds and in terms of cleansing the body of accumulated waste, toxins, heavy metal salts, high cholesterol, as well as as a treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Today, several fasting diets are known to help our body cope with food overload, and also as a cleansing method aimed at combating waste, toxins and other substances harmful to our body. Where to begin? I hope that the kefir-yogurt diet is just what you need. First, let's look at all the features of such fasting diets.

Fasting day on prunes

If you want to lose weight, but at the same time not deny yourself sweets and tasty foods, then we offer you a fasting day with prunes. The complete absence of sweets often becomes critical for many people; this provokes breakdowns, causes depression and moral and physical fatigue. And prunes are not only a tasty product, but also healthy. It contains various minerals, vitamins and organic acids. Therefore, unloading prunes is relatively easy.

  • The benefits of unloading on prunes
  • Indications for unloading on prunes
  • Contraindications
  • Strict fasting day on prunes
  • Balanced fasting day on prunes
  • Fasting day on prunes and kefir

Prunes are very useful for weight loss and a beautiful figure. Although it is sweet, it is a low-calorie product. 100 g contains only 260 calories. In addition, like any other dried fruit, it saturates perfectly. Nutritionists advise eating only 1-2 berries before the main meal in order to eat less of the main dish. A prune diet developed by nutritionists, which is quite well tolerated, will help you lose weight.

Prunes are also useful as a snack. If you use this dried fruit rather than cookies, your insulin and blood glucose levels will be noticeably lower. In addition, prunes help reduce blood fat levels, normalize blood pressure and activate the secretion of gastric juice.

5 prunes contain antioxidants that protect cells from free radicals and about 3 grams of fiber, which is necessary for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This means that this product is a source of dietary fiber.

Indications for a fasting day on prunes:

  • Avitaminosis;
  • Gastric tract dysfunctions;
  • Anemia;
  • Chronic form of constipation;
  • Overweight.

In addition, you can use fasting on prunes as a general tonic.

Contraindications for a fasting day on prunes:

  • Diabetes;
  • Obesity;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

Strict fasting day on prunes.

Benefits of kefir-yogurt fasting diets

The main food product for this day is yogurt or kefir, which contain a large amount of valuable nutrients.

During such a diet, the usual daily caloric intake is reduced almost threefold. And if you spend about two thousand kilocalories daily, then during the fasting yogurt-kefir diet

you will spend no more than seven hundred.

The advantage of such a diet is that you can choose the most suitable diet for you if you wish. If, for example, you love vegetables, then you can choose a kefir-vegetable diet

, and if fruits -
. And if you prefer protein foods and cannot imagine even a day without meat, then the kefir-protein diet is exactly what you need.

At the same time, also while following the kefir-yogurt fasting diet, it is very important to adhere to the following rules:

  • eliminate sugar (which can be replaced with honey);
  • eliminate salt (which can also be replaced with fresh herbs, which also contain sodium salts);
  • Don’t forget about physical activity, exercise (even mildly active sports are possible). Don't forget about regular walking, which also helps you lose weight.
  • try to carry out fasting diets on days when you are completely absorbed in work and are distracted by thoughts about food.

Kefir mini-diet

  • To carry out such a fasting day on kefir, you will need: willpower, determination and... one liter of fresh kefir (best of all, with bifidobacteria).
  • During the day you are allowed to drink at least two liters of mineral or regular purified water without gas.
  • If one liter of kefir is not enough for you, then you can also take about five hundred milligrams of kefir.
  • Such a kefir day will have a wonderful effect on the microflora of your intestines.
  • When choosing kefir, consider its fat content and give preference to kefir products with a low fat content. You can also choose fruit kefir.
  • During the day it is very important to drink at least six glasses of kefir.
  • Apart from kefir, you should not take any other food on this day.

Tips for losing weight

Kefir with prunes at night is not a panacea for excess weight. If you eat cakes and chocolates during the day and drink a cocktail before bed, there will be no effect. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the basic rules known to all dieters.

  1. We refuse snacks. This is the most important thing when losing weight. We eat three times a day, and if we are too hungry, then five times a day. Portions should be small.
  2. We abstain from bread, sweets and flour. It’s clear that you want something tasty, but the diet requires sacrifices. And let this victim be junk food, and not a losing figure.
  3. Make time for exercise. Yes, in our lifetime there is practically no time. Work, household chores, hobbies, where can you find a minute for physical exercise? Nevertheless, at least 10 minutes a day, but you need to exercise. You don't have to go to the gym; home workouts are just as good.
  4. Drink plenty of water. At least two liters per day.

