Diet 16/8 for weight loss - the basics of losing weight “on schedule”

On October 3, 2021, the Nobel Committee announced a new prize winner in the category of physiology or medicine. It was Japanese microbiologist Yoshinori Ohsumi, who described in detail the mechanism of autophagy (“self-eating”) of cells. The professor managed to display his unique, new sides.

Autophagy is the process of the body destroying its own cells that are harmful or simply unnecessary. These are toxins, defective proteins, dead particles, infections, bacteria and viruses. Yoshinori Osumi proved that such a process has a positive effect on the body, slowing down the aging process, increasing immunity and ensuring the smooth functioning of all systems.

What is a 16/8 power system

The findings obtained by the Japanese scientist formed the basis of a new diet - the “16 by 8” nutrition system, which provides for intermittent fasting: 8 hours are allocated for food, 16 for hunger. The technique can be used by both women and men. The gist of Yoshinori Ohsumi's research is as follows:

  • in an eight-hour period, the body receives the nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of internal organs and systems;
  • during the fasting period, after 12 hours, the process of autophagy begins: the body turns on protective reactions, launches vital processes;
  • “self-eating” starts exactly after 12 hours. The body needs to stay in this state for some time, otherwise there will be no result from autophagy. Therefore, Yoshinori Osumi proposed the 16/8 interval.

To date, many studies have been carried out on various intermittent nutrition schemes. The largest one, the American one, was completed relatively recently. The published results indicated that the 16/8 technique was recognized as safe and does not have negative consequences for the body.

However, the results of the study have been heavily criticized. Firstly, all experiments were carried out on rats, whose bodies are very different from human ones. Secondly, a wide range of side effects were identified that were not mentioned in the published results, for example, constipation, malaise, headache and others. With real research into the effectiveness of weight loss techniques, from the European Congress on Obesity

, can be found here.

The 16/8 eating system goes by several other names: intermittent fasting, intermittent fasting, cyclic fasting, or cascade fasting. All of them quite clearly reflect the essence of this technique: eating and refusing food is carried out in cycles of several hours.

Intermittent fasting or how Nadezhda Babkina lost weight?

Recently, everyone’s favorite people’s artist Nadezhda Babkina lost 22 kilograms using a special nutrition system - 8/16 intermittent fasting. She told the audience about the 8/16 diet and how the artist managed to lose extra pounds on one of the “Secret to a Million” programs.

During an interview on the program “Secret to a Million,” Nadezhda Babkina shared her opinion with TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva about losing weight through diets. The singer spoke negatively about newfangled diets, the effectiveness of which, according to her, is questionable. To be in shape, you should eat right, she emphasized.

Nadezhda Babkina also said that her colleague Nonna Grishaeva told her about a special food system. Thanks to this food intake system, the folk artist managed to lose 22 kilograms in 3 months. What kind of power system is this? This is intermittent fasting or the 8/16 diet. As it turns out, the essence of the process of such a system is to alternate a 16-hour period of fasting with an 8-hour period of eating. In simple terms, the day is divided into 2 periods:

  • allowed to eat within 8 hours;
  • It is forbidden to eat food for 16 hours.

However, during fasting you can drink water or unsweetened tea.

At the same time, during the permitted hours, it is advisable to consume low-fat foods rich in protein, fiber, whole grain cereals, nuts, avocados, healthy oils, eggs, rennet cheeses and fatty fish.

It is also worth emphasizing that long periods of fasting can affect the immune system and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, especially for the weakened, sick and people with chronic diseases. Nutritionists call a balanced diet a combination of three healthy meals a day with moderate physical activity.

Who is this diet suitable for?

The 16/8 nutrition system is suitable only for healthy people who do not have acute or chronic diseases. A person must have sufficient willpower, be able to combine work and diet, and adapt the schedule to suit himself.

As a rule, it is not easy for people to stick to this type of diet: their work schedule may not allow them to drink by the hour, or carrying food with them may be inconvenient. In addition, not everyone has access to regular training: not everyone can find enough money and time to visit the gym. Doctors generally prohibit intense workouts for overweight people: they increase the load on the cardiovascular system, joints, and spine. The amount of fat lost largely depends on compliance with nutritional rules, the individual characteristics of the body and the duration of the diet. The conditions for a favorable outcome of the case have long been widely known:

  1. Drinking regime: a sufficient amount of clean drinking water per day allows you to control your appetite, which somewhat reduces the risk of breakdowns and overeating.
  2. Healthy sleep: the body needs strength to restore, rest and relax muscles. Sleep should be at least 7-8 hours.
  3. Positive attitude: towards yourself, your own life, the food you consume. Usually this point is the most difficult for those losing weight. It is almost impossible to come to such a worldview on your own; most people need the help of a qualified psychologist to awaken their consciousness.
  4. Physical activity: regular exercise improves appearance, psycho-emotional state, and health. It has been proven that just 30-40 minutes of leisurely walking a day significantly reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

At the end of the diet, it would be a good idea to undergo a comprehensive medical examination, since in most cases those who have lost weight experience a number of side effects. Doctors usually prescribe such patients a course of multivitamins to restore mineral balance.


