Basics of aerobics for weight loss at home: types, examples of exercises, tips for doing them

Today, sport has become not just a part of a healthy lifestyle, but also an activity that more and more people use to fill their free time.

Fitness classes, dancing, Pilates, and aerobics have become especially popular. Let's talk in more detail about aerobics and find out why such activities are useful and for whom they are suitable.

What is aerobics

The first mentions of aerobics appeared in Ancient Greece - then classes were a kind of rhythmic gymnastics.

In our country, this sport has long been known and is popular among women. Essentially, aerobics is a set of exercises performed to music that uses different muscle groups. The movements put together constitute a sports dance. Such workouts are great for maintaining overall tone and for losing weight, as they harmoniously combine cardio and strength exercises.

Effect of classes

The training programs are aimed at strengthening and tightening the body muscles (legs, abdomen, back), and correcting posture. They strengthen the spine, blood vessels and heart, the body becomes more flexible and elastic. Aerobics is an active, fast workout, especially relevant for those who want to lose weight quickly.

Intense training will allow the body not to “stagnate” - the joints will always be in “working condition”. Such exercises give positive results for the spine and help get rid of back pain.

Benefits and harms

Aerobics classes are aimed at comprehensive health improvement of the body. Due to the fact that during training the muscles require more oxygen, the heart begins to contract more often and accelerate blood flow. Regular intensive exercise leads to improved functioning of the cardiovascular system: the heart muscle increases, the network of capillaries expands, high blood pressure returns to normal and venous circulation increases, which as a result significantly reduces the likelihood of developing heart disease.

Active rhythmic movements have a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine system, adrenal glands and pituitary gland, which leads to accelerated metabolism and normalization of water-salt balance in the body. This type of exercise develops the body’s endurance and relaxes well after intellectual stress.

Types of aerobics

There is a wide variety of aerobic workouts. Complexes can be both group and individual:

  • Step aerobics - American Gina Miller founded this type when she was working on an injured knee - she did it by constantly climbing steps. The knee joint recovered very quickly, and the girl, being a fitness instructor, decided to bring this element into her classes. She patented the step, which is used for training today. The point is that as you climb onto the platform, the load increases. The height of the step can be adjusted, thereby adjusting the load: the higher, the more difficult. This type of aerobics will be useful for everyone; there are no special restrictions. Very often, trainers like to combine basic aerobics classes with step aerobics.
  • Aqua aerobics is a fashionable modern trend. Classes of this type take place not in the gym, but in the swimming pool. It turns out to be much easier to perform some exercises in water than on land, plus the resistance of the body to the water gives additional stress. Aqua aerobics should be chosen by those who are overweight, the elderly and beginners. The calming effect of water is also perfect for pregnant women.
  • Fitball aerobics - this set of exercises is aimed at working with coordination. The entire lesson takes place on a large rubber ball - such an unstable and unusual body position allows not only to improve coordination, but also provides additional stress for greater muscle pumping.
  • Yoga aerobics is a harmonious combination of aerobic exercises with yoga elements. The course includes breathing, stretching and coordination exercises.
  • Trekking – this type is performed on treadmills. The higher the inclination angle of the treadmill and its speed, the more difficult it is to perform the exercises and the higher the load.
  • Bicycle aerobics - can be performed either on a bicycle on the street or on an exercise bike in the gym under rhythmic music and the supervision of a trainer. This set of exercises will be especially relevant for those who want to quickly lose weight, since plenty of cardio allows you to quickly lose extra pounds.
  • Slide aerobics - classes take place on a special slide board - a sliding surface, along the edges of which there are ramps for braking. It will be convenient for people with a lot of weight to exercise on such a board - it is easier to brake on it when jumping and the load on the joints is much lower than on a regular surface.
  • “Strength” aerobics – from the name itself it is clear that these are exercises with additional loads, aimed not so much at losing weight, but at pumping up the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, arms, abdomen, and back. This includes such types of classes as body styling, pump aerobics, during which “weights” (additional loads) are necessarily used - barbells, dumbbells. However, this sport is suitable for those who are trained; beginners are not advised to immediately take up heavy sports equipment, but introduce it gradually during training.
  • “East-West” is a direction of aerobics that combines elements of martial arts - wushu, taekwondo, karate. This type is perfect for children's training, it is non-contact and allows children to throw out all their energy in movements, which only benefits their respiratory, vascular system, body structure and mental state.
  • Dance aerobics - training to music for those who cannot imagine their life without dancing, and even want to combine sports activities with dance movements. Usually salsa, jazz-funk, and hip-hop are combined with aerobics.

How does aerobics help you lose weight?

Losing excess fat is not an easy task. Regular aerobics, which is effective for losing weight, can help solve it.

