Clenbuterol for weight loss and drying: rules of use and reviews

Description of the drug

Clenbuterol is widely used in the treatment of people with bronchial asthma and chronic lung diseases. This drug acts on the body's biochemical receptors by stimulating beta-adrenergic receptors. During biochemical reactions, a calming and dilating effect on the bronchi occurs, which over time makes a person’s breathing easier.

Over time, other features of this drug became known. Clenbuterol has become a popular weight loss aid among bodybuilders and athletes. When taking this drug, when exposed to beta-adrenergic receptors, the body begins to take energy only from adipose tissue, which accelerates the process of losing weight, and the desired result can be obtained in a short time.

Release form

The drug can be purchased in pharmacies, but it is very rare. Clenbuterol is available in two forms:

  • syrup - in bottles of 100 ml;
  • tablets - dosage of 20-40 mcg, less often 10 mcg of Clenbuterol hydrochloride.

The syrup contains a lot of sugar and a small amount of the main substance. Considering the required amount of the daily dose of the drug, the athlete will have to drink 2-3 bottles of maple syrup, which will negatively affect the functioning of the liver and pancreas. Therefore, in basic weight loss regimens they talk about tablets packaged in blisters. The price of Clenbuterol tablets for weight loss ranges from 400 to 600 rubles. The syrup is cheaper - from 80 to 200 rubles.

Effect on the body

The main purpose of Clenbuterol, when used for weight loss, is to trigger lipolysis by activating the sympathetic nervous system.

The effect of using Clenbuterol

After penetration into the blood, the drug makes noticeable changes in appearance and well-being:

  • has a sustainable fat burning effect;
  • perfectly “dries” the body (therefore it is recommended, first of all, for male athletes);
  • acts as an anabolic;
  • prevents catabolic processes (breakdown of muscle tissue);
  • increases body temperature;
  • accelerates the rate of muscle growth (girls who are actively involved in sports can use Clenbuterol to tone up their buttocks and abs);
  • reduces appetite, reduces daily portions;
  • gives a noticeable surge of strength;
  • stabilizes the nervous system, helps get rid of insomnia;
  • affects the brain centers so that conscious control over digestion is carried out.

It begins to act within 10 minutes after administration, reaches maximum concentration after a couple of hours, and the duration of activity in the body is 12 hours.

A distinctive feature of the drug is its direct effect on subcutaneous adipose tissue in the complete absence of muscle mass degeneration. When using it, it is advisable to increase physical activity. The results determine how much weight you can lose: in a month you lose from 5 to 15 kg.

Interesting fact. One of the ways Clenbuterol enters the body is through meat consumption. In China and Mexico it is used to fatten animals. Because of this, Chinese Olympians in 2012 were put on a vegetarian diet to prevent anti-doping controls from accidentally detecting a banned substance in their blood.

Indications and contraindications

Before we begin to consider the main issues - how to take Clenbuterol and in what dosage, we will consider the main indications for taking the drug.


  • chronic lung diseases;
  • asthma;
  • emphysema.


  • alcoholism;
  • sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • previous myocardial infarction;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • brain damage;
  • GOKMP;
  • young age (up to 6 years).

Minor contraindications:

  • hyperthyroidism (problems with thyroid hormones);
  • hypokalemia (high concentration of potassium in the blood);
  • myocarditis;
  • diabetes;
  • liver and kidney failure;

You should carefully read all contraindications and not take the drug if they coincide. During administration, side effects appear, which are also worth paying attention to.

Side effects

The expected effect from taking Clenbuterol will appear unexpectedly and quickly, however, it is worth knowing what you will have to endure and endure when completing the course. So, taking the medicine may be accompanied by the following side effects:

  • temperature increase;
  • profuse sweating;
  • increased heart rate;
  • nervous excitement (accompanied by a feeling of anxiety);
  • increased blood pressure (headache);
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • insomnia, increasing nausea, diarrhea;
  • trembling and cramps of the limbs;
  • dry mouth;
  • manifestation of anginal pain (due to low oxygen content in the blood);
  • hypokalemia;
  • allergic reactions (swelling and skin rashes);
  • thrombocytopenia (low platelet count in the blood);
  • arrhythmia.

Important! Before taking Clenbuterol, it is advisable to consult a doctor, due to its strong effects on the heart and the possibility of serious side effects.

