Bardakosh for weight loss: reviews, properties, application features

Useful properties of the plant

Marjoram has been used by Easterners for cooking for a long time. After all, the plant is very useful. Its shoots contain antioxidants, including vitamin C, carotene and rutin. The herb contains tannins and pectin. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the body. They cleanse the intestines and help it get rid of waste and toxins.

In folk medicine, bardakosh is used quite often for weight loss. After the first dose of the herb, the swelling goes away. Excess fluid is removed from the body. The plant is also taken for neuroses, to increase libido and for chronic fatigue. The herb helps with diarrhea, flatulence, asthma, arthrosis and rheumatism. Indispensable for menstrual pain and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bardakosh is characterized by anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities. It has a diuretic, sedative and anti-catarrhal effect. Refers to wound-healing natural remedies.

Bardakosh in Arabic medicine

Bardakosh (Origanum majorana) is a perennial plant, a representative of the genus “Oregano” of the Lamiaceae family.

Residents of the East have been using this medicinal plant in folk medicine and cooking for a long time.

Bardakosh is the eastern name for the aromatic herb marjoram, known to us.

Grows in Turkey, northern Africa and the Middle East. The plant is cultivated in many European countries, China, and America. It is also grown in Russia.

Benefits and composition

This plant is the strongest natural antiseptic. In ancient times, bardakosh was added to water for washing hands. Bardakosh leaves contain essential oil, which contains useful components such as pinene, borneol, terpinene, terpineol, sabinene, phenols, camphor, iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, rutin, vitamin C, provitamin A, beta-carotene and others .

A decoction of the plant, when taken orally, treats difficulty urinating, stomach cramps, liver and gallbladder diseases. Reduces painful symptoms of menstruation and menopause. Useful for people suffering from diabetes. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and is a good prophylactic for preventing heart attacks.

Baths made from bardakosh leaves are used for joint pain and bruises. Young children are bathed in herbal infusion for rickets, metabolic disorders and urticaria.

Bardakosh oil helps eliminate rheumatic pain and is recommended for rubbing after sports.

Bardakosh essential oil is an excellent remedy for hyperactive people. It calms the nervous system, reduces stress and anxiety, helps relieve intense emotions and find peace of mind.

Recipe for chronic fatigue and nervous exhaustion: mix 2 ml of bardakosh essential oil and 2 ml of orange essential oil and apply 3 drops each to the feet, temples, wrists and other parts of the body.

A couple of drops of bardakosha essential oil added to shampoo will help get rid of dandruff and some scalp skin infections.

Use in cooking

Bardakosh is one of the most popular seasonings in the world. It is added to tea, vegetable juices, compotes and various dishes. This plant is widely used in canning and pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, squash and zucchini.

As a spice it is suitable for preparing meat gravies, spaghetti and sauces. In Arab cuisine it is used to add a special flavor to lamb and eggplant. Bardakosh is added to the minced meat. This spice facilitates digestion when eating fatty and heavy foods.

Slimming Tea

Avicenna called bardakosh “the grass of exhaustion.” It removes toxins, cleanses the body and reduces hunger. In Arab countries, tea made from it is incredibly popular.

By regularly drinking this tea, you can easily lose weight without harmful effects on the body. The effect of taking bardakosh will pleasantly surprise you: in just 1–1.5 weeks you will lose 4–5 kg without any special restrictions in your diet! This is a great way to cleanse your body and lose weight without harm to your health.

Boil one teaspoon of chopped herbs in a water bath for 20 minutes. The prepared infusion must be filtered and consumed half an hour before meals.

Growing and collecting the plant

Today, messes can also be found in the garden plots of our compatriots. The seeds of this plant can be purchased at any garden store. In Russia they are sold under the name “marjoram”.

This unpretentious plant can be grown in open ground. But you can just as easily grow it on a windowsill as an indoor flower, from which you can get fresh herbs for your table at any time of the year.

Planting bardakosh in open ground is carried out at the end of May or beginning of June, when the weather has finally stabilized. From 15 to 20 medium-sized seedlings are planted per garden bed; the plant tends to become bushy. From such a bed you can collect a large amount of crops needed for home use. The location of the site is chosen in the light, away from drafts.

