Cranberry juice: benefits and harm to the human body

Composition of cranberry juice and calorie content per 100 grams of drink

This berry contains a large number of different elements. Its benefits and harms have been clinically proven. It is used to strengthen the immune system and treat various diseases, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

The composition of the fruit drink includes the following elements:

  • vitamins C, E, PP, group B;
  • minerals;
  • useful acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • antioxidants;
  • tannins;
  • glucose, fructose, sucrose.

This composition determines the beneficial properties of cranberry juice. The components have a positive effect on the human immune system, as well as many internal organs and systems.

Calorie content is 26 kcal per 100 ml, provided that no sweeteners were used during preparation. When adding sugar or honey, its calorie content increases to 40 kcal per 100 ml.

Features of introducing the product into the children's diet

  • At a child's early age, doctors do not recommend cranberry juice, since cranberries, like all bright red foods, can cause allergies. Therefore, cranberries are introduced into the baby’s diet gradually. You can introduce your child to this drink after reaching the age of first feeding with berries and fruits, no earlier than 6-8 months. Initially, you should not give your child more than 2 tablespoons of the drink. It is necessary to carefully monitor the baby's reaction. And for children prone to allergic reactions, the introduction of cranberries should be postponed until their first birthday.

What are the benefits of cranberry juice?

The effect of cranberry juice on the body can be appreciated by men, women and children.

For women

Benefits of cranberry juice for women:

  1. Rejuvenation. The infusion has antioxidant properties. For this reason, it neutralizes the effect of free radicals, resulting in improved skin condition. Problems such as sagging epidermis, poor color, and lack of elasticity disappear. In addition, wrinkles are smoothed out and darkening under the eyes disappears.
  2. Stabilization of the emotional background. Drinking has a positive effect on the nervous system. It improves mood, promotes rapid bedtime, and improves the quality and duration of night's rest.
  3. Normalization of well-being during menstruation and menopause. In the first case, drinking reduces pain and restores iron levels in the blood. During menopause, it normalizes blood pressure and relieves hot flashes.
  4. Therapy of gynecological pathologies. The product has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. For this reason, it helps get rid of vaginal infections and improves tissue elasticity.
  5. Normalization of libido. The fact is that cranberry is a strong aphrodisiac. It improves blood circulation in the pelvic area and muscle condition. As a result, sexual sensitivity is restored.

The product, the benefits and harms of which are beyond doubt, also normalizes hormonal balance. This is important for girls and women of any age. The fact is that hormonal imbalance appears during puberty, during the menstrual cycle and menopause. As a result, various diseases develop against the background of imbalance. To prevent this from happening, it is important to prevent hormonal imbalance, which is what a decoction helps to do.

For men

Cranberry fruit drinks benefit men. Its regular use gives the following results:

  1. Potency improves, endurance increases during intimate relations. This is due to the fact that cranberry drink improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs and has a positive effect on tissues. For this reason, if you drink it constantly, you can completely get rid of erectile dysfunction.
  2. Prostate adenoma and other pathologies of the genitourinary system are cured. Cranberry has a diuretic effect. As a result, soft tissues get rid of swelling. In addition, it restores injured tissue and gets rid of harmful bacteria and germs.
  3. Muscle tissue improves. Therefore, this remedy is indicated for athletes and men who regularly visit the gym to maintain physical fitness.

The decoction, the benefits and harms of which have been clinically proven, is recommended for people of all ages, including the elderly. It is known that men are susceptible to cardiovascular pathologies. This infusion prevents the occurrence of these diseases, including heart attack, stroke and other similar diseases.

For children

Beneficial properties for children:

  1. Improved blood composition. The product enriches the blood with iron and prevents the occurrence of anemia. This is especially important at the age of 10 years, when the body begins to undergo restructuring.
  2. Improvement of the epidermis. The product helps to cope with skin problems such as acne that form in adolescents during puberty.
  3. Increasing the body's defenses. This is relevant for young children attending educational institutions. A strong immune system helps to avoid the occurrence of many airborne diseases.

Important information ! Before reaching 2 years of age, cranberry juice is contraindicated for children. In addition, after this age, it can be given to a child only after obtaining permission from the pediatrician.