Not everyone can use the method of intermittent fasting for the purpose of healing and losing weight due to the existence of a number of medical contraindications.

You cannot follow an interval diet if you have the following health problems:

  • open and closed tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2;
  • oncology in any degree;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypotension and hypertension;
  • body mass index less than 15;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • pregnancy in any trimester;
  • breast-feeding;
  • unstable central nervous system;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • age up to 18 years.

All of these contraindications are permanent, and the recommendations cannot be ignored, since a sudden change in diet has a negative impact on the biological rhythms of the body.

Advantages of the 16/8 power system

The 16/8 power system, according to its creators, has the following advantages:

  1. Stabilization of blood sugar levels.
  2. Reducing “bad” cholesterol and weight.
  3. Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Normalization of blood pressure.
  5. Acceleration of metabolic processes, cell and tissue regeneration.
  6. Strengthening the immune system.
  7. Cleansing from impurities and toxins.

But doctors with many years of experience in the fight against obesity warn: intermittent fasting is still dangerous for the body, and for a number of reasons:

  • due to lack of food, the production of stomach acid fails, its amount decreases, and it is necessary not only for digesting food, but also for destroying pathogenic bacteria;
  • First of all, it is not fat that is burned, but water that is lost. Because of this, with the active breakdown of protein in the blood, the concentrations of acetone and other breakdown products increase, which leads to a deterioration in health, headaches, nausea and dizziness;
  • the lost kilograms will return in a few weeks
    : this is how much time the body spends on restoring water balance and muscle mass;
  • lack of nutrients leads to disruption of hormone production. This leads to a deterioration in the psycho-emotional state and can cause various disorders and even depression.

! You can learn about a permanent weight loss method here.

Nutrition rules

The essence of diet No. 8 is to gradually reduce the daily calorie intake. In this treatment program, a sharp reduction in calorie intake and, especially, fasting are unacceptable. A sudden transition to a strict diet does not work in the fight against obesity.

To what level you need to cut calories depends on the degree of obesity and physical activity of the person. If your lifestyle is sedentary, the daily norm should be in the range of 1200-1300 kcal. With average loads, you need to gain approximately 1800 kcal. For those who are engaged in hard work or combine diet with sports, you need to consume 2000-2100 kcal per day. Under conditions of inpatient observation, patients are sometimes cut down to 600 kcal, but this is strictly forbidden to do on their own.

The usual amounts of food should also decrease. In most cases, excess weight is caused by overeating. The portion size should gradually decrease to the size of a little larger than your own fist. Often patients are forced to struggle with excess weight due to improper metabolism. In this case, the volume of meals can be equal to two palms or less than a fist - only a doctor can accurately determine the nutritional plan, based on the general condition, the presence of chronic concomitant diseases and the results of the study. To prevent metabolic disorders, the Metabolic Diet is sometimes used.

According to the chemical composition, table number 8 refers to a complete, balanced diet, the basis of which is vegetables rich in fiber, whole grain cereals and low-carbohydrate fruits. Protein remains within the normal range - 100 g. Slow carbohydrates are reduced, and fast carbohydrates are completely eliminated. Fats should be vegetable and in limited quantities; animal fat should be excluded as much as possible.

Meals are fractional, about 5 times a day with gradually decreasing portions. At the beginning of the diet, it is recommended to increase the frequency of meals in proportion to the amount of food. That is, the more often you have to eat, the smaller the portion should be. From time to time it is advisable to spend fasting days on one dietary product.

The drinking regime consists of 1.5-1.7 liters of water per day. The required liquid includes hot drinks, broths in soups, cocktails, etc. Of course, if you are thirsty, you should under no circumstances refuse water because “the plan is completed for today.”

Principles of the 16/8 power system

The general principles of the 16/8 diet are as follows:

  1. You need to eat in small portions, at least 3 times over an eight-hour period.
  2. Training should be carried out on an empty stomach. Before them, you need to consume only 10 g of amino acids diluted in water. They can be purchased at a sports nutrition store.
  3. Breakfast should consist of complex carbohydrates. The rest of your meals should focus on protein.

There are several types of 16/8 power system:

  • long-term or constant, in which it is necessary to adhere to the rules for more than a month;
  • alternating or periodic of medium duration, which combines days of diet and normal nutrition;
  • short-term or one-day.