Bardakosh grass is collected several times during the season. For example, in July and September. The leaves of the plant are carefully cut off and washed under running clean water. Dry the leaves on paper, spreading them in a thin layer or tying bunches of grass to the ceiling.

When the bunches of mess are completely dry, the dry grass is sorted out and any foreign debris or yellow leaves are separated. Then they are crushed by hand and poured into glass jars, tightly closed with a lid.

It is advisable to store the spice in a dark, dry place.

Adelina Khegai

Source: “As-salam” - all-Russian spiritual and educational newspaper

The principle of the effect of marjoram on weight loss

Why is marjoram taken for weight loss? How does this herb affect the body? Everything is very simple. Bardakosh herb for weight loss contains essential oil that helps control appetite. This is important for people who cannot monitor their portion sizes and constantly overeat.

Marjoram decoction stimulates digestion. Helps relieve heaviness in the stomach that occurs when overeating. Relieves flatulence. The laxative properties of the herb enhance intestinal motility. Diuretic properties rid the body of excess fluid. It is precisely due to these characteristics of the plant that the process of weight loss occurs. Bardakosh is not able to remove fat deposits. Weight loss occurs only through cleansing the body. The grass will allow you to remove no more than 3-5 kg. You will have to get rid of more weight in other ways.

Reviews about the mess for weight loss say that by consuming only grass, you cannot lose weight. It only enhances the weight loss effect and is good in combination with other activities.

Bardakosh for weight loss. Contraindications

Reviews from those losing weight note that this herb has a strong effect on the body and rarely causes side effects. Despite this, not all people can take marjoram. Thus, its use should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation. And during illness, when a person’s temperature rises.

You should not use marjoram during exacerbations of diseases, or with problems with the kidneys and liver. Do not drink grass if you have bladder pathologies. Contraindications to the use of bardakosh are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and allergic reactions to the plant.


Since this herb has a powerful effect on the body as a laxative, not everyone can enjoy the process of losing weight with its help. In a number of conditions and diseases, it can cause harm to health.


  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • elevated temperature;
  • exacerbation of any disease;
  • pathologies of the kidneys, liver, bladder;
  • serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • tendency to allergic reactions.

Negative reviews of bardakosh are largely dictated by the fact that people do not see the danger in the long-familiar spice and believe that the herb can be taken in any case. By ignoring contraindications, they doom themselves to side effects.

Ancient Greece. The ancient Greeks endowed marjoram with magical properties. With his help, joy and love were returned to the house.

Side effects

Bardakosh tea for weight loss has mostly positive reviews. People say that it helps shift weight and promotes the weight loss process. In combination with diet and physical activity, it can give simply amazing results.

Despite the fact that marjoram has a beneficial effect on the body, it can also cause side effects. As a rule, they appear immediately after the first use of the herb. Among them:

  • disorder of the digestive system, this should include diarrhea, gag reflex, nausea;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • allergy;
  • the appearance of swelling of the extremities;
  • deterioration in general health;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of vitality and loss of performance;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system and stomach.

To avoid side effects when using Bardakosh, you must strictly follow the recommended dosage and take into account contraindications.

Terms of use

Bardakosh is made not only as a spice, but also as a herbal tea intended for weight loss. In the latter case, the manufacturer describes in detail the dosage regimen and talks about how to drink bardakosh for weight loss. Below are the most common regimens for taking this herb:

  1. Drink 100 ml of the drink three times a day. It is consumed before meals. This approach to taking bardakosh reduces appetite and reduces the amount of food eaten. The course of admission is 14 days. By the end of the second week, the weight decreases by 5 kg.
  2. Take one glass of the decoction after meals. Frequency of administration: 3 times a day. In this case, the diuretic effect of the herb is very pronounced. The course lasts no more than one week. This system of taking marjoram allows you to lose up to 5 kg in seven days.
  3. The toughest way to take it. In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink a glass of decoction. Then 500 ml of herbal tea is drunk throughout the day. At the same time, they follow a strict diet. This weight loss should last no more than five days. It takes 1 kg per day.