In case of overdose, the following symptoms may occur:

  • tachycardia and increased heart rate;
  • trembling and cramps of the fingers;
  • coma;
  • collapse (accompanied by a sharp decrease in pressure and slow blood supply to vital organs).

Frequent side effects of Clenbuterol in men are sweating, convulsions, increased heart rate. In women - tremors of the limbs, interruption of menstruation, nausea and headache.

If symptoms of overdose occur, you should consult a doctor for medical help. As a rule, after stopping use, all side effects disappear within one week.

Alcohol compatibility

Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited while taking a course of Clenbuterol. When combined with alcohol, increased heart rate and nausea occur. There is also an increase in pressure.

Interaction with other drugs

This drug should not be combined with other medications. With the simultaneous use of drugs, the effect of hypoglycemic drugs on the body decreases.

Side effects

  • From the nervous system - headache and dizziness , anxiety, disturbance of sleep and wakefulness in the form of insomnia , intention tremor of the fingers.
  • From the cardiovascular system - tachycardia, increased blood pressure, extrasystole , cardialgia.
  • Gastrointestinal tract – dry mouth, gastralgia , nausea leading to vomiting.
  • Local and generalized allergic reactions - urticaria , skin rash, bronchospasm, angioedema .
  • From other organ systems and tissues - muscle cramps, intense facial flushing , increased sweating, hypokalemia and, as a result, muscle pain.
  • There is a possibility of developing rebound syndrome and resistance when discontinuing a pharmaceutical drug.

Separately, it should be noted the development of muscle cramps when Clenbutrol tablets are used by athletes and bodybuilders. This side effect is caused by depletion of endogenous taurine reserves, deficiency of sodium and potassium electrolytes, and general insufficiency of water-salt metabolism. To relieve muscle cramps, the following dietary changes are recommended

  • eating plenty of fruit (especially bananas, as they contain a lot of potassium);
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • additional inclusion of taurine in the amount of 3-5 grams per day;
  • tableted potassium supplements daily before bed on an empty stomach (at least 200-400 mg).

Application for weight loss and drying

When taking Clenbuterol, there is a significant increase in the body's endurance. The medication is strictly prohibited by WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) for use in the intensive preparation of athletes for competitions. However, this does not prevent bodybuilders and others from taking a Clenbuterol cycle to dry the body and burn fat without harming muscle mass.

By activating the breakdown of fats, Clenbuterol has other positive functions:

  • reduces appetite;
  • activates metabolism in the body;
  • prevents new formation of subcutaneous fat for a long time.

By inhibiting the process of protein synthesis and breakdown, “maple” is highly valued among athletes. It helps preserve muscle during a low-calorie diet during the drying period.

The drug is produced in two forms - in blisters with tablets and in bottles with syrup. Many people wonder how to take Clenbuterol syrup for weight loss. The answer will be - no way. Due to the low dosage of the active ingredient in the syrup, it is necessary to take 2 to 3 bottles per day. This will negatively affect human health due to the high sugar content in the syrup. Therefore, athletes prefer medication in tablet form.

When taking the main thing is not to exceed the daily dosage of the drug:

  • 100-140 mcg is the norm for men;
  • 80-100 mcg is the norm for women.

While taking the maple course for weight loss, you must additionally take protein, vitamins and amino acid complexes.

How does Clenbuterol work?

In order to understand how to properly drink Clenbuterol for weight loss, you need to find out how it works. There are two groups of adrenergic receptors in the human body - alpha and beta. Stimulation of the former causes an increase in the fat layer, while the effect on beta receptors stimulates the body to use the fat layer as a source of energy and carbohydrates. This burns excess weight and helps reduce body weight.

Clenbuterol is a beta 2 agonist. This means that it actively interacts with beta-adrenergic receptors and causes the process of lipolysis. This is a special biochemical process that breaks down fats in the body, which leads to a decrease in body fat.

In addition to fat burning and fat decomposition, the drug has a positive effect on human metabolism. Clenbuterol accelerates natural metabolism by about 20-30 percent. This is another reason and reason to think about whether to take Clenbuterol for drying or not, both for men and women.

Lipoprotein lipase is a special enzyme found in the human body. Thanks to this drug, it begins to act even more actively. This factor, in turn, reduces the effect of fat tissue deposition in the body. At the same time, the components contained in Clenbuterol affect the thyroid gland, causing it to produce hormones that also help in fat burning. It is because of all these effects that Clenbuterol is often used for weight loss and cutting.