Kefir intake schedule during the kefir mini-diet

It is advisable to carry out such a fasting diet as indicated in the table. But, the schedule for taking kefir is still considered flexible and can be adjusted, taking into account your employment, etc.

Time to take kefir

Taking kefir
8.30 Two hundred grams of low-fat kefir.
12.00 Two hundred grams of the usual (favorite) kefir.
15.00 Fruit kefir - two hundred grams.
18.00 Kefir with bifidobacteria - one glass.
20.00 Two hundred grams of kefir (low-fat).
22.00 Biokefir - one glass.

You can also consume one type of kefir during one day, which is your favorite and on which you can maintain a fasting diet.

If desired, kefir can be replaced with yogurt (preferably low-fat).

Due to the beneficial properties of kefir, such fasting diets are recommended to cleanse the intestines, stomach, and also for liver diseases, since kefir diets help rid the body of waste and toxins. It is recommended to do such mini-diets once every fifteen days.

For cottage cheese lovers, we also recommend organizing cottage cheese-kefir fasting days.

How to prepare and take the drink

In order for a drink to help you lose weight and improve the functioning of your digestive organs, it must be prepared and taken correctly. Despite its simplicity and accessibility, there are still useful guidelines and rules that must be followed.

Recommendations for preparing and using kefir with prunes:

  • For one serving you will need 1 glass of low-fat kefir and 7-8 dried prunes;
  • Prunes should be placed in a blender and ground to a porridge state;
  • Next, kefir is poured in and mixed thoroughly. As a result, a drink with a homogeneous consistency should come out;
  • Choose the time of use yourself depending on your lifestyle and individual characteristics of the body;
  • If you work every day, drinking the drink in the morning can lead to diarrhea, which can overtake you by surprise. In this case, it is better to drink the drink in the evening;
  • The best period is considered to be morning. Drinking a cocktail on an empty stomach will speed up your metabolism and start a natural cleansing of the intestines and stomach from waste and toxins;
  • If the drink is consumed in the evening, it is better to drink it 2-3 hours before bedtime; it can replace dinner. You need to drink it no later than 7-8 pm.

Method one: curd-kefir day with honey

In the morning, along with breakfast, take three tablespoons of cottage cheese, mixed in advance with a spoon of honey. Then take a glass of bio-kefir or low-fat kefir, and after three hours, another glass of kefir. For lunch you can make cottage cheese with a spoonful of honey and kefir. You can also eat the cottage cheese with fresh berries.

During the afternoon snack, do not forget to drink a glass of kefir, and for dinner, prepare cottage cheese (seasoned with kefir) and a spoonful of honey. At night, take a glass of kefir (or biokefir).

Method two: curd and kefir day with tea and rose hips

Prepare rosehip decoction in advance and drink one glass early in the morning (before breakfast). After fifteen minutes, proceed to breakfast. For breakfast, prepare: three tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese with a spoonful of honey and fresh berries. After three hours, do not forget to drink a glass of kefir. For lunch, prepare cottage cheese and a glass of green tea (without added sugar). For an afternoon snack - kefir, and for dinner, prepare cottage cheese with kefir and a spoonful of honey, as well as a cup of green tea. Before going to bed, drink a glass of kefir.

Curd-kefir diets are useful not only for people who are obese or overweight, but also for diseases of the gastric tract, intestines, atherosclerosis, liver and biliary tract, and it is also recommended to arrange such days for patients with hypertension and atherosclerosis. Curd and kefir mini-diets are carried out once every two weeks.

Rules for using kefir and prunes for weight loss

Reviews and results of using kefir and plums for weight loss confirm the effectiveness of the drink. To achieve the desired parameters, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the weight loss process.

  • The drink can be eaten for breakfast or dinner, it will also be an excellent snack, one serving is enough to fill you up;
  • you can enrich the recipe with cereals, seeds, nuts, the high calorie content of the latter requires a limit of up to 5, it is better to consume an energy cocktail in the first half of the day;
  • in the recipe for kefir and plums you can add porridge, one of the most effective products for weight loss; according to reviews, the drink gives long-term satiety and a surge of energy is felt
  • Fatty foods, smoked foods, semi-finished products should be excluded from the menu; favorite desserts can easily be replaced with a drink with kefir and dried fruits, which has a harmonious taste
  • It is not recommended to use at night, just before bedtime, optimally taken 2-3 hours before rest;
  • You can enhance and enrich the taste by adding honey, spices and herbs; sugar and salt, which are the main enemies of thinness, are prohibited;
  • It is not necessary to prepare the cocktail before using it, but it should be stored for no more than a day;
  • Physical activity will help speed up the results, and a natural protein shake will quickly restore you after intense training.