Any method of taking bardakosh will be effective if you add proper nutrition and fitness to it.

Properties of bardakosh

The eastern herb “barkadush markadush” is better known to Europeans as marjoram. It is an integral part of French, Italian and Mediterranean cuisine in general. A close relative of oregano, bardakosh, has proven itself as a remedy that has a beneficial effect on the body. Therefore, today it is often included in weight loss preparations and mixtures.

Avicena also considered bardakosh “the herb of exhaustion.” In ancient times, this plant was used as a drug that removes everything unnecessary from the body, that is, it has an intoxicating property. In addition, marjoram was recommended for use for women's ailments, suffocating cough (asthma), digestive problems and stool disorders. After healing, the person’s appearance improved, so the mess was “adopted” by oriental beauties.

Today the composition of the plant is almost completely studied. It turns out that the mess owes many of its qualities to antioxidants - vitamins A, C and P. They prevent the rapid aging of cells, improve the condition of blood vessels and cleanse the blood of cholesterol particles. During intense physical activity, these substances nourish the muscles and prevent the “fragility” of capillaries. That is, marjoram makes the body more resilient.

Another significant component of bardakosh grass is tannins and pectin. Their high concentration in the plant ensures the process of cleansing the intestines of accumulated feces and removing excess fluid. At the same time, the “effect” of marjoram turns out to be softer and painless (if compared, for example, with the use of senna grass), and also does not affect the kidneys.

We recommend reading about sage for weight loss. You will learn about how to prepare a sage decoction, the use of sage for weight loss (baths, wraps, decoction), contraindications. And here is more information about sea buckthorn for weight loss.

Methods of preparing herbs for weight loss

It is important to know not only how to use bardakosh for weight loss (reviews from some people claim that it is better to drink grass for weight loss on weekends, as it has a laxative and diuretic effect), but also about the methods of its preparation. Marjoram for weight loss can be prepared in three ways:

  • Decoction. Dry grass in the amount of 20 g is poured with 400 ml of boiling water. Place in a water bath. Leave for 20 minutes. The broth is filtered. Allow to cool slightly and eat warm before meals.
  • Infusion. Dry marjoram (10 g) is placed in a thermos and poured with a glass of boiling water. Leave for about 1-2 hours. Strain and drink warm. Preferably before meals.
  • Tea. About 20 g of bardakosh is poured into a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid. They wait fifteen minutes. Strain. Drink after meals.

Drinks based on marjoram can easily help you lose a few kilograms. The herb acts delicately and purposefully. Taking it in the recommended dosage, you can not only lose weight, but also improve your health.

Benefits and proper use of healthy herbs

But the most powerful property of this beneficial herb is its ability to cleanse the body of impurities, and, as a result, get rid of excess weight.

There are contraindications for taking the “depletion herb” - pregnancy and lactation. It is important to note that if the dosage is exceeded, headaches begin and mood may worsen.

Bardakosh must be stored in airtight packaging, otherwise it loses its beneficial properties.

How to drink bardakosh for weight loss:

1) Boil one tablespoon of bardakosh in a glass of water. Strain and drink throughout the day. This decoction has neither a laxative nor a diuretic effect.

2) Brew 1 tsp. in a glass of boiling water for about 20 minutes. We drink a glass in the morning and evening.

3) Infuse a glass of boiling water with a tablespoon of bardakosh for a quarter of an hour. Strain and drink a third of a glass before each meal.

Tips for taking marjoram

Reviews about the mess for weight loss draw attention to the fact that when purchasing herbal raw materials, you should pay special attention to the quality of the herb, otherwise you may not get the desired result.

When using marjoram for weight loss, it is a good idea to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • When using for the first time, you should not drink a large amount of the drink at once. Start losing weight with a 100 ml serving of tea. After the first cup, you need to wait a day to monitor the body’s reaction.
  • The herb is not used in combination with other plant materials. It is not recommended to add essential oils to the drink.
  • Eating bardakosh is good to combine with a diet, then weight loss will be more intense.
  • Don't forget about sports. Intense loads can be used when regimens 1 and 2 are used. With the third, the load on the kidneys will be too great, and fitness will only harm the body.
  • Marjoram can be used not only in the form of drinks, but also in dry form. You can sprinkle it on top of dishes during diets. The herb will help remove toxins from the body and lower blood sugar.
  • To ensure that tea does not lose its qualities, it must be consumed fresh and not stored in the refrigerator.
  • Marjoram drink has a diuretic effect, so you should drink plenty of water when drinking it. Otherwise, dehydration may occur.

