The benefits and harms of Tianshi tea as a biologically active food supplement

Composition of Tianshi tea

Real Tianshi tea contains the following herbal active substances:

  • several varieties of green tea;
  • root part of polygonum multicolor;
  • senna or cassia torus seeds;
  • Java lotus leaves;
  • Gynostemma pentafolia.

Each of the components has its own properties and has a specific effect on the body.

Green tea

To prepare Tienshi tea, only young leaves of the plant are used, which contain:

  • caffeine;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins C, P, B;
  • tannins and astringents;
  • theophyllines and flavonoids.

To prepare Tienshi tea, only young green tea leaves are used.
The drink, which contains green tea, perfectly tones, normalizes heart function, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, and enhances brain function. In addition, thanks to its antiseptic properties, it can heal wounds, relieve inflammation, and promote digestion.

Polygonum multicolor

The root part of the plant, when taken orally, can cleanse the blood and improve its composition, as well as increase hemoglobin.

Glucosides, litcithin and alkaloids have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Senna and cassia

To make tea, the seeds of the plant are mainly used, which have antibacterial and diuretic effects. Cassia has the property of lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


The leaves contain alkaloids, flavonoids and are actively used for medical purposes and in cosmetology. They have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect on the body.

Lotus leaves have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects

Gynostemma pentafolia

Used in folk medicine to treat blood vessels and prevent blood clots. It has antioxidant properties and is used in the fight against cancer.

Composition of Antilipid tea

Dietary supplement Tienshi Tea Antilipid is a natural preparation that does not contain chemical additives or pharmaceutical substances. It consists entirely of natural medicinal components that allow it to help our body be healthy.

1 bag of Tianshi tea contains:

  • Gynostemma quinquefolia leaves – 390 mg.
  • Lotus leaves – 390 mg.
  • Polygonum multicolor root – 255 mg.
  • Cassia tora seeds – 210 mg.
  • Chinese Green tea (up to 5 varieties).

Now let’s take a closer look at the components of anti-lipid tea.

  • Cassia Thor seeds (Chinese coffee beans). They are a source of flavonoids, polysaccharides, marco- and microelements: zinc, iodine, iron, calcium and many others. They help normalize intestinal motility, and also help remove heavy metal salts and toxic substances from the body. Helps normalize the functioning of the reproductive system in men and women. It has an antioxidant effect, which allows the use of preparations based on Cassius Thor as a means of neutralizing oxidative processes, as well as for preserving and prolonging milk. They help normalize cholesterol levels. Activate intestinal motility. They help restore visual acuity, and are also used as a means of treating and preventing skin problems (inflammatory processes, acne). They cleanse from waste and toxins, help with swelling caused by impaired lymph outflow (especially noticeable with swelling of the lower extremities). For men, Tianshi Tea will be additionally interesting from the point of view of restoring the function of the reproductive system, as well as preventing diseases and erectile dysfunction. Helps get rid of excess weight.
  • Gynostemma pentafolia. Considered a medicinal plant. It has an antidiabetic effect (due to the content of ginsenosides). It has a stimulating effect on the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes and protects cells from oxidative processes. In 1991, at the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Conference, Gynostemma quinquefolia was included in the list of 10 best tonics. Also at this conference it was proven that this medicinal plant has a positive effect on the cardiovascular, digestive, immune, nervous and reproductive systems of the human body. It is used as a means of preventing premature aging, as an immunocorrector, as a means of preventing cancer, to activate the regeneration of liver cells (including hepatitis and cirrhosis). Helps normalize sleep, cope with insomnia, and quickly adapt to time zone changes. Helps you rest better. Used as a means of normalizing blood pressure and for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmia. Increases endurance.
  • Lotus leaves. Due to its properties, it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for several thousand years. Lotus leaves contain flavonoids, alkanoids and leukoanthocyanidins. It has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system (it is for this reason that Tienshi tea helps to cope with strong psycho-emotional stress). Has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Lotus leaves are effectively used in the treatment of liver and kidneys. The use of anti-lipid tea will help restore skin elasticity and firmness, restore youth and stop the processes of premature aging.
  • Polygonum multicolor root. In China it is called Ho shou wu. Shrouded in mysticism and mystery. If we talk about its medicinal use, we can note the following medicinal properties: slows down the aging process and protects against oxidative processes, helps restore hair color and prevent its fragility, activates skin cell regeneration processes and evens out tone (including the effective use of anti-lipid tea to get rid of from age spots), has a positive effect on the nervous and reproductive systems of the body. Activates and normalizes intestinal motility, prevents secondary absorption of cholesterol. Normalizes blood viscosity and protects arteries from penetration of fat-containing substances. Protects against ischemia and balances the load on the heart. Can be used for obesity, to cleanse the liver and kidneys, to normalize weight and blood pressure.