The choice of type of nutrition largely depends on the goal:

  • strengthening the immune system, strengthening the body's defense reactions;
  • building muscle mass;
  • weight loss

At home, without consulting a specialist, you can only adhere to a short-term version of the 16/8 nutrition system - no more than one day. During these hours, you need to carefully monitor your well-being and mood: decreased performance and concentration, dizziness and migraines - all these are symptoms that indicate that the diet needs to be stopped.

Diet 8/16: reviews and weight loss results

Below are the results of people using the “Before and After” photo format, which indicate the effectiveness of this nutrition method:

People's reviews of the 8/16 diet vary greatly. The number of kg that can be lost depends on the person’s initial data, his conscientiousness during the diet, and compliance with the rules and recommendations. Most people note that in a month on this nutrition system they managed to lose 2-10 kg.

Share your opinion and experience on this matter in the comments!


Nutrition according to the 16/8 system for weight loss is based on the following basic rules:

  • compliance with caloric intake per day;
  • It is recommended to exclude fast food, confectionery and bakery products, fatty and fried foods, and semi-finished products from the menu;
  • during periods of famine, it is necessary to drink only clean drinking water;
  • physical activity is a prerequisite for the 16/8 nutrition program, otherwise weight loss will occur due to muscle mass, not fat deposits;
  • it is important to maintain a drinking regime, consume at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day;
  • Between meals, you can have light snacks of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Compliance with these rules will help the body adapt to the new nutrition system, somewhat reduce stress, and reduce the negative effects of its use.

You should also be aware that side effects may occur:

  1. Constipation.
  2. Headache.
  3. Severe attacks of hunger.
  4. Stomach cramps, heartburn.
  5. Decreased performance, weakness, irritability, bad mood.

Even strict adherence to the rules does not guarantee that side effects will be avoided. Find out why diets and popular fitness programs don't work.


As for food, as has been said more than once, there are no restrictions. And you should have realized that you still have to eat right, without fast food and junk food. Of course, you can occasionally allow yourself to eat a chocolate bar or have a snack at your favorite McDonald's . But remember - always count this meal as one of those that should have been during the day.

As for foods, you can eat anything. In addition to foods that you may be allergic to or have some adverse reactions to. Be sure to eat fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water. It is advisable to replace coffee with green tea, but this is not a mandatory item.

Your menu for the day does not change at all - only the approach to food, the amount of calories and portions change. By the way, portions should be medium if you eat 2-3 times a day, and small if you eat more often. You can’t eat in large portions; it only stretches your stomach and doesn’t give you the desired feeling of fullness.

How to prepare for a diet

Proper preparation will help reduce the negative consequences of the 16/8 diet and reduce the likelihood of side effects. It includes the following steps:

  1. Reducing daily caloric intake. It is necessary to calculate the norm using one of the following formulas and subtract 10-15% from it: BMR = 66 + [13.7 x weight (kg)] + [5 x height (cm)] - [6.76 x age (in years)] – men

BMR = 655 + [9.6 x weight (kg)] + [1.8 x height (cm)] - [4.7 x age (years)] - women

  1. Keep a food diary, record every meal, count calories. In the future, this will help to properly divide food in accordance with the rules of the diet.
  2. Calculate the norm of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and adhere to it.
  3. Gradually reduce the amount of fast food, fatty and fried foods, flour and confectionery products.
  4. Increase physical activity, add workouts or jogging, long walks.

It is recommended that you undergo a comprehensive medical examination before starting the 16/8 diet. Only a doctor, based on the results of tests and clinical studies, can authorize or prohibit this nutritional system.

How to maintain your weight loss results?

The results of intermittent fasting when done correctly are sustainable.

Compliance with the following rules allows you to help consolidate the effect:

  • Including large volumes of clean or melted drinking water in the menu. Hydration promotes a feeling of fullness and appetite control.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day, since during the rest period the body rests, the muscles relax, and the metabolism remains running.
  • A positive attitude towards both fasting and food in general. This promotes a lack of stress and a good mood.
  • A busy life distracts you from thoughts about food. An active lifestyle also contributes to weight loss due to physical activity.
  • Particular assistance is provided by anti-cellulite or therapeutic massages, which activate blood flow and stimulate metabolic processes.
  • Active cardio training and strength exercises in combination with a properly balanced diet allow you to achieve maximum results and maintain your weight loss results. For prevention, 2-3 workouts per week and daily exercise are enough.

Interval fasting 16/8 for women will lead to effective reduction of fat layers in problem areas.

The effect is facilitated not only by the acceleration of metabolic processes, a decrease in insulin levels and an increase in the amount of growth hormones. Physiological changes are aimed at facilitating the fat burning process. Numerous positive reviews and benefits of intermittent fasting indicate improved digestion, faster metabolism and healthier body.