As a rule, the drug comes in tablet form, so it is good to take it with any food or drink. Taking Clenbuterol can be perfectly combined with a low-calorie diet, which further enhances the weight loss process. The diet helps not to overeat and reduce calorie intake, and the drug burns what does enter the body.

Another advantage of using Clenbuterol is its long shelf life. Unlike the same "Ephedrine", another remedy for asthma, which is also used in sports, the drug we are considering lasts much longer. This allows you to use its beneficial properties both in strength training, which is characterized by short periods of intense physical activity and long rest periods relative to the approach, and during cardio training. Those, in turn, represent long but moderate exercise, constant sweating and calorie consumption. Examples of cardio workouts: running, whether outdoors or on a treadmill, and an exercise bike. These sports are best suited for removing excess moisture and losing weight.

Effect of the drug

Clenbuterol is taken with a gradual increase in dosage. The duration of a standard course usually does not exceed 2 weeks. Then the body gets used to the active ingredients, as a result of which the effectiveness of the intake decreases.

At the end of the dose, take a 2-week break while taking ketotifen, a drug that helps relieve the side effects of taking “maple”. Without ketotifen, the break should last much longer. A break is required to update biochemical reactions in the body.

Important nuances

Things to consider before you start taking Clenbuterol:

  1. You are not allowed to drink alcohol or alcoholic cocktails during any course.
  2. The medicine has two release forms. If the main goal is to fight extra pounds, choose tablets, they contain less sugar.
  3. Ketotifen is best taken before bed, and Clenbuterol - in the morning. This has been proven to be the best time to burn calories.
  4. Take no more than 50 mcg at a time, or split the dose into morning and afternoon doses.
  5. It is prohibited to take the drug for more than 14 days.
  6. Before starting treatment, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive examination and consult with a specialist.

Methods of application

First of all, you need to choose the correct dosage of the drug. Before taking, be sure to read the instructions for using Clenbuterol for weight loss. There are dangerous and gentle schemes for losing weight.

Main common schemes:

  1. Clenbuterol solo.
  2. Clenbuterol + Ketotifen (longer dosage regimen).
  3. Clenbuterol + Ketotifen + Clenbuterol (each duration is 14 days).
  4. A dangerous regimen for health is Clenbuterol + Yohimbine.
  5. A dangerous regimen for health is Clenbuterol + T3 + Yohimbine.

Now let's look at each of them separately.

Clenbuterol solo course

A common pill regimen among athletes. The dose of the active drug is increased daily. During the first 5 days, the dose of the drug increases. Then within a week you need to take the maximum working dose. Then the dose is reduced over 2 days.

The working dosage means the following dose:

  • for women – from 60 to 100 mcg;
  • for men – from 100 to 160 mcg.

Tablet dosage schedule for a 14-day “solo” course:

  • 1 day of administration – 20 mcg;
  • from 2 to 5 days of admission – increase by 20 mcg per day;
  • from 6 to 12 days of administration – 120 mcg;
  • 13th day of administration – 80 mcg;
  • 14th day of administration – 40 mcg;

After taking the tablets on a 14-day schedule, take a two-week rest, due to the decrease in the body’s sensitivity to the active substance.

Key features of this course:

  1. When the main dosage increases above 80 mcg, divide the dose into two times (also half an hour before breakfast and lunch).
  2. Take a dosage of up to 80 mcg in the morning half an hour before meals.
  3. For women, it is recommended to start taking it on the 5-6th day of the menstrual cycle. This will reduce the stress experienced by the body, and the intake can be completed before the start of a new menstruation.
  4. It is not advisable for women to increase the working dosage above 100 mcg.
  5. At the beginning of the schedule, it is advisable to introduce Asparkam (or Panangin). Take 3 times during the day.

Clenbuterol + Ketotifen

Ketotifen helps to prolong any course of taking pills and accelerates the fat burning process by 20%. It also has an antiallergic effect.

The duration of the scheme is 30 days:

  • 1 day – 20 mcg;
  • from days 2 to 5 – increase by 20 mcg per day;
  • from 6 to 27 days of taking tablets – 120 mcg of Clenbuterol + 2 mg of Ketotifen at night;
  • Day 28 – 80 mcg, also take 2 mg Ketotifen at night;
  • Day 29 – 60 mcg, also take 1-2 mg of Ketotifen at night;
  • Day 30 – 40 mcg, also take 1 mg Ketotifen at night;
  • take a long break of at least 14 days.