Beneficial features

In addition to its delicious and unique taste, Tianshi tea has many beneficial properties that it has on the body. With regular use of the Chinese drink, you can:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve cerebral circulation;
  • normalize the functioning of internal organs (heart, liver and kidneys);
  • quickly restore the body’s physical strength;
  • cleanse the intestines;
  • improve vision;
  • break down fats and remove toxins.

The dietary supplement acts as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent for colds, and when taken orally for a long time, it has a positive effect on the skin, improving its appearance.

Tianshi tea helps strengthen the immune system

Recommendations for the use of Tianshi tea

  • Tianshi antilipid tea contains components that help with problems with the cardiovascular system and atherosclerosis;
  • for problems with blood pressure (hypo- and hypertension);
  • as a means of preventing and treating cancer;
  • in case of poisoning (including alcohol, viral, food and narcotic);
  • anti-lipid tea can solve liver problems and kidney dysfunction;
  • as an antipyretic;
  • antilipid tea can be consumed to restore immunity, accelerate recovery processes after physical and mental stress;
  • To stimulate the process of fat metabolism in tissues (normalization of cholesterol levels, cleansing of blood vessels and restoration of the blood formula);
  • antilipid tea is an excellent antioxidant;
  • as an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • to restore the function of the liver and kidneys, spleen and stomach;
  • antilipid tea is recommended for restoring visual acuity and treating eye diseases;
  • recommended for diabetes and excess weight (best combined with taking Hydratrim Tianshi);
  • to restore tone and get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • anti-lipid tea is taken to normalize sleep (including well suited for people who often change time zones for faster adaptation);
  • Excessive fatigue, chronic fatigue, problems with sleep and wakefulness are eliminated by Tianshi tea;
  • Tianshi anti-lipid tea is perfect for restoring the function of the reproductive system in men and women.

Indications for use of biologically active food supplement

The herbal drink is suitable for everyone, without exception, as it has general strengthening properties. In folk medicine it is used as a remedy for the treatment and prevention of many diseases such as:

  • obesity and diabetes;
  • chronic fatigue and tiredness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • frequent colds and infections;
  • indigestion;
  • arrhythmia, sclerosis, dystonia;
  • decreased vision.

Tea helps with hangovers and alcohol intolerance. Indications for use may be fatigue and loss of strength.

Antilipid tea for blood pressure


By drinking Antilipid tea, you will lower the level of cholesterol in the blood and protect your body from diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, and coronary heart disease. Also improve digestion, relieve headaches, and normalize sleep. Tea has a preventive effect against colds, cancer and obesity. Restores the structure of the endothelium of the vascular wall, is a harmonizer of metabolic processes, cleanses the vascular wall, removes wind in the liver, replenishes blood, expels dampness, moves Qi.

Antilipid use

Tienshi is often called anti-lipid tea, as it is able to remove excess fluid, waste and toxins from the body, burn fat deposits, thereby promoting weight loss. For those who want to lose weight, the drink is one of the effective means in the fight against extra pounds, along with the special drink Herbalife Thermojestix..

In addition to the diet, you should drink a glass of herbal tea 5-6 times a day before meals for a month. Then you can take a break and repeat cycles until your weight is completely normalized.


According to the information on the packaging, anti-lipid tea consists exclusively of natural ingredients. The plants are collected in almost equal proportions, due to which the beneficial properties of each are revealed and the chance of losing weight in a short period of time increases.

The basis of the composition is the leaves of Gynostemma quinquefolia (390 mg). Gynostemma pentaphyllum or jiaogulan is a perennial climbing plant that is especially popular in southern China and northern Vietnam. In official medicine in Russia, the leaves of the five-leaved gynostemma are not used, since they are considered non-pharmacopoeial. Eastern scientists, on the contrary, try to use it to the maximum, pointing to the similarity of the biological properties of gynostemma and ginseng. The plant has a sufficient content of ginsenosides, or otherwise triterpene glycosides. Similar to ginseng, jiaogulan strengthens overall immunity by improving the functioning of the lymphatic system.