Daily schedule for intermittent fasting 16/8

An approximate diagram of the system can be described as follows:

8:00 – a glass of clean drinking water;

9:00 – any tea or coffee without sugar, milk and other additives;

10:00 – any tea or coffee without sugar, milk and other additives;

11:00 – one teaspoon of amino acids, diluted in a glass of water;

12:00 – 13:00 – intensive training;

13:00 – hearty breakfast, providing for the consumption of 40-50% of the daily calorie intake;

17:00 – lunch, calorie content 25-35% of the total norm;

20:30 – protein dinner for the remaining amount of calories, about 25% of the daily value.

21:00-13:00 – fasting.

You can create a schedule yourself, choose other hours, the main thing is to follow the basic principle of nutrition: 16 hours should be set aside for fasting.

Basic principles of intermittent fasting 8/16

  • Midnight – 8:00 Sound sleep.
  • 8:00-11:00 Warm up or any physical activity, drink coffee or tea.
  • 11:00-19:00 Let's eat and enjoy the flavors!
  • 19:00-Midnight Drank a mug of water or tea, night sleep.

For 8 hours you can eat whatever you want without restrictions. The restrictions last for 16 hours. BUT, if you want to achieve more noticeable results and burn fat more effectively. It is necessary to think over a diet that includes healthy foods.

So, the 8/16 system has a so-called food window - a period during which you can eat everything, but if you want to lose weight, it is better to eat the established calorie intake, and the diet should be as balanced as possible.

A fractional diet will increase the effectiveness of the diet and avoid overeating. For snacks, it is better to give preference to low-calorie foods and drinks. The cycle should be carried out daily or at short daily intervals.

Menu and products for intermittent fasting

The menu for intermittent fasting according to the 16/8 system should be designed in such a way as to provide the body with nutrients. It is recommended to enable:

Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates
  • curd cheese, cottage cheese;
  • poultry meat: chicken, goose, duck;
  • nuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes: lentils, beans, soybeans;
  • sturgeon caviar;
  • chicken protein;
  • tuna;
  • cocoa powder (contains 24.3 g of protein per 100 grams of product. For comparison, tuna has 24.4 g per 100 grams);
  • mustard seeds (25.8 g per 100 grams of product).
  • dairy products: sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, cream;
  • butter;
  • cheese;
  • pork;
  • dark chocolate;
  • fatty fish: herring, salmon, saury;
  • mutton.
  • diet cookies, bread, marmalade, marshmallows;
  • honey;
  • dates, figs, prunes, dried apricots and other dried fruits;
  • fruits, berries: bananas, apricots, apples, strawberries, gooseberries;
  • pasta;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables.

You can create the menu yourself, taking into account your own preferences, or stick to a ready-made diet. Recipes and descriptions of dishes can be found on the Internet, on thematic forums. Receive 63 low calorie soup recipes via WhatsApp.

The menu for the week might look like this:

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Granular cottage cheese (up to 15% fat) with the addition of fruits, berries, honey. Sandwich made from whole grain bread with peanut butter. Vegetable soup with chicken, carrot salad, green beans, a glass of tomato juice. Receive 63 low calorie soup recipes via WhatsApp. Egg white omelette, a glass of low-fat kefir.
Tuesday Boiled steamed rice, coffee with milk or cream, bread with a piece of marshmallow. Julienne with chicken, mushrooms, vegetable salad (ingredients chosen to taste). Trout steak, cottage cheese with basil, herbs.
Wednesday Oatmeal cooked in milk with the addition of butter and berries. Tomato puree soup, vegetable salad, glass of apple juice. Steamed chicken breast, 2-3 boiled eggs.
Thursday Cheesecakes with honey, berries, coffee or tea with milk, marshmallows. Boiled chicken breast with a side dish of buckwheat porridge, sliced ​​vegetables, berry juice. Piece of tuna with baked tomatoes and peppers.
Friday Cottage cheese casserole with sour cream, tea with honey, dark chocolate. Steamed chicken cutlets, baked vegetables, freshly squeezed juice. Boiled chicken breast with cucumber and herb salad.
Saturday Pasta with stewed vegetables, fatty red fish. Okroshka salad with kefir, a glass of orange juice. Egg white omelet, seafood salad, any greens.
Sunday Salad of boiled potatoes, peppers, tuna, coffee or tea with dried fruits. Spaghetti or durum wheat pasta, vegetable salad. Baked turkey fillet, cucumber salad, eggs with the addition of a tablespoon of sour cream.

It is recommended to have light snacks between main meals and do not forget to drink enough clean drinking water.

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