Another regimen of taking two medications - Clenbuterol and Ketotifen - is widely used in the West. During rest, be sure to take Ketotifen for general recovery of the body.


  • complete the Clenbuterol Solo course schedule;
  • break 14 days on Ketotifen - 2 mg at night;
  • repeat the dosage schedule for the Clenbuterol solo course.

Taking Clenbuterol with Yohimbine

Yohimbine completely blocks the functioning of Alpha-2 adrenergic receptors (which are involved in the accumulation of excess fat), and Clenbuterol provokes their lipolysis. This regimen is not recommended for use. It is dangerous due to severe and dangerous side effects.

Course sequence: follow the “Clenbuterol solo” course schedule + drink an additional 5-10 mg of Yohimbine 3 times a day after meals.

Clenbuterol is an excellent fat burner, and in combination with Yohimbine, the lipolysis process occurs even faster. The course is dangerous due to the contraindications of simultaneous use of yohimbine with adrenergic agonists.

Clenbuterol with T3 and Yohimbine

T3 is a thyroid hormone produced by the thyroid gland in the human body. When Clenbuterol is taken simultaneously with Triiodothyrotine, intensive fat burning occurs in the body. You can eat high-calorie foods, fast food and lose weight.

The course is extremely dangerous! After its completion, the body may stop producing hormones T3 and T4 on its own! The consequence will be a lifelong use of expensive medications that help maintain the functioning of the thyroid gland.

It is advisable to consider this course for informational purposes and not for personal use. So, for 1 unit we take the following dosage of the main substances:

  • Clenbuterol – 40 mcg;
  • Thyroxine – 25 mcg;
  • Yohimbine – 5 mg.

The course is indicated in units, the dosage is multiplied by multiples. If 0.25 units is indicated, then all doses must be multiplied by 0.25.

Course outline:

  • day of admission from 1 to 3 – 1 unit;
  • day of admission from 4 to 6 – 1.5 units;
  • day of admission from 7 to 9 – 1 unit. in the morning and 1 unit. at lunch
  • day of admission from 10 to 12 – 1.5 units;
  • day of admission from 13 to 15 – 1 unit;
  • day of admission from 16 to 19 – 0.5 units;
  • day of admission from 20 to 21 – 0.25 units.

To reduce increased heart rate, you need to take 2 mg of Ketotifen before bed.

Instructions for use (drying course)

The maximum course for taking clenbuterol for weight loss is two weeks. After this period, the body gets used to the action of the drug and it is necessary to take a break between courses of at least two weeks. During this period, it is necessary to take Ketotifen to quickly wean off the active substance. Without Ketotifen, the break should be longer, up to two to three months, so the body will restore sensitivity to the components of the drug only after such a long period.

The clenbuterol dosage regimen for men involves a stepwise increase in dosage. So on the first day, take half a tablet (20 mcg of the substance), on the second 40 mcg, on the third 60 mcg, and so on up to a dosage of 100-120 mcg. In the last two days, the dosage is also reduced stepwise.

The regimen for women is drawn up on a similar principle and is in the instructions for use of the drug, however, the average dosage during the drying course will be less - 80-100 mcg per day. The most common questions that arise when taking clenbuterol:

  • How many days should I take the drug for maximum effect? As already stated above, after two weeks the body begins to get used to it and the effectiveness of clenbuterol decreases. However, there are methods of taking the drug together with Ketotifen. With this regimen, effective weight loss is possible within four weeks. Then you also need to take a break.
  • How many tablets to take for drying? You need to understand that Clenbuterol dosages are individual. Depends on the gender, weight and physical condition of the athlete. The dosage for weight loss in men is on average 100-120 mcg (or 2.5 - 3 tablets). For women 80-100 mcg (2-2.5, respectively). In case of severe side effects, taking clenbuterol should be limited or stopped altogether and consult a doctor for advice on the indication for use of the drug.
  • What is a 2 by 2 scheme? This is a pulse course in which two days of intake are followed by two days of rest. However, the effectiveness of such a program in terms of fat burning is lower than that of the standard regimen.

Answers to common questions

I recently started training, should I take Clenbuterol?

No no need. When you start physical activity, your body already loses weight at a rapid pace. It is better to pay attention and create the right training plan and balance your diet. This will be much more useful than taking pills.

After the course the weight will not come back?

