Stevia - a sugar substitute: benefit or harm?

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The healing properties of this plant were first discovered by the Indians, long before the 16th century, in which the first research on stevia was published. The benefits and harms of the sweet herb stevia a few years ago continued to cause controversy in scientific circles: some biologists called it carcinogenic, others argued otherwise. By the way, even legends were made about its sweetness. According to one of them, stevia is the name of a fragile girl who sacrificed herself for the good of her own people. The ancient gods did not remain in debt and, as a sign of respect, gave people a sweet and healthy herb of the same name. Let's find out how useful stevia is and for what properties doctors, including nutritionists around the world, especially value it. Let's start from the beginning and turn to researchers who for a long time could not come to a consensus: is stevia harmful or beneficial?

What scientists say - debunking myths about unusual grass

Stevia petals contain over a hundred different phytochemical elements that not only give the plant a sweet taste, but also have beneficial effects on the body. For example, steviosides in the composition have a unique property - they significantly reduce blood sugar levels. On the subject: How to reduce food cravings However, researchers have differing opinions. Some argued that the plant has a carcinogenic effect due to a mutagen, which leads to mutations. Others, on the contrary, considered stevia safe. Meanwhile, it has firmly entered into gastronomic “everyday life” and is especially loved by followers of a healthy diet, because sweet grass can completely replace harmful sugar. The increased popularity has led to new research. Thus, in 2006, the World Health Organization conducted a comprehensive experiment that unconditionally proved: in moderate quantities, stevia is absolutely harmless to the body.

What does sweet grass consist of and how many calories does it contain?

Stevia petals are distinguished by a rich vitamin composition, over a dozen micro- and macroelements, various acids and minerals. Let's note the key ones:

  • vitamins A, B, C, D, E and PP;
  • iron, zinc, chromium and manganese;
  • calcium, potassium, phosphorus and selenium;
  • caffeic and humic acids;
  • essential oils and over 17 amino acids;
  • flavonoids, glycosides and steviols.

The latter, by the way, give stevia a very sweet taste, which is 30 times higher than regular sugar in terms of sweetness quality: literally 1/4 teaspoon of crushed petals replaces a full spoon of sugar. At the same time, honey herb (the second and quite justified name for stevia) is recommended even for diabetics, since it does not increase blood sugar levels. Calorie content directly depends on the form of release of the drug. The benefits of stevia in all cases depend on the dosage - this is important to remember (we will tell you in more detail below). So, the leaves of the grass contain only 18 kcal per 100 g. Despite the fact that only 1 leaf of this plant can add sweetness to a large pumpkin! If used in tablets, the calorie content will increase to 272 kcal/100g, in syrup – 128 kcal/100g. Stevia has taken a special place in dietary nutrition, replacing loose and refined sugar, as well as its artificial chemical-based substitutes. The glycemic index of the herb is 0 units, therefore it does not interfere with the body’s processing of glucose and further distribution to cells and tissues. Insulin remains normal, so there is no glycemic load.

Simply put, our system does not need to urgently process excess glucose, because it simply does not exist.
On the contrary, if you replace stevia with regular sugar, insufficient insulin will be produced to process glucose in a timely manner, which will end up turning into unsightly fat on the sides, belly and other most vulnerable areas of the body. The uniqueness of this herb lies in its rich composition, which no other plant in the world can boast of. The combination of dozens of useful elements allows it to be used as a substitute for sugar. It is incorrect to compare the benefits and harms of the sweetener stevia, since there are simply no negative effects with moderate consumption. Find out the causes of excess weight and ways to quickly lose weight

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By the way, a zero glycemic index is an excellent assistant in the fight against excess weight - we continue to eat sweets, but remain slim. Now let's find out how stevia improves the functioning of our entire system, and in some cases has a healing effect.

Stevia – the extent of its beneficial effects on the body

One of the main advantages of sweet grass was discovered in 2003 by researchers from Taipei Medical University. A number of experiments have shown that stevia copes excellently with surges in blood pressure, bringing the levels back to normal. The herb is equally beneficial for people of all ages who suffer from hypertension and high blood pressure. Thanks to researchers from Texas, it became known that stevia is an excellent cancer prevention agent. It's all about kaempferol - a natural flavonoid that grass contains in large quantities. This substance prevents the development of cancer cells, naturally prolonging life. Note that to achieve a positive effect, it is important to use stevia constantly. The gradual saturation of the body with the components of this plant acts in the long term, and the first results can be obtained only in the third year after using the herb.

Briefly and succinctly about all the advantages of consuming stevia:

  • relieves joint pain, relieves muscle spasms;
  • helps fight swelling and inflammation;
  • strengthens the body's immune defense, increasing resistance to seasonal colds;
  • restores intestinal microflora after infectious diseases;
  • normalizes metabolic processes, improves the functions of the pancreas and liver;
  • prevents the development of diseases of the skeletal system;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood flow;
  • reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, preventing the formation of plaques;
  • promotes mental activity and relieves physical fatigue.