The principle of aerobic exercise is simple: long-term, low- to moderate-intensity exercise results in high calorie expenditure. The body primarily uses sugar from the blood, muscle and liver glycogen as fuel. Only after 30-40 minutes fats begin to melt.

The body hardly gives up its reserves and replenishes them at the first opportunity. Therefore, for a good result, it is important to combine aerobics with healthy eating rules. You need to exercise regularly and eat right. Skipping classes and eating disorders can nullify all the efforts made earlier.

Advantages and disadvantages

Aerobics is definitely suitable for those who want to lose weight - it allows you to quickly lose extra pounds. In addition, you can also tone your body - the exercises will also be relevant for thin people. Constant physical activity and a high pace of training are excellent for the functioning of the heart, strengthening bones and joints. Immunity increases, and in combination with your favorite dance direction, water or just good music, your mood also improves.

The disadvantages of aerobic exercise are directly related to its advantages. A high pace and activity with the wrong approach can play a cruel joke on beginners - you can’t immediately study according to an intensive program, you need to get into the pace and mode gradually. It is better to perform aerobics exercises in the gym, as they require a lot of space and additional equipment; there are only a few programs for home. Aerobics should not be done by those who have problems with the heart or spine, because exercise can only complicate the situation. Here you need an individual set of exercises selected by a trainer. It is imperative to observe the correct execution of movements, especially if you are practicing at home.

Time to study

If you like to get up early and have a fruitful first half of the day, then leave the morning for studying. During training you will only be charged for the whole next day. And if the second half of the day is your priority, then you will get much more benefit from an evening workout, because it will be more comfortable for the body.

Remember only two disadvantages: after a morning workout you may feel very tired, and after an evening workout you may have problems sleeping. Some experts say that those who want to lose weight should prefer exercising in the morning.

Aerobics at home

Since this sport includes an abundance of different types, you can easily find one that is suitable for home - without additional equipment and increased stress.

For home workouts, you can purchase dumbbells (they will make training to strengthen muscles more effective), expanders (work both with the muscles of the arms, legs, buttocks), push-ups (to make push-ups more convenient and effective), a gymnastic mat (for more comfortable exercises on the floor). This minimum will suit you for basic training at home. You can also work the muscles of the abs, arms, buttocks and back.

Of course, you won’t be able to do intense cardio training at home, since you need space for it, and you can only do step training if you have a large room. However, you can combine strength exercises with small dance elements.

The main condition for home training is consistency.
Regularity and correctness of exercises will give you visible results. Don't forget to watch your diet, which also affects your physical fitness and your mood. Catalog

List of workouts

So, let’s get down to the list of workouts that will help you get a beautiful body not only for young girls, but also for older ones.

  1. Program designed for beginners

The program for beginners includes a set of exercises that will allow you to work your main muscles in one workout. You need to do the exercises 3 times a week and rest one day.

For girls who have just started training, it is better to work with this training format. For beginners, the main thing is not to overdo it with loads, which often happens due to illiteracy in matters of physiology. For beginners, each exercise should be done in two approaches, varying the number of repetitions.

For beginners, it is also recommended to perform slightly more repetitions, for example, not 8, but 10-12. This gives you a better feel for the exercise, helps you avoid injury or sprains, and also promotes connection between your body and mind. As a result, you develop training habits that will be useful to you in the future.

  1. Intermediate level of training

This program is perfect for those who have been training in the gym for at least six months. It will also appeal to those who have 3 days a week free for classes.

Exercises should be done in two approaches. Repetitions for such exercises as ceremonies and raises should be 10-12 times, rows and presses - 8-10 repetitions.

The exercises contained in the program are arranged in order from largest to smallest. Based on this, first you will do the initial exercises.

At this stage, cardio training is performed 3-4 times a week. On the third day of the week, after cardio training, you can start pumping up your abs. Watch a detailed video about such a training program on the Internet.

  1. Workouts designed for experienced women

This program is suitable for girls who already have a beautiful body, but want even greater results. Naturally, we should not forget that the loads here are greater and the frequency of training is higher. The training program is structured in such a way that in each session you must work certain muscles with maximum impact. Despite the fact that you train every day, the program takes into account the risk of overtraining. A couple of approaches will provide more opportunities to shape the body of your dreams. Repetitions should be 8-10 times or 10-12.

This program is intended exclusively for women who have been training for at least 2 years. When training in the gym, you won’t even notice how quickly time flies by.

To understand each program in more detail, watch the video on the Internet.

For older women, there are also various types of gymnastics and exercises, thanks to which you can not lose weight, but also improve your health. You can read more detailed and specific information about such training on the Internet or watch a video. What do you need for fitness?

If you do fitness at home or in the gym, you won’t be able to get by with just special clothing. For a normal workout, you will also need dumbbells (1-3 kg), a large ball to hold you, a jump rope, a step platform and a mat where you will perform the exercises.

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