No, after 14 days of taking the drug, the process of lipolysis continues for a long time, and you return to your standard rate of weight loss. Of course, you should watch your diet and not eat too much.

Do I need to take additional Asparkam?

Asparkam (or Panangin) contains magnesium and potassium. It allows you to compensate for their deficiency when taking Clenbuterol. They help replenish aspartic acid in the body, which has an antioxidant effect and keeps muscles in constant tone. Reduce the risk of effects on the heart. It is advised to drink as much clean water as possible (preferably more than 3 liters per day) and take Asparkam 3 times a day.

Should I stick to a special diet during intense training to achieve the best effect?

Yes, the effect will only improve. True, it is worth considering how Clenbuterol affects your body.

How much weight can you lose with a solo course?

Everything will depend on your individual characteristics, training intensity, age and gender. Also, keep in mind that Clenbuterol is produced by different companies using their own production methods.

Can I miss my period while taking Clenbuterol?

The drug itself does not directly affect the menstrual cycle; the cause may be a strong loss in total weight (some girls manage to lose up to 4 kg in one week). The body experiences severe stress from the very speed of weight loss. There are also many other reasons for lengthening the cycle.

Clenbuterol and alcohol

Alcoholic drinks contain psychotropic substances that have a depressing effect on the human central nervous system. Events often happen in life when you want to drink a glass of wine or a glass of cognac.

Even when adhering to a strict sports diet and a healthy lifestyle, athletes occasionally allow themselves the indulgence of drinking a little alcohol; one should remember not only the primary harm of alcohol, but also its harmful effects in combination with other drugs. The compatibility of clenbuterol and alcoholic beverages promotes:

  • rapid heartbeat;
  • frequent attacks of nausea;
  • the load on the cardiovascular system increases;
  • the effect of the drug decreases, the fat burning process slows down;
  • muscle tissue is destroyed;
  • heart rhythm is disturbed, which leads to bradycardia or tachycardia;
  • fluid is retained in the body, resulting in swelling;
  • the production of growth hormone decreases;
  • the production of natural testosterone slows down, the level of estrogen in the body increases.

Alcoholic beverages that can affect the effect of clenbuterol include beer, wine, champagne, vodka and other stronger drinks. The ban on alcohol is not categorical; it is quite acceptable to drink a little once a month. Drinks with a proportional body weight of 60 kg can cause a moderate degree of intoxication and have a negative reaction on the athlete’s health while taking clenbuterol:

  • 355 ml beer 5% revolutions;
  • 250 ml malt drink 7% revolutions;
  • 150 ml table wine 12% revolutions;
  • 100 ml sherry or port 17% ABV;
  • 45 ml brandy 40% revolutions;
  • 45 ml vodka 40% strength

Taking one dose of the above alcoholic beverages will lead to the manifestation of adverse reactions indicated in the instructions for the drug. If you do allow yourself to drink too much, you must immediately stop drinking alcohol and drink plenty of water over the next four hours.

If this happens for the first time, the risk of harming your health is minimal. If you are still wondering whether it is possible to drink alcohol while taking clenbuterol, it is better not to do this so that a positive result does not result in undesirable consequences.

Clenbuterol and smoking

Consider the following question: is it possible to smoke while taking clenbuterol. Smoking is harmful to health, especially if you take anabolic steroids and weight loss drugs. The chemical components that make up cigarettes have a negative effect on the human body.

The big pests are nicotine, carbohydrate oxide, liquid tar, which can be found in high-quality tobacco, but if you take regular cigarettes from the supermarket, you can detect urea, ammonium nitrate, tar with admixtures of flavorings and dyes.

Why are these components harmful? Liquid resin, 70% of which remains in the lungs, thereby kills the protective functions of the lung tissues, developing respiratory failure. Nicotine is a psychotropic substance that destroys the conductivity of nerve receptors. Carbohydrate oxide is a poisonous gas that interferes with the transport of oxygen through muscles and organs, slows down muscle growth and recovery after exercise, and inhibits the absorption of proteins.

When combining smoking and bodybuilding, you should be aware of their harmful effects on the athlete’s body:

  • the load on the heart increases;
  • shortness of breath appears after cardio exercises or other physical activity;
  • the production of catabolic hormones increases;
  • the risk of high blood pressure increases;
  • metabolism slows down;
  • blood clotting changes;
  • the rate of muscle growth slows down;
  • the process of assimilation of proteins, so important in building a sculpted body, becomes more complicated.