It is also known that stevia promotes the healing of small wounds and is an excellent antibacterial agent. An infusion of this herb is recommended for inflammatory gum diseases, as it effectively relieves inflammation and protects teeth from damage by caries. The herb is truly unique, but it is worth remembering that we are not talking about a magical transformation of the body. Only regular intake of stevia brings tangible results due to the systematic enrichment of the entire system with useful substances, which slowly but surely begin to act.

Permission and prohibition of use

According to WHO, stevia is useful for patients suffering from hypertension and constantly elevated blood pressure, from instability of metabolic processes, and for patients with type 2 diabetes. The plant is recommended for people who are overweight and want to get rid of it.

Experts point out that excessive consumption of sweet leaves is fraught with negative results. The human body instantly reacts to a sweet taste, regardless of the number of calories present in the substance, by releasing insulin into the bloodstream.

The result of excessive use of sweeteners will be a decrease in the sensitivity of transmembrane receptors activated by insulin. Deviation will provoke constant demands for sweets from the body, which will lead to an invariable failure of the diet.

Based on the available data, doctors recommend not to exceed the permitted dosages of sweeteners and be sure to take breaks from their use.

The many positive qualities of the plant are overshadowed by contraindications for its use. Stevia for weight loss is not used for the following conditions:

  • In case of spontaneous allergic reactions to the constituent components;
  • In case of severe allergies to the aster family - to medicinal dandelion, chamomile, sunflower, chrysanthemum;
  • The substance is strictly prohibited during pregnancy and natural breastfeeding.

Particular caution is necessary when consuming stevia preparations for people who simultaneously use multivitamin complexes, including a large amount of fresh vegetables, berries and fruits in their diet. Exceeding the content of vitamin and mineral elements can provoke hypervitaminosis.

If, when using stevia for weight loss, patients experience obsessive itching, irritation, rashes and desquamation on the dermis, or a sharp deterioration in health, then they should stop taking it and consult a local physician. These symptomatic manifestations indicate that the dosage of beneficial components has been exceeded.

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How does stevia help you lose weight?

In an effort to get rid of excess weight, some of us are constantly haunted by the desire to eat something sweet, because it both lifts our mood and enhances brain function. However, on a diet (even the most gentle one) sweets are prohibited, and tea with honey becomes terribly boring. On the subject: Products that reduce appetite In such a situation, stevia comes to the rescue - sweeten tea, oatmeal for breakfast, or prepare a very sweet, but dietary dessert. In addition to the ability to replace high-calorie sugar with low-calorie stevia and enjoy the taste of food every time (which especially pleases those with a sweet tooth), the plant also brings practical help to the body.

The benefits and harms of the sugar substitute stevia and its fight against excess weight:

  • accelerates metabolic processes, helping to effectively lose unwanted pounds;
  • due to its low calorie content, it is an excellent preventive measure against obesity;
  • dulls the feeling of hunger and reduces appetite, disarming the main enemies of weight loss.

If we talk about the quality of the effect, it is better to take the plant in the form of syrup or dried leaves. The benefits and harms of the stevia sweetener, based on the form of release, are obvious here: flavors and other less useful components are often added to powders and tablets based on this herb. However, in all cases it is important to follow the dosage so that the positive effect does not turn into a negative effect. In order not to make a mistake with the portion, we have prepared a detailed table for you. It will help you clearly understand how much sugar stevia can replace without loss of taste:

SugarCrushed stevia leaves (dried)Stevioside (substitute in tablets)Stevia extract (syrup)
1 teaspoon¼ teaspoonA little pinch2 to 5 drops
1 tablespoon¾ teaspoonA little pinch5 to 8 drops
1 cup (200 g)½ tablespoon½ tablespoon½ tablespoon

Stevia will help you lose up to 10 kg of weight without much effort if you completely replace sugar with it - in drinks, cereals or desserts. For example, just a couple of drops of sweet grass extract reduces the calorie content of a dish by an average of 30%. A special herbal tea for weight loss is also produced based on stevia, which is drunk half an hour before meals. As a result, the stomach is not only filled with liquid, but its capacity is reduced, but a feeling of fullness comes. You can prepare this tea yourself: brew a spoonful of stevia leaves in boiling water and let it steep for 20 minutes. Let us remind you that, like any other plant, stevia has contraindications, depending on your health condition.


Stevia meets all the requirements for sugar substitutes, having its own unique properties. These include:

Taste qualities are fully consistent with those of cane and beet sugar. Fresh and dried plant materials have a licorice-like, bitter taste. Liquid and dry extracts of the plant do not have this quality.

No dependence on temperature – when heated to any level, the beneficial qualities of stevia do not disappear. This nuance allows you to use the plant when preparing any types of dishes, including baking.

The special effect of steviosides is that substances have a spectrum of action that differs from sugar. The elements do not provoke an increase in glucose levels in the bloodstream, and constant use of stevia allows you to reduce these levels.