General benefits of fruit drink

General Health Benefits:

  • improvement of the epidermis - the product eliminates rashes, increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin, improves its shade;
  • preventing the development of cancer;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • removal of waste, toxins, and other harmful substances, therefore the product is recommended for poisoning;
  • preventing the emergence of nutritional deficiencies;
  • reducing the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • cleansing blood vessels of so-called cholesterol plaques, resulting in a reduced risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • improvement of the oral cavity;
  • normalization of the body's metabolic processes;
  • improvement of the heart, liver and other organs;
  • disinfection of wounds;
  • removal of excess fluid from soft tissues, as a result of which swelling disappears and the load on the heart decreases;
  • toning;
  • normalization of body temperature during colds, reduction of sore throat;
  • improvement of the thyroid gland due to the presence of iodine in the infusion;
  • removal of excess salts, which reduces pain in the joints and spinal column;
  • increasing the effectiveness of certain medications;
  • preventing the appearance of foci of inflammation;
  • increasing the elasticity of blood vessels.

This is how cranberry juice is beneficial for the human body. The main thing is to follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Harm of cranberry juice

A natural product not only brings benefits, but also causes harm. This is due to the fact that cranberries contain many acids and sugars. Consequently, they are also present in the broth. Such substances can provoke atypical reactions. The harm of cranberry juice in this regard will be as follows:

  • Increased stomach acidity, if this situation has already occurred. Against this background, if you continue to take the broth, ulcers and erosions of the gastrointestinal tract may appear.
  • Reduced blood pressure. If a person suffers from high blood pressure, drinking will be beneficial. If the pressure is low, it can provoke a dangerous condition.
  • Atypical reactions in the form of rashes on the epidermis, redness, itching. Such problems usually occur in children who tried the product for the first time. This is due to the presence of a large amount of coloring substances and vitamin C in the decoction.
  • Increase in the size of kidney stones, if present. The fact is that the acids that are present in the product come into contact with calcium and sodium. This leads to deposition and accumulation of substances, resulting in an increase in the size of the stones.
  • Destruction of tooth enamel. This is dangerous for those who have increased tooth sensitivity. To avoid destruction of the enamel, after taking the decoction, it is recommended to rinse your mouth thoroughly and brush your teeth with toothpaste, if possible.

Usually, the infusion does not cause harm to health if drinking rules are violated. If you follow the recommendations of specialists, it is well accepted by the body.

Professionals advise:

  • do not drink the infusion on an empty stomach, as the juice can irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • after drinking, rinse your mouth thoroughly to avoid destruction of tooth enamel;
  • take the decoction no more than 3 glasses per day, otherwise gastrointestinal upset may occur;
  • Do not drink store-bought juice, as it contains a large number of harmful additives.

Cranberry juice for illnesses

Official medicine has long recognized the beneficial health properties of cranberries. For this reason, specialists often include infusion in complex therapy so that the patient’s recovery occurs faster. The product is recommended for use in many pathologies. The main thing is to first consult with a professional.

For a cold

It has been proven that the product normalizes body temperature. For this reason, it is recommended for colds. In addition, the broth increases the body's defenses, helping it get rid of the disease.

The infusion also gives the following effect:

  • relieves headaches;
  • eliminates body aches;
  • tones muscle tissue;
  • generally improves well-being.

For gastrointestinal diseases

Cranberry juice, the benefits and harms of which have been confirmed by numerous tests, is recommended for gastrointestinal problems. This is due to the fact that the berry has healing properties and relieves irritation. However, you can drink juice only after consulting a doctor.

The infusion is useful for pancreatitis. This is due to the fact that it stops the development of the inflammatory process and normalizes the activity of the pancreas. The main thing is to take it moderately, in small portions, after meals.

For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the following properties of the decoction are important:

  • antiseptic;
  • sedatives;
  • painkillers;
  • antipyretics;
  • regenerating.

At the same time, the infusion does not create an increased load on the gastrointestinal tract. It is easily absorbed without causing any discomfort.

For gastritis

If you have gastritis, you can drink the broth only after consulting a specialist. The fact is that cranberries, the benefits and harms of which are beyond doubt, increase the acidity of the stomach, as a result of which the patient’s well-being can sharply deteriorate. On the other hand, it relieves irritation and promotes tissue healing. For this reason, drinking is often included in the complex therapy of gastritis.

For swelling

A decoction of berries, the benefits and harms of which have been studied for a long time, has diuretic properties. At the same time, it removes excess fluid from soft tissues without washing away calcium. For this reason, it is recommended for use by people suffering from frequent swelling.

For sore throat

The berry drink has many beneficial properties, and one of them is that it relieves a sore throat. In this case, it is recommended to use it for rinsing. To carry out this procedure, you should use only a natural product prepared without sugar. Gargling also has the following effect:

  • relieves soft tissues from swelling;
  • stops the development of the inflammatory process;
  • destroys microbes;
  • restores health.

For cystitis

A decoction, the benefits and harms of which have been thoroughly studied, is recommended for cystitis. The drink helps stop the inflammatory process, reduces pain and increases the effectiveness of antibiotics. It is also recommended for kidney diseases and other pathologies of the genitourinary system.