According to scientific research conducted in China about 30 years ago, Gynostemma leaves have the ability to balance the central nervous system, spinal cord and brain. If during stress the body begins to experience additional stress, the plant helps in relaxing the body and adapting to negative conditions.

The primary task of the plant is rejuvenation, which is possible due to its antioxidant properties. Taking medications based on it helps to increase vitality, restore memory, reduce insomnia, and reduce lower back pain. In China, gynostemma is commonly called the “elixir for aging.” Also, drinking healthy liquid prepared from the leaves of the plant helps in reducing cholesterol levels. According to Eastern healers, gynostemma can be successfully used in a weight loss program, since it demonstrates effectiveness in normalizing metabolic processes.

The next component of Tiansha is lotus leaves (390 mg). Nelumbo nucifera is a flowering perennial plant with pale green leaves native to tropical waters of the Middle East and Asia. Locals have considered it sacred for 5,000 years and commonly call it “Chinese arrowroot.” The rich history of the use of lotus leaves in folk medicine at some point attracted scientists. During scientific experiments, it was found that the leaves of the plant are rich in L-carnitine (levocarnitine), which can help in the treatment of obesity.

L-carnitine is a substance related to the group of vitamins B. It accelerates metabolic processes and maintains the activity of coenzyme A, which oxidizes fatty acids. With a deficiency of levocarnitine, the body is unable to process fats supplied with food, which leads to obesity and heart pathologies.

Levocarnitine activates the process of burning subcutaneous fat deposits and promotes the conversion of fat cells into energy.

Losing weight with L-carnitine, according to experts, consists of the following advantages:

  • launching fat burning processes;
  • protection of blood vessels and heart from cholesterol;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • general strengthening of the immune system;
  • increase in lean muscle mass;
  • reduction of physical and mental fatigue;
  • facilitating strength and cardio training;
  • no muscle pain after training;
  • preventing the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles;
  • acceleration of protein metabolism.

Experts strongly recommend the use of levocarnitine for:

  • rapid fatigue after physical exertion;
  • presence of visceral fat in the abdominal area;
  • severe muscle tension;
  • increased heart rate during exercise;
  • lack of results when using different methods of losing weight.

Returning to the source of L-carnitine in the Tienshi dietary supplement, one more important point should be noted: lotus leaf alkaloids prevent weight gain even with excess food consumption. In addition, the component is a good remedy for cellulite.

Another important anti-lipid ingredient is green tea (255 mg). In China, the benefits of the drink were known even during the reign of the first emperors. Firstly, it is an excellent immunostimulant that can increase the body's resistance to pathogens. Also, its beneficial effect extends to the cardiovascular and nervous systems (it acts more delicately than coffee, invigorates and tones). Secondly, green tea contains many antioxidants necessary to normalize digestion, improve skin condition and rejuvenation.

In terms of its effect on weight loss, green tea is superior to other types, coping well with the removal of excess fluid due to its diuretic effect and lowering blood sugar levels, which dulls appetite. The polyphenols contained in the leaves help enhance heat transfer. The process is possible due to the processing of stored fats into energy.

Polygonum multiflorum is included in the Tianshi company's anti-lipid product . In the pharmaceutical field, the roots of this plant, also called fallopia or Ho-shu-woo, are used. The perennial vine-like plant of the buckwheat family contains anthraglycosides, tannins, methyl ester, alkaloids, phytosterols, anthrachonines, tannins, proteins, capillin, lectins, lecithin and other substances of interest for medicine. The roots of Polygonum multiflorum are traditionally used as an anti-atherosclerotic, immunomodulatory, rejuvenating, hemostatic, hematopoietic, anti-stress, adaptogenic and laxative agent. The plant has a tonic effect on the cardiovascular, nervous and reproductive systems. Due to their capillin content, root vegetables enhance intestinal motility and inhibit the reabsorption of cholesterol, while lectin helps normalize blood lipid levels. Chinese experts recommend using polygonum multiflora in the following situations:

  • weight problems and obesity;
  • the presence of a large number of wrinkles;
  • problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • sleep disorders;
  • digestive problems;
  • tendency to irritability and nervousness.