There is no need to overuse bardakosh tea and drink it for a long period. Due to the diuretic property of the drink, all beneficial microflora are washed out of the gastrointestinal tract and water-electrolyte balance is disrupted.

How to brew a mess

Marjoram tea can be prepared in several ways. Having chosen the most suitable one, the prepared drink is taken an hour after eating.

Methods for preparing tea:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of herbs, cover with a lid and let it brew for about half an hour. Take the drink 30 minutes before meals; after a few days, a decrease in appetite is noted.
  2. Pour two tablespoons of herb into 500 ml of water and put on the stove, after 20 minutes remove from heat and let cool. After straining, the drink is ready to drink.
  3. To prepare a more aromatic drink similar to tea, use the following recipe. Mix 2 tablespoons of your favorite tea and a spoonful of bardakosh, place in a teapot, pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and let steep for a quarter of an hour. Drink tea 60 minutes after meals, no more than two glasses a day.

To preserve the beneficial properties of the herb, it is recommended to use hot water for brewing, and not just boiled water.

Where can I buy bardakosh?

Marjoram is not sold in pharmacies. To buy it, you will have to go to the market or to retail outlets with oriental spices. Its cost ranges from 1 to 2 dollars per 100 g.

When purchasing herbal raw materials, you should pay attention to the aroma. Marjoram should smell fragrant. Have a sweetish odor reminiscent of thyme. There is no need to purchase spices to lose weight. It lacks the lion's share of the properties that grass has. And it is unlikely to contribute to the process of losing weight.

Reviews for weight loss

Reviews of bardakosh for weight loss say that marjoram can be consumed not only as a drink, but also sprinkled with dry herbs on food. According to many people, grass in any form gives good results. In a week, those losing weight on it lost 3-5 kg, and in two months they lost up to 15 kg.

Users note that marjoram cleanses the intestines well and improves its functioning. Positively affects skin color and condition. Relieves acne. Gives lightness and energy. Reduces appetite.

But not all people were satisfied with the use of this remedy. Some did not notice the weight loss effect of the herb. A certain part of users note that while drinking tea they were bothered by a constant urge to go to the toilet. Diarrhea and abdominal pain occurred. These people abandoned the use of the herb and used other methods of losing weight.

Doctors believe that marjoram is useless for weight loss. According to them, it has beneficial properties, but to lose weight, especially large ones, you need to use diets and physical activity.

Recommendations for taking bardakosh

Before you start taking marjoram-based weight loss products, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

  1. Despite the benefits of the herb, it is not able to reduce weight without any effort, so it is necessary to include physical activity that will help tighten the body.
  2. Give up sweets, fatty and starchy foods, reduce your consumption of carbohydrate and fatty foods.
  3. Add marjoram when preparing any dishes: meat, fish, salads and sauces.
  4. Drink at least two liters of clean water per day, as bardakosh has diuretic properties, which can cause dehydration.
  5. In order for herbal tea to be brewed using hot water and not boiling water, it is best to infuse the drink in a thermos.
  6. For weight loss, the product can be used both before and after meals of your choice.
  7. The maximum effect can be achieved if you use a new portion of brewed tea every day, and the leftovers should be stored in the refrigerator.
  8. It is prohibited to combine marjoram products with other weight loss products with laxative and diuretic effects. You also need to be careful when combining with herbs such as sage, mint, milk thistle, nettle, and senna.
  9. If you follow proper nutrition and avoid salt, marjoram will add taste and aroma to your dishes. In addition, the herb removes waste and toxins, which are a common cause of excess weight and high blood sugar.

It is worth remembering that the abuse of marjoram drink can disrupt the water-electrolyte balance and intestinal microflora, so you must adhere to the recommended dosage - 2 glasses per day.

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