Kefir-cucumber mini-diets

For such a diet we will need: a kilogram of cucumbers (fresh only) and kefir.

Attention! During the diet, it is forbidden to eat salt.

Before starting the diet, divide the cucumbers into equal five parts. Save the first portion of cucumbers for breakfast. Cut the cucumbers, add dill and parsley and... eat. Next, three hours later - a glass of kefir. After another three hours - a second portion of cucumbers with herbs.

For lunch, prepare a third serving of cucumbers with herbs and pre-soaked and almost salt-free cheese. Wash it all down with kefir. Eat a fourth serving of cooked cucumbers for your afternoon snack. For dinner - the fifth serving of cucumbers (make a salad with herbs and vegetable oil from them). And at night, drink a glass of kefir.

This fasting diet will not just make your waist thinner, but will also improve the condition of the bile ducts, liver, stomach and kidneys. It is recommended to carry out this diet once every ten days.

Fasting diet: prunes and kefir

The fasting diet of prunes and kefir is recommended not only for the beauty of the figure, but also for improving the cardiovascular system, swelling, blood pressure and, of course, as a rejuvenating and cleansing method.

For this fasting diet you will need: prunes, dried apricots, raisins and dried fruits. Divide all this into five techniques.

It is recommended to do this diet once every two weeks.

For breakfast

– a glass of kefir, prunes and dried apricots.

Two hours later

after breakfast - kefir and a few raisins.

For lunch

– kefir, apples, raisins and prunes.

Dried apricots, apples, prunes and kefir - for dinner


Have a drink at night

a glass of kefir.

The benefits of prunes

Let's start with the fact that this dried fruit is an excellent alternative to sweets. It is very tasty and also healthy. Prunes have a fairly positive effect on the body. The main beneficial properties of the product are listed below.

  1. Low glycemic index. Compared to the same sugar, whose index is 70 units, prunes have only 29 units.
  2. Helps remove cholesterol from the body. Prunes bind it and remove it from the human body, which means that weight loss will happen faster. Cholesterol is known to interfere with this process, as well as the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  3. The high fiber content gives a feeling of fullness and helps the intestines to function actively.
  4. Kefir with prunes at night for constipation is an excellent remedy. It has been proven that prunes contain sorbitol. It is a natural laxative.

Kefir-chocolate fasting diet

This fasting kefir-chocolate diet is especially suitable for those with a sweet tooth, who cannot live even a day without sweets. On this diet, you are allowed to replace kefir with yogurt, whatever you like! This diet is carried out once every ten days. Such a diet not only has a beneficial effect on the waist, but also helps to cope with stress, overwork, etc.

In the morning

– drink a glass of cocoa or strong coffee (only without sugar).

For second breakfast

- a glass of kefir.

For lunch -

a small bar of chocolate and hot tea.

For afternoon tea -

hot chocolate and herbal soothing tea.

A glass of kefir at night.

How to cook?

Mix 100 g of chopped raw beets, 50 g of pre-steamed chopped prunes and 250 ml of 1% fat kefir in a blender. Bring the mixture until smooth, pour into a tall glass and drink the cocktail immediately, fresh. Cooking for use is not recommended. At every meal there is a new portion. You can also grate the ingredients, pour in kefir and stir.

It is better to use soft, fleshy prunes. Beets - without damage and foreign smell. Vegetables that are wrinkled and wrinkled, smell unpleasant, or show signs of aging and mold should not be consumed.

Raw beets have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all internal organs.

What other fasting diets are there?

oatmeal-kefir fasting mini-diets once a week

, eating only kefir, oatmeal and a couple of apples.

But for fish lovers, a fish-kefir fasting diet

. This diet is carried out once every fifteen days and it is recommended to carry out such a diet not only for those who are overweight, but also for people suffering from cerebral atherosclerosis, heart disease and hypertension.

Among fasting diets, a diet with yogurt and juice

For this diet you will need: natural juice (preferably apple or any citrus fruit) and sugar-free yogurt. Divide everything into six doses and, similar to other diets, start the diet. This mini-diet is recommended not only to combat extra pounds, but also for urolithiasis. Apple lovers are recommended to take an apple-kefir mini diet
. Instead of kefir, you can use a liter of yogurt (preferably low-fat). Divide a kilogram of apples into five portions. And throughout the day you are allowed to take only apples (can be seasoned with honey) and kefir. If desired, apples can be baked in the oven. Whoever wants it.

And the last thing! Arranging fasting days or fasting mini-diets is very useful not only for maintaining the beauty of your figure, but also for your well-being and health.

Lyudmila D. was with you.

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