To smoke or not to smoke – the choice is yours. Remember, a couple of cigarettes can undo weeks of hard work in the gym.


Olga, 37 years old:

“I started taking Clenodin for weight loss last year. How many times have I tried to lose these hated pounds! I heard from a work colleague about this drug (he goes to the gym and is pumped intensively). After reading the reviews, I decided to try it. I took it together with Ketotifen for two weeks. I didn’t notice any side effects, maybe they were bypassed, I also didn’t follow the diet. Imagine my joy when I weighed myself on day 13! Minus 7 kg! So girls, it worked for me and the result is excellent!”

Alexey, 22 years old:

“I can’t complete the pure maple course to the end. I'm interrupting for the second time. On the fifth day (last time on the third), severe hand tremors begin, I can’t drive a car, I want to try it together with ketotifen. And add protein. And yes, my appetite completely disappears.”

Sergey, 38 years old:

“I almost died on day 8 after taking 60 mcg of maple in the morning. My heart was pounding so hard, I thought I was going to fly out! I couldn’t get up, fell asleep 20 times, and in the evening I was able to get up and drink water. I live alone, I thought I would die. Strong side effects at this dose!”

Peter, 40 years old:

“I take 120 mcg of the drug every day. I feel fine, I don’t see any shaking of my limbs or wild energy. I added asparkam to help the heart with potassium and magnesium. There is no result yet, I’m waiting.”

Katya, 26 years old:

“I drank syrup and Thyroxine and was able to lose 14 kg from 96 to 82 in a month! I restricted myself in diet and went out a lot in the evenings and walked. More energy! The mood is great!”

The effective effect of Clenbuterol for weight loss is confirmed by numerous reviews of girls with photos where you can see the results after a course of taking the drug.

Reviews of Clenbuterol Sopharma

First of all, it should be noted that there are many more reviews about the pharmaceutical drug as a means of effectively stopping spasm of the bronchial tree during attacks of bronchial asthma . This therapeutic effect is widely used in medicine and is confirmed by clinical studies by qualified specialists. Of course, the drug has certain side effects, but its effect develops within 10-15 minutes after ingestion, which makes it possible to eliminate a life-threatening pathological condition in the shortest possible time.

However, on thematic forums and Internet resources there are reviews about another area of ​​application of Clenbuterol. Athletes and bodybuilders prefer to use this pharmaceutical drug as diet pills or so-called “cutting pills.” The drug copes with this task, as well as with the elimination of bronchospasm, with a bang, since this action is based on completely justified mechanisms. However, the course is accompanied by severe side effects in the form of muscle cramps, because, as a rule, such patients strive to lose excess weight as quickly as possible.

We can definitely say that during a conservative course of taking the drug Clenbuterol Sopharma, you should strictly adhere to the dosages indicated in the instructions. Thanks to such simple actions, you can save yourself from unnecessary suffering, trips to the doctor and other adverse consequences.


It is safe to say that with a competent and meaningful approach, Clenbuterol does not have a negative effect on the body. Of course, you should additionally take other medications that help reduce side effects. This product is perfect for athletes and bodybuilders - it will help you get into the desired shape in a short time.

For the average person, the best advice would be to eat a balanced diet and do regular exercise. Remember - first of all, you need to start with yourself, and not rely on artificial pills!

An active lifestyle, healthy sleep, proper nutrition and quality rest are the main components for achieving a beautiful and fit body!

Can girls take clenbuterol for weight loss?

As a rule, in bodybuilding and fitness, clenbuterol is used in the last 8-10 weeks before competitions, but by the time the course begins, the athlete is already quite dry due to diet. It is important.

The key words here are: “in bodybuilding”, “before competition”, “already quite dry”.

— Is it possible to recommend clenbuterol for weight loss to ordinary girls, women, and men who want to lose fat?


Check out the clenbuterol effectiveness calculation above and our recommendations.

To achieve the same effect, it is enough to remove the extra 200 Cal per day from food.

Moreover, even if you start taking clenbuterol tablets, you won’t be able to do it all the time , due to addiction and possible unpleasant side effects. Is there any point in taking risks then?

But no one forbids it, and no one can. Try, but don't expect a miracle. Better yet, study our recommendations on how to lose weight correctly.

Clenbuterol for weight loss is not recommended for ordinary overweight people simply because it cannot be taken continuously

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