For diabetes

For diabetes mellitus, a natural product prepared without sugar is recommended. To improve its taste and increase its benefits, you can add honey. This infusion will improve the patient’s well-being, normalize blood cholesterol levels and normalize high blood pressure. In addition, it helps get rid of false feelings of hunger and does not cause spikes in blood sugar.

Attention ! You cannot use a cranberry drink, the benefits and harms of which have been confirmed by doctors, as an independent means of therapy. Morse is included in complex treatment. It enhances the effect of drugs and restores health.

Secrets of preparing the drink

  1. Juice instead of water. Replace regular water with freshly squeezed juice from any fruit or vegetable. The taste will be brighter, richer and more heterogeneous.
  2. Juice percentage. The higher the percentage of juice to berries, the tastier the drink will be. The minimum juice threshold is 30%. Be consistent, focus on the consistency and taste of the drink. An excessive amount of, for example, sour lingonberry juice can spoil the balance of flavors and, accordingly, the fruit drink itself.
  3. Use pulp. It is in the pulp that the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients is concentrated. Removing the pulp marks the loss of exactly half of the chemical composition. In addition, the pulp helps the drink thicken well and create a pleasant soft consistency.
  4. Add sweeteners. If the prepared fruit drink seems too bland or neutral, then simply add additional sweetener to the finished dish. The main thing is to add honey/pekmez/jam/stevia to chilled or slightly warm, not hot, fruit juice.
  5. Prepare the berries properly. Fresh berries, fruits or vegetables are best. If there is no way to get fresh products, use frozen ones. They do not require additional defrosting before use. Simply grind the fruits in a blender and prepare the drink. The taste, consistency and beneficial properties will not suffer from this.
  6. Experiment with spices, add lemon juice, orange zest, cinnamon or mint leaves. You can even add onions and garlic to vegetable fruit drinks. Periodically taste the drink, add to it and experiment with new flavor palettes.
  7. Monitor the quality of the ingredients. Vegetables and fruits from which fruit juice is prepared must be absolutely fresh. Even one rotten berry will ruin the taste of the entire drink and give it an unpleasant sour-putrid taste. Carefully select the ingredients, rinse under running cool water and add to the fruit drink.
  8. Choose the right dishes. Use pots only from materials that are not subject to oxidation, otherwise not only the taste of the fruit drink will deteriorate, but also the container in which it was prepared.

Recipe for currant juice with mint

Nutritional value (based on 1 serving of drink)

Calorie content518 kcal
Squirrels2.6 g
Fats0.8 g
Carbohydrates121 g

We will need:

  • fresh mint leaves – 5 pcs;
  • filtered water or berry juice - 10 tablespoons;
  • sugar/vegetable sweetener – 4 teaspoons;
  • currants – 300 g;
  • lemon juice – 3 tablespoons;
  • ice - 6 cubes.


Grind the berries in a blender, strain the juice or use the mixture with pulp. Dissolve water/juice, sweetener, mint leaves in a saucepan and crush thoroughly with a fork. Remove mint extracts that cannot be completely crushed (otherwise the drink will be bitter). Add ice cubes to the same pan, pour in crushed currants and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and serve immediately.

Cranberry juice recipe

Nutritional value (based on 1 serving of drink)

Calorie content239 kcal
Squirrels1 g
Fats0.4 g
Carbohydrates58.6 g

We will need:

  • sugar – 150 g (can be replaced with any other sweetener);
  • frozen cranberries – 300 g;
  • fresh orange – 300 ml;
  • cloves – 4 pcs;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick.


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Rinse the cranberries in cold water until the berries melt slightly. Place cranberries in a blender and puree until watery. If you want a fruit drink with pulp, then use pureed cranberries in their pure form. If you don’t want to feel the fruit particles, then squeeze out the berry mass using gauze or a sieve.

Place the cranberries in a saucepan of the required size, pour in the ingredients from the list and place on low heat. During the first 5 minutes of cooking, constantly stir the contents of the pan until the mass “takes up” and becomes denser. After 5 minutes, the berries will absorb the taste of spices and orange juice, and the consistency of the fruit drink will again become liquid. Constantly taste the drink and adjust the taste until you get the perfect combination. As soon as the sweetener or sugar is completely dissolved, turn off the fruit drink, let it cool/infuse a little and serve.

Cranberry juice: contraindications

In addition to studying the issue: cranberry juice - benefits and harm to the body, you need to find out the contraindications of the drink. In some cases, it is not only impossible to consume the broth, but it is also dangerous to health.

Contraindications for cranberry juice:

  • increased stomach acidity;
  • frequent heartburn;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • hypotension;
  • allergic reactions;
  • taking blood thinning medications.