The last of the main components declared by the manufacturers of the anti-lipid weight loss product is Cassia tora seeds (210 mg). Because of their resemblance to coffee beans and their bitter taste, cassia seeds are often called “Chinese coffee beans.” The seeds are rich in zinc, calcium, copper, selenium and vitamins. They have long been used in China as a means to cleanse the liver and improve vision, but the main focus of the product is to help with weight loss.

Cassia tora seeds have a laxative and diuretic effect. By removing everything “unnecessary” from the body, they allow you to start an active process of weight loss. As a result of regular intake of seeds, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and stool is normalized, and lightness appears throughout the body. Another property of cassia is lowering cholesterol in the blood. As a result, pressure stabilizes and the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system improves.

Manufacturers of anti-lipid dietary supplements claim that taking cassia is not addictive, so the “therapy” can take quite a long time. When losing extra pounds, the skin does not sag or stretch, which is considered another significant advantage of use.

As additional ingredients of the anti-lipid dietary supplement Tianshi, tangerine peel (used as a natural flavoring to control appetite) and plantain chastukha . The latter component is often used in homeopathy and in the production of dietary supplements. All thanks to the rich composition (essential oils, starch, resins, etc.), which helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Chastukha is also considered an effective diuretic, reducing swelling and preventing the development of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Reviews from doctors about Tianshi anti-lipid tea in terms of its effect on weight loss are far from positive, for which there is an explanation. The presented dietary supplement is claimed to accelerate metabolism and provide a fat-burning effect due to its special composition. In fact, there are no substances in the product that would speed up metabolism - they are present exclusively in hormonal drugs, which absolutely cannot be taken by a healthy person. Weight loss in the case of an antilipid dietary supplement occurs due to the removal of fluid, that is, dehydration, and feces faster than nature intended.

How to cook and drink correctly

The duration of continuous use should not exceed 2-3 months.
One package of the drink is designed for approximately a month's course of use. Tea is a tonic, so it is advisable to drink it mainly in the first half of the day.

The duration of continuous use should not exceed 2-3 months. You can take three courses in a year.

Making tea is very simple. To do this, the bag is filled with hot water at a temperature of approximately 80-85 °C. The water should be from 800 ml to 1 liter, and the boiling water should not be too steep.

Infuse the composition under the lid for 15-20 minutes, then divide the finished drink into 5-6 equal parts and take it during the day before meals.

They drink Tianshi tea both warm and cold, but it is strictly not recommended to add sugar to it. You need to brew a fresh batch of tea every day.

Instructions for use: how to brew and drink

Collection bags are supplied with individual packaging. How to drink this tea correctly? One or two sachets are enough for one dose (the exact dosage depends on the doctor’s recommendations, weight, and individual preferences).

Tienshi tea is brewed in a ceramic or glass container; one bag will require 200 milliliters of boiling water. After filling the bag with water, let it sit for ten minutes, then cover with a lid.

Take this tea for a month, twice a day, with meals.

Contraindications and side effects

The maximum daily dose must not be exceeded, and the drink must be brewed in accordance with the instructions.
Even the most positive product has a number of contraindications and limitations. Tianshi tea is a dietary supplement, so it is not recommended to consume it internally:

  • children under 10 years of age;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • in case of individual intolerance or allergy to any components of the composition.

During pregnancy, you should give preference to raspberry, various types of green or fireweed tea. Children will benefit from chamomile, apple, tea with honey and lemon.

The maximum daily dose must not be exceeded, and the drink must be brewed in accordance with the instructions.

Overdose may result in headaches, insomnia, nausea, vomiting and skin rashes. It would be a good idea to consult your doctor before starting the course.

Methods of application

For internal use

The tea is poured with hot (80C) boiled water, closed with a lid so that essential oils do not evaporate, and infused for 7 to 14 minutes (on average 10 minutes).

Taken in the morning or in the first half of the day until 18 o'clock, as it tones. For normal and high blood pressure - 20-30 minutes before a hot meal; when low - cold between meals.

You need to drink tea slowly, in small sips.

Nothing additional is added to the tea (lemon, sugar, honey, etc.).

Sometimes after 20-30 minutes you feel drowsy - in this case you can lie down.

For local and external use

In cosmetology. After brewing, the tea bag can be dried and, if necessary, reused externally as a facial toner.

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