A high content of healthy ingredients - a significant amount of vitamin and mineral microelements, including iron. The latter promotes the production of hemoglobin. Experts warn that the dry and liquid extracts do not contain the necessary elements; this manufacturing option only imparts a sweetish taste. Fresh and dried plant materials include the entire set of the above constituent substances.

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The contained amino acids and antioxidants accelerate metabolic processes in the body, bind excess cholesterol and remove it, preventing it from accumulating.

The plant can be grown at home - both in a private house and in an ordinary apartment. Proper care, compliance with the requirements for collection and storage, will allow you to obtain pure, natural and healthy raw materials that can easily replace sugar.

In what cases can stevia harm the body?

As we found out, this unusual plant brings comprehensive benefits if it is constantly present in the diet as a sugar substitute. But it is important to take into account individual intolerance to the components in its composition and health characteristics. There are no serious restrictions on the use of sweet grass - both adults and children can use it as a sweetener. However, in 5 cases, stevia has contraindications and side effects:

  1. Allergy. In a mild form or with severe consequences (anaphylactic shock). If you have noticed a negative reaction in your body to chrysanthemums, marigolds or chamomile, the likelihood of getting anaphylactic shock increases.

The first signs of an allergy include shortness of breath, dizziness, difficulty swallowing and general weakness. If they appear after taking stevia, an urgent visit to the doctor will be required to prevent complications.

  1. Disorder in the gastrointestinal tract. Steviosides are the main sweeteners in the plant and can lead to bloating, diarrhea or nausea. The advantage is that negative reactions are mild and do not cause major difficulties. If the process is prolonged, it is important to seek the help of a doctor.
  2. Metabolic disorder. Abuse of stevia can “suppress” metabolic processes due to poor absorption of carbohydrates. This means that the conversion of food into energy for the body will be reduced, and the result of such a disorder will be reflected in the form of excess fat. Therefore, it is so important not to overestimate the daily dosage.
  3. Diabetes. Doctors’ recommendations to use stevia for this disease are entirely individual. The beneficial property of lowering blood sugar levels also has a downside. In some cases, the sweet plant reduces the body’s ability to control “sugar” levels on its own.

Therefore, if there is the slightest change in the health of a diabetic who uses stevia, he will need to consult a doctor. He will conduct the necessary research and find out how safe the sweetener stevia is for a particular person.

  1. Low blood pressure. The beneficial effect of stevia is precisely to reduce blood pressure if it exceeds the norm. But if a person initially suffers from low blood pressure and uses stevia, the risk of lowering blood pressure to a critical point increases.

In this case, a herbal sweetener can be used only after the recommendation of a doctor who can assess the risks and make the right decision. Despite the lack of full-fledged studies on the harmfulness of stevia during pregnancy and lactation, we note: if you are expecting a baby or breastfeeding, it is better to limit the use of the sweet herb.

Stevia: what is it?

This is a perennial herbaceous shrub native to South America. It belongs to the genus Asteraceae or Compositae, which has more than 32 thousand species of plants.

The most valuable is Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni or honey grass. It is this variety that is used for the production of most additives. Its fresh leaves are an order of magnitude sweeter than sugar, and its extracts are 200 times sweeter!

Stevia is a narrow endemic. Its natural habitat is a river valley on the border of Brazil and Paraguay. Far from the tropics, the evergreen plant is grown as an annual or indoors.

A little history

South American Indians called stevia a sweet herb. They have been using it for the last 1.5 thousand years. The leaves were used instead of sugar to sweeten mate tea and treat heartburn and other diseases.

Among the indigenous people of South and Central America, stevia was a traditional dessert and medicine. It was used for contraception, brewed for stomach problems, and the infusion was used to treat burns and wounds.

The plant was first described by the Swiss botanist Mose Giacomo Bertoni. This happened in 1899 while traveling through the eastern part of Paraguay.

A chemical study of the properties was carried out by French chemists in 1931. They isolated several glycosides that give the plant an unusual taste - stevizoids and rebaudizoids. These substances made stevia famous.

There are two versions regarding the name. According to one of them, stevia is named after the Spanish botanist Pedro Esteve, who worked in the 16th century at the University of Valencia. According to the second, the plant is named after the founder of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, H. Steven.

Stevia entered the territory of the USSR only in 1934. The seeds were brought by Academician N.I. Vavilov from an expedition to Latin America. It was not possible to germinate them. It turned out that the plant does not reproduce well from seeds. They are still stored in St. Petersburg, at the All-Russian Institute of Plant Growing.

By the mid-80s, a plant acclimatization program was launched. The problem was dealt with by the Kiev All-Russian Research Institute of Sugar Beet and the Voronezh Research Institute. A domestic variety for the northern regions was bred here. He feels good up to the Arctic Circle. It’s called “Ramon’s sweet tooth.” Its extracts can be found on the shelves of Russian supermarkets.

Large volumes are grown in regions with a suitable climate. Stevia grows in Asian countries - Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Brazil, Paraguay. The largest exporter of the extract is China.

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