Even in the absence of contraindications, it is important to consult a doctor before using the infusion.

Is it possible to drink cranberry juice for pregnant women and those with hyperthyroidism?

Is it possible to drink cranberry juice during pregnancy and lactation? This question interests many women. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not a contraindication for taking the decoction. It rarely causes allergic reactions and at the same time brings tangible benefits. The drink strengthens the immune system, which is especially important during pregnancy, when any cold can lead to unpredictable consequences.

In addition, the infusion gives the following effect:

  • relieves nausea;
  • promotes the convergence of soft tissue swelling, which prevents the development of tachycardia and hypertension;
  • improves going to bed, increases the duration and efficiency of night rest;
  • saturates the blood with red blood cells, which provide the baby with oxygen, preventing the occurrence of hypoxia;
  • strengthens blood vessels and increases the permeability of their walls, which prevents the development of varicose veins;
  • promotes the proper development of the child;
  • protects young mothers from the harmful effects of heavy metals;
  • maintains normal pH balance;
  • normalizes appetite and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves the condition of the epidermis, preventing the occurrence of pigmentation and rashes, which often worry women during pregnancy.

The decoction is also useful during the postpartum period. The fact is that it restores the elasticity of the epidermis, preventing the formation of stretch marks and sagging skin. It helps restore your figure after pregnancy, normalizing metabolism and improving body contours.

The main thing is to take the infusion in moderation. This is due to the fact that it creates increased stress on the kidneys and causes increased secretion of bile.

Before using the decoction, you should consult your doctor who is managing your pregnancy.

Is it possible to have cranberry juice on a diet?

A product whose benefits and harms are clinically proven is one of the dietary food products. It promotes weight loss if taken without sugar. Considering the effect of cranberry on the body from the point of view of a nutritionist, it must be said that such a decoction normalizes metabolic processes and eliminates false feelings of hunger. Therefore, if you include it in your diet, it will speed up the weight loss process. That is why cranberry juice, the benefits and harms of which have been confirmed, is in demand among users seeking to lose excess weight.

Is it possible to drink fermented cranberry juice?

Fermented fruit juice should not be consumed. The fact is that such a drink can provoke gastrointestinal upset. In addition, fermentation processes are dangerous for people suffering from pathologies of the gallbladder, stomach and intestines.

How to make healthy cranberry juice at home

Store-bought cranberry juice in bags contains a large amount of flavorings, preservatives and other harmful substances. Therefore, its consumption may not provide any health benefits. In addition, store-bought cranberry juice is harmful to health. For this reason, it is best to do it yourself.

Recipes for making fruit drinks are varied. You can make a drink from frozen and fresh cranberries with various additives.

With honey

Cranberry juice with honey is the most popular drink, the benefits of which have long been known. To prepare it you will need:

  • berries – 1 cup;
  • honey – 2 large spoons;
  • water – 1.5 cups.

Mash the raw materials with a wooden pestle until pureed. Add honey and stir thoroughly. Fill the mixture with warm water. Stir the product again. If necessary, filter.

With sugar

If honey is contraindicated, you can prepare cranberry juice with sugar. To do this you will need:

  • berries – 1 cup;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • water – 1.5 cups.

Mash the berries with a wooden pestle and add sugar. Stir thoroughly and pour warm water over the mixture. Place the product on the fire and cook the cranberry juice until the sugar dissolves.

Brief historical background

The first mentions of fruit juice date back to Byzantine times. The drink was called “mursa,” which translates as “water with honey.” The first fruit drink actually consisted of water and honey. The drink was used as a healing and tonic medicine. With the development of cooking, fruit drinks have gone through a long path of development. The water was enriched with fruits, medicinal decoctions, herbs and vegetables to obtain not only a new taste, but also real herbal medicine. The primary berry or vegetable juice was not squeezed out, but simply pureed. Not a single major Byzantine feast was complete without fruit drink. It was consumed as an aperitif. The drink irritated the walls of the esophagus and stimulated appetite, increased salivation and prepared the gastrointestinal tract for food intake.

Later, the fruit drink gained fame after the release of Domostroy. This is one of the central monuments of Russian literature of the 16th century. “Domostroy” is a set of rules for “husband, and wife, and children, and servants, and maidservants.” It contains advice, rules and instructions for each of the spheres of life of the key figures of the then Russian society. “Domostroy” regulated public, intra-family, economic and religious sectors, instructing and teaching the population.

One of the chapters describes a method for preparing fruit juice from wild berries. The authors of Domostroy point to its medicinal and healing effects. The drink is recommended to be prepared in case of illness, loss of vitality, or simply as a vitamin supplement to the daily menu.

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